]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_llvm/build.rs
New upstream version 1.25.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_llvm / build.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 extern crate cc;
12 extern crate build_helper;
14 use std::process::Command;
15 use std::env;
16 use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
18 use build_helper::output;
20 fn detect_llvm_link() -> (&'static str, &'static str) {
21 // Force the link mode we want, preferring static by default, but
22 // possibly overridden by `configure --enable-llvm-link-shared`.
23 if env::var_os("LLVM_LINK_SHARED").is_some() {
24 ("dylib", "--link-shared")
25 } else {
26 ("static", "--link-static")
27 }
28 }
30 fn main() {
31 let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("TARGET was not set");
32 let llvm_config = env::var_os("LLVM_CONFIG")
33 .map(PathBuf::from)
34 .unwrap_or_else(|| {
35 if let Some(dir) = env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").map(PathBuf::from) {
36 let to_test = dir.parent()
37 .unwrap()
38 .parent()
39 .unwrap()
40 .join(&target)
41 .join("llvm/bin/llvm-config");
42 if Command::new(&to_test).output().is_ok() {
43 return to_test;
44 }
45 }
46 PathBuf::from("llvm-config")
47 });
49 println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", llvm_config.display());
50 println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LLVM_CONFIG");
52 // Test whether we're cross-compiling LLVM. This is a pretty rare case
53 // currently where we're producing an LLVM for a different platform than
54 // what this build script is currently running on.
55 //
56 // In that case, there's no guarantee that we can actually run the target,
57 // so the build system works around this by giving us the LLVM_CONFIG for
58 // the host platform. This only really works if the host LLVM and target
59 // LLVM are compiled the same way, but for us that's typically the case.
60 //
61 // We *want* detect this cross compiling situation by asking llvm-config
62 // what it's host-target is. If that's not the TARGET, then we're cross
63 // compiling. Unfortunately `llvm-config` seems either be buggy, or we're
64 // misconfiguring it, because the `i686-pc-windows-gnu` build of LLVM will
65 // report itself with a `--host-target` of `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu`. This
66 // tricks us into thinking we're doing a cross build when we aren't, so
67 // havoc ensues.
68 //
69 // In any case, if we're cross compiling, this generally just means that we
70 // can't trust all the output of llvm-config becaues it might be targeted
71 // for the host rather than the target. As a result a bunch of blocks below
72 // are gated on `if !is_crossed`
73 let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("TARGET was not set");
74 let host = env::var("HOST").expect("HOST was not set");
75 let is_crossed = target != host;
77 let mut optional_components =
78 vec!["x86", "arm", "aarch64", "mips", "powerpc",
79 "systemz", "jsbackend", "webassembly", "msp430", "sparc", "nvptx"];
81 let mut version_cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config);
82 version_cmd.arg("--version");
83 let version_output = output(&mut version_cmd);
84 let mut parts = version_output.split('.').take(2)
85 .filter_map(|s| s.parse::<u32>().ok());
86 let (major, _minor) =
87 if let (Some(major), Some(minor)) = (parts.next(), parts.next()) {
88 (major, minor)
89 } else {
90 (3, 9)
91 };
93 if major > 3 {
94 optional_components.push("hexagon");
95 }
97 // FIXME: surely we don't need all these components, right? Stuff like mcjit
98 // or interpreter the compiler itself never uses.
99 let required_components = &["ipo",
100 "bitreader",
101 "bitwriter",
102 "linker",
103 "asmparser",
104 "mcjit",
105 "lto",
106 "interpreter",
107 "instrumentation"];
109 let components = output(Command::new(&llvm_config).arg("--components"));
110 let mut components = components.split_whitespace().collect::<Vec<_>>();
111 components.retain(|c| optional_components.contains(c) || required_components.contains(c));
113 for component in required_components {
114 if !components.contains(component) {
115 panic!("require llvm component {} but wasn't found", component);
116 }
117 }
119 for component in components.iter() {
120 println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=llvm_component=\"{}\"", component);
121 }
123 // Link in our own LLVM shims, compiled with the same flags as LLVM
124 let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config);
125 cmd.arg("--cxxflags");
126 let cxxflags = output(&mut cmd);
127 let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();
128 cfg.warnings(false);
129 for flag in cxxflags.split_whitespace() {
130 // Ignore flags like `-m64` when we're doing a cross build
131 if is_crossed && flag.starts_with("-m") {
132 continue;
133 }
135 // -Wdate-time is not supported by the netbsd cross compiler
136 if is_crossed && target.contains("netbsd") && flag.contains("date-time") {
137 continue;
138 }
140 cfg.flag(flag);
141 }
143 for component in &components {
144 let mut flag = String::from("LLVM_COMPONENT_");
145 flag.push_str(&component.to_uppercase());
146 cfg.define(&flag, None);
147 }
149 println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed-env=LLVM_RUSTLLVM");
150 if env::var_os("LLVM_RUSTLLVM").is_some() {
151 cfg.define("LLVM_RUSTLLVM", None);
152 }
154 build_helper::rerun_if_changed_anything_in_dir(Path::new("../rustllvm"));
155 cfg.file("../rustllvm/PassWrapper.cpp")
156 .file("../rustllvm/RustWrapper.cpp")
157 .file("../rustllvm/ArchiveWrapper.cpp")
158 .cpp(true)
159 .cpp_link_stdlib(None) // we handle this below
160 .compile("rustllvm");
162 let (llvm_kind, llvm_link_arg) = detect_llvm_link();
164 // Link in all LLVM libraries, if we're uwring the "wrong" llvm-config then
165 // we don't pick up system libs because unfortunately they're for the host
166 // of llvm-config, not the target that we're attempting to link.
167 let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config);
168 cmd.arg(llvm_link_arg).arg("--libs");
170 if !is_crossed {
171 cmd.arg("--system-libs");
172 }
173 cmd.args(&components);
175 for lib in output(&mut cmd).split_whitespace() {
176 let name = if lib.starts_with("-l") {
177 &lib[2..]
178 } else if lib.starts_with("-") {
179 &lib[1..]
180 } else if Path::new(lib).exists() {
181 // On MSVC llvm-config will print the full name to libraries, but
182 // we're only interested in the name part
183 let name = Path::new(lib).file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
184 name.trim_right_matches(".lib")
185 } else if lib.ends_with(".lib") {
186 // Some MSVC libraries just come up with `.lib` tacked on, so chop
187 // that off
188 lib.trim_right_matches(".lib")
189 } else {
190 continue;
191 };
193 // Don't need or want this library, but LLVM's CMake build system
194 // doesn't provide a way to disable it, so filter it here even though we
195 // may or may not have built it. We don't reference anything from this
196 // library and it otherwise may just pull in extra dependencies on
197 // libedit which we don't want
198 if name == "LLVMLineEditor" {
199 continue;
200 }
202 let kind = if name.starts_with("LLVM") {
203 llvm_kind
204 } else {
205 "dylib"
206 };
207 println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}", kind, name);
208 }
210 // LLVM ldflags
211 //
212 // If we're a cross-compile of LLVM then unfortunately we can't trust these
213 // ldflags (largely where all the LLVM libs are located). Currently just
214 // hack around this by replacing the host triple with the target and pray
215 // that those -L directories are the same!
216 let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config);
217 cmd.arg(llvm_link_arg).arg("--ldflags");
218 for lib in output(&mut cmd).split_whitespace() {
219 if lib.starts_with("-LIBPATH:") {
220 println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", &lib[9..]);
221 } else if is_crossed {
222 if lib.starts_with("-L") {
223 println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}",
224 lib[2..].replace(&host, &target));
225 }
226 } else if lib.starts_with("-l") {
227 println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", &lib[2..]);
228 } else if lib.starts_with("-L") {
229 println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", &lib[2..]);
230 }
231 }
233 let llvm_static_stdcpp = env::var_os("LLVM_STATIC_STDCPP");
235 let stdcppname = if target.contains("openbsd") {
236 // llvm-config on OpenBSD doesn't mention stdlib=libc++
237 "c++"
238 } else if target.contains("freebsd") {
239 "c++"
240 } else if target.contains("netbsd") && llvm_static_stdcpp.is_some() {
241 // NetBSD uses a separate library when relocation is required
242 "stdc++_pic"
243 } else {
244 "stdc++"
245 };
247 // C++ runtime library
248 if !target.contains("msvc") {
249 if let Some(s) = llvm_static_stdcpp {
250 assert!(!cxxflags.contains("stdlib=libc++"));
251 let path = PathBuf::from(s);
252 println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}",
253 path.parent().unwrap().display());
254 println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", stdcppname);
255 } else if cxxflags.contains("stdlib=libc++") {
256 println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=c++");
257 } else {
258 println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stdcppname);
259 }
260 }
262 // LLVM requires symbols from this library, but apparently they're not printed
263 // during llvm-config?
264 if target.contains("windows-gnu") {
265 println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static-nobundle=gcc_s");
266 println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static-nobundle=pthread");
267 }
268 }