]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_codegen_llvm/back/lto.rs
New upstream version 1.45.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_codegen_llvm / back / lto.rs
1 use crate::back::write::{
2 self, save_temp_bitcode, to_llvm_opt_settings, with_llvm_pmb, DiagnosticHandlers,
3 };
4 use crate::llvm::archive_ro::ArchiveRO;
5 use crate::llvm::{self, False, True};
6 use crate::{LlvmCodegenBackend, ModuleLlvm};
7 use log::{debug, info};
8 use rustc_codegen_ssa::back::lto::{LtoModuleCodegen, SerializedModule, ThinModule, ThinShared};
9 use rustc_codegen_ssa::back::symbol_export;
10 use rustc_codegen_ssa::back::write::{CodegenContext, FatLTOInput, ModuleConfig};
11 use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::*;
12 use rustc_codegen_ssa::{looks_like_rust_object_file, ModuleCodegen, ModuleKind};
13 use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
14 use rustc_errors::{FatalError, Handler};
15 use rustc_hir::def_id::LOCAL_CRATE;
16 use rustc_middle::bug;
17 use rustc_middle::dep_graph::WorkProduct;
18 use rustc_middle::middle::exported_symbols::SymbolExportLevel;
19 use rustc_session::cgu_reuse_tracker::CguReuse;
20 use rustc_session::config::{self, CrateType, Lto};
22 use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
23 use std::fs::File;
24 use std::io;
25 use std::mem;
26 use std::path::Path;
27 use std::ptr;
28 use std::slice;
29 use std::sync::Arc;
31 /// We keep track of past LTO imports that were used to produce the current set
32 /// of compiled object files that we might choose to reuse during this
33 /// compilation session.
34 pub const THIN_LTO_IMPORTS_INCR_COMP_FILE_NAME: &str = "thin-lto-past-imports.bin";
36 pub fn crate_type_allows_lto(crate_type: CrateType) -> bool {
37 match crate_type {
38 CrateType::Executable | CrateType::Staticlib | CrateType::Cdylib => true,
39 CrateType::Dylib | CrateType::Rlib | CrateType::ProcMacro => false,
40 }
41 }
43 fn prepare_lto(
44 cgcx: &CodegenContext<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
45 diag_handler: &Handler,
46 ) -> Result<(Vec<CString>, Vec<(SerializedModule<ModuleBuffer>, CString)>), FatalError> {
47 let export_threshold = match cgcx.lto {
48 // We're just doing LTO for our one crate
49 Lto::ThinLocal => SymbolExportLevel::Rust,
51 // We're doing LTO for the entire crate graph
52 Lto::Fat | Lto::Thin => symbol_export::crates_export_threshold(&cgcx.crate_types),
54 Lto::No => panic!("didn't request LTO but we're doing LTO"),
55 };
57 let symbol_filter = &|&(ref name, level): &(String, SymbolExportLevel)| {
58 if level.is_below_threshold(export_threshold) {
59 Some(CString::new(name.as_str()).unwrap())
60 } else {
61 None
62 }
63 };
64 let exported_symbols = cgcx.exported_symbols.as_ref().expect("needs exported symbols for LTO");
65 let mut symbol_white_list = {
66 let _timer = cgcx.prof.generic_activity("LLVM_lto_generate_symbol_white_list");
67 exported_symbols[&LOCAL_CRATE].iter().filter_map(symbol_filter).collect::<Vec<CString>>()
68 };
69 info!("{} symbols to preserve in this crate", symbol_white_list.len());
71 // If we're performing LTO for the entire crate graph, then for each of our
72 // upstream dependencies, find the corresponding rlib and load the bitcode
73 // from the archive.
74 //
75 // We save off all the bytecode and LLVM module ids for later processing
76 // with either fat or thin LTO
77 let mut upstream_modules = Vec::new();
78 if cgcx.lto != Lto::ThinLocal {
79 if cgcx.opts.cg.prefer_dynamic {
80 diag_handler
81 .struct_err("cannot prefer dynamic linking when performing LTO")
82 .note(
83 "only 'staticlib', 'bin', and 'cdylib' outputs are \
84 supported with LTO",
85 )
86 .emit();
87 return Err(FatalError);
88 }
90 // Make sure we actually can run LTO
91 for crate_type in cgcx.crate_types.iter() {
92 if !crate_type_allows_lto(*crate_type) {
93 let e = diag_handler.fatal(
94 "lto can only be run for executables, cdylibs and \
95 static library outputs",
96 );
97 return Err(e);
98 }
99 }
101 for &(cnum, ref path) in cgcx.each_linked_rlib_for_lto.iter() {
102 let exported_symbols =
103 cgcx.exported_symbols.as_ref().expect("needs exported symbols for LTO");
104 {
105 let _timer = cgcx.prof.generic_activity("LLVM_lto_generate_symbol_white_list");
106 symbol_white_list.extend(exported_symbols[&cnum].iter().filter_map(symbol_filter));
107 }
109 let archive = ArchiveRO::open(&path).expect("wanted an rlib");
110 let obj_files = archive
111 .iter()
112 .filter_map(|child| child.ok().and_then(|c| c.name().map(|name| (name, c))))
113 .filter(|&(name, _)| looks_like_rust_object_file(name));
114 for (name, child) in obj_files {
115 info!("adding bitcode from {}", name);
116 match get_bitcode_slice_from_object_data(child.data()) {
117 Ok(data) => {
118 let module = SerializedModule::FromRlib(data.to_vec());
119 upstream_modules.push((module, CString::new(name).unwrap()));
120 }
121 Err(msg) => return Err(diag_handler.fatal(&msg)),
122 }
123 }
124 }
125 }
127 Ok((symbol_white_list, upstream_modules))
128 }
130 fn get_bitcode_slice_from_object_data(obj: &[u8]) -> Result<&[u8], String> {
131 let mut len = 0;
132 let data =
133 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustGetBitcodeSliceFromObjectData(obj.as_ptr(), obj.len(), &mut len) };
134 if !data.is_null() {
135 assert!(len != 0);
136 let bc = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(data, len) };
138 // `bc` must be a sub-slice of `obj`.
139 assert!(obj.as_ptr() <= bc.as_ptr());
140 assert!(bc[bc.len()..bc.len()].as_ptr() <= obj[obj.len()..obj.len()].as_ptr());
142 Ok(bc)
143 } else {
144 assert!(len == 0);
145 let msg = llvm::last_error().unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown LLVM error".to_string());
146 Err(format!("failed to get bitcode from object file for LTO ({})", msg))
147 }
148 }
150 /// Performs fat LTO by merging all modules into a single one and returning it
151 /// for further optimization.
152 pub(crate) fn run_fat(
153 cgcx: &CodegenContext<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
154 modules: Vec<FatLTOInput<LlvmCodegenBackend>>,
155 cached_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<ModuleBuffer>, WorkProduct)>,
156 ) -> Result<LtoModuleCodegen<LlvmCodegenBackend>, FatalError> {
157 let diag_handler = cgcx.create_diag_handler();
158 let (symbol_white_list, upstream_modules) = prepare_lto(cgcx, &diag_handler)?;
159 let symbol_white_list = symbol_white_list.iter().map(|c| c.as_ptr()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
160 fat_lto(cgcx, &diag_handler, modules, cached_modules, upstream_modules, &symbol_white_list)
161 }
163 /// Performs thin LTO by performing necessary global analysis and returning two
164 /// lists, one of the modules that need optimization and another for modules that
165 /// can simply be copied over from the incr. comp. cache.
166 pub(crate) fn run_thin(
167 cgcx: &CodegenContext<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
168 modules: Vec<(String, ThinBuffer)>,
169 cached_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<ModuleBuffer>, WorkProduct)>,
170 ) -> Result<(Vec<LtoModuleCodegen<LlvmCodegenBackend>>, Vec<WorkProduct>), FatalError> {
171 let diag_handler = cgcx.create_diag_handler();
172 let (symbol_white_list, upstream_modules) = prepare_lto(cgcx, &diag_handler)?;
173 let symbol_white_list = symbol_white_list.iter().map(|c| c.as_ptr()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
174 if cgcx.opts.cg.linker_plugin_lto.enabled() {
175 unreachable!(
176 "We should never reach this case if the LTO step \
177 is deferred to the linker"
178 );
179 }
180 thin_lto(cgcx, &diag_handler, modules, upstream_modules, cached_modules, &symbol_white_list)
181 }
183 pub(crate) fn prepare_thin(module: ModuleCodegen<ModuleLlvm>) -> (String, ThinBuffer) {
184 let name = module.name.clone();
185 let buffer = ThinBuffer::new(module.module_llvm.llmod());
186 (name, buffer)
187 }
189 fn fat_lto(
190 cgcx: &CodegenContext<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
191 diag_handler: &Handler,
192 modules: Vec<FatLTOInput<LlvmCodegenBackend>>,
193 cached_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<ModuleBuffer>, WorkProduct)>,
194 mut serialized_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<ModuleBuffer>, CString)>,
195 symbol_white_list: &[*const libc::c_char],
196 ) -> Result<LtoModuleCodegen<LlvmCodegenBackend>, FatalError> {
197 let _timer = cgcx.prof.generic_activity("LLVM_fat_lto_build_monolithic_module");
198 info!("going for a fat lto");
200 // Sort out all our lists of incoming modules into two lists.
201 //
202 // * `serialized_modules` (also and argument to this function) contains all
203 // modules that are serialized in-memory.
204 // * `in_memory` contains modules which are already parsed and in-memory,
205 // such as from multi-CGU builds.
206 //
207 // All of `cached_modules` (cached from previous incremental builds) can
208 // immediately go onto the `serialized_modules` modules list and then we can
209 // split the `modules` array into these two lists.
210 let mut in_memory = Vec::new();
211 serialized_modules.extend(cached_modules.into_iter().map(|(buffer, wp)| {
212 info!("pushing cached module {:?}", wp.cgu_name);
213 (buffer, CString::new(wp.cgu_name).unwrap())
214 }));
215 for module in modules {
216 match module {
217 FatLTOInput::InMemory(m) => in_memory.push(m),
218 FatLTOInput::Serialized { name, buffer } => {
219 info!("pushing serialized module {:?}", name);
220 let buffer = SerializedModule::Local(buffer);
221 serialized_modules.push((buffer, CString::new(name).unwrap()));
222 }
223 }
224 }
226 // Find the "costliest" module and merge everything into that codegen unit.
227 // All the other modules will be serialized and reparsed into the new
228 // context, so this hopefully avoids serializing and parsing the largest
229 // codegen unit.
230 //
231 // Additionally use a regular module as the base here to ensure that various
232 // file copy operations in the backend work correctly. The only other kind
233 // of module here should be an allocator one, and if your crate is smaller
234 // than the allocator module then the size doesn't really matter anyway.
235 let costliest_module = in_memory
236 .iter()
237 .enumerate()
238 .filter(|&(_, module)| module.kind == ModuleKind::Regular)
239 .map(|(i, module)| {
240 let cost = unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustModuleCost(module.module_llvm.llmod()) };
241 (cost, i)
242 })
243 .max();
245 // If we found a costliest module, we're good to go. Otherwise all our
246 // inputs were serialized which could happen in the case, for example, that
247 // all our inputs were incrementally reread from the cache and we're just
248 // re-executing the LTO passes. If that's the case deserialize the first
249 // module and create a linker with it.
250 let module: ModuleCodegen<ModuleLlvm> = match costliest_module {
251 Some((_cost, i)) => in_memory.remove(i),
252 None => {
253 assert!(!serialized_modules.is_empty(), "must have at least one serialized module");
254 let (buffer, name) = serialized_modules.remove(0);
255 info!("no in-memory regular modules to choose from, parsing {:?}", name);
256 ModuleCodegen {
257 module_llvm: ModuleLlvm::parse(cgcx, &name, buffer.data(), diag_handler)?,
258 name: name.into_string().unwrap(),
259 kind: ModuleKind::Regular,
260 }
261 }
262 };
263 let mut serialized_bitcode = Vec::new();
264 {
265 let (llcx, llmod) = {
266 let llvm = &module.module_llvm;
267 (&llvm.llcx, llvm.llmod())
268 };
269 info!("using {:?} as a base module", module.name);
271 // The linking steps below may produce errors and diagnostics within LLVM
272 // which we'd like to handle and print, so set up our diagnostic handlers
273 // (which get unregistered when they go out of scope below).
274 let _handler = DiagnosticHandlers::new(cgcx, diag_handler, llcx);
276 // For all other modules we codegened we'll need to link them into our own
277 // bitcode. All modules were codegened in their own LLVM context, however,
278 // and we want to move everything to the same LLVM context. Currently the
279 // way we know of to do that is to serialize them to a string and them parse
280 // them later. Not great but hey, that's why it's "fat" LTO, right?
281 for module in in_memory {
282 let buffer = ModuleBuffer::new(module.module_llvm.llmod());
283 let llmod_id = CString::new(&module.name[..]).unwrap();
284 serialized_modules.push((SerializedModule::Local(buffer), llmod_id));
285 }
286 // Sort the modules to ensure we produce deterministic results.
287 serialized_modules.sort_by(|module1, module2| module1.1.cmp(&module2.1));
289 // For all serialized bitcode files we parse them and link them in as we did
290 // above, this is all mostly handled in C++. Like above, though, we don't
291 // know much about the memory management here so we err on the side of being
292 // save and persist everything with the original module.
293 let mut linker = Linker::new(llmod);
294 for (bc_decoded, name) in serialized_modules {
295 let _timer = cgcx
296 .prof
297 .generic_activity_with_arg("LLVM_fat_lto_link_module", format!("{:?}", name));
298 info!("linking {:?}", name);
299 let data = bc_decoded.data();
300 linker.add(&data).map_err(|()| {
301 let msg = format!("failed to load bc of {:?}", name);
302 write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, &msg)
303 })?;
304 serialized_bitcode.push(bc_decoded);
305 }
306 drop(linker);
307 save_temp_bitcode(&cgcx, &module, "lto.input");
309 // Internalize everything that *isn't* in our whitelist to help strip out
310 // more modules and such
311 unsafe {
312 let ptr = symbol_white_list.as_ptr();
313 llvm::LLVMRustRunRestrictionPass(
314 llmod,
315 ptr as *const *const libc::c_char,
316 symbol_white_list.len() as libc::size_t,
317 );
318 save_temp_bitcode(&cgcx, &module, "lto.after-restriction");
319 }
321 if cgcx.no_landing_pads {
322 unsafe {
323 llvm::LLVMRustMarkAllFunctionsNounwind(llmod);
324 }
325 save_temp_bitcode(&cgcx, &module, "lto.after-nounwind");
326 }
327 }
329 Ok(LtoModuleCodegen::Fat { module: Some(module), _serialized_bitcode: serialized_bitcode })
330 }
332 struct Linker<'a>(&'a mut llvm::Linker<'a>);
334 impl Linker<'a> {
335 fn new(llmod: &'a llvm::Module) -> Self {
336 unsafe { Linker(llvm::LLVMRustLinkerNew(llmod)) }
337 }
339 fn add(&mut self, bytecode: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> {
340 unsafe {
341 if llvm::LLVMRustLinkerAdd(
342 self.0,
343 bytecode.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
344 bytecode.len(),
345 ) {
346 Ok(())
347 } else {
348 Err(())
349 }
350 }
351 }
352 }
354 impl Drop for Linker<'a> {
355 fn drop(&mut self) {
356 unsafe {
357 llvm::LLVMRustLinkerFree(&mut *(self.0 as *mut _));
358 }
359 }
360 }
362 /// Prepare "thin" LTO to get run on these modules.
363 ///
364 /// The general structure of ThinLTO is quite different from the structure of
365 /// "fat" LTO above. With "fat" LTO all LLVM modules in question are merged into
366 /// one giant LLVM module, and then we run more optimization passes over this
367 /// big module after internalizing most symbols. Thin LTO, on the other hand,
368 /// avoid this large bottleneck through more targeted optimization.
369 ///
370 /// At a high level Thin LTO looks like:
371 ///
372 /// 1. Prepare a "summary" of each LLVM module in question which describes
373 /// the values inside, cost of the values, etc.
374 /// 2. Merge the summaries of all modules in question into one "index"
375 /// 3. Perform some global analysis on this index
376 /// 4. For each module, use the index and analysis calculated previously to
377 /// perform local transformations on the module, for example inlining
378 /// small functions from other modules.
379 /// 5. Run thin-specific optimization passes over each module, and then code
380 /// generate everything at the end.
381 ///
382 /// The summary for each module is intended to be quite cheap, and the global
383 /// index is relatively quite cheap to create as well. As a result, the goal of
384 /// ThinLTO is to reduce the bottleneck on LTO and enable LTO to be used in more
385 /// situations. For example one cheap optimization is that we can parallelize
386 /// all codegen modules, easily making use of all the cores on a machine.
387 ///
388 /// With all that in mind, the function here is designed at specifically just
389 /// calculating the *index* for ThinLTO. This index will then be shared amongst
390 /// all of the `LtoModuleCodegen` units returned below and destroyed once
391 /// they all go out of scope.
392 fn thin_lto(
393 cgcx: &CodegenContext<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
394 diag_handler: &Handler,
395 modules: Vec<(String, ThinBuffer)>,
396 serialized_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<ModuleBuffer>, CString)>,
397 cached_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<ModuleBuffer>, WorkProduct)>,
398 symbol_white_list: &[*const libc::c_char],
399 ) -> Result<(Vec<LtoModuleCodegen<LlvmCodegenBackend>>, Vec<WorkProduct>), FatalError> {
400 let _timer = cgcx.prof.generic_activity("LLVM_thin_lto_global_analysis");
401 unsafe {
402 info!("going for that thin, thin LTO");
404 let green_modules: FxHashMap<_, _> =
405 cached_modules.iter().map(|&(_, ref wp)| (wp.cgu_name.clone(), wp.clone())).collect();
407 let full_scope_len = modules.len() + serialized_modules.len() + cached_modules.len();
408 let mut thin_buffers = Vec::with_capacity(modules.len());
409 let mut module_names = Vec::with_capacity(full_scope_len);
410 let mut thin_modules = Vec::with_capacity(full_scope_len);
412 for (i, (name, buffer)) in modules.into_iter().enumerate() {
413 info!("local module: {} - {}", i, name);
414 let cname = CString::new(name.clone()).unwrap();
415 thin_modules.push(llvm::ThinLTOModule {
416 identifier: cname.as_ptr(),
417 data: buffer.data().as_ptr(),
418 len: buffer.data().len(),
419 });
420 thin_buffers.push(buffer);
421 module_names.push(cname);
422 }
424 // FIXME: All upstream crates are deserialized internally in the
425 // function below to extract their summary and modules. Note that
426 // unlike the loop above we *must* decode and/or read something
427 // here as these are all just serialized files on disk. An
428 // improvement, however, to make here would be to store the
429 // module summary separately from the actual module itself. Right
430 // now this is store in one large bitcode file, and the entire
431 // file is deflate-compressed. We could try to bypass some of the
432 // decompression by storing the index uncompressed and only
433 // lazily decompressing the bytecode if necessary.
434 //
435 // Note that truly taking advantage of this optimization will
436 // likely be further down the road. We'd have to implement
437 // incremental ThinLTO first where we could actually avoid
438 // looking at upstream modules entirely sometimes (the contents,
439 // we must always unconditionally look at the index).
440 let mut serialized = Vec::with_capacity(serialized_modules.len() + cached_modules.len());
442 let cached_modules =
443 cached_modules.into_iter().map(|(sm, wp)| (sm, CString::new(wp.cgu_name).unwrap()));
445 for (module, name) in serialized_modules.into_iter().chain(cached_modules) {
446 info!("upstream or cached module {:?}", name);
447 thin_modules.push(llvm::ThinLTOModule {
448 identifier: name.as_ptr(),
449 data: module.data().as_ptr(),
450 len: module.data().len(),
451 });
452 serialized.push(module);
453 module_names.push(name);
454 }
456 // Sanity check
457 assert_eq!(thin_modules.len(), module_names.len());
459 // Delegate to the C++ bindings to create some data here. Once this is a
460 // tried-and-true interface we may wish to try to upstream some of this
461 // to LLVM itself, right now we reimplement a lot of what they do
462 // upstream...
463 let data = llvm::LLVMRustCreateThinLTOData(
464 thin_modules.as_ptr(),
465 thin_modules.len() as u32,
466 symbol_white_list.as_ptr(),
467 symbol_white_list.len() as u32,
468 )
469 .ok_or_else(|| write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, "failed to prepare thin LTO context"))?;
471 info!("thin LTO data created");
473 let (import_map_path, prev_import_map, curr_import_map) =
474 if let Some(ref incr_comp_session_dir) = cgcx.incr_comp_session_dir {
475 let path = incr_comp_session_dir.join(THIN_LTO_IMPORTS_INCR_COMP_FILE_NAME);
476 // If previous imports have been deleted, or we get an IO error
477 // reading the file storing them, then we'll just use `None` as the
478 // prev_import_map, which will force the code to be recompiled.
479 let prev = if path.exists() {
480 ThinLTOImportMaps::load_from_file(&path).ok()
481 } else {
482 None
483 };
484 let curr = ThinLTOImportMaps::from_thin_lto_data(data);
485 (Some(path), prev, curr)
486 } else {
487 // If we don't compile incrementally, we don't need to load the
488 // import data from LLVM.
489 assert!(green_modules.is_empty());
490 let curr = ThinLTOImportMaps::default();
491 (None, None, curr)
492 };
493 info!("thin LTO import map loaded");
495 let data = ThinData(data);
497 // Throw our data in an `Arc` as we'll be sharing it across threads. We
498 // also put all memory referenced by the C++ data (buffers, ids, etc)
499 // into the arc as well. After this we'll create a thin module
500 // codegen per module in this data.
501 let shared = Arc::new(ThinShared {
502 data,
503 thin_buffers,
504 serialized_modules: serialized,
505 module_names,
506 });
508 let mut copy_jobs = vec![];
509 let mut opt_jobs = vec![];
511 info!("checking which modules can be-reused and which have to be re-optimized.");
512 for (module_index, module_name) in shared.module_names.iter().enumerate() {
513 let module_name = module_name_to_str(module_name);
515 // If (1.) the module hasn't changed, and (2.) none of the modules
516 // it imports from have changed, *and* (3.) the import and export
517 // sets themselves have not changed from the previous compile when
518 // it was last ThinLTO'ed, then we can re-use the post-ThinLTO
519 // version of the module. Otherwise, freshly perform LTO
520 // optimization.
521 //
522 // (Note that globally, the export set is just the inverse of the
523 // import set.)
524 //
525 // For further justification of why the above is necessary and sufficient,
526 // see the LLVM blog post on ThinLTO:
527 //
528 // http://blog.llvm.org/2016/06/thinlto-scalable-and-incremental-lto.html
529 //
530 // which states the following:
531 //
532 // ```quote
533 // any particular ThinLTO backend must be redone iff:
534 //
535 // 1. The corresponding (primary) module’s bitcode changed
536 // 2. The list of imports into or exports from the module changed
537 // 3. The bitcode for any module being imported from has changed
538 // 4. Any global analysis result affecting either the primary module
539 // or anything it imports has changed.
540 // ```
541 //
542 // This strategy means we can always save the computed imports as
543 // canon: when we reuse the post-ThinLTO version, condition (3.)
544 // ensures that the current import set is the same as the previous
545 // one. (And of course, when we don't reuse the post-ThinLTO
546 // version, the current import set *is* the correct one, since we
547 // are doing the ThinLTO in this current compilation cycle.)
548 //
549 // For more discussion, see rust-lang/rust#59535 (where the import
550 // issue was discovered) and rust-lang/rust#69798 (where the
551 // analogous export issue was discovered).
552 if let (Some(prev_import_map), true) =
553 (prev_import_map.as_ref(), green_modules.contains_key(module_name))
554 {
555 assert!(cgcx.incr_comp_session_dir.is_some());
557 let prev_imports = prev_import_map.imports_of(module_name);
558 let curr_imports = curr_import_map.imports_of(module_name);
559 let prev_exports = prev_import_map.exports_of(module_name);
560 let curr_exports = curr_import_map.exports_of(module_name);
561 let imports_all_green = curr_imports
562 .iter()
563 .all(|imported_module| green_modules.contains_key(imported_module));
564 if imports_all_green
565 && equivalent_as_sets(prev_imports, curr_imports)
566 && equivalent_as_sets(prev_exports, curr_exports)
567 {
568 let work_product = green_modules[module_name].clone();
569 copy_jobs.push(work_product);
570 info!(" - {}: re-used", module_name);
571 assert!(cgcx.incr_comp_session_dir.is_some());
572 cgcx.cgu_reuse_tracker.set_actual_reuse(module_name, CguReuse::PostLto);
573 continue;
574 }
575 }
577 info!(" - {}: re-compiled", module_name);
578 opt_jobs.push(LtoModuleCodegen::Thin(ThinModule {
579 shared: shared.clone(),
580 idx: module_index,
581 }));
582 }
584 // Save the current ThinLTO import information for the next compilation
585 // session, overwriting the previous serialized imports (if any).
586 if let Some(path) = import_map_path {
587 if let Err(err) = curr_import_map.save_to_file(&path) {
588 let msg = format!("Error while writing ThinLTO import data: {}", err);
589 return Err(write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, &msg));
590 }
591 }
593 Ok((opt_jobs, copy_jobs))
594 }
595 }
597 /// Given two slices, each with no repeat elements. returns true if and only if
598 /// the two slices have the same contents when considered as sets (i.e. when
599 /// element order is disregarded).
600 fn equivalent_as_sets(a: &[String], b: &[String]) -> bool {
601 // cheap path: unequal lengths means cannot possibly be set equivalent.
602 if a.len() != b.len() {
603 return false;
604 }
605 // fast path: before building new things, check if inputs are equivalent as is.
606 if a == b {
607 return true;
608 }
609 // slow path: general set comparison.
610 let a: FxHashSet<&str> = a.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
611 let b: FxHashSet<&str> = b.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
612 a == b
613 }
615 pub(crate) fn run_pass_manager(
616 cgcx: &CodegenContext<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
617 module: &ModuleCodegen<ModuleLlvm>,
618 config: &ModuleConfig,
619 thin: bool,
620 ) {
621 let _timer = cgcx.prof.extra_verbose_generic_activity("LLVM_lto_optimize", &module.name[..]);
623 // Now we have one massive module inside of llmod. Time to run the
624 // LTO-specific optimization passes that LLVM provides.
625 //
626 // This code is based off the code found in llvm's LTO code generator:
627 // tools/lto/LTOCodeGenerator.cpp
628 debug!("running the pass manager");
629 unsafe {
630 if write::should_use_new_llvm_pass_manager(config) {
631 let opt_stage = if thin { llvm::OptStage::ThinLTO } else { llvm::OptStage::FatLTO };
632 let opt_level = config.opt_level.unwrap_or(config::OptLevel::No);
633 // See comment below for why this is necessary.
634 let opt_level = if let config::OptLevel::No = opt_level {
635 config::OptLevel::Less
636 } else {
637 opt_level
638 };
639 write::optimize_with_new_llvm_pass_manager(cgcx, module, config, opt_level, opt_stage);
640 debug!("lto done");
641 return;
642 }
644 let pm = llvm::LLVMCreatePassManager();
645 llvm::LLVMAddAnalysisPasses(module.module_llvm.tm, pm);
647 if config.verify_llvm_ir {
648 let pass = llvm::LLVMRustFindAndCreatePass("verify\0".as_ptr().cast());
649 llvm::LLVMRustAddPass(pm, pass.unwrap());
650 }
652 // When optimizing for LTO we don't actually pass in `-O0`, but we force
653 // it to always happen at least with `-O1`.
654 //
655 // With ThinLTO we mess around a lot with symbol visibility in a way
656 // that will actually cause linking failures if we optimize at O0 which
657 // notable is lacking in dead code elimination. To ensure we at least
658 // get some optimizations and correctly link we forcibly switch to `-O1`
659 // to get dead code elimination.
660 //
661 // Note that in general this shouldn't matter too much as you typically
662 // only turn on ThinLTO when you're compiling with optimizations
663 // otherwise.
664 let opt_level = config
665 .opt_level
666 .map(|x| to_llvm_opt_settings(x).0)
667 .unwrap_or(llvm::CodeGenOptLevel::None);
668 let opt_level = match opt_level {
669 llvm::CodeGenOptLevel::None => llvm::CodeGenOptLevel::Less,
670 level => level,
671 };
672 with_llvm_pmb(module.module_llvm.llmod(), config, opt_level, false, &mut |b| {
673 if thin {
674 llvm::LLVMRustPassManagerBuilderPopulateThinLTOPassManager(b, pm);
675 } else {
676 llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateLTOPassManager(
677 b, pm, /* Internalize = */ False, /* RunInliner = */ True,
678 );
679 }
680 });
682 // We always generate bitcode through ThinLTOBuffers,
683 // which do not support anonymous globals
684 if config.bitcode_needed() {
685 let pass = llvm::LLVMRustFindAndCreatePass("name-anon-globals\0".as_ptr().cast());
686 llvm::LLVMRustAddPass(pm, pass.unwrap());
687 }
689 if config.verify_llvm_ir {
690 let pass = llvm::LLVMRustFindAndCreatePass("verify\0".as_ptr().cast());
691 llvm::LLVMRustAddPass(pm, pass.unwrap());
692 }
694 llvm::LLVMRunPassManager(pm, module.module_llvm.llmod());
696 llvm::LLVMDisposePassManager(pm);
697 }
698 debug!("lto done");
699 }
701 pub struct ModuleBuffer(&'static mut llvm::ModuleBuffer);
703 unsafe impl Send for ModuleBuffer {}
704 unsafe impl Sync for ModuleBuffer {}
706 impl ModuleBuffer {
707 pub fn new(m: &llvm::Module) -> ModuleBuffer {
708 ModuleBuffer(unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustModuleBufferCreate(m) })
709 }
710 }
712 impl ModuleBufferMethods for ModuleBuffer {
713 fn data(&self) -> &[u8] {
714 unsafe {
715 let ptr = llvm::LLVMRustModuleBufferPtr(self.0);
716 let len = llvm::LLVMRustModuleBufferLen(self.0);
717 slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)
718 }
719 }
720 }
722 impl Drop for ModuleBuffer {
723 fn drop(&mut self) {
724 unsafe {
725 llvm::LLVMRustModuleBufferFree(&mut *(self.0 as *mut _));
726 }
727 }
728 }
730 pub struct ThinData(&'static mut llvm::ThinLTOData);
732 unsafe impl Send for ThinData {}
733 unsafe impl Sync for ThinData {}
735 impl Drop for ThinData {
736 fn drop(&mut self) {
737 unsafe {
738 llvm::LLVMRustFreeThinLTOData(&mut *(self.0 as *mut _));
739 }
740 }
741 }
743 pub struct ThinBuffer(&'static mut llvm::ThinLTOBuffer);
745 unsafe impl Send for ThinBuffer {}
746 unsafe impl Sync for ThinBuffer {}
748 impl ThinBuffer {
749 pub fn new(m: &llvm::Module) -> ThinBuffer {
750 unsafe {
751 let buffer = llvm::LLVMRustThinLTOBufferCreate(m);
752 ThinBuffer(buffer)
753 }
754 }
755 }
757 impl ThinBufferMethods for ThinBuffer {
758 fn data(&self) -> &[u8] {
759 unsafe {
760 let ptr = llvm::LLVMRustThinLTOBufferPtr(self.0) as *const _;
761 let len = llvm::LLVMRustThinLTOBufferLen(self.0);
762 slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)
763 }
764 }
765 }
767 impl Drop for ThinBuffer {
768 fn drop(&mut self) {
769 unsafe {
770 llvm::LLVMRustThinLTOBufferFree(&mut *(self.0 as *mut _));
771 }
772 }
773 }
775 pub unsafe fn optimize_thin_module(
776 thin_module: &mut ThinModule<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
777 cgcx: &CodegenContext<LlvmCodegenBackend>,
778 ) -> Result<ModuleCodegen<ModuleLlvm>, FatalError> {
779 let diag_handler = cgcx.create_diag_handler();
780 let tm = (cgcx.tm_factory.0)().map_err(|e| write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, &e))?;
782 // Right now the implementation we've got only works over serialized
783 // modules, so we create a fresh new LLVM context and parse the module
784 // into that context. One day, however, we may do this for upstream
785 // crates but for locally codegened modules we may be able to reuse
786 // that LLVM Context and Module.
787 let llcx = llvm::LLVMRustContextCreate(cgcx.fewer_names);
788 let llmod_raw = parse_module(
789 llcx,
790 &thin_module.shared.module_names[thin_module.idx],
791 thin_module.data(),
792 &diag_handler,
793 )? as *const _;
794 let module = ModuleCodegen {
795 module_llvm: ModuleLlvm { llmod_raw, llcx, tm },
796 name: thin_module.name().to_string(),
797 kind: ModuleKind::Regular,
798 };
799 {
800 let llmod = module.module_llvm.llmod();
801 save_temp_bitcode(&cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-input");
803 // Before we do much else find the "main" `DICompileUnit` that we'll be
804 // using below. If we find more than one though then rustc has changed
805 // in a way we're not ready for, so generate an ICE by returning
806 // an error.
807 let mut cu1 = ptr::null_mut();
808 let mut cu2 = ptr::null_mut();
809 llvm::LLVMRustThinLTOGetDICompileUnit(llmod, &mut cu1, &mut cu2);
810 if !cu2.is_null() {
811 let msg = "multiple source DICompileUnits found";
812 return Err(write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, msg));
813 }
815 // Like with "fat" LTO, get some better optimizations if landing pads
816 // are disabled by removing all landing pads.
817 if cgcx.no_landing_pads {
818 let _timer = cgcx
819 .prof
820 .generic_activity_with_arg("LLVM_thin_lto_remove_landing_pads", thin_module.name());
821 llvm::LLVMRustMarkAllFunctionsNounwind(llmod);
822 save_temp_bitcode(&cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-after-nounwind");
823 }
825 // Up next comes the per-module local analyses that we do for Thin LTO.
826 // Each of these functions is basically copied from the LLVM
827 // implementation and then tailored to suit this implementation. Ideally
828 // each of these would be supported by upstream LLVM but that's perhaps
829 // a patch for another day!
830 //
831 // You can find some more comments about these functions in the LLVM
832 // bindings we've got (currently `PassWrapper.cpp`)
833 {
834 let _timer =
835 cgcx.prof.generic_activity_with_arg("LLVM_thin_lto_rename", thin_module.name());
836 if !llvm::LLVMRustPrepareThinLTORename(thin_module.shared.data.0, llmod) {
837 let msg = "failed to prepare thin LTO module";
838 return Err(write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, msg));
839 }
840 save_temp_bitcode(cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-after-rename");
841 }
843 {
844 let _timer = cgcx
845 .prof
846 .generic_activity_with_arg("LLVM_thin_lto_resolve_weak", thin_module.name());
847 if !llvm::LLVMRustPrepareThinLTOResolveWeak(thin_module.shared.data.0, llmod) {
848 let msg = "failed to prepare thin LTO module";
849 return Err(write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, msg));
850 }
851 save_temp_bitcode(cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-after-resolve");
852 }
854 {
855 let _timer = cgcx
856 .prof
857 .generic_activity_with_arg("LLVM_thin_lto_internalize", thin_module.name());
858 if !llvm::LLVMRustPrepareThinLTOInternalize(thin_module.shared.data.0, llmod) {
859 let msg = "failed to prepare thin LTO module";
860 return Err(write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, msg));
861 }
862 save_temp_bitcode(cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-after-internalize");
863 }
865 {
866 let _timer =
867 cgcx.prof.generic_activity_with_arg("LLVM_thin_lto_import", thin_module.name());
868 if !llvm::LLVMRustPrepareThinLTOImport(thin_module.shared.data.0, llmod) {
869 let msg = "failed to prepare thin LTO module";
870 return Err(write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, msg));
871 }
872 save_temp_bitcode(cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-after-import");
873 }
875 // Ok now this is a bit unfortunate. This is also something you won't
876 // find upstream in LLVM's ThinLTO passes! This is a hack for now to
877 // work around bugs in LLVM.
878 //
879 // First discovered in #45511 it was found that as part of ThinLTO
880 // importing passes LLVM will import `DICompileUnit` metadata
881 // information across modules. This means that we'll be working with one
882 // LLVM module that has multiple `DICompileUnit` instances in it (a
883 // bunch of `llvm.dbg.cu` members). Unfortunately there's a number of
884 // bugs in LLVM's backend which generates invalid DWARF in a situation
885 // like this:
886 //
887 // https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35212
888 // https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35562
889 //
890 // While the first bug there is fixed the second ended up causing #46346
891 // which was basically a resurgence of #45511 after LLVM's bug 35212 was
892 // fixed.
893 //
894 // This function below is a huge hack around this problem. The function
895 // below is defined in `PassWrapper.cpp` and will basically "merge"
896 // all `DICompileUnit` instances in a module. Basically it'll take all
897 // the objects, rewrite all pointers of `DISubprogram` to point to the
898 // first `DICompileUnit`, and then delete all the other units.
899 //
900 // This is probably mangling to the debug info slightly (but hopefully
901 // not too much) but for now at least gets LLVM to emit valid DWARF (or
902 // so it appears). Hopefully we can remove this once upstream bugs are
903 // fixed in LLVM.
904 {
905 let _timer = cgcx
906 .prof
907 .generic_activity_with_arg("LLVM_thin_lto_patch_debuginfo", thin_module.name());
908 llvm::LLVMRustThinLTOPatchDICompileUnit(llmod, cu1);
909 save_temp_bitcode(cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-after-patch");
910 }
912 // Alright now that we've done everything related to the ThinLTO
913 // analysis it's time to run some optimizations! Here we use the same
914 // `run_pass_manager` as the "fat" LTO above except that we tell it to
915 // populate a thin-specific pass manager, which presumably LLVM treats a
916 // little differently.
917 {
918 info!("running thin lto passes over {}", module.name);
919 let config = cgcx.config(module.kind);
920 run_pass_manager(cgcx, &module, config, true);
921 save_temp_bitcode(cgcx, &module, "thin-lto-after-pm");
922 }
923 }
924 Ok(module)
925 }
927 /// Summarizes module import/export relationships used by LLVM's ThinLTO pass.
928 ///
929 /// Note that we tend to have two such instances of `ThinLTOImportMaps` in use:
930 /// one loaded from a file that represents the relationships used during the
931 /// compilation associated with the incremetnal build artifacts we are
932 /// attempting to reuse, and another constructed via `from_thin_lto_data`, which
933 /// captures the relationships of ThinLTO in the current compilation.
934 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
935 pub struct ThinLTOImportMaps {
936 // key = llvm name of importing module, value = list of modules it imports from
937 imports: FxHashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
938 // key = llvm name of exporting module, value = list of modules it exports to
939 exports: FxHashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
940 }
942 impl ThinLTOImportMaps {
943 /// Returns modules imported by `llvm_module_name` during some ThinLTO pass.
944 fn imports_of(&self, llvm_module_name: &str) -> &[String] {
945 self.imports.get(llvm_module_name).map(|v| &v[..]).unwrap_or(&[])
946 }
948 /// Returns modules exported by `llvm_module_name` during some ThinLTO pass.
949 fn exports_of(&self, llvm_module_name: &str) -> &[String] {
950 self.exports.get(llvm_module_name).map(|v| &v[..]).unwrap_or(&[])
951 }
953 fn save_to_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
954 use std::io::Write;
955 let file = File::create(path)?;
956 let mut writer = io::BufWriter::new(file);
957 for (importing_module_name, imported_modules) in &self.imports {
958 writeln!(writer, "{}", importing_module_name)?;
959 for imported_module in imported_modules {
960 writeln!(writer, " {}", imported_module)?;
961 }
962 writeln!(writer)?;
963 }
964 Ok(())
965 }
967 fn load_from_file(path: &Path) -> io::Result<ThinLTOImportMaps> {
968 use std::io::BufRead;
969 let mut imports = FxHashMap::default();
970 let mut exports: FxHashMap<_, Vec<_>> = FxHashMap::default();
971 let mut current_module: Option<String> = None;
972 let mut current_imports: Vec<String> = vec![];
973 let file = File::open(path)?;
974 for line in io::BufReader::new(file).lines() {
975 let line = line?;
976 if line.is_empty() {
977 let importing_module = current_module.take().expect("Importing module not set");
978 for imported in &current_imports {
979 exports.entry(imported.clone()).or_default().push(importing_module.clone());
980 }
981 imports.insert(importing_module, mem::replace(&mut current_imports, vec![]));
982 } else if line.starts_with(' ') {
983 // Space marks an imported module
984 assert_ne!(current_module, None);
985 current_imports.push(line.trim().to_string());
986 } else {
987 // Otherwise, beginning of a new module (must be start or follow empty line)
988 assert_eq!(current_module, None);
989 current_module = Some(line.trim().to_string());
990 }
991 }
992 Ok(ThinLTOImportMaps { imports, exports })
993 }
995 /// Loads the ThinLTO import map from ThinLTOData.
996 unsafe fn from_thin_lto_data(data: *const llvm::ThinLTOData) -> ThinLTOImportMaps {
997 unsafe extern "C" fn imported_module_callback(
998 payload: *mut libc::c_void,
999 importing_module_name: *const libc::c_char,
1000 imported_module_name: *const libc::c_char,
1001 ) {
1002 let map = &mut *(payload as *mut ThinLTOImportMaps);
1003 let importing_module_name = CStr::from_ptr(importing_module_name);
1004 let importing_module_name = module_name_to_str(&importing_module_name);
1005 let imported_module_name = CStr::from_ptr(imported_module_name);
1006 let imported_module_name = module_name_to_str(&imported_module_name);
1008 if !map.imports.contains_key(importing_module_name) {
1009 map.imports.insert(importing_module_name.to_owned(), vec![]);
1010 }
1012 map.imports
1013 .get_mut(importing_module_name)
1014 .unwrap()
1015 .push(imported_module_name.to_owned());
1017 if !map.exports.contains_key(imported_module_name) {
1018 map.exports.insert(imported_module_name.to_owned(), vec![]);
1019 }
1021 map.exports
1022 .get_mut(imported_module_name)
1023 .unwrap()
1024 .push(importing_module_name.to_owned());
1025 }
1027 let mut map = ThinLTOImportMaps::default();
1028 llvm::LLVMRustGetThinLTOModuleImports(
1029 data,
1030 imported_module_callback,
1031 &mut map as *mut _ as *mut libc::c_void,
1032 );
1033 map
1034 }
1035 }
1037 fn module_name_to_str(c_str: &CStr) -> &str {
1038 c_str.to_str().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
1039 bug!("Encountered non-utf8 LLVM module name `{}`: {}", c_str.to_string_lossy(), e)
1040 })
1041 }
1043 pub fn parse_module<'a>(
1044 cx: &'a llvm::Context,
1045 name: &CStr,
1046 data: &[u8],
1047 diag_handler: &Handler,
1048 ) -> Result<&'a llvm::Module, FatalError> {
1049 unsafe {
1050 llvm::LLVMRustParseBitcodeForLTO(cx, data.as_ptr(), data.len(), name.as_ptr()).ok_or_else(
1051 || {
1052 let msg = "failed to parse bitcode for LTO module";
1053 write::llvm_err(&diag_handler, msg)
1054 },
1055 )
1056 }
1057 }