]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_trans/mir/mod.rs
New upstream version 1.27.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_trans / mir / mod.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use common::{C_i32, C_null};
12 use libc::c_uint;
13 use llvm::{self, ValueRef, BasicBlockRef};
14 use llvm::debuginfo::DIScope;
15 use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TypeFoldable};
16 use rustc::ty::layout::{LayoutOf, TyLayout};
17 use rustc::mir::{self, Mir};
18 use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
19 use rustc::session::config::FullDebugInfo;
20 use base;
21 use builder::Builder;
22 use common::{CodegenCx, Funclet};
23 use debuginfo::{self, declare_local, VariableAccess, VariableKind, FunctionDebugContext};
24 use monomorphize::Instance;
25 use abi::{ArgAttribute, ArgTypeExt, FnType, FnTypeExt, PassMode};
26 use type_::Type;
28 use syntax_pos::{DUMMY_SP, NO_EXPANSION, BytePos, Span};
29 use syntax::symbol::keywords;
31 use std::iter;
33 use rustc_data_structures::bitvec::BitVector;
34 use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{IndexVec, Idx};
36 pub use self::constant::trans_static_initializer;
38 use self::analyze::CleanupKind;
39 use self::place::PlaceRef;
40 use rustc::mir::traversal;
42 use self::operand::{OperandRef, OperandValue};
44 /// Master context for translating MIR.
45 pub struct FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx:'a> {
46 instance: Instance<'tcx>,
48 mir: &'a mir::Mir<'tcx>,
50 debug_context: debuginfo::FunctionDebugContext,
52 llfn: ValueRef,
54 cx: &'a CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
56 fn_ty: FnType<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>,
58 /// When unwinding is initiated, we have to store this personality
59 /// value somewhere so that we can load it and re-use it in the
60 /// resume instruction. The personality is (afaik) some kind of
61 /// value used for C++ unwinding, which must filter by type: we
62 /// don't really care about it very much. Anyway, this value
63 /// contains an alloca into which the personality is stored and
64 /// then later loaded when generating the DIVERGE_BLOCK.
65 personality_slot: Option<PlaceRef<'tcx>>,
67 /// A `Block` for each MIR `BasicBlock`
68 blocks: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, BasicBlockRef>,
70 /// The funclet status of each basic block
71 cleanup_kinds: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, analyze::CleanupKind>,
73 /// When targeting MSVC, this stores the cleanup info for each funclet
74 /// BB. This is initialized as we compute the funclets' head block in RPO.
75 funclets: &'a IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<Funclet>>,
77 /// This stores the landing-pad block for a given BB, computed lazily on GNU
78 /// and eagerly on MSVC.
79 landing_pads: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<BasicBlockRef>>,
81 /// Cached unreachable block
82 unreachable_block: Option<BasicBlockRef>,
84 /// The location where each MIR arg/var/tmp/ret is stored. This is
85 /// usually an `PlaceRef` representing an alloca, but not always:
86 /// sometimes we can skip the alloca and just store the value
87 /// directly using an `OperandRef`, which makes for tighter LLVM
88 /// IR. The conditions for using an `OperandRef` are as follows:
89 ///
90 /// - the type of the local must be judged "immediate" by `is_llvm_immediate`
91 /// - the operand must never be referenced indirectly
92 /// - we should not take its address using the `&` operator
93 /// - nor should it appear in a place path like `tmp.a`
94 /// - the operand must be defined by an rvalue that can generate immediate
95 /// values
96 ///
97 /// Avoiding allocs can also be important for certain intrinsics,
98 /// notably `expect`.
99 locals: IndexVec<mir::Local, LocalRef<'tcx>>,
101 /// Debug information for MIR scopes.
102 scopes: IndexVec<mir::VisibilityScope, debuginfo::MirDebugScope>,
104 /// If this function is being monomorphized, this contains the type substitutions used.
105 param_substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
106 }
108 impl<'a, 'tcx> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx> {
109 pub fn monomorphize<T>(&self, value: &T) -> T
110 where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>
111 {
112 self.cx.tcx.subst_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
113 self.param_substs,
114 ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all(),
115 value,
116 )
117 }
119 pub fn set_debug_loc(&mut self, bx: &Builder, source_info: mir::SourceInfo) {
120 let (scope, span) = self.debug_loc(source_info);
121 debuginfo::set_source_location(&self.debug_context, bx, scope, span);
122 }
124 pub fn debug_loc(&mut self, source_info: mir::SourceInfo) -> (DIScope, Span) {
125 // Bail out if debug info emission is not enabled.
126 match self.debug_context {
127 FunctionDebugContext::DebugInfoDisabled |
128 FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo => {
129 return (self.scopes[source_info.scope].scope_metadata, source_info.span);
130 }
131 FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(_) =>{}
132 }
134 // In order to have a good line stepping behavior in debugger, we overwrite debug
135 // locations of macro expansions with that of the outermost expansion site
136 // (unless the crate is being compiled with `-Z debug-macros`).
137 if source_info.span.ctxt() == NO_EXPANSION ||
138 self.cx.sess().opts.debugging_opts.debug_macros {
139 let scope = self.scope_metadata_for_loc(source_info.scope, source_info.span.lo());
140 (scope, source_info.span)
141 } else {
142 // Walk up the macro expansion chain until we reach a non-expanded span.
143 // We also stop at the function body level because no line stepping can occur
144 // at the level above that.
145 let mut span = source_info.span;
146 while span.ctxt() != NO_EXPANSION && span.ctxt() != self.mir.span.ctxt() {
147 if let Some(info) = span.ctxt().outer().expn_info() {
148 span = info.call_site;
149 } else {
150 break;
151 }
152 }
153 let scope = self.scope_metadata_for_loc(source_info.scope, span.lo());
154 // Use span of the outermost expansion site, while keeping the original lexical scope.
155 (scope, span)
156 }
157 }
159 // DILocations inherit source file name from the parent DIScope. Due to macro expansions
160 // it may so happen that the current span belongs to a different file than the DIScope
161 // corresponding to span's containing visibility scope. If so, we need to create a DIScope
162 // "extension" into that file.
163 fn scope_metadata_for_loc(&self, scope_id: mir::VisibilityScope, pos: BytePos)
164 -> llvm::debuginfo::DIScope {
165 let scope_metadata = self.scopes[scope_id].scope_metadata;
166 if pos < self.scopes[scope_id].file_start_pos ||
167 pos >= self.scopes[scope_id].file_end_pos {
168 let cm = self.cx.sess().codemap();
169 let defining_crate = self.debug_context.get_ref(DUMMY_SP).defining_crate;
170 debuginfo::extend_scope_to_file(self.cx,
171 scope_metadata,
172 &cm.lookup_char_pos(pos).file,
173 defining_crate)
174 } else {
175 scope_metadata
176 }
177 }
178 }
180 enum LocalRef<'tcx> {
181 Place(PlaceRef<'tcx>),
182 Operand(Option<OperandRef<'tcx>>),
183 }
185 impl<'a, 'tcx> LocalRef<'tcx> {
186 fn new_operand(cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>, layout: TyLayout<'tcx>) -> LocalRef<'tcx> {
187 if layout.is_zst() {
188 // Zero-size temporaries aren't always initialized, which
189 // doesn't matter because they don't contain data, but
190 // we need something in the operand.
191 LocalRef::Operand(Some(OperandRef::new_zst(cx, layout)))
192 } else {
193 LocalRef::Operand(None)
194 }
195 }
196 }
198 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
200 pub fn trans_mir<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
201 cx: &'a CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
202 llfn: ValueRef,
203 mir: &'a Mir<'tcx>,
204 instance: Instance<'tcx>,
205 sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
206 ) {
207 let fn_ty = FnType::new(cx, sig, &[]);
208 debug!("fn_ty: {:?}", fn_ty);
209 let debug_context =
210 debuginfo::create_function_debug_context(cx, instance, sig, llfn, mir);
211 let bx = Builder::new_block(cx, llfn, "start");
213 if mir.basic_blocks().iter().any(|bb| bb.is_cleanup) {
214 bx.set_personality_fn(cx.eh_personality());
215 }
217 let cleanup_kinds = analyze::cleanup_kinds(&mir);
218 // Allocate a `Block` for every basic block, except
219 // the start block, if nothing loops back to it.
220 let reentrant_start_block = !mir.predecessors_for(mir::START_BLOCK).is_empty();
221 let block_bxs: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, BasicBlockRef> =
222 mir.basic_blocks().indices().map(|bb| {
223 if bb == mir::START_BLOCK && !reentrant_start_block {
224 bx.llbb()
225 } else {
226 bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("{:?}", bb)).llbb()
227 }
228 }).collect();
230 // Compute debuginfo scopes from MIR scopes.
231 let scopes = debuginfo::create_mir_scopes(cx, mir, &debug_context);
232 let (landing_pads, funclets) = create_funclets(mir, &bx, &cleanup_kinds, &block_bxs);
234 let mut fx = FunctionCx {
235 instance,
236 mir,
237 llfn,
238 fn_ty,
239 cx,
240 personality_slot: None,
241 blocks: block_bxs,
242 unreachable_block: None,
243 cleanup_kinds,
244 landing_pads,
245 funclets: &funclets,
246 scopes,
247 locals: IndexVec::new(),
248 debug_context,
249 param_substs: {
250 assert!(!instance.substs.needs_infer());
251 instance.substs
252 },
253 };
255 let memory_locals = analyze::non_ssa_locals(&fx);
257 // Allocate variable and temp allocas
258 fx.locals = {
259 let args = arg_local_refs(&bx, &fx, &fx.scopes, &memory_locals);
261 let mut allocate_local = |local| {
262 let decl = &mir.local_decls[local];
263 let layout = bx.cx.layout_of(fx.monomorphize(&decl.ty));
264 assert!(!layout.ty.has_erasable_regions());
266 if let Some(name) = decl.name {
267 // User variable
268 let debug_scope = fx.scopes[decl.source_info.scope];
269 let dbg = debug_scope.is_valid() && bx.sess().opts.debuginfo == FullDebugInfo;
271 if !memory_locals.contains(local.index()) && !dbg {
272 debug!("alloc: {:?} ({}) -> operand", local, name);
273 return LocalRef::new_operand(bx.cx, layout);
274 }
276 debug!("alloc: {:?} ({}) -> place", local, name);
277 let place = PlaceRef::alloca(&bx, layout, &name.as_str());
278 if dbg {
279 let (scope, span) = fx.debug_loc(decl.source_info);
280 declare_local(&bx, &fx.debug_context, name, layout.ty, scope,
281 VariableAccess::DirectVariable { alloca: place.llval },
282 VariableKind::LocalVariable, span);
283 }
284 LocalRef::Place(place)
285 } else {
286 // Temporary or return place
287 if local == mir::RETURN_PLACE && fx.fn_ty.ret.is_indirect() {
288 debug!("alloc: {:?} (return place) -> place", local);
289 let llretptr = llvm::get_param(llfn, 0);
290 LocalRef::Place(PlaceRef::new_sized(llretptr, layout, layout.align))
291 } else if memory_locals.contains(local.index()) {
292 debug!("alloc: {:?} -> place", local);
293 LocalRef::Place(PlaceRef::alloca(&bx, layout, &format!("{:?}", local)))
294 } else {
295 // If this is an immediate local, we do not create an
296 // alloca in advance. Instead we wait until we see the
297 // definition and update the operand there.
298 debug!("alloc: {:?} -> operand", local);
299 LocalRef::new_operand(bx.cx, layout)
300 }
301 }
302 };
304 let retptr = allocate_local(mir::RETURN_PLACE);
305 iter::once(retptr)
306 .chain(args.into_iter())
307 .chain(mir.vars_and_temps_iter().map(allocate_local))
308 .collect()
309 };
311 // Branch to the START block, if it's not the entry block.
312 if reentrant_start_block {
313 bx.br(fx.blocks[mir::START_BLOCK]);
314 }
316 // Up until here, IR instructions for this function have explicitly not been annotated with
317 // source code location, so we don't step into call setup code. From here on, source location
318 // emitting should be enabled.
319 debuginfo::start_emitting_source_locations(&fx.debug_context);
321 let rpo = traversal::reverse_postorder(&mir);
322 let mut visited = BitVector::new(mir.basic_blocks().len());
324 // Translate the body of each block using reverse postorder
325 for (bb, _) in rpo {
326 visited.insert(bb.index());
327 fx.trans_block(bb);
328 }
330 // Remove blocks that haven't been visited, or have no
331 // predecessors.
332 for bb in mir.basic_blocks().indices() {
333 // Unreachable block
334 if !visited.contains(bb.index()) {
335 debug!("trans_mir: block {:?} was not visited", bb);
336 unsafe {
337 llvm::LLVMDeleteBasicBlock(fx.blocks[bb]);
338 }
339 }
340 }
341 }
343 fn create_funclets<'a, 'tcx>(
344 mir: &'a Mir<'tcx>,
345 bx: &Builder<'a, 'tcx>,
346 cleanup_kinds: &IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, CleanupKind>,
347 block_bxs: &IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, BasicBlockRef>)
348 -> (IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<BasicBlockRef>>,
349 IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<Funclet>>)
350 {
351 block_bxs.iter_enumerated().zip(cleanup_kinds).map(|((bb, &llbb), cleanup_kind)| {
352 match *cleanup_kind {
353 CleanupKind::Funclet if base::wants_msvc_seh(bx.sess()) => {}
354 _ => return (None, None)
355 }
357 let cleanup;
358 let ret_llbb;
359 match mir[bb].terminator.as_ref().map(|t| &t.kind) {
360 // This is a basic block that we're aborting the program for,
361 // notably in an `extern` function. These basic blocks are inserted
362 // so that we assert that `extern` functions do indeed not panic,
363 // and if they do we abort the process.
364 //
365 // On MSVC these are tricky though (where we're doing funclets). If
366 // we were to do a cleanuppad (like below) the normal functions like
367 // `longjmp` would trigger the abort logic, terminating the
368 // program. Instead we insert the equivalent of `catch(...)` for C++
369 // which magically doesn't trigger when `longjmp` files over this
370 // frame.
371 //
372 // Lots more discussion can be found on #48251 but this codegen is
373 // modeled after clang's for:
374 //
375 // try {
376 // foo();
377 // } catch (...) {
378 // bar();
379 // }
380 Some(&mir::TerminatorKind::Abort) => {
381 let cs_bx = bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("cs_funclet{:?}", bb));
382 let cp_bx = bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("cp_funclet{:?}", bb));
383 ret_llbb = cs_bx.llbb();
385 let cs = cs_bx.catch_switch(None, None, 1);
386 cs_bx.add_handler(cs, cp_bx.llbb());
388 // The "null" here is actually a RTTI type descriptor for the
389 // C++ personality function, but `catch (...)` has no type so
390 // it's null. The 64 here is actually a bitfield which
391 // represents that this is a catch-all block.
392 let null = C_null(Type::i8p(bx.cx));
393 let sixty_four = C_i32(bx.cx, 64);
394 cleanup = cp_bx.catch_pad(cs, &[null, sixty_four, null]);
395 cp_bx.br(llbb);
396 }
397 _ => {
398 let cleanup_bx = bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("funclet_{:?}", bb));
399 ret_llbb = cleanup_bx.llbb();
400 cleanup = cleanup_bx.cleanup_pad(None, &[]);
401 cleanup_bx.br(llbb);
402 }
403 };
405 (Some(ret_llbb), Some(Funclet::new(cleanup)))
406 }).unzip()
407 }
409 /// Produce, for each argument, a `ValueRef` pointing at the
410 /// argument's value. As arguments are places, these are always
411 /// indirect.
412 fn arg_local_refs<'a, 'tcx>(bx: &Builder<'a, 'tcx>,
413 fx: &FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx>,
414 scopes: &IndexVec<mir::VisibilityScope, debuginfo::MirDebugScope>,
415 memory_locals: &BitVector)
416 -> Vec<LocalRef<'tcx>> {
417 let mir = fx.mir;
418 let tcx = bx.tcx();
419 let mut idx = 0;
420 let mut llarg_idx = fx.fn_ty.ret.is_indirect() as usize;
422 // Get the argument scope, if it exists and if we need it.
423 let arg_scope = scopes[mir::ARGUMENT_VISIBILITY_SCOPE];
424 let arg_scope = if arg_scope.is_valid() && bx.sess().opts.debuginfo == FullDebugInfo {
425 Some(arg_scope.scope_metadata)
426 } else {
427 None
428 };
430 let deref_op = unsafe {
431 [llvm::LLVMRustDIBuilderCreateOpDeref()]
432 };
434 mir.args_iter().enumerate().map(|(arg_index, local)| {
435 let arg_decl = &mir.local_decls[local];
437 let name = if let Some(name) = arg_decl.name {
438 name.as_str().to_string()
439 } else {
440 format!("arg{}", arg_index)
441 };
443 if Some(local) == mir.spread_arg {
444 // This argument (e.g. the last argument in the "rust-call" ABI)
445 // is a tuple that was spread at the ABI level and now we have
446 // to reconstruct it into a tuple local variable, from multiple
447 // individual LLVM function arguments.
449 let arg_ty = fx.monomorphize(&arg_decl.ty);
450 let tupled_arg_tys = match arg_ty.sty {
451 ty::TyTuple(ref tys) => tys,
452 _ => bug!("spread argument isn't a tuple?!")
453 };
455 let place = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, bx.cx.layout_of(arg_ty), &name);
456 for i in 0..tupled_arg_tys.len() {
457 let arg = &fx.fn_ty.args[idx];
458 idx += 1;
459 if arg.pad.is_some() {
460 llarg_idx += 1;
461 }
462 arg.store_fn_arg(bx, &mut llarg_idx, place.project_field(bx, i));
463 }
465 // Now that we have one alloca that contains the aggregate value,
466 // we can create one debuginfo entry for the argument.
467 arg_scope.map(|scope| {
468 let variable_access = VariableAccess::DirectVariable {
469 alloca: place.llval
470 };
471 declare_local(
472 bx,
473 &fx.debug_context,
474 arg_decl.name.unwrap_or(keywords::Invalid.name()),
475 arg_ty, scope,
476 variable_access,
477 VariableKind::ArgumentVariable(arg_index + 1),
479 );
480 });
482 return LocalRef::Place(place);
483 }
485 let arg = &fx.fn_ty.args[idx];
486 idx += 1;
487 if arg.pad.is_some() {
488 llarg_idx += 1;
489 }
491 if arg_scope.is_none() && !memory_locals.contains(local.index()) {
492 // We don't have to cast or keep the argument in the alloca.
493 // FIXME(eddyb): We should figure out how to use llvm.dbg.value instead
494 // of putting everything in allocas just so we can use llvm.dbg.declare.
495 let local = |op| LocalRef::Operand(Some(op));
496 match arg.mode {
497 PassMode::Ignore => {
498 return local(OperandRef::new_zst(bx.cx, arg.layout));
499 }
500 PassMode::Direct(_) => {
501 let llarg = llvm::get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
502 bx.set_value_name(llarg, &name);
503 llarg_idx += 1;
504 return local(
505 OperandRef::from_immediate_or_packed_pair(bx, llarg, arg.layout));
506 }
507 PassMode::Pair(..) => {
508 let a = llvm::get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
509 bx.set_value_name(a, &(name.clone() + ".0"));
510 llarg_idx += 1;
512 let b = llvm::get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
513 bx.set_value_name(b, &(name + ".1"));
514 llarg_idx += 1;
516 return local(OperandRef {
517 val: OperandValue::Pair(a, b),
518 layout: arg.layout
519 });
520 }
521 _ => {}
522 }
523 }
525 let place = if arg.is_indirect() {
526 // Don't copy an indirect argument to an alloca, the caller
527 // already put it in a temporary alloca and gave it up.
528 // FIXME: lifetimes
529 let llarg = llvm::get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
530 bx.set_value_name(llarg, &name);
531 llarg_idx += 1;
532 PlaceRef::new_sized(llarg, arg.layout, arg.layout.align)
533 } else {
534 let tmp = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, arg.layout, &name);
535 arg.store_fn_arg(bx, &mut llarg_idx, tmp);
536 tmp
537 };
538 arg_scope.map(|scope| {
539 // Is this a regular argument?
540 if arg_index > 0 || mir.upvar_decls.is_empty() {
541 // The Rust ABI passes indirect variables using a pointer and a manual copy, so we
542 // need to insert a deref here, but the C ABI uses a pointer and a copy using the
543 // byval attribute, for which LLVM does the deref itself, so we must not add it.
544 // Starting with D31439 in LLVM 5, it *always* does the deref itself.
545 let mut variable_access = VariableAccess::DirectVariable {
546 alloca: place.llval
547 };
548 if unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustVersionMajor() < 5 } {
549 if let PassMode::Indirect(ref attrs) = arg.mode {
550 if !attrs.contains(ArgAttribute::ByVal) {
551 variable_access = VariableAccess::IndirectVariable {
552 alloca: place.llval,
553 address_operations: &deref_op,
554 };
555 }
556 }
557 }
559 declare_local(
560 bx,
561 &fx.debug_context,
562 arg_decl.name.unwrap_or(keywords::Invalid.name()),
563 arg.layout.ty,
564 scope,
565 variable_access,
566 VariableKind::ArgumentVariable(arg_index + 1),
568 );
569 return;
570 }
572 // Or is it the closure environment?
573 let (closure_layout, env_ref) = match arg.layout.ty.sty {
574 ty::TyRef(_, mt) | ty::TyRawPtr(mt) => (bx.cx.layout_of(mt.ty), true),
575 _ => (arg.layout, false)
576 };
578 let upvar_tys = match closure_layout.ty.sty {
579 ty::TyClosure(def_id, substs) |
580 ty::TyGenerator(def_id, substs, _) => substs.upvar_tys(def_id, tcx),
581 _ => bug!("upvar_decls with non-closure arg0 type `{}`", closure_layout.ty)
582 };
584 // Store the pointer to closure data in an alloca for debuginfo
585 // because that's what the llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic expects.
587 // FIXME(eddyb) this shouldn't be necessary but SROA seems to
588 // mishandle DW_OP_plus not preceded by DW_OP_deref, i.e. it
589 // doesn't actually strip the offset when splitting the closure
590 // environment into its components so it ends up out of bounds.
591 let env_ptr = if !env_ref {
592 let scratch = PlaceRef::alloca(bx,
593 bx.cx.layout_of(tcx.mk_mut_ptr(arg.layout.ty)),
594 "__debuginfo_env_ptr");
595 bx.store(place.llval, scratch.llval, scratch.align);
596 scratch.llval
597 } else {
598 place.llval
599 };
601 for (i, (decl, ty)) in mir.upvar_decls.iter().zip(upvar_tys).enumerate() {
602 let byte_offset_of_var_in_env = closure_layout.fields.offset(i).bytes();
604 let ops = unsafe {
605 [llvm::LLVMRustDIBuilderCreateOpDeref(),
606 llvm::LLVMRustDIBuilderCreateOpPlusUconst(),
607 byte_offset_of_var_in_env as i64,
608 llvm::LLVMRustDIBuilderCreateOpDeref()]
609 };
611 // The environment and the capture can each be indirect.
613 // FIXME(eddyb) see above why we have to keep
614 // a pointer in an alloca for debuginfo atm.
615 let mut ops = if env_ref || true { &ops[..] } else { &ops[1..] };
617 let ty = if let (true, &ty::TyRef(_, mt)) = (decl.by_ref, &ty.sty) {
618 mt.ty
619 } else {
620 ops = &ops[..ops.len() - 1];
621 ty
622 };
624 let variable_access = VariableAccess::IndirectVariable {
625 alloca: env_ptr,
626 address_operations: &ops
627 };
628 declare_local(
629 bx,
630 &fx.debug_context,
631 decl.debug_name,
632 ty,
633 scope,
634 variable_access,
635 VariableKind::CapturedVariable,
637 );
638 }
639 });
640 LocalRef::Place(place)
641 }).collect()
642 }
644 mod analyze;
645 mod block;
646 mod constant;
647 pub mod place;
648 pub mod operand;
649 mod rvalue;
650 mod statement;