]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_data_structures/transitive_relation.rs
New upstream version 1.19.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_data_structures / transitive_relation.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use bitvec::BitMatrix;
12 use fx::FxHashMap;
13 use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Encoder, Decodable, Decoder};
14 use stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher, StableHasherResult};
15 use std::cell::RefCell;
16 use std::fmt::Debug;
17 use std::hash::Hash;
18 use std::mem;
21 #[derive(Clone)]
22 pub struct TransitiveRelation<T: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Clone> {
23 // List of elements. This is used to map from a T to a usize.
24 elements: Vec<T>,
26 // Maps each element to an index.
27 map: FxHashMap<T, Index>,
29 // List of base edges in the graph. Require to compute transitive
30 // closure.
31 edges: Vec<Edge>,
33 // This is a cached transitive closure derived from the edges.
34 // Currently, we build it lazilly and just throw out any existing
35 // copy whenever a new edge is added. (The RefCell is to permit
36 // the lazy computation.) This is kind of silly, except for the
37 // fact its size is tied to `self.elements.len()`, so I wanted to
38 // wait before building it up to avoid reallocating as new edges
39 // are added with new elements. Perhaps better would be to ask the
40 // user for a batch of edges to minimize this effect, but I
41 // already wrote the code this way. :P -nmatsakis
42 closure: RefCell<Option<BitMatrix>>,
43 }
45 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
46 struct Index(usize);
48 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
49 struct Edge {
50 source: Index,
51 target: Index,
52 }
54 impl<T: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Clone> TransitiveRelation<T> {
55 pub fn new() -> TransitiveRelation<T> {
56 TransitiveRelation {
57 elements: vec![],
58 map: FxHashMap(),
59 edges: vec![],
60 closure: RefCell::new(None),
61 }
62 }
64 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
65 self.edges.is_empty()
66 }
68 fn index(&self, a: &T) -> Option<Index> {
69 self.map.get(a).cloned()
70 }
72 fn add_index(&mut self, a: T) -> Index {
73 let &mut TransitiveRelation {
74 ref mut elements,
75 ref closure,
76 ref mut map,
77 ..
78 } = self;
80 map.entry(a.clone())
81 .or_insert_with(|| {
82 elements.push(a);
84 // if we changed the dimensions, clear the cache
85 *closure.borrow_mut() = None;
87 Index(elements.len() - 1)
88 })
89 .clone()
90 }
92 /// Applies the (partial) function to each edge and returns a new
93 /// relation. If `f` returns `None` for any end-point, returns
94 /// `None`.
95 pub fn maybe_map<F, U>(&self, mut f: F) -> Option<TransitiveRelation<U>>
96 where F: FnMut(&T) -> Option<U>,
97 U: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Clone,
98 {
99 let mut result = TransitiveRelation::new();
100 for edge in &self.edges {
101 let r = f(&self.elements[edge.source.0]).and_then(|source| {
102 f(&self.elements[edge.target.0]).and_then(|target| {
103 Some(result.add(source, target))
104 })
105 });
106 if r.is_none() {
107 return None;
108 }
109 }
110 Some(result)
111 }
113 /// Indicate that `a < b` (where `<` is this relation)
114 pub fn add(&mut self, a: T, b: T) {
115 let a = self.add_index(a);
116 let b = self.add_index(b);
117 let edge = Edge {
118 source: a,
119 target: b,
120 };
121 if !self.edges.contains(&edge) {
122 self.edges.push(edge);
124 // added an edge, clear the cache
125 *self.closure.borrow_mut() = None;
126 }
127 }
129 /// Check whether `a < target` (transitively)
130 pub fn contains(&self, a: &T, b: &T) -> bool {
131 match (self.index(a), self.index(b)) {
132 (Some(a), Some(b)) => self.with_closure(|closure| closure.contains(a.0, b.0)),
133 (None, _) | (_, None) => false,
134 }
135 }
137 /// Returns a vector of all things less than `a`.
138 ///
139 /// Really this probably ought to be `impl Iterator<Item=&T>`, but
140 /// I'm too lazy to make that work, and -- given the caching
141 /// strategy -- it'd be a touch tricky anyhow.
142 pub fn less_than(&self, a: &T) -> Vec<&T> {
143 match self.index(a) {
144 Some(a) => self.with_closure(|closure| {
145 closure.iter(a.0).map(|i| &self.elements[i]).collect()
146 }),
147 None => vec![],
148 }
149 }
151 /// Picks what I am referring to as the "postdominating"
152 /// upper-bound for `a` and `b`. This is usually the least upper
153 /// bound, but in cases where there is no single least upper
154 /// bound, it is the "mutual immediate postdominator", if you
155 /// imagine a graph where `a < b` means `a -> b`.
156 ///
157 /// This function is needed because region inference currently
158 /// requires that we produce a single "UB", and there is no best
159 /// choice for the LUB. Rather than pick arbitrarily, I pick a
160 /// less good, but predictable choice. This should help ensure
161 /// that region inference yields predictable results (though it
162 /// itself is not fully sufficient).
163 ///
164 /// Examples are probably clearer than any prose I could write
165 /// (there are corresponding tests below, btw). In each case,
166 /// the query is `postdom_upper_bound(a, b)`:
167 ///
168 /// ```text
169 /// // returns Some(x), which is also LUB
170 /// a -> a1 -> x
171 /// ^
172 /// |
173 /// b -> b1 ---+
174 ///
175 /// // returns Some(x), which is not LUB (there is none)
176 /// // diagonal edges run left-to-right
177 /// a -> a1 -> x
178 /// \/ ^
179 /// /\ |
180 /// b -> b1 ---+
181 ///
182 /// // returns None
183 /// a -> a1
184 /// b -> b1
185 /// ```
186 pub fn postdom_upper_bound(&self, a: &T, b: &T) -> Option<&T> {
187 let mut mubs = self.minimal_upper_bounds(a, b);
188 loop {
189 match mubs.len() {
190 0 => return None,
191 1 => return Some(mubs[0]),
192 _ => {
193 let m = mubs.pop().unwrap();
194 let n = mubs.pop().unwrap();
195 mubs.extend(self.minimal_upper_bounds(n, m));
196 }
197 }
198 }
199 }
201 /// Returns the set of bounds `X` such that:
202 ///
203 /// - `a < X` and `b < X`
204 /// - there is no `Y != X` such that `a < Y` and `Y < X`
205 /// - except for the case where `X < a` (i.e., a strongly connected
206 /// component in the graph). In that case, the smallest
207 /// representative of the SCC is returned (as determined by the
208 /// internal indices).
209 ///
210 /// Note that this set can, in principle, have any size.
211 pub fn minimal_upper_bounds(&self, a: &T, b: &T) -> Vec<&T> {
212 let (mut a, mut b) = match (self.index(a), self.index(b)) {
213 (Some(a), Some(b)) => (a, b),
214 (None, _) | (_, None) => {
215 return vec![];
216 }
217 };
219 // in some cases, there are some arbitrary choices to be made;
220 // it doesn't really matter what we pick, as long as we pick
221 // the same thing consistently when queried, so ensure that
222 // (a, b) are in a consistent relative order
223 if a > b {
224 mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
225 }
227 let lub_indices = self.with_closure(|closure| {
228 // Easy case is when either a < b or b < a:
229 if closure.contains(a.0, b.0) {
230 return vec![b.0];
231 }
232 if closure.contains(b.0, a.0) {
233 return vec![a.0];
234 }
236 // Otherwise, the tricky part is that there may be some c
237 // where a < c and b < c. In fact, there may be many such
238 // values. So here is what we do:
239 //
240 // 1. Find the vector `[X | a < X && b < X]` of all values
241 // `X` where `a < X` and `b < X`. In terms of the
242 // graph, this means all values reachable from both `a`
243 // and `b`. Note that this vector is also a set, but we
244 // use the term vector because the order matters
245 // to the steps below.
246 // - This vector contains upper bounds, but they are
247 // not minimal upper bounds. So you may have e.g.
248 // `[x, y, tcx, z]` where `x < tcx` and `y < tcx` and
249 // `z < x` and `z < y`:
250 //
251 // z --+---> x ----+----> tcx
252 // | |
253 // | |
254 // +---> y ----+
255 //
256 // In this case, we really want to return just `[z]`.
257 // The following steps below achieve this by gradually
258 // reducing the list.
259 // 2. Pare down the vector using `pare_down`. This will
260 // remove elements from the vector that can be reached
261 // by an earlier element.
262 // - In the example above, this would convert `[x, y,
263 // tcx, z]` to `[x, y, z]`. Note that `x` and `y` are
264 // still in the vector; this is because while `z < x`
265 // (and `z < y`) holds, `z` comes after them in the
266 // vector.
267 // 3. Reverse the vector and repeat the pare down process.
268 // - In the example above, we would reverse to
269 // `[z, y, x]` and then pare down to `[z]`.
270 // 4. Reverse once more just so that we yield a vector in
271 // increasing order of index. Not necessary, but why not.
272 //
273 // I believe this algorithm yields a minimal set. The
274 // argument is that, after step 2, we know that no element
275 // can reach its successors (in the vector, not the graph).
276 // After step 3, we know that no element can reach any of
277 // its predecesssors (because of step 2) nor successors
278 // (because we just called `pare_down`)
280 let mut candidates = closure.intersection(a.0, b.0); // (1)
281 pare_down(&mut candidates, closure); // (2)
282 candidates.reverse(); // (3a)
283 pare_down(&mut candidates, closure); // (3b)
284 candidates
285 });
287 lub_indices.into_iter()
288 .rev() // (4)
289 .map(|i| &self.elements[i])
290 .collect()
291 }
293 fn with_closure<OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
294 where OP: FnOnce(&BitMatrix) -> R
295 {
296 let mut closure_cell = self.closure.borrow_mut();
297 let mut closure = closure_cell.take();
298 if closure.is_none() {
299 closure = Some(self.compute_closure());
300 }
301 let result = op(closure.as_ref().unwrap());
302 *closure_cell = closure;
303 result
304 }
306 fn compute_closure(&self) -> BitMatrix {
307 let mut matrix = BitMatrix::new(self.elements.len(),
308 self.elements.len());
309 let mut changed = true;
310 while changed {
311 changed = false;
312 for edge in self.edges.iter() {
313 // add an edge from S -> T
314 changed |= matrix.add(edge.source.0, edge.target.0);
316 // add all outgoing edges from T into S
317 changed |= matrix.merge(edge.target.0, edge.source.0);
318 }
319 }
320 matrix
321 }
322 }
324 /// Pare down is used as a step in the LUB computation. It edits the
325 /// candidates array in place by removing any element j for which
326 /// there exists an earlier element i<j such that i -> j. That is,
327 /// after you run `pare_down`, you know that for all elements that
328 /// remain in candidates, they cannot reach any of the elements that
329 /// come after them.
330 ///
331 /// Examples follow. Assume that a -> b -> c and x -> y -> z.
332 ///
333 /// - Input: `[a, b, x]`. Output: `[a, x]`.
334 /// - Input: `[b, a, x]`. Output: `[b, a, x]`.
335 /// - Input: `[a, x, b, y]`. Output: `[a, x]`.
336 fn pare_down(candidates: &mut Vec<usize>, closure: &BitMatrix) {
337 let mut i = 0;
338 while i < candidates.len() {
339 let candidate_i = candidates[i];
340 i += 1;
342 let mut j = i;
343 let mut dead = 0;
344 while j < candidates.len() {
345 let candidate_j = candidates[j];
346 if closure.contains(candidate_i, candidate_j) {
347 // If `i` can reach `j`, then we can remove `j`. So just
348 // mark it as dead and move on; subsequent indices will be
349 // shifted into its place.
350 dead += 1;
351 } else {
352 candidates[j - dead] = candidate_j;
353 }
354 j += 1;
355 }
356 candidates.truncate(j - dead);
357 }
358 }
360 impl<T> Encodable for TransitiveRelation<T>
361 where T: Clone + Encodable + Debug + Eq + Hash + Clone
362 {
363 fn encode<E: Encoder>(&self, s: &mut E) -> Result<(), E::Error> {
364 s.emit_struct("TransitiveRelation", 2, |s| {
365 s.emit_struct_field("elements", 0, |s| self.elements.encode(s))?;
366 s.emit_struct_field("edges", 1, |s| self.edges.encode(s))?;
367 Ok(())
368 })
369 }
370 }
372 impl<T> Decodable for TransitiveRelation<T>
373 where T: Clone + Decodable + Debug + Eq + Hash + Clone
374 {
375 fn decode<D: Decoder>(d: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
376 d.read_struct("TransitiveRelation", 2, |d| {
377 let elements: Vec<T> = d.read_struct_field("elements", 0, |d| Decodable::decode(d))?;
378 let edges = d.read_struct_field("edges", 1, |d| Decodable::decode(d))?;
379 let map = elements.iter()
380 .enumerate()
381 .map(|(index, elem)| (elem.clone(), Index(index)))
382 .collect();
383 Ok(TransitiveRelation { elements, edges, map, closure: RefCell::new(None) })
384 })
385 }
386 }
388 impl<CTX, T> HashStable<CTX> for TransitiveRelation<T>
389 where T: HashStable<CTX> + Eq + Debug + Clone + Hash
390 {
391 fn hash_stable<W: StableHasherResult>(&self,
392 hcx: &mut CTX,
393 hasher: &mut StableHasher<W>) {
394 // We are assuming here that the relation graph has been built in a
395 // deterministic way and we can just hash it the way it is.
396 let TransitiveRelation {
397 ref elements,
398 ref edges,
399 // "map" is just a copy of elements vec
400 map: _,
401 // "closure" is just a copy of the data above
402 closure: _
403 } = *self;
405 elements.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
406 edges.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
407 }
408 }
410 impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for Edge {
411 fn hash_stable<W: StableHasherResult>(&self,
412 hcx: &mut CTX,
413 hasher: &mut StableHasher<W>) {
414 let Edge {
415 ref source,
416 ref target,
417 } = *self;
419 source.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
420 target.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
421 }
422 }
424 impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for Index {
425 fn hash_stable<W: StableHasherResult>(&self,
426 hcx: &mut CTX,
427 hasher: &mut StableHasher<W>) {
428 let Index(idx) = *self;
429 idx.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
430 }
431 }
433 #[test]
434 fn test_one_step() {
435 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
436 relation.add("a", "b");
437 relation.add("a", "c");
438 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"c"));
439 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"b"));
440 assert!(!relation.contains(&"b", &"a"));
441 assert!(!relation.contains(&"a", &"d"));
442 }
444 #[test]
445 fn test_many_steps() {
446 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
447 relation.add("a", "b");
448 relation.add("a", "c");
449 relation.add("a", "f");
451 relation.add("b", "c");
452 relation.add("b", "d");
453 relation.add("b", "e");
455 relation.add("e", "g");
457 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"b"));
458 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"c"));
459 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"d"));
460 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"e"));
461 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"f"));
462 assert!(relation.contains(&"a", &"g"));
464 assert!(relation.contains(&"b", &"g"));
466 assert!(!relation.contains(&"a", &"x"));
467 assert!(!relation.contains(&"b", &"f"));
468 }
470 #[test]
471 fn mubs_triange() {
472 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
473 relation.add("a", "tcx");
474 relation.add("b", "tcx");
475 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"), vec![&"tcx"]);
476 }
478 #[test]
479 fn mubs_best_choice1() {
480 // 0 -> 1 <- 3
481 // | ^ |
482 // | | |
483 // +--> 2 <--+
484 //
485 // mubs(0,3) = [1]
487 // This tests a particular state in the algorithm, in which we
488 // need the second pare down call to get the right result (after
489 // intersection, we have [1, 2], but 2 -> 1).
491 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
492 relation.add("0", "1");
493 relation.add("0", "2");
495 relation.add("2", "1");
497 relation.add("3", "1");
498 relation.add("3", "2");
500 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"0", &"3"), vec![&"2"]);
501 }
503 #[test]
504 fn mubs_best_choice2() {
505 // 0 -> 1 <- 3
506 // | | |
507 // | v |
508 // +--> 2 <--+
509 //
510 // mubs(0,3) = [2]
512 // Like the precedecing test, but in this case intersection is [2,
513 // 1], and hence we rely on the first pare down call.
515 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
516 relation.add("0", "1");
517 relation.add("0", "2");
519 relation.add("1", "2");
521 relation.add("3", "1");
522 relation.add("3", "2");
524 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"0", &"3"), vec![&"1"]);
525 }
527 #[test]
528 fn mubs_no_best_choice() {
529 // in this case, the intersection yields [1, 2], and the "pare
530 // down" calls find nothing to remove.
531 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
532 relation.add("0", "1");
533 relation.add("0", "2");
535 relation.add("3", "1");
536 relation.add("3", "2");
538 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"0", &"3"), vec![&"1", &"2"]);
539 }
541 #[test]
542 fn mubs_best_choice_scc() {
543 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
544 relation.add("0", "1");
545 relation.add("0", "2");
547 relation.add("1", "2");
548 relation.add("2", "1");
550 relation.add("3", "1");
551 relation.add("3", "2");
553 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"0", &"3"), vec![&"1"]);
554 }
556 #[test]
557 fn pdub_crisscross() {
558 // diagonal edges run left-to-right
559 // a -> a1 -> x
560 // \/ ^
561 // /\ |
562 // b -> b1 ---+
564 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
565 relation.add("a", "a1");
566 relation.add("a", "b1");
567 relation.add("b", "a1");
568 relation.add("b", "b1");
569 relation.add("a1", "x");
570 relation.add("b1", "x");
572 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"),
573 vec![&"a1", &"b1"]);
574 assert_eq!(relation.postdom_upper_bound(&"a", &"b"), Some(&"x"));
575 }
577 #[test]
578 fn pdub_crisscross_more() {
579 // diagonal edges run left-to-right
580 // a -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> x
581 // \/ \/ ^
582 // /\ /\ |
583 // b -> b1 -> b2 ---------+
585 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
586 relation.add("a", "a1");
587 relation.add("a", "b1");
588 relation.add("b", "a1");
589 relation.add("b", "b1");
591 relation.add("a1", "a2");
592 relation.add("a1", "b2");
593 relation.add("b1", "a2");
594 relation.add("b1", "b2");
596 relation.add("a2", "a3");
598 relation.add("a3", "x");
599 relation.add("b2", "x");
601 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"),
602 vec![&"a1", &"b1"]);
603 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a1", &"b1"),
604 vec![&"a2", &"b2"]);
605 assert_eq!(relation.postdom_upper_bound(&"a", &"b"), Some(&"x"));
606 }
608 #[test]
609 fn pdub_lub() {
610 // a -> a1 -> x
611 // ^
612 // |
613 // b -> b1 ---+
615 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
616 relation.add("a", "a1");
617 relation.add("b", "b1");
618 relation.add("a1", "x");
619 relation.add("b1", "x");
621 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"), vec![&"x"]);
622 assert_eq!(relation.postdom_upper_bound(&"a", &"b"), Some(&"x"));
623 }
625 #[test]
626 fn mubs_intermediate_node_on_one_side_only() {
627 // a -> c -> d
628 // ^
629 // |
630 // b
632 // "digraph { a -> c -> d; b -> d; }",
633 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
634 relation.add("a", "c");
635 relation.add("c", "d");
636 relation.add("b", "d");
638 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"), vec![&"d"]);
639 }
641 #[test]
642 fn mubs_scc_1() {
643 // +-------------+
644 // | +----+ |
645 // | v | |
646 // a -> c -> d <-+
647 // ^
648 // |
649 // b
651 // "digraph { a -> c -> d; d -> c; a -> d; b -> d; }",
652 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
653 relation.add("a", "c");
654 relation.add("c", "d");
655 relation.add("d", "c");
656 relation.add("a", "d");
657 relation.add("b", "d");
659 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"), vec![&"c"]);
660 }
662 #[test]
663 fn mubs_scc_2() {
664 // +----+
665 // v |
666 // a -> c -> d
667 // ^ ^
668 // | |
669 // +--- b
671 // "digraph { a -> c -> d; d -> c; b -> d; b -> c; }",
672 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
673 relation.add("a", "c");
674 relation.add("c", "d");
675 relation.add("d", "c");
676 relation.add("b", "d");
677 relation.add("b", "c");
679 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"), vec![&"c"]);
680 }
682 #[test]
683 fn mubs_scc_3() {
684 // +---------+
685 // v |
686 // a -> c -> d -> e
687 // ^ ^
688 // | |
689 // b ---+
691 // "digraph { a -> c -> d -> e -> c; b -> d; b -> e; }",
692 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
693 relation.add("a", "c");
694 relation.add("c", "d");
695 relation.add("d", "e");
696 relation.add("e", "c");
697 relation.add("b", "d");
698 relation.add("b", "e");
700 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"), vec![&"c"]);
701 }
703 #[test]
704 fn mubs_scc_4() {
705 // +---------+
706 // v |
707 // a -> c -> d -> e
708 // | ^ ^
709 // +---------+ |
710 // |
711 // b ---+
713 // "digraph { a -> c -> d -> e -> c; a -> d; b -> e; }"
714 let mut relation = TransitiveRelation::new();
715 relation.add("a", "c");
716 relation.add("c", "d");
717 relation.add("d", "e");
718 relation.add("e", "c");
719 relation.add("a", "d");
720 relation.add("b", "e");
722 assert_eq!(relation.minimal_upper_bounds(&"a", &"b"), vec![&"c"]);
723 }