]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/ty/query/README.md
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[rustc.git] / src / librustc / ty / query / README.md
1 # The Rust Compiler Query System
3 The Compiler Query System is the key to our new demand-driven
4 organization. The idea is pretty simple. You have various queries
5 that compute things about the input -- for example, there is a query
6 called `type_of(def_id)` that, given the def-id of some item, will
7 compute the type of that item and return it to you.
9 Query execution is **memoized** -- so the first time you invoke a
10 query, it will go do the computation, but the next time, the result is
11 returned from a hashtable. Moreover, query execution fits nicely into
12 **incremental computation**; the idea is roughly that, when you do a
13 query, the result **may** be returned to you by loading stored data
14 from disk (but that's a separate topic we won't discuss further here).
16 The overall vision is that, eventually, the entire compiler
17 control-flow will be query driven. There will effectively be one
18 top-level query ("compile") that will run compilation on a crate; this
19 will in turn demand information about that crate, starting from the
20 *end*. For example:
22 - This "compile" query might demand to get a list of codegen-units
23 (i.e., modules that need to be compiled by LLVM).
24 - But computing the list of codegen-units would invoke some subquery
25 that returns the list of all modules defined in the Rust source.
26 - That query in turn would invoke something asking for the HIR.
27 - This keeps going further and further back until we wind up doing the
28 actual parsing.
30 However, that vision is not fully realized. Still, big chunks of the
31 compiler (for example, generating MIR) work exactly like this.
33 ### Invoking queries
35 To invoke a query is simple. The tcx ("type context") offers a method
36 for each defined query. So, for example, to invoke the `type_of`
37 query, you would just do this:
39 ```rust
40 let ty = tcx.type_of(some_def_id);
41 ```
43 ### Cycles between queries
45 Currently, cycles during query execution should always result in a
46 compilation error. Typically, they arise because of illegal programs
47 that contain cyclic references they shouldn't (though sometimes they
48 arise because of compiler bugs, in which case we need to factor our
49 queries in a more fine-grained fashion to avoid them).
51 However, it is nonetheless often useful to *recover* from a cycle
52 (after reporting an error, say) and try to soldier on, so as to give a
53 better user experience. In order to recover from a cycle, you don't
54 get to use the nice method-call-style syntax. Instead, you invoke
55 using the `try_get` method, which looks roughly like this:
57 ```rust
58 use ty::query::queries;
59 ...
60 match queries::type_of::try_get(tcx, DUMMY_SP, self.did) {
61 Ok(result) => {
62 // no cycle occurred! You can use `result`
63 }
64 Err(err) => {
65 // A cycle occurred! The error value `err` is a `DiagnosticBuilder`,
66 // meaning essentially an "in-progress", not-yet-reported error message.
67 // See below for more details on what to do here.
68 }
69 }
70 ```
72 So, if you get back an `Err` from `try_get`, then a cycle *did* occur. This means that
73 you must ensure that a compiler error message is reported. You can do that in two ways:
75 The simplest is to invoke `err.emit()`. This will emit the cycle error to the user.
77 However, often cycles happen because of an illegal program, and you
78 know at that point that an error either already has been reported or
79 will be reported due to this cycle by some other bit of code. In that
80 case, you can invoke `err.cancel()` to not emit any error. It is
81 traditional to then invoke:
83 ```
84 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(some_span, "some message")
85 ```
87 `delay_span_bug()` is a helper that says: we expect a compilation
88 error to have happened or to happen in the future; so, if compilation
89 ultimately succeeds, make an ICE with the message `"some
90 message"`. This is basically just a precaution in case you are wrong.
92 ### How the compiler executes a query
94 So you may be wondering what happens when you invoke a query
95 method. The answer is that, for each query, the compiler maintains a
96 cache -- if your query has already been executed, then, the answer is
97 simple: we clone the return value out of the cache and return it
98 (therefore, you should try to ensure that the return types of queries
99 are cheaply cloneable; insert a `Rc` if necessary).
101 #### Providers
103 If, however, the query is *not* in the cache, then the compiler will
104 try to find a suitable **provider**. A provider is a function that has
105 been defined and linked into the compiler somewhere that contains the
106 code to compute the result of the query.
108 **Providers are defined per-crate.** The compiler maintains,
109 internally, a table of providers for every crate, at least
110 conceptually. Right now, there are really two sets: the providers for
111 queries about the **local crate** (that is, the one being compiled)
112 and providers for queries about **external crates** (that is,
113 dependencies of the local crate). Note that what determines the crate
114 that a query is targeting is not the *kind* of query, but the *key*.
115 For example, when you invoke `tcx.type_of(def_id)`, that could be a
116 local query or an external query, depending on what crate the `def_id`
117 is referring to (see the `self::keys::Key` trait for more information
118 on how that works).
120 Providers always have the same signature:
122 ```rust
123 fn provider<'cx, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'cx, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
124 key: QUERY_KEY)
126 {
127 ...
128 }
129 ```
131 Providers take two arguments: the `tcx` and the query key. Note also
132 that they take the *global* tcx (i.e., they use the `'tcx` lifetime
133 twice), rather than taking a tcx with some active inference context.
134 They return the result of the query.
136 #### How providers are setup
138 When the tcx is created, it is given the providers by its creator using
139 the `Providers` struct. This struct is generate by the macros here, but it
140 is basically a big list of function pointers:
142 ```rust
143 struct Providers {
144 type_of: for<'cx, 'tcx> fn(TyCtxt<'cx, 'tcx, 'tcx>, DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
145 ...
146 }
147 ```
149 At present, we have one copy of the struct for local crates, and one
150 for external crates, though the plan is that we may eventually have
151 one per crate.
153 These `Provider` structs are ultimately created and populated by
154 `librustc_driver`, but it does this by distributing the work
155 throughout the other `rustc_*` crates. This is done by invoking
156 various `provide` functions. These functions tend to look something
157 like this:
159 ```rust
160 pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
161 *providers = Providers {
162 type_of,
163 ..*providers
164 };
165 }
166 ```
168 That is, they take an `&mut Providers` and mutate it in place. Usually
169 we use the formulation above just because it looks nice, but you could
170 as well do `providers.type_of = type_of`, which would be equivalent.
171 (Here, `type_of` would be a top-level function, defined as we saw
172 before.) So, if we want to add a provider for some other query,
173 let's call it `fubar`, into the crate above, we might modify the `provide()`
174 function like so:
176 ```rust
177 pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
178 *providers = Providers {
179 type_of,
180 fubar,
181 ..*providers
182 };
183 }
185 fn fubar<'cx, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'cx, 'tcx>, key: DefId) -> Fubar<'tcx> { .. }
186 ```
188 NB. Most of the `rustc_*` crates only provide **local
189 providers**. Almost all **extern providers** wind up going through the
190 `rustc_metadata` crate, which loads the information from the crate
191 metadata. But in some cases there are crates that provide queries for
192 *both* local and external crates, in which case they define both a
193 `provide` and a `provide_extern` function that `rustc_driver` can
194 invoke.
196 ### Adding a new kind of query
198 So suppose you want to add a new kind of query, how do you do so?
199 Well, defining a query takes place in two steps:
201 1. first, you have to specify the query name and arguments; and then,
202 2. you have to supply query providers where needed.
204 To specify the query name and arguments, you simply add an entry
205 to the big macro invocation in `mod.rs`. This will probably have changed
206 by the time you read this README, but at present it looks something
207 like:
209 ```
210 define_queries! { <'tcx>
211 /// Records the type of every item.
212 [] fn type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
214 ...
215 }
216 ```
218 Each line of the macro defines one query. The name is broken up like this:
220 ```
221 [] fn type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
222 ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
223 | | | | |
224 | | | | result type of query
225 | | | query key type
226 | | dep-node constructor
227 | name of query
228 query flags
229 ```
231 Let's go over them one by one:
233 - **Query flags:** these are largely unused right now, but the intention
234 is that we'll be able to customize various aspects of how the query is
235 processed.
236 - **Name of query:** the name of the query method
237 (`tcx.type_of(..)`). Also used as the name of a struct
238 (`ty::query::queries::type_of`) that will be generated to represent
239 this query.
240 - **Dep-node constructor:** indicates the constructor function that
241 connects this query to incremental compilation. Typically, this is a
242 `DepNode` variant, which can be added by modifying the
243 `define_dep_nodes!` macro invocation in
244 `librustc/dep_graph/dep_node.rs`.
245 - However, sometimes we use a custom function, in which case the
246 name will be in snake case and the function will be defined at the
247 bottom of the file. This is typically used when the query key is
248 not a def-id, or just not the type that the dep-node expects.
249 - **Query key type:** the type of the argument to this query.
250 This type must implement the `ty::query::keys::Key` trait, which
251 defines (for example) how to map it to a crate, and so forth.
252 - **Result type of query:** the type produced by this query. This type
253 should (a) not use `RefCell` or other interior mutability and (b) be
254 cheaply cloneable. Interning or using `Rc` or `Arc` is recommended for
255 non-trivial data types.
256 - The one exception to those rules is the `ty::steal::Steal` type,
257 which is used to cheaply modify MIR in place. See the definition
258 of `Steal` for more details. New uses of `Steal` should **not** be
259 added without alerting `@rust-lang/compiler`.
261 So, to add a query:
263 - Add an entry to `define_queries!` using the format above.
264 - Possibly add a corresponding entry to the dep-node macro.
265 - Link the provider by modifying the appropriate `provide` method;
266 or add a new one if needed and ensure that `rustc_driver` is invoking it.
268 #### Query structs and descriptions
270 For each kind, the `define_queries` macro will generate a "query struct"
271 named after the query. This struct is a kind of a place-holder
272 describing the query. Each such struct implements the
273 `self::config::QueryConfig` trait, which has associated types for the
274 key/value of that particular query. Basically the code generated looks something
275 like this:
277 ```rust
278 // Dummy struct representing a particular kind of query:
279 pub struct type_of<'tcx> { phantom: PhantomData<&'tcx ()> }
281 impl<'tcx> QueryConfig for type_of<'tcx> {
282 type Key = DefId;
283 type Value = Ty<'tcx>;
284 }
285 ```
287 There is an additional trait that you may wish to implement called
288 `self::config::QueryDescription`. This trait is used during cycle
289 errors to give a "human readable" name for the query, so that we can
290 summarize what was happening when the cycle occurred. Implementing
291 this trait is optional if the query key is `DefId`, but if you *don't*
292 implement it, you get a pretty generic error ("processing `foo`...").
293 You can put new impls into the `config` module. They look something like this:
295 ```rust
296 impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::type_of<'tcx> {
297 fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, key: DefId) -> String {
298 format!("computing the type of `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(key))
299 }
300 }
301 ```