]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/traits/on_unimplemented.rs
New upstream version 1.25.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / traits / on_unimplemented.rs
1 // Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use fmt_macros::{Parser, Piece, Position};
13 use hir::def_id::DefId;
14 use ty::{self, TyCtxt};
15 use util::common::ErrorReported;
16 use util::nodemap::FxHashMap;
18 use syntax::ast::{MetaItem, NestedMetaItem};
19 use syntax::attr;
20 use syntax_pos::Span;
21 use syntax_pos::symbol::InternedString;
23 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
24 pub struct OnUnimplementedFormatString(InternedString);
26 #[derive(Debug)]
27 pub struct OnUnimplementedDirective {
28 pub condition: Option<MetaItem>,
29 pub subcommands: Vec<OnUnimplementedDirective>,
30 pub message: Option<OnUnimplementedFormatString>,
31 pub label: Option<OnUnimplementedFormatString>,
32 pub note: Option<OnUnimplementedFormatString>,
33 }
35 pub struct OnUnimplementedNote {
36 pub message: Option<String>,
37 pub label: Option<String>,
38 pub note: Option<String>,
39 }
41 impl OnUnimplementedNote {
42 pub fn empty() -> Self {
43 OnUnimplementedNote { message: None, label: None, note: None }
44 }
45 }
47 fn parse_error(tcx: TyCtxt, span: Span,
48 message: &str,
49 label: &str,
50 note: Option<&str>)
51 -> ErrorReported
52 {
53 let mut diag = struct_span_err!(
54 tcx.sess, span, E0232, "{}", message);
55 diag.span_label(span, label);
56 if let Some(note) = note {
57 diag.note(note);
58 }
59 diag.emit();
60 ErrorReported
61 }
63 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> OnUnimplementedDirective {
64 pub fn parse(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
65 trait_def_id: DefId,
66 items: &[NestedMetaItem],
67 span: Span,
68 is_root: bool)
69 -> Result<Self, ErrorReported>
70 {
71 let mut errored = false;
72 let mut item_iter = items.iter();
74 let condition = if is_root {
75 None
76 } else {
77 let cond = item_iter.next().ok_or_else(|| {
78 parse_error(tcx, span,
79 "empty `on`-clause in `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]`",
80 "empty on-clause here",
81 None)
82 })?.meta_item().ok_or_else(|| {
83 parse_error(tcx, span,
84 "invalid `on`-clause in `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]`",
85 "invalid on-clause here",
86 None)
87 })?;
88 attr::eval_condition(cond, &tcx.sess.parse_sess, &mut |_| true);
89 Some(cond.clone())
90 };
92 let mut message = None;
93 let mut label = None;
94 let mut note = None;
95 let mut subcommands = vec![];
96 for item in item_iter {
97 if item.check_name("message") && message.is_none() {
98 if let Some(message_) = item.value_str() {
99 message = Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
100 tcx, trait_def_id, message_.as_str(), span)?);
101 continue;
102 }
103 } else if item.check_name("label") && label.is_none() {
104 if let Some(label_) = item.value_str() {
105 label = Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
106 tcx, trait_def_id, label_.as_str(), span)?);
107 continue;
108 }
109 } else if item.check_name("note") && note.is_none() {
110 if let Some(note_) = item.value_str() {
111 note = Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
112 tcx, trait_def_id, note_.as_str(), span)?);
113 continue;
114 }
115 } else if item.check_name("on") && is_root &&
116 message.is_none() && label.is_none() && note.is_none()
117 {
118 if let Some(items) = item.meta_item_list() {
119 if let Ok(subcommand) =
120 Self::parse(tcx, trait_def_id, &items, item.span, false)
121 {
122 subcommands.push(subcommand);
123 } else {
124 errored = true;
125 }
126 continue
127 }
128 }
130 // nothing found
131 parse_error(tcx, item.span,
132 "this attribute must have a valid value",
133 "expected value here",
134 Some(r#"eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented = "foo"]`"#));
135 }
137 if errored {
138 Err(ErrorReported)
139 } else {
140 Ok(OnUnimplementedDirective { condition, message, label, subcommands, note })
141 }
142 }
145 pub fn of_item(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
146 trait_def_id: DefId,
147 impl_def_id: DefId)
148 -> Result<Option<Self>, ErrorReported>
149 {
150 let attrs = tcx.get_attrs(impl_def_id);
152 let attr = if let Some(item) = attr::find_by_name(&attrs, "rustc_on_unimplemented") {
153 item
154 } else {
155 return Ok(None);
156 };
158 let result = if let Some(items) = attr.meta_item_list() {
159 Self::parse(tcx, trait_def_id, &items, attr.span, true).map(Some)
160 } else if let Some(value) = attr.value_str() {
161 Ok(Some(OnUnimplementedDirective {
162 condition: None,
163 message: None,
164 subcommands: vec![],
165 label: Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
166 tcx, trait_def_id, value.as_str(), attr.span)?),
167 note: None,
168 }))
169 } else {
170 return Err(parse_error(tcx, attr.span,
171 "`#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value",
172 "value required here",
173 Some(r#"eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented = "foo"]`"#)));
174 };
175 debug!("of_item({:?}/{:?}) = {:?}", trait_def_id, impl_def_id, result);
176 result
177 }
179 pub fn evaluate(&self,
180 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
181 trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
182 options: &[(String, Option<String>)])
183 -> OnUnimplementedNote
184 {
185 let mut message = None;
186 let mut label = None;
187 let mut note = None;
188 info!("evaluate({:?}, trait_ref={:?}, options={:?})", self, trait_ref, options);
190 for command in self.subcommands.iter().chain(Some(self)).rev() {
191 if let Some(ref condition) = command.condition {
192 if !attr::eval_condition(condition, &tcx.sess.parse_sess, &mut |c| {
193 options.contains(&(c.name().as_str().to_string(),
194 match c.value_str().map(|s| s.as_str().to_string()) {
195 Some(s) => Some(s),
196 None => None
197 }))
198 }) {
199 debug!("evaluate: skipping {:?} due to condition", command);
200 continue
201 }
202 }
203 debug!("evaluate: {:?} succeeded", command);
204 if let Some(ref message_) = command.message {
205 message = Some(message_.clone());
206 }
208 if let Some(ref label_) = command.label {
209 label = Some(label_.clone());
210 }
212 if let Some(ref note_) = command.note {
213 note = Some(note_.clone());
214 }
215 }
217 OnUnimplementedNote {
218 label: label.map(|l| l.format(tcx, trait_ref)),
219 message: message.map(|m| m.format(tcx, trait_ref)),
220 note: note.map(|n| n.format(tcx, trait_ref)),
221 }
222 }
223 }
225 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> OnUnimplementedFormatString {
226 pub fn try_parse(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
227 trait_def_id: DefId,
228 from: InternedString,
229 err_sp: Span)
230 -> Result<Self, ErrorReported>
231 {
232 let result = OnUnimplementedFormatString(from);
233 result.verify(tcx, trait_def_id, err_sp)?;
234 Ok(result)
235 }
237 fn verify(&self,
238 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
239 trait_def_id: DefId,
240 span: Span)
241 -> Result<(), ErrorReported>
242 {
243 let name = tcx.item_name(trait_def_id);
244 let generics = tcx.generics_of(trait_def_id);
245 let parser = Parser::new(&self.0);
246 let types = &generics.types;
247 let mut result = Ok(());
248 for token in parser {
249 match token {
250 Piece::String(_) => (), // Normal string, no need to check it
251 Piece::NextArgument(a) => match a.position {
252 // `{Self}` is allowed
253 Position::ArgumentNamed(s) if s == "Self" => (),
254 // `{ThisTraitsName}` is allowed
255 Position::ArgumentNamed(s) if s == name => (),
256 // So is `{A}` if A is a type parameter
257 Position::ArgumentNamed(s) => match types.iter().find(|t| {
258 t.name == s
259 }) {
260 Some(_) => (),
261 None => {
262 span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0230,
263 "there is no type parameter \
264 {} on trait {}",
265 s, name);
266 result = Err(ErrorReported);
267 }
268 },
269 // `{:1}` and `{}` are not to be used
270 Position::ArgumentIs(_) | Position::ArgumentImplicitlyIs(_) => {
271 span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0231,
272 "only named substitution \
273 parameters are allowed");
274 result = Err(ErrorReported);
275 }
276 }
277 }
278 }
280 result
281 }
283 pub fn format(&self,
284 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
285 trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>)
286 -> String
287 {
288 let name = tcx.item_name(trait_ref.def_id);
289 let trait_str = tcx.item_path_str(trait_ref.def_id);
290 let generics = tcx.generics_of(trait_ref.def_id);
291 let generic_map = generics.types.iter().map(|param| {
292 (param.name.as_str().to_string(),
293 trait_ref.substs.type_for_def(param).to_string())
294 }).collect::<FxHashMap<String, String>>();
296 let parser = Parser::new(&self.0);
297 parser.map(|p| {
298 match p {
299 Piece::String(s) => s,
300 Piece::NextArgument(a) => match a.position {
301 Position::ArgumentNamed(s) => match generic_map.get(s) {
302 Some(val) => val,
303 None if s == name => {
304 &trait_str
305 }
306 None => {
307 bug!("broken on_unimplemented {:?} for {:?}: \
308 no argument matching {:?}",
309 self.0, trait_ref, s)
310 }
311 },
312 _ => {
313 bug!("broken on_unimplemented {:?} - bad \
314 format arg", self.0)
315 }
316 }
317 }
318 }).collect()
319 }
320 }