]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/ty/subst.rs
New upstream version 1.25.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / ty / subst.rs
1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 // Type substitutions.
13 use hir::def_id::DefId;
14 use ty::{self, Slice, Region, Ty, TyCtxt};
15 use ty::fold::{TypeFoldable, TypeFolder, TypeVisitor};
17 use serialize::{self, Encodable, Encoder, Decodable, Decoder};
18 use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
19 use rustc_data_structures::accumulate_vec::AccumulateVec;
21 use core::nonzero::NonZero;
22 use std::fmt;
23 use std::iter;
24 use std::marker::PhantomData;
25 use std::mem;
27 /// An entity in the Rust typesystem, which can be one of
28 /// several kinds (only types and lifetimes for now).
29 /// To reduce memory usage, a `Kind` is a interned pointer,
30 /// with the lowest 2 bits being reserved for a tag to
31 /// indicate the type (`Ty` or `Region`) it points to.
32 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
33 pub struct Kind<'tcx> {
34 ptr: NonZero<usize>,
35 marker: PhantomData<(Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>)>
36 }
38 const TAG_MASK: usize = 0b11;
39 const TYPE_TAG: usize = 0b00;
40 const REGION_TAG: usize = 0b01;
42 impl<'tcx> From<Ty<'tcx>> for Kind<'tcx> {
43 fn from(ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Kind<'tcx> {
44 // Ensure we can use the tag bits.
45 assert_eq!(mem::align_of_val(ty) & TAG_MASK, 0);
47 let ptr = ty as *const _ as usize;
48 Kind {
49 ptr: unsafe {
50 NonZero::new_unchecked(ptr | TYPE_TAG)
51 },
52 marker: PhantomData
53 }
54 }
55 }
57 impl<'tcx> From<ty::Region<'tcx>> for Kind<'tcx> {
58 fn from(r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> Kind<'tcx> {
59 // Ensure we can use the tag bits.
60 assert_eq!(mem::align_of_val(r) & TAG_MASK, 0);
62 let ptr = r as *const _ as usize;
63 Kind {
64 ptr: unsafe {
65 NonZero::new_unchecked(ptr | REGION_TAG)
66 },
67 marker: PhantomData
68 }
69 }
70 }
72 impl<'tcx> Kind<'tcx> {
73 #[inline]
74 unsafe fn downcast<T>(self, tag: usize) -> Option<&'tcx T> {
75 let ptr = self.ptr.get();
76 if ptr & TAG_MASK == tag {
77 Some(&*((ptr & !TAG_MASK) as *const _))
78 } else {
79 None
80 }
81 }
83 #[inline]
84 pub fn as_type(self) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
85 unsafe {
86 self.downcast(TYPE_TAG)
87 }
88 }
90 #[inline]
91 pub fn as_region(self) -> Option<ty::Region<'tcx>> {
92 unsafe {
93 self.downcast(REGION_TAG)
94 }
95 }
96 }
98 impl<'tcx> fmt::Debug for Kind<'tcx> {
99 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
100 if let Some(ty) = self.as_type() {
101 write!(f, "{:?}", ty)
102 } else if let Some(r) = self.as_region() {
103 write!(f, "{:?}", r)
104 } else {
105 write!(f, "<unknown @ {:p}>", self.ptr.get() as *const ())
106 }
107 }
108 }
110 impl<'tcx> fmt::Display for Kind<'tcx> {
111 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
112 if let Some(ty) = self.as_type() {
113 write!(f, "{}", ty)
114 } else if let Some(r) = self.as_region() {
115 write!(f, "{}", r)
116 } else {
117 // FIXME(RFC 2000): extend this if/else chain when we support const generic.
118 unimplemented!();
119 }
120 }
121 }
123 impl<'tcx> TypeFoldable<'tcx> for Kind<'tcx> {
124 fn super_fold_with<'gcx: 'tcx, F: TypeFolder<'gcx, 'tcx>>(&self, folder: &mut F) -> Self {
125 if let Some(ty) = self.as_type() {
126 Kind::from(ty.fold_with(folder))
127 } else if let Some(r) = self.as_region() {
128 Kind::from(r.fold_with(folder))
129 } else {
130 bug!()
131 }
132 }
134 fn super_visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<'tcx>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> bool {
135 if let Some(ty) = self.as_type() {
136 ty.visit_with(visitor)
137 } else if let Some(r) = self.as_region() {
138 r.visit_with(visitor)
139 } else {
140 bug!()
141 }
142 }
143 }
145 impl<'tcx> Encodable for Kind<'tcx> {
146 fn encode<E: Encoder>(&self, e: &mut E) -> Result<(), E::Error> {
147 e.emit_enum("Kind", |e| {
148 if let Some(ty) = self.as_type() {
149 e.emit_enum_variant("Ty", TYPE_TAG, 1, |e| {
150 e.emit_enum_variant_arg(0, |e| ty.encode(e))
151 })
152 } else if let Some(r) = self.as_region() {
153 e.emit_enum_variant("Region", REGION_TAG, 1, |e| {
154 e.emit_enum_variant_arg(0, |e| r.encode(e))
155 })
156 } else {
157 bug!()
158 }
159 })
160 }
161 }
163 impl<'tcx> Decodable for Kind<'tcx> {
164 fn decode<D: Decoder>(d: &mut D) -> Result<Kind<'tcx>, D::Error> {
165 d.read_enum("Kind", |d| {
166 d.read_enum_variant(&["Ty", "Region"], |d, tag| {
167 match tag {
168 TYPE_TAG => Ty::decode(d).map(Kind::from),
169 REGION_TAG => Region::decode(d).map(Kind::from),
170 _ => Err(d.error("invalid Kind tag"))
171 }
172 })
173 })
174 }
175 }
177 /// A substitution mapping type/region parameters to new values.
178 pub type Substs<'tcx> = Slice<Kind<'tcx>>;
180 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> Substs<'tcx> {
181 /// Creates a Substs that maps each generic parameter to itself.
182 pub fn identity_for_item(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, def_id: DefId)
183 -> &'tcx Substs<'tcx> {
184 Substs::for_item(tcx, def_id, |def, _| {
185 tcx.mk_region(ty::ReEarlyBound(def.to_early_bound_region_data()))
186 }, |def, _| tcx.mk_param_from_def(def))
187 }
189 /// Creates a Substs for generic parameter definitions,
190 /// by calling closures to obtain each region and type.
191 /// The closures get to observe the Substs as they're
192 /// being built, which can be used to correctly
193 /// substitute defaults of type parameters.
194 pub fn for_item<FR, FT>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
195 def_id: DefId,
196 mut mk_region: FR,
197 mut mk_type: FT)
198 -> &'tcx Substs<'tcx>
199 where FR: FnMut(&ty::RegionParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
200 FT: FnMut(&ty::TypeParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> Ty<'tcx> {
201 let defs = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
202 let mut substs = Vec::with_capacity(defs.count());
203 Substs::fill_item(&mut substs, tcx, defs, &mut mk_region, &mut mk_type);
204 tcx.intern_substs(&substs)
205 }
207 pub fn extend_to<FR, FT>(&self,
208 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
209 def_id: DefId,
210 mut mk_region: FR,
211 mut mk_type: FT)
212 -> &'tcx Substs<'tcx>
213 where FR: FnMut(&ty::RegionParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
214 FT: FnMut(&ty::TypeParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> Ty<'tcx>
215 {
216 let defs = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
217 let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(defs.count());
218 result.extend(self[..].iter().cloned());
219 Substs::fill_single(&mut result, defs, &mut mk_region, &mut mk_type);
220 tcx.intern_substs(&result)
221 }
223 pub fn fill_item<FR, FT>(substs: &mut Vec<Kind<'tcx>>,
224 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
225 defs: &ty::Generics,
226 mk_region: &mut FR,
227 mk_type: &mut FT)
228 where FR: FnMut(&ty::RegionParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
229 FT: FnMut(&ty::TypeParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> Ty<'tcx> {
231 if let Some(def_id) = defs.parent {
232 let parent_defs = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
233 Substs::fill_item(substs, tcx, parent_defs, mk_region, mk_type);
234 }
235 Substs::fill_single(substs, defs, mk_region, mk_type)
236 }
238 fn fill_single<FR, FT>(substs: &mut Vec<Kind<'tcx>>,
239 defs: &ty::Generics,
240 mk_region: &mut FR,
241 mk_type: &mut FT)
242 where FR: FnMut(&ty::RegionParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
243 FT: FnMut(&ty::TypeParameterDef, &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> Ty<'tcx> {
244 // Handle Self first, before all regions.
245 let mut types = defs.types.iter();
246 if defs.parent.is_none() && defs.has_self {
247 let def = types.next().unwrap();
248 let ty = mk_type(def, substs);
249 assert_eq!(def.index as usize, substs.len());
250 substs.push(Kind::from(ty));
251 }
253 for def in &defs.regions {
254 let region = mk_region(def, substs);
255 assert_eq!(def.index as usize, substs.len());
256 substs.push(Kind::from(region));
257 }
259 for def in types {
260 let ty = mk_type(def, substs);
261 assert_eq!(def.index as usize, substs.len());
262 substs.push(Kind::from(ty));
263 }
264 }
266 pub fn is_noop(&self) -> bool {
267 self.is_empty()
268 }
270 #[inline]
271 pub fn types(&'a self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item=Ty<'tcx>> + 'a {
272 self.iter().filter_map(|k| k.as_type())
273 }
275 #[inline]
276 pub fn regions(&'a self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item=ty::Region<'tcx>> + 'a {
277 self.iter().filter_map(|k| k.as_region())
278 }
280 #[inline]
281 pub fn type_at(&self, i: usize) -> Ty<'tcx> {
282 self[i].as_type().unwrap_or_else(|| {
283 bug!("expected type for param #{} in {:?}", i, self);
284 })
285 }
287 #[inline]
288 pub fn region_at(&self, i: usize) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
289 self[i].as_region().unwrap_or_else(|| {
290 bug!("expected region for param #{} in {:?}", i, self);
291 })
292 }
294 #[inline]
295 pub fn type_for_def(&self, ty_param_def: &ty::TypeParameterDef) -> Ty<'tcx> {
296 self.type_at(ty_param_def.index as usize)
297 }
299 #[inline]
300 pub fn region_for_def(&self, def: &ty::RegionParameterDef) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
301 self.region_at(def.index as usize)
302 }
304 /// Transform from substitutions for a child of `source_ancestor`
305 /// (e.g. a trait or impl) to substitutions for the same child
306 /// in a different item, with `target_substs` as the base for
307 /// the target impl/trait, with the source child-specific
308 /// parameters (e.g. method parameters) on top of that base.
309 pub fn rebase_onto(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
310 source_ancestor: DefId,
311 target_substs: &Substs<'tcx>)
312 -> &'tcx Substs<'tcx> {
313 let defs = tcx.generics_of(source_ancestor);
314 tcx.mk_substs(target_substs.iter().chain(&self[defs.own_count()..]).cloned())
315 }
317 pub fn truncate_to(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, generics: &ty::Generics)
318 -> &'tcx Substs<'tcx> {
319 tcx.mk_substs(self.iter().take(generics.count()).cloned())
320 }
321 }
323 impl<'tcx> TypeFoldable<'tcx> for &'tcx Substs<'tcx> {
324 fn super_fold_with<'gcx: 'tcx, F: TypeFolder<'gcx, 'tcx>>(&self, folder: &mut F) -> Self {
325 let params: AccumulateVec<[_; 8]> = self.iter().map(|k| k.fold_with(folder)).collect();
327 // If folding doesn't change the substs, it's faster to avoid
328 // calling `mk_substs` and instead reuse the existing substs.
329 if params[..] == self[..] {
330 self
331 } else {
332 folder.tcx().intern_substs(&params)
333 }
334 }
336 fn super_visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<'tcx>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> bool {
337 self.iter().any(|t| t.visit_with(visitor))
338 }
339 }
341 impl<'tcx> serialize::UseSpecializedDecodable for &'tcx Substs<'tcx> {}
343 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
344 // Public trait `Subst`
345 //
346 // Just call `foo.subst(tcx, substs)` to perform a substitution across
347 // `foo`. Or use `foo.subst_spanned(tcx, substs, Some(span))` when
348 // there is more information available (for better errors).
350 pub trait Subst<'tcx> : Sized {
351 fn subst<'a, 'gcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
352 substs: &[Kind<'tcx>]) -> Self {
353 self.subst_spanned(tcx, substs, None)
354 }
356 fn subst_spanned<'a, 'gcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
357 substs: &[Kind<'tcx>],
358 span: Option<Span>)
359 -> Self;
360 }
362 impl<'tcx, T:TypeFoldable<'tcx>> Subst<'tcx> for T {
363 fn subst_spanned<'a, 'gcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
364 substs: &[Kind<'tcx>],
365 span: Option<Span>)
366 -> T
367 {
368 let mut folder = SubstFolder { tcx,
369 substs,
370 span,
371 root_ty: None,
372 ty_stack_depth: 0,
373 region_binders_passed: 0 };
374 (*self).fold_with(&mut folder)
375 }
376 }
378 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
379 // The actual substitution engine itself is a type folder.
381 struct SubstFolder<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
382 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
383 substs: &'a [Kind<'tcx>],
385 // The location for which the substitution is performed, if available.
386 span: Option<Span>,
388 // The root type that is being substituted, if available.
389 root_ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
391 // Depth of type stack
392 ty_stack_depth: usize,
394 // Number of region binders we have passed through while doing the substitution
395 region_binders_passed: u32,
396 }
398 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> TypeFolder<'gcx, 'tcx> for SubstFolder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
399 fn tcx<'b>(&'b self) -> TyCtxt<'b, 'gcx, 'tcx> { self.tcx }
401 fn fold_binder<T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>>(&mut self, t: &ty::Binder<T>) -> ty::Binder<T> {
402 self.region_binders_passed += 1;
403 let t = t.super_fold_with(self);
404 self.region_binders_passed -= 1;
405 t
406 }
408 fn fold_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
409 // Note: This routine only handles regions that are bound on
410 // type declarations and other outer declarations, not those
411 // bound in *fn types*. Region substitution of the bound
412 // regions that appear in a function signature is done using
413 // the specialized routine `ty::replace_late_regions()`.
414 match *r {
415 ty::ReEarlyBound(data) => {
416 let r = self.substs.get(data.index as usize)
417 .and_then(|k| k.as_region());
418 match r {
419 Some(r) => {
420 self.shift_region_through_binders(r)
421 }
422 None => {
423 let span = self.span.unwrap_or(DUMMY_SP);
424 span_bug!(
425 span,
426 "Region parameter out of range \
427 when substituting in region {} (root type={:?}) \
428 (index={})",
429 data.name,
430 self.root_ty,
431 data.index);
432 }
433 }
434 }
435 _ => r
436 }
437 }
439 fn fold_ty(&mut self, t: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
440 if !t.needs_subst() {
441 return t;
442 }
444 // track the root type we were asked to substitute
445 let depth = self.ty_stack_depth;
446 if depth == 0 {
447 self.root_ty = Some(t);
448 }
449 self.ty_stack_depth += 1;
451 let t1 = match t.sty {
452 ty::TyParam(p) => {
453 self.ty_for_param(p, t)
454 }
455 _ => {
456 t.super_fold_with(self)
457 }
458 };
460 assert_eq!(depth + 1, self.ty_stack_depth);
461 self.ty_stack_depth -= 1;
462 if depth == 0 {
463 self.root_ty = None;
464 }
466 return t1;
467 }
468 }
470 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> SubstFolder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
471 fn ty_for_param(&self, p: ty::ParamTy, source_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
472 // Look up the type in the substitutions. It really should be in there.
473 let opt_ty = self.substs.get(p.idx as usize)
474 .and_then(|k| k.as_type());
475 let ty = match opt_ty {
476 Some(t) => t,
477 None => {
478 let span = self.span.unwrap_or(DUMMY_SP);
479 span_bug!(
480 span,
481 "Type parameter `{:?}` ({:?}/{}) out of range \
482 when substituting (root type={:?}) substs={:?}",
483 p,
484 source_ty,
485 p.idx,
486 self.root_ty,
487 self.substs);
488 }
489 };
491 self.shift_regions_through_binders(ty)
492 }
494 /// It is sometimes necessary to adjust the debruijn indices during substitution. This occurs
495 /// when we are substituting a type with escaping regions into a context where we have passed
496 /// through region binders. That's quite a mouthful. Let's see an example:
497 ///
498 /// ```
499 /// type Func<A> = fn(A);
500 /// type MetaFunc = for<'a> fn(Func<&'a int>)
501 /// ```
502 ///
503 /// The type `MetaFunc`, when fully expanded, will be
504 ///
505 /// for<'a> fn(fn(&'a int))
506 /// ^~ ^~ ^~~
507 /// | | |
508 /// | | DebruijnIndex of 2
509 /// Binders
510 ///
511 /// Here the `'a` lifetime is bound in the outer function, but appears as an argument of the
512 /// inner one. Therefore, that appearance will have a DebruijnIndex of 2, because we must skip
513 /// over the inner binder (remember that we count Debruijn indices from 1). However, in the
514 /// definition of `MetaFunc`, the binder is not visible, so the type `&'a int` will have a
515 /// debruijn index of 1. It's only during the substitution that we can see we must increase the
516 /// depth by 1 to account for the binder that we passed through.
517 ///
518 /// As a second example, consider this twist:
519 ///
520 /// ```
521 /// type FuncTuple<A> = (A,fn(A));
522 /// type MetaFuncTuple = for<'a> fn(FuncTuple<&'a int>)
523 /// ```
524 ///
525 /// Here the final type will be:
526 ///
527 /// for<'a> fn((&'a int, fn(&'a int)))
528 /// ^~~ ^~~
529 /// | |
530 /// DebruijnIndex of 1 |
531 /// DebruijnIndex of 2
532 ///
533 /// As indicated in the diagram, here the same type `&'a int` is substituted once, but in the
534 /// first case we do not increase the Debruijn index and in the second case we do. The reason
535 /// is that only in the second case have we passed through a fn binder.
536 fn shift_regions_through_binders(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
537 debug!("shift_regions(ty={:?}, region_binders_passed={:?}, has_escaping_regions={:?})",
538 ty, self.region_binders_passed, ty.has_escaping_regions());
540 if self.region_binders_passed == 0 || !ty.has_escaping_regions() {
541 return ty;
542 }
544 let result = ty::fold::shift_regions(self.tcx(), self.region_binders_passed, &ty);
545 debug!("shift_regions: shifted result = {:?}", result);
547 result
548 }
550 fn shift_region_through_binders(&self, region: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
551 if self.region_binders_passed == 0 || !region.has_escaping_regions() {
552 return region;
553 }
554 self.tcx().mk_region(ty::fold::shift_region(*region, self.region_binders_passed))
555 }
556 }
558 // Helper methods that modify substitutions.
560 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> ty::TraitRef<'tcx> {
561 pub fn from_method(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
562 trait_id: DefId,
563 substs: &Substs<'tcx>)
564 -> ty::TraitRef<'tcx> {
565 let defs = tcx.generics_of(trait_id);
567 ty::TraitRef {
568 def_id: trait_id,
569 substs: tcx.intern_substs(&substs[..defs.own_count()])
570 }
571 }
572 }
574 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx> {
575 pub fn erase_self_ty(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
576 trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>)
577 -> ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx> {
578 // Assert there is a Self.
579 trait_ref.substs.type_at(0);
581 ty::ExistentialTraitRef {
582 def_id: trait_ref.def_id,
583 substs: tcx.intern_substs(&trait_ref.substs[1..])
584 }
585 }
586 }
588 impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> ty::PolyExistentialTraitRef<'tcx> {
589 /// Object types don't have a self-type specified. Therefore, when
590 /// we convert the principal trait-ref into a normal trait-ref,
591 /// you must give *some* self-type. A common choice is `mk_err()`
592 /// or some skolemized type.
593 pub fn with_self_ty(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
594 self_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
595 -> ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx> {
596 // otherwise the escaping regions would be captured by the binder
597 assert!(!self_ty.has_escaping_regions());
599 self.map_bound(|trait_ref| {
600 ty::TraitRef {
601 def_id: trait_ref.def_id,
602 substs: tcx.mk_substs(
603 iter::once(Kind::from(self_ty)).chain(trait_ref.substs.iter().cloned()))
604 }
605 })
606 }
607 }