]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_resolve/late/diagnostics.rs
New upstream version 1.41.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_resolve / late / diagnostics.rs
1 use crate::{CrateLint, Module, ModuleKind, ModuleOrUniformRoot};
2 use crate::{PathResult, PathSource, Segment};
3 use crate::path_names_to_string;
4 use crate::diagnostics::{ImportSuggestion, TypoSuggestion};
5 use crate::late::{LateResolutionVisitor, RibKind};
7 use errors::{Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder, DiagnosticId};
8 use log::debug;
9 use rustc::hir::def::{self, DefKind, CtorKind};
10 use rustc::hir::def::Namespace::{self, *};
11 use rustc::hir::def_id::{CRATE_DEF_INDEX, DefId};
12 use rustc::hir::PrimTy;
13 use rustc::session::config::nightly_options;
14 use rustc::util::nodemap::FxHashSet;
15 use syntax::ast::{self, Expr, ExprKind, Ident, NodeId, Path, Ty, TyKind};
16 use syntax::symbol::kw;
17 use syntax::util::lev_distance::find_best_match_for_name;
18 use syntax_pos::hygiene::MacroKind;
19 use syntax_pos::Span;
21 use rustc_error_codes::*;
23 type Res = def::Res<ast::NodeId>;
25 /// A field or associated item from self type suggested in case of resolution failure.
26 enum AssocSuggestion {
27 Field,
28 MethodWithSelf,
29 AssocItem,
30 }
32 fn is_self_type(path: &[Segment], namespace: Namespace) -> bool {
33 namespace == TypeNS && path.len() == 1 && path[0].ident.name == kw::SelfUpper
34 }
36 fn is_self_value(path: &[Segment], namespace: Namespace) -> bool {
37 namespace == ValueNS && path.len() == 1 && path[0].ident.name == kw::SelfLower
38 }
40 /// Gets the stringified path for an enum from an `ImportSuggestion` for an enum variant.
41 fn import_candidate_to_enum_paths(suggestion: &ImportSuggestion) -> (String, String) {
42 let variant_path = &suggestion.path;
43 let variant_path_string = path_names_to_string(variant_path);
45 let path_len = suggestion.path.segments.len();
46 let enum_path = ast::Path {
47 span: suggestion.path.span,
48 segments: suggestion.path.segments[0..path_len - 1].to_vec(),
49 };
50 let enum_path_string = path_names_to_string(&enum_path);
52 (variant_path_string, enum_path_string)
53 }
55 impl<'a> LateResolutionVisitor<'a, '_> {
56 /// Handles error reporting for `smart_resolve_path_fragment` function.
57 /// Creates base error and amends it with one short label and possibly some longer helps/notes.
58 pub(crate) fn smart_resolve_report_errors(
59 &mut self,
60 path: &[Segment],
61 span: Span,
62 source: PathSource<'_>,
63 res: Option<Res>,
64 ) -> (DiagnosticBuilder<'a>, Vec<ImportSuggestion>) {
65 let ident_span = path.last().map_or(span, |ident| ident.ident.span);
66 let ns = source.namespace();
67 let is_expected = &|res| source.is_expected(res);
68 let is_enum_variant = &|res| {
69 if let Res::Def(DefKind::Variant, _) = res { true } else { false }
70 };
72 // Make the base error.
73 let expected = source.descr_expected();
74 let path_str = Segment::names_to_string(path);
75 let item_str = path.last().unwrap().ident;
76 let code = source.error_code(res.is_some());
77 let (base_msg, fallback_label, base_span, could_be_expr) = if let Some(res) = res {
78 (format!("expected {}, found {} `{}`", expected, res.descr(), path_str),
79 format!("not a {}", expected),
80 span,
81 match res {
82 Res::Def(DefKind::Fn, _) => {
83 // Verify whether this is a fn call or an Fn used as a type.
84 self.r.session.source_map().span_to_snippet(span).map(|snippet| {
85 snippet.ends_with(')')
86 }).unwrap_or(false)
87 }
88 Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(..), _) |
89 Res::Def(DefKind::Method, _) |
90 Res::Def(DefKind::Const, _) |
91 Res::Def(DefKind::AssocConst, _) |
92 Res::SelfCtor(_) |
93 Res::PrimTy(_) |
94 Res::Local(_) => true,
95 _ => false,
96 })
97 } else {
98 let item_span = path.last().unwrap().ident.span;
99 let (mod_prefix, mod_str) = if path.len() == 1 {
100 (String::new(), "this scope".to_string())
101 } else if path.len() == 2 && path[0].ident.name == kw::PathRoot {
102 (String::new(), "the crate root".to_string())
103 } else {
104 let mod_path = &path[..path.len() - 1];
105 let mod_prefix = match self.resolve_path(
106 mod_path, Some(TypeNS), false, span, CrateLint::No
107 ) {
108 PathResult::Module(ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module)) => module.res(),
109 _ => None,
110 }.map_or(String::new(), |res| format!("{} ", res.descr()));
111 (mod_prefix, format!("`{}`", Segment::names_to_string(mod_path)))
112 };
113 (format!("cannot find {} `{}` in {}{}", expected, item_str, mod_prefix, mod_str),
114 format!("not found in {}", mod_str),
115 item_span,
116 false)
117 };
119 let code = DiagnosticId::Error(code.into());
120 let mut err = self.r.session.struct_span_err_with_code(base_span, &base_msg, code);
122 // Emit help message for fake-self from other languages (e.g., `this` in Javascript).
123 if ["this", "my"].contains(&&*item_str.as_str())
124 && self.self_value_is_available(path[0].ident.span, span) {
125 err.span_suggestion(
126 span,
127 "did you mean",
128 "self".to_string(),
129 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
130 );
131 }
133 // Emit special messages for unresolved `Self` and `self`.
134 if is_self_type(path, ns) {
135 syntax::diagnostic_used!(E0411);
136 err.code(DiagnosticId::Error("E0411".into()));
137 err.span_label(
138 span,
139 format!("`Self` is only available in impls, traits, and type definitions"),
140 );
141 return (err, Vec::new());
142 }
143 if is_self_value(path, ns) {
144 debug!("smart_resolve_path_fragment: E0424, source={:?}", source);
146 syntax::diagnostic_used!(E0424);
147 err.code(DiagnosticId::Error("E0424".into()));
148 err.span_label(span, match source {
149 PathSource::Pat => format!(
150 "`self` value is a keyword and may not be bound to variables or shadowed",
151 ),
152 _ => format!(
153 "`self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter",
154 ),
155 });
156 if let Some(span) = &self.diagnostic_metadata.current_function {
157 err.span_label(*span, "this function doesn't have a `self` parameter");
158 }
159 return (err, Vec::new());
160 }
162 // Try to lookup name in more relaxed fashion for better error reporting.
163 let ident = path.last().unwrap().ident;
164 let candidates = self.r.lookup_import_candidates(ident, ns, is_expected)
165 .drain(..)
166 .filter(|ImportSuggestion { did, .. }| {
167 match (did, res.and_then(|res| res.opt_def_id())) {
168 (Some(suggestion_did), Some(actual_did)) => *suggestion_did != actual_did,
169 _ => true,
170 }
171 })
172 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
173 let crate_def_id = DefId::local(CRATE_DEF_INDEX);
174 if candidates.is_empty() && is_expected(Res::Def(DefKind::Enum, crate_def_id)) {
175 let enum_candidates =
176 self.r.lookup_import_candidates(ident, ns, is_enum_variant);
177 let mut enum_candidates = enum_candidates.iter()
178 .map(|suggestion| {
179 import_candidate_to_enum_paths(&suggestion)
180 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
181 enum_candidates.sort();
183 if !enum_candidates.is_empty() {
184 // Contextualize for E0412 "cannot find type", but don't belabor the point
185 // (that it's a variant) for E0573 "expected type, found variant".
186 let preamble = if res.is_none() {
187 let others = match enum_candidates.len() {
188 1 => String::new(),
189 2 => " and 1 other".to_owned(),
190 n => format!(" and {} others", n)
191 };
192 format!("there is an enum variant `{}`{}; ",
193 enum_candidates[0].0, others)
194 } else {
195 String::new()
196 };
197 let msg = format!("{}try using the variant's enum", preamble);
199 err.span_suggestions(
200 span,
201 &msg,
202 enum_candidates.into_iter()
203 .map(|(_variant_path, enum_ty_path)| enum_ty_path)
204 // Variants re-exported in prelude doesn't mean `prelude::v1` is the
205 // type name!
206 // FIXME: is there a more principled way to do this that
207 // would work for other re-exports?
208 .filter(|enum_ty_path| enum_ty_path != "std::prelude::v1")
209 // Also write `Option` rather than `std::prelude::v1::Option`.
210 .map(|enum_ty_path| {
211 // FIXME #56861: DRY-er prelude filtering.
212 enum_ty_path.trim_start_matches("std::prelude::v1::").to_owned()
213 }),
214 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
215 );
216 }
217 }
218 if path.len() == 1 && self.self_type_is_available(span) {
219 if let Some(candidate) = self.lookup_assoc_candidate(ident, ns, is_expected) {
220 let self_is_available = self.self_value_is_available(path[0].ident.span, span);
221 match candidate {
222 AssocSuggestion::Field => {
223 if self_is_available {
224 err.span_suggestion(
225 span,
226 "you might have meant to use the available field",
227 format!("self.{}", path_str),
228 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
229 );
230 } else {
231 err.span_label(
232 span,
233 "a field by this name exists in `Self`",
234 );
235 }
236 }
237 AssocSuggestion::MethodWithSelf if self_is_available => {
238 err.span_suggestion(
239 span,
240 "try",
241 format!("self.{}", path_str),
242 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
243 );
244 }
245 AssocSuggestion::MethodWithSelf | AssocSuggestion::AssocItem => {
246 err.span_suggestion(
247 span,
248 "try",
249 format!("Self::{}", path_str),
250 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
251 );
252 }
253 }
254 return (err, candidates);
255 }
256 }
258 // Try Levenshtein algorithm.
259 let typo_sugg = self.lookup_typo_candidate(path, ns, is_expected, span);
260 let levenshtein_worked = self.r.add_typo_suggestion(&mut err, typo_sugg, ident_span);
262 // Try context-dependent help if relaxed lookup didn't work.
263 if let Some(res) = res {
264 if self.smart_resolve_context_dependent_help(
265 &mut err,
266 span,
267 source,
268 res,
269 &path_str,
270 &fallback_label,
271 ) {
272 return (err, candidates);
273 }
274 }
276 // Fallback label.
277 if !levenshtein_worked {
278 err.span_label(base_span, fallback_label);
279 self.type_ascription_suggestion(&mut err, base_span);
280 match self.diagnostic_metadata.current_let_binding {
281 Some((pat_sp, Some(ty_sp), None))
282 if ty_sp.contains(base_span) && could_be_expr => {
283 err.span_suggestion_short(
284 pat_sp.between(ty_sp),
285 "use `=` if you meant to assign",
286 " = ".to_string(),
287 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
288 );
289 }
290 _ => {}
291 }
292 }
293 (err, candidates)
294 }
296 fn followed_by_brace(&self, span: Span) -> (bool, Option<(Span, String)>) {
297 // HACK(estebank): find a better way to figure out that this was a
298 // parser issue where a struct literal is being used on an expression
299 // where a brace being opened means a block is being started. Look
300 // ahead for the next text to see if `span` is followed by a `{`.
301 let sm = self.r.session.source_map();
302 let mut sp = span;
303 loop {
304 sp = sm.next_point(sp);
305 match sm.span_to_snippet(sp) {
306 Ok(ref snippet) => {
307 if snippet.chars().any(|c| { !c.is_whitespace() }) {
308 break;
309 }
310 }
311 _ => break,
312 }
313 }
314 let followed_by_brace = match sm.span_to_snippet(sp) {
315 Ok(ref snippet) if snippet == "{" => true,
316 _ => false,
317 };
318 // In case this could be a struct literal that needs to be surrounded
319 // by parenthesis, find the appropriate span.
320 let mut i = 0;
321 let mut closing_brace = None;
322 loop {
323 sp = sm.next_point(sp);
324 match sm.span_to_snippet(sp) {
325 Ok(ref snippet) => {
326 if snippet == "}" {
327 let sp = span.to(sp);
328 if let Ok(snippet) = sm.span_to_snippet(sp) {
329 closing_brace = Some((sp, snippet));
330 }
331 break;
332 }
333 }
334 _ => break,
335 }
336 i += 1;
337 // The bigger the span, the more likely we're incorrect --
338 // bound it to 100 chars long.
339 if i > 100 {
340 break;
341 }
342 }
343 return (followed_by_brace, closing_brace)
344 }
346 /// Provides context-dependent help for errors reported by the `smart_resolve_path_fragment`
347 /// function.
348 /// Returns `true` if able to provide context-dependent help.
349 fn smart_resolve_context_dependent_help(
350 &mut self,
351 err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'a>,
352 span: Span,
353 source: PathSource<'_>,
354 res: Res,
355 path_str: &str,
356 fallback_label: &str,
357 ) -> bool {
358 let ns = source.namespace();
359 let is_expected = &|res| source.is_expected(res);
361 let path_sep = |err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>, expr: &Expr| match expr.kind {
362 ExprKind::Field(_, ident) => {
363 err.span_suggestion(
364 expr.span,
365 "use the path separator to refer to an item",
366 format!("{}::{}", path_str, ident),
367 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
368 );
369 true
370 }
371 ExprKind::MethodCall(ref segment, ..) => {
372 let span = expr.span.with_hi(segment.ident.span.hi());
373 err.span_suggestion(
374 span,
375 "use the path separator to refer to an item",
376 format!("{}::{}", path_str, segment.ident),
377 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
378 );
379 true
380 }
381 _ => false,
382 };
384 let mut bad_struct_syntax_suggestion = |def_id: DefId| {
385 let (followed_by_brace, closing_brace) = self.followed_by_brace(span);
386 let mut suggested = false;
387 match source {
388 PathSource::Expr(Some(parent)) => {
389 suggested = path_sep(err, &parent);
390 }
391 PathSource::Expr(None) if followed_by_brace == true => {
392 if let Some((sp, snippet)) = closing_brace {
393 err.span_suggestion(
394 sp,
395 "surround the struct literal with parenthesis",
396 format!("({})", snippet),
397 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
398 );
399 } else {
400 err.span_label(
401 span, // Note the parenthesis surrounding the suggestion below
402 format!("did you mean `({} {{ /* fields */ }})`?", path_str),
403 );
404 }
405 suggested = true;
406 },
407 _ => {}
408 }
409 if !suggested {
410 if let Some(span) = self.r.definitions.opt_span(def_id) {
411 err.span_label(span, &format!("`{}` defined here", path_str));
412 }
413 err.span_label(
414 span,
415 format!("did you mean `{} {{ /* fields */ }}`?", path_str),
416 );
417 }
418 };
420 match (res, source) {
421 (Res::Def(DefKind::Macro(MacroKind::Bang), _), _) => {
422 err.span_suggestion(
423 span,
424 "use `!` to invoke the macro",
425 format!("{}!", path_str),
426 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
427 );
428 if path_str == "try" && span.rust_2015() {
429 err.note("if you want the `try` keyword, you need to be in the 2018 edition");
430 }
431 }
432 (Res::Def(DefKind::TyAlias, _), PathSource::Trait(_)) => {
433 err.span_label(span, "type aliases cannot be used as traits");
434 if nightly_options::is_nightly_build() {
435 err.note("did you mean to use a trait alias?");
436 }
437 }
438 (Res::Def(DefKind::Mod, _), PathSource::Expr(Some(parent))) => {
439 if !path_sep(err, &parent) {
440 return false;
441 }
442 }
443 (Res::Def(DefKind::Enum, def_id), PathSource::TupleStruct)
444 | (Res::Def(DefKind::Enum, def_id), PathSource::Expr(..)) => {
445 if let Some(variants) = self.collect_enum_variants(def_id) {
446 if !variants.is_empty() {
447 let msg = if variants.len() == 1 {
448 "try using the enum's variant"
449 } else {
450 "try using one of the enum's variants"
451 };
453 err.span_suggestions(
454 span,
455 msg,
456 variants.iter().map(path_names_to_string),
457 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
458 );
459 }
460 } else {
461 err.note("did you mean to use one of the enum's variants?");
462 }
463 }
464 (Res::Def(DefKind::Struct, def_id), _) if ns == ValueNS => {
465 if let Some((ctor_def, ctor_vis))
466 = self.r.struct_constructors.get(&def_id).cloned() {
467 let accessible_ctor =
468 self.r.is_accessible_from(ctor_vis, self.parent_scope.module);
469 if is_expected(ctor_def) && !accessible_ctor {
470 err.span_label(
471 span,
472 format!("constructor is not visible here due to private fields"),
473 );
474 }
475 } else {
476 bad_struct_syntax_suggestion(def_id);
477 }
478 }
479 (Res::Def(DefKind::Union, def_id), _) |
480 (Res::Def(DefKind::Variant, def_id), _) |
481 (Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Fictive), def_id), _) if ns == ValueNS => {
482 bad_struct_syntax_suggestion(def_id);
483 }
484 (Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Fn), def_id), _) if ns == ValueNS => {
485 if let Some(span) = self.r.definitions.opt_span(def_id) {
486 err.span_label(span, &format!("`{}` defined here", path_str));
487 }
488 err.span_label(
489 span,
490 format!("did you mean `{}( /* fields */ )`?", path_str),
491 );
492 }
493 (Res::SelfTy(..), _) if ns == ValueNS => {
494 err.span_label(span, fallback_label);
495 err.note("can't use `Self` as a constructor, you must use the implemented struct");
496 }
497 (Res::Def(DefKind::TyAlias, _), _)
498 | (Res::Def(DefKind::AssocTy, _), _) if ns == ValueNS => {
499 err.note("can't use a type alias as a constructor");
500 }
501 _ => return false,
502 }
503 true
504 }
506 fn lookup_assoc_candidate<FilterFn>(&mut self,
507 ident: Ident,
508 ns: Namespace,
509 filter_fn: FilterFn)
510 -> Option<AssocSuggestion>
511 where FilterFn: Fn(Res) -> bool
512 {
513 fn extract_node_id(t: &Ty) -> Option<NodeId> {
514 match t.kind {
515 TyKind::Path(None, _) => Some(t.id),
516 TyKind::Rptr(_, ref mut_ty) => extract_node_id(&mut_ty.ty),
517 // This doesn't handle the remaining `Ty` variants as they are not
518 // that commonly the self_type, it might be interesting to provide
519 // support for those in future.
520 _ => None,
521 }
522 }
524 // Fields are generally expected in the same contexts as locals.
525 if filter_fn(Res::Local(ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID)) {
526 if let Some(node_id) = self.diagnostic_metadata.current_self_type.as_ref()
527 .and_then(extract_node_id)
528 {
529 // Look for a field with the same name in the current self_type.
530 if let Some(resolution) = self.r.partial_res_map.get(&node_id) {
531 match resolution.base_res() {
532 Res::Def(DefKind::Struct, did) | Res::Def(DefKind::Union, did)
533 if resolution.unresolved_segments() == 0 => {
534 if let Some(field_names) = self.r.field_names.get(&did) {
535 if field_names.iter()
536 .any(|&field_name| ident.name == field_name.node) {
537 return Some(AssocSuggestion::Field);
538 }
539 }
540 }
541 _ => {}
542 }
543 }
544 }
545 }
547 for assoc_type_ident in &self.diagnostic_metadata.current_trait_assoc_types {
548 if *assoc_type_ident == ident {
549 return Some(AssocSuggestion::AssocItem);
550 }
551 }
553 // Look for associated items in the current trait.
554 if let Some((module, _)) = self.current_trait_ref {
555 if let Ok(binding) = self.r.resolve_ident_in_module(
556 ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module),
557 ident,
558 ns,
559 &self.parent_scope,
560 false,
561 module.span,
562 ) {
563 let res = binding.res();
564 if filter_fn(res) {
565 return Some(if self.r.has_self.contains(&res.def_id()) {
566 AssocSuggestion::MethodWithSelf
567 } else {
568 AssocSuggestion::AssocItem
569 });
570 }
571 }
572 }
574 None
575 }
577 fn lookup_typo_candidate(
578 &mut self,
579 path: &[Segment],
580 ns: Namespace,
581 filter_fn: &impl Fn(Res) -> bool,
582 span: Span,
583 ) -> Option<TypoSuggestion> {
584 let mut names = Vec::new();
585 if path.len() == 1 {
586 // Search in lexical scope.
587 // Walk backwards up the ribs in scope and collect candidates.
588 for rib in self.ribs[ns].iter().rev() {
589 // Locals and type parameters
590 for (ident, &res) in &rib.bindings {
591 if filter_fn(res) {
592 names.push(TypoSuggestion::from_res(ident.name, res));
593 }
594 }
595 // Items in scope
596 if let RibKind::ModuleRibKind(module) = rib.kind {
597 // Items from this module
598 self.r.add_module_candidates(module, &mut names, &filter_fn);
600 if let ModuleKind::Block(..) = module.kind {
601 // We can see through blocks
602 } else {
603 // Items from the prelude
604 if !module.no_implicit_prelude {
605 let extern_prelude = self.r.extern_prelude.clone();
606 names.extend(extern_prelude.iter().flat_map(|(ident, _)| {
607 self.r.crate_loader
608 .maybe_process_path_extern(ident.name, ident.span)
609 .and_then(|crate_id| {
610 let crate_mod = Res::Def(
611 DefKind::Mod,
612 DefId {
613 krate: crate_id,
614 index: CRATE_DEF_INDEX,
615 },
616 );
618 if filter_fn(crate_mod) {
619 Some(TypoSuggestion::from_res(ident.name, crate_mod))
620 } else {
621 None
622 }
623 })
624 }));
626 if let Some(prelude) = self.r.prelude {
627 self.r.add_module_candidates(prelude, &mut names, &filter_fn);
628 }
629 }
630 break;
631 }
632 }
633 }
634 // Add primitive types to the mix
635 if filter_fn(Res::PrimTy(PrimTy::Bool)) {
636 names.extend(
637 self.r.primitive_type_table.primitive_types.iter().map(|(name, prim_ty)| {
638 TypoSuggestion::from_res(*name, Res::PrimTy(*prim_ty))
639 })
640 )
641 }
642 } else {
643 // Search in module.
644 let mod_path = &path[..path.len() - 1];
645 if let PathResult::Module(module) = self.resolve_path(
646 mod_path, Some(TypeNS), false, span, CrateLint::No
647 ) {
648 if let ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module) = module {
649 self.r.add_module_candidates(module, &mut names, &filter_fn);
650 }
651 }
652 }
654 let name = path[path.len() - 1].ident.name;
655 // Make sure error reporting is deterministic.
656 names.sort_by_cached_key(|suggestion| suggestion.candidate.as_str());
658 match find_best_match_for_name(
659 names.iter().map(|suggestion| &suggestion.candidate),
660 &name.as_str(),
661 None,
662 ) {
663 Some(found) if found != name => names
664 .into_iter()
665 .find(|suggestion| suggestion.candidate == found),
666 _ => None,
667 }
668 }
670 /// Only used in a specific case of type ascription suggestions
671 fn get_colon_suggestion_span(&self, start: Span) -> Span {
672 let cm = self.r.session.source_map();
673 start.to(cm.next_point(start))
674 }
676 fn type_ascription_suggestion(
677 &self,
678 err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>,
679 base_span: Span,
680 ) {
681 let cm = self.r.session.source_map();
682 let base_snippet = cm.span_to_snippet(base_span);
683 if let Some(sp) = self.diagnostic_metadata.current_type_ascription.last() {
684 let mut sp = *sp;
685 loop {
686 // Try to find the `:`; bail on first non-':' / non-whitespace.
687 sp = cm.next_point(sp);
688 if let Ok(snippet) = cm.span_to_snippet(sp.to(cm.next_point(sp))) {
689 let line_sp = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi()).line;
690 let line_base_sp = cm.lookup_char_pos(base_span.lo()).line;
691 if snippet == ":" {
692 let mut show_label = true;
693 if line_sp != line_base_sp {
694 err.span_suggestion_short(
695 sp,
696 "did you mean to use `;` here instead?",
697 ";".to_string(),
698 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
699 );
700 } else {
701 let colon_sp = self.get_colon_suggestion_span(sp);
702 let after_colon_sp = self.get_colon_suggestion_span(
703 colon_sp.shrink_to_hi(),
704 );
705 if !cm.span_to_snippet(after_colon_sp).map(|s| s == " ")
706 .unwrap_or(false)
707 {
708 err.span_suggestion(
709 colon_sp,
710 "maybe you meant to write a path separator here",
711 "::".to_string(),
712 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
713 );
714 show_label = false;
715 }
716 if let Ok(base_snippet) = base_snippet {
717 let mut sp = after_colon_sp;
718 for _ in 0..100 {
719 // Try to find an assignment
720 sp = cm.next_point(sp);
721 let snippet = cm.span_to_snippet(sp.to(cm.next_point(sp)));
722 match snippet {
723 Ok(ref x) if x.as_str() == "=" => {
724 err.span_suggestion(
725 base_span,
726 "maybe you meant to write an assignment here",
727 format!("let {}", base_snippet),
728 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
729 );
730 show_label = false;
731 break;
732 }
733 Ok(ref x) if x.as_str() == "\n" => break,
734 Err(_) => break,
735 Ok(_) => {}
736 }
737 }
738 }
739 }
740 if show_label {
741 err.span_label(base_span,
742 "expecting a type here because of type ascription");
743 }
744 break;
745 } else if !snippet.trim().is_empty() {
746 debug!("tried to find type ascription `:` token, couldn't find it");
747 break;
748 }
749 } else {
750 break;
751 }
752 }
753 }
754 }
756 fn find_module(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> Option<(Module<'a>, ImportSuggestion)> {
757 let mut result = None;
758 let mut seen_modules = FxHashSet::default();
759 let mut worklist = vec![(self.r.graph_root, Vec::new())];
761 while let Some((in_module, path_segments)) = worklist.pop() {
762 // abort if the module is already found
763 if result.is_some() { break; }
765 in_module.for_each_child(self.r, |_, ident, _, name_binding| {
766 // abort if the module is already found or if name_binding is private external
767 if result.is_some() || !name_binding.vis.is_visible_locally() {
768 return
769 }
770 if let Some(module) = name_binding.module() {
771 // form the path
772 let mut path_segments = path_segments.clone();
773 path_segments.push(ast::PathSegment::from_ident(ident));
774 let module_def_id = module.def_id().unwrap();
775 if module_def_id == def_id {
776 let path = Path {
777 span: name_binding.span,
778 segments: path_segments,
779 };
780 result = Some((module, ImportSuggestion { did: Some(def_id), path }));
781 } else {
782 // add the module to the lookup
783 if seen_modules.insert(module_def_id) {
784 worklist.push((module, path_segments));
785 }
786 }
787 }
788 });
789 }
791 result
792 }
794 fn collect_enum_variants(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> Option<Vec<Path>> {
795 self.find_module(def_id).map(|(enum_module, enum_import_suggestion)| {
796 let mut variants = Vec::new();
797 enum_module.for_each_child(self.r, |_, ident, _, name_binding| {
798 if let Res::Def(DefKind::Variant, _) = name_binding.res() {
799 let mut segms = enum_import_suggestion.path.segments.clone();
800 segms.push(ast::PathSegment::from_ident(ident));
801 variants.push(Path {
802 span: name_binding.span,
803 segments: segms,
804 });
805 }
806 });
807 variants
808 })
809 }
810 }