]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_incremental/assert_dep_graph.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.9.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_incremental / assert_dep_graph.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! This pass is only used for the UNIT TESTS and DEBUGGING NEEDS
12 //! around dependency graph construction. It serves two purposes; it
13 //! will dump graphs in graphviz form to disk, and it searches for
14 //! `#[rustc_if_this_changed]` and `#[rustc_then_this_would_need]`
15 //! annotations. These annotations can be used to test whether paths
16 //! exist in the graph. These checks run after trans, so they view the
17 //! the final state of the dependency graph. Note that there are
18 //! similar assertions found in `persist::dirty_clean` which check the
19 //! **initial** state of the dependency graph, just after it has been
20 //! loaded from disk.
21 //!
22 //! In this code, we report errors on each `rustc_if_this_changed`
23 //! annotation. If a path exists in all cases, then we would report
24 //! "all path(s) exist". Otherwise, we report: "no path to `foo`" for
25 //! each case where no path exists. `compile-fail` tests can then be
26 //! used to check when paths exist or do not.
27 //!
28 //! The full form of the `rustc_if_this_changed` annotation is
29 //! `#[rustc_if_this_changed(id)]`. The `"id"` is optional and
30 //! defaults to `"id"` if omitted.
31 //!
32 //! Example:
33 //!
34 //! ```
35 //! #[rustc_if_this_changed]
36 //! fn foo() { }
37 //!
38 //! #[rustc_then_this_would_need("trans")] //~ ERROR no path from `foo`
39 //! fn bar() { }
40 //!
41 //! #[rustc_then_this_would_need("trans")] //~ ERROR OK
42 //! fn baz() { foo(); }
43 //! ```
45 use graphviz as dot;
46 use rustc::dep_graph::{DepGraphQuery, DepNode};
47 use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
48 use rustc::ty::TyCtxt;
49 use rustc_data_structures::fnv::{FnvHashMap, FnvHashSet};
50 use rustc_data_structures::graph::{Direction, INCOMING, OUTGOING, NodeIndex};
51 use rustc::hir;
52 use rustc::hir::intravisit::Visitor;
53 use graphviz::IntoCow;
54 use std::env;
55 use std::fs::File;
56 use std::io::Write;
57 use syntax::ast;
58 use syntax::attr::AttrMetaMethods;
59 use syntax::codemap::Span;
60 use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
62 const IF_THIS_CHANGED: &'static str = "rustc_if_this_changed";
63 const THEN_THIS_WOULD_NEED: &'static str = "rustc_then_this_would_need";
64 const ID: &'static str = "id";
66 pub fn assert_dep_graph(tcx: &TyCtxt) {
67 let _ignore = tcx.dep_graph.in_ignore();
69 if tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.dump_dep_graph {
70 dump_graph(tcx);
71 }
73 // Find annotations supplied by user (if any).
74 let (if_this_changed, then_this_would_need) = {
75 let mut visitor = IfThisChanged { tcx: tcx,
76 if_this_changed: FnvHashMap(),
77 then_this_would_need: FnvHashMap() };
78 tcx.map.krate().visit_all_items(&mut visitor);
79 (visitor.if_this_changed, visitor.then_this_would_need)
80 };
82 if !if_this_changed.is_empty() || !then_this_would_need.is_empty() {
83 assert!(tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.query_dep_graph,
84 "cannot use the `#[{}]` or `#[{}]` annotations \
85 without supplying `-Z query-dep-graph`",
87 }
89 // Check paths.
90 check_paths(tcx, &if_this_changed, &then_this_would_need);
91 }
93 type SourceHashMap =
94 FnvHashMap<InternedString,
95 FnvHashSet<(Span, DefId, DepNode<DefId>)>>;
96 type TargetHashMap =
97 FnvHashMap<InternedString,
98 FnvHashSet<(Span, InternedString, ast::NodeId, DepNode<DefId>)>>;
100 struct IfThisChanged<'a, 'tcx:'a> {
101 tcx: &'a TyCtxt<'tcx>,
102 if_this_changed: SourceHashMap,
103 then_this_would_need: TargetHashMap,
104 }
106 impl<'a, 'tcx> IfThisChanged<'a, 'tcx> {
107 fn process_attrs(&mut self, node_id: ast::NodeId, def_id: DefId) {
108 for attr in self.tcx.get_attrs(def_id).iter() {
109 if attr.check_name(IF_THIS_CHANGED) {
110 let mut id = None;
111 for meta_item in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_default() {
112 match meta_item.node {
113 ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref s) if id.is_none() => id = Some(s.clone()),
114 _ => {
115 self.tcx.sess.span_err(
116 meta_item.span,
117 &format!("unexpected meta-item {:?}", meta_item.node));
118 }
119 }
120 }
121 let id = id.unwrap_or(InternedString::new(ID));
122 self.if_this_changed.entry(id)
123 .or_insert(FnvHashSet())
124 .insert((attr.span, def_id, DepNode::Hir(def_id)));
125 } else if attr.check_name(THEN_THIS_WOULD_NEED) {
126 let mut dep_node_interned = None;
127 let mut id = None;
128 for meta_item in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_default() {
129 match meta_item.node {
130 ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref s) if dep_node_interned.is_none() =>
131 dep_node_interned = Some(s.clone()),
132 ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref s) if id.is_none() =>
133 id = Some(s.clone()),
134 _ => {
135 self.tcx.sess.span_err(
136 meta_item.span,
137 &format!("unexpected meta-item {:?}", meta_item.node));
138 }
139 }
140 }
141 let dep_node = match dep_node_interned {
142 Some(ref n) => {
143 match DepNode::from_label_string(&n[..], def_id) {
144 Ok(n) => n,
145 Err(()) => {
146 self.tcx.sess.span_fatal(
147 attr.span,
148 &format!("unrecognized DepNode variant {:?}", n));
149 }
150 }
151 }
152 None => {
153 self.tcx.sess.span_fatal(
154 attr.span,
155 &format!("missing DepNode variant"));
156 }
157 };
158 let id = id.unwrap_or(InternedString::new(ID));
159 self.then_this_would_need
160 .entry(id)
161 .or_insert(FnvHashSet())
162 .insert((attr.span, dep_node_interned.clone().unwrap(), node_id, dep_node));
163 }
164 }
165 }
166 }
168 impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for IfThisChanged<'a, 'tcx> {
169 fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &'tcx hir::Item) {
170 let def_id = self.tcx.map.local_def_id(item.id);
171 self.process_attrs(item.id, def_id);
172 }
173 }
175 fn check_paths(tcx: &TyCtxt,
176 if_this_changed: &SourceHashMap,
177 then_this_would_need: &TargetHashMap)
178 {
179 // Return early here so as not to construct the query, which is not cheap.
180 if if_this_changed.is_empty() {
181 return;
182 }
183 let query = tcx.dep_graph.query();
184 for (id, sources) in if_this_changed {
185 let targets = match then_this_would_need.get(id) {
186 Some(targets) => targets,
187 None => {
188 for &(source_span, _, _) in sources.iter().take(1) {
189 tcx.sess.span_err(
190 source_span,
191 &format!("no targets for id `{}`", id));
192 }
193 continue;
194 }
195 };
197 for &(_, source_def_id, source_dep_node) in sources {
198 let dependents = query.transitive_dependents(source_dep_node);
199 for &(target_span, ref target_pass, _, ref target_dep_node) in targets {
200 if !dependents.contains(&target_dep_node) {
201 tcx.sess.span_err(
202 target_span,
203 &format!("no path from `{}` to `{}`",
204 tcx.item_path_str(source_def_id),
205 target_pass));
206 } else {
207 tcx.sess.span_err(
208 target_span,
209 &format!("OK"));
210 }
211 }
212 }
213 }
214 }
216 fn dump_graph(tcx: &TyCtxt) {
217 let path: String = env::var("RUST_DEP_GRAPH").unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("dep_graph"));
218 let query = tcx.dep_graph.query();
220 let nodes = match env::var("RUST_DEP_GRAPH_FILTER") {
221 Ok(string) => {
222 // Expect one of: "-> target", "source -> target", or "source ->".
223 let parts: Vec<_> = string.split("->").collect();
224 if parts.len() > 2 {
225 bug!("Invalid RUST_DEP_GRAPH_FILTER: expected '[source] -> [target]'");
226 }
227 let sources = node_set(&query, &parts[0]);
228 let targets = node_set(&query, &parts[1]);
229 filter_nodes(&query, &sources, &targets)
230 }
231 Err(_) => {
232 query.nodes()
233 .into_iter()
234 .collect()
235 }
236 };
237 let edges = filter_edges(&query, &nodes);
239 { // dump a .txt file with just the edges:
240 let txt_path = format!("{}.txt", path);
241 let mut file = File::create(&txt_path).unwrap();
242 for &(source, target) in &edges {
243 write!(file, "{:?} -> {:?}\n", source, target).unwrap();
244 }
245 }
247 { // dump a .dot file in graphviz format:
248 let dot_path = format!("{}.dot", path);
249 let mut v = Vec::new();
250 dot::render(&GraphvizDepGraph(nodes, edges), &mut v).unwrap();
251 File::create(&dot_path).and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(&v)).unwrap();
252 }
253 }
255 pub struct GraphvizDepGraph(FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>,
256 Vec<(DepNode<DefId>, DepNode<DefId>)>);
258 impl<'a, 'tcx> dot::GraphWalk<'a> for GraphvizDepGraph {
259 type Node = DepNode<DefId>;
260 type Edge = (DepNode<DefId>, DepNode<DefId>);
261 fn nodes(&self) -> dot::Nodes<DepNode<DefId>> {
262 let nodes: Vec<_> = self.0.iter().cloned().collect();
263 nodes.into_cow()
264 }
265 fn edges(&self) -> dot::Edges<(DepNode<DefId>, DepNode<DefId>)> {
266 self.1[..].into_cow()
267 }
268 fn source(&self, edge: &(DepNode<DefId>, DepNode<DefId>)) -> DepNode<DefId> {
269 edge.0
270 }
271 fn target(&self, edge: &(DepNode<DefId>, DepNode<DefId>)) -> DepNode<DefId> {
272 edge.1
273 }
274 }
276 impl<'a, 'tcx> dot::Labeller<'a> for GraphvizDepGraph {
277 type Node = DepNode<DefId>;
278 type Edge = (DepNode<DefId>, DepNode<DefId>);
279 fn graph_id(&self) -> dot::Id {
280 dot::Id::new("DependencyGraph").unwrap()
281 }
282 fn node_id(&self, n: &DepNode<DefId>) -> dot::Id {
283 let s: String =
284 format!("{:?}", n).chars()
285 .map(|c| if c == '_' || c.is_alphanumeric() { c } else { '_' })
286 .collect();
287 debug!("n={:?} s={:?}", n, s);
288 dot::Id::new(s).unwrap()
289 }
290 fn node_label(&self, n: &DepNode<DefId>) -> dot::LabelText {
291 dot::LabelText::label(format!("{:?}", n))
292 }
293 }
295 // Given an optional filter like `"x,y,z"`, returns either `None` (no
296 // filter) or the set of nodes whose labels contain all of those
297 // substrings.
298 fn node_set(query: &DepGraphQuery<DefId>, filter: &str)
299 -> Option<FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>>
300 {
301 debug!("node_set(filter={:?})", filter);
303 if filter.trim().is_empty() {
304 return None;
305 }
307 let filters: Vec<&str> = filter.split("&").map(|s| s.trim()).collect();
309 debug!("node_set: filters={:?}", filters);
311 Some(query.nodes()
312 .into_iter()
313 .filter(|n| {
314 let s = format!("{:?}", n);
315 filters.iter().all(|f| s.contains(f))
316 })
317 .collect())
318 }
320 fn filter_nodes(query: &DepGraphQuery<DefId>,
321 sources: &Option<FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>>,
322 targets: &Option<FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>>)
323 -> FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>
324 {
325 if let &Some(ref sources) = sources {
326 if let &Some(ref targets) = targets {
327 walk_between(query, sources, targets)
328 } else {
329 walk_nodes(query, sources, OUTGOING)
330 }
331 } else if let &Some(ref targets) = targets {
332 walk_nodes(query, targets, INCOMING)
333 } else {
334 query.nodes().into_iter().collect()
335 }
336 }
338 fn walk_nodes(query: &DepGraphQuery<DefId>,
339 starts: &FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>,
340 direction: Direction)
341 -> FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>
342 {
343 let mut set = FnvHashSet();
344 for start in starts {
345 debug!("walk_nodes: start={:?} outgoing?={:?}", start, direction == OUTGOING);
346 if set.insert(*start) {
347 let mut stack = vec![query.indices[start]];
348 while let Some(index) = stack.pop() {
349 for (_, edge) in query.graph.adjacent_edges(index, direction) {
350 let neighbor_index = edge.source_or_target(direction);
351 let neighbor = query.graph.node_data(neighbor_index);
352 if set.insert(*neighbor) {
353 stack.push(neighbor_index);
354 }
355 }
356 }
357 }
358 }
359 set
360 }
362 fn walk_between(query: &DepGraphQuery<DefId>,
363 sources: &FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>,
364 targets: &FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>)
365 -> FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>
366 {
367 // This is a bit tricky. We want to include a node only if it is:
368 // (a) reachable from a source and (b) will reach a target. And we
369 // have to be careful about cycles etc. Luckily efficiency is not
370 // a big concern!
372 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
373 enum State { Undecided, Deciding, Included, Excluded }
375 let mut node_states = vec![State::Undecided; query.graph.len_nodes()];
377 for &target in targets {
378 node_states[query.indices[&target].0] = State::Included;
379 }
381 for source in sources.iter().map(|n| query.indices[n]) {
382 recurse(query, &mut node_states, source);
383 }
385 return query.nodes()
386 .into_iter()
387 .filter(|n| {
388 let index = query.indices[n];
389 node_states[index.0] == State::Included
390 })
391 .collect();
393 fn recurse(query: &DepGraphQuery<DefId>,
394 node_states: &mut [State],
395 node: NodeIndex)
396 -> bool
397 {
398 match node_states[node.0] {
399 // known to reach a target
400 State::Included => return true,
402 // known not to reach a target
403 State::Excluded => return false,
405 // backedge, not yet known, say false
406 State::Deciding => return false,
408 State::Undecided => { }
409 }
411 node_states[node.0] = State::Deciding;
413 for neighbor_index in query.graph.successor_nodes(node) {
414 if recurse(query, node_states, neighbor_index) {
415 node_states[node.0] = State::Included;
416 }
417 }
419 // if we didn't find a path to target, then set to excluded
420 if node_states[node.0] == State::Deciding {
421 node_states[node.0] = State::Excluded;
422 false
423 } else {
424 assert!(node_states[node.0] == State::Included);
425 true
426 }
427 }
428 }
430 fn filter_edges(query: &DepGraphQuery<DefId>,
431 nodes: &FnvHashSet<DepNode<DefId>>)
432 -> Vec<(DepNode<DefId>, DepNode<DefId>)>
433 {
434 query.edges()
435 .into_iter()
436 .filter(|&(source, target)| nodes.contains(&source) && nodes.contains(&target))
437 .collect()
438 }