]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_trans/back/symbol_names.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.10.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_trans / back / symbol_names.rs
1 // Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! The Rust Linkage Model and Symbol Names
12 //! =======================================
13 //!
14 //! The semantic model of Rust linkage is, broadly, that "there's no global
15 //! namespace" between crates. Our aim is to preserve the illusion of this
16 //! model despite the fact that it's not *quite* possible to implement on
17 //! modern linkers. We initially didn't use system linkers at all, but have
18 //! been convinced of their utility.
19 //!
20 //! There are a few issues to handle:
21 //!
22 //! - Linkers operate on a flat namespace, so we have to flatten names.
23 //! We do this using the C++ namespace-mangling technique. Foo::bar
24 //! symbols and such.
25 //!
26 //! - Symbols for distinct items with the same *name* need to get different
27 //! linkage-names. Examples of this are monomorphizations of functions or
28 //! items within anonymous scopes that end up having the same path.
29 //!
30 //! - Symbols in different crates but with same names "within" the crate need
31 //! to get different linkage-names.
32 //!
33 //! - Symbol names should be deterministic: Two consecutive runs of the
34 //! compiler over the same code base should produce the same symbol names for
35 //! the same items.
36 //!
37 //! - Symbol names should not depend on any global properties of the code base,
38 //! so that small modifications to the code base do not result in all symbols
39 //! changing. In previous versions of the compiler, symbol names incorporated
40 //! the SVH (Stable Version Hash) of the crate. This scheme turned out to be
41 //! infeasible when used in conjunction with incremental compilation because
42 //! small code changes would invalidate all symbols generated previously.
43 //!
44 //! - Even symbols from different versions of the same crate should be able to
45 //! live next to each other without conflict.
46 //!
47 //! In order to fulfill the above requirements the following scheme is used by
48 //! the compiler:
49 //!
50 //! The main tool for avoiding naming conflicts is the incorporation of a 64-bit
51 //! hash value into every exported symbol name. Anything that makes a difference
52 //! to the symbol being named, but does not show up in the regular path needs to
53 //! be fed into this hash:
54 //!
55 //! - Different monomorphizations of the same item have the same path but differ
56 //! in their concrete type parameters, so these parameters are part of the
57 //! data being digested for the symbol hash.
58 //!
59 //! - Rust allows items to be defined in anonymous scopes, such as in
60 //! `fn foo() { { fn bar() {} } { fn bar() {} } }`. Both `bar` functions have
61 //! the path `foo::bar`, since the anonymous scopes do not contribute to the
62 //! path of an item. The compiler already handles this case via so-called
63 //! disambiguating `DefPaths` which use indices to distinguish items with the
64 //! same name. The DefPaths of the functions above are thus `foo[0]::bar[0]`
65 //! and `foo[0]::bar[1]`. In order to incorporate this disambiguation
66 //! information into the symbol name too, these indices are fed into the
67 //! symbol hash, so that the above two symbols would end up with different
68 //! hash values.
69 //!
70 //! The two measures described above suffice to avoid intra-crate conflicts. In
71 //! order to also avoid inter-crate conflicts two more measures are taken:
72 //!
73 //! - The name of the crate containing the symbol is prepended to the symbol
74 //! name, i.e. symbols are "crate qualified". For example, a function `foo` in
75 //! module `bar` in crate `baz` would get a symbol name like
76 //! `baz::bar::foo::{hash}` instead of just `bar::foo::{hash}`. This avoids
77 //! simple conflicts between functions from different crates.
78 //!
79 //! - In order to be able to also use symbols from two versions of the same
80 //! crate (which naturally also have the same name), a stronger measure is
81 //! required: The compiler accepts an arbitrary "disambiguator" value via the
82 //! `-C metadata` commandline argument. This disambiguator is then fed into
83 //! the symbol hash of every exported item. Consequently, the symbols in two
84 //! identical crates but with different disambiguators are not in conflict
85 //! with each other. This facility is mainly intended to be used by build
86 //! tools like Cargo.
87 //!
88 //! A note on symbol name stability
89 //! -------------------------------
90 //! Previous versions of the compiler resorted to feeding NodeIds into the
91 //! symbol hash in order to disambiguate between items with the same path. The
92 //! current version of the name generation algorithm takes great care not to do
93 //! that, since NodeIds are notoriously unstable: A small change to the
94 //! code base will offset all NodeIds after the change and thus, much as using
95 //! the SVH in the hash, invalidate an unbounded number of symbol names. This
96 //! makes re-using previously compiled code for incremental compilation
97 //! virtually impossible. Thus, symbol hash generation exclusively relies on
98 //! DefPaths which are much more robust in the face of changes to the code base.
100 use common::{CrateContext, gensym_name};
101 use monomorphize::Instance;
102 use util::sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
104 use rustc::middle::cstore;
105 use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
106 use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable};
107 use rustc::ty::item_path::{ItemPathBuffer, RootMode};
108 use rustc::hir::map::definitions::{DefPath, DefPathData};
110 use std::fmt::Write;
111 use syntax::parse::token::{self, InternedString};
112 use serialize::hex::ToHex;
114 pub fn def_id_to_string<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> String {
115 let def_path = tcx.def_path(def_id);
116 def_path_to_string(tcx, &def_path)
117 }
119 pub fn def_path_to_string<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, def_path: &DefPath) -> String {
120 let mut s = String::with_capacity(def_path.data.len() * 16);
122 s.push_str(&tcx.crate_name(def_path.krate));
123 s.push_str("/");
124 s.push_str(&tcx.crate_disambiguator(def_path.krate));
126 for component in &def_path.data {
127 write!(s,
128 "::{}[{}]",
129 component.data.as_interned_str(),
130 component.disambiguator)
131 .unwrap();
132 }
134 s
135 }
137 fn get_symbol_hash<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
139 // path to the item this name is for
140 def_path: &DefPath,
142 // type of the item, without any generic
143 // parameters substituted; this is
144 // included in the hash as a kind of
145 // safeguard.
146 item_type: ty::Ty<'tcx>,
148 // values for generic type parameters,
149 // if any.
150 parameters: &[ty::Ty<'tcx>])
151 -> String {
152 debug!("get_symbol_hash(def_path={:?}, parameters={:?})",
153 def_path, parameters);
155 let tcx = ccx.tcx();
157 let mut hash_state = ccx.symbol_hasher().borrow_mut();
159 hash_state.reset();
161 // the main symbol name is not necessarily unique; hash in the
162 // compiler's internal def-path, guaranteeing each symbol has a
163 // truly unique path
164 hash_state.input_str(&def_path_to_string(tcx, def_path));
166 // Include the main item-type. Note that, in this case, the
167 // assertions about `needs_subst` may not hold, but this item-type
168 // ought to be the same for every reference anyway.
169 assert!(!item_type.has_erasable_regions());
170 let encoded_item_type = tcx.sess.cstore.encode_type(tcx, item_type, def_id_to_string);
171 hash_state.input(&encoded_item_type[..]);
173 // also include any type parameters (for generic items)
174 for t in parameters {
175 assert!(!t.has_erasable_regions());
176 assert!(!t.needs_subst());
177 let encoded_type = tcx.sess.cstore.encode_type(tcx, t, def_id_to_string);
178 hash_state.input(&encoded_type[..]);
179 }
181 return format!("h{}", truncated_hash_result(&mut *hash_state));
183 fn truncated_hash_result(symbol_hasher: &mut Sha256) -> String {
184 let output = symbol_hasher.result_bytes();
185 // 64 bits should be enough to avoid collisions.
186 output[.. 8].to_hex()
187 }
188 }
190 fn exported_name_with_opt_suffix<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
191 instance: &Instance<'tcx>,
192 suffix: Option<&str>)
193 -> String {
194 let &Instance { def: mut def_id, ref substs } = instance;
196 debug!("exported_name_with_opt_suffix(def_id={:?}, substs={:?}, suffix={:?})",
197 def_id, substs, suffix);
199 if let Some(node_id) = ccx.tcx().map.as_local_node_id(def_id) {
200 if let Some(&src_def_id) = ccx.external_srcs().borrow().get(&node_id) {
201 def_id = src_def_id;
202 }
203 }
205 let def_path = ccx.tcx().def_path(def_id);
206 assert_eq!(def_path.krate, def_id.krate);
208 // We want to compute the "type" of this item. Unfortunately, some
209 // kinds of items (e.g., closures) don't have an entry in the
210 // item-type array. So walk back up the find the closest parent
211 // that DOES have an entry.
212 let mut ty_def_id = def_id;
213 let instance_ty;
214 loop {
215 let key = ccx.tcx().def_key(ty_def_id);
216 match key.disambiguated_data.data {
217 DefPathData::TypeNs(_) |
218 DefPathData::ValueNs(_) => {
219 instance_ty = ccx.tcx().lookup_item_type(ty_def_id);
220 break;
221 }
222 _ => {
223 // if we're making a symbol for something, there ought
224 // to be a value or type-def or something in there
225 // *somewhere*
226 ty_def_id.index = key.parent.unwrap_or_else(|| {
227 bug!("finding type for {:?}, encountered def-id {:?} with no \
228 parent", def_id, ty_def_id);
229 });
230 }
231 }
232 }
234 // Erase regions because they may not be deterministic when hashed
235 // and should not matter anyhow.
236 let instance_ty = ccx.tcx().erase_regions(&instance_ty.ty);
238 let hash = get_symbol_hash(ccx, &def_path, instance_ty, substs.types.as_slice());
240 let mut buffer = SymbolPathBuffer {
241 names: Vec::with_capacity(def_path.data.len())
242 };
243 ccx.tcx().push_item_path(&mut buffer, def_id);
245 if let Some(suffix) = suffix {
246 buffer.push(suffix);
247 }
249 mangle(buffer.names.into_iter(), Some(&hash[..]))
250 }
252 struct SymbolPathBuffer {
253 names: Vec<InternedString>,
254 }
256 impl ItemPathBuffer for SymbolPathBuffer {
257 fn root_mode(&self) -> &RootMode {
258 const ABSOLUTE: &'static RootMode = &RootMode::Absolute;
260 }
262 fn push(&mut self, text: &str) {
263 self.names.push(token::intern(text).as_str());
264 }
265 }
267 pub fn exported_name<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
268 instance: &Instance<'tcx>)
269 -> String {
270 exported_name_with_opt_suffix(ccx, instance, None)
271 }
273 pub fn exported_name_with_suffix<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
274 instance: &Instance<'tcx>,
275 suffix: &str)
276 -> String {
277 exported_name_with_opt_suffix(ccx, instance, Some(suffix))
278 }
280 /// Only symbols that are invisible outside their compilation unit should use a
281 /// name generated by this function.
282 pub fn internal_name_from_type_and_suffix<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
283 t: ty::Ty<'tcx>,
284 suffix: &str)
285 -> String {
286 let path = [token::intern(&t.to_string()).as_str(),
287 gensym_name(suffix).as_str()];
288 let def_path = DefPath {
289 data: vec![],
290 krate: cstore::LOCAL_CRATE,
291 };
292 let hash = get_symbol_hash(ccx, &def_path, t, &[]);
293 mangle(path.iter().cloned(), Some(&hash[..]))
294 }
296 // Name sanitation. LLVM will happily accept identifiers with weird names, but
297 // gas doesn't!
298 // gas accepts the following characters in symbols: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., _, $
299 pub fn sanitize(s: &str) -> String {
300 let mut result = String::new();
301 for c in s.chars() {
302 match c {
303 // Escape these with $ sequences
304 '@' => result.push_str("$SP$"),
305 '*' => result.push_str("$BP$"),
306 '&' => result.push_str("$RF$"),
307 '<' => result.push_str("$LT$"),
308 '>' => result.push_str("$GT$"),
309 '(' => result.push_str("$LP$"),
310 ')' => result.push_str("$RP$"),
311 ',' => result.push_str("$C$"),
313 // '.' doesn't occur in types and functions, so reuse it
314 // for ':' and '-'
315 '-' | ':' => result.push('.'),
317 // These are legal symbols
318 'a' ... 'z'
319 | 'A' ... 'Z'
320 | '0' ... '9'
321 | '_' | '.' | '$' => result.push(c),
323 _ => {
324 result.push('$');
325 for c in c.escape_unicode().skip(1) {
326 match c {
327 '{' => {},
328 '}' => result.push('$'),
329 c => result.push(c),
330 }
331 }
332 }
333 }
334 }
336 // Underscore-qualify anything that didn't start as an ident.
337 if !result.is_empty() &&
338 result.as_bytes()[0] != '_' as u8 &&
339 ! (result.as_bytes()[0] as char).is_xid_start() {
340 return format!("_{}", &result[..]);
341 }
343 return result;
344 }
346 pub fn mangle<PI: Iterator<Item=InternedString>>(path: PI, hash: Option<&str>) -> String {
347 // Follow C++ namespace-mangling style, see
348 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling for more info.
349 //
350 // It turns out that on OSX you can actually have arbitrary symbols in
351 // function names (at least when given to LLVM), but this is not possible
352 // when using unix's linker. Perhaps one day when we just use a linker from LLVM
353 // we won't need to do this name mangling. The problem with name mangling is
354 // that it seriously limits the available characters. For example we can't
355 // have things like &T in symbol names when one would theoretically
356 // want them for things like impls of traits on that type.
357 //
358 // To be able to work on all platforms and get *some* reasonable output, we
359 // use C++ name-mangling.
361 let mut n = String::from("_ZN"); // _Z == Begin name-sequence, N == nested
363 fn push(n: &mut String, s: &str) {
364 let sani = sanitize(s);
365 n.push_str(&format!("{}{}", sani.len(), sani));
366 }
368 // First, connect each component with <len, name> pairs.
369 for data in path {
370 push(&mut n, &data);
371 }
373 if let Some(s) = hash {
374 push(&mut n, s)
375 }
377 n.push('E'); // End name-sequence.
378 n
379 }