]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_driver/lib.rs
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_driver / lib.rs
1 // Copyright 2014-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! The Rust compiler.
12 //!
13 //! # Note
14 //!
15 //! This API is completely unstable and subject to change.
17 #![crate_name = "rustc_driver"]
18 #![unstable(feature = "rustc_private")]
19 #![staged_api]
20 #![crate_type = "dylib"]
21 #![crate_type = "rlib"]
22 #![doc(html_logo_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk-v2.png",
23 html_favicon_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
24 html_root_url = "http://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/")]
26 #![feature(box_syntax)]
27 #![feature(collections)]
28 #![feature(core)]
29 #![feature(env)]
30 #![feature(int_uint)]
31 #![feature(old_io)]
32 #![feature(libc)]
33 #![feature(os)]
34 #![feature(old_path)]
35 #![feature(quote)]
36 #![feature(rustc_diagnostic_macros)]
37 #![feature(rustc_private)]
38 #![feature(unsafe_destructor)]
39 #![feature(staged_api)]
40 #![feature(unicode)]
42 extern crate arena;
43 extern crate flate;
44 extern crate getopts;
45 extern crate graphviz;
46 extern crate libc;
47 extern crate rustc;
48 extern crate rustc_back;
49 extern crate rustc_borrowck;
50 extern crate rustc_privacy;
51 extern crate rustc_resolve;
52 extern crate rustc_trans;
53 extern crate rustc_typeck;
54 extern crate serialize;
55 extern crate "rustc_llvm" as llvm;
56 #[macro_use] extern crate log;
57 #[macro_use] extern crate syntax;
59 pub use syntax::diagnostic;
61 use driver::CompileController;
62 use pretty::{PpMode, UserIdentifiedItem};
64 use rustc_resolve as resolve;
65 use rustc_trans::back::link;
66 use rustc_trans::save;
67 use rustc::session::{config, Session, build_session};
68 use rustc::session::config::{Input, PrintRequest};
69 use rustc::lint::Lint;
70 use rustc::lint;
71 use rustc::metadata;
72 use rustc::util::common::time;
74 use std::cmp::Ordering::Equal;
75 use std::old_io::{self, stdio};
76 use std::iter::repeat;
77 use std::env;
78 use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
79 use std::thread;
81 use rustc::session::early_error;
83 use syntax::ast;
84 use syntax::parse;
85 use syntax::diagnostic::Emitter;
86 use syntax::diagnostics;
88 #[cfg(test)]
89 pub mod test;
91 pub mod driver;
92 pub mod pretty;
95 static BUG_REPORT_URL: &'static str =
96 "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#bug-reports";
99 pub fn run(args: Vec<String>) -> int {
100 monitor(move || run_compiler(&args, &mut RustcDefaultCalls));
101 0
102 }
104 // Parse args and run the compiler. This is the primary entry point for rustc.
105 // See comments on CompilerCalls below for details about the callbacks argument.
106 pub fn run_compiler<'a>(args: &[String],
107 callbacks: &mut CompilerCalls<'a>) {
108 macro_rules! do_or_return {($expr: expr) => {
109 match $expr {
110 Compilation::Stop => return,
111 Compilation::Continue => {}
112 }
113 }}
115 let matches = match handle_options(args.to_vec()) {
116 Some(matches) => matches,
117 None => return
118 };
120 let descriptions = diagnostics_registry();
122 do_or_return!(callbacks.early_callback(&matches, &descriptions));
124 let sopts = config::build_session_options(&matches);
126 let (odir, ofile) = make_output(&matches);
127 let (input, input_file_path) = match make_input(&matches.free[]) {
128 Some((input, input_file_path)) => callbacks.some_input(input, input_file_path),
129 None => match callbacks.no_input(&matches, &sopts, &odir, &ofile, &descriptions) {
130 Some((input, input_file_path)) => (input, input_file_path),
131 None => return
132 }
133 };
135 let mut sess = build_session(sopts, input_file_path, descriptions);
136 if sess.unstable_options() {
137 sess.opts.show_span = matches.opt_str("show-span");
138 }
139 let cfg = config::build_configuration(&sess);
141 do_or_return!(callbacks.late_callback(&matches, &sess, &input, &odir, &ofile));
143 // It is somewhat unfortunate that this is hardwired in - this is forced by
144 // the fact that pretty_print_input requires the session by value.
145 let pretty = callbacks.parse_pretty(&sess, &matches);
146 match pretty {
147 Some((ppm, opt_uii)) => {
148 pretty::pretty_print_input(sess, cfg, &input, ppm, opt_uii, ofile);
149 return;
150 }
151 None => {/* continue */ }
152 }
154 let plugins = sess.opts.debugging_opts.extra_plugins.clone();
155 let control = callbacks.build_controller(&sess);
156 driver::compile_input(sess, cfg, &input, &odir, &ofile, Some(plugins), control);
157 }
159 // Extract output directory and file from matches.
160 fn make_output(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> (Option<Path>, Option<Path>) {
161 let odir = matches.opt_str("out-dir").map(|o| Path::new(o));
162 let ofile = matches.opt_str("o").map(|o| Path::new(o));
163 (odir, ofile)
164 }
166 // Extract input (string or file and optional path) from matches.
167 fn make_input(free_matches: &[String]) -> Option<(Input, Option<Path>)> {
168 if free_matches.len() == 1 {
169 let ifile = &free_matches[0][];
170 if ifile == "-" {
171 let contents = old_io::stdin().read_to_end().unwrap();
172 let src = String::from_utf8(contents).unwrap();
173 Some((Input::Str(src), None))
174 } else {
175 Some((Input::File(Path::new(ifile)), Some(Path::new(ifile))))
176 }
177 } else {
178 None
179 }
180 }
182 // Whether to stop or continue compilation.
183 #[derive(Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
184 pub enum Compilation {
185 Stop,
186 Continue,
187 }
189 impl Compilation {
190 pub fn and_then<F: FnOnce() -> Compilation>(self, next: F) -> Compilation {
191 match self {
192 Compilation::Stop => Compilation::Stop,
193 Compilation::Continue => next()
194 }
195 }
196 }
198 // A trait for customising the compilation process. Offers a number of hooks for
199 // executing custom code or customising input.
200 pub trait CompilerCalls<'a> {
201 // Hook for a callback early in the process of handling arguments. This will
202 // be called straight after options have been parsed but before anything
203 // else (e.g., selecting input and output).
204 fn early_callback(&mut self,
205 &getopts::Matches,
206 &diagnostics::registry::Registry)
207 -> Compilation;
209 // Hook for a callback late in the process of handling arguments. This will
210 // be called just before actual compilation starts (and before build_controller
211 // is called), after all arguments etc. have been completely handled.
212 fn late_callback(&mut self,
213 &getopts::Matches,
214 &Session,
215 &Input,
216 &Option<Path>,
217 &Option<Path>)
218 -> Compilation;
220 // Called after we extract the input from the arguments. Gives the implementer
221 // an opportunity to change the inputs or to add some custom input handling.
222 // The default behaviour is to simply pass through the inputs.
223 fn some_input(&mut self, input: Input, input_path: Option<Path>) -> (Input, Option<Path>) {
224 (input, input_path)
225 }
227 // Called after we extract the input from the arguments if there is no valid
228 // input. Gives the implementer an opportunity to supply alternate input (by
229 // returning a Some value) or to add custom behaviour for this error such as
230 // emitting error messages. Returning None will cause compilation to stop
231 // at this point.
232 fn no_input(&mut self,
233 &getopts::Matches,
234 &config::Options,
235 &Option<Path>,
236 &Option<Path>,
237 &diagnostics::registry::Registry)
238 -> Option<(Input, Option<Path>)>;
240 // Parse pretty printing information from the arguments. The implementer can
241 // choose to ignore this (the default will return None) which will skip pretty
242 // printing. If you do want to pretty print, it is recommended to use the
243 // implementation of this method from RustcDefaultCalls.
244 // FIXME, this is a terrible bit of API. Parsing of pretty printing stuff
245 // should be done as part of the framework and the implementor should customise
246 // handling of it. However, that is not possible atm because pretty printing
247 // essentially goes off and takes another path through the compiler which
248 // means the session is either moved or not depending on what parse_pretty
249 // returns (we could fix this by cloning, but it's another hack). The proper
250 // solution is to handle pretty printing as if it were a compiler extension,
251 // extending CompileController to make this work (see for example the treatment
252 // of save-analysis in RustcDefaultCalls::build_controller).
253 fn parse_pretty(&mut self,
254 _sess: &Session,
255 _matches: &getopts::Matches)
256 -> Option<(PpMode, Option<UserIdentifiedItem>)> {
257 None
258 }
260 // Create a CompilController struct for controlling the behaviour of compilation.
261 fn build_controller(&mut self, &Session) -> CompileController<'a>;
262 }
264 // CompilerCalls instance for a regular rustc build.
265 #[derive(Copy)]
266 pub struct RustcDefaultCalls;
268 impl<'a> CompilerCalls<'a> for RustcDefaultCalls {
269 fn early_callback(&mut self,
270 matches: &getopts::Matches,
271 descriptions: &diagnostics::registry::Registry)
272 -> Compilation {
273 match matches.opt_str("explain") {
274 Some(ref code) => {
275 match descriptions.find_description(&code[..]) {
276 Some(ref description) => {
277 println!("{}", description);
278 }
279 None => {
280 early_error(&format!("no extended information for {}", code)[]);
281 }
282 }
283 return Compilation::Stop;
284 },
285 None => ()
286 }
288 return Compilation::Continue;
289 }
291 fn no_input(&mut self,
292 matches: &getopts::Matches,
293 sopts: &config::Options,
294 odir: &Option<Path>,
295 ofile: &Option<Path>,
296 descriptions: &diagnostics::registry::Registry)
297 -> Option<(Input, Option<Path>)> {
298 match matches.free.len() {
299 0 => {
300 if sopts.describe_lints {
301 let mut ls = lint::LintStore::new();
302 ls.register_builtin(None);
303 describe_lints(&ls, false);
304 return None;
305 }
306 let sess = build_session(sopts.clone(), None, descriptions.clone());
307 let should_stop = RustcDefaultCalls::print_crate_info(&sess, None, odir, ofile);
308 if should_stop == Compilation::Stop {
309 return None;
310 }
311 early_error("no input filename given");
312 }
313 1 => panic!("make_input should have provided valid inputs"),
314 _ => early_error("multiple input filenames provided")
315 }
317 None
318 }
320 fn parse_pretty(&mut self,
321 sess: &Session,
322 matches: &getopts::Matches)
323 -> Option<(PpMode, Option<UserIdentifiedItem>)> {
324 let pretty = if sess.opts.debugging_opts.unstable_options {
325 matches.opt_default("pretty", "normal").map(|a| {
326 // stable pretty-print variants only
327 pretty::parse_pretty(sess, &a, false)
328 })
329 } else {
330 None
331 };
332 if pretty.is_none() && sess.unstable_options() {
333 matches.opt_str("xpretty").map(|a| {
334 // extended with unstable pretty-print variants
335 pretty::parse_pretty(sess, &a, true)
336 })
337 } else {
338 pretty
339 }
340 }
342 fn late_callback(&mut self,
343 matches: &getopts::Matches,
344 sess: &Session,
345 input: &Input,
346 odir: &Option<Path>,
347 ofile: &Option<Path>)
348 -> Compilation {
349 RustcDefaultCalls::print_crate_info(sess, Some(input), odir, ofile).and_then(
350 || RustcDefaultCalls::list_metadata(sess, matches, input))
351 }
353 fn build_controller(&mut self, sess: &Session) -> CompileController<'a> {
354 let mut control = CompileController::basic();
356 if sess.opts.parse_only ||
357 sess.opts.show_span.is_some() ||
358 sess.opts.debugging_opts.ast_json_noexpand {
359 control.after_parse.stop = Compilation::Stop;
360 }
362 if sess.opts.no_analysis || sess.opts.debugging_opts.ast_json {
363 control.after_write_deps.stop = Compilation::Stop;
364 }
366 if sess.opts.no_trans {
367 control.after_analysis.stop = Compilation::Stop;
368 }
370 if !sess.opts.output_types.iter().any(|&i| i == config::OutputTypeExe) {
371 control.after_llvm.stop = Compilation::Stop;
372 }
374 if sess.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis {
375 control.after_analysis.callback = box |state| {
376 time(state.session.time_passes(), "save analysis", state.krate.unwrap(), |krate|
377 save::process_crate(state.session,
378 krate,
379 state.analysis.unwrap(),
380 state.out_dir));
381 };
382 control.make_glob_map = resolve::MakeGlobMap::Yes;
383 }
385 control
386 }
387 }
389 impl RustcDefaultCalls {
390 pub fn list_metadata(sess: &Session,
391 matches: &getopts::Matches,
392 input: &Input)
393 -> Compilation {
394 let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
395 if r.contains(&("ls".to_string())) {
396 match input {
397 &Input::File(ref ifile) => {
398 let mut stdout = old_io::stdout();
399 let path = &(*ifile);
400 metadata::loader::list_file_metadata(sess.target.target.options.is_like_osx,
401 path,
402 &mut stdout).unwrap();
403 }
404 &Input::Str(_) => {
405 early_error("cannot list metadata for stdin");
406 }
407 }
408 return Compilation::Stop;
409 }
411 return Compilation::Continue;
412 }
415 fn print_crate_info(sess: &Session,
416 input: Option<&Input>,
417 odir: &Option<Path>,
418 ofile: &Option<Path>)
419 -> Compilation {
420 if sess.opts.prints.len() == 0 {
421 return Compilation::Continue;
422 }
424 let attrs = input.map(|input| parse_crate_attrs(sess, input));
425 for req in &sess.opts.prints {
426 match *req {
427 PrintRequest::Sysroot => println!("{}", sess.sysroot().display()),
428 PrintRequest::FileNames |
429 PrintRequest::CrateName => {
430 let input = match input {
431 Some(input) => input,
432 None => early_error("no input file provided"),
433 };
434 let attrs = attrs.as_ref().unwrap();
435 let t_outputs = driver::build_output_filenames(input,
436 odir,
437 ofile,
438 attrs,
439 sess);
440 let id = link::find_crate_name(Some(sess),
441 attrs,
442 input);
443 if *req == PrintRequest::CrateName {
444 println!("{}", id);
445 continue
446 }
447 let crate_types = driver::collect_crate_types(sess, attrs);
448 let metadata = driver::collect_crate_metadata(sess, attrs);
449 *sess.crate_metadata.borrow_mut() = metadata;
450 for &style in &crate_types {
451 let fname = link::filename_for_input(sess,
452 style,
453 &id,
454 &t_outputs.with_extension(""));
455 println!("{}", fname.filename_display());
456 }
457 }
458 }
459 }
460 return Compilation::Stop;
461 }
462 }
464 /// Returns a version string such as "0.12.0-dev".
465 pub fn release_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
466 option_env!("CFG_RELEASE")
467 }
469 /// Returns the full SHA1 hash of HEAD of the Git repo from which rustc was built.
470 pub fn commit_hash_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
471 option_env!("CFG_VER_HASH")
472 }
474 /// Returns the "commit date" of HEAD of the Git repo from which rustc was built as a static string.
475 pub fn commit_date_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
476 option_env!("CFG_VER_DATE")
477 }
479 pub fn build_date_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
480 option_env!("CFG_BUILD_DATE")
481 }
483 /// Prints version information and returns None on success or an error
484 /// message on panic.
485 pub fn version(binary: &str, matches: &getopts::Matches) {
486 let verbose = matches.opt_present("verbose");
488 println!("{} {}", binary, option_env!("CFG_VERSION").unwrap_or("unknown version"));
489 if verbose {
490 fn unw(x: Option<&str>) -> &str { x.unwrap_or("unknown") }
491 println!("binary: {}", binary);
492 println!("commit-hash: {}", unw(commit_hash_str()));
493 println!("commit-date: {}", unw(commit_date_str()));
494 println!("build-date: {}", unw(build_date_str()));
495 println!("host: {}", config::host_triple());
496 println!("release: {}", unw(release_str()));
497 }
498 }
500 fn usage(verbose: bool, include_unstable_options: bool) {
501 let groups = if verbose {
502 config::rustc_optgroups()
503 } else {
504 config::rustc_short_optgroups()
505 };
506 let groups : Vec<_> = groups.into_iter()
507 .filter(|x| include_unstable_options || x.is_stable())
508 .map(|x|x.opt_group)
509 .collect();
510 let message = format!("Usage: rustc [OPTIONS] INPUT");
511 let extra_help = if verbose {
512 ""
513 } else {
514 "\n --help -v Print the full set of options rustc accepts"
515 };
516 println!("{}\n\
517 Additional help:
518 -C help Print codegen options
519 -W help Print 'lint' options and default settings
520 -Z help Print internal options for debugging rustc{}\n",
521 getopts::usage(&message, &groups),
522 extra_help);
523 }
525 fn describe_lints(lint_store: &lint::LintStore, loaded_plugins: bool) {
526 println!("
527 Available lint options:
528 -W <foo> Warn about <foo>
529 -A <foo> Allow <foo>
530 -D <foo> Deny <foo>
531 -F <foo> Forbid <foo> (deny, and deny all overrides)
533 ");
535 fn sort_lints(lints: Vec<(&'static Lint, bool)>) -> Vec<&'static Lint> {
536 let mut lints: Vec<_> = lints.into_iter().map(|(x, _)| x).collect();
537 lints.sort_by(|x: &&Lint, y: &&Lint| {
538 match x.default_level.cmp(&y.default_level) {
539 // The sort doesn't case-fold but it's doubtful we care.
540 Equal => x.name.cmp(y.name),
541 r => r,
542 }
543 });
544 lints
545 }
547 fn sort_lint_groups(lints: Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>, bool)>)
548 -> Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)> {
549 let mut lints: Vec<_> = lints.into_iter().map(|(x, y, _)| (x, y)).collect();
550 lints.sort_by(|&(x, _): &(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>),
551 &(y, _): &(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)| {
552 x.cmp(y)
553 });
554 lints
555 }
557 let (plugin, builtin): (Vec<_>, _) = lint_store.get_lints()
558 .iter().cloned().partition(|&(_, p)| p);
559 let plugin = sort_lints(plugin);
560 let builtin = sort_lints(builtin);
562 let (plugin_groups, builtin_groups): (Vec<_>, _) = lint_store.get_lint_groups()
563 .iter().cloned().partition(|&(_, _, p)| p);
564 let plugin_groups = sort_lint_groups(plugin_groups);
565 let builtin_groups = sort_lint_groups(builtin_groups);
567 let max_name_len = plugin.iter().chain(builtin.iter())
568 .map(|&s| s.name.width(true))
569 .max().unwrap_or(0);
570 let padded = |x: &str| {
571 let mut s = repeat(" ").take(max_name_len - x.chars().count())
572 .collect::<String>();
573 s.push_str(x);
574 s
575 };
577 println!("Lint checks provided by rustc:\n");
578 println!(" {} {:7.7} {}", padded("name"), "default", "meaning");
579 println!(" {} {:7.7} {}", padded("----"), "-------", "-------");
581 let print_lints = |lints: Vec<&Lint>| {
582 for lint in lints {
583 let name = lint.name_lower().replace("_", "-");
584 println!(" {} {:7.7} {}",
585 padded(&name[..]), lint.default_level.as_str(), lint.desc);
586 }
587 println!("\n");
588 };
590 print_lints(builtin);
594 let max_name_len = plugin_groups.iter().chain(builtin_groups.iter())
595 .map(|&(s, _)| s.width(true))
596 .max().unwrap_or(0);
597 let padded = |x: &str| {
598 let mut s = repeat(" ").take(max_name_len - x.chars().count())
599 .collect::<String>();
600 s.push_str(x);
601 s
602 };
604 println!("Lint groups provided by rustc:\n");
605 println!(" {} {}", padded("name"), "sub-lints");
606 println!(" {} {}", padded("----"), "---------");
608 let print_lint_groups = |lints: Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)>| {
609 for (name, to) in lints {
610 let name = name.chars().map(|x| x.to_lowercase())
611 .collect::<String>().replace("_", "-");
612 let desc = to.into_iter().map(|x| x.as_str().replace("_", "-"))
613 .collect::<Vec<String>>().connect(", ");
614 println!(" {} {}",
615 padded(&name[..]), desc);
616 }
617 println!("\n");
618 };
620 print_lint_groups(builtin_groups);
622 match (loaded_plugins, plugin.len(), plugin_groups.len()) {
623 (false, 0, _) | (false, _, 0) => {
624 println!("Compiler plugins can provide additional lints and lint groups. To see a \
625 listing of these, re-run `rustc -W help` with a crate filename.");
626 }
627 (false, _, _) => panic!("didn't load lint plugins but got them anyway!"),
628 (true, 0, 0) => println!("This crate does not load any lint plugins or lint groups."),
629 (true, l, g) => {
630 if l > 0 {
631 println!("Lint checks provided by plugins loaded by this crate:\n");
632 print_lints(plugin);
633 }
634 if g > 0 {
635 println!("Lint groups provided by plugins loaded by this crate:\n");
636 print_lint_groups(plugin_groups);
637 }
638 }
639 }
640 }
642 fn describe_debug_flags() {
643 println!("\nAvailable debug options:\n");
644 for &(name, _, opt_type_desc, desc) in config::DB_OPTIONS {
645 let (width, extra) = match opt_type_desc {
646 Some(..) => (21, "=val"),
647 None => (25, "")
648 };
649 println!(" -Z {:>width$}{} -- {}", name.replace("_", "-"),
650 extra, desc, width=width);
651 }
652 }
654 fn describe_codegen_flags() {
655 println!("\nAvailable codegen options:\n");
656 for &(name, _, opt_type_desc, desc) in config::CG_OPTIONS {
657 let (width, extra) = match opt_type_desc {
658 Some(..) => (21, "=val"),
659 None => (25, "")
660 };
661 println!(" -C {:>width$}{} -- {}", name.replace("_", "-"),
662 extra, desc, width=width);
663 }
664 }
666 /// Process command line options. Emits messages as appropriate. If compilation
667 /// should continue, returns a getopts::Matches object parsed from args, otherwise
668 /// returns None.
669 pub fn handle_options(mut args: Vec<String>) -> Option<getopts::Matches> {
670 // Throw away the first argument, the name of the binary
671 let _binary = args.remove(0);
673 if args.is_empty() {
674 // user did not write `-v` nor `-Z unstable-options`, so do not
675 // include that extra information.
676 usage(false, false);
677 return None;
678 }
680 let matches =
681 match getopts::getopts(&args[..], &config::optgroups()[]) {
682 Ok(m) => m,
683 Err(f_stable_attempt) => {
684 // redo option parsing, including unstable options this time,
685 // in anticipation that the mishandled option was one of the
686 // unstable ones.
687 let all_groups : Vec<getopts::OptGroup>
688 = config::rustc_optgroups().into_iter().map(|x|x.opt_group).collect();
689 match getopts::getopts(&args, &all_groups) {
690 Ok(m_unstable) => {
691 let r = m_unstable.opt_strs("Z");
692 let include_unstable_options = r.iter().any(|x| *x == "unstable-options");
693 if include_unstable_options {
694 m_unstable
695 } else {
696 early_error(&f_stable_attempt.to_string());
697 }
698 }
699 Err(_) => {
700 // ignore the error from the unstable attempt; just
701 // pass the error we got from the first try.
702 early_error(&f_stable_attempt.to_string());
703 }
704 }
705 }
706 };
708 let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
709 let include_unstable_options = r.iter().any(|x| *x == "unstable-options");
711 if matches.opt_present("h") || matches.opt_present("help") {
712 usage(matches.opt_present("verbose"), include_unstable_options);
713 return None;
714 }
716 // Don't handle -W help here, because we might first load plugins.
718 let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
719 if r.iter().any(|x| *x == "help") {
720 describe_debug_flags();
721 return None;
722 }
724 let cg_flags = matches.opt_strs("C");
725 if cg_flags.iter().any(|x| *x == "help") {
726 describe_codegen_flags();
727 return None;
728 }
730 if cg_flags.contains(&"passes=list".to_string()) {
731 unsafe { ::llvm::LLVMRustPrintPasses(); }
732 return None;
733 }
735 if matches.opt_present("version") {
736 version("rustc", &matches);
737 return None;
738 }
740 Some(matches)
741 }
743 fn parse_crate_attrs(sess: &Session, input: &Input) ->
744 Vec<ast::Attribute> {
745 let result = match *input {
746 Input::File(ref ifile) => {
747 parse::parse_crate_attrs_from_file(ifile,
748 Vec::new(),
749 &sess.parse_sess)
750 }
751 Input::Str(ref src) => {
752 parse::parse_crate_attrs_from_source_str(
753 driver::anon_src().to_string(),
754 src.to_string(),
755 Vec::new(),
756 &sess.parse_sess)
757 }
758 };
759 result.into_iter().collect()
760 }
762 /// Run a procedure which will detect panics in the compiler and print nicer
763 /// error messages rather than just failing the test.
764 ///
765 /// The diagnostic emitter yielded to the procedure should be used for reporting
766 /// errors of the compiler.
767 pub fn monitor<F:FnOnce()+Send+'static>(f: F) {
768 static STACK_SIZE: uint = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // 8MB
770 let (tx, rx) = channel();
771 let w = old_io::ChanWriter::new(tx);
772 let mut r = old_io::ChanReader::new(rx);
774 let mut cfg = thread::Builder::new().name("rustc".to_string());
776 // FIXME: Hacks on hacks. If the env is trying to override the stack size
777 // then *don't* set it explicitly.
778 if env::var_os("RUST_MIN_STACK").is_none() {
779 cfg = cfg.stack_size(STACK_SIZE);
780 }
782 match cfg.spawn(move || { stdio::set_stderr(box w); f() }).unwrap().join() {
783 Ok(()) => { /* fallthrough */ }
784 Err(value) => {
785 // Thread panicked without emitting a fatal diagnostic
786 if !value.is::<diagnostic::FatalError>() {
787 let mut emitter = diagnostic::EmitterWriter::stderr(diagnostic::Auto, None);
789 // a .span_bug or .bug call has already printed what
790 // it wants to print.
791 if !value.is::<diagnostic::ExplicitBug>() {
792 emitter.emit(
793 None,
794 "unexpected panic",
795 None,
796 diagnostic::Bug);
797 }
799 let xs = [
800 "the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.".to_string(),
801 format!("we would appreciate a bug report: {}",
803 "run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace".to_string(),
804 ];
805 for note in &xs {
806 emitter.emit(None, &note[..], None, diagnostic::Note)
807 }
809 match r.read_to_string() {
810 Ok(s) => println!("{}", s),
811 Err(e) => {
812 emitter.emit(None,
813 &format!("failed to read internal \
814 stderr: {}", e)[],
815 None,
816 diagnostic::Error)
817 }
818 }
819 }
821 // Panic so the process returns a failure code, but don't pollute the
822 // output with some unnecessary panic messages, we've already
823 // printed everything that we needed to.
824 old_io::stdio::set_stderr(box old_io::util::NullWriter);
825 panic!();
826 }
827 }
828 }
830 pub fn diagnostics_registry() -> diagnostics::registry::Registry {
831 use syntax::diagnostics::registry::Registry;
833 let all_errors = Vec::new() +
834 rustc::diagnostics::DIAGNOSTICS.as_slice() +
835 rustc_typeck::diagnostics::DIAGNOSTICS.as_slice() +
836 rustc_resolve::diagnostics::DIAGNOSTICS.as_slice();
838 Registry::new(&*all_errors)
839 }
841 pub fn main() {
842 let result = run(env::args().collect());
843 std::env::set_exit_status(result as i32);
844 }