]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_resolve/resolve_imports.rs
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_resolve / resolve_imports.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use self::ImportDirectiveSubclass::*;
13 use {AmbiguityError, Module, PerNS};
14 use Namespace::{self, TypeNS, MacroNS};
15 use {NameBinding, NameBindingKind, PathResult, PrivacyError};
16 use Resolver;
17 use {names_to_string, module_to_string};
18 use {resolve_error, ResolutionError};
20 use rustc::ty;
21 use rustc::lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC;
22 use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
23 use rustc::hir::def::*;
24 use rustc::util::nodemap::FxHashSet;
26 use syntax::ast::{Ident, NodeId};
27 use syntax::ext::base::Determinacy::{self, Determined, Undetermined};
28 use syntax::ext::hygiene::Mark;
29 use syntax::parse::token;
30 use syntax::symbol::keywords;
31 use syntax::util::lev_distance::find_best_match_for_name;
32 use syntax_pos::Span;
34 use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
35 use std::mem;
37 /// Contains data for specific types of import directives.
38 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
39 pub enum ImportDirectiveSubclass<'a> {
40 SingleImport {
41 target: Ident,
42 source: Ident,
43 result: PerNS<Cell<Result<&'a NameBinding<'a>, Determinacy>>>,
44 type_ns_only: bool,
45 },
46 GlobImport {
47 is_prelude: bool,
48 max_vis: Cell<ty::Visibility>, // The visibility of the greatest reexport.
49 // n.b. `max_vis` is only used in `finalize_import` to check for reexport errors.
50 },
51 ExternCrate,
52 MacroUse,
53 }
55 /// One import directive.
56 #[derive(Debug,Clone)]
57 pub struct ImportDirective<'a> {
58 pub id: NodeId,
59 pub parent: Module<'a>,
60 pub module_path: Vec<Ident>,
61 pub imported_module: Cell<Option<Module<'a>>>, // the resolution of `module_path`
62 pub subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass<'a>,
63 pub span: Span,
64 pub vis: Cell<ty::Visibility>,
65 pub expansion: Mark,
66 pub used: Cell<bool>,
67 }
69 impl<'a> ImportDirective<'a> {
70 pub fn is_glob(&self) -> bool {
71 match self.subclass { ImportDirectiveSubclass::GlobImport { .. } => true, _ => false }
72 }
73 }
75 #[derive(Clone, Default)]
76 /// Records information about the resolution of a name in a namespace of a module.
77 pub struct NameResolution<'a> {
78 /// The single imports that define the name in the namespace.
79 single_imports: SingleImports<'a>,
80 /// The least shadowable known binding for this name, or None if there are no known bindings.
81 pub binding: Option<&'a NameBinding<'a>>,
82 shadows_glob: Option<&'a NameBinding<'a>>,
83 }
85 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
86 enum SingleImports<'a> {
87 /// No single imports can define the name in the namespace.
88 None,
89 /// Only the given single import can define the name in the namespace.
90 MaybeOne(&'a ImportDirective<'a>),
91 /// At least one single import will define the name in the namespace.
92 AtLeastOne,
93 }
95 impl<'a> Default for SingleImports<'a> {
96 /// Creates a `SingleImports<'a>` of None type.
97 fn default() -> Self {
98 SingleImports::None
99 }
100 }
102 impl<'a> SingleImports<'a> {
103 fn add_directive(&mut self, directive: &'a ImportDirective<'a>) {
104 match *self {
105 SingleImports::None => *self = SingleImports::MaybeOne(directive),
106 // If two single imports can define the name in the namespace, we can assume that at
107 // least one of them will define it since otherwise both would have to define only one
108 // namespace, leading to a duplicate error.
109 SingleImports::MaybeOne(_) => *self = SingleImports::AtLeastOne,
110 SingleImports::AtLeastOne => {}
111 };
112 }
114 fn directive_failed(&mut self) {
115 match *self {
116 SingleImports::None => unreachable!(),
117 SingleImports::MaybeOne(_) => *self = SingleImports::None,
118 SingleImports::AtLeastOne => {}
119 }
120 }
121 }
123 impl<'a> NameResolution<'a> {
124 // Returns the binding for the name if it is known or None if it not known.
125 fn binding(&self) -> Option<&'a NameBinding<'a>> {
126 self.binding.and_then(|binding| match self.single_imports {
127 SingleImports::None => Some(binding),
128 _ if !binding.is_glob_import() => Some(binding),
129 _ => None, // The binding could be shadowed by a single import, so it is not known.
130 })
131 }
132 }
134 impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
135 fn resolution(&self, module: Module<'a>, ident: Ident, ns: Namespace)
136 -> &'a RefCell<NameResolution<'a>> {
137 let ident = ident.unhygienize();
138 *module.resolutions.borrow_mut().entry((ident, ns))
139 .or_insert_with(|| self.arenas.alloc_name_resolution())
140 }
142 /// Attempts to resolve `ident` in namespaces `ns` of `module`.
143 /// Invariant: if `record_used` is `Some`, import resolution must be complete.
144 pub fn resolve_ident_in_module(&mut self,
145 module: Module<'a>,
146 ident: Ident,
147 ns: Namespace,
148 ignore_unresolved_invocations: bool,
149 record_used: Option<Span>)
150 -> Result<&'a NameBinding<'a>, Determinacy> {
151 self.populate_module_if_necessary(module);
153 let resolution = self.resolution(module, ident, ns)
154 .try_borrow_mut()
155 .map_err(|_| Determined)?; // This happens when there is a cycle of imports
157 if let Some(span) = record_used {
158 if let Some(binding) = resolution.binding {
159 if let Some(shadowed_glob) = resolution.shadows_glob {
160 let name = ident.name;
161 // If we ignore unresolved invocations, we must forbid
162 // expanded shadowing to avoid time travel.
163 if ignore_unresolved_invocations &&
164 binding.expansion != Mark::root() &&
165 ns != MacroNS && // In MacroNS, `try_define` always forbids this shadowing
166 binding.def() != shadowed_glob.def() {
167 self.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError {
168 span: span, name: name, lexical: false, b1: binding, b2: shadowed_glob,
169 legacy: false,
170 });
171 }
172 }
173 if self.record_use(ident, ns, binding, span) {
174 return Ok(self.dummy_binding);
175 }
176 if !self.is_accessible(binding.vis) {
177 self.privacy_errors.push(PrivacyError(span, ident.name, binding));
178 }
179 }
181 return resolution.binding.ok_or(Determined);
182 }
184 let check_usable = |this: &mut Self, binding: &'a NameBinding<'a>| {
185 // `extern crate` are always usable for backwards compatability, see issue #37020.
186 let usable = this.is_accessible(binding.vis) || binding.is_extern_crate();
187 if usable { Ok(binding) } else { Err(Determined) }
188 };
190 // Items and single imports are not shadowable.
191 if let Some(binding) = resolution.binding {
192 if !binding.is_glob_import() {
193 return check_usable(self, binding);
194 }
195 }
197 // Check if a single import can still define the name.
198 match resolution.single_imports {
199 SingleImports::AtLeastOne => return Err(Undetermined),
200 SingleImports::MaybeOne(directive) if self.is_accessible(directive.vis.get()) => {
201 let module = match directive.imported_module.get() {
202 Some(module) => module,
203 None => return Err(Undetermined),
204 };
205 let ident = match directive.subclass {
206 SingleImport { source, .. } => source,
207 _ => unreachable!(),
208 };
209 match self.resolve_ident_in_module(module, ident, ns, false, None) {
210 Err(Determined) => {}
211 _ => return Err(Undetermined),
212 }
213 }
214 SingleImports::MaybeOne(_) | SingleImports::None => {},
215 }
217 let no_unresolved_invocations =
218 ignore_unresolved_invocations || module.unresolved_invocations.borrow().is_empty();
219 match resolution.binding {
220 // In `MacroNS`, expanded bindings do not shadow (enforced in `try_define`).
221 Some(binding) if no_unresolved_invocations || ns == MacroNS =>
222 return check_usable(self, binding),
223 None if no_unresolved_invocations => {}
224 _ => return Err(Undetermined),
225 }
227 // Check if the globs are determined
228 for directive in module.globs.borrow().iter() {
229 if self.is_accessible(directive.vis.get()) {
230 if let Some(module) = directive.imported_module.get() {
231 let result = self.resolve_ident_in_module(module, ident, ns, false, None);
232 if let Err(Undetermined) = result {
233 return Err(Undetermined);
234 }
235 } else {
236 return Err(Undetermined);
237 }
238 }
239 }
241 Err(Determined)
242 }
244 // Add an import directive to the current module.
245 pub fn add_import_directive(&mut self,
246 module_path: Vec<Ident>,
247 subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass<'a>,
248 span: Span,
249 id: NodeId,
250 vis: ty::Visibility,
251 expansion: Mark) {
252 let current_module = self.current_module;
253 let directive = self.arenas.alloc_import_directive(ImportDirective {
254 parent: current_module,
255 module_path: module_path,
256 imported_module: Cell::new(None),
257 subclass: subclass,
258 span: span,
259 id: id,
260 vis: Cell::new(vis),
261 expansion: expansion,
262 used: Cell::new(false),
263 });
265 self.indeterminate_imports.push(directive);
266 match directive.subclass {
267 SingleImport { target, .. } => {
268 self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
269 let mut resolution = this.resolution(current_module, target, ns).borrow_mut();
270 resolution.single_imports.add_directive(directive);
271 });
272 }
273 // We don't add prelude imports to the globs since they only affect lexical scopes,
274 // which are not relevant to import resolution.
275 GlobImport { is_prelude: true, .. } => {}
276 GlobImport { .. } => self.current_module.globs.borrow_mut().push(directive),
277 _ => unreachable!(),
278 }
279 }
281 // Given a binding and an import directive that resolves to it,
282 // return the corresponding binding defined by the import directive.
283 pub fn import(&self, binding: &'a NameBinding<'a>, directive: &'a ImportDirective<'a>)
284 -> &'a NameBinding<'a> {
285 let vis = if binding.pseudo_vis().is_at_least(directive.vis.get(), self) ||
286 !directive.is_glob() && binding.is_extern_crate() { // c.f. `PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC`
287 directive.vis.get()
288 } else {
289 binding.pseudo_vis()
290 };
292 if let GlobImport { ref max_vis, .. } = directive.subclass {
293 if vis == directive.vis.get() || vis.is_at_least(max_vis.get(), self) {
294 max_vis.set(vis)
295 }
296 }
298 self.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBinding {
299 kind: NameBindingKind::Import {
300 binding: binding,
301 directive: directive,
302 used: Cell::new(false),
303 legacy_self_import: false,
304 },
305 span: directive.span,
306 vis: vis,
307 expansion: directive.expansion,
308 })
309 }
311 // Define the name or return the existing binding if there is a collision.
312 pub fn try_define(&mut self,
313 module: Module<'a>,
314 ident: Ident,
315 ns: Namespace,
316 binding: &'a NameBinding<'a>)
317 -> Result<(), &'a NameBinding<'a>> {
318 self.update_resolution(module, ident, ns, |this, resolution| {
319 if let Some(old_binding) = resolution.binding {
320 if binding.is_glob_import() {
321 if !old_binding.is_glob_import() &&
322 !(ns == MacroNS && old_binding.expansion != Mark::root()) {
323 resolution.shadows_glob = Some(binding);
324 } else if binding.def() != old_binding.def() {
325 resolution.binding = Some(this.ambiguity(old_binding, binding));
326 } else if !old_binding.vis.is_at_least(binding.vis, &*this) {
327 // We are glob-importing the same item but with greater visibility.
328 resolution.binding = Some(binding);
329 }
330 } else if old_binding.is_glob_import() {
331 if ns == MacroNS && binding.expansion != Mark::root() &&
332 binding.def() != old_binding.def() {
333 resolution.binding = Some(this.ambiguity(binding, old_binding));
334 } else {
335 resolution.binding = Some(binding);
336 resolution.shadows_glob = Some(old_binding);
337 }
338 } else {
339 return Err(old_binding);
340 }
341 } else {
342 resolution.binding = Some(binding);
343 }
345 Ok(())
346 })
347 }
349 pub fn ambiguity(&self, b1: &'a NameBinding<'a>, b2: &'a NameBinding<'a>)
350 -> &'a NameBinding<'a> {
351 self.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBinding {
352 kind: NameBindingKind::Ambiguity { b1: b1, b2: b2, legacy: false },
353 vis: if b1.vis.is_at_least(b2.vis, self) { b1.vis } else { b2.vis },
354 span: b1.span,
355 expansion: Mark::root(),
356 })
357 }
359 // Use `f` to mutate the resolution of the name in the module.
360 // If the resolution becomes a success, define it in the module's glob importers.
361 fn update_resolution<T, F>(&mut self, module: Module<'a>, ident: Ident, ns: Namespace, f: F)
362 -> T
363 where F: FnOnce(&mut Resolver<'a>, &mut NameResolution<'a>) -> T
364 {
365 // Ensure that `resolution` isn't borrowed when defining in the module's glob importers,
366 // during which the resolution might end up getting re-defined via a glob cycle.
367 let (binding, t) = {
368 let mut resolution = &mut *self.resolution(module, ident, ns).borrow_mut();
369 let old_binding = resolution.binding();
371 let t = f(self, resolution);
373 match resolution.binding() {
374 _ if old_binding.is_some() => return t,
375 None => return t,
376 Some(binding) => match old_binding {
377 Some(old_binding) if old_binding as *const _ == binding as *const _ => return t,
378 _ => (binding, t),
379 }
380 }
381 };
383 // Define `binding` in `module`s glob importers.
384 for directive in module.glob_importers.borrow_mut().iter() {
385 if self.is_accessible_from(binding.vis, directive.parent) {
386 let imported_binding = self.import(binding, directive);
387 let _ = self.try_define(directive.parent, ident, ns, imported_binding);
388 }
389 }
391 t
392 }
394 // Define a "dummy" resolution containing a Def::Err as a placeholder for a
395 // failed resolution
396 fn import_dummy_binding(&mut self, directive: &'a ImportDirective<'a>) {
397 if let SingleImport { target, .. } = directive.subclass {
398 let dummy_binding = self.dummy_binding;
399 let dummy_binding = self.import(dummy_binding, directive);
400 self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
401 let _ = this.try_define(directive.parent, target, ns, dummy_binding);
402 });
403 }
404 }
405 }
407 pub struct ImportResolver<'a, 'b: 'a> {
408 pub resolver: &'a mut Resolver<'b>,
409 }
411 impl<'a, 'b: 'a> ::std::ops::Deref for ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
412 type Target = Resolver<'b>;
413 fn deref(&self) -> &Resolver<'b> {
414 self.resolver
415 }
416 }
418 impl<'a, 'b: 'a> ::std::ops::DerefMut for ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
419 fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Resolver<'b> {
420 self.resolver
421 }
422 }
424 impl<'a, 'b: 'a> ty::DefIdTree for &'a ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
425 fn parent(self, id: DefId) -> Option<DefId> {
426 self.resolver.parent(id)
427 }
428 }
430 impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
431 // Import resolution
432 //
433 // This is a fixed-point algorithm. We resolve imports until our efforts
434 // are stymied by an unresolved import; then we bail out of the current
435 // module and continue. We terminate successfully once no more imports
436 // remain or unsuccessfully when no forward progress in resolving imports
437 // is made.
439 /// Resolves all imports for the crate. This method performs the fixed-
440 /// point iteration.
441 pub fn resolve_imports(&mut self) {
442 let mut prev_num_indeterminates = self.indeterminate_imports.len() + 1;
443 while self.indeterminate_imports.len() < prev_num_indeterminates {
444 prev_num_indeterminates = self.indeterminate_imports.len();
445 for import in mem::replace(&mut self.indeterminate_imports, Vec::new()) {
446 match self.resolve_import(&import) {
447 true => self.determined_imports.push(import),
448 false => self.indeterminate_imports.push(import),
449 }
450 }
451 }
452 }
454 pub fn finalize_imports(&mut self) {
455 for module in self.arenas.local_modules().iter() {
456 self.finalize_resolutions_in(module);
457 }
459 let mut errors = false;
460 for i in 0 .. self.determined_imports.len() {
461 let import = self.determined_imports[i];
462 if let Some(err) = self.finalize_import(import) {
463 errors = true;
465 // If the error is a single failed import then create a "fake" import
466 // resolution for it so that later resolve stages won't complain.
467 self.import_dummy_binding(import);
468 let path = import_path_to_string(&import.module_path, &import.subclass);
469 let error = ResolutionError::UnresolvedImport(Some((&path, &err)));
470 resolve_error(self.resolver, import.span, error);
471 }
472 }
474 // Report unresolved imports only if no hard error was already reported
475 // to avoid generating multiple errors on the same import.
476 if !errors {
477 if let Some(import) = self.indeterminate_imports.iter().next() {
478 let error = ResolutionError::UnresolvedImport(None);
479 resolve_error(self.resolver, import.span, error);
480 }
481 }
482 }
484 /// Attempts to resolve the given import, returning true if its resolution is determined.
485 /// If successful, the resolved bindings are written into the module.
486 fn resolve_import(&mut self, directive: &'b ImportDirective<'b>) -> bool {
487 debug!("(resolving import for module) resolving import `{}::...` in `{}`",
488 names_to_string(&directive.module_path),
489 module_to_string(self.current_module));
491 self.current_module = directive.parent;
493 let module = if let Some(module) = directive.imported_module.get() {
494 module
495 } else {
496 let vis = directive.vis.get();
497 // For better failure detection, pretend that the import will not define any names
498 // while resolving its module path.
499 directive.vis.set(ty::Visibility::Invisible);
500 let result = self.resolve_path(&directive.module_path, None, None);
501 directive.vis.set(vis);
503 match result {
504 PathResult::Module(module) => module,
505 PathResult::Indeterminate => return false,
506 _ => return true,
507 }
508 };
510 directive.imported_module.set(Some(module));
511 let (source, target, result, type_ns_only) = match directive.subclass {
512 SingleImport { source, target, ref result, type_ns_only } =>
513 (source, target, result, type_ns_only),
514 GlobImport { .. } => {
515 self.resolve_glob_import(directive);
516 return true;
517 }
518 _ => unreachable!(),
519 };
521 let mut indeterminate = false;
522 self.per_ns(|this, ns| if !type_ns_only || ns == TypeNS {
523 if let Err(Undetermined) = result[ns].get() {
524 result[ns].set(this.resolve_ident_in_module(module, source, ns, false, None));
525 } else {
526 return
527 };
529 let parent = directive.parent;
530 match result[ns].get() {
531 Err(Undetermined) => indeterminate = true,
532 Err(Determined) => {
533 this.update_resolution(parent, target, ns, |_, resolution| {
534 resolution.single_imports.directive_failed()
535 });
536 }
537 Ok(binding) if !binding.is_importable() => {
538 let msg = format!("`{}` is not directly importable", target);
539 struct_span_err!(this.session, directive.span, E0253, "{}", &msg)
540 .span_label(directive.span, &format!("cannot be imported directly"))
541 .emit();
542 // Do not import this illegal binding. Import a dummy binding and pretend
543 // everything is fine
544 this.import_dummy_binding(directive);
545 }
546 Ok(binding) => {
547 let imported_binding = this.import(binding, directive);
548 let conflict = this.try_define(parent, target, ns, imported_binding);
549 if let Err(old_binding) = conflict {
550 this.report_conflict(parent, target, ns, imported_binding, old_binding);
551 }
552 }
553 }
554 });
556 !indeterminate
557 }
559 // If appropriate, returns an error to report.
560 fn finalize_import(&mut self, directive: &'b ImportDirective<'b>) -> Option<String> {
561 self.current_module = directive.parent;
563 let ImportDirective { ref module_path, span, .. } = *directive;
564 let module_result = self.resolve_path(&module_path, None, Some(span));
565 let module = match module_result {
566 PathResult::Module(module) => module,
567 PathResult::Failed(msg, _) => {
568 let (mut self_path, mut self_result) = (module_path.clone(), None);
569 if !self_path.is_empty() && !token::Ident(self_path[0]).is_path_segment_keyword() {
570 self_path[0].name = keywords::SelfValue.name();
571 self_result = Some(self.resolve_path(&self_path, None, None));
572 }
573 return if let Some(PathResult::Module(..)) = self_result {
574 Some(format!("Did you mean `{}`?", names_to_string(&self_path)))
575 } else {
576 Some(msg)
577 };
578 },
579 _ => return None,
580 };
582 let (ident, result, type_ns_only) = match directive.subclass {
583 SingleImport { source, ref result, type_ns_only, .. } => (source, result, type_ns_only),
584 GlobImport { .. } if module.def_id() == directive.parent.def_id() => {
585 // Importing a module into itself is not allowed.
586 return Some("Cannot glob-import a module into itself.".to_string());
587 }
588 GlobImport { is_prelude, ref max_vis } => {
589 if !is_prelude &&
590 max_vis.get() != ty::Visibility::Invisible && // Allow empty globs.
591 !max_vis.get().is_at_least(directive.vis.get(), &*self) {
592 let msg = "A non-empty glob must import something with the glob's visibility";
593 self.session.span_err(directive.span, msg);
594 }
595 return None;
596 }
597 _ => unreachable!(),
598 };
600 let mut all_ns_err = true;
601 let mut legacy_self_import = None;
602 self.per_ns(|this, ns| if !type_ns_only || ns == TypeNS {
603 if let Ok(binding) = result[ns].get() {
604 all_ns_err = false;
605 if this.record_use(ident, ns, binding, directive.span) {
606 this.resolution(module, ident, ns).borrow_mut().binding =
607 Some(this.dummy_binding);
608 }
609 }
610 } else if let Ok(binding) = this.resolve_ident_in_module(module, ident, ns, false, None) {
611 legacy_self_import = Some(directive);
612 let binding = this.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBinding {
613 kind: NameBindingKind::Import {
614 binding: binding,
615 directive: directive,
616 used: Cell::new(false),
617 legacy_self_import: true,
618 },
619 ..*binding
620 });
621 let _ = this.try_define(directive.parent, ident, ns, binding);
622 });
624 if all_ns_err {
625 if let Some(directive) = legacy_self_import {
626 self.warn_legacy_self_import(directive);
627 return None;
628 }
629 let mut all_ns_failed = true;
630 self.per_ns(|this, ns| if !type_ns_only || ns == TypeNS {
631 match this.resolve_ident_in_module(module, ident, ns, false, Some(span)) {
632 Ok(_) => all_ns_failed = false,
633 _ => {}
634 }
635 });
637 return if all_ns_failed {
638 let resolutions = module.resolutions.borrow();
639 let names = resolutions.iter().filter_map(|(&(ref i, _), resolution)| {
640 if *i == ident { return None; } // Never suggest the same name
641 match *resolution.borrow() {
642 NameResolution { binding: Some(name_binding), .. } => {
643 match name_binding.kind {
644 NameBindingKind::Import { binding, .. } => {
645 match binding.kind {
646 // Never suggest the name that has binding error
647 // i.e. the name that cannot be previously resolved
648 NameBindingKind::Def(Def::Err) => return None,
649 _ => Some(&i.name),
650 }
651 },
652 _ => Some(&i.name),
653 }
654 },
655 NameResolution { single_imports: SingleImports::None, .. } => None,
656 _ => Some(&i.name),
657 }
658 });
659 let lev_suggestion =
660 match find_best_match_for_name(names, &ident.name.as_str(), None) {
661 Some(name) => format!(". Did you mean to use `{}`?", name),
662 None => "".to_owned(),
663 };
664 let module_str = module_to_string(module);
665 let msg = if &module_str == "???" {
666 format!("no `{}` in the root{}", ident, lev_suggestion)
667 } else {
668 format!("no `{}` in `{}`{}", ident, module_str, lev_suggestion)
669 };
670 Some(msg)
671 } else {
672 // `resolve_ident_in_module` reported a privacy error.
673 self.import_dummy_binding(directive);
674 None
675 }
676 }
678 let mut reexport_error = None;
679 let mut any_successful_reexport = false;
680 self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
681 if let Ok(binding) = result[ns].get() {
682 let vis = directive.vis.get();
683 if !binding.pseudo_vis().is_at_least(vis, &*this) {
684 reexport_error = Some((ns, binding));
685 } else {
686 any_successful_reexport = true;
687 }
688 }
689 });
691 // All namespaces must be re-exported with extra visibility for an error to occur.
692 if !any_successful_reexport {
693 let (ns, binding) = reexport_error.unwrap();
694 if ns == TypeNS && binding.is_extern_crate() {
695 let msg = format!("extern crate `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported \
696 (error E0364), consider declaring with `pub`",
697 ident);
698 self.session.add_lint(PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC, directive.id, directive.span, msg);
699 } else if ns == TypeNS {
700 struct_span_err!(self.session, directive.span, E0365,
701 "`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", ident)
702 .span_label(directive.span, &format!("reexport of private `{}`", ident))
703 .note(&format!("consider declaring type or module `{}` with `pub`", ident))
704 .emit();
705 } else {
706 let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", ident);
707 let note_msg =
708 format!("consider marking `{}` as `pub` in the imported module", ident);
709 struct_span_err!(self.session, directive.span, E0364, "{}", &msg)
710 .span_note(directive.span, &note_msg)
711 .emit();
712 }
713 }
715 // Record what this import resolves to for later uses in documentation,
716 // this may resolve to either a value or a type, but for documentation
717 // purposes it's good enough to just favor one over the other.
718 self.per_ns(|this, ns| if let Some(binding) = result[ns].get().ok() {
719 this.def_map.entry(directive.id).or_insert(PathResolution::new(binding.def()));
720 });
722 debug!("(resolving single import) successfully resolved import");
723 None
724 }
726 fn resolve_glob_import(&mut self, directive: &'b ImportDirective<'b>) {
727 let module = directive.imported_module.get().unwrap();
728 self.populate_module_if_necessary(module);
730 if let Some(Def::Trait(_)) = module.def() {
731 self.session.span_err(directive.span, "items in traits are not importable.");
732 return;
733 } else if module.def_id() == directive.parent.def_id() {
734 return;
735 } else if let GlobImport { is_prelude: true, .. } = directive.subclass {
736 self.prelude = Some(module);
737 return;
738 }
740 // Add to module's glob_importers
741 module.glob_importers.borrow_mut().push(directive);
743 // Ensure that `resolutions` isn't borrowed during `try_define`,
744 // since it might get updated via a glob cycle.
745 let bindings = module.resolutions.borrow().iter().filter_map(|(&ident, resolution)| {
746 resolution.borrow().binding().map(|binding| (ident, binding))
747 }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
748 for ((ident, ns), binding) in bindings {
749 if binding.pseudo_vis() == ty::Visibility::Public || self.is_accessible(binding.vis) {
750 let imported_binding = self.import(binding, directive);
751 let _ = self.try_define(directive.parent, ident, ns, imported_binding);
752 }
753 }
755 // Record the destination of this import
756 self.record_def(directive.id, PathResolution::new(module.def().unwrap()));
757 }
759 // Miscellaneous post-processing, including recording reexports, reporting conflicts,
760 // reporting the PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC lint, and reporting unresolved imports.
761 fn finalize_resolutions_in(&mut self, module: Module<'b>) {
762 // Since import resolution is finished, globs will not define any more names.
763 *module.globs.borrow_mut() = Vec::new();
765 let mut reexports = Vec::new();
766 if module as *const _ == self.graph_root as *const _ {
767 let mut exported_macro_names = FxHashSet();
768 for export in mem::replace(&mut self.macro_exports, Vec::new()).into_iter().rev() {
769 if exported_macro_names.insert(export.name) {
770 reexports.push(export);
771 }
772 }
773 }
775 for (&(ident, ns), resolution) in module.resolutions.borrow().iter() {
776 let resolution = &mut *resolution.borrow_mut();
777 let binding = match resolution.binding {
778 Some(binding) => binding,
779 None => continue,
780 };
782 if binding.vis == ty::Visibility::Public &&
783 (binding.is_import() || binding.is_extern_crate()) {
784 let def = binding.def();
785 if def != Def::Err {
786 if !def.def_id().is_local() {
787 self.session.cstore.export_macros(def.def_id().krate);
788 }
789 reexports.push(Export { name: ident.name, def: def });
790 }
791 }
793 match binding.kind {
794 NameBindingKind::Import { binding: orig_binding, directive, .. } => {
795 if ns == TypeNS && orig_binding.is_variant() &&
796 !orig_binding.vis.is_at_least(binding.vis, &*self) {
797 let msg = format!("variant `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported \
798 (error E0364), consider declaring its enum as `pub`",
799 ident);
800 self.session.add_lint(PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC, directive.id, binding.span, msg);
801 }
802 }
803 NameBindingKind::Ambiguity { b1, b2, .. }
804 if b1.is_glob_import() && b2.is_glob_import() => {
805 let (orig_b1, orig_b2) = match (&b1.kind, &b2.kind) {
806 (&NameBindingKind::Import { binding: b1, .. },
807 &NameBindingKind::Import { binding: b2, .. }) => (b1, b2),
808 _ => continue,
809 };
810 let (b1, b2) = match (orig_b1.vis, orig_b2.vis) {
811 (ty::Visibility::Public, ty::Visibility::Public) => continue,
812 (ty::Visibility::Public, _) => (b1, b2),
813 (_, ty::Visibility::Public) => (b2, b1),
814 _ => continue,
815 };
816 resolution.binding = Some(self.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBinding {
817 kind: NameBindingKind::Ambiguity { b1: b1, b2: b2, legacy: true }, ..*b1
818 }));
819 }
820 _ => {}
821 }
822 }
824 if reexports.len() > 0 {
825 if let Some(def_id) = module.def_id() {
826 let node_id = self.definitions.as_local_node_id(def_id).unwrap();
827 self.export_map.insert(node_id, reexports);
828 }
829 }
830 }
831 }
833 fn import_path_to_string(names: &[Ident], subclass: &ImportDirectiveSubclass) -> String {
834 let global = !names.is_empty() && names[0].name == keywords::CrateRoot.name();
835 let names = if global { &names[1..] } else { names };
836 if names.is_empty() {
837 import_directive_subclass_to_string(subclass)
838 } else {
839 (format!("{}::{}",
840 names_to_string(names),
841 import_directive_subclass_to_string(subclass)))
842 .to_string()
843 }
844 }
846 fn import_directive_subclass_to_string(subclass: &ImportDirectiveSubclass) -> String {
847 match *subclass {
848 SingleImport { source, .. } => source.to_string(),
849 GlobImport { .. } => "*".to_string(),
850 ExternCrate => "<extern crate>".to_string(),
851 MacroUse => "#[macro_use]".to_string(),
852 }
853 }