]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_query_system/dep_graph/graph.rs
New upstream version 1.47.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_query_system / dep_graph / graph.rs
1 use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::Fingerprint;
2 use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
3 use rustc_data_structures::profiling::QueryInvocationId;
4 use rustc_data_structures::sharded::{self, Sharded};
5 use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
6 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{AtomicU32, AtomicU64, Lock, Lrc, Ordering};
7 use rustc_data_structures::unlikely;
8 use rustc_errors::Diagnostic;
9 use rustc_index::vec::{Idx, IndexVec};
11 use parking_lot::{Condvar, Mutex};
12 use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
13 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
14 use std::env;
15 use std::hash::Hash;
16 use std::marker::PhantomData;
17 use std::mem;
18 use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
20 use super::debug::EdgeFilter;
21 use super::prev::PreviousDepGraph;
22 use super::query::DepGraphQuery;
23 use super::serialized::{SerializedDepGraph, SerializedDepNodeIndex};
24 use super::{DepContext, DepKind, DepNode, WorkProductId};
26 #[derive(Clone)]
27 pub struct DepGraph<K: DepKind> {
28 data: Option<Lrc<DepGraphData<K>>>,
30 /// This field is used for assigning DepNodeIndices when running in
31 /// non-incremental mode. Even in non-incremental mode we make sure that
32 /// each task has a `DepNodeIndex` that uniquely identifies it. This unique
33 /// ID is used for self-profiling.
34 virtual_dep_node_index: Lrc<AtomicU32>,
35 }
37 rustc_index::newtype_index! {
38 pub struct DepNodeIndex { .. }
39 }
41 impl DepNodeIndex {
42 pub const INVALID: DepNodeIndex = DepNodeIndex::MAX;
43 }
45 impl std::convert::From<DepNodeIndex> for QueryInvocationId {
46 #[inline]
47 fn from(dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) -> Self {
48 QueryInvocationId(dep_node_index.as_u32())
49 }
50 }
52 #[derive(PartialEq)]
53 pub enum DepNodeColor {
54 Red,
55 Green(DepNodeIndex),
56 }
58 impl DepNodeColor {
59 pub fn is_green(self) -> bool {
60 match self {
61 DepNodeColor::Red => false,
62 DepNodeColor::Green(_) => true,
63 }
64 }
65 }
67 struct DepGraphData<K: DepKind> {
68 /// The new encoding of the dependency graph, optimized for red/green
69 /// tracking. The `current` field is the dependency graph of only the
70 /// current compilation session: We don't merge the previous dep-graph into
71 /// current one anymore.
72 current: CurrentDepGraph<K>,
74 /// The dep-graph from the previous compilation session. It contains all
75 /// nodes and edges as well as all fingerprints of nodes that have them.
76 previous: PreviousDepGraph<K>,
78 colors: DepNodeColorMap,
80 /// A set of loaded diagnostics that is in the progress of being emitted.
81 emitting_diagnostics: Mutex<FxHashSet<DepNodeIndex>>,
83 /// Used to wait for diagnostics to be emitted.
84 emitting_diagnostics_cond_var: Condvar,
86 /// When we load, there may be `.o` files, cached MIR, or other such
87 /// things available to us. If we find that they are not dirty, we
88 /// load the path to the file storing those work-products here into
89 /// this map. We can later look for and extract that data.
90 previous_work_products: FxHashMap<WorkProductId, WorkProduct>,
92 dep_node_debug: Lock<FxHashMap<DepNode<K>, String>>,
93 }
95 pub fn hash_result<HashCtxt, R>(hcx: &mut HashCtxt, result: &R) -> Option<Fingerprint>
96 where
97 R: HashStable<HashCtxt>,
98 {
99 let mut stable_hasher = StableHasher::new();
100 result.hash_stable(hcx, &mut stable_hasher);
102 Some(stable_hasher.finish())
103 }
105 impl<K: DepKind> DepGraph<K> {
106 pub fn new(
107 prev_graph: PreviousDepGraph<K>,
108 prev_work_products: FxHashMap<WorkProductId, WorkProduct>,
109 ) -> DepGraph<K> {
110 let prev_graph_node_count = prev_graph.node_count();
112 DepGraph {
113 data: Some(Lrc::new(DepGraphData {
114 previous_work_products: prev_work_products,
115 dep_node_debug: Default::default(),
116 current: CurrentDepGraph::new(prev_graph_node_count),
117 emitting_diagnostics: Default::default(),
118 emitting_diagnostics_cond_var: Condvar::new(),
119 previous: prev_graph,
120 colors: DepNodeColorMap::new(prev_graph_node_count),
121 })),
122 virtual_dep_node_index: Lrc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)),
123 }
124 }
126 pub fn new_disabled() -> DepGraph<K> {
127 DepGraph { data: None, virtual_dep_node_index: Lrc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)) }
128 }
130 /// Returns `true` if we are actually building the full dep-graph, and `false` otherwise.
131 #[inline]
132 pub fn is_fully_enabled(&self) -> bool {
133 self.data.is_some()
134 }
136 pub fn query(&self) -> DepGraphQuery<K> {
137 let data = self.data.as_ref().unwrap().current.data.lock();
138 let nodes: Vec<_> = data.iter().map(|n| n.node).collect();
139 let mut edges = Vec::new();
140 for (from, edge_targets) in data.iter().map(|d| (d.node, &d.edges)) {
141 for &edge_target in edge_targets.iter() {
142 let to = data[edge_target].node;
143 edges.push((from, to));
144 }
145 }
147 DepGraphQuery::new(&nodes[..], &edges[..])
148 }
150 pub fn assert_ignored(&self) {
151 if let Some(..) = self.data {
152 K::read_deps(|task_deps| {
153 assert!(task_deps.is_none(), "expected no task dependency tracking");
154 })
155 }
156 }
158 pub fn with_ignore<OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
159 where
160 OP: FnOnce() -> R,
161 {
162 K::with_deps(None, op)
163 }
165 /// Starts a new dep-graph task. Dep-graph tasks are specified
166 /// using a free function (`task`) and **not** a closure -- this
167 /// is intentional because we want to exercise tight control over
168 /// what state they have access to. In particular, we want to
169 /// prevent implicit 'leaks' of tracked state into the task (which
170 /// could then be read without generating correct edges in the
171 /// dep-graph -- see the [rustc dev guide] for more details on
172 /// the dep-graph). To this end, the task function gets exactly two
173 /// pieces of state: the context `cx` and an argument `arg`. Both
174 /// of these bits of state must be of some type that implements
175 /// `DepGraphSafe` and hence does not leak.
176 ///
177 /// The choice of two arguments is not fundamental. One argument
178 /// would work just as well, since multiple values can be
179 /// collected using tuples. However, using two arguments works out
180 /// to be quite convenient, since it is common to need a context
181 /// (`cx`) and some argument (e.g., a `DefId` identifying what
182 /// item to process).
183 ///
184 /// For cases where you need some other number of arguments:
185 ///
186 /// - If you only need one argument, just use `()` for the `arg`
187 /// parameter.
188 /// - If you need 3+ arguments, use a tuple for the
189 /// `arg` parameter.
190 ///
191 /// [rustc dev guide]: https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/incremental-compilation.html
192 pub fn with_task<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>, A, R>(
193 &self,
194 key: DepNode<K>,
195 cx: Ctxt,
196 arg: A,
197 task: fn(Ctxt, A) -> R,
198 hash_result: impl FnOnce(&mut Ctxt::StableHashingContext, &R) -> Option<Fingerprint>,
199 ) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) {
200 self.with_task_impl(
201 key,
202 cx,
203 arg,
204 false,
205 task,
206 |_key| {
207 Some(TaskDeps {
208 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
209 node: Some(_key),
210 reads: SmallVec::new(),
211 read_set: Default::default(),
212 phantom_data: PhantomData,
213 })
214 },
215 |data, key, fingerprint, task| data.complete_task(key, task.unwrap(), fingerprint),
216 hash_result,
217 )
218 }
220 fn with_task_impl<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>, A, R>(
221 &self,
222 key: DepNode<K>,
223 cx: Ctxt,
224 arg: A,
225 no_tcx: bool,
226 task: fn(Ctxt, A) -> R,
227 create_task: fn(DepNode<K>) -> Option<TaskDeps<K>>,
228 finish_task_and_alloc_depnode: fn(
229 &CurrentDepGraph<K>,
230 DepNode<K>,
231 Fingerprint,
232 Option<TaskDeps<K>>,
233 ) -> DepNodeIndex,
234 hash_result: impl FnOnce(&mut Ctxt::StableHashingContext, &R) -> Option<Fingerprint>,
235 ) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) {
236 if let Some(ref data) = self.data {
237 let task_deps = create_task(key).map(Lock::new);
239 // In incremental mode, hash the result of the task. We don't
240 // do anything with the hash yet, but we are computing it
241 // anyway so that
242 // - we make sure that the infrastructure works and
243 // - we can get an idea of the runtime cost.
244 let mut hcx = cx.create_stable_hashing_context();
246 let result = if no_tcx {
247 task(cx, arg)
248 } else {
249 K::with_deps(task_deps.as_ref(), || task(cx, arg))
250 };
252 let current_fingerprint = hash_result(&mut hcx, &result);
254 let dep_node_index = finish_task_and_alloc_depnode(
255 &data.current,
256 key,
257 current_fingerprint.unwrap_or(Fingerprint::ZERO),
258 task_deps.map(|lock| lock.into_inner()),
259 );
261 let print_status = cfg!(debug_assertions) && cx.debug_dep_tasks();
263 // Determine the color of the new DepNode.
264 if let Some(prev_index) = data.previous.node_to_index_opt(&key) {
265 let prev_fingerprint = data.previous.fingerprint_by_index(prev_index);
267 let color = if let Some(current_fingerprint) = current_fingerprint {
268 if current_fingerprint == prev_fingerprint {
269 if print_status {
270 eprintln!("[task::green] {:?}", key);
271 }
272 DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index)
273 } else {
274 if print_status {
275 eprintln!("[task::red] {:?}", key);
276 }
277 DepNodeColor::Red
278 }
279 } else {
280 if print_status {
281 eprintln!("[task::unknown] {:?}", key);
282 }
283 // Mark the node as Red if we can't hash the result
284 DepNodeColor::Red
285 };
287 debug_assert!(
288 data.colors.get(prev_index).is_none(),
289 "DepGraph::with_task() - Duplicate DepNodeColor \
290 insertion for {:?}",
291 key
292 );
294 data.colors.insert(prev_index, color);
295 } else {
296 if print_status {
297 eprintln!("[task::new] {:?}", key);
298 }
299 }
301 (result, dep_node_index)
302 } else {
303 (task(cx, arg), self.next_virtual_depnode_index())
304 }
305 }
307 /// Executes something within an "anonymous" task, that is, a task the
308 /// `DepNode` of which is determined by the list of inputs it read from.
309 pub fn with_anon_task<OP, R>(&self, dep_kind: K, op: OP) -> (R, DepNodeIndex)
310 where
311 OP: FnOnce() -> R,
312 {
313 if let Some(ref data) = self.data {
314 let task_deps = Lock::new(TaskDeps::default());
316 let result = K::with_deps(Some(&task_deps), op);
317 let task_deps = task_deps.into_inner();
319 let dep_node_index = data.current.complete_anon_task(dep_kind, task_deps);
320 (result, dep_node_index)
321 } else {
322 (op(), self.next_virtual_depnode_index())
323 }
324 }
326 /// Executes something within an "eval-always" task which is a task
327 /// that runs whenever anything changes.
328 pub fn with_eval_always_task<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>, A, R>(
329 &self,
330 key: DepNode<K>,
331 cx: Ctxt,
332 arg: A,
333 task: fn(Ctxt, A) -> R,
334 hash_result: impl FnOnce(&mut Ctxt::StableHashingContext, &R) -> Option<Fingerprint>,
335 ) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) {
336 self.with_task_impl(
337 key,
338 cx,
339 arg,
340 false,
341 task,
342 |_| None,
343 |data, key, fingerprint, _| data.alloc_node(key, smallvec![], fingerprint),
344 hash_result,
345 )
346 }
348 #[inline]
349 pub fn read(&self, v: DepNode<K>) {
350 if let Some(ref data) = self.data {
351 let map = data.current.node_to_node_index.get_shard_by_value(&v).lock();
352 if let Some(dep_node_index) = map.get(&v).copied() {
353 std::mem::drop(map);
354 data.read_index(dep_node_index);
355 } else {
356 panic!("DepKind {:?} should be pre-allocated but isn't.", v.kind)
357 }
358 }
359 }
361 #[inline]
362 pub fn read_index(&self, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) {
363 if let Some(ref data) = self.data {
364 data.read_index(dep_node_index);
365 }
366 }
368 #[inline]
369 pub fn dep_node_index_of(&self, dep_node: &DepNode<K>) -> DepNodeIndex {
370 self.data
371 .as_ref()
372 .unwrap()
373 .current
374 .node_to_node_index
375 .get_shard_by_value(dep_node)
376 .lock()
377 .get(dep_node)
378 .cloned()
379 .unwrap()
380 }
382 #[inline]
383 pub fn dep_node_exists(&self, dep_node: &DepNode<K>) -> bool {
384 if let Some(ref data) = self.data {
385 data.current
386 .node_to_node_index
387 .get_shard_by_value(&dep_node)
388 .lock()
389 .contains_key(dep_node)
390 } else {
391 false
392 }
393 }
395 #[inline]
396 pub fn fingerprint_of(&self, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) -> Fingerprint {
397 let data = self.data.as_ref().expect("dep graph enabled").current.data.lock();
398 data[dep_node_index].fingerprint
399 }
401 pub fn prev_fingerprint_of(&self, dep_node: &DepNode<K>) -> Option<Fingerprint> {
402 self.data.as_ref().unwrap().previous.fingerprint_of(dep_node)
403 }
405 #[inline]
406 pub fn prev_dep_node_index_of(&self, dep_node: &DepNode<K>) -> SerializedDepNodeIndex {
407 self.data.as_ref().unwrap().previous.node_to_index(dep_node)
408 }
410 /// Checks whether a previous work product exists for `v` and, if
411 /// so, return the path that leads to it. Used to skip doing work.
412 pub fn previous_work_product(&self, v: &WorkProductId) -> Option<WorkProduct> {
413 self.data.as_ref().and_then(|data| data.previous_work_products.get(v).cloned())
414 }
416 /// Access the map of work-products created during the cached run. Only
417 /// used during saving of the dep-graph.
418 pub fn previous_work_products(&self) -> &FxHashMap<WorkProductId, WorkProduct> {
419 &self.data.as_ref().unwrap().previous_work_products
420 }
422 #[inline(always)]
423 pub fn register_dep_node_debug_str<F>(&self, dep_node: DepNode<K>, debug_str_gen: F)
424 where
425 F: FnOnce() -> String,
426 {
427 let dep_node_debug = &self.data.as_ref().unwrap().dep_node_debug;
429 if dep_node_debug.borrow().contains_key(&dep_node) {
430 return;
431 }
432 let debug_str = debug_str_gen();
433 dep_node_debug.borrow_mut().insert(dep_node, debug_str);
434 }
436 pub fn dep_node_debug_str(&self, dep_node: DepNode<K>) -> Option<String> {
437 self.data.as_ref()?.dep_node_debug.borrow().get(&dep_node).cloned()
438 }
440 pub fn edge_deduplication_data(&self) -> Option<(u64, u64)> {
441 if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
442 let current_dep_graph = &self.data.as_ref().unwrap().current;
444 Some((
445 current_dep_graph.total_read_count.load(Relaxed),
446 current_dep_graph.total_duplicate_read_count.load(Relaxed),
447 ))
448 } else {
449 None
450 }
451 }
453 pub fn serialize(&self) -> SerializedDepGraph<K> {
454 let data = self.data.as_ref().unwrap().current.data.lock();
456 let fingerprints: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, _> =
457 data.iter().map(|d| d.fingerprint).collect();
458 let nodes: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, _> = data.iter().map(|d| d.node).collect();
460 let total_edge_count: usize = data.iter().map(|d| d.edges.len()).sum();
462 let mut edge_list_indices = IndexVec::with_capacity(nodes.len());
463 let mut edge_list_data = Vec::with_capacity(total_edge_count);
465 for (current_dep_node_index, edges) in data.iter_enumerated().map(|(i, d)| (i, &d.edges)) {
466 let start = edge_list_data.len() as u32;
467 // This should really just be a memcpy :/
468 edge_list_data.extend(edges.iter().map(|i| SerializedDepNodeIndex::new(i.index())));
469 let end = edge_list_data.len() as u32;
471 debug_assert_eq!(current_dep_node_index.index(), edge_list_indices.len());
472 edge_list_indices.push((start, end));
473 }
475 debug_assert!(edge_list_data.len() <= u32::MAX as usize);
476 debug_assert_eq!(edge_list_data.len(), total_edge_count);
478 SerializedDepGraph { nodes, fingerprints, edge_list_indices, edge_list_data }
479 }
481 pub fn node_color(&self, dep_node: &DepNode<K>) -> Option<DepNodeColor> {
482 if let Some(ref data) = self.data {
483 if let Some(prev_index) = data.previous.node_to_index_opt(dep_node) {
484 return data.colors.get(prev_index);
485 } else {
486 // This is a node that did not exist in the previous compilation
487 // session, so we consider it to be red.
488 return Some(DepNodeColor::Red);
489 }
490 }
492 None
493 }
495 /// Try to read a node index for the node dep_node.
496 /// A node will have an index, when it's already been marked green, or when we can mark it
497 /// green. This function will mark the current task as a reader of the specified node, when
498 /// a node index can be found for that node.
499 pub fn try_mark_green_and_read<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>>(
500 &self,
501 tcx: Ctxt,
502 dep_node: &DepNode<K>,
503 ) -> Option<(SerializedDepNodeIndex, DepNodeIndex)> {
504 self.try_mark_green(tcx, dep_node).map(|(prev_index, dep_node_index)| {
505 debug_assert!(self.is_green(&dep_node));
506 self.read_index(dep_node_index);
507 (prev_index, dep_node_index)
508 })
509 }
511 pub fn try_mark_green<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>>(
512 &self,
513 tcx: Ctxt,
514 dep_node: &DepNode<K>,
515 ) -> Option<(SerializedDepNodeIndex, DepNodeIndex)> {
516 debug_assert!(!dep_node.kind.is_eval_always());
518 // Return None if the dep graph is disabled
519 let data = self.data.as_ref()?;
521 // Return None if the dep node didn't exist in the previous session
522 let prev_index = data.previous.node_to_index_opt(dep_node)?;
524 match data.colors.get(prev_index) {
525 Some(DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index)) => Some((prev_index, dep_node_index)),
526 Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => None,
527 None => {
528 // This DepNode and the corresponding query invocation existed
529 // in the previous compilation session too, so we can try to
530 // mark it as green by recursively marking all of its
531 // dependencies green.
532 self.try_mark_previous_green(tcx, data, prev_index, &dep_node)
533 .map(|dep_node_index| (prev_index, dep_node_index))
534 }
535 }
536 }
538 /// Try to mark a dep-node which existed in the previous compilation session as green.
539 fn try_mark_previous_green<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>>(
540 &self,
541 tcx: Ctxt,
542 data: &DepGraphData<K>,
543 prev_dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
544 dep_node: &DepNode<K>,
545 ) -> Option<DepNodeIndex> {
546 debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - BEGIN", dep_node);
548 #[cfg(not(parallel_compiler))]
549 {
550 debug_assert!(
551 !data
552 .current
553 .node_to_node_index
554 .get_shard_by_value(dep_node)
555 .lock()
556 .contains_key(dep_node)
557 );
558 debug_assert!(data.colors.get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none());
559 }
561 // We never try to mark eval_always nodes as green
562 debug_assert!(!dep_node.kind.is_eval_always());
564 debug_assert_eq!(data.previous.index_to_node(prev_dep_node_index), *dep_node);
566 let prev_deps = data.previous.edge_targets_from(prev_dep_node_index);
568 let mut current_deps = SmallVec::new();
570 for &dep_dep_node_index in prev_deps {
571 let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.get(dep_dep_node_index);
573 match dep_dep_node_color {
574 Some(DepNodeColor::Green(node_index)) => {
575 // This dependency has been marked as green before, we are
576 // still fine and can continue with checking the other
577 // dependencies.
578 debug!(
579 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- found dependency {:?} to \
580 be immediately green",
581 dep_node,
582 data.previous.index_to_node(dep_dep_node_index)
583 );
584 current_deps.push(node_index);
585 }
586 Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => {
587 // We found a dependency the value of which has changed
588 // compared to the previous compilation session. We cannot
589 // mark the DepNode as green and also don't need to bother
590 // with checking any of the other dependencies.
591 debug!(
592 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} was \
593 immediately red",
594 dep_node,
595 data.previous.index_to_node(dep_dep_node_index)
596 );
597 return None;
598 }
599 None => {
600 let dep_dep_node = &data.previous.index_to_node(dep_dep_node_index);
602 // We don't know the state of this dependency. If it isn't
603 // an eval_always node, let's try to mark it green recursively.
604 if !dep_dep_node.kind.is_eval_always() {
605 debug!(
606 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- state of dependency {:?} \
607 is unknown, trying to mark it green",
608 dep_node, dep_dep_node
609 );
611 let node_index = self.try_mark_previous_green(
612 tcx,
613 data,
614 dep_dep_node_index,
615 dep_dep_node,
616 );
617 if let Some(node_index) = node_index {
618 debug!(
619 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- managed to MARK \
620 dependency {:?} as green",
621 dep_node, dep_dep_node
622 );
623 current_deps.push(node_index);
624 continue;
625 }
626 }
628 // We failed to mark it green, so we try to force the query.
629 debug!(
630 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- trying to force \
631 dependency {:?}",
632 dep_node, dep_dep_node
633 );
634 if tcx.try_force_from_dep_node(dep_dep_node) {
635 let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.get(dep_dep_node_index);
637 match dep_dep_node_color {
638 Some(DepNodeColor::Green(node_index)) => {
639 debug!(
640 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- managed to \
641 FORCE dependency {:?} to green",
642 dep_node, dep_dep_node
643 );
644 current_deps.push(node_index);
645 }
646 Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => {
647 debug!(
648 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - \
649 dependency {:?} was red after forcing",
650 dep_node, dep_dep_node
651 );
652 return None;
653 }
654 None => {
655 if !tcx.has_errors_or_delayed_span_bugs() {
656 panic!(
657 "try_mark_previous_green() - Forcing the DepNode \
658 should have set its color"
659 )
660 } else {
661 // If the query we just forced has resulted in
662 // some kind of compilation error, we cannot rely on
663 // the dep-node color having been properly updated.
664 // This means that the query system has reached an
665 // invalid state. We let the compiler continue (by
666 // returning `None`) so it can emit error messages
667 // and wind down, but rely on the fact that this
668 // invalid state will not be persisted to the
669 // incremental compilation cache because of
670 // compilation errors being present.
671 debug!(
672 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - \
673 dependency {:?} resulted in compilation error",
674 dep_node, dep_dep_node
675 );
676 return None;
677 }
678 }
679 }
680 } else {
681 // The DepNode could not be forced.
682 debug!(
683 "try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} \
684 could not be forced",
685 dep_node, dep_dep_node
686 );
687 return None;
688 }
689 }
690 }
691 }
693 // If we got here without hitting a `return` that means that all
694 // dependencies of this DepNode could be marked as green. Therefore we
695 // can also mark this DepNode as green.
697 // There may be multiple threads trying to mark the same dep node green concurrently
699 let dep_node_index = {
700 // Copy the fingerprint from the previous graph,
701 // so we don't have to recompute it
702 let fingerprint = data.previous.fingerprint_by_index(prev_dep_node_index);
704 // We allocating an entry for the node in the current dependency graph and
705 // adding all the appropriate edges imported from the previous graph
706 data.current.intern_node(*dep_node, current_deps, fingerprint)
707 };
709 // ... emitting any stored diagnostic ...
711 // FIXME: Store the fact that a node has diagnostics in a bit in the dep graph somewhere
712 // Maybe store a list on disk and encode this fact in the DepNodeState
713 let diagnostics = tcx.load_diagnostics(prev_dep_node_index);
715 #[cfg(not(parallel_compiler))]
716 debug_assert!(
717 data.colors.get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none(),
718 "DepGraph::try_mark_previous_green() - Duplicate DepNodeColor \
719 insertion for {:?}",
720 dep_node
721 );
723 if unlikely!(!diagnostics.is_empty()) {
724 self.emit_diagnostics(tcx, data, dep_node_index, prev_dep_node_index, diagnostics);
725 }
727 // ... and finally storing a "Green" entry in the color map.
728 // Multiple threads can all write the same color here
729 data.colors.insert(prev_dep_node_index, DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index));
731 debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - successfully marked as green", dep_node);
732 Some(dep_node_index)
733 }
735 /// Atomically emits some loaded diagnostics.
736 /// This may be called concurrently on multiple threads for the same dep node.
737 #[cold]
738 #[inline(never)]
739 fn emit_diagnostics<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>>(
740 &self,
741 tcx: Ctxt,
742 data: &DepGraphData<K>,
743 dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex,
744 prev_dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
745 diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>,
746 ) {
747 let mut emitting = data.emitting_diagnostics.lock();
749 if data.colors.get(prev_dep_node_index) == Some(DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index)) {
750 // The node is already green so diagnostics must have been emitted already
751 return;
752 }
754 if emitting.insert(dep_node_index) {
755 // We were the first to insert the node in the set so this thread
756 // must emit the diagnostics and signal other potentially waiting
757 // threads after.
758 mem::drop(emitting);
760 // Promote the previous diagnostics to the current session.
761 tcx.store_diagnostics(dep_node_index, diagnostics.clone().into());
763 let handle = tcx.diagnostic();
765 for diagnostic in diagnostics {
766 handle.emit_diagnostic(&diagnostic);
767 }
769 // Mark the node as green now that diagnostics are emitted
770 data.colors.insert(prev_dep_node_index, DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index));
772 // Remove the node from the set
773 data.emitting_diagnostics.lock().remove(&dep_node_index);
775 // Wake up waiters
776 data.emitting_diagnostics_cond_var.notify_all();
777 } else {
778 // We must wait for the other thread to finish emitting the diagnostic
780 loop {
781 data.emitting_diagnostics_cond_var.wait(&mut emitting);
782 if data.colors.get(prev_dep_node_index) == Some(DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index))
783 {
784 break;
785 }
786 }
787 }
788 }
790 // Returns true if the given node has been marked as green during the
791 // current compilation session. Used in various assertions
792 pub fn is_green(&self, dep_node: &DepNode<K>) -> bool {
793 self.node_color(dep_node).map(|c| c.is_green()).unwrap_or(false)
794 }
796 // This method loads all on-disk cacheable query results into memory, so
797 // they can be written out to the new cache file again. Most query results
798 // will already be in memory but in the case where we marked something as
799 // green but then did not need the value, that value will never have been
800 // loaded from disk.
801 //
802 // This method will only load queries that will end up in the disk cache.
803 // Other queries will not be executed.
804 pub fn exec_cache_promotions<Ctxt: DepContext<DepKind = K>>(&self, tcx: Ctxt) {
805 let _prof_timer = tcx.profiler().generic_activity("incr_comp_query_cache_promotion");
807 let data = self.data.as_ref().unwrap();
808 for prev_index in data.colors.values.indices() {
809 match data.colors.get(prev_index) {
810 Some(DepNodeColor::Green(_)) => {
811 let dep_node = data.previous.index_to_node(prev_index);
812 tcx.try_load_from_on_disk_cache(&dep_node);
813 }
814 None | Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => {
815 // We can skip red nodes because a node can only be marked
816 // as red if the query result was recomputed and thus is
817 // already in memory.
818 }
819 }
820 }
821 }
823 fn next_virtual_depnode_index(&self) -> DepNodeIndex {
824 let index = self.virtual_dep_node_index.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);
825 DepNodeIndex::from_u32(index)
826 }
827 }
829 /// A "work product" is an intermediate result that we save into the
830 /// incremental directory for later re-use. The primary example are
831 /// the object files that we save for each partition at code
832 /// generation time.
833 ///
834 /// Each work product is associated with a dep-node, representing the
835 /// process that produced the work-product. If that dep-node is found
836 /// to be dirty when we load up, then we will delete the work-product
837 /// at load time. If the work-product is found to be clean, then we
838 /// will keep a record in the `previous_work_products` list.
839 ///
840 /// In addition, work products have an associated hash. This hash is
841 /// an extra hash that can be used to decide if the work-product from
842 /// a previous compilation can be re-used (in addition to the dirty
843 /// edges check).
844 ///
845 /// As the primary example, consider the object files we generate for
846 /// each partition. In the first run, we create partitions based on
847 /// the symbols that need to be compiled. For each partition P, we
848 /// hash the symbols in P and create a `WorkProduct` record associated
849 /// with `DepNode::CodegenUnit(P)`; the hash is the set of symbols
850 /// in P.
851 ///
852 /// The next time we compile, if the `DepNode::CodegenUnit(P)` is
853 /// judged to be clean (which means none of the things we read to
854 /// generate the partition were found to be dirty), it will be loaded
855 /// into previous work products. We will then regenerate the set of
856 /// symbols in the partition P and hash them (note that new symbols
857 /// may be added -- for example, new monomorphizations -- even if
858 /// nothing in P changed!). We will compare that hash against the
859 /// previous hash. If it matches up, we can reuse the object file.
860 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Encodable, Decodable)]
861 pub struct WorkProduct {
862 pub cgu_name: String,
863 /// Saved file associated with this CGU.
864 pub saved_file: Option<String>,
865 }
867 #[derive(Clone)]
868 struct DepNodeData<K> {
869 node: DepNode<K>,
870 edges: EdgesVec,
871 fingerprint: Fingerprint,
872 }
874 /// `CurrentDepGraph` stores the dependency graph for the current session.
875 /// It will be populated as we run queries or tasks.
876 ///
877 /// The nodes in it are identified by an index (`DepNodeIndex`).
878 /// The data for each node is stored in its `DepNodeData`, found in the `data` field.
879 ///
880 /// We never remove nodes from the graph: they are only added.
881 ///
882 /// This struct uses two locks internally. The `data` and `node_to_node_index` fields are
883 /// locked separately. Operations that take a `DepNodeIndex` typically just access
884 /// the data field.
885 ///
886 /// The only operation that must manipulate both locks is adding new nodes, in which case
887 /// we first acquire the `node_to_node_index` lock and then, once a new node is to be inserted,
888 /// acquire the lock on `data.`
889 pub(super) struct CurrentDepGraph<K> {
890 data: Lock<IndexVec<DepNodeIndex, DepNodeData<K>>>,
891 node_to_node_index: Sharded<FxHashMap<DepNode<K>, DepNodeIndex>>,
893 /// Used to trap when a specific edge is added to the graph.
894 /// This is used for debug purposes and is only active with `debug_assertions`.
895 #[allow(dead_code)]
896 forbidden_edge: Option<EdgeFilter>,
898 /// Anonymous `DepNode`s are nodes whose IDs we compute from the list of
899 /// their edges. This has the beneficial side-effect that multiple anonymous
900 /// nodes can be coalesced into one without changing the semantics of the
901 /// dependency graph. However, the merging of nodes can lead to a subtle
902 /// problem during red-green marking: The color of an anonymous node from
903 /// the current session might "shadow" the color of the node with the same
904 /// ID from the previous session. In order to side-step this problem, we make
905 /// sure that anonymous `NodeId`s allocated in different sessions don't overlap.
906 /// This is implemented by mixing a session-key into the ID fingerprint of
907 /// each anon node. The session-key is just a random number generated when
908 /// the `DepGraph` is created.
909 anon_id_seed: Fingerprint,
911 /// These are simple counters that are for profiling and
912 /// debugging and only active with `debug_assertions`.
913 total_read_count: AtomicU64,
914 total_duplicate_read_count: AtomicU64,
915 }
917 impl<K: DepKind> CurrentDepGraph<K> {
918 fn new(prev_graph_node_count: usize) -> CurrentDepGraph<K> {
919 use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
921 let duration = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();
922 let nanos = duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + duration.subsec_nanos() as u64;
923 let mut stable_hasher = StableHasher::new();
924 nanos.hash(&mut stable_hasher);
926 let forbidden_edge = if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
927 match env::var("RUST_FORBID_DEP_GRAPH_EDGE") {
928 Ok(s) => match EdgeFilter::new(&s) {
929 Ok(f) => Some(f),
930 Err(err) => panic!("RUST_FORBID_DEP_GRAPH_EDGE invalid: {}", err),
931 },
932 Err(_) => None,
933 }
934 } else {
935 None
936 };
938 // Pre-allocate the dep node structures. We over-allocate a little so
939 // that we hopefully don't have to re-allocate during this compilation
940 // session. The over-allocation is 2% plus a small constant to account
941 // for the fact that in very small crates 2% might not be enough.
942 let new_node_count_estimate = (prev_graph_node_count * 102) / 100 + 200;
944 CurrentDepGraph {
945 data: Lock::new(IndexVec::with_capacity(new_node_count_estimate)),
946 node_to_node_index: Sharded::new(|| {
947 FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(
948 new_node_count_estimate / sharded::SHARDS,
949 Default::default(),
950 )
951 }),
952 anon_id_seed: stable_hasher.finish(),
953 forbidden_edge,
954 total_read_count: AtomicU64::new(0),
955 total_duplicate_read_count: AtomicU64::new(0),
956 }
957 }
959 fn complete_task(
960 &self,
961 node: DepNode<K>,
962 task_deps: TaskDeps<K>,
963 fingerprint: Fingerprint,
964 ) -> DepNodeIndex {
965 self.alloc_node(node, task_deps.reads, fingerprint)
966 }
968 fn complete_anon_task(&self, kind: K, task_deps: TaskDeps<K>) -> DepNodeIndex {
969 debug_assert!(!kind.is_eval_always());
971 let mut hasher = StableHasher::new();
973 // The dep node indices are hashed here instead of hashing the dep nodes of the
974 // dependencies. These indices may refer to different nodes per session, but this isn't
975 // a problem here because we that ensure the final dep node hash is per session only by
976 // combining it with the per session random number `anon_id_seed`. This hash only need
977 // to map the dependencies to a single value on a per session basis.
978 task_deps.reads.hash(&mut hasher);
980 let target_dep_node = DepNode {
981 kind,
983 // Fingerprint::combine() is faster than sending Fingerprint
984 // through the StableHasher (at least as long as StableHasher
985 // is so slow).
986 hash: self.anon_id_seed.combine(hasher.finish()),
987 };
989 self.intern_node(target_dep_node, task_deps.reads, Fingerprint::ZERO)
990 }
992 fn alloc_node(
993 &self,
994 dep_node: DepNode<K>,
995 edges: EdgesVec,
996 fingerprint: Fingerprint,
997 ) -> DepNodeIndex {
998 debug_assert!(
999 !self.node_to_node_index.get_shard_by_value(&dep_node).lock().contains_key(&dep_node)
1000 );
1001 self.intern_node(dep_node, edges, fingerprint)
1002 }
1004 fn intern_node(
1005 &self,
1006 dep_node: DepNode<K>,
1007 edges: EdgesVec,
1008 fingerprint: Fingerprint,
1009 ) -> DepNodeIndex {
1010 match self.node_to_node_index.get_shard_by_value(&dep_node).lock().entry(dep_node) {
1011 Entry::Occupied(entry) => *entry.get(),
1012 Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
1013 let mut data = self.data.lock();
1014 let dep_node_index = DepNodeIndex::new(data.len());
1015 data.push(DepNodeData { node: dep_node, edges, fingerprint });
1016 entry.insert(dep_node_index);
1017 dep_node_index
1018 }
1019 }
1020 }
1021 }
1023 impl<K: DepKind> DepGraphData<K> {
1024 #[inline(never)]
1025 fn read_index(&self, source: DepNodeIndex) {
1026 K::read_deps(|task_deps| {
1027 if let Some(task_deps) = task_deps {
1028 let mut task_deps = task_deps.lock();
1029 let task_deps = &mut *task_deps;
1030 if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
1031 self.current.total_read_count.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);
1032 }
1034 // As long as we only have a low number of reads we can avoid doing a hash
1035 // insert and potentially allocating/reallocating the hashmap
1036 let new_read = if task_deps.reads.len() < TASK_DEPS_READS_CAP {
1037 task_deps.reads.iter().all(|other| *other != source)
1038 } else {
1039 task_deps.read_set.insert(source)
1040 };
1041 if new_read {
1042 task_deps.reads.push(source);
1043 if task_deps.reads.len() == TASK_DEPS_READS_CAP {
1044 // Fill `read_set` with what we have so far so we can use the hashset next
1045 // time
1046 task_deps.read_set.extend(task_deps.reads.iter().copied());
1047 }
1049 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
1050 {
1051 if let Some(target) = task_deps.node {
1052 let data = self.current.data.lock();
1053 if let Some(ref forbidden_edge) = self.current.forbidden_edge {
1054 let source = data[source].node;
1055 if forbidden_edge.test(&source, &target) {
1056 panic!("forbidden edge {:?} -> {:?} created", source, target)
1057 }
1058 }
1059 }
1060 }
1061 } else if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
1062 self.current.total_duplicate_read_count.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);
1063 }
1064 }
1065 })
1066 }
1067 }
1069 /// The capacity of the `reads` field `SmallVec`
1070 const TASK_DEPS_READS_CAP: usize = 8;
1071 type EdgesVec = SmallVec<[DepNodeIndex; TASK_DEPS_READS_CAP]>;
1073 pub struct TaskDeps<K> {
1074 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
1075 node: Option<DepNode<K>>,
1076 reads: EdgesVec,
1077 read_set: FxHashSet<DepNodeIndex>,
1078 phantom_data: PhantomData<DepNode<K>>,
1079 }
1081 impl<K> Default for TaskDeps<K> {
1082 fn default() -> Self {
1083 Self {
1084 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
1085 node: None,
1086 reads: EdgesVec::new(),
1087 read_set: FxHashSet::default(),
1088 phantom_data: PhantomData,
1089 }
1090 }
1091 }
1093 // A data structure that stores Option<DepNodeColor> values as a contiguous
1094 // array, using one u32 per entry.
1095 struct DepNodeColorMap {
1096 values: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, AtomicU32>,
1097 }
1099 const COMPRESSED_NONE: u32 = 0;
1100 const COMPRESSED_RED: u32 = 1;
1101 const COMPRESSED_FIRST_GREEN: u32 = 2;
1103 impl DepNodeColorMap {
1104 fn new(size: usize) -> DepNodeColorMap {
1105 DepNodeColorMap { values: (0..size).map(|_| AtomicU32::new(COMPRESSED_NONE)).collect() }
1106 }
1108 #[inline]
1109 fn get(&self, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> Option<DepNodeColor> {
1110 match self.values[index].load(Ordering::Acquire) {
1112 COMPRESSED_RED => Some(DepNodeColor::Red),
1113 value => {
1114 Some(DepNodeColor::Green(DepNodeIndex::from_u32(value - COMPRESSED_FIRST_GREEN)))
1115 }
1116 }
1117 }
1119 fn insert(&self, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex, color: DepNodeColor) {
1120 self.values[index].store(
1121 match color {
1122 DepNodeColor::Red => COMPRESSED_RED,
1123 DepNodeColor::Green(index) => index.as_u32() + COMPRESSED_FIRST_GREEN,
1124 },
1125 Ordering::Release,
1126 )
1127 }
1128 }