]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_driver/driver.rs
New upstream version 1.12.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_driver / driver.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use rustc::hir;
12 use rustc::hir::{map as hir_map, FreevarMap, TraitMap};
13 use rustc::hir::def::DefMap;
14 use rustc::hir::lowering::lower_crate;
15 use rustc_mir as mir;
16 use rustc::mir::mir_map::MirMap;
17 use rustc::session::{Session, CompileResult, compile_result_from_err_count};
18 use rustc::session::config::{self, Input, OutputFilenames, OutputType,
19 OutputTypes};
20 use rustc::session::search_paths::PathKind;
21 use rustc::lint;
22 use rustc::middle::{self, dependency_format, stability, reachable};
23 use rustc::middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
24 use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
25 use rustc::util::common::time;
26 use rustc::util::nodemap::NodeSet;
27 use rustc_back::sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
28 use rustc_borrowck as borrowck;
29 use rustc_incremental;
30 use rustc_resolve::{MakeGlobMap, Resolver};
31 use rustc_metadata::macro_import;
32 use rustc_metadata::creader::read_local_crates;
33 use rustc_metadata::cstore::CStore;
34 use rustc_trans::back::{link, write};
35 use rustc_trans as trans;
36 use rustc_typeck as typeck;
37 use rustc_privacy;
38 use rustc_plugin::registry::Registry;
39 use rustc_plugin as plugin;
40 use rustc_passes::{ast_validation, no_asm, loops, consts, rvalues, static_recursion};
41 use rustc_const_eval::check_match;
42 use super::Compilation;
44 use serialize::json;
46 use std::env;
47 use std::ffi::{OsString, OsStr};
48 use std::fs;
49 use std::io::{self, Write};
50 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
51 use syntax::{ast, diagnostics, visit};
52 use syntax::attr::{self, AttrMetaMethods};
53 use syntax::parse::{self, PResult, token};
54 use syntax::util::node_count::NodeCounter;
55 use syntax;
56 use syntax_ext;
58 #[derive(Clone)]
59 pub struct Resolutions {
60 pub def_map: DefMap,
61 pub freevars: FreevarMap,
62 pub trait_map: TraitMap,
63 pub maybe_unused_trait_imports: NodeSet,
64 }
66 pub fn compile_input(sess: &Session,
67 cstore: &CStore,
68 cfg: ast::CrateConfig,
69 input: &Input,
70 outdir: &Option<PathBuf>,
71 output: &Option<PathBuf>,
72 addl_plugins: Option<Vec<String>>,
73 control: &CompileController) -> CompileResult {
74 macro_rules! controller_entry_point {
75 ($point: ident, $tsess: expr, $make_state: expr, $phase_result: expr) => {{
76 let state = &mut $make_state;
77 let phase_result: &CompileResult = &$phase_result;
78 if phase_result.is_ok() || control.$point.run_callback_on_error {
79 (control.$point.callback)(state);
80 }
82 if control.$point.stop == Compilation::Stop {
83 return compile_result_from_err_count($tsess.err_count());
84 }
85 }}
86 }
88 // We need nested scopes here, because the intermediate results can keep
89 // large chunks of memory alive and we want to free them as soon as
90 // possible to keep the peak memory usage low
91 let (outputs, trans, crate_name) = {
92 let krate = match phase_1_parse_input(sess, cfg, input) {
93 Ok(krate) => krate,
94 Err(mut parse_error) => {
95 parse_error.emit();
96 return Err(1);
97 }
98 };
100 let krate = {
101 let mut compile_state = CompileState::state_after_parse(input,
102 sess,
103 outdir,
104 output,
105 krate,
106 &cstore);
107 controller_entry_point!(after_parse,
108 sess,
109 compile_state,
110 Ok(()));
112 compile_state.krate.unwrap()
113 };
115 let outputs = build_output_filenames(input, outdir, output, &krate.attrs, sess);
116 let crate_name = link::find_crate_name(Some(sess), &krate.attrs, input);
117 let ExpansionResult { expanded_crate, defs, analysis, resolutions, mut hir_forest } = {
118 phase_2_configure_and_expand(
119 sess, &cstore, krate, &crate_name, addl_plugins, control.make_glob_map,
120 |expanded_crate| {
121 let mut state = CompileState::state_after_expand(
122 input, sess, outdir, output, &cstore, expanded_crate, &crate_name,
123 );
124 controller_entry_point!(after_expand, sess, state, Ok(()));
125 Ok(())
126 }
127 )?
128 };
130 write_out_deps(sess, &outputs, &crate_name);
132 let arenas = ty::CtxtArenas::new();
134 // Construct the HIR map
135 let hir_map = time(sess.time_passes(),
136 "indexing hir",
137 || hir_map::map_crate(&mut hir_forest, defs));
139 {
140 let _ignore = hir_map.dep_graph.in_ignore();
141 controller_entry_point!(after_hir_lowering,
142 sess,
143 CompileState::state_after_hir_lowering(input,
144 sess,
145 outdir,
146 output,
147 &arenas,
148 &cstore,
149 &hir_map,
150 &analysis,
151 &resolutions,
152 &expanded_crate,
153 &hir_map.krate(),
154 &crate_name),
155 Ok(()));
156 }
158 time(sess.time_passes(), "attribute checking", || {
159 hir::check_attr::check_crate(sess, &expanded_crate);
160 });
162 let opt_crate = if keep_ast(sess) {
163 Some(&expanded_crate)
164 } else {
165 drop(expanded_crate);
166 None
167 };
169 phase_3_run_analysis_passes(sess,
170 hir_map,
171 analysis,
172 resolutions,
173 &arenas,
174 &crate_name,
175 |tcx, mir_map, analysis, result| {
176 {
177 // Eventually, we will want to track plugins.
178 let _ignore = tcx.dep_graph.in_ignore();
180 let mut state = CompileState::state_after_analysis(input,
181 sess,
182 outdir,
183 output,
184 opt_crate,
185 tcx.map.krate(),
186 &analysis,
187 mir_map.as_ref(),
188 tcx,
189 &crate_name);
190 (control.after_analysis.callback)(&mut state);
192 if control.after_analysis.stop == Compilation::Stop {
193 return result.and_then(|_| Err(0usize));
194 }
195 }
197 result?;
199 if log_enabled!(::log::INFO) {
200 println!("Pre-trans");
201 tcx.print_debug_stats();
202 }
203 let trans = phase_4_translate_to_llvm(tcx,
204 mir_map.unwrap(),
205 analysis);
207 if log_enabled!(::log::INFO) {
208 println!("Post-trans");
209 tcx.print_debug_stats();
210 }
212 // Discard interned strings as they are no longer required.
213 token::clear_ident_interner();
215 Ok((outputs, trans, crate_name.clone()))
216 })??
217 };
219 let phase5_result = phase_5_run_llvm_passes(sess, &crate_name, &trans, &outputs);
221 controller_entry_point!(after_llvm,
222 sess,
223 CompileState::state_after_llvm(input, sess, outdir, output, &trans),
224 phase5_result);
225 phase5_result?;
227 write::cleanup_llvm(&trans);
229 phase_6_link_output(sess, &trans, &outputs);
231 controller_entry_point!(compilation_done,
232 sess,
233 CompileState::state_when_compilation_done(input, sess, outdir, output),
234 Ok(()));
236 Ok(())
237 }
239 fn keep_hygiene_data(sess: &Session) -> bool {
240 sess.opts.debugging_opts.keep_hygiene_data
241 }
243 fn keep_ast(sess: &Session) -> bool {
244 sess.opts.debugging_opts.keep_ast ||
245 sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis ||
246 sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis_csv
247 }
249 /// The name used for source code that doesn't originate in a file
250 /// (e.g. source from stdin or a string)
251 pub fn anon_src() -> String {
252 "<anon>".to_string()
253 }
255 pub fn source_name(input: &Input) -> String {
256 match *input {
257 // FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
258 Input::File(ref ifile) => ifile.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
259 Input::Str { ref name, .. } => name.clone(),
260 }
261 }
263 /// CompileController is used to customise compilation, it allows compilation to
264 /// be stopped and/or to call arbitrary code at various points in compilation.
265 /// It also allows for various flags to be set to influence what information gets
266 /// collected during compilation.
267 ///
268 /// This is a somewhat higher level controller than a Session - the Session
269 /// controls what happens in each phase, whereas the CompileController controls
270 /// whether a phase is run at all and whether other code (from outside the
271 /// the compiler) is run between phases.
272 ///
273 /// Note that if compilation is set to stop and a callback is provided for a
274 /// given entry point, the callback is called before compilation is stopped.
275 ///
276 /// Expect more entry points to be added in the future.
277 pub struct CompileController<'a> {
278 pub after_parse: PhaseController<'a>,
279 pub after_expand: PhaseController<'a>,
280 pub after_hir_lowering: PhaseController<'a>,
281 pub after_analysis: PhaseController<'a>,
282 pub after_llvm: PhaseController<'a>,
283 pub compilation_done: PhaseController<'a>,
285 pub make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap,
286 }
288 impl<'a> CompileController<'a> {
289 pub fn basic() -> CompileController<'a> {
290 CompileController {
291 after_parse: PhaseController::basic(),
292 after_expand: PhaseController::basic(),
293 after_hir_lowering: PhaseController::basic(),
294 after_analysis: PhaseController::basic(),
295 after_llvm: PhaseController::basic(),
296 compilation_done: PhaseController::basic(),
297 make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap::No,
298 }
299 }
300 }
302 pub struct PhaseController<'a> {
303 pub stop: Compilation,
304 // If true then the compiler will try to run the callback even if the phase
305 // ends with an error. Note that this is not always possible.
306 pub run_callback_on_error: bool,
307 pub callback: Box<Fn(&mut CompileState) + 'a>,
308 }
310 impl<'a> PhaseController<'a> {
311 pub fn basic() -> PhaseController<'a> {
312 PhaseController {
313 stop: Compilation::Continue,
314 run_callback_on_error: false,
315 callback: box |_| {},
316 }
317 }
318 }
320 /// State that is passed to a callback. What state is available depends on when
321 /// during compilation the callback is made. See the various constructor methods
322 /// (`state_*`) in the impl to see which data is provided for any given entry point.
323 pub struct CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast: 'a, 'tcx: 'b> where 'ast: 'tcx {
324 pub input: &'a Input,
325 pub session: &'ast Session,
326 pub krate: Option<ast::Crate>,
327 pub cstore: Option<&'a CStore>,
328 pub crate_name: Option<&'a str>,
329 pub output_filenames: Option<&'a OutputFilenames>,
330 pub out_dir: Option<&'a Path>,
331 pub out_file: Option<&'a Path>,
332 pub arenas: Option<&'ast ty::CtxtArenas<'ast>>,
333 pub expanded_crate: Option<&'a ast::Crate>,
334 pub hir_crate: Option<&'a hir::Crate>,
335 pub ast_map: Option<&'a hir_map::Map<'ast>>,
336 pub resolutions: Option<&'a Resolutions>,
337 pub mir_map: Option<&'b MirMap<'tcx>>,
338 pub analysis: Option<&'a ty::CrateAnalysis<'a>>,
339 pub tcx: Option<TyCtxt<'b, 'tcx, 'tcx>>,
340 pub trans: Option<&'a trans::CrateTranslation>,
341 }
343 impl<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
344 fn empty(input: &'a Input,
345 session: &'ast Session,
346 out_dir: &'a Option<PathBuf>)
347 -> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
348 CompileState {
349 input: input,
350 session: session,
351 out_dir: out_dir.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),
352 out_file: None,
353 arenas: None,
354 krate: None,
355 cstore: None,
356 crate_name: None,
357 output_filenames: None,
358 expanded_crate: None,
359 hir_crate: None,
360 ast_map: None,
361 resolutions: None,
362 analysis: None,
363 mir_map: None,
364 tcx: None,
365 trans: None,
366 }
367 }
369 fn state_after_parse(input: &'a Input,
370 session: &'ast Session,
371 out_dir: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
372 out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
373 krate: ast::Crate,
374 cstore: &'a CStore)
375 -> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
376 CompileState {
377 krate: Some(krate),
378 cstore: Some(cstore),
379 out_file: out_file.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),
380 ..CompileState::empty(input, session, out_dir)
381 }
382 }
384 fn state_after_expand(input: &'a Input,
385 session: &'ast Session,
386 out_dir: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
387 out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
388 cstore: &'a CStore,
389 expanded_crate: &'a ast::Crate,
390 crate_name: &'a str)
391 -> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
392 CompileState {
393 crate_name: Some(crate_name),
394 cstore: Some(cstore),
395 expanded_crate: Some(expanded_crate),
396 out_file: out_file.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),
397 ..CompileState::empty(input, session, out_dir)
398 }
399 }
401 fn state_after_hir_lowering(input: &'a Input,
402 session: &'ast Session,
403 out_dir: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
404 out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
405 arenas: &'ast ty::CtxtArenas<'ast>,
406 cstore: &'a CStore,
407 hir_map: &'a hir_map::Map<'ast>,
408 analysis: &'a ty::CrateAnalysis,
409 resolutions: &'a Resolutions,
410 krate: &'a ast::Crate,
411 hir_crate: &'a hir::Crate,
412 crate_name: &'a str)
413 -> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
414 CompileState {
415 crate_name: Some(crate_name),
416 arenas: Some(arenas),
417 cstore: Some(cstore),
418 ast_map: Some(hir_map),
419 analysis: Some(analysis),
420 resolutions: Some(resolutions),
421 expanded_crate: Some(krate),
422 hir_crate: Some(hir_crate),
423 out_file: out_file.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),
424 ..CompileState::empty(input, session, out_dir)
425 }
426 }
428 fn state_after_analysis(input: &'a Input,
429 session: &'ast Session,
430 out_dir: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
431 out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
432 krate: Option<&'a ast::Crate>,
433 hir_crate: &'a hir::Crate,
434 analysis: &'a ty::CrateAnalysis<'a>,
435 mir_map: Option<&'b MirMap<'tcx>>,
436 tcx: TyCtxt<'b, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
437 crate_name: &'a str)
438 -> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
439 CompileState {
440 analysis: Some(analysis),
441 mir_map: mir_map,
442 tcx: Some(tcx),
443 expanded_crate: krate,
444 hir_crate: Some(hir_crate),
445 crate_name: Some(crate_name),
446 out_file: out_file.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),
447 ..CompileState::empty(input, session, out_dir)
448 }
449 }
452 fn state_after_llvm(input: &'a Input,
453 session: &'ast Session,
454 out_dir: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
455 out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
456 trans: &'a trans::CrateTranslation)
457 -> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
458 CompileState {
459 trans: Some(trans),
460 out_file: out_file.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),
461 ..CompileState::empty(input, session, out_dir)
462 }
463 }
465 fn state_when_compilation_done(input: &'a Input,
466 session: &'ast Session,
467 out_dir: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
468 out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>)
469 -> CompileState<'a, 'b, 'ast, 'tcx> {
470 CompileState {
471 out_file: out_file.as_ref().map(|s| &**s),
472 ..CompileState::empty(input, session, out_dir)
473 }
474 }
475 }
477 pub fn phase_1_parse_input<'a>(sess: &'a Session,
478 cfg: ast::CrateConfig,
479 input: &Input)
480 -> PResult<'a, ast::Crate> {
481 let continue_after_error = sess.opts.debugging_opts.continue_parse_after_error;
482 sess.diagnostic().set_continue_after_error(continue_after_error);
484 let krate = time(sess.time_passes(), "parsing", || {
485 match *input {
486 Input::File(ref file) => {
487 parse::parse_crate_from_file(file, cfg.clone(), &sess.parse_sess)
488 }
489 Input::Str { ref input, ref name } => {
490 parse::parse_crate_from_source_str(name.clone(),
491 input.clone(),
492 cfg.clone(),
493 &sess.parse_sess)
494 }
495 }
496 })?;
498 sess.diagnostic().set_continue_after_error(true);
500 if sess.opts.debugging_opts.ast_json_noexpand {
501 println!("{}", json::as_json(&krate));
502 }
504 if sess.opts.debugging_opts.input_stats {
505 println!("Lines of code: {}", sess.codemap().count_lines());
506 println!("Pre-expansion node count: {}", count_nodes(&krate));
507 }
509 if let Some(ref s) = sess.opts.debugging_opts.show_span {
510 syntax::show_span::run(sess.diagnostic(), s, &krate);
511 }
513 Ok(krate)
514 }
516 fn count_nodes(krate: &ast::Crate) -> usize {
517 let mut counter = NodeCounter::new();
518 visit::walk_crate(&mut counter, krate);
519 counter.count
520 }
522 // For continuing compilation after a parsed crate has been
523 // modified
525 pub struct ExpansionResult<'a> {
526 pub expanded_crate: ast::Crate,
527 pub defs: hir_map::Definitions,
528 pub analysis: ty::CrateAnalysis<'a>,
529 pub resolutions: Resolutions,
530 pub hir_forest: hir_map::Forest,
531 }
533 /// Run the "early phases" of the compiler: initial `cfg` processing,
534 /// loading compiler plugins (including those from `addl_plugins`),
535 /// syntax expansion, secondary `cfg` expansion, synthesis of a test
536 /// harness if one is to be provided, injection of a dependency on the
537 /// standard library and prelude, and name resolution.
538 ///
539 /// Returns `None` if we're aborting after handling -W help.
540 pub fn phase_2_configure_and_expand<'a, F>(sess: &Session,
541 cstore: &CStore,
542 mut krate: ast::Crate,
543 crate_name: &'a str,
544 addl_plugins: Option<Vec<String>>,
545 make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap,
546 after_expand: F)
547 -> Result<ExpansionResult<'a>, usize>
548 where F: FnOnce(&ast::Crate) -> CompileResult,
549 {
550 let time_passes = sess.time_passes();
552 // strip before anything else because crate metadata may use #[cfg_attr]
553 // and so macros can depend on configuration variables, such as
554 //
555 // #[macro_use] #[cfg(foo)]
556 // mod bar { macro_rules! baz!(() => {{}}) }
557 //
558 // baz! should not use this definition unless foo is enabled.
560 krate = time(time_passes, "configuration", || {
561 let (krate, features) =
562 syntax::config::strip_unconfigured_items(krate, &sess.parse_sess, sess.opts.test);
563 // these need to be set "early" so that expansion sees `quote` if enabled.
564 *sess.features.borrow_mut() = features;
565 krate
566 });
568 *sess.crate_types.borrow_mut() = collect_crate_types(sess, &krate.attrs);
569 *sess.crate_disambiguator.borrow_mut() =
570 token::intern(&compute_crate_disambiguator(sess)).as_str();
572 time(time_passes, "recursion limit", || {
573 middle::recursion_limit::update_recursion_limit(sess, &krate);
574 });
576 krate = time(time_passes, "crate injection", || {
577 let alt_std_name = sess.opts.alt_std_name.clone();
578 syntax::std_inject::maybe_inject_crates_ref(&sess.parse_sess, krate, alt_std_name)
579 });
581 let mut addl_plugins = Some(addl_plugins);
582 let registrars = time(time_passes, "plugin loading", || {
583 plugin::load::load_plugins(sess,
584 &cstore,
585 &krate,
586 crate_name,
587 addl_plugins.take().unwrap())
588 });
590 let mut registry = Registry::new(sess, &krate);
592 time(time_passes, "plugin registration", || {
593 if sess.features.borrow().rustc_diagnostic_macros {
594 registry.register_macro("__diagnostic_used",
595 diagnostics::plugin::expand_diagnostic_used);
596 registry.register_macro("__register_diagnostic",
597 diagnostics::plugin::expand_register_diagnostic);
598 registry.register_macro("__build_diagnostic_array",
599 diagnostics::plugin::expand_build_diagnostic_array);
600 }
602 for registrar in registrars {
603 registry.args_hidden = Some(registrar.args);
604 (registrar.fun)(&mut registry);
605 }
606 });
608 let Registry { syntax_exts, early_lint_passes, late_lint_passes, lint_groups,
609 llvm_passes, attributes, mir_passes, .. } = registry;
611 sess.track_errors(|| {
612 let mut ls = sess.lint_store.borrow_mut();
613 for pass in early_lint_passes {
614 ls.register_early_pass(Some(sess), true, pass);
615 }
616 for pass in late_lint_passes {
617 ls.register_late_pass(Some(sess), true, pass);
618 }
620 for (name, to) in lint_groups {
621 ls.register_group(Some(sess), true, name, to);
622 }
624 *sess.plugin_llvm_passes.borrow_mut() = llvm_passes;
625 sess.mir_passes.borrow_mut().extend(mir_passes);
626 *sess.plugin_attributes.borrow_mut() = attributes.clone();
627 })?;
629 // Lint plugins are registered; now we can process command line flags.
630 if sess.opts.describe_lints {
631 super::describe_lints(&sess.lint_store.borrow(), true);
632 return Err(0);
633 }
634 sess.track_errors(|| sess.lint_store.borrow_mut().process_command_line(sess))?;
636 krate = time(time_passes, "expansion", || {
637 // Windows dlls do not have rpaths, so they don't know how to find their
638 // dependencies. It's up to us to tell the system where to find all the
639 // dependent dlls. Note that this uses cfg!(windows) as opposed to
640 // targ_cfg because syntax extensions are always loaded for the host
641 // compiler, not for the target.
642 //
643 // This is somewhat of an inherently racy operation, however, as
644 // multiple threads calling this function could possibly continue
645 // extending PATH far beyond what it should. To solve this for now we
646 // just don't add any new elements to PATH which are already there
647 // within PATH. This is basically a targeted fix at #17360 for rustdoc
648 // which runs rustc in parallel but has been seen (#33844) to cause
649 // problems with PATH becoming too long.
650 let mut old_path = OsString::new();
651 if cfg!(windows) {
652 old_path = env::var_os("PATH").unwrap_or(old_path);
653 let mut new_path = sess.host_filesearch(PathKind::All)
654 .get_dylib_search_paths();
655 for path in env::split_paths(&old_path) {
656 if !new_path.contains(&path) {
657 new_path.push(path);
658 }
659 }
660 env::set_var("PATH", &env::join_paths(new_path).unwrap());
661 }
662 let features = sess.features.borrow();
663 let cfg = syntax::ext::expand::ExpansionConfig {
664 crate_name: crate_name.to_string(),
665 features: Some(&features),
666 recursion_limit: sess.recursion_limit.get(),
667 trace_mac: sess.opts.debugging_opts.trace_macros,
668 should_test: sess.opts.test,
669 };
670 let mut loader = macro_import::MacroLoader::new(sess,
671 &cstore,
672 crate_name,
673 krate.config.clone());
674 let mut ecx = syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt::new(&sess.parse_sess,
675 krate.config.clone(),
676 cfg,
677 &mut loader);
678 syntax_ext::register_builtins(&mut ecx.syntax_env);
679 let ret = syntax::ext::expand::expand_crate(&mut ecx, syntax_exts, krate);
680 if cfg!(windows) {
681 env::set_var("PATH", &old_path);
682 }
683 *sess.available_macros.borrow_mut() = ecx.syntax_env.names;
684 ret
685 });
687 krate = time(time_passes, "maybe building test harness", || {
688 syntax::test::modify_for_testing(&sess.parse_sess,
689 sess.opts.test,
690 krate,
691 sess.diagnostic())
692 });
694 let resolver_arenas = Resolver::arenas();
695 let mut resolver = Resolver::new(sess, make_glob_map, &resolver_arenas);
697 let krate = time(sess.time_passes(), "assigning node ids", || resolver.assign_node_ids(krate));
699 if sess.opts.debugging_opts.input_stats {
700 println!("Post-expansion node count: {}", count_nodes(&krate));
701 }
703 if sess.opts.debugging_opts.ast_json {
704 println!("{}", json::as_json(&krate));
705 }
707 time(time_passes,
708 "checking for inline asm in case the target doesn't support it",
709 || no_asm::check_crate(sess, &krate));
711 // Needs to go *after* expansion to be able to check the results of macro expansion.
712 time(time_passes, "complete gated feature checking", || {
713 sess.track_errors(|| {
714 syntax::feature_gate::check_crate(&krate,
715 &sess.parse_sess,
716 &sess.features.borrow(),
717 &attributes,
718 sess.opts.unstable_features);
719 })
720 })?;
722 // Collect defintions for def ids.
723 time(sess.time_passes(), "collecting defs", || resolver.definitions.collect(&krate));
725 time(sess.time_passes(), "external crate/lib resolution", || {
726 let defs = &resolver.definitions;
727 read_local_crates(sess, &cstore, defs, &krate, crate_name, &sess.dep_graph)
728 });
730 time(sess.time_passes(),
731 "early lint checks",
732 || lint::check_ast_crate(sess, &krate));
734 time(sess.time_passes(),
735 "AST validation",
736 || ast_validation::check_crate(sess, &krate));
738 time(sess.time_passes(), "name resolution", || -> CompileResult {
739 // Currently, we ignore the name resolution data structures for the purposes of dependency
740 // tracking. Instead we will run name resolution and include its output in the hash of each
741 // item, much like we do for macro expansion. In other words, the hash reflects not just
742 // its contents but the results of name resolution on those contents. Hopefully we'll push
743 // this back at some point.
744 let _ignore = sess.dep_graph.in_ignore();
745 resolver.build_reduced_graph(&krate);
746 resolver.resolve_imports();
748 // Since import resolution will eventually happen in expansion,
749 // don't perform `after_expand` until after import resolution.
750 after_expand(&krate)?;
752 resolver.resolve_crate(&krate);
753 Ok(())
754 })?;
756 // Lower ast -> hir.
757 let hir_forest = time(sess.time_passes(), "lowering ast -> hir", || {
758 hir_map::Forest::new(lower_crate(sess, &krate, &mut resolver), &sess.dep_graph)
759 });
761 // Discard hygiene data, which isn't required past lowering to HIR.
762 if !keep_hygiene_data(sess) {
763 syntax::ext::hygiene::reset_hygiene_data();
764 }
766 Ok(ExpansionResult {
767 expanded_crate: krate,
768 defs: resolver.definitions,
769 analysis: ty::CrateAnalysis {
770 export_map: resolver.export_map,
771 access_levels: AccessLevels::default(),
772 reachable: NodeSet(),
773 name: crate_name,
774 glob_map: if resolver.make_glob_map { Some(resolver.glob_map) } else { None },
775 },
776 resolutions: Resolutions {
777 def_map: resolver.def_map,
778 freevars: resolver.freevars,
779 trait_map: resolver.trait_map,
780 maybe_unused_trait_imports: resolver.maybe_unused_trait_imports,
781 },
782 hir_forest: hir_forest
783 })
784 }
786 /// Run the resolution, typechecking, region checking and other
787 /// miscellaneous analysis passes on the crate. Return various
788 /// structures carrying the results of the analysis.
789 pub fn phase_3_run_analysis_passes<'tcx, F, R>(sess: &'tcx Session,
790 hir_map: hir_map::Map<'tcx>,
791 mut analysis: ty::CrateAnalysis,
792 resolutions: Resolutions,
793 arenas: &'tcx ty::CtxtArenas<'tcx>,
794 name: &str,
795 f: F)
796 -> Result<R, usize>
797 where F: for<'a> FnOnce(TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
798 Option<MirMap<'tcx>>,
799 ty::CrateAnalysis,
800 CompileResult) -> R
801 {
802 macro_rules! try_with_f {
803 ($e: expr, ($t: expr, $m: expr, $a: expr)) => {
804 match $e {
805 Ok(x) => x,
806 Err(x) => {
807 f($t, $m, $a, Err(x));
808 return Err(x);
809 }
810 }
811 }
812 }
814 let time_passes = sess.time_passes();
816 let lang_items = time(time_passes, "language item collection", || {
817 sess.track_errors(|| {
818 middle::lang_items::collect_language_items(&sess, &hir_map)
819 })
820 })?;
822 let named_region_map = time(time_passes,
823 "lifetime resolution",
824 || middle::resolve_lifetime::krate(sess,
825 &hir_map,
826 &resolutions.def_map))?;
828 time(time_passes,
829 "looking for entry point",
830 || middle::entry::find_entry_point(sess, &hir_map));
832 sess.plugin_registrar_fn.set(time(time_passes, "looking for plugin registrar", || {
833 plugin::build::find_plugin_registrar(sess.diagnostic(), &hir_map)
834 }));
836 let region_map = time(time_passes,
837 "region resolution",
838 || middle::region::resolve_crate(sess, &hir_map));
840 time(time_passes,
841 "loop checking",
842 || loops::check_crate(sess, &hir_map));
844 time(time_passes,
845 "static item recursion checking",
846 || static_recursion::check_crate(sess, &resolutions.def_map, &hir_map))?;
848 let index = stability::Index::new(&hir_map);
850 TyCtxt::create_and_enter(sess,
851 arenas,
852 resolutions.def_map,
853 resolutions.trait_map,
854 named_region_map,
855 hir_map,
856 resolutions.freevars,
857 resolutions.maybe_unused_trait_imports,
858 region_map,
859 lang_items,
860 index,
861 name,
862 |tcx| {
863 time(time_passes,
864 "load_dep_graph",
865 || rustc_incremental::load_dep_graph(tcx));
867 // passes are timed inside typeck
868 try_with_f!(typeck::check_crate(tcx), (tcx, None, analysis));
870 time(time_passes,
871 "const checking",
872 || consts::check_crate(tcx));
874 analysis.access_levels =
875 time(time_passes, "privacy checking", || {
876 rustc_privacy::check_crate(tcx, &analysis.export_map)
877 });
879 // Do not move this check past lint
880 time(time_passes, "stability index", || {
881 tcx.stability.borrow_mut().build(tcx, &analysis.access_levels)
882 });
884 time(time_passes,
885 "intrinsic checking",
886 || middle::intrinsicck::check_crate(tcx));
888 time(time_passes,
889 "effect checking",
890 || middle::effect::check_crate(tcx));
892 time(time_passes,
893 "match checking",
894 || check_match::check_crate(tcx));
896 // this must run before MIR dump, because
897 // "not all control paths return a value" is reported here.
898 //
899 // maybe move the check to a MIR pass?
900 time(time_passes,
901 "liveness checking",
902 || middle::liveness::check_crate(tcx));
904 time(time_passes,
905 "rvalue checking",
906 || rvalues::check_crate(tcx));
908 let mut mir_map =
909 time(time_passes,
910 "MIR dump",
911 || mir::mir_map::build_mir_for_crate(tcx));
913 time(time_passes, "MIR passes", || {
914 let mut passes = sess.mir_passes.borrow_mut();
915 // Push all the built-in passes.
916 passes.push_hook(box mir::transform::dump_mir::DumpMir);
917 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::simplify_cfg::SimplifyCfg::new("initial"));
918 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::qualify_consts::QualifyAndPromoteConstants);
919 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::type_check::TypeckMir);
920 passes.push_pass(
921 box mir::transform::simplify_branches::SimplifyBranches::new("initial"));
922 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::simplify_cfg::SimplifyCfg::new("qualify-consts"));
923 // And run everything.
924 passes.run_passes(tcx, &mut mir_map);
925 });
927 time(time_passes,
928 "borrow checking",
929 || borrowck::check_crate(tcx, &mir_map));
931 // Avoid overwhelming user with errors if type checking failed.
932 // I'm not sure how helpful this is, to be honest, but it avoids
933 // a
934 // lot of annoying errors in the compile-fail tests (basically,
935 // lint warnings and so on -- kindck used to do this abort, but
936 // kindck is gone now). -nmatsakis
937 if sess.err_count() > 0 {
938 return Ok(f(tcx, Some(mir_map), analysis, Err(sess.err_count())));
939 }
941 analysis.reachable =
942 time(time_passes,
943 "reachability checking",
944 || reachable::find_reachable(tcx, &analysis.access_levels));
946 time(time_passes, "death checking", || {
947 middle::dead::check_crate(tcx, &analysis.access_levels);
948 });
950 let ref lib_features_used =
951 time(time_passes,
952 "stability checking",
953 || stability::check_unstable_api_usage(tcx));
955 time(time_passes, "unused lib feature checking", || {
956 stability::check_unused_or_stable_features(&tcx.sess,
957 lib_features_used)
958 });
960 time(time_passes,
961 "lint checking",
962 || lint::check_crate(tcx, &analysis.access_levels));
964 // The above three passes generate errors w/o aborting
965 if sess.err_count() > 0 {
966 return Ok(f(tcx, Some(mir_map), analysis, Err(sess.err_count())));
967 }
969 Ok(f(tcx, Some(mir_map), analysis, Ok(())))
970 })
971 }
973 /// Run the translation phase to LLVM, after which the AST and analysis can
974 pub fn phase_4_translate_to_llvm<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
975 mut mir_map: MirMap<'tcx>,
976 analysis: ty::CrateAnalysis)
977 -> trans::CrateTranslation {
978 let time_passes = tcx.sess.time_passes();
980 time(time_passes,
981 "resolving dependency formats",
982 || dependency_format::calculate(&tcx.sess));
984 // Run the passes that transform the MIR into a more suitable for translation
985 // to LLVM code.
986 time(time_passes, "Prepare MIR codegen passes", || {
987 let mut passes = ::rustc::mir::transform::Passes::new();
988 passes.push_hook(box mir::transform::dump_mir::DumpMir);
989 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::no_landing_pads::NoLandingPads);
990 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::simplify_cfg::SimplifyCfg::new("no-landing-pads"));
992 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::erase_regions::EraseRegions);
994 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::add_call_guards::AddCallGuards);
995 passes.push_pass(box borrowck::ElaborateDrops);
996 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::no_landing_pads::NoLandingPads);
997 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::simplify_cfg::SimplifyCfg::new("elaborate-drops"));
999 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::deaggregator::Deaggregator);
1001 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::add_call_guards::AddCallGuards);
1002 passes.push_pass(box mir::transform::dump_mir::Marker("PreTrans"));
1004 passes.run_passes(tcx, &mut mir_map);
1005 });
1007 let translation =
1008 time(time_passes,
1009 "translation",
1010 move || trans::trans_crate(tcx, &mir_map, analysis));
1012 time(time_passes,
1013 "assert dep graph",
1014 move || rustc_incremental::assert_dep_graph(tcx));
1016 time(time_passes,
1017 "serialize dep graph",
1018 move || rustc_incremental::save_dep_graph(tcx));
1020 translation
1021 }
1023 /// Run LLVM itself, producing a bitcode file, assembly file or object file
1024 /// as a side effect.
1025 pub fn phase_5_run_llvm_passes(sess: &Session,
1026 crate_name: &str,
1027 trans: &trans::CrateTranslation,
1028 outputs: &OutputFilenames) -> CompileResult {
1029 if sess.opts.cg.no_integrated_as {
1030 let output_types = OutputTypes::new(&[(OutputType::Assembly, None)]);
1031 time(sess.time_passes(),
1032 "LLVM passes",
1033 || write::run_passes(sess, trans, &output_types, outputs));
1035 write::run_assembler(sess, outputs);
1037 // Remove assembly source, unless --save-temps was specified
1038 if !sess.opts.cg.save_temps {
1039 fs::remove_file(&outputs.temp_path(OutputType::Assembly, None)).unwrap();
1040 }
1041 } else {
1042 time(sess.time_passes(),
1043 "LLVM passes",
1044 || write::run_passes(sess, trans, &sess.opts.output_types, outputs));
1045 }
1047 time(sess.time_passes(),
1048 "serialize work products",
1049 move || rustc_incremental::save_work_products(sess, crate_name));
1051 if sess.err_count() > 0 {
1052 Err(sess.err_count())
1053 } else {
1054 Ok(())
1055 }
1056 }
1058 /// Run the linker on any artifacts that resulted from the LLVM run.
1059 /// This should produce either a finished executable or library.
1060 pub fn phase_6_link_output(sess: &Session,
1061 trans: &trans::CrateTranslation,
1062 outputs: &OutputFilenames) {
1063 time(sess.time_passes(),
1064 "linking",
1065 || link::link_binary(sess, trans, outputs, &trans.link.crate_name));
1066 }
1068 fn escape_dep_filename(filename: &str) -> String {
1069 // Apparently clang and gcc *only* escape spaces:
1070 // http://llvm.org/klaus/clang/commit/9d50634cfc268ecc9a7250226dd5ca0e945240d4
1071 filename.replace(" ", "\\ ")
1072 }
1074 fn write_out_deps(sess: &Session, outputs: &OutputFilenames, crate_name: &str) {
1075 let mut out_filenames = Vec::new();
1076 for output_type in sess.opts.output_types.keys() {
1077 let file = outputs.path(*output_type);
1078 match *output_type {
1079 OutputType::Exe => {
1080 for output in sess.crate_types.borrow().iter() {
1081 let p = link::filename_for_input(sess, *output, crate_name, outputs);
1082 out_filenames.push(p);
1083 }
1084 }
1085 _ => {
1086 out_filenames.push(file);
1087 }
1088 }
1089 }
1091 // Write out dependency rules to the dep-info file if requested
1092 if !sess.opts.output_types.contains_key(&OutputType::DepInfo) {
1093 return;
1094 }
1095 let deps_filename = outputs.path(OutputType::DepInfo);
1097 let result =
1098 (|| -> io::Result<()> {
1099 // Build a list of files used to compile the output and
1100 // write Makefile-compatible dependency rules
1101 let files: Vec<String> = sess.codemap()
1102 .files
1103 .borrow()
1104 .iter()
1105 .filter(|fmap| fmap.is_real_file())
1106 .filter(|fmap| !fmap.is_imported())
1107 .map(|fmap| escape_dep_filename(&fmap.name))
1108 .collect();
1109 let mut file = fs::File::create(&deps_filename)?;
1110 for path in &out_filenames {
1111 write!(file, "{}: {}\n\n", path.display(), files.join(" "))?;
1112 }
1114 // Emit a fake target for each input file to the compilation. This
1115 // prevents `make` from spitting out an error if a file is later
1116 // deleted. For more info see #28735
1117 for path in files {
1118 writeln!(file, "{}:", path)?;
1119 }
1120 Ok(())
1121 })();
1123 match result {
1124 Ok(()) => {}
1125 Err(e) => {
1126 sess.fatal(&format!("error writing dependencies to `{}`: {}",
1127 deps_filename.display(),
1128 e));
1129 }
1130 }
1131 }
1133 pub fn collect_crate_types(session: &Session, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) -> Vec<config::CrateType> {
1134 // Unconditionally collect crate types from attributes to make them used
1135 let attr_types: Vec<config::CrateType> =
1136 attrs.iter()
1137 .filter_map(|a| {
1138 if a.check_name("crate_type") {
1139 match a.value_str() {
1140 Some(ref n) if *n == "rlib" => {
1141 Some(config::CrateTypeRlib)
1142 }
1143 Some(ref n) if *n == "dylib" => {
1144 Some(config::CrateTypeDylib)
1145 }
1146 Some(ref n) if *n == "cdylib" => {
1147 Some(config::CrateTypeCdylib)
1148 }
1149 Some(ref n) if *n == "lib" => {
1150 Some(config::default_lib_output())
1151 }
1152 Some(ref n) if *n == "staticlib" => {
1153 Some(config::CrateTypeStaticlib)
1154 }
1155 Some(ref n) if *n == "bin" => Some(config::CrateTypeExecutable),
1156 Some(_) => {
1157 session.add_lint(lint::builtin::UNKNOWN_CRATE_TYPES,
1158 ast::CRATE_NODE_ID,
1159 a.span,
1160 "invalid `crate_type` value".to_string());
1161 None
1162 }
1163 _ => {
1164 session.struct_span_err(a.span, "`crate_type` requires a value")
1165 .note("for example: `#![crate_type=\"lib\"]`")
1166 .emit();
1167 None
1168 }
1169 }
1170 } else {
1171 None
1172 }
1173 })
1174 .collect();
1176 // If we're generating a test executable, then ignore all other output
1177 // styles at all other locations
1178 if session.opts.test {
1179 return vec![config::CrateTypeExecutable];
1180 }
1182 // Only check command line flags if present. If no types are specified by
1183 // command line, then reuse the empty `base` Vec to hold the types that
1184 // will be found in crate attributes.
1185 let mut base = session.opts.crate_types.clone();
1186 if base.is_empty() {
1187 base.extend(attr_types);
1188 if base.is_empty() {
1189 base.push(link::default_output_for_target(session));
1190 }
1191 base.sort();
1192 base.dedup();
1193 }
1195 base.into_iter()
1196 .filter(|crate_type| {
1197 let res = !link::invalid_output_for_target(session, *crate_type);
1199 if !res {
1200 session.warn(&format!("dropping unsupported crate type `{}` for target `{}`",
1201 *crate_type,
1202 session.opts.target_triple));
1203 }
1205 res
1206 })
1207 .collect()
1208 }
1210 pub fn compute_crate_disambiguator(session: &Session) -> String {
1211 let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
1213 let mut metadata = session.opts.cg.metadata.clone();
1214 // We don't want the crate_disambiguator to dependent on the order
1215 // -C metadata arguments, so sort them:
1216 metadata.sort();
1217 // Every distinct -C metadata value is only incorporated once:
1218 metadata.dedup();
1220 hasher.input_str("metadata");
1221 for s in &metadata {
1222 // Also incorporate the length of a metadata string, so that we generate
1223 // different values for `-Cmetadata=ab -Cmetadata=c` and
1224 // `-Cmetadata=a -Cmetadata=bc`
1225 hasher.input_str(&format!("{}", s.len())[..]);
1226 hasher.input_str(&s[..]);
1227 }
1229 let mut hash = hasher.result_str();
1231 // If this is an executable, add a special suffix, so that we don't get
1232 // symbol conflicts when linking against a library of the same name.
1233 if session.crate_types.borrow().contains(&config::CrateTypeExecutable) {
1234 hash.push_str("-exe");
1235 }
1237 hash
1238 }
1240 pub fn build_output_filenames(input: &Input,
1241 odir: &Option<PathBuf>,
1242 ofile: &Option<PathBuf>,
1243 attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
1244 sess: &Session)
1245 -> OutputFilenames {
1246 match *ofile {
1247 None => {
1248 // "-" as input file will cause the parser to read from stdin so we
1249 // have to make up a name
1250 // We want to toss everything after the final '.'
1251 let dirpath = match *odir {
1252 Some(ref d) => d.clone(),
1253 None => PathBuf::new(),
1254 };
1256 // If a crate name is present, we use it as the link name
1257 let stem = sess.opts
1258 .crate_name
1259 .clone()
1260 .or_else(|| attr::find_crate_name(attrs).map(|n| n.to_string()))
1261 .unwrap_or(input.filestem());
1263 OutputFilenames {
1264 out_directory: dirpath,
1265 out_filestem: stem,
1266 single_output_file: None,
1267 extra: sess.opts.cg.extra_filename.clone(),
1268 outputs: sess.opts.output_types.clone(),
1269 }
1270 }
1272 Some(ref out_file) => {
1273 let unnamed_output_types = sess.opts
1274 .output_types
1275 .values()
1276 .filter(|a| a.is_none())
1277 .count();
1278 let ofile = if unnamed_output_types > 1 {
1279 sess.warn("ignoring specified output filename because multiple outputs were \
1280 requested");
1281 None
1282 } else {
1283 Some(out_file.clone())
1284 };
1285 if *odir != None {
1286 sess.warn("ignoring --out-dir flag due to -o flag.");
1287 }
1289 let cur_dir = Path::new("");
1291 OutputFilenames {
1292 out_directory: out_file.parent().unwrap_or(cur_dir).to_path_buf(),
1293 out_filestem: out_file.file_stem()
1294 .unwrap_or(OsStr::new(""))
1295 .to_str()
1296 .unwrap()
1297 .to_string(),
1298 single_output_file: ofile,
1299 extra: sess.opts.cg.extra_filename.clone(),
1300 outputs: sess.opts.output_types.clone(),
1301 }
1302 }
1303 }
1304 }
1306 // For use by the `rusti` project (https://github.com/murarth/rusti).
1307 pub fn reset_thread_local_state() {
1308 // These may be left in an incoherent state after a previous compile.
1309 syntax::ext::hygiene::reset_hygiene_data();
1310 // `clear_ident_interner` can be used to free memory, but it does not restore the initial state.
1311 token::reset_ident_interner();
1312 }