]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_mir/transform/promote_consts.rs
New upstream version 1.25.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_mir / transform / promote_consts.rs
1 // Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! A pass that promotes borrows of constant rvalues.
12 //!
13 //! The rvalues considered constant are trees of temps,
14 //! each with exactly one initialization, and holding
15 //! a constant value with no interior mutability.
16 //! They are placed into a new MIR constant body in
17 //! `promoted` and the borrow rvalue is replaced with
18 //! a `Literal::Promoted` using the index into `promoted`
19 //! of that constant MIR.
20 //!
21 //! This pass assumes that every use is dominated by an
22 //! initialization and can otherwise silence errors, if
23 //! move analysis runs after promotion on broken MIR.
25 use rustc::mir::*;
26 use rustc::mir::visit::{PlaceContext, MutVisitor, Visitor};
27 use rustc::mir::traversal::ReversePostorder;
28 use rustc::ty::TyCtxt;
29 use syntax_pos::Span;
31 use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{IndexVec, Idx};
33 use std::iter;
34 use std::mem;
35 use std::usize;
37 /// State of a temporary during collection and promotion.
38 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
39 pub enum TempState {
40 /// No references to this temp.
41 Undefined,
42 /// One direct assignment and any number of direct uses.
43 /// A borrow of this temp is promotable if the assigned
44 /// value is qualified as constant.
45 Defined {
46 location: Location,
47 uses: usize
48 },
49 /// Any other combination of assignments/uses.
50 Unpromotable,
51 /// This temp was part of an rvalue which got extracted
52 /// during promotion and needs cleanup.
53 PromotedOut
54 }
56 impl TempState {
57 pub fn is_promotable(&self) -> bool {
58 if let TempState::Defined { uses, .. } = *self {
59 uses > 0
60 } else {
61 false
62 }
63 }
64 }
66 /// A "root candidate" for promotion, which will become the
67 /// returned value in a promoted MIR, unless it's a subset
68 /// of a larger candidate.
69 #[derive(Debug)]
70 pub enum Candidate {
71 /// Borrow of a constant temporary.
72 Ref(Location),
74 /// Currently applied to function calls where the callee has the unstable
75 /// `#[rustc_args_required_const]` attribute as well as the SIMD shuffle
76 /// intrinsic. The intrinsic requires the arguments are indeed constant and
77 /// the attribute currently provides the semantic requirement that arguments
78 /// must be constant.
79 Argument { bb: BasicBlock, index: usize },
80 }
82 struct TempCollector<'tcx> {
83 temps: IndexVec<Local, TempState>,
84 span: Span,
85 mir: &'tcx Mir<'tcx>,
86 }
88 impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for TempCollector<'tcx> {
89 fn visit_local(&mut self,
90 &index: &Local,
91 context: PlaceContext<'tcx>,
92 location: Location) {
93 // We're only interested in temporaries
94 if self.mir.local_kind(index) != LocalKind::Temp {
95 return;
96 }
98 // Ignore drops, if the temp gets promoted,
99 // then it's constant and thus drop is noop.
100 // Storage live ranges are also irrelevant.
101 if context.is_drop() || context.is_storage_marker() {
102 return;
103 }
105 let temp = &mut self.temps[index];
106 if *temp == TempState::Undefined {
107 match context {
108 PlaceContext::Store |
109 PlaceContext::AsmOutput |
110 PlaceContext::Call => {
111 *temp = TempState::Defined {
112 location,
113 uses: 0
114 };
115 return;
116 }
117 _ => { /* mark as unpromotable below */ }
118 }
119 } else if let TempState::Defined { ref mut uses, .. } = *temp {
120 // We always allow borrows, even mutable ones, as we need
121 // to promote mutable borrows of some ZSTs e.g. `&mut []`.
122 let allowed_use = match context {
123 PlaceContext::Borrow {..} => true,
124 _ => context.is_nonmutating_use()
125 };
126 if allowed_use {
127 *uses += 1;
128 return;
129 }
130 /* mark as unpromotable below */
131 }
132 *temp = TempState::Unpromotable;
133 }
135 fn visit_source_info(&mut self, source_info: &SourceInfo) {
136 self.span = source_info.span;
137 }
138 }
140 pub fn collect_temps(mir: &Mir, rpo: &mut ReversePostorder) -> IndexVec<Local, TempState> {
141 let mut collector = TempCollector {
142 temps: IndexVec::from_elem(TempState::Undefined, &mir.local_decls),
143 span: mir.span,
144 mir,
145 };
146 for (bb, data) in rpo {
147 collector.visit_basic_block_data(bb, data);
148 }
149 collector.temps
150 }
152 struct Promoter<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
153 source: &'a mut Mir<'tcx>,
154 promoted: Mir<'tcx>,
155 temps: &'a mut IndexVec<Local, TempState>,
157 /// If true, all nested temps are also kept in the
158 /// source MIR, not moved to the promoted MIR.
159 keep_original: bool
160 }
162 impl<'a, 'tcx> Promoter<'a, 'tcx> {
163 fn new_block(&mut self) -> BasicBlock {
164 let span = self.promoted.span;
165 self.promoted.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData {
166 statements: vec![],
167 terminator: Some(Terminator {
168 source_info: SourceInfo {
169 span,
171 },
172 kind: TerminatorKind::Return
173 }),
174 is_cleanup: false
175 })
176 }
178 fn assign(&mut self, dest: Local, rvalue: Rvalue<'tcx>, span: Span) {
179 let last = self.promoted.basic_blocks().last().unwrap();
180 let data = &mut self.promoted[last];
181 data.statements.push(Statement {
182 source_info: SourceInfo {
183 span,
185 },
186 kind: StatementKind::Assign(Place::Local(dest), rvalue)
187 });
188 }
190 /// Copy the initialization of this temp to the
191 /// promoted MIR, recursing through temps.
192 fn promote_temp(&mut self, temp: Local) -> Local {
193 let old_keep_original = self.keep_original;
194 let loc = match self.temps[temp] {
195 TempState::Defined { location, uses } if uses > 0 => {
196 if uses > 1 {
197 self.keep_original = true;
198 }
199 location
200 }
201 state => {
202 span_bug!(self.promoted.span, "{:?} not promotable: {:?}",
203 temp, state);
204 }
205 };
206 if !self.keep_original {
207 self.temps[temp] = TempState::PromotedOut;
208 }
210 let no_stmts = self.source[loc.block].statements.len();
211 let new_temp = self.promoted.local_decls.push(
212 LocalDecl::new_temp(self.source.local_decls[temp].ty,
213 self.source.local_decls[temp].source_info.span));
215 debug!("promote({:?} @ {:?}/{:?}, {:?})",
216 temp, loc, no_stmts, self.keep_original);
218 // First, take the Rvalue or Call out of the source MIR,
219 // or duplicate it, depending on keep_original.
220 if loc.statement_index < no_stmts {
221 let (mut rvalue, source_info) = {
222 let statement = &mut self.source[loc.block].statements[loc.statement_index];
223 let rhs = match statement.kind {
224 StatementKind::Assign(_, ref mut rhs) => rhs,
225 _ => {
226 span_bug!(statement.source_info.span, "{:?} is not an assignment",
227 statement);
228 }
229 };
231 (if self.keep_original {
232 rhs.clone()
233 } else {
234 let unit = Rvalue::Aggregate(box AggregateKind::Tuple, vec![]);
235 mem::replace(rhs, unit)
236 }, statement.source_info)
237 };
239 self.visit_rvalue(&mut rvalue, loc);
240 self.assign(new_temp, rvalue, source_info.span);
241 } else {
242 let terminator = if self.keep_original {
243 self.source[loc.block].terminator().clone()
244 } else {
245 let terminator = self.source[loc.block].terminator_mut();
246 let target = match terminator.kind {
247 TerminatorKind::Call { destination: Some((_, target)), .. } => target,
248 ref kind => {
249 span_bug!(terminator.source_info.span, "{:?} not promotable", kind);
250 }
251 };
252 Terminator {
253 source_info: terminator.source_info,
254 kind: mem::replace(&mut terminator.kind, TerminatorKind::Goto {
255 target,
256 })
257 }
258 };
260 match terminator.kind {
261 TerminatorKind::Call { mut func, mut args, .. } => {
262 self.visit_operand(&mut func, loc);
263 for arg in &mut args {
264 self.visit_operand(arg, loc);
265 }
267 let last = self.promoted.basic_blocks().last().unwrap();
268 let new_target = self.new_block();
270 *self.promoted[last].terminator_mut() = Terminator {
271 kind: TerminatorKind::Call {
272 func,
273 args,
274 cleanup: None,
275 destination: Some((Place::Local(new_temp), new_target))
276 },
277 ..terminator
278 };
279 }
280 ref kind => {
281 span_bug!(terminator.source_info.span, "{:?} not promotable", kind);
282 }
283 };
284 };
286 self.keep_original = old_keep_original;
287 new_temp
288 }
290 fn promote_candidate(mut self, candidate: Candidate) {
291 let span = self.promoted.span;
292 let new_operand = Operand::Constant(box Constant {
293 span,
294 ty: self.promoted.return_ty(),
295 literal: Literal::Promoted {
296 index: Promoted::new(self.source.promoted.len())
297 }
298 });
299 let mut rvalue = match candidate {
300 Candidate::Ref(Location { block: bb, statement_index: stmt_idx }) => {
301 let ref mut statement = self.source[bb].statements[stmt_idx];
302 match statement.kind {
303 StatementKind::Assign(_, ref mut rvalue) => {
304 mem::replace(rvalue, Rvalue::Use(new_operand))
305 }
306 _ => bug!()
307 }
308 }
309 Candidate::Argument { bb, index } => {
310 match self.source[bb].terminator_mut().kind {
311 TerminatorKind::Call { ref mut args, .. } => {
312 Rvalue::Use(mem::replace(&mut args[index], new_operand))
313 }
314 _ => bug!()
315 }
316 }
317 };
318 self.visit_rvalue(&mut rvalue, Location {
319 block: BasicBlock::new(0),
320 statement_index: usize::MAX
321 });
323 self.assign(RETURN_PLACE, rvalue, span);
324 self.source.promoted.push(self.promoted);
325 }
326 }
328 /// Replaces all temporaries with their promoted counterparts.
329 impl<'a, 'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for Promoter<'a, 'tcx> {
330 fn visit_local(&mut self,
331 local: &mut Local,
332 _: PlaceContext<'tcx>,
333 _: Location) {
334 if self.source.local_kind(*local) == LocalKind::Temp {
335 *local = self.promote_temp(*local);
336 }
337 }
338 }
340 pub fn promote_candidates<'a, 'tcx>(mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
341 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
342 mut temps: IndexVec<Local, TempState>,
343 candidates: Vec<Candidate>) {
344 // Visit candidates in reverse, in case they're nested.
345 debug!("promote_candidates({:?})", candidates);
346 for candidate in candidates.into_iter().rev() {
347 let (span, ty) = match candidate {
348 Candidate::Ref(Location { block: bb, statement_index: stmt_idx }) => {
349 let statement = &mir[bb].statements[stmt_idx];
350 let dest = match statement.kind {
351 StatementKind::Assign(ref dest, _) => dest,
352 _ => {
353 span_bug!(statement.source_info.span,
354 "expected assignment to promote");
355 }
356 };
357 if let Place::Local(index) = *dest {
358 if temps[index] == TempState::PromotedOut {
359 // Already promoted.
360 continue;
361 }
362 }
363 (statement.source_info.span, dest.ty(mir, tcx).to_ty(tcx))
364 }
365 Candidate::Argument { bb, index } => {
366 let terminator = mir[bb].terminator();
367 let ty = match terminator.kind {
368 TerminatorKind::Call { ref args, .. } => {
369 args[index].ty(mir, tcx)
370 }
371 _ => {
372 span_bug!(terminator.source_info.span,
373 "expected call argument to promote");
374 }
375 };
376 (terminator.source_info.span, ty)
377 }
378 };
380 // Declare return place local
381 let initial_locals = iter::once(LocalDecl::new_return_place(ty, span))
382 .collect();
384 let mut promoter = Promoter {
385 promoted: Mir::new(
386 IndexVec::new(),
387 // FIXME: maybe try to filter this to avoid blowing up
388 // memory usage?
389 mir.visibility_scopes.clone(),
390 mir.visibility_scope_info.clone(),
391 IndexVec::new(),
392 None,
393 initial_locals,
394 0,
395 vec![],
396 span
397 ),
398 source: mir,
399 temps: &mut temps,
400 keep_original: false
401 };
402 assert_eq!(promoter.new_block(), START_BLOCK);
403 promoter.promote_candidate(candidate);
404 }
406 // Eliminate assignments to, and drops of promoted temps.
407 let promoted = |index: Local| temps[index] == TempState::PromotedOut;
408 for block in mir.basic_blocks_mut() {
409 block.statements.retain(|statement| {
410 match statement.kind {
411 StatementKind::Assign(Place::Local(index), _) |
412 StatementKind::StorageLive(index) |
413 StatementKind::StorageDead(index) => {
414 !promoted(index)
415 }
416 _ => true
417 }
418 });
419 let terminator = block.terminator_mut();
420 match terminator.kind {
421 TerminatorKind::Drop { location: Place::Local(index), target, .. } => {
422 if promoted(index) {
423 terminator.kind = TerminatorKind::Goto {
424 target,
425 };
426 }
427 }
428 _ => {}
429 }
430 }
431 }