]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/util/ppaux.rs
New upstream version 1.28.0~beta.14+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / util / ppaux.rs
1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use hir::def_id::DefId;
12 use hir::map::definitions::DefPathData;
13 use middle::const_val::ConstVal;
14 use middle::region::{self, BlockRemainder};
15 use ty::subst::{self, Subst};
16 use ty::{BrAnon, BrEnv, BrFresh, BrNamed};
17 use ty::{TyBool, TyChar, TyAdt};
18 use ty::{TyError, TyStr, TyArray, TySlice, TyFloat, TyFnDef, TyFnPtr};
19 use ty::{TyParam, TyRawPtr, TyRef, TyNever, TyTuple};
20 use ty::{TyClosure, TyGenerator, TyGeneratorWitness, TyForeign, TyProjection, TyAnon};
21 use ty::{TyDynamic, TyInt, TyUint, TyInfer};
22 use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable, GenericParamCount, GenericParamDefKind};
23 use util::nodemap::FxHashSet;
25 use std::cell::Cell;
26 use std::fmt;
27 use std::usize;
29 use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx;
30 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
31 use syntax::ast::CRATE_NODE_ID;
32 use syntax::symbol::{Symbol, InternedString};
33 use hir;
35 macro_rules! gen_display_debug_body {
36 ( $with:path ) => {
37 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
38 let mut cx = PrintContext::new();
39 $with(self, f, &mut cx)
40 }
41 };
42 }
43 macro_rules! gen_display_debug {
44 ( ($($x:tt)+) $target:ty, display yes ) => {
45 impl<$($x)+> fmt::Display for $target {
46 gen_display_debug_body! { Print::print_display }
47 }
48 };
49 ( () $target:ty, display yes ) => {
50 impl fmt::Display for $target {
51 gen_display_debug_body! { Print::print_display }
52 }
53 };
54 ( ($($x:tt)+) $target:ty, debug yes ) => {
55 impl<$($x)+> fmt::Debug for $target {
56 gen_display_debug_body! { Print::print_debug }
57 }
58 };
59 ( () $target:ty, debug yes ) => {
60 impl fmt::Debug for $target {
61 gen_display_debug_body! { Print::print_debug }
62 }
63 };
64 ( $generic:tt $target:ty, $t:ident no ) => {};
65 }
66 macro_rules! gen_print_impl {
67 ( ($($x:tt)+) $target:ty, ($self:ident, $f:ident, $cx:ident) $disp:block $dbg:block ) => {
68 impl<$($x)+> Print for $target {
69 fn print<F: fmt::Write>(&$self, $f: &mut F, $cx: &mut PrintContext) -> fmt::Result {
70 if $cx.is_debug $dbg
71 else $disp
72 }
73 }
74 };
75 ( () $target:ty, ($self:ident, $f:ident, $cx:ident) $disp:block $dbg:block ) => {
76 impl Print for $target {
77 fn print<F: fmt::Write>(&$self, $f: &mut F, $cx: &mut PrintContext) -> fmt::Result {
78 if $cx.is_debug $dbg
79 else $disp
80 }
81 }
82 };
83 ( $generic:tt $target:ty,
84 $vars:tt $gendisp:ident $disp:block $gendbg:ident $dbg:block ) => {
85 gen_print_impl! { $generic $target, $vars $disp $dbg }
86 gen_display_debug! { $generic $target, display $gendisp }
87 gen_display_debug! { $generic $target, debug $gendbg }
88 }
89 }
90 macro_rules! define_print {
91 ( $generic:tt $target:ty,
92 $vars:tt { display $disp:block debug $dbg:block } ) => {
93 gen_print_impl! { $generic $target, $vars yes $disp yes $dbg }
94 };
95 ( $generic:tt $target:ty,
96 $vars:tt { debug $dbg:block display $disp:block } ) => {
97 gen_print_impl! { $generic $target, $vars yes $disp yes $dbg }
98 };
99 ( $generic:tt $target:ty,
100 $vars:tt { debug $dbg:block } ) => {
101 gen_print_impl! { $generic $target, $vars no {
102 bug!(concat!("display not implemented for ", stringify!($target)));
103 } yes $dbg }
104 };
105 ( $generic:tt $target:ty,
106 ($self:ident, $f:ident, $cx:ident) { display $disp:block } ) => {
107 gen_print_impl! { $generic $target, ($self, $f, $cx) yes $disp no {
108 write!($f, "{:?}", $self)
109 } }
110 };
111 }
112 macro_rules! define_print_multi {
113 ( [ $($generic:tt $target:ty),* ] $vars:tt $def:tt ) => {
114 $(define_print! { $generic $target, $vars $def })*
115 };
116 }
117 macro_rules! print_inner {
118 ( $f:expr, $cx:expr, write ($($data:expr),+) ) => {
119 write!($f, $($data),+)
120 };
121 ( $f:expr, $cx:expr, $kind:ident ($data:expr) ) => {
122 $data.$kind($f, $cx)
123 };
124 }
125 macro_rules! print {
126 ( $f:expr, $cx:expr $(, $kind:ident $data:tt)+ ) => {
127 Ok(())$(.and_then(|_| print_inner!($f, $cx, $kind $data)))+
128 };
129 }
132 struct LateBoundRegionNameCollector(FxHashSet<InternedString>);
133 impl<'tcx> ty::fold::TypeVisitor<'tcx> for LateBoundRegionNameCollector {
134 fn visit_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> bool {
135 match *r {
136 ty::ReLateBound(_, ty::BrNamed(_, name)) => {
137 self.0.insert(name);
138 },
139 _ => {},
140 }
141 r.super_visit_with(self)
142 }
143 }
145 #[derive(Debug)]
146 pub struct PrintContext {
147 is_debug: bool,
148 is_verbose: bool,
149 identify_regions: bool,
150 used_region_names: Option<FxHashSet<InternedString>>,
151 region_index: usize,
152 binder_depth: usize,
153 }
154 impl PrintContext {
155 fn new() -> Self {
156 ty::tls::with_opt(|tcx| {
157 let (is_verbose, identify_regions) = tcx.map(
158 |tcx| (tcx.sess.verbose(), tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.identify_regions)
159 ).unwrap_or((false, false));
160 PrintContext {
161 is_debug: false,
162 is_verbose: is_verbose,
163 identify_regions: identify_regions,
164 used_region_names: None,
165 region_index: 0,
166 binder_depth: 0,
167 }
168 })
169 }
170 fn prepare_late_bound_region_info<'tcx, T>(&mut self, value: &ty::Binder<T>)
171 where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>
172 {
173 let mut collector = LateBoundRegionNameCollector(FxHashSet());
174 value.visit_with(&mut collector);
175 self.used_region_names = Some(collector.0);
176 self.region_index = 0;
177 }
178 }
180 pub trait Print {
181 fn print<F: fmt::Write>(&self, f: &mut F, cx: &mut PrintContext) -> fmt::Result;
182 fn print_to_string(&self, cx: &mut PrintContext) -> String {
183 let mut result = String::new();
184 let _ = self.print(&mut result, cx);
185 result
186 }
187 fn print_display<F: fmt::Write>(&self, f: &mut F, cx: &mut PrintContext) -> fmt::Result {
188 let old_debug = cx.is_debug;
189 cx.is_debug = false;
190 let result = self.print(f, cx);
191 cx.is_debug = old_debug;
192 result
193 }
194 fn print_display_to_string(&self, cx: &mut PrintContext) -> String {
195 let mut result = String::new();
196 let _ = self.print_display(&mut result, cx);
197 result
198 }
199 fn print_debug<F: fmt::Write>(&self, f: &mut F, cx: &mut PrintContext) -> fmt::Result {
200 let old_debug = cx.is_debug;
201 cx.is_debug = true;
202 let result = self.print(f, cx);
203 cx.is_debug = old_debug;
204 result
205 }
206 fn print_debug_to_string(&self, cx: &mut PrintContext) -> String {
207 let mut result = String::new();
208 let _ = self.print_debug(&mut result, cx);
209 result
210 }
211 }
213 impl PrintContext {
214 fn fn_sig<F: fmt::Write>(&mut self,
215 f: &mut F,
216 inputs: &[Ty],
217 variadic: bool,
218 output: Ty)
219 -> fmt::Result {
220 write!(f, "(")?;
221 let mut inputs = inputs.iter();
222 if let Some(&ty) = inputs.next() {
223 print!(f, self, print_display(ty))?;
224 for &ty in inputs {
225 print!(f, self, write(", "), print_display(ty))?;
226 }
227 if variadic {
228 write!(f, ", ...")?;
229 }
230 }
231 write!(f, ")")?;
232 if !output.is_nil() {
233 print!(f, self, write(" -> "), print_display(output))?;
234 }
236 Ok(())
237 }
239 fn parameterized<F: fmt::Write>(&mut self,
240 f: &mut F,
241 substs: &subst::Substs,
242 mut did: DefId,
243 projections: &[ty::ProjectionPredicate])
244 -> fmt::Result {
245 let key = ty::tls::with(|tcx| tcx.def_key(did));
246 let mut item_name = if let Some(name) = key.disambiguated_data.data.get_opt_name() {
247 Some(name)
248 } else {
249 did.index = key.parent.unwrap_or_else(
250 || bug!("finding type for {:?}, encountered def-id {:?} with no parent",
251 did, did));
252 self.parameterized(f, substs, did, projections)?;
253 return write!(f, "::{}", key.disambiguated_data.data.as_interned_str());
254 };
256 let verbose = self.is_verbose;
257 let mut num_supplied_defaults = 0;
258 let mut has_self = false;
259 let mut own_counts = GenericParamCount {
260 lifetimes: 0,
261 types: 0,
262 };
263 let mut is_value_path = false;
264 let fn_trait_kind = ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
265 // Unfortunately, some kinds of items (e.g., closures) don't have
266 // generics. So walk back up the find the closest parent that DOES
267 // have them.
268 let mut item_def_id = did;
269 loop {
270 let key = tcx.def_key(item_def_id);
271 match key.disambiguated_data.data {
272 DefPathData::AssocTypeInTrait(_) |
273 DefPathData::AssocTypeInImpl(_) |
274 DefPathData::Trait(_) |
275 DefPathData::TypeNs(_) => {
276 break;
277 }
278 DefPathData::ValueNs(_) |
279 DefPathData::EnumVariant(_) => {
280 is_value_path = true;
281 break;
282 }
283 DefPathData::CrateRoot |
284 DefPathData::Misc |
285 DefPathData::Impl |
286 DefPathData::Module(_) |
287 DefPathData::MacroDef(_) |
288 DefPathData::ClosureExpr |
289 DefPathData::TypeParam(_) |
290 DefPathData::LifetimeDef(_) |
291 DefPathData::Field(_) |
292 DefPathData::StructCtor |
293 DefPathData::AnonConst |
294 DefPathData::ExistentialImplTrait |
295 DefPathData::UniversalImplTrait |
296 DefPathData::GlobalMetaData(_) => {
297 // if we're making a symbol for something, there ought
298 // to be a value or type-def or something in there
299 // *somewhere*
300 item_def_id.index = key.parent.unwrap_or_else(|| {
301 bug!("finding type for {:?}, encountered def-id {:?} with no \
302 parent", did, item_def_id);
303 });
304 }
305 }
306 }
307 let mut generics = tcx.generics_of(item_def_id);
308 let child_own_counts = generics.own_counts();
309 let mut path_def_id = did;
310 has_self = generics.has_self;
312 let mut child_types = 0;
313 if let Some(def_id) = generics.parent {
314 // Methods.
315 assert!(is_value_path);
316 child_types = child_own_counts.types;
317 generics = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
318 own_counts = generics.own_counts();
320 if has_self {
321 print!(f, self, write("<"), print_display(substs.type_at(0)), write(" as "))?;
322 }
324 path_def_id = def_id;
325 } else {
326 item_name = None;
328 if is_value_path {
329 // Functions.
330 assert_eq!(has_self, false);
331 } else {
332 // Types and traits.
333 own_counts = child_own_counts;
334 }
335 }
337 if !verbose {
338 let mut type_params =
339 generics.params.iter().rev().filter_map(|param| {
340 match param.kind {
341 GenericParamDefKind::Type { has_default, .. } => {
342 Some((param.def_id, has_default))
343 }
344 GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => None,
345 }
346 }).peekable();
347 let has_default = {
348 let has_default = type_params.peek().map(|(_, has_default)| has_default);
349 *has_default.unwrap_or(&false)
350 };
351 if has_default {
352 if let Some(substs) = tcx.lift(&substs) {
353 let mut types = substs.types().rev().skip(child_types);
354 for ((def_id, has_default), actual) in type_params.zip(types) {
355 if !has_default {
356 break;
357 }
358 if tcx.type_of(def_id).subst(tcx, substs) != actual {
359 break;
360 }
361 num_supplied_defaults += 1;
362 }
363 }
364 }
365 }
367 print!(f, self, write("{}", tcx.item_path_str(path_def_id)))?;
368 Ok(tcx.lang_items().fn_trait_kind(path_def_id))
369 })?;
371 if !verbose && fn_trait_kind.is_some() && projections.len() == 1 {
372 let projection_ty = projections[0].ty;
373 if let TyTuple(ref args) = substs.type_at(1).sty {
374 return self.fn_sig(f, args, false, projection_ty);
375 }
376 }
378 let empty = Cell::new(true);
379 let start_or_continue = |f: &mut F, start: &str, cont: &str| {
380 if empty.get() {
381 empty.set(false);
382 write!(f, "{}", start)
383 } else {
384 write!(f, "{}", cont)
385 }
386 };
388 let print_regions = |f: &mut F, start: &str, skip, count| {
389 // Don't print any regions if they're all erased.
390 let regions = || substs.regions().skip(skip).take(count);
391 if regions().all(|r: ty::Region| *r == ty::ReErased) {
392 return Ok(());
393 }
395 for region in regions() {
396 let region: ty::Region = region;
397 start_or_continue(f, start, ", ")?;
398 if verbose {
399 write!(f, "{:?}", region)?;
400 } else {
401 let s = region.to_string();
402 if s.is_empty() {
403 // This happens when the value of the region
404 // parameter is not easily serialized. This may be
405 // because the user omitted it in the first place,
406 // or because it refers to some block in the code,
407 // etc. I'm not sure how best to serialize this.
408 write!(f, "'_")?;
409 } else {
410 write!(f, "{}", s)?;
411 }
412 }
413 }
415 Ok(())
416 };
418 print_regions(f, "<", 0, own_counts.lifetimes)?;
420 let tps = substs.types()
421 .take(own_counts.types - num_supplied_defaults)
422 .skip(has_self as usize);
424 for ty in tps {
425 start_or_continue(f, "<", ", ")?;
426 ty.print_display(f, self)?;
427 }
429 for projection in projections {
430 start_or_continue(f, "<", ", ")?;
431 ty::tls::with(|tcx|
432 print!(f, self,
433 write("{}=",
434 tcx.associated_item(projection.projection_ty.item_def_id).name),
435 print_display(projection.ty))
436 )?;
437 }
439 start_or_continue(f, "", ">")?;
441 // For values, also print their name and type parameters.
442 if is_value_path {
443 empty.set(true);
445 if has_self {
446 write!(f, ">")?;
447 }
449 if let Some(item_name) = item_name {
450 write!(f, "::{}", item_name)?;
451 }
453 print_regions(f, "::<", own_counts.lifetimes, usize::MAX)?;
455 // FIXME: consider being smart with defaults here too
456 for ty in substs.types().skip(own_counts.types) {
457 start_or_continue(f, "::<", ", ")?;
458 ty.print_display(f, self)?;
459 }
461 start_or_continue(f, "", ">")?;
462 }
464 Ok(())
465 }
467 fn in_binder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx, T, U, F>(&mut self,
468 f: &mut F,
469 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
470 original: &ty::Binder<T>,
471 lifted: Option<ty::Binder<U>>) -> fmt::Result
472 where T: Print, U: Print + TypeFoldable<'tcx>, F: fmt::Write
473 {
474 fn name_by_region_index(index: usize) -> InternedString {
475 match index {
476 0 => Symbol::intern("'r"),
477 1 => Symbol::intern("'s"),
478 i => Symbol::intern(&format!("'t{}", i-2)),
479 }.as_interned_str()
480 }
482 // Replace any anonymous late-bound regions with named
483 // variants, using gensym'd identifiers, so that we can
484 // clearly differentiate between named and unnamed regions in
485 // the output. We'll probably want to tweak this over time to
486 // decide just how much information to give.
487 let value = if let Some(v) = lifted {
488 v
489 } else {
490 return original.skip_binder().print_display(f, self);
491 };
493 if self.binder_depth == 0 {
494 self.prepare_late_bound_region_info(&value);
495 }
497 let mut empty = true;
498 let mut start_or_continue = |f: &mut F, start: &str, cont: &str| {
499 if empty {
500 empty = false;
501 write!(f, "{}", start)
502 } else {
503 write!(f, "{}", cont)
504 }
505 };
507 let old_region_index = self.region_index;
508 let mut region_index = old_region_index;
509 let new_value = tcx.replace_late_bound_regions(&value, |br| {
510 let _ = start_or_continue(f, "for<", ", ");
511 let br = match br {
512 ty::BrNamed(_, name) => {
513 let _ = write!(f, "{}", name);
514 br
515 }
516 ty::BrAnon(_) |
517 ty::BrFresh(_) |
518 ty::BrEnv => {
519 let name = loop {
520 let name = name_by_region_index(region_index);
521 region_index += 1;
522 if !self.is_name_used(&name) {
523 break name;
524 }
525 };
526 let _ = write!(f, "{}", name);
527 ty::BrNamed(tcx.hir.local_def_id(CRATE_NODE_ID), name)
528 }
529 };
530 tcx.mk_region(ty::ReLateBound(ty::INNERMOST, br))
531 }).0;
532 start_or_continue(f, "", "> ")?;
534 // Push current state to gcx, and restore after writing new_value.
535 self.binder_depth += 1;
536 self.region_index = region_index;
537 let result = new_value.print_display(f, self);
538 self.region_index = old_region_index;
539 self.binder_depth -= 1;
540 result
541 }
543 fn is_name_used(&self, name: &InternedString) -> bool {
544 match self.used_region_names {
545 Some(ref names) => names.contains(name),
546 None => false,
547 }
548 }
549 }
551 pub fn verbose() -> bool {
552 ty::tls::with(|tcx| tcx.sess.verbose())
553 }
555 pub fn identify_regions() -> bool {
556 ty::tls::with(|tcx| tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.identify_regions)
557 }
559 pub fn parameterized<F: fmt::Write>(f: &mut F,
560 substs: &subst::Substs,
561 did: DefId,
562 projections: &[ty::ProjectionPredicate])
563 -> fmt::Result {
564 PrintContext::new().parameterized(f, substs, did, projections)
565 }
568 impl<'a, T: Print> Print for &'a T {
569 fn print<F: fmt::Write>(&self, f: &mut F, cx: &mut PrintContext) -> fmt::Result {
570 (*self).print(f, cx)
571 }
572 }
574 define_print! {
575 ('tcx) &'tcx ty::Slice<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>, (self, f, cx) {
576 display {
577 // Generate the main trait ref, including associated types.
578 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
579 // Use a type that can't appear in defaults of type parameters.
580 let dummy_self = tcx.mk_infer(ty::FreshTy(0));
582 if let Some(p) = self.principal() {
583 let principal = tcx.lift(&p).expect("could not lift TraitRef for printing")
584 .with_self_ty(tcx, dummy_self);
585 let projections = self.projection_bounds().map(|p| {
586 tcx.lift(&p)
587 .expect("could not lift projection for printing")
588 .with_self_ty(tcx, dummy_self)
589 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
590 cx.parameterized(f, principal.substs, principal.def_id, &projections)?;
591 }
593 // Builtin bounds.
594 for did in self.auto_traits() {
595 write!(f, " + {}", tcx.item_path_str(did))?;
596 }
598 Ok(())
599 })?;
601 Ok(())
602 }
603 }
604 }
606 impl fmt::Debug for ty::GenericParamDef {
607 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
608 let type_name = match self.kind {
609 ty::GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => "Lifetime",
610 ty::GenericParamDefKind::Type {..} => "Type",
611 };
612 write!(f, "{}({}, {:?}, {})",
613 type_name,
614 self.name,
615 self.def_id,
616 self.index)
617 }
618 }
620 impl fmt::Debug for ty::TraitDef {
621 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
622 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
623 write!(f, "{}", tcx.item_path_str(self.def_id))
624 })
625 }
626 }
628 impl fmt::Debug for ty::AdtDef {
629 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
630 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
631 write!(f, "{}", tcx.item_path_str(self.did))
632 })
633 }
634 }
636 impl<'tcx> fmt::Debug for ty::ClosureUpvar<'tcx> {
637 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
638 write!(f, "ClosureUpvar({:?},{:?})",
639 self.def,
640 self.ty)
641 }
642 }
644 impl fmt::Debug for ty::UpvarId {
645 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
646 write!(f, "UpvarId({:?};`{}`;{:?})",
647 self.var_id,
648 ty::tls::with(|tcx| tcx.hir.name(tcx.hir.hir_to_node_id(self.var_id))),
649 self.closure_expr_id)
650 }
651 }
653 impl<'tcx> fmt::Debug for ty::UpvarBorrow<'tcx> {
654 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
655 write!(f, "UpvarBorrow({:?}, {:?})",
656 self.kind, self.region)
657 }
658 }
660 define_print! {
661 ('tcx) &'tcx ty::Slice<Ty<'tcx>>, (self, f, cx) {
662 display {
663 write!(f, "{{")?;
664 let mut tys = self.iter();
665 if let Some(&ty) = tys.next() {
666 print!(f, cx, print(ty))?;
667 for &ty in tys {
668 print!(f, cx, write(", "), print(ty))?;
669 }
670 }
671 write!(f, "}}")
672 }
673 }
674 }
676 define_print! {
677 ('tcx) ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
678 display {
679 print!(f, cx,
680 write("{}", if self.mutbl == hir::MutMutable { "mut " } else { "" }),
681 print(self.ty))
682 }
683 }
684 }
686 define_print! {
687 ('tcx) ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
688 debug {
689 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
690 let dummy_self = tcx.mk_infer(ty::FreshTy(0));
692 let trait_ref = *tcx.lift(&ty::Binder::bind(*self))
693 .expect("could not lift TraitRef for printing")
694 .with_self_ty(tcx, dummy_self).skip_binder();
695 cx.parameterized(f, trait_ref.substs, trait_ref.def_id, &[])
696 })
697 }
698 }
699 }
701 define_print! {
702 ('tcx) ty::adjustment::Adjustment<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
703 debug {
704 print!(f, cx, write("{:?} -> ", self.kind), print(self.target))
705 }
706 }
707 }
709 define_print! {
710 () ty::BoundRegion, (self, f, cx) {
711 display {
712 if cx.is_verbose {
713 return self.print_debug(f, cx);
714 }
716 match *self {
717 BrNamed(_, name) => write!(f, "{}", name),
718 BrAnon(_) | BrFresh(_) | BrEnv => Ok(())
719 }
720 }
721 debug {
722 return match *self {
723 BrAnon(n) => write!(f, "BrAnon({:?})", n),
724 BrFresh(n) => write!(f, "BrFresh({:?})", n),
725 BrNamed(did, name) => {
726 write!(f, "BrNamed({:?}:{:?}, {})",
727 did.krate, did.index, name)
728 }
729 BrEnv => write!(f, "BrEnv"),
730 };
731 }
732 }
733 }
735 define_print! {
736 () ty::RegionKind, (self, f, cx) {
737 display {
738 if cx.is_verbose {
739 return self.print_debug(f, cx);
740 }
742 // These printouts are concise. They do not contain all the information
743 // the user might want to diagnose an error, but there is basically no way
744 // to fit that into a short string. Hence the recommendation to use
745 // `explain_region()` or `note_and_explain_region()`.
746 match *self {
747 ty::ReEarlyBound(ref data) => {
748 write!(f, "{}", data.name)
749 }
750 ty::ReCanonical(_) => {
751 write!(f, "'_")
752 }
753 ty::ReLateBound(_, br) |
754 ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion { bound_region: br, .. }) |
755 ty::ReSkolemized(_, br) => {
756 write!(f, "{}", br)
757 }
758 ty::ReScope(scope) if cx.identify_regions => {
759 match scope.data() {
760 region::ScopeData::Node(id) =>
761 write!(f, "'{}s", id.as_usize()),
762 region::ScopeData::CallSite(id) =>
763 write!(f, "'{}cs", id.as_usize()),
764 region::ScopeData::Arguments(id) =>
765 write!(f, "'{}as", id.as_usize()),
766 region::ScopeData::Destruction(id) =>
767 write!(f, "'{}ds", id.as_usize()),
768 region::ScopeData::Remainder(BlockRemainder
769 { block, first_statement_index }) =>
770 write!(f, "'{}_{}rs", block.as_usize(), first_statement_index.index()),
771 }
772 }
773 ty::ReVar(region_vid) if cx.identify_regions => {
774 write!(f, "'{}rv", region_vid.index())
775 }
776 ty::ReScope(_) |
777 ty::ReVar(_) |
778 ty::ReErased => Ok(()),
779 ty::ReStatic => write!(f, "'static"),
780 ty::ReEmpty => write!(f, "'<empty>"),
782 // The user should never encounter these in unsubstituted form.
783 ty::ReClosureBound(vid) => write!(f, "{:?}", vid),
784 }
785 }
786 debug {
787 match *self {
788 ty::ReEarlyBound(ref data) => {
789 write!(f, "ReEarlyBound({}, {})",
790 data.index,
791 data.name)
792 }
794 ty::ReClosureBound(ref vid) => {
795 write!(f, "ReClosureBound({:?})",
796 vid)
797 }
799 ty::ReLateBound(binder_id, ref bound_region) => {
800 write!(f, "ReLateBound({:?}, {:?})",
801 binder_id,
802 bound_region)
803 }
805 ty::ReFree(ref fr) => write!(f, "{:?}", fr),
807 ty::ReScope(id) => {
808 write!(f, "ReScope({:?})", id)
809 }
811 ty::ReStatic => write!(f, "ReStatic"),
813 ty::ReVar(ref vid) => {
814 write!(f, "{:?}", vid)
815 }
817 ty::ReCanonical(c) => {
818 write!(f, "'?{}", c.index())
819 }
821 ty::ReSkolemized(universe, ref bound_region) => {
822 write!(f, "ReSkolemized({:?}, {:?})", universe, bound_region)
823 }
825 ty::ReEmpty => write!(f, "ReEmpty"),
827 ty::ReErased => write!(f, "ReErased")
828 }
829 }
830 }
831 }
833 define_print! {
834 () ty::FreeRegion, (self, f, cx) {
835 debug {
836 write!(f, "ReFree({:?}, {:?})", self.scope, self.bound_region)
837 }
838 }
839 }
841 define_print! {
842 () ty::Variance, (self, f, cx) {
843 debug {
844 f.write_str(match *self {
845 ty::Covariant => "+",
846 ty::Contravariant => "-",
847 ty::Invariant => "o",
848 ty::Bivariant => "*",
849 })
850 }
851 }
852 }
854 define_print! {
855 ('tcx) ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
856 debug {
857 write!(f, "GenericPredicates({:?})", self.predicates)
858 }
859 }
860 }
862 define_print! {
863 ('tcx) ty::InstantiatedPredicates<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
864 debug {
865 write!(f, "InstantiatedPredicates({:?})", self.predicates)
866 }
867 }
868 }
870 define_print! {
871 ('tcx) ty::FnSig<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
872 display {
873 if self.unsafety == hir::Unsafety::Unsafe {
874 write!(f, "unsafe ")?;
875 }
877 if self.abi != Abi::Rust {
878 write!(f, "extern {} ", self.abi)?;
879 }
881 write!(f, "fn")?;
882 cx.fn_sig(f, self.inputs(), self.variadic, self.output())
883 }
884 debug {
885 write!(f, "({:?}; variadic: {})->{:?}", self.inputs(), self.variadic, self.output())
886 }
887 }
888 }
890 impl fmt::Debug for ty::TyVid {
891 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
892 write!(f, "_#{}t", self.index)
893 }
894 }
896 impl fmt::Debug for ty::IntVid {
897 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
898 write!(f, "_#{}i", self.index)
899 }
900 }
902 impl fmt::Debug for ty::FloatVid {
903 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
904 write!(f, "_#{}f", self.index)
905 }
906 }
908 impl fmt::Debug for ty::RegionVid {
909 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
910 write!(f, "'_#{}r", self.index())
911 }
912 }
914 define_print! {
915 () ty::InferTy, (self, f, cx) {
916 display {
917 if cx.is_verbose {
918 print!(f, cx, print_debug(self))
919 } else {
920 match *self {
921 ty::TyVar(_) => write!(f, "_"),
922 ty::IntVar(_) => write!(f, "{}", "{integer}"),
923 ty::FloatVar(_) => write!(f, "{}", "{float}"),
924 ty::CanonicalTy(_) => write!(f, "_"),
925 ty::FreshTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshTy({})", v),
926 ty::FreshIntTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshIntTy({})", v),
927 ty::FreshFloatTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshFloatTy({})", v)
928 }
929 }
930 }
931 debug {
932 match *self {
933 ty::TyVar(ref v) => write!(f, "{:?}", v),
934 ty::IntVar(ref v) => write!(f, "{:?}", v),
935 ty::FloatVar(ref v) => write!(f, "{:?}", v),
936 ty::CanonicalTy(v) => write!(f, "?{:?}", v.index()),
937 ty::FreshTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshTy({:?})", v),
938 ty::FreshIntTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshIntTy({:?})", v),
939 ty::FreshFloatTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshFloatTy({:?})", v)
940 }
941 }
942 }
943 }
945 impl fmt::Debug for ty::IntVarValue {
946 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
947 match *self {
948 ty::IntType(ref v) => v.fmt(f),
949 ty::UintType(ref v) => v.fmt(f),
950 }
951 }
952 }
954 impl fmt::Debug for ty::FloatVarValue {
955 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
956 self.0.fmt(f)
957 }
958 }
960 // The generic impl doesn't work yet because projections are not
961 // normalized under HRTB.
962 /*impl<T> fmt::Display for ty::Binder<T>
963 where T: fmt::Display + for<'a> ty::Lift<'a>,
964 for<'a> <T as ty::Lift<'a>>::Lifted: fmt::Display + TypeFoldable<'a>
965 {
966 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
967 ty::tls::with(|tcx| in_binder(f, tcx, self, tcx.lift(self)))
968 }
969 }*/
971 define_print_multi! {
972 [
973 ('tcx) ty::Binder<&'tcx ty::Slice<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>>,
974 ('tcx) ty::Binder<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
975 ('tcx) ty::Binder<ty::FnSig<'tcx>>,
976 ('tcx) ty::Binder<ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx>>,
977 ('tcx) ty::Binder<ty::SubtypePredicate<'tcx>>,
978 ('tcx) ty::Binder<ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>>,
979 ('tcx) ty::Binder<ty::OutlivesPredicate<Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>>>,
980 ('tcx) ty::Binder<ty::OutlivesPredicate<ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>>>
981 ]
982 (self, f, cx) {
983 display {
984 ty::tls::with(|tcx| cx.in_binder(f, tcx, self, tcx.lift(self)))
985 }
986 }
987 }
989 define_print! {
990 ('tcx) ty::TraitRef<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
991 display {
992 cx.parameterized(f, self.substs, self.def_id, &[])
993 }
994 debug {
995 // when printing out the debug representation, we don't need
996 // to enumerate the `for<...>` etc because the debruijn index
997 // tells you everything you need to know.
998 print!(f, cx,
999 write("<"),
1000 print(self.self_ty()),
1001 write(" as "))?;
1002 cx.parameterized(f, self.substs, self.def_id, &[])?;
1003 write!(f, ">")
1004 }
1005 }
1006 }
1008 define_print! {
1009 ('tcx) ty::TypeVariants<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
1010 display {
1011 match *self {
1012 TyBool => write!(f, "bool"),
1013 TyChar => write!(f, "char"),
1014 TyInt(t) => write!(f, "{}", t.ty_to_string()),
1015 TyUint(t) => write!(f, "{}", t.ty_to_string()),
1016 TyFloat(t) => write!(f, "{}", t.ty_to_string()),
1017 TyRawPtr(ref tm) => {
1018 write!(f, "*{} ", match tm.mutbl {
1019 hir::MutMutable => "mut",
1020 hir::MutImmutable => "const",
1021 })?;
1022 tm.ty.print(f, cx)
1023 }
1024 TyRef(r, ty, mutbl) => {
1025 write!(f, "&")?;
1026 let s = r.print_to_string(cx);
1027 write!(f, "{}", s)?;
1028 if !s.is_empty() {
1029 write!(f, " ")?;
1030 }
1031 ty::TypeAndMut { ty, mutbl }.print(f, cx)
1032 }
1033 TyNever => write!(f, "!"),
1034 TyTuple(ref tys) => {
1035 write!(f, "(")?;
1036 let mut tys = tys.iter();
1037 if let Some(&ty) = tys.next() {
1038 print!(f, cx, print(ty), write(","))?;
1039 if let Some(&ty) = tys.next() {
1040 print!(f, cx, write(" "), print(ty))?;
1041 for &ty in tys {
1042 print!(f, cx, write(", "), print(ty))?;
1043 }
1044 }
1045 }
1046 write!(f, ")")
1047 }
1048 TyFnDef(def_id, substs) => {
1049 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
1050 let mut sig = tcx.fn_sig(def_id);
1051 if let Some(substs) = tcx.lift(&substs) {
1052 sig = sig.subst(tcx, substs);
1053 }
1054 print!(f, cx, print(sig), write(" {{"))
1055 })?;
1056 cx.parameterized(f, substs, def_id, &[])?;
1057 write!(f, "}}")
1058 }
1059 TyFnPtr(ref bare_fn) => {
1060 bare_fn.print(f, cx)
1061 }
1062 TyInfer(infer_ty) => write!(f, "{}", infer_ty),
1063 TyError => write!(f, "[type error]"),
1064 TyParam(ref param_ty) => write!(f, "{}", param_ty),
1065 TyAdt(def, substs) => cx.parameterized(f, substs, def.did, &[]),
1066 TyDynamic(data, r) => {
1067 data.print(f, cx)?;
1068 let r = r.print_to_string(cx);
1069 if !r.is_empty() {
1070 write!(f, " + {}", r)
1071 } else {
1072 Ok(())
1073 }
1074 }
1075 TyForeign(def_id) => parameterized(f, subst::Substs::empty(), def_id, &[]),
1076 TyProjection(ref data) => data.print(f, cx),
1077 TyAnon(def_id, substs) => {
1078 if cx.is_verbose {
1079 return write!(f, "TyAnon({:?}, {:?})", def_id, substs);
1080 }
1082 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
1083 // Grab the "TraitA + TraitB" from `impl TraitA + TraitB`,
1084 // by looking up the projections associated with the def_id.
1085 let predicates_of = tcx.predicates_of(def_id);
1086 let substs = tcx.lift(&substs).unwrap_or_else(|| {
1087 tcx.intern_substs(&[])
1088 });
1089 let bounds = predicates_of.instantiate(tcx, substs);
1091 let mut first = true;
1092 let mut is_sized = false;
1093 write!(f, "impl")?;
1094 for predicate in bounds.predicates {
1095 if let Some(trait_ref) = predicate.to_opt_poly_trait_ref() {
1096 // Don't print +Sized, but rather +?Sized if absent.
1097 if Some(trait_ref.def_id()) == tcx.lang_items().sized_trait() {
1098 is_sized = true;
1099 continue;
1100 }
1102 print!(f, cx,
1103 write("{}", if first { " " } else { "+" }),
1104 print(trait_ref))?;
1105 first = false;
1106 }
1107 }
1108 if !is_sized {
1109 write!(f, "{}?Sized", if first { " " } else { "+" })?;
1110 }
1111 Ok(())
1112 })
1113 }
1114 TyStr => write!(f, "str"),
1115 TyGenerator(did, substs, movability) => ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
1116 let upvar_tys = substs.upvar_tys(did, tcx);
1117 let witness = substs.witness(did, tcx);
1118 if movability == hir::GeneratorMovability::Movable {
1119 write!(f, "[generator")?;
1120 } else {
1121 write!(f, "[static generator")?;
1122 }
1124 if let Some(node_id) = tcx.hir.as_local_node_id(did) {
1125 write!(f, "@{:?}", tcx.hir.span(node_id))?;
1126 let mut sep = " ";
1127 tcx.with_freevars(node_id, |freevars| {
1128 for (freevar, upvar_ty) in freevars.iter().zip(upvar_tys) {
1129 print!(f, cx,
1130 write("{}{}:",
1131 sep,
1132 tcx.hir.name(freevar.var_id())),
1133 print(upvar_ty))?;
1134 sep = ", ";
1135 }
1136 Ok(())
1137 })?
1138 } else {
1139 // cross-crate closure types should only be
1140 // visible in codegen bug reports, I imagine.
1141 write!(f, "@{:?}", did)?;
1142 let mut sep = " ";
1143 for (index, upvar_ty) in upvar_tys.enumerate() {
1144 print!(f, cx,
1145 write("{}{}:", sep, index),
1146 print(upvar_ty))?;
1147 sep = ", ";
1148 }
1149 }
1151 print!(f, cx, write(" "), print(witness), write("]"))
1152 }),
1153 TyGeneratorWitness(types) => {
1154 ty::tls::with(|tcx| cx.in_binder(f, tcx, &types, tcx.lift(&types)))
1155 }
1156 TyClosure(did, substs) => ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
1157 let upvar_tys = substs.upvar_tys(did, tcx);
1158 write!(f, "[closure")?;
1160 if let Some(node_id) = tcx.hir.as_local_node_id(did) {
1161 if tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.span_free_formats {
1162 write!(f, "@{:?}", node_id)?;
1163 } else {
1164 write!(f, "@{:?}", tcx.hir.span(node_id))?;
1165 }
1166 let mut sep = " ";
1167 tcx.with_freevars(node_id, |freevars| {
1168 for (freevar, upvar_ty) in freevars.iter().zip(upvar_tys) {
1169 print!(f, cx,
1170 write("{}{}:",
1171 sep,
1172 tcx.hir.name(freevar.var_id())),
1173 print(upvar_ty))?;
1174 sep = ", ";
1175 }
1176 Ok(())
1177 })?
1178 } else {
1179 // cross-crate closure types should only be
1180 // visible in codegen bug reports, I imagine.
1181 write!(f, "@{:?}", did)?;
1182 let mut sep = " ";
1183 for (index, upvar_ty) in upvar_tys.enumerate() {
1184 print!(f, cx,
1185 write("{}{}:", sep, index),
1186 print(upvar_ty))?;
1187 sep = ", ";
1188 }
1189 }
1191 write!(f, "]")
1192 }),
1193 TyArray(ty, sz) => {
1194 print!(f, cx, write("["), print(ty), write("; "))?;
1195 match sz.val {
1196 ConstVal::Value(..) => ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
1197 write!(f, "{}", sz.unwrap_usize(tcx))
1198 })?,
1199 ConstVal::Unevaluated(_def_id, _substs) => {
1200 write!(f, "_")?;
1201 }
1202 }
1203 write!(f, "]")
1204 }
1205 TySlice(ty) => {
1206 print!(f, cx, write("["), print(ty), write("]"))
1207 }
1208 }
1209 }
1210 }
1211 }
1213 define_print! {
1214 ('tcx) ty::TyS<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
1215 display {
1216 self.sty.print(f, cx)
1217 }
1218 debug {
1219 self.sty.print_display(f, cx)
1220 }
1221 }
1222 }
1224 define_print! {
1225 () ty::ParamTy, (self, f, cx) {
1226 display {
1227 write!(f, "{}", self.name)
1228 }
1229 debug {
1230 write!(f, "{}/#{}", self.name, self.idx)
1231 }
1232 }
1233 }
1235 define_print! {
1236 ('tcx, T: Print + fmt::Debug, U: Print + fmt::Debug) ty::OutlivesPredicate<T, U>,
1237 (self, f, cx) {
1238 display {
1239 print!(f, cx, print(self.0), write(" : "), print(self.1))
1240 }
1241 }
1242 }
1244 define_print! {
1245 ('tcx) ty::SubtypePredicate<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
1246 display {
1247 print!(f, cx, print(self.a), write(" <: "), print(self.b))
1248 }
1249 }
1250 }
1252 define_print! {
1253 ('tcx) ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
1254 debug {
1255 write!(f, "TraitPredicate({:?})",
1256 self.trait_ref)
1257 }
1258 display {
1259 print!(f, cx, print(self.trait_ref.self_ty()), write(": "), print(self.trait_ref))
1260 }
1261 }
1262 }
1264 define_print! {
1265 ('tcx) ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
1266 debug {
1267 print!(f, cx,
1268 write("ProjectionPredicate("),
1269 print(self.projection_ty),
1270 write(", "),
1271 print(self.ty),
1272 write(")"))
1273 }
1274 display {
1275 print!(f, cx, print(self.projection_ty), write(" == "), print(self.ty))
1276 }
1277 }
1278 }
1280 define_print! {
1281 ('tcx) ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
1282 display {
1283 // FIXME(tschottdorf): use something like
1284 // parameterized(f, self.substs, self.item_def_id, &[])
1285 // (which currently ICEs).
1286 let (trait_ref, item_name) = ty::tls::with(|tcx|
1287 (self.trait_ref(tcx), tcx.associated_item(self.item_def_id).name)
1288 );
1289 print!(f, cx, print_debug(trait_ref), write("::{}", item_name))
1290 }
1291 }
1292 }
1294 define_print! {
1295 () ty::ClosureKind, (self, f, cx) {
1296 display {
1297 match *self {
1298 ty::ClosureKind::Fn => write!(f, "Fn"),
1299 ty::ClosureKind::FnMut => write!(f, "FnMut"),
1300 ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce => write!(f, "FnOnce"),
1301 }
1302 }
1303 }
1304 }
1306 define_print! {
1307 ('tcx) ty::Predicate<'tcx>, (self, f, cx) {
1308 display {
1309 match *self {
1310 ty::Predicate::Trait(ref data) => data.print(f, cx),
1311 ty::Predicate::Subtype(ref predicate) => predicate.print(f, cx),
1312 ty::Predicate::RegionOutlives(ref predicate) => predicate.print(f, cx),
1313 ty::Predicate::TypeOutlives(ref predicate) => predicate.print(f, cx),
1314 ty::Predicate::Projection(ref predicate) => predicate.print(f, cx),
1315 ty::Predicate::WellFormed(ty) => print!(f, cx, print(ty), write(" well-formed")),
1316 ty::Predicate::ObjectSafe(trait_def_id) =>
1317 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
1318 write!(f, "the trait `{}` is object-safe", tcx.item_path_str(trait_def_id))
1319 }),
1320 ty::Predicate::ClosureKind(closure_def_id, _closure_substs, kind) =>
1321 ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
1322 write!(f, "the closure `{}` implements the trait `{}`",
1323 tcx.item_path_str(closure_def_id), kind)
1324 }),
1325 ty::Predicate::ConstEvaluatable(def_id, substs) => {
1326 write!(f, "the constant `")?;
1327 cx.parameterized(f, substs, def_id, &[])?;
1328 write!(f, "` can be evaluated")
1329 }
1330 }
1331 }
1332 debug {
1333 match *self {
1334 ty::Predicate::Trait(ref a) => a.print(f, cx),
1335 ty::Predicate::Subtype(ref pair) => pair.print(f, cx),
1336 ty::Predicate::RegionOutlives(ref pair) => pair.print(f, cx),
1337 ty::Predicate::TypeOutlives(ref pair) => pair.print(f, cx),
1338 ty::Predicate::Projection(ref pair) => pair.print(f, cx),
1339 ty::Predicate::WellFormed(ty) => ty.print(f, cx),
1340 ty::Predicate::ObjectSafe(trait_def_id) => {
1341 write!(f, "ObjectSafe({:?})", trait_def_id)
1342 }
1343 ty::Predicate::ClosureKind(closure_def_id, closure_substs, kind) => {
1344 write!(f, "ClosureKind({:?}, {:?}, {:?})", closure_def_id, closure_substs, kind)
1345 }
1346 ty::Predicate::ConstEvaluatable(def_id, substs) => {
1347 write!(f, "ConstEvaluatable({:?}, {:?})", def_id, substs)
1348 }
1349 }
1350 }
1351 }
1352 }