]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/ty/query/plumbing.rs
New upstream version 1.31.0~beta.4+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / ty / query / plumbing.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! The implementation of the query system itself. Defines the macros
12 //! that generate the actual methods on tcx which find and execute the
13 //! provider, manage the caches, and so forth.
15 use dep_graph::{DepNodeIndex, DepNode, DepKind, DepNodeColor};
16 use errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
17 use errors::Level;
18 use errors::Diagnostic;
19 use errors::FatalError;
20 use ty::tls;
21 use ty::{TyCtxt};
22 use ty::query::Query;
23 use ty::query::config::{QueryConfig, QueryDescription};
24 use ty::query::job::{QueryJob, QueryResult, QueryInfo};
25 use ty::item_path;
27 use util::common::{profq_msg, ProfileQueriesMsg, QueryMsg};
29 use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap};
30 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lrc, Lock};
31 use std::mem;
32 use std::ptr;
33 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
34 use syntax_pos::Span;
35 use syntax::source_map::DUMMY_SP;
37 pub struct QueryCache<'tcx, D: QueryConfig<'tcx> + ?Sized> {
38 pub(super) results: FxHashMap<D::Key, QueryValue<D::Value>>,
39 pub(super) active: FxHashMap<D::Key, QueryResult<'tcx>>,
40 }
42 pub(super) struct QueryValue<T> {
43 pub(super) value: T,
44 pub(super) index: DepNodeIndex,
45 }
47 impl<T> QueryValue<T> {
48 pub(super) fn new(value: T,
49 dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex)
50 -> QueryValue<T> {
51 QueryValue {
52 value,
53 index: dep_node_index,
54 }
55 }
56 }
58 impl<'tcx, M: QueryConfig<'tcx>> Default for QueryCache<'tcx, M> {
59 fn default() -> QueryCache<'tcx, M> {
60 QueryCache {
61 results: FxHashMap::default(),
62 active: FxHashMap::default(),
63 }
64 }
65 }
67 // If enabled, send a message to the profile-queries thread
68 macro_rules! profq_msg {
69 ($tcx:expr, $msg:expr) => {
70 if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
71 if $tcx.sess.profile_queries() {
72 profq_msg($tcx.sess, $msg)
73 }
74 }
75 }
76 }
78 // If enabled, format a key using its debug string, which can be
79 // expensive to compute (in terms of time).
80 macro_rules! profq_query_msg {
81 ($query:expr, $tcx:expr, $key:expr) => {{
82 let msg = if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
83 if $tcx.sess.profile_queries_and_keys() {
84 Some(format!("{:?}", $key))
85 } else { None }
86 } else { None };
87 QueryMsg {
88 query: $query,
89 msg,
90 }
91 }}
92 }
94 /// A type representing the responsibility to execute the job in the `job` field.
95 /// This will poison the relevant query if dropped.
96 pub(super) struct JobOwner<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Q: QueryDescription<'tcx> + 'a> {
97 cache: &'a Lock<QueryCache<'tcx, Q>>,
98 key: Q::Key,
99 job: Lrc<QueryJob<'tcx>>,
100 }
102 impl<'a, 'tcx, Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>> JobOwner<'a, 'tcx, Q> {
103 /// Either gets a JobOwner corresponding the the query, allowing us to
104 /// start executing the query, or it returns with the result of the query.
105 /// If the query is executing elsewhere, this will wait for it.
106 /// If the query panicked, this will silently panic.
107 ///
108 /// This function is inlined because that results in a noticeable speedup
109 /// for some compile-time benchmarks.
110 #[inline(always)]
111 pub(super) fn try_get(
112 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, '_>,
113 span: Span,
114 key: &Q::Key,
115 ) -> TryGetJob<'a, 'tcx, Q> {
116 let cache = Q::query_cache(tcx);
117 loop {
118 let mut lock = cache.borrow_mut();
119 if let Some(value) = lock.results.get(key) {
120 profq_msg!(tcx, ProfileQueriesMsg::CacheHit);
121 tcx.sess.profiler(|p| {
122 p.record_query(Q::CATEGORY);
123 p.record_query_hit(Q::CATEGORY);
124 });
126 let result = Ok((value.value.clone(), value.index));
127 return TryGetJob::JobCompleted(result);
128 }
129 let job = match lock.active.entry((*key).clone()) {
130 Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
131 match *entry.get() {
132 QueryResult::Started(ref job) => job.clone(),
133 QueryResult::Poisoned => FatalError.raise(),
134 }
135 }
136 Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
137 // No job entry for this query. Return a new one to be started later
138 return tls::with_related_context(tcx, |icx| {
139 let info = QueryInfo {
140 span,
141 query: Q::query(key.clone()),
142 };
143 let job = Lrc::new(QueryJob::new(info, icx.query.clone()));
144 let owner = JobOwner {
145 cache,
146 job: job.clone(),
147 key: (*key).clone(),
148 };
149 entry.insert(QueryResult::Started(job));
150 TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(owner)
151 })
152 }
153 };
154 mem::drop(lock);
156 if let Err(cycle) = job.await(tcx, span) {
157 return TryGetJob::JobCompleted(Err(cycle));
158 }
159 }
160 }
162 /// Completes the query by updating the query cache with the `result`,
163 /// signals the waiter and forgets the JobOwner, so it won't poison the query
164 pub(super) fn complete(self, result: &Q::Value, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) {
165 // We can move out of `self` here because we `mem::forget` it below
166 let key = unsafe { ptr::read(&self.key) };
167 let job = unsafe { ptr::read(&self.job) };
168 let cache = self.cache;
170 // Forget ourself so our destructor won't poison the query
171 mem::forget(self);
173 let value = QueryValue::new(result.clone(), dep_node_index);
174 {
175 let mut lock = cache.borrow_mut();
176 lock.active.remove(&key);
177 lock.results.insert(key, value);
178 }
180 job.signal_complete();
181 }
183 /// Executes a job by changing the ImplicitCtxt to point to the
184 /// new query job while it executes. It returns the diagnostics
185 /// captured during execution and the actual result.
186 pub(super) fn start<'lcx, F, R>(
187 &self,
188 tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'lcx>,
189 compute: F)
190 -> (R, Vec<Diagnostic>)
191 where
192 F: for<'b> FnOnce(TyCtxt<'b, 'tcx, 'lcx>) -> R
193 {
194 // The TyCtxt stored in TLS has the same global interner lifetime
195 // as `tcx`, so we use `with_related_context` to relate the 'gcx lifetimes
196 // when accessing the ImplicitCtxt
197 let r = tls::with_related_context(tcx, move |current_icx| {
198 // Update the ImplicitCtxt to point to our new query job
199 let new_icx = tls::ImplicitCtxt {
200 tcx,
201 query: Some(self.job.clone()),
202 layout_depth: current_icx.layout_depth,
203 task: current_icx.task,
204 };
206 // Use the ImplicitCtxt while we execute the query
207 tls::enter_context(&new_icx, |_| {
208 compute(tcx)
209 })
210 });
212 // Extract the diagnostic from the job
213 let diagnostics = mem::replace(&mut *self.job.diagnostics.lock(), Vec::new());
215 (r, diagnostics)
216 }
217 }
219 impl<'a, 'tcx, Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>> Drop for JobOwner<'a, 'tcx, Q> {
220 fn drop(&mut self) {
221 // Poison the query so jobs waiting on it panic
222 self.cache.borrow_mut().active.insert(self.key.clone(), QueryResult::Poisoned);
223 // Also signal the completion of the job, so waiters
224 // will continue execution
225 self.job.signal_complete();
226 }
227 }
229 #[derive(Clone)]
230 pub struct CycleError<'tcx> {
231 /// The query and related span which uses the cycle
232 pub(super) usage: Option<(Span, Query<'tcx>)>,
233 pub(super) cycle: Vec<QueryInfo<'tcx>>,
234 }
236 /// The result of `try_get_lock`
237 pub(super) enum TryGetJob<'a, 'tcx: 'a, D: QueryDescription<'tcx> + 'a> {
238 /// The query is not yet started. Contains a guard to the cache eventually used to start it.
239 NotYetStarted(JobOwner<'a, 'tcx, D>),
241 /// The query was already completed.
242 /// Returns the result of the query and its dep node index
243 /// if it succeeded or a cycle error if it failed
244 JobCompleted(Result<(D::Value, DepNodeIndex), CycleError<'tcx>>),
245 }
247 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
248 pub(super) fn report_cycle(self, CycleError { usage, cycle: stack }: CycleError<'gcx>)
249 -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a>
250 {
251 assert!(!stack.is_empty());
253 let fix_span = |span: Span, query: &Query<'gcx>| {
254 self.sess.source_map().def_span(query.default_span(self, span))
255 };
257 // Disable naming impls with types in this path, since that
258 // sometimes cycles itself, leading to extra cycle errors.
259 // (And cycle errors around impls tend to occur during the
260 // collect/coherence phases anyhow.)
261 item_path::with_forced_impl_filename_line(|| {
262 let span = fix_span(stack[1 % stack.len()].span, &stack[0].query);
263 let mut err = struct_span_err!(self.sess,
264 span,
265 E0391,
266 "cycle detected when {}",
267 stack[0].query.describe(self));
269 for i in 1..stack.len() {
270 let query = &stack[i].query;
271 let span = fix_span(stack[(i + 1) % stack.len()].span, query);
272 err.span_note(span, &format!("...which requires {}...", query.describe(self)));
273 }
275 err.note(&format!("...which again requires {}, completing the cycle",
276 stack[0].query.describe(self)));
278 if let Some((span, query)) = usage {
279 err.span_note(fix_span(span, &query),
280 &format!("cycle used when {}", query.describe(self)));
281 }
283 return err
284 })
285 }
287 pub fn try_print_query_stack() {
288 eprintln!("query stack during panic:");
290 tls::with_context_opt(|icx| {
291 if let Some(icx) = icx {
292 let mut current_query = icx.query.clone();
293 let mut i = 0;
295 while let Some(query) = current_query {
296 let mut db = DiagnosticBuilder::new(icx.tcx.sess.diagnostic(),
297 Level::FailureNote,
298 &format!("#{} [{}] {}",
299 i,
300 query.info.query.name(),
301 query.info.query.describe(icx.tcx)));
302 db.set_span(icx.tcx.sess.source_map().def_span(query.info.span));
303 icx.tcx.sess.diagnostic().force_print_db(db);
305 current_query = query.parent.clone();
306 i += 1;
307 }
308 }
309 });
311 eprintln!("end of query stack");
312 }
314 /// Try to read a node index for the node dep_node.
315 /// A node will have an index, when it's already been marked green, or when we can mark it
316 /// green. This function will mark the current task as a reader of the specified node, when
317 /// the a node index can be found for that node.
318 pub(super) fn try_mark_green_and_read(self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option<DepNodeIndex> {
319 match self.dep_graph.node_color(dep_node) {
320 Some(DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index)) => {
321 self.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
322 Some(dep_node_index)
323 }
324 Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => {
325 None
326 }
327 None => {
328 // try_mark_green (called below) will panic when full incremental
329 // compilation is disabled. If that's the case, we can't try to mark nodes
330 // as green anyway, so we can safely return None here.
331 if !self.dep_graph.is_fully_enabled() {
332 return None;
333 }
334 match self.dep_graph.try_mark_green(self.global_tcx(), &dep_node) {
335 Some(dep_node_index) => {
336 debug_assert!(self.dep_graph.is_green(&dep_node));
337 self.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
338 Some(dep_node_index)
339 }
340 None => {
341 None
342 }
343 }
344 }
345 }
346 }
348 fn try_get_with<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(
349 self,
350 span: Span,
351 key: Q::Key)
352 -> Result<Q::Value, CycleError<'gcx>>
353 {
354 debug!("ty::queries::{}::try_get_with(key={:?}, span={:?})",
355 Q::NAME,
356 key,
357 span);
359 profq_msg!(self,
360 ProfileQueriesMsg::QueryBegin(
361 span.data(),
362 profq_query_msg!(Q::NAME, self, key),
363 )
364 );
366 self.sess.profiler(|p| p.record_query(Q::CATEGORY));
368 let job = match JobOwner::try_get(self, span, &key) {
369 TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(job) => job,
370 TryGetJob::JobCompleted(result) => {
371 return result.map(|(v, index)| {
372 self.sess.profiler(|p| p.record_query_hit(Q::CATEGORY));
373 self.dep_graph.read_index(index);
374 v
375 })
376 }
377 };
379 // Fast path for when incr. comp. is off. `to_dep_node` is
380 // expensive for some DepKinds.
381 if !self.dep_graph.is_fully_enabled() {
382 let null_dep_node = DepNode::new_no_params(::dep_graph::DepKind::Null);
383 return self.force_query_with_job::<Q>(key, job, null_dep_node).map(|(v, _)| v);
384 }
386 let dep_node = Q::to_dep_node(self, &key);
388 if dep_node.kind.is_anon() {
389 profq_msg!(self, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderBegin);
390 self.sess.profiler(|p| p.start_activity(Q::CATEGORY));
392 let res = job.start(self, |tcx| {
393 tcx.dep_graph.with_anon_task(dep_node.kind, || {
394 Q::compute(tcx.global_tcx(), key)
395 })
396 });
398 self.sess.profiler(|p| p.end_activity(Q::CATEGORY));
399 profq_msg!(self, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderEnd);
400 let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = res;
402 self.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
404 self.queries.on_disk_cache
405 .store_diagnostics_for_anon_node(dep_node_index, diagnostics);
407 job.complete(&result, dep_node_index);
409 return Ok(result);
410 }
412 if !dep_node.kind.is_input() {
413 if let Some(dep_node_index) = self.try_mark_green_and_read(&dep_node) {
414 profq_msg!(self, ProfileQueriesMsg::CacheHit);
415 self.sess.profiler(|p| p.record_query_hit(Q::CATEGORY));
417 return self.load_from_disk_and_cache_in_memory::<Q>(key,
418 job,
419 dep_node_index,
420 &dep_node)
421 }
422 }
424 match self.force_query_with_job::<Q>(key, job, dep_node) {
425 Ok((result, dep_node_index)) => {
426 self.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
427 Ok(result)
428 }
429 Err(e) => Err(e)
430 }
431 }
433 fn load_from_disk_and_cache_in_memory<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(
434 self,
435 key: Q::Key,
436 job: JobOwner<'a, 'gcx, Q>,
437 dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex,
438 dep_node: &DepNode
439 ) -> Result<Q::Value, CycleError<'gcx>>
440 {
441 // Note this function can be called concurrently from the same query
442 // We must ensure that this is handled correctly
444 debug_assert!(self.dep_graph.is_green(dep_node));
446 // First we try to load the result from the on-disk cache
447 let result = if Q::cache_on_disk(key.clone()) &&
448 self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.incremental_queries {
449 let prev_dep_node_index =
450 self.dep_graph.prev_dep_node_index_of(dep_node);
451 let result = Q::try_load_from_disk(self.global_tcx(),
452 prev_dep_node_index);
454 // We always expect to find a cached result for things that
455 // can be forced from DepNode.
456 debug_assert!(!dep_node.kind.can_reconstruct_query_key() ||
457 result.is_some(),
458 "Missing on-disk cache entry for {:?}",
459 dep_node);
460 result
461 } else {
462 // Some things are never cached on disk.
463 None
464 };
466 let result = if let Some(result) = result {
467 result
468 } else {
469 // We could not load a result from the on-disk cache, so
470 // recompute.
472 // The diagnostics for this query have already been
473 // promoted to the current session during
474 // try_mark_green(), so we can ignore them here.
475 let (result, _) = job.start(self, |tcx| {
476 // The dep-graph for this computation is already in
477 // place
478 tcx.dep_graph.with_ignore(|| {
479 Q::compute(tcx, key)
480 })
481 });
482 result
483 };
485 // If -Zincremental-verify-ich is specified, re-hash results from
486 // the cache and make sure that they have the expected fingerprint.
487 if self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.incremental_verify_ich {
488 use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{StableHasher, HashStable};
489 use ich::Fingerprint;
491 assert!(Some(self.dep_graph.fingerprint_of(dep_node_index)) ==
492 self.dep_graph.prev_fingerprint_of(dep_node),
493 "Fingerprint for green query instance not loaded \
494 from cache: {:?}", dep_node);
496 debug!("BEGIN verify_ich({:?})", dep_node);
497 let mut hcx = self.create_stable_hashing_context();
498 let mut hasher = StableHasher::new();
500 result.hash_stable(&mut hcx, &mut hasher);
502 let new_hash: Fingerprint = hasher.finish();
503 debug!("END verify_ich({:?})", dep_node);
505 let old_hash = self.dep_graph.fingerprint_of(dep_node_index);
507 assert!(new_hash == old_hash, "Found unstable fingerprints \
508 for {:?}", dep_node);
509 }
511 if self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.query_dep_graph {
512 self.dep_graph.mark_loaded_from_cache(dep_node_index, true);
513 }
515 job.complete(&result, dep_node_index);
517 Ok(result)
518 }
520 fn force_query_with_job<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(
521 self,
522 key: Q::Key,
523 job: JobOwner<'_, 'gcx, Q>,
524 dep_node: DepNode)
525 -> Result<(Q::Value, DepNodeIndex), CycleError<'gcx>> {
526 // If the following assertion triggers, it can have two reasons:
527 // 1. Something is wrong with DepNode creation, either here or
528 // in DepGraph::try_mark_green()
529 // 2. Two distinct query keys get mapped to the same DepNode
530 // (see for example #48923)
531 assert!(!self.dep_graph.dep_node_exists(&dep_node),
532 "Forcing query with already existing DepNode.\n\
533 - query-key: {:?}\n\
534 - dep-node: {:?}",
535 key, dep_node);
537 profq_msg!(self, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderBegin);
538 self.sess.profiler(|p| {
539 p.start_activity(Q::CATEGORY);
540 p.record_query(Q::CATEGORY);
541 });
543 let res = job.start(self, |tcx| {
544 if dep_node.kind.is_eval_always() {
545 tcx.dep_graph.with_eval_always_task(dep_node,
546 tcx,
547 key,
548 Q::compute)
549 } else {
550 tcx.dep_graph.with_task(dep_node,
551 tcx,
552 key,
553 Q::compute)
554 }
555 });
557 self.sess.profiler(|p| p.end_activity(Q::CATEGORY));
558 profq_msg!(self, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderEnd);
560 let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = res;
562 if self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.query_dep_graph {
563 self.dep_graph.mark_loaded_from_cache(dep_node_index, false);
564 }
566 if dep_node.kind != ::dep_graph::DepKind::Null {
567 self.queries.on_disk_cache
568 .store_diagnostics(dep_node_index, diagnostics);
569 }
571 job.complete(&result, dep_node_index);
573 Ok((result, dep_node_index))
574 }
576 /// Ensure that either this query has all green inputs or been executed.
577 /// Executing query::ensure(D) is considered a read of the dep-node D.
578 ///
579 /// This function is particularly useful when executing passes for their
580 /// side-effects -- e.g., in order to report errors for erroneous programs.
581 ///
582 /// Note: The optimization is only available during incr. comp.
583 pub(super) fn ensure_query<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(self, key: Q::Key) -> () {
584 let dep_node = Q::to_dep_node(self, &key);
586 // Ensuring an "input" or anonymous query makes no sense
587 assert!(!dep_node.kind.is_anon());
588 assert!(!dep_node.kind.is_input());
589 if self.try_mark_green_and_read(&dep_node).is_none() {
590 // A None return from `try_mark_green_and_read` means that this is either
591 // a new dep node or that the dep node has already been marked red.
592 // Either way, we can't call `dep_graph.read()` as we don't have the
593 // DepNodeIndex. We must invoke the query itself. The performance cost
594 // this introduces should be negligible as we'll immediately hit the
595 // in-memory cache, or another query down the line will.
597 self.sess.profiler(|p| {
598 p.start_activity(Q::CATEGORY);
599 p.record_query(Q::CATEGORY);
600 });
602 let _ = self.get_query::<Q>(DUMMY_SP, key);
604 self.sess.profiler(|p| p.end_activity(Q::CATEGORY));
605 }
606 }
608 #[allow(dead_code)]
609 fn force_query<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(
610 self,
611 key: Q::Key,
612 span: Span,
613 dep_node: DepNode
614 ) -> Result<(Q::Value, DepNodeIndex), CycleError<'gcx>> {
615 // We may be concurrently trying both execute and force a query
616 // Ensure that only one of them runs the query
617 let job = match JobOwner::try_get(self, span, &key) {
618 TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(job) => job,
619 TryGetJob::JobCompleted(result) => return result,
620 };
621 self.force_query_with_job::<Q>(key, job, dep_node)
622 }
624 pub(super) fn try_get_query<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(
625 self,
626 span: Span,
627 key: Q::Key,
628 ) -> Result<Q::Value, DiagnosticBuilder<'a>> {
629 match self.try_get_with::<Q>(span, key) {
630 Ok(e) => Ok(e),
631 Err(e) => Err(self.report_cycle(e)),
632 }
633 }
635 pub(super) fn get_query<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(
636 self,
637 span: Span,
638 key: Q::Key,
639 ) -> Q::Value {
640 self.try_get_query::<Q>(span, key).unwrap_or_else(|mut e| {
641 e.emit();
642 Q::handle_cycle_error(self)
643 })
644 }
645 }
647 macro_rules! handle_cycle_error {
648 ([][$this: expr]) => {{
649 Value::from_cycle_error($this.global_tcx())
650 }};
651 ([fatal_cycle$(, $modifiers:ident)*][$this:expr]) => {{
652 $this.sess.abort_if_errors();
653 unreachable!();
654 }};
655 ([$other:ident$(, $modifiers:ident)*][$($args:tt)*]) => {
656 handle_cycle_error!([$($modifiers),*][$($args)*])
657 };
658 }
660 macro_rules! define_queries {
661 (<$tcx:tt> $($category:tt {
662 $($(#[$attr:meta])* [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*
663 },)*) => {
664 define_queries_inner! { <$tcx>
665 $($( $(#[$attr])* category<$category> [$($modifiers)*] fn $name: $node($K) -> $V,)*)*
666 }
667 }
668 }
670 macro_rules! define_queries_inner {
671 (<$tcx:tt>
672 $($(#[$attr:meta])* category<$category:tt>
673 [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
675 use std::mem;
676 #[cfg(parallel_queries)]
677 use ty::query::job::QueryResult;
678 use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lock;
679 use {
680 rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::HashStable,
681 rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::StableHasherResult,
682 rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::StableHasher,
683 ich::StableHashingContext
684 };
685 use util::profiling::ProfileCategory;
687 define_queries_struct! {
688 tcx: $tcx,
689 input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$($attr)*] [$name]))*)
690 }
692 impl<$tcx> Queries<$tcx> {
693 pub fn new(
694 providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>,
695 fallback_extern_providers: Providers<$tcx>,
696 on_disk_cache: OnDiskCache<'tcx>,
697 ) -> Self {
698 Queries {
699 providers,
700 fallback_extern_providers: Box::new(fallback_extern_providers),
701 on_disk_cache,
702 $($name: Default::default()),*
703 }
704 }
706 #[cfg(parallel_queries)]
707 pub fn collect_active_jobs(&self) -> Vec<Lrc<QueryJob<$tcx>>> {
708 let mut jobs = Vec::new();
710 // We use try_lock here since we are only called from the
711 // deadlock handler, and this shouldn't be locked
712 $(
713 jobs.extend(
714 self.$name.try_lock().unwrap().active.values().filter_map(|v|
715 if let QueryResult::Started(ref job) = *v {
716 Some(job.clone())
717 } else {
718 None
719 }
720 )
721 );
722 )*
724 jobs
725 }
726 }
728 #[allow(nonstandard_style)]
729 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
730 pub enum Query<$tcx> {
731 $($(#[$attr])* $name($K)),*
732 }
734 impl<$tcx> Query<$tcx> {
735 pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
736 match *self {
737 $(Query::$name(_) => stringify!($name),)*
738 }
739 }
741 pub fn describe(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>) -> Cow<'static, str> {
742 let (r, name) = match *self {
743 $(Query::$name(key) => {
744 (queries::$name::describe(tcx, key), stringify!($name))
745 })*
746 };
747 if tcx.sess.verbose() {
748 format!("{} [{}]", r, name).into()
749 } else {
750 r
751 }
752 }
754 // FIXME(eddyb) Get more valid Span's on queries.
755 pub fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_, $tcx, '_>, span: Span) -> Span {
756 if !span.is_dummy() {
757 return span;
758 }
759 // The def_span query is used to calculate default_span,
760 // so exit to avoid infinite recursion
761 if let Query::def_span(..) = *self {
762 return span
763 }
764 match *self {
765 $(Query::$name(key) => key.default_span(tcx),)*
766 }
767 }
768 }
770 impl<'a, $tcx> HashStable<StableHashingContext<'a>> for Query<$tcx> {
771 fn hash_stable<W: StableHasherResult>(&self,
772 hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'a>,
773 hasher: &mut StableHasher<W>) {
774 mem::discriminant(self).hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
775 match *self {
776 $(Query::$name(key) => key.hash_stable(hcx, hasher),)*
777 }
778 }
779 }
781 pub mod queries {
782 use std::marker::PhantomData;
784 $(#[allow(nonstandard_style)]
785 pub struct $name<$tcx> {
786 data: PhantomData<&$tcx ()>
787 })*
788 }
790 // This module and the functions in it exist only to provide a
791 // predictable symbol name prefix for query providers. This is helpful
792 // for analyzing queries in profilers.
793 pub(super) mod __query_compute {
794 $(#[inline(never)]
795 pub fn $name<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(f: F) -> R {
796 f()
797 })*
798 }
800 $(impl<$tcx> QueryConfig<$tcx> for queries::$name<$tcx> {
801 type Key = $K;
802 type Value = $V;
804 const NAME: &'static str = stringify!($name);
805 const CATEGORY: ProfileCategory = $category;
806 }
808 impl<$tcx> QueryAccessors<$tcx> for queries::$name<$tcx> {
809 fn query(key: Self::Key) -> Query<'tcx> {
810 Query::$name(key)
811 }
813 fn query_cache<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, '_>) -> &'a Lock<QueryCache<$tcx, Self>> {
814 &tcx.queries.$name
815 }
817 #[allow(unused)]
818 fn to_dep_node(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, $tcx, '_>, key: &Self::Key) -> DepNode {
819 use dep_graph::DepConstructor::*;
821 DepNode::new(tcx, $node(*key))
822 }
824 #[inline]
825 fn compute(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, '_>, key: Self::Key) -> Self::Value {
826 __query_compute::$name(move || {
827 let provider = tcx.queries.providers.get(key.query_crate())
828 // HACK(eddyb) it's possible crates may be loaded after
829 // the query engine is created, and because crate loading
830 // is not yet integrated with the query engine, such crates
831 // would be be missing appropriate entries in `providers`.
832 .unwrap_or(&tcx.queries.fallback_extern_providers)
833 .$name;
834 provider(tcx.global_tcx(), key)
835 })
836 }
838 fn handle_cycle_error(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, '_>) -> Self::Value {
839 handle_cycle_error!([$($modifiers)*][tcx])
840 }
841 }
843 impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> queries::$name<$tcx> {
844 /// Ensure that either this query has all green inputs or been executed.
845 /// Executing query::ensure(D) is considered a read of the dep-node D.
846 ///
847 /// This function is particularly useful when executing passes for their
848 /// side-effects -- e.g., in order to report errors for erroneous programs.
849 ///
850 /// Note: The optimization is only available during incr. comp.
851 pub fn ensure(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>, key: $K) -> () {
852 tcx.ensure_query::<queries::$name<'_>>(key);
853 }
854 })*
856 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
857 pub struct TyCtxtAt<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
858 pub tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
859 pub span: Span,
860 }
862 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> Deref for TyCtxtAt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
863 type Target = TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>;
864 fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
865 &self.tcx
866 }
867 }
869 impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
870 /// Return a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt` which uses
871 /// `span` as the location of queries performed through it.
872 pub fn at(self, span: Span) -> TyCtxtAt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
873 TyCtxtAt {
874 tcx: self,
875 span
876 }
877 }
879 $($(#[$attr])*
880 pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {
881 self.at(DUMMY_SP).$name(key)
882 })*
883 }
885 impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> TyCtxtAt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
886 $($(#[$attr])*
887 pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {
888 self.tcx.get_query::<queries::$name<'_>>(self.span, key)
889 })*
890 }
892 define_provider_struct! {
893 tcx: $tcx,
894 input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$name] [$K] [$V]))*)
895 }
897 impl<$tcx> Copy for Providers<$tcx> {}
898 impl<$tcx> Clone for Providers<$tcx> {
899 fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
900 }
901 }
902 }
904 macro_rules! define_queries_struct {
905 (tcx: $tcx:tt,
906 input: ($(([$($modifiers:tt)*] [$($attr:tt)*] [$name:ident]))*)) => {
907 pub(crate) struct Queries<$tcx> {
908 /// This provides access to the incr. comp. on-disk cache for query results.
909 /// Do not access this directly. It is only meant to be used by
910 /// `DepGraph::try_mark_green()` and the query infrastructure.
911 pub(crate) on_disk_cache: OnDiskCache<'tcx>,
913 providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>,
914 fallback_extern_providers: Box<Providers<$tcx>>,
916 $($(#[$attr])* $name: Lock<QueryCache<$tcx, queries::$name<$tcx>>>,)*
917 }
918 };
919 }
921 macro_rules! define_provider_struct {
922 (tcx: $tcx:tt,
923 input: ($(([$($modifiers:tt)*] [$name:ident] [$K:ty] [$R:ty]))*)) => {
924 pub struct Providers<$tcx> {
925 $(pub $name: for<'a> fn(TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, $tcx>, $K) -> $R,)*
926 }
928 impl<$tcx> Default for Providers<$tcx> {
929 fn default() -> Self {
930 $(fn $name<'a, $tcx>(_: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, $tcx>, key: $K) -> $R {
931 bug!("tcx.{}({:?}) unsupported by its crate",
932 stringify!($name), key);
933 })*
934 Providers { $($name),* }
935 }
936 }
937 };
938 }
941 /// The red/green evaluation system will try to mark a specific DepNode in the
942 /// dependency graph as green by recursively trying to mark the dependencies of
943 /// that DepNode as green. While doing so, it will sometimes encounter a DepNode
944 /// where we don't know if it is red or green and we therefore actually have
945 /// to recompute its value in order to find out. Since the only piece of
946 /// information that we have at that point is the DepNode we are trying to
947 /// re-evaluate, we need some way to re-run a query from just that. This is what
948 /// `force_from_dep_node()` implements.
949 ///
950 /// In the general case, a DepNode consists of a DepKind and an opaque
951 /// GUID/fingerprint that will uniquely identify the node. This GUID/fingerprint
952 /// is usually constructed by computing a stable hash of the query-key that the
953 /// DepNode corresponds to. Consequently, it is not in general possible to go
954 /// back from hash to query-key (since hash functions are not reversible). For
955 /// this reason `force_from_dep_node()` is expected to fail from time to time
956 /// because we just cannot find out, from the DepNode alone, what the
957 /// corresponding query-key is and therefore cannot re-run the query.
958 ///
959 /// The system deals with this case letting `try_mark_green` fail which forces
960 /// the root query to be re-evaluated.
961 ///
962 /// Now, if force_from_dep_node() would always fail, it would be pretty useless.
963 /// Fortunately, we can use some contextual information that will allow us to
964 /// reconstruct query-keys for certain kinds of DepNodes. In particular, we
965 /// enforce by construction that the GUID/fingerprint of certain DepNodes is a
966 /// valid DefPathHash. Since we also always build a huge table that maps every
967 /// DefPathHash in the current codebase to the corresponding DefId, we have
968 /// everything we need to re-run the query.
969 ///
970 /// Take the `mir_validated` query as an example. Like many other queries, it
971 /// just has a single parameter: the DefId of the item it will compute the
972 /// validated MIR for. Now, when we call `force_from_dep_node()` on a dep-node
973 /// with kind `MirValidated`, we know that the GUID/fingerprint of the dep-node
974 /// is actually a DefPathHash, and can therefore just look up the corresponding
975 /// DefId in `tcx.def_path_hash_to_def_id`.
976 ///
977 /// When you implement a new query, it will likely have a corresponding new
978 /// DepKind, and you'll have to support it here in `force_from_dep_node()`. As
979 /// a rule of thumb, if your query takes a DefId or DefIndex as sole parameter,
980 /// then `force_from_dep_node()` should not fail for it. Otherwise, you can just
981 /// add it to the "We don't have enough information to reconstruct..." group in
982 /// the match below.
983 pub fn force_from_dep_node<'a, 'gcx, 'lcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'lcx>,
984 dep_node: &DepNode)
985 -> bool {
986 use hir::def_id::LOCAL_CRATE;
988 // We must avoid ever having to call force_from_dep_node() for a
989 // DepNode::CodegenUnit:
990 // Since we cannot reconstruct the query key of a DepNode::CodegenUnit, we
991 // would always end up having to evaluate the first caller of the
992 // `codegen_unit` query that *is* reconstructible. This might very well be
993 // the `compile_codegen_unit` query, thus re-codegenning the whole CGU just
994 // to re-trigger calling the `codegen_unit` query with the right key. At
995 // that point we would already have re-done all the work we are trying to
996 // avoid doing in the first place.
997 // The solution is simple: Just explicitly call the `codegen_unit` query for
998 // each CGU, right after partitioning. This way `try_mark_green` will always
999 // hit the cache instead of having to go through `force_from_dep_node`.
1000 // This assertion makes sure, we actually keep applying the solution above.
1001 debug_assert!(dep_node.kind != DepKind::CodegenUnit,
1002 "calling force_from_dep_node() on DepKind::CodegenUnit");
1004 if !dep_node.kind.can_reconstruct_query_key() {
1005 return false
1006 }
1008 macro_rules! def_id {
1009 () => {
1010 if let Some(def_id) = dep_node.extract_def_id(tcx) {
1011 def_id
1012 } else {
1013 // return from the whole function
1014 return false
1015 }
1016 }
1017 };
1019 macro_rules! krate {
1020 () => { (def_id!()).krate }
1021 };
1023 macro_rules! force {
1024 ($query:ident, $key:expr) => {
1025 {
1026 use $crate::util::common::{ProfileQueriesMsg, profq_msg};
1028 profq_msg!(tcx,
1029 ProfileQueriesMsg::QueryBegin(
1030 DUMMY_SP.data(),
1031 profq_query_msg!(::ty::query::queries::$query::NAME, tcx, $key),
1032 )
1033 );
1035 if let Err(e) = tcx.force_query::<::ty::query::queries::$query<'_>>(
1036 $key, DUMMY_SP, *dep_node
1037 ) {
1038 tcx.report_cycle(e).emit();
1039 }
1040 }
1041 }
1042 };
1044 // FIXME(#45015): We should try move this boilerplate code into a macro
1045 // somehow.
1046 match dep_node.kind {
1047 // These are inputs that are expected to be pre-allocated and that
1048 // should therefore always be red or green already
1049 DepKind::AllLocalTraitImpls |
1050 DepKind::Krate |
1051 DepKind::CrateMetadata |
1052 DepKind::HirBody |
1053 DepKind::Hir |
1055 // This are anonymous nodes
1056 DepKind::TraitSelect |
1058 // We don't have enough information to reconstruct the query key of
1059 // these
1060 DepKind::IsCopy |
1061 DepKind::IsSized |
1062 DepKind::IsFreeze |
1063 DepKind::NeedsDrop |
1064 DepKind::Layout |
1065 DepKind::ConstEval |
1066 DepKind::InstanceSymbolName |
1067 DepKind::MirShim |
1068 DepKind::BorrowCheckKrate |
1069 DepKind::Specializes |
1070 DepKind::ImplementationsOfTrait |
1071 DepKind::TypeParamPredicates |
1072 DepKind::CodegenUnit |
1073 DepKind::CompileCodegenUnit |
1074 DepKind::FulfillObligation |
1075 DepKind::VtableMethods |
1076 DepKind::EraseRegionsTy |
1077 DepKind::NormalizeProjectionTy |
1078 DepKind::NormalizeTyAfterErasingRegions |
1079 DepKind::ImpliedOutlivesBounds |
1080 DepKind::DropckOutlives |
1081 DepKind::EvaluateObligation |
1082 DepKind::TypeOpAscribeUserType |
1083 DepKind::TypeOpEq |
1084 DepKind::TypeOpSubtype |
1085 DepKind::TypeOpProvePredicate |
1086 DepKind::TypeOpNormalizeTy |
1087 DepKind::TypeOpNormalizePredicate |
1088 DepKind::TypeOpNormalizePolyFnSig |
1089 DepKind::TypeOpNormalizeFnSig |
1090 DepKind::SubstituteNormalizeAndTestPredicates |
1091 DepKind::InstanceDefSizeEstimate |
1092 DepKind::ProgramClausesForEnv |
1094 // This one should never occur in this context
1095 DepKind::Null => {
1096 bug!("force_from_dep_node() - Encountered {:?}", dep_node)
1097 }
1099 // These are not queries
1100 DepKind::CoherenceCheckTrait |
1101 DepKind::ItemVarianceConstraints => {
1102 return false
1103 }
1105 DepKind::RegionScopeTree => { force!(region_scope_tree, def_id!()); }
1107 DepKind::Coherence => { force!(crate_inherent_impls, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1108 DepKind::CoherenceInherentImplOverlapCheck => {
1109 force!(crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check, LOCAL_CRATE)
1110 },
1111 DepKind::PrivacyAccessLevels => { force!(privacy_access_levels, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1112 DepKind::MirBuilt => { force!(mir_built, def_id!()); }
1113 DepKind::MirConstQualif => { force!(mir_const_qualif, def_id!()); }
1114 DepKind::MirConst => { force!(mir_const, def_id!()); }
1115 DepKind::MirValidated => { force!(mir_validated, def_id!()); }
1116 DepKind::MirOptimized => { force!(optimized_mir, def_id!()); }
1118 DepKind::BorrowCheck => { force!(borrowck, def_id!()); }
1119 DepKind::MirBorrowCheck => { force!(mir_borrowck, def_id!()); }
1120 DepKind::UnsafetyCheckResult => { force!(unsafety_check_result, def_id!()); }
1121 DepKind::UnsafeDeriveOnReprPacked => { force!(unsafe_derive_on_repr_packed, def_id!()); }
1122 DepKind::Reachability => { force!(reachable_set, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1123 DepKind::MirKeys => { force!(mir_keys, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1124 DepKind::CrateVariances => { force!(crate_variances, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1125 DepKind::AssociatedItems => { force!(associated_item, def_id!()); }
1126 DepKind::TypeOfItem => { force!(type_of, def_id!()); }
1127 DepKind::GenericsOfItem => { force!(generics_of, def_id!()); }
1128 DepKind::PredicatesOfItem => { force!(predicates_of, def_id!()); }
1129 DepKind::PredicatesDefinedOnItem => { force!(predicates_defined_on, def_id!()); }
1130 DepKind::ExplicitPredicatesOfItem => { force!(explicit_predicates_of, def_id!()); }
1131 DepKind::InferredOutlivesOf => { force!(inferred_outlives_of, def_id!()); }
1132 DepKind::InferredOutlivesCrate => { force!(inferred_outlives_crate, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1133 DepKind::SuperPredicatesOfItem => { force!(super_predicates_of, def_id!()); }
1134 DepKind::TraitDefOfItem => { force!(trait_def, def_id!()); }
1135 DepKind::AdtDefOfItem => { force!(adt_def, def_id!()); }
1136 DepKind::ImplTraitRef => { force!(impl_trait_ref, def_id!()); }
1137 DepKind::ImplPolarity => { force!(impl_polarity, def_id!()); }
1138 DepKind::FnSignature => { force!(fn_sig, def_id!()); }
1139 DepKind::CoerceUnsizedInfo => { force!(coerce_unsized_info, def_id!()); }
1140 DepKind::ItemVariances => { force!(variances_of, def_id!()); }
1141 DepKind::IsConstFn => { force!(is_const_fn_raw, def_id!()); }
1142 DepKind::IsPromotableConstFn => { force!(is_promotable_const_fn, def_id!()); }
1143 DepKind::IsForeignItem => { force!(is_foreign_item, def_id!()); }
1144 DepKind::SizedConstraint => { force!(adt_sized_constraint, def_id!()); }
1145 DepKind::DtorckConstraint => { force!(adt_dtorck_constraint, def_id!()); }
1146 DepKind::AdtDestructor => { force!(adt_destructor, def_id!()); }
1147 DepKind::AssociatedItemDefIds => { force!(associated_item_def_ids, def_id!()); }
1148 DepKind::InherentImpls => { force!(inherent_impls, def_id!()); }
1149 DepKind::TypeckBodiesKrate => { force!(typeck_item_bodies, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1150 DepKind::TypeckTables => { force!(typeck_tables_of, def_id!()); }
1151 DepKind::UsedTraitImports => { force!(used_trait_imports, def_id!()); }
1152 DepKind::HasTypeckTables => { force!(has_typeck_tables, def_id!()); }
1153 DepKind::SymbolName => { force!(def_symbol_name, def_id!()); }
1154 DepKind::SpecializationGraph => { force!(specialization_graph_of, def_id!()); }
1155 DepKind::ObjectSafety => { force!(is_object_safe, def_id!()); }
1156 DepKind::TraitImpls => { force!(trait_impls_of, def_id!()); }
1157 DepKind::CheckMatch => { force!(check_match, def_id!()); }
1159 DepKind::ParamEnv => { force!(param_env, def_id!()); }
1160 DepKind::Environment => { force!(environment, def_id!()); }
1161 DepKind::DescribeDef => { force!(describe_def, def_id!()); }
1162 DepKind::DefSpan => { force!(def_span, def_id!()); }
1163 DepKind::LookupStability => { force!(lookup_stability, def_id!()); }
1164 DepKind::LookupDeprecationEntry => {
1165 force!(lookup_deprecation_entry, def_id!());
1166 }
1167 DepKind::ConstIsRvaluePromotableToStatic => {
1168 force!(const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static, def_id!());
1169 }
1170 DepKind::RvaluePromotableMap => { force!(rvalue_promotable_map, def_id!()); }
1171 DepKind::ImplParent => { force!(impl_parent, def_id!()); }
1172 DepKind::TraitOfItem => { force!(trait_of_item, def_id!()); }
1173 DepKind::IsReachableNonGeneric => { force!(is_reachable_non_generic, def_id!()); }
1174 DepKind::IsUnreachableLocalDefinition => {
1175 force!(is_unreachable_local_definition, def_id!());
1176 }
1177 DepKind::IsMirAvailable => { force!(is_mir_available, def_id!()); }
1178 DepKind::ItemAttrs => { force!(item_attrs, def_id!()); }
1179 DepKind::CodegenFnAttrs => { force!(codegen_fn_attrs, def_id!()); }
1180 DepKind::FnArgNames => { force!(fn_arg_names, def_id!()); }
1181 DepKind::RenderedConst => { force!(rendered_const, def_id!()); }
1182 DepKind::DylibDepFormats => { force!(dylib_dependency_formats, krate!()); }
1183 DepKind::IsPanicRuntime => { force!(is_panic_runtime, krate!()); }
1184 DepKind::IsCompilerBuiltins => { force!(is_compiler_builtins, krate!()); }
1185 DepKind::HasGlobalAllocator => { force!(has_global_allocator, krate!()); }
1186 DepKind::HasPanicHandler => { force!(has_panic_handler, krate!()); }
1187 DepKind::ExternCrate => { force!(extern_crate, def_id!()); }
1188 DepKind::LintLevels => { force!(lint_levels, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1189 DepKind::InScopeTraits => { force!(in_scope_traits_map, def_id!().index); }
1190 DepKind::ModuleExports => { force!(module_exports, def_id!()); }
1191 DepKind::IsSanitizerRuntime => { force!(is_sanitizer_runtime, krate!()); }
1192 DepKind::IsProfilerRuntime => { force!(is_profiler_runtime, krate!()); }
1193 DepKind::GetPanicStrategy => { force!(panic_strategy, krate!()); }
1194 DepKind::IsNoBuiltins => { force!(is_no_builtins, krate!()); }
1195 DepKind::ImplDefaultness => { force!(impl_defaultness, def_id!()); }
1196 DepKind::CheckItemWellFormed => { force!(check_item_well_formed, def_id!()); }
1197 DepKind::CheckTraitItemWellFormed => { force!(check_trait_item_well_formed, def_id!()); }
1198 DepKind::CheckImplItemWellFormed => { force!(check_impl_item_well_formed, def_id!()); }
1199 DepKind::ReachableNonGenerics => { force!(reachable_non_generics, krate!()); }
1200 DepKind::NativeLibraries => { force!(native_libraries, krate!()); }
1201 DepKind::PluginRegistrarFn => { force!(plugin_registrar_fn, krate!()); }
1202 DepKind::DeriveRegistrarFn => { force!(derive_registrar_fn, krate!()); }
1203 DepKind::CrateDisambiguator => { force!(crate_disambiguator, krate!()); }
1204 DepKind::CrateHash => { force!(crate_hash, krate!()); }
1205 DepKind::OriginalCrateName => { force!(original_crate_name, krate!()); }
1206 DepKind::ExtraFileName => { force!(extra_filename, krate!()); }
1208 DepKind::AllTraitImplementations => {
1209 force!(all_trait_implementations, krate!());
1210 }
1212 DepKind::DllimportForeignItems => {
1213 force!(dllimport_foreign_items, krate!());
1214 }
1215 DepKind::IsDllimportForeignItem => {
1216 force!(is_dllimport_foreign_item, def_id!());
1217 }
1218 DepKind::IsStaticallyIncludedForeignItem => {
1219 force!(is_statically_included_foreign_item, def_id!());
1220 }
1221 DepKind::NativeLibraryKind => { force!(native_library_kind, def_id!()); }
1222 DepKind::LinkArgs => { force!(link_args, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1224 DepKind::ResolveLifetimes => { force!(resolve_lifetimes, krate!()); }
1225 DepKind::NamedRegion => { force!(named_region_map, def_id!().index); }
1226 DepKind::IsLateBound => { force!(is_late_bound_map, def_id!().index); }
1227 DepKind::ObjectLifetimeDefaults => {
1228 force!(object_lifetime_defaults_map, def_id!().index);
1229 }
1231 DepKind::Visibility => { force!(visibility, def_id!()); }
1232 DepKind::DepKind => { force!(dep_kind, krate!()); }
1233 DepKind::CrateName => { force!(crate_name, krate!()); }
1234 DepKind::ItemChildren => { force!(item_children, def_id!()); }
1235 DepKind::ExternModStmtCnum => { force!(extern_mod_stmt_cnum, def_id!()); }
1236 DepKind::GetLibFeatures => { force!(get_lib_features, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1237 DepKind::DefinedLibFeatures => { force!(defined_lib_features, krate!()); }
1238 DepKind::GetLangItems => { force!(get_lang_items, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1239 DepKind::DefinedLangItems => { force!(defined_lang_items, krate!()); }
1240 DepKind::MissingLangItems => { force!(missing_lang_items, krate!()); }
1241 DepKind::VisibleParentMap => { force!(visible_parent_map, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1242 DepKind::MissingExternCrateItem => {
1243 force!(missing_extern_crate_item, krate!());
1244 }
1245 DepKind::UsedCrateSource => { force!(used_crate_source, krate!()); }
1246 DepKind::PostorderCnums => { force!(postorder_cnums, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1248 DepKind::Freevars => { force!(freevars, def_id!()); }
1249 DepKind::MaybeUnusedTraitImport => {
1250 force!(maybe_unused_trait_import, def_id!());
1251 }
1252 DepKind::MaybeUnusedExternCrates => { force!(maybe_unused_extern_crates, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1253 DepKind::StabilityIndex => { force!(stability_index, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1254 DepKind::AllTraits => { force!(all_traits, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1255 DepKind::AllCrateNums => { force!(all_crate_nums, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1256 DepKind::ExportedSymbols => { force!(exported_symbols, krate!()); }
1257 DepKind::CollectAndPartitionMonoItems => {
1258 force!(collect_and_partition_mono_items, LOCAL_CRATE);
1259 }
1260 DepKind::IsCodegenedItem => { force!(is_codegened_item, def_id!()); }
1261 DepKind::OutputFilenames => { force!(output_filenames, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1263 DepKind::TargetFeaturesWhitelist => { force!(target_features_whitelist, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1265 DepKind::Features => { force!(features_query, LOCAL_CRATE); }
1267 DepKind::ProgramClausesFor => { force!(program_clauses_for, def_id!()); }
1268 DepKind::WasmImportModuleMap => { force!(wasm_import_module_map, krate!()); }
1269 DepKind::ForeignModules => { force!(foreign_modules, krate!()); }
1271 DepKind::UpstreamMonomorphizations => {
1272 force!(upstream_monomorphizations, krate!());
1273 }
1274 DepKind::UpstreamMonomorphizationsFor => {
1275 force!(upstream_monomorphizations_for, def_id!());
1276 }
1277 }
1279 true
1280 }
1283 // FIXME(#45015): Another piece of boilerplate code that could be generated in
1284 // a combined define_dep_nodes!()/define_queries!() macro.
1285 macro_rules! impl_load_from_cache {
1286 ($($dep_kind:ident => $query_name:ident,)*) => {
1287 impl DepNode {
1288 // Check whether the query invocation corresponding to the given
1289 // DepNode is eligible for on-disk-caching.
1290 pub fn cache_on_disk(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>) -> bool {
1291 use ty::query::queries;
1292 use ty::query::QueryDescription;
1294 match self.kind {
1295 $(DepKind::$dep_kind => {
1296 let def_id = self.extract_def_id(tcx).unwrap();
1297 queries::$query_name::cache_on_disk(def_id)
1298 })*
1299 _ => false
1300 }
1301 }
1303 // This is method will execute the query corresponding to the given
1304 // DepNode. It is only expected to work for DepNodes where the
1305 // above `cache_on_disk` methods returns true.
1306 // Also, as a sanity check, it expects that the corresponding query
1307 // invocation has been marked as green already.
1308 pub fn load_from_on_disk_cache(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>) {
1309 match self.kind {
1310 $(DepKind::$dep_kind => {
1311 debug_assert!(tcx.dep_graph
1312 .node_color(self)
1313 .map(|c| c.is_green())
1314 .unwrap_or(false));
1316 let def_id = self.extract_def_id(tcx).unwrap();
1317 let _ = tcx.$query_name(def_id);
1318 })*
1319 _ => {
1320 bug!()
1321 }
1322 }
1323 }
1324 }
1325 }
1326 }
1328 impl_load_from_cache!(
1329 TypeckTables => typeck_tables_of,
1330 MirOptimized => optimized_mir,
1331 UnsafetyCheckResult => unsafety_check_result,
1332 BorrowCheck => borrowck,
1333 MirBorrowCheck => mir_borrowck,
1334 MirConstQualif => mir_const_qualif,
1335 SymbolName => def_symbol_name,
1336 ConstIsRvaluePromotableToStatic => const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static,
1337 CheckMatch => check_match,
1338 TypeOfItem => type_of,
1339 GenericsOfItem => generics_of,
1340 PredicatesOfItem => predicates_of,
1341 UsedTraitImports => used_trait_imports,
1342 CodegenFnAttrs => codegen_fn_attrs,
1343 SpecializationGraph => specialization_graph_of,
1344 );