]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_lint/nonstandard_style.rs
New upstream version 1.38.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_lint / nonstandard_style.rs
1 use rustc::hir::{self, GenericParamKind, PatKind};
2 use rustc::hir::def::{Res, DefKind};
3 use rustc::hir::intravisit::FnKind;
4 use rustc::lint;
5 use rustc::ty;
6 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
7 use lint::{EarlyContext, LateContext, LintContext, LintArray};
8 use lint::{EarlyLintPass, LintPass, LateLintPass};
9 use syntax::ast;
10 use syntax::attr;
11 use syntax::errors::Applicability;
12 use syntax::symbol::sym;
13 use syntax_pos::{BytePos, symbol::Ident, Span};
15 #[derive(PartialEq)]
16 pub enum MethodLateContext {
17 TraitAutoImpl,
18 TraitImpl,
19 PlainImpl,
20 }
22 pub fn method_context(cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, id: hir::HirId) -> MethodLateContext {
23 let def_id = cx.tcx.hir().local_def_id(id);
24 let item = cx.tcx.associated_item(def_id);
25 match item.container {
26 ty::TraitContainer(..) => MethodLateContext::TraitAutoImpl,
27 ty::ImplContainer(cid) => {
28 match cx.tcx.impl_trait_ref(cid) {
29 Some(_) => MethodLateContext::TraitImpl,
30 None => MethodLateContext::PlainImpl,
31 }
32 }
33 }
34 }
36 declare_lint! {
38 Warn,
39 "types, variants, traits and type parameters should have camel case names"
40 }
42 declare_lint_pass!(NonCamelCaseTypes => [NON_CAMEL_CASE_TYPES]);
44 fn char_has_case(c: char) -> bool {
45 c.is_lowercase() || c.is_uppercase()
46 }
48 fn is_camel_case(name: &str) -> bool {
49 let name = name.trim_matches('_');
50 if name.is_empty() {
51 return true;
52 }
54 // start with a non-lowercase letter rather than non-uppercase
55 // ones (some scripts don't have a concept of upper/lowercase)
56 !name.chars().next().unwrap().is_lowercase()
57 && !name.contains("__")
58 && !name.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>().windows(2).any(|pair| {
59 // contains a capitalisable character followed by, or preceded by, an underscore
60 char_has_case(pair[0]) && pair[1] == '_' || char_has_case(pair[1]) && pair[0] == '_'
61 })
62 }
64 fn to_camel_case(s: &str) -> String {
65 s.trim_matches('_')
66 .split('_')
67 .filter(|component| !component.is_empty())
68 .map(|component| {
69 let mut camel_cased_component = String::new();
71 let mut new_word = true;
72 let mut prev_is_lower_case = true;
74 for c in component.chars() {
75 // Preserve the case if an uppercase letter follows a lowercase letter, so that
76 // `camelCase` is converted to `CamelCase`.
77 if prev_is_lower_case && c.is_uppercase() {
78 new_word = true;
79 }
81 if new_word {
82 camel_cased_component.push_str(&c.to_uppercase().to_string());
83 } else {
84 camel_cased_component.push_str(&c.to_lowercase().to_string());
85 }
87 prev_is_lower_case = c.is_lowercase();
88 new_word = false;
89 }
91 camel_cased_component
92 })
93 .fold(
94 (String::new(), None),
95 |(acc, prev): (String, Option<String>), next| {
96 // separate two components with an underscore if their boundary cannot
97 // be distinguished using a uppercase/lowercase case distinction
98 let join = if let Some(prev) = prev {
99 let l = prev.chars().last().unwrap();
100 let f = next.chars().next().unwrap();
101 !char_has_case(l) && !char_has_case(f)
102 } else {
103 false
104 };
105 (acc + if join { "_" } else { "" } + &next, Some(next))
106 },
107 )
108 .0
109 }
111 impl NonCamelCaseTypes {
112 fn check_case(&self, cx: &EarlyContext<'_>, sort: &str, ident: &Ident) {
113 let name = &ident.name.as_str();
115 if !is_camel_case(name) {
116 let msg = format!("{} `{}` should have an upper camel case name", sort, name);
117 cx.struct_span_lint(NON_CAMEL_CASE_TYPES, ident.span, &msg)
118 .span_suggestion(
119 ident.span,
120 "convert the identifier to upper camel case",
121 to_camel_case(name),
122 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
123 )
124 .emit();
125 }
126 }
127 }
129 impl EarlyLintPass for NonCamelCaseTypes {
130 fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &EarlyContext<'_>, it: &ast::Item) {
131 let has_repr_c = it.attrs
132 .iter()
133 .any(|attr| attr::find_repr_attrs(&cx.sess.parse_sess, attr).contains(&attr::ReprC));
135 if has_repr_c {
136 return;
137 }
139 match it.node {
140 ast::ItemKind::TyAlias(..) |
141 ast::ItemKind::Enum(..) |
142 ast::ItemKind::Struct(..) |
143 ast::ItemKind::Union(..) => self.check_case(cx, "type", &it.ident),
144 ast::ItemKind::Trait(..) => self.check_case(cx, "trait", &it.ident),
145 _ => (),
146 }
147 }
149 fn check_variant(&mut self, cx: &EarlyContext<'_>, v: &ast::Variant, _: &ast::Generics) {
150 self.check_case(cx, "variant", &v.node.ident);
151 }
153 fn check_generic_param(&mut self, cx: &EarlyContext<'_>, param: &ast::GenericParam) {
154 if let ast::GenericParamKind::Type { .. } = param.kind {
155 self.check_case(cx, "type parameter", &param.ident);
156 }
157 }
158 }
160 declare_lint! {
162 Warn,
163 "variables, methods, functions, lifetime parameters and modules should have snake case names"
164 }
166 declare_lint_pass!(NonSnakeCase => [NON_SNAKE_CASE]);
168 impl NonSnakeCase {
169 fn to_snake_case(mut str: &str) -> String {
170 let mut words = vec![];
171 // Preserve leading underscores
172 str = str.trim_start_matches(|c: char| {
173 if c == '_' {
174 words.push(String::new());
175 true
176 } else {
177 false
178 }
179 });
180 for s in str.split('_') {
181 let mut last_upper = false;
182 let mut buf = String::new();
183 if s.is_empty() {
184 continue;
185 }
186 for ch in s.chars() {
187 if !buf.is_empty() && buf != "'" && ch.is_uppercase() && !last_upper {
188 words.push(buf);
189 buf = String::new();
190 }
191 last_upper = ch.is_uppercase();
192 buf.extend(ch.to_lowercase());
193 }
194 words.push(buf);
195 }
196 words.join("_")
197 }
199 /// Checks if a given identifier is snake case, and reports a diagnostic if not.
200 fn check_snake_case(&self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, sort: &str, ident: &Ident) {
201 fn is_snake_case(ident: &str) -> bool {
202 if ident.is_empty() {
203 return true;
204 }
205 let ident = ident.trim_start_matches('\'');
206 let ident = ident.trim_matches('_');
208 let mut allow_underscore = true;
209 ident.chars().all(|c| {
210 allow_underscore = match c {
211 '_' if !allow_underscore => return false,
212 '_' => false,
213 // It would be more obvious to use `c.is_lowercase()`,
214 // but some characters do not have a lowercase form
215 c if !c.is_uppercase() => true,
216 _ => return false,
217 };
218 true
219 })
220 }
222 let name = &ident.name.as_str();
224 if !is_snake_case(name) {
225 let sc = NonSnakeCase::to_snake_case(name);
227 let msg = format!("{} `{}` should have a snake case name", sort, name);
228 let mut err = cx.struct_span_lint(NON_SNAKE_CASE, ident.span, &msg);
230 // We have a valid span in almost all cases, but we don't have one when linting a crate
231 // name provided via the command line.
232 if !ident.span.is_dummy() {
233 err.span_suggestion(
234 ident.span,
235 "convert the identifier to snake case",
236 sc,
237 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
238 );
239 } else {
240 err.help(&format!("convert the identifier to snake case: `{}`", sc));
241 }
243 err.emit();
244 }
245 }
246 }
248 impl<'a, 'tcx> LateLintPass<'a, 'tcx> for NonSnakeCase {
249 fn check_mod(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, _: &'tcx hir::Mod, _: Span, id: hir::HirId) {
250 if id != hir::CRATE_HIR_ID {
251 return;
252 }
254 let crate_ident = if let Some(name) = &cx.tcx.sess.opts.crate_name {
255 Some(Ident::from_str(name))
256 } else {
257 attr::find_by_name(&cx.tcx.hir().attrs(hir::CRATE_HIR_ID), sym::crate_name)
258 .and_then(|attr| attr.meta())
259 .and_then(|meta| {
260 meta.name_value_literal().and_then(|lit| {
261 if let ast::LitKind::Str(name, ..) = lit.node {
262 // Discard the double quotes surrounding the literal.
263 let sp = cx.sess().source_map().span_to_snippet(lit.span)
264 .ok()
265 .and_then(|snippet| {
266 let left = snippet.find('"')?;
267 let right = snippet.rfind('"').map(|pos| snippet.len() - pos)?;
269 Some(
270 lit.span
271 .with_lo(lit.span.lo() + BytePos(left as u32 + 1))
272 .with_hi(lit.span.hi() - BytePos(right as u32)),
273 )
274 })
275 .unwrap_or_else(|| lit.span);
277 Some(Ident::new(name, sp))
278 } else {
279 None
280 }
281 })
282 })
283 };
285 if let Some(ident) = &crate_ident {
286 self.check_snake_case(cx, "crate", ident);
287 }
288 }
290 fn check_generic_param(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, param: &hir::GenericParam) {
291 if let GenericParamKind::Lifetime { .. } = param.kind {
292 self.check_snake_case(cx, "lifetime", &param.name.ident());
293 }
294 }
296 fn check_fn(
297 &mut self,
298 cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>,
299 fk: FnKind<'_>,
300 _: &hir::FnDecl,
301 _: &hir::Body,
302 _: Span,
303 id: hir::HirId,
304 ) {
305 match &fk {
306 FnKind::Method(ident, ..) => {
307 match method_context(cx, id) {
308 MethodLateContext::PlainImpl => {
309 self.check_snake_case(cx, "method", ident);
310 }
311 MethodLateContext::TraitAutoImpl => {
312 self.check_snake_case(cx, "trait method", ident);
313 }
314 _ => (),
315 }
316 }
317 FnKind::ItemFn(ident, _, header, _, attrs) => {
318 // Skip foreign-ABI #[no_mangle] functions (Issue #31924)
319 if header.abi != Abi::Rust && attr::contains_name(attrs, sym::no_mangle) {
320 return;
321 }
322 self.check_snake_case(cx, "function", ident);
323 }
324 FnKind::Closure(_) => (),
325 }
326 }
328 fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, it: &hir::Item) {
329 if let hir::ItemKind::Mod(_) = it.node {
330 self.check_snake_case(cx, "module", &it.ident);
331 }
332 }
334 fn check_trait_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, item: &hir::TraitItem) {
335 if let hir::TraitItemKind::Method(_, hir::TraitMethod::Required(pnames)) = &item.node {
336 self.check_snake_case(cx, "trait method", &item.ident);
337 for param_name in pnames {
338 self.check_snake_case(cx, "variable", param_name);
339 }
340 }
341 }
343 fn check_pat(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, p: &hir::Pat) {
344 if let &PatKind::Binding(_, _, ident, _) = &p.node {
345 self.check_snake_case(cx, "variable", &ident);
346 }
347 }
349 fn check_struct_def(
350 &mut self,
351 cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>,
352 s: &hir::VariantData,
353 _: ast::Name,
354 _: &hir::Generics,
355 _: hir::HirId,
356 ) {
357 for sf in s.fields() {
358 self.check_snake_case(cx, "structure field", &sf.ident);
359 }
360 }
361 }
363 declare_lint! {
365 Warn,
366 "static constants should have uppercase identifiers"
367 }
369 declare_lint_pass!(NonUpperCaseGlobals => [NON_UPPER_CASE_GLOBALS]);
371 impl NonUpperCaseGlobals {
372 fn check_upper_case(cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, sort: &str, ident: &Ident) {
373 let name = &ident.name.as_str();
375 if name.chars().any(|c| c.is_lowercase()) {
376 let uc = NonSnakeCase::to_snake_case(&name).to_uppercase();
378 let msg = format!("{} `{}` should have an upper case name", sort, name);
379 cx.struct_span_lint(NON_UPPER_CASE_GLOBALS, ident.span, &msg)
380 .span_suggestion(
381 ident.span,
382 "convert the identifier to upper case",
383 uc,
384 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
385 )
386 .emit();
387 }
388 }
389 }
391 impl<'a, 'tcx> LateLintPass<'a, 'tcx> for NonUpperCaseGlobals {
392 fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, it: &hir::Item) {
393 match it.node {
394 hir::ItemKind::Static(..) if !attr::contains_name(&it.attrs, sym::no_mangle) => {
395 NonUpperCaseGlobals::check_upper_case(cx, "static variable", &it.ident);
396 }
397 hir::ItemKind::Const(..) => {
398 NonUpperCaseGlobals::check_upper_case(cx, "constant", &it.ident);
399 }
400 _ => {}
401 }
402 }
404 fn check_trait_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, ti: &hir::TraitItem) {
405 if let hir::TraitItemKind::Const(..) = ti.node {
406 NonUpperCaseGlobals::check_upper_case(cx, "associated constant", &ti.ident);
407 }
408 }
410 fn check_impl_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, ii: &hir::ImplItem) {
411 if let hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..) = ii.node {
412 NonUpperCaseGlobals::check_upper_case(cx, "associated constant", &ii.ident);
413 }
414 }
416 fn check_pat(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, p: &hir::Pat) {
417 // Lint for constants that look like binding identifiers (#7526)
418 if let PatKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(None, ref path)) = p.node {
419 if let Res::Def(DefKind::Const, _) = path.res {
420 if path.segments.len() == 1 {
421 NonUpperCaseGlobals::check_upper_case(
422 cx,
423 "constant in pattern",
424 &path.segments[0].ident
425 );
426 }
427 }
428 }
429 }
431 fn check_generic_param(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, param: &hir::GenericParam) {
432 if let GenericParamKind::Const { .. } = param.kind {
433 NonUpperCaseGlobals::check_upper_case(
434 cx,
435 "const parameter",
436 &param.name.ident(),
437 );
438 }
439 }
440 }
442 #[cfg(test)]
443 mod tests;