]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_metadata/cstore.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.6.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_metadata / cstore.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 #![allow(non_camel_case_types)]
13 // The crate store - a central repo for information collected about external
14 // crates and libraries
16 pub use self::MetadataBlob::*;
18 use creader;
19 use decoder;
20 use index;
21 use loader;
23 use rustc::back::svh::Svh;
24 use rustc::front::map as ast_map;
25 use rustc::util::nodemap::{FnvHashMap, NodeMap, NodeSet};
27 use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref, Cell};
28 use std::rc::Rc;
29 use std::path::PathBuf;
30 use flate::Bytes;
31 use syntax::ast;
32 use syntax::attr;
33 use syntax::codemap;
34 use syntax::parse::token;
35 use syntax::parse::token::IdentInterner;
36 use syntax::util::small_vector::SmallVector;
38 pub use middle::cstore::{NativeLibraryKind, LinkagePreference};
39 pub use middle::cstore::{NativeStatic, NativeFramework, NativeUnknown};
40 pub use middle::cstore::{CrateSource, LinkMeta};
42 // A map from external crate numbers (as decoded from some crate file) to
43 // local crate numbers (as generated during this session). Each external
44 // crate may refer to types in other external crates, and each has their
45 // own crate numbers.
46 pub type cnum_map = FnvHashMap<ast::CrateNum, ast::CrateNum>;
48 pub enum MetadataBlob {
49 MetadataVec(Bytes),
50 MetadataArchive(loader::ArchiveMetadata),
51 }
53 /// Holds information about a codemap::FileMap imported from another crate.
54 /// See creader::import_codemap() for more information.
55 pub struct ImportedFileMap {
56 /// This FileMap's byte-offset within the codemap of its original crate
57 pub original_start_pos: codemap::BytePos,
58 /// The end of this FileMap within the codemap of its original crate
59 pub original_end_pos: codemap::BytePos,
60 /// The imported FileMap's representation within the local codemap
61 pub translated_filemap: Rc<codemap::FileMap>
62 }
64 pub struct crate_metadata {
65 pub name: String,
66 pub local_path: RefCell<SmallVector<ast_map::PathElem>>,
67 pub local_def_path: RefCell<ast_map::DefPath>,
68 pub data: MetadataBlob,
69 pub cnum_map: RefCell<cnum_map>,
70 pub cnum: ast::CrateNum,
71 pub codemap_import_info: RefCell<Vec<ImportedFileMap>>,
72 pub span: codemap::Span,
73 pub staged_api: bool,
75 pub index: index::Index,
76 pub xref_index: index::DenseIndex,
78 /// Flag if this crate is required by an rlib version of this crate, or in
79 /// other words whether it was explicitly linked to. An example of a crate
80 /// where this is false is when an allocator crate is injected into the
81 /// dependency list, and therefore isn't actually needed to link an rlib.
82 pub explicitly_linked: Cell<bool>,
83 }
85 pub struct CStore {
86 metas: RefCell<FnvHashMap<ast::CrateNum, Rc<crate_metadata>>>,
87 /// Map from NodeId's of local extern crate statements to crate numbers
88 extern_mod_crate_map: RefCell<NodeMap<ast::CrateNum>>,
89 used_crate_sources: RefCell<Vec<CrateSource>>,
90 used_libraries: RefCell<Vec<(String, NativeLibraryKind)>>,
91 used_link_args: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
92 statically_included_foreign_items: RefCell<NodeSet>,
93 pub intr: Rc<IdentInterner>,
94 }
96 impl CStore {
97 pub fn new(intr: Rc<IdentInterner>) -> CStore {
98 CStore {
99 metas: RefCell::new(FnvHashMap()),
100 extern_mod_crate_map: RefCell::new(FnvHashMap()),
101 used_crate_sources: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
102 used_libraries: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
103 used_link_args: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
104 intr: intr,
105 statically_included_foreign_items: RefCell::new(NodeSet()),
106 }
107 }
109 pub fn next_crate_num(&self) -> ast::CrateNum {
110 self.metas.borrow().len() as ast::CrateNum + 1
111 }
113 pub fn get_crate_data(&self, cnum: ast::CrateNum) -> Rc<crate_metadata> {
114 self.metas.borrow().get(&cnum).unwrap().clone()
115 }
117 pub fn get_crate_hash(&self, cnum: ast::CrateNum) -> Svh {
118 let cdata = self.get_crate_data(cnum);
119 decoder::get_crate_hash(cdata.data())
120 }
122 pub fn set_crate_data(&self, cnum: ast::CrateNum, data: Rc<crate_metadata>) {
123 self.metas.borrow_mut().insert(cnum, data);
124 }
126 pub fn iter_crate_data<I>(&self, mut i: I) where
127 I: FnMut(ast::CrateNum, &Rc<crate_metadata>),
128 {
129 for (&k, v) in self.metas.borrow().iter() {
130 i(k, v);
131 }
132 }
134 /// Like `iter_crate_data`, but passes source paths (if available) as well.
135 pub fn iter_crate_data_origins<I>(&self, mut i: I) where
136 I: FnMut(ast::CrateNum, &crate_metadata, Option<CrateSource>),
137 {
138 for (&k, v) in self.metas.borrow().iter() {
139 let origin = self.opt_used_crate_source(k);
140 origin.as_ref().map(|cs| { assert!(k == cs.cnum); });
141 i(k, &**v, origin);
142 }
143 }
145 pub fn add_used_crate_source(&self, src: CrateSource) {
146 let mut used_crate_sources = self.used_crate_sources.borrow_mut();
147 if !used_crate_sources.contains(&src) {
148 used_crate_sources.push(src);
149 }
150 }
152 pub fn opt_used_crate_source(&self, cnum: ast::CrateNum)
153 -> Option<CrateSource> {
154 self.used_crate_sources.borrow_mut()
155 .iter().find(|source| source.cnum == cnum).cloned()
156 }
158 pub fn reset(&self) {
159 self.metas.borrow_mut().clear();
160 self.extern_mod_crate_map.borrow_mut().clear();
161 self.used_crate_sources.borrow_mut().clear();
162 self.used_libraries.borrow_mut().clear();
163 self.used_link_args.borrow_mut().clear();
164 self.statically_included_foreign_items.borrow_mut().clear();
165 }
167 // This method is used when generating the command line to pass through to
168 // system linker. The linker expects undefined symbols on the left of the
169 // command line to be defined in libraries on the right, not the other way
170 // around. For more info, see some comments in the add_used_library function
171 // below.
172 //
173 // In order to get this left-to-right dependency ordering, we perform a
174 // topological sort of all crates putting the leaves at the right-most
175 // positions.
176 pub fn do_get_used_crates(&self, prefer: LinkagePreference)
177 -> Vec<(ast::CrateNum, Option<PathBuf>)> {
178 let mut ordering = Vec::new();
179 fn visit(cstore: &CStore, cnum: ast::CrateNum,
180 ordering: &mut Vec<ast::CrateNum>) {
181 if ordering.contains(&cnum) { return }
182 let meta = cstore.get_crate_data(cnum);
183 for (_, &dep) in meta.cnum_map.borrow().iter() {
184 visit(cstore, dep, ordering);
185 }
186 ordering.push(cnum);
187 }
188 for (&num, _) in self.metas.borrow().iter() {
189 visit(self, num, &mut ordering);
190 }
191 info!("topological ordering: {:?}", ordering);
192 ordering.reverse();
193 let mut libs = self.used_crate_sources.borrow()
194 .iter()
195 .map(|src| (src.cnum, match prefer {
196 LinkagePreference::RequireDynamic => src.dylib.clone().map(|p| p.0),
197 LinkagePreference::RequireStatic => src.rlib.clone().map(|p| p.0),
198 }))
199 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
200 libs.sort_by(|&(a, _), &(b, _)| {
201 let a = ordering.iter().position(|x| *x == a);
202 let b = ordering.iter().position(|x| *x == b);
203 a.cmp(&b)
204 });
205 libs
206 }
208 pub fn add_used_library(&self, lib: String, kind: NativeLibraryKind) {
209 assert!(!lib.is_empty());
210 self.used_libraries.borrow_mut().push((lib, kind));
211 }
213 pub fn get_used_libraries<'a>(&'a self)
214 -> &'a RefCell<Vec<(String,
215 NativeLibraryKind)>> {
216 &self.used_libraries
217 }
219 pub fn add_used_link_args(&self, args: &str) {
220 for s in args.split(' ').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()) {
221 self.used_link_args.borrow_mut().push(s.to_string());
222 }
223 }
225 pub fn get_used_link_args<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<Vec<String> > {
226 &self.used_link_args
227 }
229 pub fn add_extern_mod_stmt_cnum(&self,
230 emod_id: ast::NodeId,
231 cnum: ast::CrateNum) {
232 self.extern_mod_crate_map.borrow_mut().insert(emod_id, cnum);
233 }
235 pub fn add_statically_included_foreign_item(&self, id: ast::NodeId) {
236 self.statically_included_foreign_items.borrow_mut().insert(id);
237 }
239 pub fn do_is_statically_included_foreign_item(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
240 self.statically_included_foreign_items.borrow().contains(&id)
241 }
243 pub fn do_extern_mod_stmt_cnum(&self, emod_id: ast::NodeId) -> Option<ast::CrateNum>
244 {
245 self.extern_mod_crate_map.borrow().get(&emod_id).cloned()
246 }
247 }
249 impl crate_metadata {
250 pub fn data<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] { self.data.as_slice() }
251 pub fn name(&self) -> String { decoder::get_crate_name(self.data()) }
252 pub fn hash(&self) -> Svh { decoder::get_crate_hash(self.data()) }
253 pub fn imported_filemaps<'a>(&'a self, codemap: &codemap::CodeMap)
254 -> Ref<'a, Vec<ImportedFileMap>> {
255 let filemaps = self.codemap_import_info.borrow();
256 if filemaps.is_empty() {
257 drop(filemaps);
258 let filemaps = creader::import_codemap(codemap, &self.data);
260 // This shouldn't borrow twice, but there is no way to downgrade RefMut to Ref.
261 *self.codemap_import_info.borrow_mut() = filemaps;
262 self.codemap_import_info.borrow()
263 } else {
264 filemaps
265 }
266 }
268 pub fn with_local_path<T, F>(&self, f: F) -> T
269 where F: Fn(&[ast_map::PathElem]) -> T
270 {
271 let cpath = self.local_path.borrow();
272 if cpath.is_empty() {
273 let name = ast_map::PathMod(token::intern(&self.name));
274 f(&[name])
275 } else {
276 f(cpath.as_slice())
277 }
278 }
280 pub fn update_local_path<'a, 'b>(&self, candidate: ast_map::PathElems<'a, 'b>) {
281 let mut cpath = self.local_path.borrow_mut();
282 let cap = cpath.len();
283 match cap {
284 0 => *cpath = candidate.collect(),
285 1 => (),
286 _ => {
287 let candidate: SmallVector<_> = candidate.collect();
288 if candidate.len() < cap {
289 *cpath = candidate;
290 }
291 },
292 }
293 }
295 pub fn local_def_path(&self) -> ast_map::DefPath {
296 let local_def_path = self.local_def_path.borrow();
297 if local_def_path.is_empty() {
298 let name = ast_map::DefPathData::DetachedCrate(token::intern(&self.name));
299 vec![ast_map::DisambiguatedDefPathData { data: name, disambiguator: 0 }]
300 } else {
301 local_def_path.clone()
302 }
303 }
305 pub fn update_local_def_path(&self, candidate: ast_map::DefPath) {
306 let mut local_def_path = self.local_def_path.borrow_mut();
307 if local_def_path.is_empty() || candidate.len() < local_def_path.len() {
308 *local_def_path = candidate;
309 }
310 }
312 pub fn is_allocator(&self) -> bool {
313 let attrs = decoder::get_crate_attributes(self.data());
314 attr::contains_name(&attrs, "allocator")
315 }
317 pub fn needs_allocator(&self) -> bool {
318 let attrs = decoder::get_crate_attributes(self.data());
319 attr::contains_name(&attrs, "needs_allocator")
320 }
321 }
323 impl MetadataBlob {
324 pub fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
325 let slice = match *self {
326 MetadataVec(ref vec) => &vec[..],
327 MetadataArchive(ref ar) => ar.as_slice(),
328 };
329 if slice.len() < 4 {
330 &[] // corrupt metadata
331 } else {
332 let len = (((slice[0] as u32) << 24) |
333 ((slice[1] as u32) << 16) |
334 ((slice[2] as u32) << 8) |
335 ((slice[3] as u32) << 0)) as usize;
336 if len + 4 <= slice.len() {
337 &slice[4.. len + 4]
338 } else {
339 &[] // corrupt or old metadata
340 }
341 }
342 }
343 }