]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_trans/cabi_x86_64.rs
New upstream version 1.13.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_trans / cabi_x86_64.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 // The classification code for the x86_64 ABI is taken from the clay language
12 // https://github.com/jckarter/clay/blob/master/compiler/src/externals.cpp
14 #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
15 use self::RegClass::*;
17 use llvm::{Integer, Pointer, Float, Double};
18 use llvm::{Struct, Array, Attribute, Vector};
19 use abi::{ArgType, FnType};
20 use context::CrateContext;
21 use type_::Type;
23 use std::cmp;
25 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
26 enum RegClass {
27 NoClass,
28 Int,
29 SSEFs,
30 SSEFv,
31 SSEDs,
32 SSEDv,
33 SSEInt(/* bitwidth */ u64),
34 /// Data that can appear in the upper half of an SSE register.
35 SSEUp,
36 X87,
37 X87Up,
38 ComplexX87,
39 Memory
40 }
42 trait TypeMethods {
43 fn is_reg_ty(&self) -> bool;
44 }
46 impl TypeMethods for Type {
47 fn is_reg_ty(&self) -> bool {
48 match self.kind() {
49 Integer | Pointer | Float | Double => true,
50 _ => false
51 }
52 }
53 }
55 impl RegClass {
56 fn is_sse(&self) -> bool {
57 match *self {
58 SSEFs | SSEFv | SSEDs | SSEDv | SSEInt(_) => true,
59 _ => false
60 }
61 }
62 }
64 trait ClassList {
65 fn is_pass_byval(&self) -> bool;
66 fn is_ret_bysret(&self) -> bool;
67 }
69 impl ClassList for [RegClass] {
70 fn is_pass_byval(&self) -> bool {
71 if self.is_empty() { return false; }
73 let class = self[0];
74 class == Memory
75 || class == X87
76 || class == ComplexX87
77 }
79 fn is_ret_bysret(&self) -> bool {
80 if self.is_empty() { return false; }
82 self[0] == Memory
83 }
84 }
86 fn classify_ty(ty: Type) -> Vec<RegClass> {
87 fn align(off: usize, ty: Type) -> usize {
88 let a = ty_align(ty);
89 return (off + a - 1) / a * a;
90 }
92 fn ty_align(ty: Type) -> usize {
93 match ty.kind() {
94 Integer => ((ty.int_width() as usize) + 7) / 8,
95 Pointer => 8,
96 Float => 4,
97 Double => 8,
98 Struct => {
99 if ty.is_packed() {
100 1
101 } else {
102 let str_tys = ty.field_types();
103 str_tys.iter().fold(1, |a, t| cmp::max(a, ty_align(*t)))
104 }
105 }
106 Array => {
107 let elt = ty.element_type();
108 ty_align(elt)
109 }
110 Vector => {
111 let len = ty.vector_length();
112 let elt = ty.element_type();
113 ty_align(elt) * len
114 }
115 _ => bug!("ty_align: unhandled type")
116 }
117 }
119 fn ty_size(ty: Type) -> usize {
120 match ty.kind() {
121 Integer => (ty.int_width() as usize + 7) / 8,
122 Pointer => 8,
123 Float => 4,
124 Double => 8,
125 Struct => {
126 let str_tys = ty.field_types();
127 if ty.is_packed() {
128 str_tys.iter().fold(0, |s, t| s + ty_size(*t))
129 } else {
130 let size = str_tys.iter().fold(0, |s, t| align(s, *t) + ty_size(*t));
131 align(size, ty)
132 }
133 }
134 Array => {
135 let len = ty.array_length();
136 let elt = ty.element_type();
137 let eltsz = ty_size(elt);
138 len * eltsz
139 }
140 Vector => {
141 let len = ty.vector_length();
142 let elt = ty.element_type();
143 let eltsz = ty_size(elt);
144 len * eltsz
145 }
147 _ => bug!("ty_size: unhandled type")
148 }
149 }
151 fn all_mem(cls: &mut [RegClass]) {
152 for elt in cls {
153 *elt = Memory;
154 }
155 }
157 fn unify(cls: &mut [RegClass],
158 i: usize,
159 newv: RegClass) {
160 if cls[i] == newv { return }
162 let to_write = match (cls[i], newv) {
163 (NoClass, _) => newv,
164 (_, NoClass) => return,
166 (Memory, _) |
167 (_, Memory) => Memory,
169 (Int, _) |
170 (_, Int) => Int,
172 (X87, _) |
173 (X87Up, _) |
174 (ComplexX87, _) |
175 (_, X87) |
176 (_, X87Up) |
177 (_, ComplexX87) => Memory,
179 (SSEFv, SSEUp) |
180 (SSEFs, SSEUp) |
181 (SSEDv, SSEUp) |
182 (SSEDs, SSEUp) |
183 (SSEInt(_), SSEUp) => return,
185 (..) => newv
186 };
187 cls[i] = to_write;
188 }
190 fn classify_struct(tys: &[Type],
191 cls: &mut [RegClass],
192 i: usize,
193 off: usize,
194 packed: bool) {
195 let mut field_off = off;
196 for ty in tys {
197 if !packed {
198 field_off = align(field_off, *ty);
199 }
200 classify(*ty, cls, i, field_off);
201 field_off += ty_size(*ty);
202 }
203 }
205 fn classify(ty: Type,
206 cls: &mut [RegClass], ix: usize,
207 off: usize) {
208 let t_align = ty_align(ty);
209 let t_size = ty_size(ty);
211 let misalign = off % t_align;
212 if misalign != 0 {
213 let mut i = off / 8;
214 let e = (off + t_size + 7) / 8;
215 while i < e {
216 unify(cls, ix + i, Memory);
217 i += 1;
218 }
219 return;
220 }
222 match ty.kind() {
223 Integer |
224 Pointer => {
225 unify(cls, ix + off / 8, Int);
226 }
227 Float => {
228 if off % 8 == 4 {
229 unify(cls, ix + off / 8, SSEFv);
230 } else {
231 unify(cls, ix + off / 8, SSEFs);
232 }
233 }
234 Double => {
235 unify(cls, ix + off / 8, SSEDs);
236 }
237 Struct => {
238 classify_struct(&ty.field_types(), cls, ix, off, ty.is_packed());
239 }
240 Array => {
241 let len = ty.array_length();
242 let elt = ty.element_type();
243 let eltsz = ty_size(elt);
244 let mut i = 0;
245 while i < len {
246 classify(elt, cls, ix, off + i * eltsz);
247 i += 1;
248 }
249 }
250 Vector => {
251 let len = ty.vector_length();
252 let elt = ty.element_type();
253 let eltsz = ty_size(elt);
254 let mut reg = match elt.kind() {
255 Integer => SSEInt(elt.int_width()),
256 Float => SSEFv,
257 Double => SSEDv,
258 _ => bug!("classify: unhandled vector element type")
259 };
261 let mut i = 0;
262 while i < len {
263 unify(cls, ix + (off + i * eltsz) / 8, reg);
265 // everything after the first one is the upper
266 // half of a register.
267 reg = SSEUp;
268 i += 1;
269 }
270 }
271 _ => bug!("classify: unhandled type")
272 }
273 }
275 fn fixup(ty: Type, cls: &mut [RegClass]) {
276 let mut i = 0;
277 let ty_kind = ty.kind();
278 let e = cls.len();
279 if cls.len() > 2 && (ty_kind == Struct || ty_kind == Array || ty_kind == Vector) {
280 if cls[i].is_sse() {
281 i += 1;
282 while i < e {
283 if cls[i] != SSEUp {
284 all_mem(cls);
285 return;
286 }
287 i += 1;
288 }
289 } else {
290 all_mem(cls);
291 return
292 }
293 } else {
294 while i < e {
295 if cls[i] == Memory {
296 all_mem(cls);
297 return;
298 }
299 if cls[i] == X87Up {
300 // for darwin
301 // cls[i] = SSEDs;
302 all_mem(cls);
303 return;
304 }
305 if cls[i] == SSEUp {
306 cls[i] = SSEDv;
307 } else if cls[i].is_sse() {
308 i += 1;
309 while i != e && cls[i] == SSEUp { i += 1; }
310 } else if cls[i] == X87 {
311 i += 1;
312 while i != e && cls[i] == X87Up { i += 1; }
313 } else {
314 i += 1;
315 }
316 }
317 }
318 }
320 let words = (ty_size(ty) + 7) / 8;
321 let mut cls = vec![NoClass; words];
322 if words > 4 {
323 all_mem(&mut cls);
324 return cls;
325 }
326 classify(ty, &mut cls, 0, 0);
327 fixup(ty, &mut cls);
328 return cls;
329 }
331 fn llreg_ty(ccx: &CrateContext, cls: &[RegClass]) -> Type {
332 fn llvec_len(cls: &[RegClass]) -> usize {
333 let mut len = 1;
334 for c in cls {
335 if *c != SSEUp {
336 break;
337 }
338 len += 1;
339 }
340 return len;
341 }
343 let mut tys = Vec::new();
344 let mut i = 0;
345 let e = cls.len();
346 while i < e {
347 match cls[i] {
348 Int => {
349 tys.push(Type::i64(ccx));
350 }
351 SSEFv | SSEDv | SSEInt(_) => {
352 let (elts_per_word, elt_ty) = match cls[i] {
353 SSEFv => (2, Type::f32(ccx)),
354 SSEDv => (1, Type::f64(ccx)),
355 SSEInt(bits) => {
356 assert!(bits == 8 || bits == 16 || bits == 32 || bits == 64,
357 "llreg_ty: unsupported SSEInt width {}", bits);
358 (64 / bits, Type::ix(ccx, bits))
359 }
360 _ => bug!(),
361 };
362 let vec_len = llvec_len(&cls[i + 1..]);
363 let vec_ty = Type::vector(&elt_ty, vec_len as u64 * elts_per_word);
364 tys.push(vec_ty);
365 i += vec_len;
366 continue;
367 }
368 SSEFs => {
369 tys.push(Type::f32(ccx));
370 }
371 SSEDs => {
372 tys.push(Type::f64(ccx));
373 }
374 _ => bug!("llregtype: unhandled class")
375 }
376 i += 1;
377 }
378 if tys.len() == 1 && tys[0].kind() == Vector {
379 // if the type contains only a vector, pass it as that vector.
380 tys[0]
381 } else {
382 Type::struct_(ccx, &tys, false)
383 }
384 }
386 pub fn compute_abi_info(ccx: &CrateContext, fty: &mut FnType) {
387 fn x86_64_ty<F>(ccx: &CrateContext,
388 arg: &mut ArgType,
389 is_mem_cls: F,
390 ind_attr: Option<Attribute>)
391 where F: FnOnce(&[RegClass]) -> bool
392 {
393 if !arg.ty.is_reg_ty() {
394 let cls = classify_ty(arg.ty);
395 if is_mem_cls(&cls) {
396 arg.make_indirect(ccx);
397 if let Some(attr) = ind_attr {
398 arg.attrs.set(attr);
399 }
400 } else {
401 arg.cast = Some(llreg_ty(ccx, &cls));
402 }
403 } else {
404 arg.extend_integer_width_to(32);
405 }
406 }
408 let mut int_regs = 6; // RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9
409 let mut sse_regs = 8; // XMM0-7
411 if !fty.ret.is_ignore() {
412 x86_64_ty(ccx, &mut fty.ret, |cls| {
413 if cls.is_ret_bysret() {
414 // `sret` parameter thus one less register available
415 int_regs -= 1;
416 true
417 } else {
418 false
419 }
420 }, None);
421 }
423 for arg in &mut fty.args {
424 if arg.is_ignore() { continue; }
425 x86_64_ty(ccx, arg, |cls| {
426 let needed_int = cls.iter().filter(|&&c| c == Int).count() as isize;
427 let needed_sse = cls.iter().filter(|c| c.is_sse()).count() as isize;
428 let in_mem = cls.is_pass_byval() ||
429 int_regs < needed_int ||
430 sse_regs < needed_sse;
431 if in_mem {
432 // `byval` parameter thus one less integer register available
433 int_regs -= 1;
434 } else {
435 // split into sized chunks passed individually
436 int_regs -= needed_int;
437 sse_regs -= needed_sse;
438 }
439 in_mem
440 }, Some(Attribute::ByVal));
442 // An integer, pointer, double or float parameter
443 // thus the above closure passed to `x86_64_ty` won't
444 // get called.
445 match arg.ty.kind() {
446 Integer | Pointer => int_regs -= 1,
447 Double | Float => sse_regs -= 1,
448 _ => {}
449 }
450 }
451 }