]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo.rs
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[rustc.git] / src / librustc_trans / trans / debuginfo.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! # Debug Info Module
12 //!
13 //! This module serves the purpose of generating debug symbols. We use LLVM's
14 //! [source level debugging](http://llvm.org/docs/SourceLevelDebugging.html)
15 //! features for generating the debug information. The general principle is this:
16 //!
17 //! Given the right metadata in the LLVM IR, the LLVM code generator is able to
18 //! create DWARF debug symbols for the given code. The
19 //! [metadata](http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#metadata-type) is structured much
20 //! like DWARF *debugging information entries* (DIE), representing type information
21 //! such as datatype layout, function signatures, block layout, variable location
22 //! and scope information, etc. It is the purpose of this module to generate correct
23 //! metadata and insert it into the LLVM IR.
24 //!
25 //! As the exact format of metadata trees may change between different LLVM
26 //! versions, we now use LLVM
27 //! [DIBuilder](http://llvm.org/docs/doxygen/html/classllvm_1_1DIBuilder.html) to
28 //! create metadata where possible. This will hopefully ease the adaption of this
29 //! module to future LLVM versions.
30 //!
31 //! The public API of the module is a set of functions that will insert the correct
32 //! metadata into the LLVM IR when called with the right parameters. The module is
33 //! thus driven from an outside client with functions like
34 //! `debuginfo::create_local_var_metadata(bcx: block, local: &ast::local)`.
35 //!
36 //! Internally the module will try to reuse already created metadata by utilizing a
37 //! cache. The way to get a shared metadata node when needed is thus to just call
38 //! the corresponding function in this module:
39 //!
40 //! let file_metadata = file_metadata(crate_context, path);
41 //!
42 //! The function will take care of probing the cache for an existing node for that
43 //! exact file path.
44 //!
45 //! All private state used by the module is stored within either the
46 //! CrateDebugContext struct (owned by the CrateContext) or the FunctionDebugContext
47 //! (owned by the FunctionContext).
48 //!
49 //! This file consists of three conceptual sections:
50 //! 1. The public interface of the module
51 //! 2. Module-internal metadata creation functions
52 //! 3. Minor utility functions
53 //!
54 //!
55 //! ## Recursive Types
56 //!
57 //! Some kinds of types, such as structs and enums can be recursive. That means that
58 //! the type definition of some type X refers to some other type which in turn
59 //! (transitively) refers to X. This introduces cycles into the type referral graph.
60 //! A naive algorithm doing an on-demand, depth-first traversal of this graph when
61 //! describing types, can get trapped in an endless loop when it reaches such a
62 //! cycle.
63 //!
64 //! For example, the following simple type for a singly-linked list...
65 //!
66 //! ```
67 //! struct List {
68 //! value: int,
69 //! tail: Option<Box<List>>,
70 //! }
71 //! ```
72 //!
73 //! will generate the following callstack with a naive DFS algorithm:
74 //!
75 //! ```
76 //! describe(t = List)
77 //! describe(t = int)
78 //! describe(t = Option<Box<List>>)
79 //! describe(t = Box<List>)
80 //! describe(t = List) // at the beginning again...
81 //! ...
82 //! ```
83 //!
84 //! To break cycles like these, we use "forward declarations". That is, when the
85 //! algorithm encounters a possibly recursive type (any struct or enum), it
86 //! immediately creates a type description node and inserts it into the cache
87 //! *before* describing the members of the type. This type description is just a
88 //! stub (as type members are not described and added to it yet) but it allows the
89 //! algorithm to already refer to the type. After the stub is inserted into the
90 //! cache, the algorithm continues as before. If it now encounters a recursive
91 //! reference, it will hit the cache and does not try to describe the type anew.
92 //!
93 //! This behaviour is encapsulated in the 'RecursiveTypeDescription' enum, which
94 //! represents a kind of continuation, storing all state needed to continue
95 //! traversal at the type members after the type has been registered with the cache.
96 //! (This implementation approach might be a tad over-engineered and may change in
97 //! the future)
98 //!
99 //!
100 //! ## Source Locations and Line Information
101 //!
102 //! In addition to data type descriptions the debugging information must also allow
103 //! to map machine code locations back to source code locations in order to be useful.
104 //! This functionality is also handled in this module. The following functions allow
105 //! to control source mappings:
106 //!
107 //! + set_source_location()
108 //! + clear_source_location()
109 //! + start_emitting_source_locations()
110 //!
111 //! `set_source_location()` allows to set the current source location. All IR
112 //! instructions created after a call to this function will be linked to the given
113 //! source location, until another location is specified with
114 //! `set_source_location()` or the source location is cleared with
115 //! `clear_source_location()`. In the later case, subsequent IR instruction will not
116 //! be linked to any source location. As you can see, this is a stateful API
117 //! (mimicking the one in LLVM), so be careful with source locations set by previous
118 //! calls. It's probably best to not rely on any specific state being present at a
119 //! given point in code.
120 //!
121 //! One topic that deserves some extra attention is *function prologues*. At the
122 //! beginning of a function's machine code there are typically a few instructions
123 //! for loading argument values into allocas and checking if there's enough stack
124 //! space for the function to execute. This *prologue* is not visible in the source
125 //! code and LLVM puts a special PROLOGUE END marker into the line table at the
126 //! first non-prologue instruction of the function. In order to find out where the
127 //! prologue ends, LLVM looks for the first instruction in the function body that is
128 //! linked to a source location. So, when generating prologue instructions we have
129 //! to make sure that we don't emit source location information until the 'real'
130 //! function body begins. For this reason, source location emission is disabled by
131 //! default for any new function being translated and is only activated after a call
132 //! to the third function from the list above, `start_emitting_source_locations()`.
133 //! This function should be called right before regularly starting to translate the
134 //! top-level block of the given function.
135 //!
136 //! There is one exception to the above rule: `llvm.dbg.declare` instruction must be
137 //! linked to the source location of the variable being declared. For function
138 //! parameters these `llvm.dbg.declare` instructions typically occur in the middle
139 //! of the prologue, however, they are ignored by LLVM's prologue detection. The
140 //! `create_argument_metadata()` and related functions take care of linking the
141 //! `llvm.dbg.declare` instructions to the correct source locations even while
142 //! source location emission is still disabled, so there is no need to do anything
143 //! special with source location handling here.
144 //!
145 //! ## Unique Type Identification
146 //!
147 //! In order for link-time optimization to work properly, LLVM needs a unique type
148 //! identifier that tells it across compilation units which types are the same as
149 //! others. This type identifier is created by TypeMap::get_unique_type_id_of_type()
150 //! using the following algorithm:
151 //!
152 //! (1) Primitive types have their name as ID
153 //! (2) Structs, enums and traits have a multipart identifier
154 //!
155 //! (1) The first part is the SVH (strict version hash) of the crate they were
156 //! originally defined in
157 //!
158 //! (2) The second part is the ast::NodeId of the definition in their original
159 //! crate
160 //!
161 //! (3) The final part is a concatenation of the type IDs of their concrete type
162 //! arguments if they are generic types.
163 //!
164 //! (3) Tuple-, pointer and function types are structurally identified, which means
165 //! that they are equivalent if their component types are equivalent (i.e. (int,
166 //! int) is the same regardless in which crate it is used).
167 //!
168 //! This algorithm also provides a stable ID for types that are defined in one crate
169 //! but instantiated from metadata within another crate. We just have to take care
170 //! to always map crate and node IDs back to the original crate context.
171 //!
172 //! As a side-effect these unique type IDs also help to solve a problem arising from
173 //! lifetime parameters. Since lifetime parameters are completely omitted in
174 //! debuginfo, more than one `Ty` instance may map to the same debuginfo type
175 //! metadata, that is, some struct `Struct<'a>` may have N instantiations with
176 //! different concrete substitutions for `'a`, and thus there will be N `Ty`
177 //! instances for the type `Struct<'a>` even though it is not generic otherwise.
178 //! Unfortunately this means that we cannot use `ty::type_id()` as cheap identifier
179 //! for type metadata---we have done this in the past, but it led to unnecessary
180 //! metadata duplication in the best case and LLVM assertions in the worst. However,
181 //! the unique type ID as described above *can* be used as identifier. Since it is
182 //! comparatively expensive to construct, though, `ty::type_id()` is still used
183 //! additionally as an optimization for cases where the exact same type has been
184 //! seen before (which is most of the time).
185 use self::VariableAccess::*;
186 use self::VariableKind::*;
187 use self::MemberOffset::*;
188 use self::MemberDescriptionFactory::*;
189 use self::RecursiveTypeDescription::*;
190 use self::EnumDiscriminantInfo::*;
191 use self::InternalDebugLocation::*;
193 use llvm;
194 use llvm::{ModuleRef, ContextRef, ValueRef};
195 use llvm::debuginfo::*;
196 use metadata::csearch;
197 use middle::subst::{self, Substs};
198 use trans::{self, adt, machine, type_of};
199 use trans::common::{self, NodeIdAndSpan, CrateContext, FunctionContext, Block, C_bytes,
200 NormalizingClosureTyper};
201 use trans::declare;
202 use trans::_match::{BindingInfo, TrByCopy, TrByMove, TrByRef};
203 use trans::monomorphize;
204 use trans::type_::Type;
205 use middle::ty::{self, Ty, ClosureTyper};
206 use middle::pat_util;
207 use session::config::{self, FullDebugInfo, LimitedDebugInfo, NoDebugInfo};
208 use util::nodemap::{DefIdMap, NodeMap, FnvHashMap, FnvHashSet};
209 use util::ppaux;
210 use util::common::path2cstr;
212 use libc::{c_uint, c_longlong};
213 use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
214 use std::ffi::CString;
215 use std::path::Path;
216 use std::ptr;
217 use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
218 use syntax::util::interner::Interner;
219 use syntax::codemap::{Span, Pos};
220 use syntax::{ast, codemap, ast_util, ast_map, attr};
221 use syntax::parse::token::{self, special_idents};
223 const DW_LANG_RUST: c_uint = 0x9000;
225 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
226 const DW_TAG_auto_variable: c_uint = 0x100;
227 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
228 const DW_TAG_arg_variable: c_uint = 0x101;
230 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
231 const DW_ATE_boolean: c_uint = 0x02;
232 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
233 const DW_ATE_float: c_uint = 0x04;
234 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
235 const DW_ATE_signed: c_uint = 0x05;
236 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
237 const DW_ATE_unsigned: c_uint = 0x07;
238 #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
239 const DW_ATE_unsigned_char: c_uint = 0x08;
241 const UNKNOWN_LINE_NUMBER: c_uint = 0;
242 const UNKNOWN_COLUMN_NUMBER: c_uint = 0;
244 // ptr::null() doesn't work :(
245 const UNKNOWN_FILE_METADATA: DIFile = (0 as DIFile);
246 const UNKNOWN_SCOPE_METADATA: DIScope = (0 as DIScope);
248 const FLAGS_NONE: c_uint = 0;
250 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 // Public Interface of debuginfo module
252 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 #[derive(Copy, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
255 struct UniqueTypeId(ast::Name);
257 // The TypeMap is where the CrateDebugContext holds the type metadata nodes
258 // created so far. The metadata nodes are indexed by UniqueTypeId, and, for
259 // faster lookup, also by Ty. The TypeMap is responsible for creating
260 // UniqueTypeIds.
261 struct TypeMap<'tcx> {
262 // The UniqueTypeIds created so far
263 unique_id_interner: Interner<Rc<String>>,
264 // A map from UniqueTypeId to debuginfo metadata for that type. This is a 1:1 mapping.
265 unique_id_to_metadata: FnvHashMap<UniqueTypeId, DIType>,
266 // A map from types to debuginfo metadata. This is a N:1 mapping.
267 type_to_metadata: FnvHashMap<Ty<'tcx>, DIType>,
268 // A map from types to UniqueTypeId. This is a N:1 mapping.
269 type_to_unique_id: FnvHashMap<Ty<'tcx>, UniqueTypeId>
270 }
272 impl<'tcx> TypeMap<'tcx> {
274 fn new() -> TypeMap<'tcx> {
275 TypeMap {
276 unique_id_interner: Interner::new(),
277 type_to_metadata: FnvHashMap(),
278 unique_id_to_metadata: FnvHashMap(),
279 type_to_unique_id: FnvHashMap(),
280 }
281 }
283 // Adds a Ty to metadata mapping to the TypeMap. The method will fail if
284 // the mapping already exists.
285 fn register_type_with_metadata<'a>(&mut self,
286 cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
287 type_: Ty<'tcx>,
288 metadata: DIType) {
289 if self.type_to_metadata.insert(type_, metadata).is_some() {
290 cx.sess().bug(&format!("Type metadata for Ty '{}' is already in the TypeMap!",
291 ppaux::ty_to_string(cx.tcx(), type_)));
292 }
293 }
295 // Adds a UniqueTypeId to metadata mapping to the TypeMap. The method will
296 // fail if the mapping already exists.
297 fn register_unique_id_with_metadata(&mut self,
298 cx: &CrateContext,
299 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
300 metadata: DIType) {
301 if self.unique_id_to_metadata.insert(unique_type_id, metadata).is_some() {
302 let unique_type_id_str = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(unique_type_id);
303 cx.sess().bug(&format!("Type metadata for unique id '{}' is already in the TypeMap!",
304 &unique_type_id_str[..]));
305 }
306 }
308 fn find_metadata_for_type(&self, type_: Ty<'tcx>) -> Option<DIType> {
309 self.type_to_metadata.get(&type_).cloned()
310 }
312 fn find_metadata_for_unique_id(&self, unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId) -> Option<DIType> {
313 self.unique_id_to_metadata.get(&unique_type_id).cloned()
314 }
316 // Get the string representation of a UniqueTypeId. This method will fail if
317 // the id is unknown.
318 fn get_unique_type_id_as_string(&self, unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId) -> Rc<String> {
319 let UniqueTypeId(interner_key) = unique_type_id;
320 self.unique_id_interner.get(interner_key)
321 }
323 // Get the UniqueTypeId for the given type. If the UniqueTypeId for the given
324 // type has been requested before, this is just a table lookup. Otherwise an
325 // ID will be generated and stored for later lookup.
326 fn get_unique_type_id_of_type<'a>(&mut self, cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
327 type_: Ty<'tcx>) -> UniqueTypeId {
329 // basic type -> {:name of the type:}
330 // tuple -> {tuple_(:param-uid:)*}
331 // struct -> {struct_:svh: / :node-id:_<(:param-uid:),*> }
332 // enum -> {enum_:svh: / :node-id:_<(:param-uid:),*> }
333 // enum variant -> {variant_:variant-name:_:enum-uid:}
334 // reference (&) -> {& :pointee-uid:}
335 // mut reference (&mut) -> {&mut :pointee-uid:}
336 // ptr (*) -> {* :pointee-uid:}
337 // mut ptr (*mut) -> {*mut :pointee-uid:}
338 // unique ptr (~) -> {~ :pointee-uid:}
339 // @-ptr (@) -> {@ :pointee-uid:}
340 // sized vec ([T; x]) -> {[:size:] :element-uid:}
341 // unsized vec ([T]) -> {[] :element-uid:}
342 // trait (T) -> {trait_:svh: / :node-id:_<(:param-uid:),*> }
343 // closure -> {<unsafe_> <once_> :store-sigil: |(:param-uid:),* <,_...>| -> \
344 // :return-type-uid: : (:bounds:)*}
345 // function -> {<unsafe_> <abi_> fn( (:param-uid:)* <,_...> ) -> \
346 // :return-type-uid:}
347 // unique vec box (~[]) -> {HEAP_VEC_BOX<:pointee-uid:>}
348 // gc box -> {GC_BOX<:pointee-uid:>}
350 match self.type_to_unique_id.get(&type_).cloned() {
351 Some(unique_type_id) => return unique_type_id,
352 None => { /* generate one */}
353 };
355 let mut unique_type_id = String::with_capacity(256);
356 unique_type_id.push('{');
358 match type_.sty {
359 ty::ty_bool |
360 ty::ty_char |
361 ty::ty_str |
362 ty::ty_int(_) |
363 ty::ty_uint(_) |
364 ty::ty_float(_) => {
365 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, type_, false, &mut unique_type_id);
366 },
367 ty::ty_enum(def_id, substs) => {
368 unique_type_id.push_str("enum ");
369 from_def_id_and_substs(self, cx, def_id, substs, &mut unique_type_id);
370 },
371 ty::ty_struct(def_id, substs) => {
372 unique_type_id.push_str("struct ");
373 from_def_id_and_substs(self, cx, def_id, substs, &mut unique_type_id);
374 },
375 ty::ty_tup(ref component_types) if component_types.is_empty() => {
376 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, type_, false, &mut unique_type_id);
377 },
378 ty::ty_tup(ref component_types) => {
379 unique_type_id.push_str("tuple ");
380 for &component_type in component_types {
381 let component_type_id =
382 self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, component_type);
383 let component_type_id =
384 self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(component_type_id);
385 unique_type_id.push_str(&component_type_id[..]);
386 }
387 },
388 ty::ty_uniq(inner_type) => {
389 unique_type_id.push('~');
390 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, inner_type);
391 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(inner_type_id);
392 unique_type_id.push_str(&inner_type_id[..]);
393 },
394 ty::ty_ptr(ty::mt { ty: inner_type, mutbl } ) => {
395 unique_type_id.push('*');
396 if mutbl == ast::MutMutable {
397 unique_type_id.push_str("mut");
398 }
400 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, inner_type);
401 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(inner_type_id);
402 unique_type_id.push_str(&inner_type_id[..]);
403 },
404 ty::ty_rptr(_, ty::mt { ty: inner_type, mutbl }) => {
405 unique_type_id.push('&');
406 if mutbl == ast::MutMutable {
407 unique_type_id.push_str("mut");
408 }
410 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, inner_type);
411 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(inner_type_id);
412 unique_type_id.push_str(&inner_type_id[..]);
413 },
414 ty::ty_vec(inner_type, optional_length) => {
415 match optional_length {
416 Some(len) => {
417 unique_type_id.push_str(&format!("[{}]", len));
418 }
419 None => {
420 unique_type_id.push_str("[]");
421 }
422 };
424 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, inner_type);
425 let inner_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(inner_type_id);
426 unique_type_id.push_str(&inner_type_id[..]);
427 },
428 ty::ty_trait(ref trait_data) => {
429 unique_type_id.push_str("trait ");
431 let principal =
432 ty::erase_late_bound_regions(cx.tcx(),
433 &trait_data.principal);
435 from_def_id_and_substs(self,
436 cx,
437 principal.def_id,
438 principal.substs,
439 &mut unique_type_id);
440 },
441 ty::ty_bare_fn(_, &ty::BareFnTy{ unsafety, abi, ref sig } ) => {
442 if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe {
443 unique_type_id.push_str("unsafe ");
444 }
446 unique_type_id.push_str(abi.name());
448 unique_type_id.push_str(" fn(");
450 let sig = ty::erase_late_bound_regions(cx.tcx(), sig);
452 for &parameter_type in &sig.inputs {
453 let parameter_type_id =
454 self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, parameter_type);
455 let parameter_type_id =
456 self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(parameter_type_id);
457 unique_type_id.push_str(&parameter_type_id[..]);
458 unique_type_id.push(',');
459 }
461 if sig.variadic {
462 unique_type_id.push_str("...");
463 }
465 unique_type_id.push_str(")->");
466 match sig.output {
467 ty::FnConverging(ret_ty) => {
468 let return_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, ret_ty);
469 let return_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(return_type_id);
470 unique_type_id.push_str(&return_type_id[..]);
471 }
472 ty::FnDiverging => {
473 unique_type_id.push_str("!");
474 }
475 }
476 },
477 ty::ty_closure(def_id, substs) => {
478 let typer = NormalizingClosureTyper::new(cx.tcx());
479 let closure_ty = typer.closure_type(def_id, substs);
480 self.get_unique_type_id_of_closure_type(cx,
481 closure_ty,
482 &mut unique_type_id);
483 },
484 _ => {
485 cx.sess().bug(&format!("get_unique_type_id_of_type() - unexpected type: {}, {:?}",
486 &ppaux::ty_to_string(cx.tcx(), type_),
487 type_.sty))
488 }
489 };
491 unique_type_id.push('}');
493 // Trim to size before storing permanently
494 unique_type_id.shrink_to_fit();
496 let key = self.unique_id_interner.intern(Rc::new(unique_type_id));
497 self.type_to_unique_id.insert(type_, UniqueTypeId(key));
499 return UniqueTypeId(key);
501 fn from_def_id_and_substs<'a, 'tcx>(type_map: &mut TypeMap<'tcx>,
502 cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
503 def_id: ast::DefId,
504 substs: &subst::Substs<'tcx>,
505 output: &mut String) {
506 // First, find out the 'real' def_id of the type. Items inlined from
507 // other crates have to be mapped back to their source.
508 let source_def_id = if def_id.krate == ast::LOCAL_CRATE {
509 match cx.external_srcs().borrow().get(&def_id.node).cloned() {
510 Some(source_def_id) => {
511 // The given def_id identifies the inlined copy of a
512 // type definition, let's take the source of the copy.
513 source_def_id
514 }
515 None => def_id
516 }
517 } else {
518 def_id
519 };
521 // Get the crate hash as first part of the identifier.
522 let crate_hash = if source_def_id.krate == ast::LOCAL_CRATE {
523 cx.link_meta().crate_hash.clone()
524 } else {
525 cx.sess().cstore.get_crate_hash(source_def_id.krate)
526 };
528 output.push_str(crate_hash.as_str());
529 output.push_str("/");
530 output.push_str(&format!("{:x}", def_id.node));
532 // Maybe check that there is no self type here.
534 let tps = substs.types.get_slice(subst::TypeSpace);
535 if !tps.is_empty() {
536 output.push('<');
538 for &type_parameter in tps {
539 let param_type_id =
540 type_map.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, type_parameter);
541 let param_type_id =
542 type_map.get_unique_type_id_as_string(param_type_id);
543 output.push_str(&param_type_id[..]);
544 output.push(',');
545 }
547 output.push('>');
548 }
549 }
550 }
552 fn get_unique_type_id_of_closure_type<'a>(&mut self,
553 cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
554 closure_ty: ty::ClosureTy<'tcx>,
555 unique_type_id: &mut String) {
556 let ty::ClosureTy { unsafety,
557 ref sig,
558 abi: _ } = closure_ty;
560 if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe {
561 unique_type_id.push_str("unsafe ");
562 }
564 unique_type_id.push_str("|");
566 let sig = ty::erase_late_bound_regions(cx.tcx(), sig);
568 for &parameter_type in &sig.inputs {
569 let parameter_type_id =
570 self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, parameter_type);
571 let parameter_type_id =
572 self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(parameter_type_id);
573 unique_type_id.push_str(&parameter_type_id[..]);
574 unique_type_id.push(',');
575 }
577 if sig.variadic {
578 unique_type_id.push_str("...");
579 }
581 unique_type_id.push_str("|->");
583 match sig.output {
584 ty::FnConverging(ret_ty) => {
585 let return_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, ret_ty);
586 let return_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(return_type_id);
587 unique_type_id.push_str(&return_type_id[..]);
588 }
589 ty::FnDiverging => {
590 unique_type_id.push_str("!");
591 }
592 }
593 }
595 // Get the UniqueTypeId for an enum variant. Enum variants are not really
596 // types of their own, so they need special handling. We still need a
597 // UniqueTypeId for them, since to debuginfo they *are* real types.
598 fn get_unique_type_id_of_enum_variant<'a>(&mut self,
599 cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
600 enum_type: Ty<'tcx>,
601 variant_name: &str)
602 -> UniqueTypeId {
603 let enum_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, enum_type);
604 let enum_variant_type_id = format!("{}::{}",
605 &self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(enum_type_id),
606 variant_name);
607 let interner_key = self.unique_id_interner.intern(Rc::new(enum_variant_type_id));
608 UniqueTypeId(interner_key)
609 }
610 }
612 // Returns from the enclosing function if the type metadata with the given
613 // unique id can be found in the type map
614 macro_rules! return_if_metadata_created_in_meantime {
615 ($cx: expr, $unique_type_id: expr) => (
616 match debug_context($cx).type_map
617 .borrow()
618 .find_metadata_for_unique_id($unique_type_id) {
619 Some(metadata) => return MetadataCreationResult::new(metadata, true),
620 None => { /* proceed normally */ }
621 };
622 )
623 }
626 /// A context object for maintaining all state needed by the debuginfo module.
627 pub struct CrateDebugContext<'tcx> {
628 llcontext: ContextRef,
629 builder: DIBuilderRef,
630 current_debug_location: Cell<InternalDebugLocation>,
631 created_files: RefCell<FnvHashMap<String, DIFile>>,
632 created_enum_disr_types: RefCell<DefIdMap<DIType>>,
634 type_map: RefCell<TypeMap<'tcx>>,
635 namespace_map: RefCell<FnvHashMap<Vec<ast::Name>, Rc<NamespaceTreeNode>>>,
637 // This collection is used to assert that composite types (structs, enums,
638 // ...) have their members only set once:
639 composite_types_completed: RefCell<FnvHashSet<DIType>>,
640 }
642 impl<'tcx> CrateDebugContext<'tcx> {
643 pub fn new(llmod: ModuleRef) -> CrateDebugContext<'tcx> {
644 debug!("CrateDebugContext::new");
645 let builder = unsafe { llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreate(llmod) };
646 // DIBuilder inherits context from the module, so we'd better use the same one
647 let llcontext = unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetModuleContext(llmod) };
648 return CrateDebugContext {
649 llcontext: llcontext,
650 builder: builder,
651 current_debug_location: Cell::new(UnknownLocation),
652 created_files: RefCell::new(FnvHashMap()),
653 created_enum_disr_types: RefCell::new(DefIdMap()),
654 type_map: RefCell::new(TypeMap::new()),
655 namespace_map: RefCell::new(FnvHashMap()),
656 composite_types_completed: RefCell::new(FnvHashSet()),
657 };
658 }
659 }
661 pub enum FunctionDebugContext {
662 RegularContext(Box<FunctionDebugContextData>),
663 DebugInfoDisabled,
664 FunctionWithoutDebugInfo,
665 }
667 impl FunctionDebugContext {
668 fn get_ref<'a>(&'a self,
669 cx: &CrateContext,
670 span: Span)
671 -> &'a FunctionDebugContextData {
672 match *self {
673 FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(box ref data) => data,
674 FunctionDebugContext::DebugInfoDisabled => {
675 cx.sess().span_bug(span,
676 FunctionDebugContext::debuginfo_disabled_message());
677 }
678 FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo => {
679 cx.sess().span_bug(span,
680 FunctionDebugContext::should_be_ignored_message());
681 }
682 }
683 }
685 fn debuginfo_disabled_message() -> &'static str {
686 "debuginfo: Error trying to access FunctionDebugContext although debug info is disabled!"
687 }
689 fn should_be_ignored_message() -> &'static str {
690 "debuginfo: Error trying to access FunctionDebugContext for function that should be \
691 ignored by debug info!"
692 }
693 }
695 struct FunctionDebugContextData {
696 scope_map: RefCell<NodeMap<DIScope>>,
697 fn_metadata: DISubprogram,
698 argument_counter: Cell<usize>,
699 source_locations_enabled: Cell<bool>,
700 source_location_override: Cell<bool>,
701 }
703 enum VariableAccess<'a> {
704 // The llptr given is an alloca containing the variable's value
705 DirectVariable { alloca: ValueRef },
706 // The llptr given is an alloca containing the start of some pointer chain
707 // leading to the variable's content.
708 IndirectVariable { alloca: ValueRef, address_operations: &'a [i64] }
709 }
711 enum VariableKind {
712 ArgumentVariable(usize /*index*/),
713 LocalVariable,
714 CapturedVariable,
715 }
717 /// Create any deferred debug metadata nodes
718 pub fn finalize(cx: &CrateContext) {
719 if cx.dbg_cx().is_none() {
720 return;
721 }
723 debug!("finalize");
724 let _ = compile_unit_metadata(cx);
726 if needs_gdb_debug_scripts_section(cx) {
727 // Add a .debug_gdb_scripts section to this compile-unit. This will
728 // cause GDB to try and load the gdb_load_rust_pretty_printers.py file,
729 // which activates the Rust pretty printers for binary this section is
730 // contained in.
731 get_or_insert_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(cx);
732 }
734 unsafe {
735 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderFinalize(DIB(cx));
736 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderDispose(DIB(cx));
737 // Debuginfo generation in LLVM by default uses a higher
738 // version of dwarf than OS X currently understands. We can
739 // instruct LLVM to emit an older version of dwarf, however,
740 // for OS X to understand. For more info see #11352
741 // This can be overridden using --llvm-opts -dwarf-version,N.
742 // Android has the same issue (#22398)
743 if cx.sess().target.target.options.is_like_osx ||
744 cx.sess().target.target.options.is_like_android {
745 llvm::LLVMRustAddModuleFlag(cx.llmod(),
746 "Dwarf Version\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
747 2)
748 }
750 // Prevent bitcode readers from deleting the debug info.
751 let ptr = "Debug Info Version\0".as_ptr();
752 llvm::LLVMRustAddModuleFlag(cx.llmod(), ptr as *const _,
753 llvm::LLVMRustDebugMetadataVersion);
754 };
755 }
757 /// Creates debug information for the given global variable.
758 ///
759 /// Adds the created metadata nodes directly to the crate's IR.
760 pub fn create_global_var_metadata(cx: &CrateContext,
761 node_id: ast::NodeId,
762 global: ValueRef) {
763 if cx.dbg_cx().is_none() {
764 return;
765 }
767 // Don't create debuginfo for globals inlined from other crates. The other
768 // crate should already contain debuginfo for it. More importantly, the
769 // global might not even exist in un-inlined form anywhere which would lead
770 // to a linker errors.
771 if cx.external_srcs().borrow().contains_key(&node_id) {
772 return;
773 }
775 let var_item = cx.tcx().map.get(node_id);
777 let (name, span) = match var_item {
778 ast_map::NodeItem(item) => {
779 match item.node {
780 ast::ItemStatic(..) => (item.ident.name, item.span),
781 ast::ItemConst(..) => (item.ident.name, item.span),
782 _ => {
783 cx.sess()
784 .span_bug(item.span,
785 &format!("debuginfo::\
786 create_global_var_metadata() -
787 Captured var-id refers to \
788 unexpected ast_item variant: {:?}",
789 var_item))
790 }
791 }
792 },
793 _ => cx.sess().bug(&format!("debuginfo::create_global_var_metadata() \
794 - Captured var-id refers to unexpected \
795 ast_map variant: {:?}",
796 var_item))
797 };
799 let (file_metadata, line_number) = if span != codemap::DUMMY_SP {
800 let loc = span_start(cx, span);
801 (file_metadata(cx, &loc.file.name), loc.line as c_uint)
802 } else {
804 };
806 let is_local_to_unit = is_node_local_to_unit(cx, node_id);
807 let variable_type = ty::node_id_to_type(cx.tcx(), node_id);
808 let type_metadata = type_metadata(cx, variable_type, span);
809 let namespace_node = namespace_for_item(cx, ast_util::local_def(node_id));
810 let var_name = token::get_name(name).to_string();
811 let linkage_name =
812 namespace_node.mangled_name_of_contained_item(&var_name[..]);
813 let var_scope = namespace_node.scope;
815 let var_name = CString::new(var_name).unwrap();
816 let linkage_name = CString::new(linkage_name).unwrap();
817 unsafe {
818 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateStaticVariable(DIB(cx),
819 var_scope,
820 var_name.as_ptr(),
821 linkage_name.as_ptr(),
822 file_metadata,
823 line_number,
824 type_metadata,
825 is_local_to_unit,
826 global,
827 ptr::null_mut());
828 }
829 }
831 /// Creates debug information for the given local variable.
832 ///
833 /// This function assumes that there's a datum for each pattern component of the
834 /// local in `bcx.fcx.lllocals`.
835 /// Adds the created metadata nodes directly to the crate's IR.
836 pub fn create_local_var_metadata(bcx: Block, local: &ast::Local) {
837 if bcx.unreachable.get() ||
838 fn_should_be_ignored(bcx.fcx) ||
839 bcx.sess().opts.debuginfo != FullDebugInfo {
840 return;
841 }
843 let cx = bcx.ccx();
844 let def_map = &cx.tcx().def_map;
845 let locals = bcx.fcx.lllocals.borrow();
847 pat_util::pat_bindings(def_map, &*local.pat, |_, node_id, span, var_ident| {
848 let datum = match locals.get(&node_id) {
849 Some(datum) => datum,
850 None => {
851 bcx.sess().span_bug(span,
852 &format!("no entry in lllocals table for {}",
853 node_id));
854 }
855 };
857 if unsafe { llvm::LLVMIsAAllocaInst(datum.val) } == ptr::null_mut() {
858 cx.sess().span_bug(span, "debuginfo::create_local_var_metadata() - \
859 Referenced variable location is not an alloca!");
860 }
862 let scope_metadata = scope_metadata(bcx.fcx, node_id, span);
864 declare_local(bcx,
865 var_ident.node.name,
866 datum.ty,
867 scope_metadata,
868 DirectVariable { alloca: datum.val },
869 LocalVariable,
870 span);
871 })
872 }
874 /// Creates debug information for a variable captured in a closure.
875 ///
876 /// Adds the created metadata nodes directly to the crate's IR.
877 pub fn create_captured_var_metadata<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
878 node_id: ast::NodeId,
879 env_pointer: ValueRef,
880 env_index: usize,
881 captured_by_ref: bool,
882 span: Span) {
883 if bcx.unreachable.get() ||
884 fn_should_be_ignored(bcx.fcx) ||
885 bcx.sess().opts.debuginfo != FullDebugInfo {
886 return;
887 }
889 let cx = bcx.ccx();
891 let ast_item = cx.tcx().map.find(node_id);
893 let variable_name = match ast_item {
894 None => {
895 cx.sess().span_bug(span, "debuginfo::create_captured_var_metadata: node not found");
896 }
897 Some(ast_map::NodeLocal(pat)) | Some(ast_map::NodeArg(pat)) => {
898 match pat.node {
899 ast::PatIdent(_, ref path1, _) => {
900 path1.node.name
901 }
902 _ => {
903 cx.sess()
904 .span_bug(span,
905 &format!(
906 "debuginfo::create_captured_var_metadata() - \
907 Captured var-id refers to unexpected \
908 ast_map variant: {:?}",
909 ast_item));
910 }
911 }
912 }
913 _ => {
914 cx.sess()
915 .span_bug(span,
916 &format!("debuginfo::create_captured_var_metadata() - \
917 Captured var-id refers to unexpected \
918 ast_map variant: {:?}",
919 ast_item));
920 }
921 };
923 let variable_type = common::node_id_type(bcx, node_id);
924 let scope_metadata = bcx.fcx.debug_context.get_ref(cx, span).fn_metadata;
926 // env_pointer is the alloca containing the pointer to the environment,
927 // so it's type is **EnvironmentType. In order to find out the type of
928 // the environment we have to "dereference" two times.
929 let llvm_env_data_type = common::val_ty(env_pointer).element_type()
930 .element_type();
931 let byte_offset_of_var_in_env = machine::llelement_offset(cx,
932 llvm_env_data_type,
933 env_index);
935 let address_operations = unsafe {
936 [llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateOpDeref(),
937 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateOpPlus(),
938 byte_offset_of_var_in_env as i64,
939 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateOpDeref()]
940 };
942 let address_op_count = if captured_by_ref {
943 address_operations.len()
944 } else {
945 address_operations.len() - 1
946 };
948 let variable_access = IndirectVariable {
949 alloca: env_pointer,
950 address_operations: &address_operations[..address_op_count]
951 };
953 declare_local(bcx,
954 variable_name,
955 variable_type,
956 scope_metadata,
957 variable_access,
958 CapturedVariable,
959 span);
960 }
962 /// Creates debug information for a local variable introduced in the head of a
963 /// match-statement arm.
964 ///
965 /// Adds the created metadata nodes directly to the crate's IR.
966 pub fn create_match_binding_metadata<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
967 variable_name: ast::Name,
968 binding: BindingInfo<'tcx>) {
969 if bcx.unreachable.get() ||
970 fn_should_be_ignored(bcx.fcx) ||
971 bcx.sess().opts.debuginfo != FullDebugInfo {
972 return;
973 }
975 let scope_metadata = scope_metadata(bcx.fcx, binding.id, binding.span);
976 let aops = unsafe {
977 [llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateOpDeref()]
978 };
979 // Regardless of the actual type (`T`) we're always passed the stack slot (alloca)
980 // for the binding. For ByRef bindings that's a `T*` but for ByMove bindings we
981 // actually have `T**`. So to get the actual variable we need to dereference once
982 // more. For ByCopy we just use the stack slot we created for the binding.
983 let var_access = match binding.trmode {
984 TrByCopy(llbinding) => DirectVariable {
985 alloca: llbinding
986 },
987 TrByMove => IndirectVariable {
988 alloca: binding.llmatch,
989 address_operations: &aops
990 },
991 TrByRef => DirectVariable {
992 alloca: binding.llmatch
993 }
994 };
996 declare_local(bcx,
997 variable_name,
998 binding.ty,
999 scope_metadata,
1000 var_access,
1001 LocalVariable,
1002 binding.span);
1003 }
1005 /// Creates debug information for the given function argument.
1006 ///
1007 /// This function assumes that there's a datum for each pattern component of the
1008 /// argument in `bcx.fcx.lllocals`.
1009 /// Adds the created metadata nodes directly to the crate's IR.
1010 pub fn create_argument_metadata(bcx: Block, arg: &ast::Arg) {
1011 if bcx.unreachable.get() ||
1012 fn_should_be_ignored(bcx.fcx) ||
1013 bcx.sess().opts.debuginfo != FullDebugInfo {
1014 return;
1015 }
1017 let def_map = &bcx.tcx().def_map;
1018 let scope_metadata = bcx
1019 .fcx
1020 .debug_context
1021 .get_ref(bcx.ccx(), arg.pat.span)
1022 .fn_metadata;
1023 let locals = bcx.fcx.lllocals.borrow();
1025 pat_util::pat_bindings(def_map, &*arg.pat, |_, node_id, span, var_ident| {
1026 let datum = match locals.get(&node_id) {
1027 Some(v) => v,
1028 None => {
1029 bcx.sess().span_bug(span,
1030 &format!("no entry in lllocals table for {}",
1031 node_id));
1032 }
1033 };
1035 if unsafe { llvm::LLVMIsAAllocaInst(datum.val) } == ptr::null_mut() {
1036 bcx.sess().span_bug(span, "debuginfo::create_argument_metadata() - \
1037 Referenced variable location is not an alloca!");
1038 }
1040 let argument_index = {
1041 let counter = &bcx
1042 .fcx
1043 .debug_context
1044 .get_ref(bcx.ccx(), span)
1045 .argument_counter;
1046 let argument_index = counter.get();
1047 counter.set(argument_index + 1);
1048 argument_index
1049 };
1051 declare_local(bcx,
1052 var_ident.node.name,
1053 datum.ty,
1054 scope_metadata,
1055 DirectVariable { alloca: datum.val },
1056 ArgumentVariable(argument_index),
1057 span);
1058 })
1059 }
1061 pub fn get_cleanup_debug_loc_for_ast_node<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
1062 node_id: ast::NodeId,
1063 node_span: Span,
1064 is_block: bool)
1065 -> NodeIdAndSpan {
1066 // A debug location needs two things:
1067 // (1) A span (of which only the beginning will actually be used)
1068 // (2) An AST node-id which will be used to look up the lexical scope
1069 // for the location in the functions scope-map
1070 //
1071 // This function will calculate the debug location for compiler-generated
1072 // cleanup calls that are executed when control-flow leaves the
1073 // scope identified by `node_id`.
1074 //
1075 // For everything but block-like things we can simply take id and span of
1076 // the given expression, meaning that from a debugger's view cleanup code is
1077 // executed at the same source location as the statement/expr itself.
1078 //
1079 // Blocks are a special case. Here we want the cleanup to be linked to the
1080 // closing curly brace of the block. The *scope* the cleanup is executed in
1081 // is up to debate: It could either still be *within* the block being
1082 // cleaned up, meaning that locals from the block are still visible in the
1083 // debugger.
1084 // Or it could be in the scope that the block is contained in, so any locals
1085 // from within the block are already considered out-of-scope and thus not
1086 // accessible in the debugger anymore.
1087 //
1088 // The current implementation opts for the second option: cleanup of a block
1089 // already happens in the parent scope of the block. The main reason for
1090 // this decision is that scoping becomes controlflow dependent when variable
1091 // shadowing is involved and it's impossible to decide statically which
1092 // scope is actually left when the cleanup code is executed.
1093 // In practice it shouldn't make much of a difference.
1095 let mut cleanup_span = node_span;
1097 if is_block {
1098 // Not all blocks actually have curly braces (e.g. simple closure
1099 // bodies), in which case we also just want to return the span of the
1100 // whole expression.
1101 let code_snippet = cx.sess().codemap().span_to_snippet(node_span);
1102 if let Ok(code_snippet) = code_snippet {
1103 let bytes = code_snippet.as_bytes();
1105 if !bytes.is_empty() && &bytes[bytes.len()-1..] == b"}" {
1106 cleanup_span = Span {
1107 lo: node_span.hi - codemap::BytePos(1),
1108 hi: node_span.hi,
1109 expn_id: node_span.expn_id
1110 };
1111 }
1112 }
1113 }
1115 NodeIdAndSpan {
1116 id: node_id,
1117 span: cleanup_span
1118 }
1119 }
1121 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
1122 pub enum DebugLoc {
1123 At(ast::NodeId, Span),
1124 None
1125 }
1127 impl DebugLoc {
1128 pub fn apply(&self, fcx: &FunctionContext) {
1129 match *self {
1130 DebugLoc::At(node_id, span) => {
1131 set_source_location(fcx, node_id, span);
1132 }
1133 DebugLoc::None => {
1134 clear_source_location(fcx);
1135 }
1136 }
1137 }
1138 }
1140 pub trait ToDebugLoc {
1141 fn debug_loc(&self) -> DebugLoc;
1142 }
1144 impl ToDebugLoc for ast::Expr {
1145 fn debug_loc(&self) -> DebugLoc {
1146 DebugLoc::At(self.id, self.span)
1147 }
1148 }
1150 impl ToDebugLoc for NodeIdAndSpan {
1151 fn debug_loc(&self) -> DebugLoc {
1152 DebugLoc::At(self.id, self.span)
1153 }
1154 }
1156 impl ToDebugLoc for Option<NodeIdAndSpan> {
1157 fn debug_loc(&self) -> DebugLoc {
1158 match *self {
1159 Some(NodeIdAndSpan { id, span }) => DebugLoc::At(id, span),
1160 None => DebugLoc::None
1161 }
1162 }
1163 }
1165 /// Sets the current debug location at the beginning of the span.
1166 ///
1167 /// Maps to a call to llvm::LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(...). The node_id
1168 /// parameter is used to reliably find the correct visibility scope for the code
1169 /// position.
1170 pub fn set_source_location(fcx: &FunctionContext,
1171 node_id: ast::NodeId,
1172 span: Span) {
1173 match fcx.debug_context {
1174 FunctionDebugContext::DebugInfoDisabled => return,
1175 FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo => {
1176 set_debug_location(fcx.ccx, UnknownLocation);
1177 return;
1178 }
1179 FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(box ref function_debug_context) => {
1180 if function_debug_context.source_location_override.get() {
1181 // Just ignore any attempts to set a new debug location while
1182 // the override is active.
1183 return;
1184 }
1186 let cx = fcx.ccx;
1188 debug!("set_source_location: {}", cx.sess().codemap().span_to_string(span));
1190 if function_debug_context.source_locations_enabled.get() {
1191 let loc = span_start(cx, span);
1192 let scope = scope_metadata(fcx, node_id, span);
1194 set_debug_location(cx, InternalDebugLocation::new(scope,
1195 loc.line,
1196 loc.col.to_usize()));
1197 } else {
1198 set_debug_location(cx, UnknownLocation);
1199 }
1200 }
1201 }
1202 }
1204 /// This function makes sure that all debug locations emitted while executing
1205 /// `wrapped_function` are set to the given `debug_loc`.
1206 pub fn with_source_location_override<F, R>(fcx: &FunctionContext,
1207 debug_loc: DebugLoc,
1208 wrapped_function: F) -> R
1209 where F: FnOnce() -> R
1210 {
1211 match fcx.debug_context {
1212 FunctionDebugContext::DebugInfoDisabled => {
1213 wrapped_function()
1214 }
1215 FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo => {
1216 set_debug_location(fcx.ccx, UnknownLocation);
1217 wrapped_function()
1218 }
1219 FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(box ref function_debug_context) => {
1220 if function_debug_context.source_location_override.get() {
1221 wrapped_function()
1222 } else {
1223 debug_loc.apply(fcx);
1224 function_debug_context.source_location_override.set(true);
1225 let result = wrapped_function();
1226 function_debug_context.source_location_override.set(false);
1227 result
1228 }
1229 }
1230 }
1231 }
1233 /// Clears the current debug location.
1234 ///
1235 /// Instructions generated hereafter won't be assigned a source location.
1236 pub fn clear_source_location(fcx: &FunctionContext) {
1237 if fn_should_be_ignored(fcx) {
1238 return;
1239 }
1241 set_debug_location(fcx.ccx, UnknownLocation);
1242 }
1244 /// Enables emitting source locations for the given functions.
1245 ///
1246 /// Since we don't want source locations to be emitted for the function prelude,
1247 /// they are disabled when beginning to translate a new function. This functions
1248 /// switches source location emitting on and must therefore be called before the
1249 /// first real statement/expression of the function is translated.
1250 pub fn start_emitting_source_locations(fcx: &FunctionContext) {
1251 match fcx.debug_context {
1252 FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(box ref data) => {
1253 data.source_locations_enabled.set(true)
1254 },
1255 _ => { /* safe to ignore */ }
1256 }
1257 }
1259 /// Creates the function-specific debug context.
1260 ///
1261 /// Returns the FunctionDebugContext for the function which holds state needed
1262 /// for debug info creation. The function may also return another variant of the
1263 /// FunctionDebugContext enum which indicates why no debuginfo should be created
1264 /// for the function.
1265 pub fn create_function_debug_context<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
1266 fn_ast_id: ast::NodeId,
1267 param_substs: &Substs<'tcx>,
1268 llfn: ValueRef) -> FunctionDebugContext {
1269 if cx.sess().opts.debuginfo == NoDebugInfo {
1270 return FunctionDebugContext::DebugInfoDisabled;
1271 }
1273 // Clear the debug location so we don't assign them in the function prelude.
1274 // Do this here already, in case we do an early exit from this function.
1275 set_debug_location(cx, UnknownLocation);
1277 if fn_ast_id == ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID {
1278 // This is a function not linked to any source location, so don't
1279 // generate debuginfo for it.
1280 return FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo;
1281 }
1283 let empty_generics = ast_util::empty_generics();
1285 let fnitem = cx.tcx().map.get(fn_ast_id);
1287 let (name, fn_decl, generics, top_level_block, span, has_path) = match fnitem {
1288 ast_map::NodeItem(ref item) => {
1289 if contains_nodebug_attribute(&item.attrs) {
1290 return FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo;
1291 }
1293 match item.node {
1294 ast::ItemFn(ref fn_decl, _, _, ref generics, ref top_level_block) => {
1295 (item.ident.name, fn_decl, generics, top_level_block, item.span, true)
1296 }
1297 _ => {
1298 cx.sess().span_bug(item.span,
1299 "create_function_debug_context: item bound to non-function");
1300 }
1301 }
1302 }
1303 ast_map::NodeImplItem(impl_item) => {
1304 match impl_item.node {
1305 ast::MethodImplItem(ref sig, ref body) => {
1306 if contains_nodebug_attribute(&impl_item.attrs) {
1307 return FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo;
1308 }
1310 (impl_item.ident.name,
1311 &sig.decl,
1312 &sig.generics,
1313 body,
1314 impl_item.span,
1315 true)
1316 }
1317 ast::TypeImplItem(_) => {
1318 cx.sess().span_bug(impl_item.span,
1319 "create_function_debug_context() \
1320 called on associated type?!")
1321 }
1322 ast::MacImplItem(_) => {
1323 cx.sess().span_bug(impl_item.span,
1324 "create_function_debug_context() \
1325 called on unexpanded macro?!")
1326 }
1327 }
1328 }
1329 ast_map::NodeExpr(ref expr) => {
1330 match expr.node {
1331 ast::ExprClosure(_, ref fn_decl, ref top_level_block) => {
1332 let name = format!("fn{}", token::gensym("fn"));
1333 let name = token::intern(&name[..]);
1334 (name, fn_decl,
1335 // This is not quite right. It should actually inherit
1336 // the generics of the enclosing function.
1337 &empty_generics,
1338 top_level_block,
1339 expr.span,
1340 // Don't try to lookup the item path:
1341 false)
1342 }
1343 _ => cx.sess().span_bug(expr.span,
1344 "create_function_debug_context: expected an expr_fn_block here")
1345 }
1346 }
1347 ast_map::NodeTraitItem(trait_item) => {
1348 match trait_item.node {
1349 ast::MethodTraitItem(ref sig, Some(ref body)) => {
1350 if contains_nodebug_attribute(&trait_item.attrs) {
1351 return FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo;
1352 }
1354 (trait_item.ident.name,
1355 &sig.decl,
1356 &sig.generics,
1357 body,
1358 trait_item.span,
1359 true)
1360 }
1361 _ => {
1362 cx.sess()
1363 .bug(&format!("create_function_debug_context: \
1364 unexpected sort of node: {:?}",
1365 fnitem))
1366 }
1367 }
1368 }
1369 ast_map::NodeForeignItem(..) |
1370 ast_map::NodeVariant(..) |
1371 ast_map::NodeStructCtor(..) => {
1372 return FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo;
1373 }
1374 _ => cx.sess().bug(&format!("create_function_debug_context: \
1375 unexpected sort of node: {:?}",
1376 fnitem))
1377 };
1379 // This can be the case for functions inlined from another crate
1380 if span == codemap::DUMMY_SP {
1381 return FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo;
1382 }
1384 let loc = span_start(cx, span);
1385 let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx, &loc.file.name);
1387 let function_type_metadata = unsafe {
1388 let fn_signature = get_function_signature(cx,
1389 fn_ast_id,
1390 &*fn_decl,
1391 param_substs,
1392 span);
1393 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateSubroutineType(DIB(cx), file_metadata, fn_signature)
1394 };
1396 // Get_template_parameters() will append a `<...>` clause to the function
1397 // name if necessary.
1398 let mut function_name = String::from_str(&token::get_name(name));
1399 let template_parameters = get_template_parameters(cx,
1400 generics,
1401 param_substs,
1402 file_metadata,
1403 &mut function_name);
1405 // There is no ast_map::Path for ast::ExprClosure-type functions. For now,
1406 // just don't put them into a namespace. In the future this could be improved
1407 // somehow (storing a path in the ast_map, or construct a path using the
1408 // enclosing function).
1409 let (linkage_name, containing_scope) = if has_path {
1410 let namespace_node = namespace_for_item(cx, ast_util::local_def(fn_ast_id));
1411 let linkage_name = namespace_node.mangled_name_of_contained_item(
1412 &function_name[..]);
1413 let containing_scope = namespace_node.scope;
1414 (linkage_name, containing_scope)
1415 } else {
1416 (function_name.clone(), file_metadata)
1417 };
1419 // Clang sets this parameter to the opening brace of the function's block,
1420 // so let's do this too.
1421 let scope_line = span_start(cx, top_level_block.span).line;
1423 let is_local_to_unit = is_node_local_to_unit(cx, fn_ast_id);
1425 let function_name = CString::new(function_name).unwrap();
1426 let linkage_name = CString::new(linkage_name).unwrap();
1427 let fn_metadata = unsafe {
1428 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateFunction(
1429 DIB(cx),
1430 containing_scope,
1431 function_name.as_ptr(),
1432 linkage_name.as_ptr(),
1433 file_metadata,
1434 loc.line as c_uint,
1435 function_type_metadata,
1436 is_local_to_unit,
1437 true,
1438 scope_line as c_uint,
1439 FlagPrototyped as c_uint,
1440 cx.sess().opts.optimize != config::No,
1441 llfn,
1442 template_parameters,
1443 ptr::null_mut())
1444 };
1446 let scope_map = create_scope_map(cx,
1447 &fn_decl.inputs,
1448 &*top_level_block,
1449 fn_metadata,
1450 fn_ast_id);
1452 // Initialize fn debug context (including scope map and namespace map)
1453 let fn_debug_context = box FunctionDebugContextData {
1454 scope_map: RefCell::new(scope_map),
1455 fn_metadata: fn_metadata,
1456 argument_counter: Cell::new(1),
1457 source_locations_enabled: Cell::new(false),
1458 source_location_override: Cell::new(false),
1459 };
1463 return FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(fn_debug_context);
1465 fn get_function_signature<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
1466 fn_ast_id: ast::NodeId,
1467 fn_decl: &ast::FnDecl,
1468 param_substs: &Substs<'tcx>,
1469 error_reporting_span: Span) -> DIArray {
1470 if cx.sess().opts.debuginfo == LimitedDebugInfo {
1471 return create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &[]);
1472 }
1474 let mut signature = Vec::with_capacity(fn_decl.inputs.len() + 1);
1476 // Return type -- llvm::DIBuilder wants this at index 0
1477 assert_type_for_node_id(cx, fn_ast_id, error_reporting_span);
1478 let return_type = ty::node_id_to_type(cx.tcx(), fn_ast_id);
1479 let return_type = monomorphize::apply_param_substs(cx.tcx(),
1480 param_substs,
1481 &return_type);
1482 if ty::type_is_nil(return_type) {
1483 signature.push(ptr::null_mut())
1484 } else {
1485 signature.push(type_metadata(cx, return_type, codemap::DUMMY_SP));
1486 }
1488 // Arguments types
1489 for arg in &fn_decl.inputs {
1490 assert_type_for_node_id(cx, arg.pat.id, arg.pat.span);
1491 let arg_type = ty::node_id_to_type(cx.tcx(), arg.pat.id);
1492 let arg_type = monomorphize::apply_param_substs(cx.tcx(),
1493 param_substs,
1494 &arg_type);
1495 signature.push(type_metadata(cx, arg_type, codemap::DUMMY_SP));
1496 }
1498 return create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &signature[..]);
1499 }
1501 fn get_template_parameters<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
1502 generics: &ast::Generics,
1503 param_substs: &Substs<'tcx>,
1504 file_metadata: DIFile,
1505 name_to_append_suffix_to: &mut String)
1506 -> DIArray
1507 {
1508 let self_type = param_substs.self_ty();
1509 let self_type = monomorphize::normalize_associated_type(cx.tcx(), &self_type);
1511 // Only true for static default methods:
1512 let has_self_type = self_type.is_some();
1514 if !generics.is_type_parameterized() && !has_self_type {
1515 return create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &[]);
1516 }
1518 name_to_append_suffix_to.push('<');
1520 // The list to be filled with template parameters:
1521 let mut template_params: Vec<DIDescriptor> =
1522 Vec::with_capacity(generics.ty_params.len() + 1);
1524 // Handle self type
1525 if has_self_type {
1526 let actual_self_type = self_type.unwrap();
1527 // Add self type name to <...> clause of function name
1528 let actual_self_type_name = compute_debuginfo_type_name(
1529 cx,
1530 actual_self_type,
1531 true);
1533 name_to_append_suffix_to.push_str(&actual_self_type_name[..]);
1535 if generics.is_type_parameterized() {
1536 name_to_append_suffix_to.push_str(",");
1537 }
1539 // Only create type information if full debuginfo is enabled
1540 if cx.sess().opts.debuginfo == FullDebugInfo {
1541 let actual_self_type_metadata = type_metadata(cx,
1542 actual_self_type,
1543 codemap::DUMMY_SP);
1545 let name = token::get_name(special_idents::type_self.name);
1547 let name = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).unwrap();
1548 let param_metadata = unsafe {
1549 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateTemplateTypeParameter(
1550 DIB(cx),
1551 file_metadata,
1552 name.as_ptr(),
1553 actual_self_type_metadata,
1554 ptr::null_mut(),
1555 0,
1556 0)
1557 };
1559 template_params.push(param_metadata);
1560 }
1561 }
1563 // Handle other generic parameters
1564 let actual_types = param_substs.types.get_slice(subst::FnSpace);
1565 for (index, &ast::TyParam{ ident, .. }) in generics.ty_params.iter().enumerate() {
1566 let actual_type = actual_types[index];
1567 // Add actual type name to <...> clause of function name
1568 let actual_type_name = compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx,
1569 actual_type,
1570 true);
1571 name_to_append_suffix_to.push_str(&actual_type_name[..]);
1573 if index != generics.ty_params.len() - 1 {
1574 name_to_append_suffix_to.push_str(",");
1575 }
1577 // Again, only create type information if full debuginfo is enabled
1578 if cx.sess().opts.debuginfo == FullDebugInfo {
1579 let actual_type_metadata = type_metadata(cx, actual_type, codemap::DUMMY_SP);
1580 let ident = token::get_ident(ident);
1581 let name = CString::new(ident.as_bytes()).unwrap();
1582 let param_metadata = unsafe {
1583 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateTemplateTypeParameter(
1584 DIB(cx),
1585 file_metadata,
1586 name.as_ptr(),
1587 actual_type_metadata,
1588 ptr::null_mut(),
1589 0,
1590 0)
1591 };
1592 template_params.push(param_metadata);
1593 }
1594 }
1596 name_to_append_suffix_to.push('>');
1598 return create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &template_params[..]);
1599 }
1600 }
1602 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1603 // Module-Internal debug info creation functions
1604 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1606 fn is_node_local_to_unit(cx: &CrateContext, node_id: ast::NodeId) -> bool
1607 {
1608 // The is_local_to_unit flag indicates whether a function is local to the
1609 // current compilation unit (i.e. if it is *static* in the C-sense). The
1610 // *reachable* set should provide a good approximation of this, as it
1611 // contains everything that might leak out of the current crate (by being
1612 // externally visible or by being inlined into something externally visible).
1613 // It might better to use the `exported_items` set from `driver::CrateAnalysis`
1614 // in the future, but (atm) this set is not available in the translation pass.
1615 !cx.reachable().contains(&node_id)
1616 }
1618 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
1619 fn create_DIArray(builder: DIBuilderRef, arr: &[DIDescriptor]) -> DIArray {
1620 return unsafe {
1621 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateArray(builder, arr.as_ptr(), arr.len() as u32)
1622 };
1623 }
1625 fn compile_unit_metadata(cx: &CrateContext) -> DIDescriptor {
1626 let work_dir = &cx.sess().working_dir;
1627 let compile_unit_name = match cx.sess().local_crate_source_file {
1628 None => fallback_path(cx),
1629 Some(ref abs_path) => {
1630 if abs_path.is_relative() {
1631 cx.sess().warn("debuginfo: Invalid path to crate's local root source file!");
1632 fallback_path(cx)
1633 } else {
1634 match abs_path.relative_from(work_dir) {
1635 Some(ref p) if p.is_relative() => {
1636 if p.starts_with(Path::new("./")) {
1637 path2cstr(p)
1638 } else {
1639 path2cstr(&Path::new(".").join(p))
1640 }
1641 }
1642 _ => fallback_path(cx)
1643 }
1644 }
1645 }
1646 };
1648 debug!("compile_unit_metadata: {:?}", compile_unit_name);
1649 let producer = format!("rustc version {}",
1650 (option_env!("CFG_VERSION")).expect("CFG_VERSION"));
1652 let compile_unit_name = compile_unit_name.as_ptr();
1653 let work_dir = path2cstr(&work_dir);
1654 let producer = CString::new(producer).unwrap();
1655 let flags = "\0";
1656 let split_name = "\0";
1657 return unsafe {
1658 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateCompileUnit(
1659 debug_context(cx).builder,
1661 compile_unit_name,
1662 work_dir.as_ptr(),
1663 producer.as_ptr(),
1664 cx.sess().opts.optimize != config::No,
1665 flags.as_ptr() as *const _,
1666 0,
1667 split_name.as_ptr() as *const _)
1668 };
1670 fn fallback_path(cx: &CrateContext) -> CString {
1671 CString::new(cx.link_meta().crate_name.clone()).unwrap()
1672 }
1673 }
1675 fn declare_local<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
1676 variable_name: ast::Name,
1677 variable_type: Ty<'tcx>,
1678 scope_metadata: DIScope,
1679 variable_access: VariableAccess,
1680 variable_kind: VariableKind,
1681 span: Span) {
1682 let cx: &CrateContext = bcx.ccx();
1684 let filename = span_start(cx, span).file.name.clone();
1685 let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx, &filename[..]);
1687 let name = token::get_name(variable_name);
1688 let loc = span_start(cx, span);
1689 let type_metadata = type_metadata(cx, variable_type, span);
1691 let (argument_index, dwarf_tag) = match variable_kind {
1692 ArgumentVariable(index) => (index as c_uint, DW_TAG_arg_variable),
1693 LocalVariable |
1694 CapturedVariable => (0, DW_TAG_auto_variable)
1695 };
1697 let name = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).unwrap();
1698 match (variable_access, &[][..]) {
1699 (DirectVariable { alloca }, address_operations) |
1700 (IndirectVariable {alloca, address_operations}, _) => {
1701 let metadata = unsafe {
1702 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateVariable(
1703 DIB(cx),
1704 dwarf_tag,
1705 scope_metadata,
1706 name.as_ptr(),
1707 file_metadata,
1708 loc.line as c_uint,
1709 type_metadata,
1710 cx.sess().opts.optimize != config::No,
1711 0,
1712 address_operations.as_ptr(),
1713 address_operations.len() as c_uint,
1714 argument_index)
1715 };
1716 set_debug_location(cx, InternalDebugLocation::new(scope_metadata,
1717 loc.line,
1718 loc.col.to_usize()));
1719 unsafe {
1720 let instr = llvm::LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareAtEnd(
1721 DIB(cx),
1722 alloca,
1723 metadata,
1724 address_operations.as_ptr(),
1725 address_operations.len() as c_uint,
1726 bcx.llbb);
1728 llvm::LLVMSetInstDebugLocation(trans::build::B(bcx).llbuilder, instr);
1729 }
1730 }
1731 }
1733 match variable_kind {
1734 ArgumentVariable(_) | CapturedVariable => {
1735 assert!(!bcx.fcx
1736 .debug_context
1737 .get_ref(cx, span)
1738 .source_locations_enabled
1739 .get());
1740 set_debug_location(cx, UnknownLocation);
1741 }
1742 _ => { /* nothing to do */ }
1743 }
1744 }
1746 fn file_metadata(cx: &CrateContext, full_path: &str) -> DIFile {
1747 match debug_context(cx).created_files.borrow().get(full_path) {
1748 Some(file_metadata) => return *file_metadata,
1749 None => ()
1750 }
1752 debug!("file_metadata: {}", full_path);
1754 // FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
1755 let work_dir = cx.sess().working_dir.to_str().unwrap();
1756 let file_name =
1757 if full_path.starts_with(work_dir) {
1758 &full_path[work_dir.len() + 1..full_path.len()]
1759 } else {
1760 full_path
1761 };
1763 let file_name = CString::new(file_name).unwrap();
1764 let work_dir = CString::new(work_dir).unwrap();
1765 let file_metadata = unsafe {
1766 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateFile(DIB(cx), file_name.as_ptr(),
1767 work_dir.as_ptr())
1768 };
1770 let mut created_files = debug_context(cx).created_files.borrow_mut();
1771 created_files.insert(full_path.to_string(), file_metadata);
1772 return file_metadata;
1773 }
1775 /// Finds the scope metadata node for the given AST node.
1776 fn scope_metadata(fcx: &FunctionContext,
1777 node_id: ast::NodeId,
1778 error_reporting_span: Span)
1779 -> DIScope {
1780 let scope_map = &fcx.debug_context
1781 .get_ref(fcx.ccx, error_reporting_span)
1782 .scope_map;
1783 match scope_map.borrow().get(&node_id).cloned() {
1784 Some(scope_metadata) => scope_metadata,
1785 None => {
1786 let node = fcx.ccx.tcx().map.get(node_id);
1788 fcx.ccx.sess().span_bug(error_reporting_span,
1789 &format!("debuginfo: Could not find scope info for node {:?}",
1790 node));
1791 }
1792 }
1793 }
1795 fn diverging_type_metadata(cx: &CrateContext) -> DIType {
1796 unsafe {
1797 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateBasicType(
1798 DIB(cx),
1799 "!\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
1800 bytes_to_bits(0),
1801 bytes_to_bits(0),
1802 DW_ATE_unsigned)
1803 }
1804 }
1806 fn basic_type_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
1807 t: Ty<'tcx>) -> DIType {
1809 debug!("basic_type_metadata: {:?}", t);
1811 let (name, encoding) = match t.sty {
1812 ty::ty_tup(ref elements) if elements.is_empty() =>
1813 ("()".to_string(), DW_ATE_unsigned),
1814 ty::ty_bool => ("bool".to_string(), DW_ATE_boolean),
1815 ty::ty_char => ("char".to_string(), DW_ATE_unsigned_char),
1816 ty::ty_int(int_ty) => match int_ty {
1817 ast::TyIs => ("isize".to_string(), DW_ATE_signed),
1818 ast::TyI8 => ("i8".to_string(), DW_ATE_signed),
1819 ast::TyI16 => ("i16".to_string(), DW_ATE_signed),
1820 ast::TyI32 => ("i32".to_string(), DW_ATE_signed),
1821 ast::TyI64 => ("i64".to_string(), DW_ATE_signed)
1822 },
1823 ty::ty_uint(uint_ty) => match uint_ty {
1824 ast::TyUs => ("usize".to_string(), DW_ATE_unsigned),
1825 ast::TyU8 => ("u8".to_string(), DW_ATE_unsigned),
1826 ast::TyU16 => ("u16".to_string(), DW_ATE_unsigned),
1827 ast::TyU32 => ("u32".to_string(), DW_ATE_unsigned),
1828 ast::TyU64 => ("u64".to_string(), DW_ATE_unsigned)
1829 },
1830 ty::ty_float(float_ty) => match float_ty {
1831 ast::TyF32 => ("f32".to_string(), DW_ATE_float),
1832 ast::TyF64 => ("f64".to_string(), DW_ATE_float),
1833 },
1834 _ => cx.sess().bug("debuginfo::basic_type_metadata - t is invalid type")
1835 };
1837 let llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, t);
1838 let (size, align) = size_and_align_of(cx, llvm_type);
1839 let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
1840 let ty_metadata = unsafe {
1841 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateBasicType(
1842 DIB(cx),
1843 name.as_ptr(),
1844 bytes_to_bits(size),
1845 bytes_to_bits(align),
1846 encoding)
1847 };
1849 return ty_metadata;
1850 }
1852 fn pointer_type_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
1853 pointer_type: Ty<'tcx>,
1854 pointee_type_metadata: DIType)
1855 -> DIType {
1856 let pointer_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, pointer_type);
1857 let (pointer_size, pointer_align) = size_and_align_of(cx, pointer_llvm_type);
1858 let name = compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx, pointer_type, false);
1859 let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
1860 let ptr_metadata = unsafe {
1861 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreatePointerType(
1862 DIB(cx),
1863 pointee_type_metadata,
1864 bytes_to_bits(pointer_size),
1865 bytes_to_bits(pointer_align),
1866 name.as_ptr())
1867 };
1868 return ptr_metadata;
1869 }
1871 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1872 // Common facilities for record-like types (structs, enums, tuples)
1873 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1875 enum MemberOffset {
1876 FixedMemberOffset { bytes: usize },
1877 // For ComputedMemberOffset, the offset is read from the llvm type definition
1878 ComputedMemberOffset
1879 }
1881 // Description of a type member, which can either be a regular field (as in
1882 // structs or tuples) or an enum variant
1883 struct MemberDescription {
1884 name: String,
1885 llvm_type: Type,
1886 type_metadata: DIType,
1887 offset: MemberOffset,
1888 flags: c_uint
1889 }
1891 // A factory for MemberDescriptions. It produces a list of member descriptions
1892 // for some record-like type. MemberDescriptionFactories are used to defer the
1893 // creation of type member descriptions in order to break cycles arising from
1894 // recursive type definitions.
1895 enum MemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
1896 StructMDF(StructMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx>),
1897 TupleMDF(TupleMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx>),
1898 EnumMDF(EnumMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx>),
1899 VariantMDF(VariantMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx>)
1900 }
1902 impl<'tcx> MemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
1903 fn create_member_descriptions<'a>(&self, cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>)
1904 -> Vec<MemberDescription> {
1905 match *self {
1906 StructMDF(ref this) => {
1907 this.create_member_descriptions(cx)
1908 }
1909 TupleMDF(ref this) => {
1910 this.create_member_descriptions(cx)
1911 }
1912 EnumMDF(ref this) => {
1913 this.create_member_descriptions(cx)
1914 }
1915 VariantMDF(ref this) => {
1916 this.create_member_descriptions(cx)
1917 }
1918 }
1919 }
1920 }
1922 // A description of some recursive type. It can either be already finished (as
1923 // with FinalMetadata) or it is not yet finished, but contains all information
1924 // needed to generate the missing parts of the description. See the documentation
1925 // section on Recursive Types at the top of this file for more information.
1926 enum RecursiveTypeDescription<'tcx> {
1927 UnfinishedMetadata {
1928 unfinished_type: Ty<'tcx>,
1929 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
1930 metadata_stub: DICompositeType,
1931 llvm_type: Type,
1932 member_description_factory: MemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx>,
1933 },
1934 FinalMetadata(DICompositeType)
1935 }
1937 fn create_and_register_recursive_type_forward_declaration<'a, 'tcx>(
1938 cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
1939 unfinished_type: Ty<'tcx>,
1940 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
1941 metadata_stub: DICompositeType,
1942 llvm_type: Type,
1943 member_description_factory: MemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx>)
1944 -> RecursiveTypeDescription<'tcx> {
1946 // Insert the stub into the TypeMap in order to allow for recursive references
1947 let mut type_map = debug_context(cx).type_map.borrow_mut();
1948 type_map.register_unique_id_with_metadata(cx, unique_type_id, metadata_stub);
1949 type_map.register_type_with_metadata(cx, unfinished_type, metadata_stub);
1951 UnfinishedMetadata {
1952 unfinished_type: unfinished_type,
1953 unique_type_id: unique_type_id,
1954 metadata_stub: metadata_stub,
1955 llvm_type: llvm_type,
1956 member_description_factory: member_description_factory,
1957 }
1958 }
1960 impl<'tcx> RecursiveTypeDescription<'tcx> {
1961 // Finishes up the description of the type in question (mostly by providing
1962 // descriptions of the fields of the given type) and returns the final type metadata.
1963 fn finalize<'a>(&self, cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>) -> MetadataCreationResult {
1964 match *self {
1965 FinalMetadata(metadata) => MetadataCreationResult::new(metadata, false),
1966 UnfinishedMetadata {
1967 unfinished_type,
1968 unique_type_id,
1969 metadata_stub,
1970 llvm_type,
1971 ref member_description_factory,
1972 ..
1973 } => {
1974 // Make sure that we have a forward declaration of the type in
1975 // the TypeMap so that recursive references are possible. This
1976 // will always be the case if the RecursiveTypeDescription has
1977 // been properly created through the
1978 // create_and_register_recursive_type_forward_declaration() function.
1979 {
1980 let type_map = debug_context(cx).type_map.borrow();
1981 if type_map.find_metadata_for_unique_id(unique_type_id).is_none() ||
1982 type_map.find_metadata_for_type(unfinished_type).is_none() {
1983 cx.sess().bug(&format!("Forward declaration of potentially recursive type \
1984 '{}' was not found in TypeMap!",
1985 ppaux::ty_to_string(cx.tcx(), unfinished_type))
1986 );
1987 }
1988 }
1990 // ... then create the member descriptions ...
1991 let member_descriptions =
1992 member_description_factory.create_member_descriptions(cx);
1994 // ... and attach them to the stub to complete it.
1995 set_members_of_composite_type(cx,
1996 metadata_stub,
1997 llvm_type,
1998 &member_descriptions[..]);
1999 return MetadataCreationResult::new(metadata_stub, true);
2000 }
2001 }
2002 }
2003 }
2006 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2007 // Structs
2008 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010 // Creates MemberDescriptions for the fields of a struct
2011 struct StructMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2012 fields: Vec<ty::field<'tcx>>,
2013 is_simd: bool,
2014 span: Span,
2015 }
2017 impl<'tcx> StructMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2018 fn create_member_descriptions<'a>(&self, cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>)
2019 -> Vec<MemberDescription> {
2020 if self.fields.is_empty() {
2021 return Vec::new();
2022 }
2024 let field_size = if self.is_simd {
2025 machine::llsize_of_alloc(cx, type_of::type_of(cx, self.fields[0].mt.ty)) as usize
2026 } else {
2027 0xdeadbeef
2028 };
2030 self.fields.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, field)| {
2031 let name = if field.name == special_idents::unnamed_field.name {
2032 format!("__{}", i)
2033 } else {
2034 token::get_name(field.name).to_string()
2035 };
2037 let offset = if self.is_simd {
2038 assert!(field_size != 0xdeadbeef);
2039 FixedMemberOffset { bytes: i * field_size }
2040 } else {
2041 ComputedMemberOffset
2042 };
2044 MemberDescription {
2045 name: name,
2046 llvm_type: type_of::type_of(cx, field.mt.ty),
2047 type_metadata: type_metadata(cx, field.mt.ty, self.span),
2048 offset: offset,
2049 flags: FLAGS_NONE,
2050 }
2051 }).collect()
2052 }
2053 }
2056 fn prepare_struct_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2057 struct_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2058 def_id: ast::DefId,
2059 substs: &subst::Substs<'tcx>,
2060 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
2061 span: Span)
2062 -> RecursiveTypeDescription<'tcx> {
2063 let struct_name = compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx, struct_type, false);
2064 let struct_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, struct_type);
2066 let (containing_scope, _) = get_namespace_and_span_for_item(cx, def_id);
2068 let struct_metadata_stub = create_struct_stub(cx,
2069 struct_llvm_type,
2070 &struct_name[..],
2071 unique_type_id,
2072 containing_scope);
2074 let mut fields = ty::struct_fields(cx.tcx(), def_id, substs);
2076 // The `Ty` values returned by `ty::struct_fields` can still contain
2077 // `ty_projection` variants, so normalize those away.
2078 for field in &mut fields {
2079 field.mt.ty = monomorphize::normalize_associated_type(cx.tcx(), &field.mt.ty);
2080 }
2082 create_and_register_recursive_type_forward_declaration(
2083 cx,
2084 struct_type,
2085 unique_type_id,
2086 struct_metadata_stub,
2087 struct_llvm_type,
2088 StructMDF(StructMemberDescriptionFactory {
2089 fields: fields,
2090 is_simd: ty::type_is_simd(cx.tcx(), struct_type),
2091 span: span,
2092 })
2093 )
2094 }
2097 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2098 // Tuples
2099 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2101 // Creates MemberDescriptions for the fields of a tuple
2102 struct TupleMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2103 component_types: Vec<Ty<'tcx>>,
2104 span: Span,
2105 }
2107 impl<'tcx> TupleMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2108 fn create_member_descriptions<'a>(&self, cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>)
2109 -> Vec<MemberDescription> {
2110 self.component_types
2111 .iter()
2112 .enumerate()
2113 .map(|(i, &component_type)| {
2114 MemberDescription {
2115 name: format!("__{}", i),
2116 llvm_type: type_of::type_of(cx, component_type),
2117 type_metadata: type_metadata(cx, component_type, self.span),
2118 offset: ComputedMemberOffset,
2119 flags: FLAGS_NONE,
2120 }
2121 }).collect()
2122 }
2123 }
2125 fn prepare_tuple_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2126 tuple_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2127 component_types: &[Ty<'tcx>],
2128 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
2129 span: Span)
2130 -> RecursiveTypeDescription<'tcx> {
2131 let tuple_name = compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx, tuple_type, false);
2132 let tuple_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, tuple_type);
2134 create_and_register_recursive_type_forward_declaration(
2135 cx,
2136 tuple_type,
2137 unique_type_id,
2138 create_struct_stub(cx,
2139 tuple_llvm_type,
2140 &tuple_name[..],
2141 unique_type_id,
2143 tuple_llvm_type,
2144 TupleMDF(TupleMemberDescriptionFactory {
2145 component_types: component_types.to_vec(),
2146 span: span,
2147 })
2148 )
2149 }
2152 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2153 // Enums
2154 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2156 // Describes the members of an enum value: An enum is described as a union of
2157 // structs in DWARF. This MemberDescriptionFactory provides the description for
2158 // the members of this union; so for every variant of the given enum, this factory
2159 // will produce one MemberDescription (all with no name and a fixed offset of
2160 // zero bytes).
2161 struct EnumMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2162 enum_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2163 type_rep: Rc<adt::Repr<'tcx>>,
2164 variants: Rc<Vec<Rc<ty::VariantInfo<'tcx>>>>,
2165 discriminant_type_metadata: Option<DIType>,
2166 containing_scope: DIScope,
2167 file_metadata: DIFile,
2168 span: Span,
2169 }
2171 impl<'tcx> EnumMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2172 fn create_member_descriptions<'a>(&self, cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>)
2173 -> Vec<MemberDescription> {
2174 match *self.type_rep {
2175 adt::General(_, ref struct_defs, _) => {
2176 let discriminant_info = RegularDiscriminant(self.discriminant_type_metadata
2177 .expect(""));
2179 struct_defs
2180 .iter()
2181 .enumerate()
2182 .map(|(i, struct_def)| {
2183 let (variant_type_metadata,
2184 variant_llvm_type,
2185 member_desc_factory) =
2186 describe_enum_variant(cx,
2187 self.enum_type,
2188 struct_def,
2189 &*(*self.variants)[i],
2190 discriminant_info,
2191 self.containing_scope,
2192 self.span);
2194 let member_descriptions = member_desc_factory
2195 .create_member_descriptions(cx);
2197 set_members_of_composite_type(cx,
2198 variant_type_metadata,
2199 variant_llvm_type,
2200 &member_descriptions[..]);
2201 MemberDescription {
2202 name: "".to_string(),
2203 llvm_type: variant_llvm_type,
2204 type_metadata: variant_type_metadata,
2205 offset: FixedMemberOffset { bytes: 0 },
2206 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2207 }
2208 }).collect()
2209 },
2210 adt::Univariant(ref struct_def, _) => {
2211 assert!(self.variants.len() <= 1);
2213 if self.variants.is_empty() {
2214 vec![]
2215 } else {
2216 let (variant_type_metadata,
2217 variant_llvm_type,
2218 member_description_factory) =
2219 describe_enum_variant(cx,
2220 self.enum_type,
2221 struct_def,
2222 &*(*self.variants)[0],
2223 NoDiscriminant,
2224 self.containing_scope,
2225 self.span);
2227 let member_descriptions =
2228 member_description_factory.create_member_descriptions(cx);
2230 set_members_of_composite_type(cx,
2231 variant_type_metadata,
2232 variant_llvm_type,
2233 &member_descriptions[..]);
2234 vec![
2235 MemberDescription {
2236 name: "".to_string(),
2237 llvm_type: variant_llvm_type,
2238 type_metadata: variant_type_metadata,
2239 offset: FixedMemberOffset { bytes: 0 },
2240 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2241 }
2242 ]
2243 }
2244 }
2245 adt::RawNullablePointer { nndiscr: non_null_variant_index, nnty, .. } => {
2246 // As far as debuginfo is concerned, the pointer this enum
2247 // represents is still wrapped in a struct. This is to make the
2248 // DWARF representation of enums uniform.
2250 // First create a description of the artificial wrapper struct:
2251 let non_null_variant = &(*self.variants)[non_null_variant_index as usize];
2252 let non_null_variant_name = token::get_name(non_null_variant.name);
2254 // The llvm type and metadata of the pointer
2255 let non_null_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, nnty);
2256 let non_null_type_metadata = type_metadata(cx, nnty, self.span);
2258 // The type of the artificial struct wrapping the pointer
2259 let artificial_struct_llvm_type = Type::struct_(cx,
2260 &[non_null_llvm_type],
2261 false);
2263 // For the metadata of the wrapper struct, we need to create a
2264 // MemberDescription of the struct's single field.
2265 let sole_struct_member_description = MemberDescription {
2266 name: match non_null_variant.arg_names {
2267 Some(ref names) => token::get_name(names[0]).to_string(),
2268 None => "__0".to_string()
2269 },
2270 llvm_type: non_null_llvm_type,
2271 type_metadata: non_null_type_metadata,
2272 offset: FixedMemberOffset { bytes: 0 },
2273 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2274 };
2276 let unique_type_id = debug_context(cx).type_map
2277 .borrow_mut()
2278 .get_unique_type_id_of_enum_variant(
2279 cx,
2280 self.enum_type,
2281 &non_null_variant_name);
2283 // Now we can create the metadata of the artificial struct
2284 let artificial_struct_metadata =
2285 composite_type_metadata(cx,
2286 artificial_struct_llvm_type,
2287 &non_null_variant_name,
2288 unique_type_id,
2289 &[sole_struct_member_description],
2290 self.containing_scope,
2291 self.file_metadata,
2292 codemap::DUMMY_SP);
2294 // Encode the information about the null variant in the union
2295 // member's name.
2296 let null_variant_index = (1 - non_null_variant_index) as usize;
2297 let null_variant_name = token::get_name((*self.variants)[null_variant_index].name);
2298 let union_member_name = format!("RUST$ENCODED$ENUM${}${}",
2299 0,
2300 null_variant_name);
2302 // Finally create the (singleton) list of descriptions of union
2303 // members.
2304 vec![
2305 MemberDescription {
2306 name: union_member_name,
2307 llvm_type: artificial_struct_llvm_type,
2308 type_metadata: artificial_struct_metadata,
2309 offset: FixedMemberOffset { bytes: 0 },
2310 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2311 }
2312 ]
2313 },
2314 adt::StructWrappedNullablePointer { nonnull: ref struct_def,
2315 nndiscr,
2316 ref discrfield, ..} => {
2317 // Create a description of the non-null variant
2318 let (variant_type_metadata, variant_llvm_type, member_description_factory) =
2319 describe_enum_variant(cx,
2320 self.enum_type,
2321 struct_def,
2322 &*(*self.variants)[nndiscr as usize],
2323 OptimizedDiscriminant,
2324 self.containing_scope,
2325 self.span);
2327 let variant_member_descriptions =
2328 member_description_factory.create_member_descriptions(cx);
2330 set_members_of_composite_type(cx,
2331 variant_type_metadata,
2332 variant_llvm_type,
2333 &variant_member_descriptions[..]);
2335 // Encode the information about the null variant in the union
2336 // member's name.
2337 let null_variant_index = (1 - nndiscr) as usize;
2338 let null_variant_name = token::get_name((*self.variants)[null_variant_index].name);
2339 let discrfield = discrfield.iter()
2340 .skip(1)
2341 .map(|x| x.to_string())
2342 .collect::<Vec<_>>().connect("$");
2343 let union_member_name = format!("RUST$ENCODED$ENUM${}${}",
2344 discrfield,
2345 null_variant_name);
2347 // Create the (singleton) list of descriptions of union members.
2348 vec![
2349 MemberDescription {
2350 name: union_member_name,
2351 llvm_type: variant_llvm_type,
2352 type_metadata: variant_type_metadata,
2353 offset: FixedMemberOffset { bytes: 0 },
2354 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2355 }
2356 ]
2357 },
2358 adt::CEnum(..) => cx.sess().span_bug(self.span, "This should be unreachable.")
2359 }
2360 }
2361 }
2363 // Creates MemberDescriptions for the fields of a single enum variant.
2364 struct VariantMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2365 args: Vec<(String, Ty<'tcx>)>,
2366 discriminant_type_metadata: Option<DIType>,
2367 span: Span,
2368 }
2370 impl<'tcx> VariantMemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx> {
2371 fn create_member_descriptions<'a>(&self, cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>)
2372 -> Vec<MemberDescription> {
2373 self.args.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, &(ref name, ty))| {
2374 MemberDescription {
2375 name: name.to_string(),
2376 llvm_type: type_of::type_of(cx, ty),
2377 type_metadata: match self.discriminant_type_metadata {
2378 Some(metadata) if i == 0 => metadata,
2379 _ => type_metadata(cx, ty, self.span)
2380 },
2381 offset: ComputedMemberOffset,
2382 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2383 }
2384 }).collect()
2385 }
2386 }
2388 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
2389 enum EnumDiscriminantInfo {
2390 RegularDiscriminant(DIType),
2391 OptimizedDiscriminant,
2392 NoDiscriminant
2393 }
2395 // Returns a tuple of (1) type_metadata_stub of the variant, (2) the llvm_type
2396 // of the variant, and (3) a MemberDescriptionFactory for producing the
2397 // descriptions of the fields of the variant. This is a rudimentary version of a
2398 // full RecursiveTypeDescription.
2399 fn describe_enum_variant<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2400 enum_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2401 struct_def: &adt::Struct<'tcx>,
2402 variant_info: &ty::VariantInfo<'tcx>,
2403 discriminant_info: EnumDiscriminantInfo,
2404 containing_scope: DIScope,
2405 span: Span)
2406 -> (DICompositeType, Type, MemberDescriptionFactory<'tcx>) {
2407 let variant_llvm_type =
2408 Type::struct_(cx, &struct_def.fields
2409 .iter()
2410 .map(|&t| type_of::type_of(cx, t))
2411 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
2412 ,
2413 struct_def.packed);
2414 // Could do some consistency checks here: size, align, field count, discr type
2416 let variant_name = token::get_name(variant_info.name);
2417 let variant_name = &variant_name;
2418 let unique_type_id = debug_context(cx).type_map
2419 .borrow_mut()
2420 .get_unique_type_id_of_enum_variant(
2421 cx,
2422 enum_type,
2423 variant_name);
2425 let metadata_stub = create_struct_stub(cx,
2426 variant_llvm_type,
2427 variant_name,
2428 unique_type_id,
2429 containing_scope);
2431 // Get the argument names from the enum variant info
2432 let mut arg_names: Vec<_> = match variant_info.arg_names {
2433 Some(ref names) => {
2434 names.iter()
2435 .map(|&name| token::get_name(name).to_string())
2436 .collect()
2437 }
2438 None => {
2439 variant_info.args
2440 .iter()
2441 .enumerate()
2442 .map(|(i, _)| format!("__{}", i))
2443 .collect()
2444 }
2445 };
2447 // If this is not a univariant enum, there is also the discriminant field.
2448 match discriminant_info {
2449 RegularDiscriminant(_) => arg_names.insert(0, "RUST$ENUM$DISR".to_string()),
2450 _ => { /* do nothing */ }
2451 };
2453 // Build an array of (field name, field type) pairs to be captured in the factory closure.
2454 let args: Vec<(String, Ty)> = arg_names.iter()
2455 .zip(struct_def.fields.iter())
2456 .map(|(s, &t)| (s.to_string(), t))
2457 .collect();
2459 let member_description_factory =
2460 VariantMDF(VariantMemberDescriptionFactory {
2461 args: args,
2462 discriminant_type_metadata: match discriminant_info {
2463 RegularDiscriminant(discriminant_type_metadata) => {
2464 Some(discriminant_type_metadata)
2465 }
2466 _ => None
2467 },
2468 span: span,
2469 });
2471 (metadata_stub, variant_llvm_type, member_description_factory)
2472 }
2474 fn prepare_enum_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2475 enum_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2476 enum_def_id: ast::DefId,
2477 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
2478 span: Span)
2479 -> RecursiveTypeDescription<'tcx> {
2480 let enum_name = compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx, enum_type, false);
2482 let (containing_scope, definition_span) = get_namespace_and_span_for_item(cx, enum_def_id);
2483 let loc = span_start(cx, definition_span);
2484 let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx, &loc.file.name);
2486 let variants = ty::enum_variants(cx.tcx(), enum_def_id);
2488 let enumerators_metadata: Vec<DIDescriptor> = variants
2489 .iter()
2490 .map(|v| {
2491 let token = token::get_name(v.name);
2492 let name = CString::new(token.as_bytes()).unwrap();
2493 unsafe {
2494 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateEnumerator(
2495 DIB(cx),
2496 name.as_ptr(),
2497 v.disr_val as u64)
2498 }
2499 })
2500 .collect();
2502 let discriminant_type_metadata = |inttype| {
2503 // We can reuse the type of the discriminant for all monomorphized
2504 // instances of an enum because it doesn't depend on any type parameters.
2505 // The def_id, uniquely identifying the enum's polytype acts as key in
2506 // this cache.
2507 let cached_discriminant_type_metadata = debug_context(cx).created_enum_disr_types
2508 .borrow()
2509 .get(&enum_def_id).cloned();
2510 match cached_discriminant_type_metadata {
2511 Some(discriminant_type_metadata) => discriminant_type_metadata,
2512 None => {
2513 let discriminant_llvm_type = adt::ll_inttype(cx, inttype);
2514 let (discriminant_size, discriminant_align) =
2515 size_and_align_of(cx, discriminant_llvm_type);
2516 let discriminant_base_type_metadata =
2517 type_metadata(cx,
2518 adt::ty_of_inttype(cx.tcx(), inttype),
2519 codemap::DUMMY_SP);
2520 let discriminant_name = get_enum_discriminant_name(cx, enum_def_id);
2522 let name = CString::new(discriminant_name.as_bytes()).unwrap();
2523 let discriminant_type_metadata = unsafe {
2524 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateEnumerationType(
2525 DIB(cx),
2526 containing_scope,
2527 name.as_ptr(),
2530 bytes_to_bits(discriminant_size),
2531 bytes_to_bits(discriminant_align),
2532 create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &enumerators_metadata),
2533 discriminant_base_type_metadata)
2534 };
2536 debug_context(cx).created_enum_disr_types
2537 .borrow_mut()
2538 .insert(enum_def_id, discriminant_type_metadata);
2540 discriminant_type_metadata
2541 }
2542 }
2543 };
2545 let type_rep = adt::represent_type(cx, enum_type);
2547 let discriminant_type_metadata = match *type_rep {
2548 adt::CEnum(inttype, _, _) => {
2549 return FinalMetadata(discriminant_type_metadata(inttype))
2550 },
2551 adt::RawNullablePointer { .. } |
2552 adt::StructWrappedNullablePointer { .. } |
2553 adt::Univariant(..) => None,
2554 adt::General(inttype, _, _) => Some(discriminant_type_metadata(inttype)),
2555 };
2557 let enum_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, enum_type);
2558 let (enum_type_size, enum_type_align) = size_and_align_of(cx, enum_llvm_type);
2560 let unique_type_id_str = debug_context(cx)
2561 .type_map
2562 .borrow()
2563 .get_unique_type_id_as_string(unique_type_id);
2565 let enum_name = CString::new(enum_name).unwrap();
2566 let unique_type_id_str = CString::new(unique_type_id_str.as_bytes()).unwrap();
2567 let enum_metadata = unsafe {
2568 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateUnionType(
2569 DIB(cx),
2570 containing_scope,
2571 enum_name.as_ptr(),
2574 bytes_to_bits(enum_type_size),
2575 bytes_to_bits(enum_type_align),
2576 0, // Flags
2577 ptr::null_mut(),
2578 0, // RuntimeLang
2579 unique_type_id_str.as_ptr())
2580 };
2582 return create_and_register_recursive_type_forward_declaration(
2583 cx,
2584 enum_type,
2585 unique_type_id,
2586 enum_metadata,
2587 enum_llvm_type,
2588 EnumMDF(EnumMemberDescriptionFactory {
2589 enum_type: enum_type,
2590 type_rep: type_rep.clone(),
2591 variants: variants,
2592 discriminant_type_metadata: discriminant_type_metadata,
2593 containing_scope: containing_scope,
2594 file_metadata: file_metadata,
2595 span: span,
2596 }),
2597 );
2599 fn get_enum_discriminant_name(cx: &CrateContext,
2600 def_id: ast::DefId)
2601 -> token::InternedString {
2602 let name = if def_id.krate == ast::LOCAL_CRATE {
2603 cx.tcx().map.get_path_elem(def_id.node).name()
2604 } else {
2605 csearch::get_item_path(cx.tcx(), def_id).last().unwrap().name()
2606 };
2608 token::get_name(name)
2609 }
2610 }
2612 /// Creates debug information for a composite type, that is, anything that
2613 /// results in a LLVM struct.
2614 ///
2615 /// Examples of Rust types to use this are: structs, tuples, boxes, vecs, and enums.
2616 fn composite_type_metadata(cx: &CrateContext,
2617 composite_llvm_type: Type,
2618 composite_type_name: &str,
2619 composite_type_unique_id: UniqueTypeId,
2620 member_descriptions: &[MemberDescription],
2621 containing_scope: DIScope,
2623 // Ignore source location information as long as it
2624 // can't be reconstructed for non-local crates.
2625 _file_metadata: DIFile,
2626 _definition_span: Span)
2627 -> DICompositeType {
2628 // Create the (empty) struct metadata node ...
2629 let composite_type_metadata = create_struct_stub(cx,
2630 composite_llvm_type,
2631 composite_type_name,
2632 composite_type_unique_id,
2633 containing_scope);
2634 // ... and immediately create and add the member descriptions.
2635 set_members_of_composite_type(cx,
2636 composite_type_metadata,
2637 composite_llvm_type,
2638 member_descriptions);
2640 return composite_type_metadata;
2641 }
2643 fn set_members_of_composite_type(cx: &CrateContext,
2644 composite_type_metadata: DICompositeType,
2645 composite_llvm_type: Type,
2646 member_descriptions: &[MemberDescription]) {
2647 // In some rare cases LLVM metadata uniquing would lead to an existing type
2648 // description being used instead of a new one created in create_struct_stub.
2649 // This would cause a hard to trace assertion in DICompositeType::SetTypeArray().
2650 // The following check makes sure that we get a better error message if this
2651 // should happen again due to some regression.
2652 {
2653 let mut composite_types_completed =
2654 debug_context(cx).composite_types_completed.borrow_mut();
2655 if composite_types_completed.contains(&composite_type_metadata) {
2656 let (llvm_version_major, llvm_version_minor) = unsafe {
2657 (llvm::LLVMVersionMajor(), llvm::LLVMVersionMinor())
2658 };
2660 let actual_llvm_version = llvm_version_major * 1000000 + llvm_version_minor * 1000;
2661 let min_supported_llvm_version = 3 * 1000000 + 4 * 1000;
2663 if actual_llvm_version < min_supported_llvm_version {
2664 cx.sess().warn(&format!("This version of rustc was built with LLVM \
2665 {}.{}. Rustc just ran into a known \
2666 debuginfo corruption problem thatoften \
2667 occurs with LLVM versions below 3.4. \
2668 Please use a rustc built with anewer \
2669 version of LLVM.",
2670 llvm_version_major,
2671 llvm_version_minor));
2672 } else {
2673 cx.sess().bug("debuginfo::set_members_of_composite_type() - \
2674 Already completed forward declaration re-encountered.");
2675 }
2676 } else {
2677 composite_types_completed.insert(composite_type_metadata);
2678 }
2679 }
2681 let member_metadata: Vec<DIDescriptor> = member_descriptions
2682 .iter()
2683 .enumerate()
2684 .map(|(i, member_description)| {
2685 let (member_size, member_align) = size_and_align_of(cx, member_description.llvm_type);
2686 let member_offset = match member_description.offset {
2687 FixedMemberOffset { bytes } => bytes as u64,
2688 ComputedMemberOffset => machine::llelement_offset(cx, composite_llvm_type, i)
2689 };
2691 let member_name = member_description.name.as_bytes();
2692 let member_name = CString::new(member_name).unwrap();
2693 unsafe {
2694 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateMemberType(
2695 DIB(cx),
2696 composite_type_metadata,
2697 member_name.as_ptr(),
2700 bytes_to_bits(member_size),
2701 bytes_to_bits(member_align),
2702 bytes_to_bits(member_offset),
2703 member_description.flags,
2704 member_description.type_metadata)
2705 }
2706 })
2707 .collect();
2709 unsafe {
2710 let type_array = create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &member_metadata[..]);
2711 llvm::LLVMDICompositeTypeSetTypeArray(DIB(cx), composite_type_metadata, type_array);
2712 }
2713 }
2715 // A convenience wrapper around LLVMDIBuilderCreateStructType(). Does not do any
2716 // caching, does not add any fields to the struct. This can be done later with
2717 // set_members_of_composite_type().
2718 fn create_struct_stub(cx: &CrateContext,
2719 struct_llvm_type: Type,
2720 struct_type_name: &str,
2721 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
2722 containing_scope: DIScope)
2723 -> DICompositeType {
2724 let (struct_size, struct_align) = size_and_align_of(cx, struct_llvm_type);
2726 let unique_type_id_str = debug_context(cx).type_map
2727 .borrow()
2728 .get_unique_type_id_as_string(unique_type_id);
2729 let name = CString::new(struct_type_name).unwrap();
2730 let unique_type_id = CString::new(unique_type_id_str.as_bytes()).unwrap();
2731 let metadata_stub = unsafe {
2732 // LLVMDIBuilderCreateStructType() wants an empty array. A null
2733 // pointer will lead to hard to trace and debug LLVM assertions
2734 // later on in llvm/lib/IR/Value.cpp.
2735 let empty_array = create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &[]);
2737 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateStructType(
2738 DIB(cx),
2739 containing_scope,
2740 name.as_ptr(),
2743 bytes_to_bits(struct_size),
2744 bytes_to_bits(struct_align),
2745 0,
2746 ptr::null_mut(),
2747 empty_array,
2748 0,
2749 ptr::null_mut(),
2750 unique_type_id.as_ptr())
2751 };
2753 return metadata_stub;
2754 }
2756 fn fixed_vec_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2757 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
2758 element_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2759 len: Option<u64>,
2760 span: Span)
2761 -> MetadataCreationResult {
2762 let element_type_metadata = type_metadata(cx, element_type, span);
2764 return_if_metadata_created_in_meantime!(cx, unique_type_id);
2766 let element_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, element_type);
2767 let (element_type_size, element_type_align) = size_and_align_of(cx, element_llvm_type);
2769 let (array_size_in_bytes, upper_bound) = match len {
2770 Some(len) => (element_type_size * len, len as c_longlong),
2771 None => (0, -1)
2772 };
2774 let subrange = unsafe {
2775 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateSubrange(DIB(cx), 0, upper_bound)
2776 };
2778 let subscripts = create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &[subrange]);
2779 let metadata = unsafe {
2780 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateArrayType(
2781 DIB(cx),
2782 bytes_to_bits(array_size_in_bytes),
2783 bytes_to_bits(element_type_align),
2784 element_type_metadata,
2785 subscripts)
2786 };
2788 return MetadataCreationResult::new(metadata, false);
2789 }
2791 fn vec_slice_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2792 vec_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2793 element_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2794 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
2795 span: Span)
2796 -> MetadataCreationResult {
2797 let data_ptr_type = ty::mk_ptr(cx.tcx(), ty::mt {
2798 ty: element_type,
2799 mutbl: ast::MutImmutable
2800 });
2802 let element_type_metadata = type_metadata(cx, data_ptr_type, span);
2804 return_if_metadata_created_in_meantime!(cx, unique_type_id);
2806 let slice_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, vec_type);
2807 let slice_type_name = compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx, vec_type, true);
2809 let member_llvm_types = slice_llvm_type.field_types();
2810 assert!(slice_layout_is_correct(cx,
2811 &member_llvm_types[..],
2812 element_type));
2813 let member_descriptions = [
2814 MemberDescription {
2815 name: "data_ptr".to_string(),
2816 llvm_type: member_llvm_types[0],
2817 type_metadata: element_type_metadata,
2818 offset: ComputedMemberOffset,
2819 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2820 },
2821 MemberDescription {
2822 name: "length".to_string(),
2823 llvm_type: member_llvm_types[1],
2824 type_metadata: type_metadata(cx, cx.tcx().types.usize, span),
2825 offset: ComputedMemberOffset,
2826 flags: FLAGS_NONE
2827 },
2828 ];
2830 assert!(member_descriptions.len() == member_llvm_types.len());
2832 let loc = span_start(cx, span);
2833 let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx, &loc.file.name);
2835 let metadata = composite_type_metadata(cx,
2836 slice_llvm_type,
2837 &slice_type_name[..],
2838 unique_type_id,
2839 &member_descriptions,
2841 file_metadata,
2842 span);
2843 return MetadataCreationResult::new(metadata, false);
2845 fn slice_layout_is_correct<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2846 member_llvm_types: &[Type],
2847 element_type: Ty<'tcx>)
2848 -> bool {
2849 member_llvm_types.len() == 2 &&
2850 member_llvm_types[0] == type_of::type_of(cx, element_type).ptr_to() &&
2851 member_llvm_types[1] == cx.int_type()
2852 }
2853 }
2855 fn subroutine_type_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2856 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId,
2857 signature: &ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
2858 span: Span)
2859 -> MetadataCreationResult
2860 {
2861 let signature = ty::erase_late_bound_regions(cx.tcx(), signature);
2863 let mut signature_metadata: Vec<DIType> = Vec::with_capacity(signature.inputs.len() + 1);
2865 // return type
2866 signature_metadata.push(match signature.output {
2867 ty::FnConverging(ret_ty) => match ret_ty.sty {
2868 ty::ty_tup(ref tys) if tys.is_empty() => ptr::null_mut(),
2869 _ => type_metadata(cx, ret_ty, span)
2870 },
2871 ty::FnDiverging => diverging_type_metadata(cx)
2872 });
2874 // regular arguments
2875 for &argument_type in &signature.inputs {
2876 signature_metadata.push(type_metadata(cx, argument_type, span));
2877 }
2879 return_if_metadata_created_in_meantime!(cx, unique_type_id);
2881 return MetadataCreationResult::new(
2882 unsafe {
2883 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateSubroutineType(
2884 DIB(cx),
2886 create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &signature_metadata[..]))
2887 },
2888 false);
2889 }
2891 // FIXME(1563) This is all a bit of a hack because 'trait pointer' is an ill-
2892 // defined concept. For the case of an actual trait pointer (i.e., Box<Trait>,
2893 // &Trait), trait_object_type should be the whole thing (e.g, Box<Trait>) and
2894 // trait_type should be the actual trait (e.g., Trait). Where the trait is part
2895 // of a DST struct, there is no trait_object_type and the results of this
2896 // function will be a little bit weird.
2897 fn trait_pointer_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2898 trait_type: Ty<'tcx>,
2899 trait_object_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
2900 unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId)
2901 -> DIType {
2902 // The implementation provided here is a stub. It makes sure that the trait
2903 // type is assigned the correct name, size, namespace, and source location.
2904 // But it does not describe the trait's methods.
2906 let def_id = match trait_type.sty {
2907 ty::ty_trait(ref data) => data.principal_def_id(),
2908 _ => {
2909 let pp_type_name = ppaux::ty_to_string(cx.tcx(), trait_type);
2910 cx.sess().bug(&format!("debuginfo: Unexpected trait-object type in \
2911 trait_pointer_metadata(): {}",
2912 &pp_type_name[..]));
2913 }
2914 };
2916 let trait_object_type = trait_object_type.unwrap_or(trait_type);
2917 let trait_type_name =
2918 compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx, trait_object_type, false);
2920 let (containing_scope, _) = get_namespace_and_span_for_item(cx, def_id);
2922 let trait_llvm_type = type_of::type_of(cx, trait_object_type);
2924 composite_type_metadata(cx,
2925 trait_llvm_type,
2926 &trait_type_name[..],
2927 unique_type_id,
2928 &[],
2929 containing_scope,
2931 codemap::DUMMY_SP)
2932 }
2934 fn type_metadata<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
2935 t: Ty<'tcx>,
2936 usage_site_span: Span)
2937 -> DIType {
2938 // Get the unique type id of this type.
2939 let unique_type_id = {
2940 let mut type_map = debug_context(cx).type_map.borrow_mut();
2941 // First, try to find the type in TypeMap. If we have seen it before, we
2942 // can exit early here.
2943 match type_map.find_metadata_for_type(t) {
2944 Some(metadata) => {
2945 return metadata;
2946 },
2947 None => {
2948 // The Ty is not in the TypeMap but maybe we have already seen
2949 // an equivalent type (e.g. only differing in region arguments).
2950 // In order to find out, generate the unique type id and look
2951 // that up.
2952 let unique_type_id = type_map.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, t);
2953 match type_map.find_metadata_for_unique_id(unique_type_id) {
2954 Some(metadata) => {
2955 // There is already an equivalent type in the TypeMap.
2956 // Register this Ty as an alias in the cache and
2957 // return the cached metadata.
2958 type_map.register_type_with_metadata(cx, t, metadata);
2959 return metadata;
2960 },
2961 None => {
2962 // There really is no type metadata for this type, so
2963 // proceed by creating it.
2964 unique_type_id
2965 }
2966 }
2967 }
2968 }
2969 };
2971 debug!("type_metadata: {:?}", t);
2973 let sty = &t.sty;
2974 let MetadataCreationResult { metadata, already_stored_in_typemap } = match *sty {
2975 ty::ty_bool |
2976 ty::ty_char |
2977 ty::ty_int(_) |
2978 ty::ty_uint(_) |
2979 ty::ty_float(_) => {
2980 MetadataCreationResult::new(basic_type_metadata(cx, t), false)
2981 }
2982 ty::ty_tup(ref elements) if elements.is_empty() => {
2983 MetadataCreationResult::new(basic_type_metadata(cx, t), false)
2984 }
2985 ty::ty_enum(def_id, _) => {
2986 prepare_enum_metadata(cx, t, def_id, unique_type_id, usage_site_span).finalize(cx)
2987 }
2988 ty::ty_vec(typ, len) => {
2989 fixed_vec_metadata(cx, unique_type_id, typ, len.map(|x| x as u64), usage_site_span)
2990 }
2991 ty::ty_str => {
2992 fixed_vec_metadata(cx, unique_type_id, cx.tcx().types.i8, None, usage_site_span)
2993 }
2994 ty::ty_trait(..) => {
2995 MetadataCreationResult::new(
2996 trait_pointer_metadata(cx, t, None, unique_type_id),
2997 false)
2998 }
2999 ty::ty_uniq(ty) | ty::ty_ptr(ty::mt{ty, ..}) | ty::ty_rptr(_, ty::mt{ty, ..}) => {
3000 match ty.sty {
3001 ty::ty_vec(typ, None) => {
3002 vec_slice_metadata(cx, t, typ, unique_type_id, usage_site_span)
3003 }
3004 ty::ty_str => {
3005 vec_slice_metadata(cx, t, cx.tcx().types.u8, unique_type_id, usage_site_span)
3006 }
3007 ty::ty_trait(..) => {
3008 MetadataCreationResult::new(
3009 trait_pointer_metadata(cx, ty, Some(t), unique_type_id),
3010 false)
3011 }
3012 _ => {
3013 let pointee_metadata = type_metadata(cx, ty, usage_site_span);
3015 match debug_context(cx).type_map
3016 .borrow()
3017 .find_metadata_for_unique_id(unique_type_id) {
3018 Some(metadata) => return metadata,
3019 None => { /* proceed normally */ }
3020 };
3022 MetadataCreationResult::new(pointer_type_metadata(cx, t, pointee_metadata),
3023 false)
3024 }
3025 }
3026 }
3027 ty::ty_bare_fn(_, ref barefnty) => {
3028 subroutine_type_metadata(cx, unique_type_id, &barefnty.sig, usage_site_span)
3029 }
3030 ty::ty_closure(def_id, substs) => {
3031 let typer = NormalizingClosureTyper::new(cx.tcx());
3032 let sig = typer.closure_type(def_id, substs).sig;
3033 subroutine_type_metadata(cx, unique_type_id, &sig, usage_site_span)
3034 }
3035 ty::ty_struct(def_id, substs) => {
3036 prepare_struct_metadata(cx,
3037 t,
3038 def_id,
3039 substs,
3040 unique_type_id,
3041 usage_site_span).finalize(cx)
3042 }
3043 ty::ty_tup(ref elements) => {
3044 prepare_tuple_metadata(cx,
3045 t,
3046 &elements[..],
3047 unique_type_id,
3048 usage_site_span).finalize(cx)
3049 }
3050 _ => {
3051 cx.sess().bug(&format!("debuginfo: unexpected type in type_metadata: {:?}",
3052 sty))
3053 }
3054 };
3056 {
3057 let mut type_map = debug_context(cx).type_map.borrow_mut();
3059 if already_stored_in_typemap {
3060 // Also make sure that we already have a TypeMap entry entry for the unique type id.
3061 let metadata_for_uid = match type_map.find_metadata_for_unique_id(unique_type_id) {
3062 Some(metadata) => metadata,
3063 None => {
3064 let unique_type_id_str =
3065 type_map.get_unique_type_id_as_string(unique_type_id);
3066 let error_message = format!("Expected type metadata for unique \
3067 type id '{}' to already be in \
3068 the debuginfo::TypeMap but it \
3069 was not. (Ty = {})",
3070 &unique_type_id_str[..],
3071 ppaux::ty_to_string(cx.tcx(), t));
3072 cx.sess().span_bug(usage_site_span, &error_message[..]);
3073 }
3074 };
3076 match type_map.find_metadata_for_type(t) {
3077 Some(metadata) => {
3078 if metadata != metadata_for_uid {
3079 let unique_type_id_str =
3080 type_map.get_unique_type_id_as_string(unique_type_id);
3081 let error_message = format!("Mismatch between Ty and \
3082 UniqueTypeId maps in \
3083 debuginfo::TypeMap. \
3084 UniqueTypeId={}, Ty={}",
3085 &unique_type_id_str[..],
3086 ppaux::ty_to_string(cx.tcx(), t));
3087 cx.sess().span_bug(usage_site_span, &error_message[..]);
3088 }
3089 }
3090 None => {
3091 type_map.register_type_with_metadata(cx, t, metadata);
3092 }
3093 }
3094 } else {
3095 type_map.register_type_with_metadata(cx, t, metadata);
3096 type_map.register_unique_id_with_metadata(cx, unique_type_id, metadata);
3097 }
3098 }
3100 metadata
3101 }
3103 struct MetadataCreationResult {
3104 metadata: DIType,
3105 already_stored_in_typemap: bool
3106 }
3108 impl MetadataCreationResult {
3109 fn new(metadata: DIType, already_stored_in_typemap: bool) -> MetadataCreationResult {
3110 MetadataCreationResult {
3111 metadata: metadata,
3112 already_stored_in_typemap: already_stored_in_typemap
3113 }
3114 }
3115 }
3117 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
3118 enum InternalDebugLocation {
3119 KnownLocation { scope: DIScope, line: usize, col: usize },
3120 UnknownLocation
3121 }
3123 impl InternalDebugLocation {
3124 fn new(scope: DIScope, line: usize, col: usize) -> InternalDebugLocation {
3125 KnownLocation {
3126 scope: scope,
3127 line: line,
3128 col: col,
3129 }
3130 }
3131 }
3133 fn set_debug_location(cx: &CrateContext, debug_location: InternalDebugLocation) {
3134 if debug_location == debug_context(cx).current_debug_location.get() {
3135 return;
3136 }
3138 let metadata_node;
3140 match debug_location {
3141 KnownLocation { scope, line, .. } => {
3142 // Always set the column to zero like Clang and GCC
3144 debug!("setting debug location to {} {}", line, col);
3146 unsafe {
3147 metadata_node = llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateDebugLocation(
3148 debug_context(cx).llcontext,
3149 line as c_uint,
3150 col as c_uint,
3151 scope,
3152 ptr::null_mut());
3153 }
3154 }
3155 UnknownLocation => {
3156 debug!("clearing debug location ");
3157 metadata_node = ptr::null_mut();
3158 }
3159 };
3161 unsafe {
3162 llvm::LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(cx.raw_builder(), metadata_node);
3163 }
3165 debug_context(cx).current_debug_location.set(debug_location);
3166 }
3168 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3169 // Utility Functions
3170 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3172 fn contains_nodebug_attribute(attributes: &[ast::Attribute]) -> bool {
3173 attributes.iter().any(|attr| {
3174 let meta_item: &ast::MetaItem = &*attr.node.value;
3175 match meta_item.node {
3176 ast::MetaWord(ref value) => &value[..] == "no_debug",
3177 _ => false
3178 }
3179 })
3180 }
3182 /// Return codemap::Loc corresponding to the beginning of the span
3183 fn span_start(cx: &CrateContext, span: Span) -> codemap::Loc {
3184 cx.sess().codemap().lookup_char_pos(span.lo)
3185 }
3187 fn size_and_align_of(cx: &CrateContext, llvm_type: Type) -> (u64, u64) {
3188 (machine::llsize_of_alloc(cx, llvm_type), machine::llalign_of_min(cx, llvm_type) as u64)
3189 }
3191 fn bytes_to_bits(bytes: u64) -> u64 {
3192 bytes * 8
3193 }
3195 #[inline]
3196 fn debug_context<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &'a CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>)
3197 -> &'a CrateDebugContext<'tcx> {
3198 let debug_context: &'a CrateDebugContext<'tcx> = cx.dbg_cx().as_ref().unwrap();
3199 debug_context
3200 }
3202 #[inline]
3203 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
3204 fn DIB(cx: &CrateContext) -> DIBuilderRef {
3205 cx.dbg_cx().as_ref().unwrap().builder
3206 }
3208 fn fn_should_be_ignored(fcx: &FunctionContext) -> bool {
3209 match fcx.debug_context {
3210 FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(_) => false,
3211 _ => true
3212 }
3213 }
3215 fn assert_type_for_node_id(cx: &CrateContext,
3216 node_id: ast::NodeId,
3217 error_reporting_span: Span) {
3218 if !cx.tcx().node_types().contains_key(&node_id) {
3219 cx.sess().span_bug(error_reporting_span,
3220 "debuginfo: Could not find type for node id!");
3221 }
3222 }
3224 fn get_namespace_and_span_for_item(cx: &CrateContext, def_id: ast::DefId)
3225 -> (DIScope, Span) {
3226 let containing_scope = namespace_for_item(cx, def_id).scope;
3227 let definition_span = if def_id.krate == ast::LOCAL_CRATE {
3228 cx.tcx().map.span(def_id.node)
3229 } else {
3230 // For external items there is no span information
3231 codemap::DUMMY_SP
3232 };
3234 (containing_scope, definition_span)
3235 }
3237 // This procedure builds the *scope map* for a given function, which maps any
3238 // given ast::NodeId in the function's AST to the correct DIScope metadata instance.
3239 //
3240 // This builder procedure walks the AST in execution order and keeps track of
3241 // what belongs to which scope, creating DIScope DIEs along the way, and
3242 // introducing *artificial* lexical scope descriptors where necessary. These
3243 // artificial scopes allow GDB to correctly handle name shadowing.
3244 fn create_scope_map(cx: &CrateContext,
3245 args: &[ast::Arg],
3246 fn_entry_block: &ast::Block,
3247 fn_metadata: DISubprogram,
3248 fn_ast_id: ast::NodeId)
3249 -> NodeMap<DIScope> {
3250 let mut scope_map = NodeMap();
3252 let def_map = &cx.tcx().def_map;
3254 struct ScopeStackEntry {
3255 scope_metadata: DIScope,
3256 name: Option<ast::Name>
3257 }
3259 let mut scope_stack = vec!(ScopeStackEntry { scope_metadata: fn_metadata, name: None });
3260 scope_map.insert(fn_ast_id, fn_metadata);
3262 // Push argument identifiers onto the stack so arguments integrate nicely
3263 // with variable shadowing.
3264 for arg in args {
3265 pat_util::pat_bindings(def_map, &*arg.pat, |_, node_id, _, path1| {
3266 scope_stack.push(ScopeStackEntry { scope_metadata: fn_metadata,
3267 name: Some(path1.node.name) });
3268 scope_map.insert(node_id, fn_metadata);
3269 })
3270 }
3272 // Clang creates a separate scope for function bodies, so let's do this too.
3273 with_new_scope(cx,
3274 fn_entry_block.span,
3275 &mut scope_stack,
3276 &mut scope_map,
3277 |cx, scope_stack, scope_map| {
3278 walk_block(cx, fn_entry_block, scope_stack, scope_map);
3279 });
3281 return scope_map;
3284 // local helper functions for walking the AST.
3285 fn with_new_scope<F>(cx: &CrateContext,
3286 scope_span: Span,
3287 scope_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeStackEntry> ,
3288 scope_map: &mut NodeMap<DIScope>,
3289 inner_walk: F) where
3290 F: FnOnce(&CrateContext, &mut Vec<ScopeStackEntry>, &mut NodeMap<DIScope>),
3291 {
3292 // Create a new lexical scope and push it onto the stack
3293 let loc = cx.sess().codemap().lookup_char_pos(scope_span.lo);
3294 let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx, &loc.file.name);
3295 let parent_scope = scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata;
3297 let scope_metadata = unsafe {
3298 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateLexicalBlock(
3299 DIB(cx),
3300 parent_scope,
3301 file_metadata,
3302 loc.line as c_uint,
3303 loc.col.to_usize() as c_uint)
3304 };
3306 scope_stack.push(ScopeStackEntry { scope_metadata: scope_metadata, name: None });
3308 inner_walk(cx, scope_stack, scope_map);
3310 // pop artificial scopes
3311 while scope_stack.last().unwrap().name.is_some() {
3312 scope_stack.pop();
3313 }
3315 if scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata != scope_metadata {
3316 cx.sess().span_bug(scope_span, "debuginfo: Inconsistency in scope management.");
3317 }
3319 scope_stack.pop();
3320 }
3322 fn walk_block(cx: &CrateContext,
3323 block: &ast::Block,
3324 scope_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeStackEntry> ,
3325 scope_map: &mut NodeMap<DIScope>) {
3326 scope_map.insert(block.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3328 // The interesting things here are statements and the concluding expression.
3329 for statement in &block.stmts {
3330 scope_map.insert(ast_util::stmt_id(&**statement),
3331 scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3333 match statement.node {
3334 ast::StmtDecl(ref decl, _) =>
3335 walk_decl(cx, &**decl, scope_stack, scope_map),
3336 ast::StmtExpr(ref exp, _) |
3337 ast::StmtSemi(ref exp, _) =>
3338 walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map),
3339 ast::StmtMac(..) => () // Ignore macros (which should be expanded anyway).
3340 }
3341 }
3343 if let Some(ref exp) = block.expr {
3344 walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3345 }
3346 }
3348 fn walk_decl(cx: &CrateContext,
3349 decl: &ast::Decl,
3350 scope_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeStackEntry> ,
3351 scope_map: &mut NodeMap<DIScope>) {
3352 match *decl {
3353 codemap::Spanned { node: ast::DeclLocal(ref local), .. } => {
3354 scope_map.insert(local.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3356 walk_pattern(cx, &*local.pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3358 if let Some(ref exp) = local.init {
3359 walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3360 }
3361 }
3362 _ => ()
3363 }
3364 }
3366 fn walk_pattern(cx: &CrateContext,
3367 pat: &ast::Pat,
3368 scope_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeStackEntry> ,
3369 scope_map: &mut NodeMap<DIScope>) {
3371 let def_map = &cx.tcx().def_map;
3373 // Unfortunately, we cannot just use pat_util::pat_bindings() or
3374 // ast_util::walk_pat() here because we have to visit *all* nodes in
3375 // order to put them into the scope map. The above functions don't do that.
3376 match pat.node {
3377 ast::PatIdent(_, ref path1, ref sub_pat_opt) => {
3379 // Check if this is a binding. If so we need to put it on the
3380 // scope stack and maybe introduce an artificial scope
3381 if pat_util::pat_is_binding(def_map, &*pat) {
3383 let name = path1.node.name;
3385 // LLVM does not properly generate 'DW_AT_start_scope' fields
3386 // for variable DIEs. For this reason we have to introduce
3387 // an artificial scope at bindings whenever a variable with
3388 // the same name is declared in *any* parent scope.
3389 //
3390 // Otherwise the following error occurs:
3391 //
3392 // let x = 10;
3393 //
3394 // do_something(); // 'gdb print x' correctly prints 10
3395 //
3396 // {
3397 // do_something(); // 'gdb print x' prints 0, because it
3398 // // already reads the uninitialized 'x'
3399 // // from the next line...
3400 // let x = 100;
3401 // do_something(); // 'gdb print x' correctly prints 100
3402 // }
3404 // Is there already a binding with that name?
3405 // N.B.: this comparison must be UNhygienic... because
3406 // gdb knows nothing about the context, so any two
3407 // variables with the same name will cause the problem.
3408 let need_new_scope = scope_stack
3409 .iter()
3410 .any(|entry| entry.name == Some(name));
3412 if need_new_scope {
3413 // Create a new lexical scope and push it onto the stack
3414 let loc = cx.sess().codemap().lookup_char_pos(pat.span.lo);
3415 let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx, &loc.file.name);
3416 let parent_scope = scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata;
3418 let scope_metadata = unsafe {
3419 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateLexicalBlock(
3420 DIB(cx),
3421 parent_scope,
3422 file_metadata,
3423 loc.line as c_uint,
3424 loc.col.to_usize() as c_uint)
3425 };
3427 scope_stack.push(ScopeStackEntry {
3428 scope_metadata: scope_metadata,
3429 name: Some(name)
3430 });
3432 } else {
3433 // Push a new entry anyway so the name can be found
3434 let prev_metadata = scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata;
3435 scope_stack.push(ScopeStackEntry {
3436 scope_metadata: prev_metadata,
3437 name: Some(name)
3438 });
3439 }
3440 }
3442 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3444 if let Some(ref sub_pat) = *sub_pat_opt {
3445 walk_pattern(cx, &**sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3446 }
3447 }
3449 ast::PatWild(_) => {
3450 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3451 }
3453 ast::PatEnum(_, ref sub_pats_opt) => {
3454 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3456 if let Some(ref sub_pats) = *sub_pats_opt {
3457 for p in sub_pats {
3458 walk_pattern(cx, &**p, scope_stack, scope_map);
3459 }
3460 }
3461 }
3463 ast::PatStruct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
3464 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3466 for &codemap::Spanned {
3467 node: ast::FieldPat { pat: ref sub_pat, .. },
3468 ..
3469 } in field_pats.iter() {
3470 walk_pattern(cx, &**sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3471 }
3472 }
3474 ast::PatTup(ref sub_pats) => {
3475 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3477 for sub_pat in sub_pats {
3478 walk_pattern(cx, &**sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3479 }
3480 }
3482 ast::PatBox(ref sub_pat) | ast::PatRegion(ref sub_pat, _) => {
3483 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3484 walk_pattern(cx, &**sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3485 }
3487 ast::PatLit(ref exp) => {
3488 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3489 walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3490 }
3492 ast::PatRange(ref exp1, ref exp2) => {
3493 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3494 walk_expr(cx, &**exp1, scope_stack, scope_map);
3495 walk_expr(cx, &**exp2, scope_stack, scope_map);
3496 }
3498 ast::PatVec(ref front_sub_pats, ref middle_sub_pats, ref back_sub_pats) => {
3499 scope_map.insert(pat.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3501 for sub_pat in front_sub_pats {
3502 walk_pattern(cx, &**sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3503 }
3505 if let Some(ref sub_pat) = *middle_sub_pats {
3506 walk_pattern(cx, &**sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3507 }
3509 for sub_pat in back_sub_pats {
3510 walk_pattern(cx, &**sub_pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3511 }
3512 }
3514 ast::PatMac(_) => {
3515 cx.sess().span_bug(pat.span, "debuginfo::create_scope_map() - \
3516 Found unexpanded macro.");
3517 }
3518 }
3519 }
3521 fn walk_expr(cx: &CrateContext,
3522 exp: &ast::Expr,
3523 scope_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeStackEntry> ,
3524 scope_map: &mut NodeMap<DIScope>) {
3526 scope_map.insert(exp.id, scope_stack.last().unwrap().scope_metadata);
3528 match exp.node {
3529 ast::ExprLit(_) |
3530 ast::ExprBreak(_) |
3531 ast::ExprAgain(_) |
3532 ast::ExprPath(..) => {}
3534 ast::ExprCast(ref sub_exp, _) |
3535 ast::ExprAddrOf(_, ref sub_exp) |
3536 ast::ExprField(ref sub_exp, _) |
3537 ast::ExprTupField(ref sub_exp, _) |
3538 ast::ExprParen(ref sub_exp) =>
3539 walk_expr(cx, &**sub_exp, scope_stack, scope_map),
3541 ast::ExprBox(ref place, ref sub_expr) => {
3542 place.as_ref().map(
3543 |e| walk_expr(cx, &**e, scope_stack, scope_map));
3544 walk_expr(cx, &**sub_expr, scope_stack, scope_map);
3545 }
3547 ast::ExprRet(ref exp_opt) => match *exp_opt {
3548 Some(ref sub_exp) => walk_expr(cx, &**sub_exp, scope_stack, scope_map),
3549 None => ()
3550 },
3552 ast::ExprUnary(_, ref sub_exp) => {
3553 walk_expr(cx, &**sub_exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3554 }
3556 ast::ExprAssignOp(_, ref lhs, ref rhs) |
3557 ast::ExprIndex(ref lhs, ref rhs) |
3558 ast::ExprBinary(_, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
3559 walk_expr(cx, &**lhs, scope_stack, scope_map);
3560 walk_expr(cx, &**rhs, scope_stack, scope_map);
3561 }
3563 ast::ExprRange(ref start, ref end) => {
3564 start.as_ref().map(|e| walk_expr(cx, &**e, scope_stack, scope_map));
3565 end.as_ref().map(|e| walk_expr(cx, &**e, scope_stack, scope_map));
3566 }
3568 ast::ExprVec(ref init_expressions) |
3569 ast::ExprTup(ref init_expressions) => {
3570 for ie in init_expressions {
3571 walk_expr(cx, &**ie, scope_stack, scope_map);
3572 }
3573 }
3575 ast::ExprAssign(ref sub_exp1, ref sub_exp2) |
3576 ast::ExprRepeat(ref sub_exp1, ref sub_exp2) => {
3577 walk_expr(cx, &**sub_exp1, scope_stack, scope_map);
3578 walk_expr(cx, &**sub_exp2, scope_stack, scope_map);
3579 }
3581 ast::ExprIf(ref cond_exp, ref then_block, ref opt_else_exp) => {
3582 walk_expr(cx, &**cond_exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3584 with_new_scope(cx,
3585 then_block.span,
3586 scope_stack,
3587 scope_map,
3588 |cx, scope_stack, scope_map| {
3589 walk_block(cx, &**then_block, scope_stack, scope_map);
3590 });
3592 match *opt_else_exp {
3593 Some(ref else_exp) =>
3594 walk_expr(cx, &**else_exp, scope_stack, scope_map),
3595 _ => ()
3596 }
3597 }
3599 ast::ExprIfLet(..) => {
3600 cx.sess().span_bug(exp.span, "debuginfo::create_scope_map() - \
3601 Found unexpanded if-let.");
3602 }
3604 ast::ExprWhile(ref cond_exp, ref loop_body, _) => {
3605 walk_expr(cx, &**cond_exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3607 with_new_scope(cx,
3608 loop_body.span,
3609 scope_stack,
3610 scope_map,
3611 |cx, scope_stack, scope_map| {
3612 walk_block(cx, &**loop_body, scope_stack, scope_map);
3613 })
3614 }
3616 ast::ExprWhileLet(..) => {
3617 cx.sess().span_bug(exp.span, "debuginfo::create_scope_map() - \
3618 Found unexpanded while-let.");
3619 }
3621 ast::ExprForLoop(..) => {
3622 cx.sess().span_bug(exp.span, "debuginfo::create_scope_map() - \
3623 Found unexpanded for loop.");
3624 }
3626 ast::ExprMac(_) => {
3627 cx.sess().span_bug(exp.span, "debuginfo::create_scope_map() - \
3628 Found unexpanded macro.");
3629 }
3631 ast::ExprLoop(ref block, _) |
3632 ast::ExprBlock(ref block) => {
3633 with_new_scope(cx,
3634 block.span,
3635 scope_stack,
3636 scope_map,
3637 |cx, scope_stack, scope_map| {
3638 walk_block(cx, &**block, scope_stack, scope_map);
3639 })
3640 }
3642 ast::ExprClosure(_, ref decl, ref block) => {
3643 with_new_scope(cx,
3644 block.span,
3645 scope_stack,
3646 scope_map,
3647 |cx, scope_stack, scope_map| {
3648 for &ast::Arg { pat: ref pattern, .. } in &decl.inputs {
3649 walk_pattern(cx, &**pattern, scope_stack, scope_map);
3650 }
3652 walk_block(cx, &**block, scope_stack, scope_map);
3653 })
3654 }
3656 ast::ExprCall(ref fn_exp, ref args) => {
3657 walk_expr(cx, &**fn_exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3659 for arg_exp in args {
3660 walk_expr(cx, &**arg_exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3661 }
3662 }
3664 ast::ExprMethodCall(_, _, ref args) => {
3665 for arg_exp in args {
3666 walk_expr(cx, &**arg_exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3667 }
3668 }
3670 ast::ExprMatch(ref discriminant_exp, ref arms, _) => {
3671 walk_expr(cx, &**discriminant_exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3673 // For each arm we have to first walk the pattern as these might
3674 // introduce new artificial scopes. It should be sufficient to
3675 // walk only one pattern per arm, as they all must contain the
3676 // same binding names.
3678 for arm_ref in arms {
3679 let arm_span = arm_ref.pats[0].span;
3681 with_new_scope(cx,
3682 arm_span,
3683 scope_stack,
3684 scope_map,
3685 |cx, scope_stack, scope_map| {
3686 for pat in &arm_ref.pats {
3687 walk_pattern(cx, &**pat, scope_stack, scope_map);
3688 }
3690 if let Some(ref guard_exp) = arm_ref.guard {
3691 walk_expr(cx, &**guard_exp, scope_stack, scope_map)
3692 }
3694 walk_expr(cx, &*arm_ref.body, scope_stack, scope_map);
3695 })
3696 }
3697 }
3699 ast::ExprStruct(_, ref fields, ref base_exp) => {
3700 for &ast::Field { expr: ref exp, .. } in fields {
3701 walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3702 }
3704 match *base_exp {
3705 Some(ref exp) => walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map),
3706 None => ()
3707 }
3708 }
3710 ast::ExprInlineAsm(ast::InlineAsm { ref inputs,
3711 ref outputs,
3712 .. }) => {
3713 // inputs, outputs: Vec<(String, P<Expr>)>
3714 for &(_, ref exp) in inputs {
3715 walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3716 }
3718 for &(_, ref exp, _) in outputs {
3719 walk_expr(cx, &**exp, scope_stack, scope_map);
3720 }
3721 }
3722 }
3723 }
3724 }
3727 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3728 // Type Names for Debug Info
3729 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3731 // Compute the name of the type as it should be stored in debuginfo. Does not do
3732 // any caching, i.e. calling the function twice with the same type will also do
3733 // the work twice. The `qualified` parameter only affects the first level of the
3734 // type name, further levels (i.e. type parameters) are always fully qualified.
3735 fn compute_debuginfo_type_name<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
3736 t: Ty<'tcx>,
3737 qualified: bool)
3738 -> String {
3739 let mut result = String::with_capacity(64);
3740 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, t, qualified, &mut result);
3741 result
3742 }
3744 // Pushes the name of the type as it should be stored in debuginfo on the
3745 // `output` String. See also compute_debuginfo_type_name().
3746 fn push_debuginfo_type_name<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
3747 t: Ty<'tcx>,
3748 qualified: bool,
3749 output: &mut String) {
3750 match t.sty {
3751 ty::ty_bool => output.push_str("bool"),
3752 ty::ty_char => output.push_str("char"),
3753 ty::ty_str => output.push_str("str"),
3754 ty::ty_int(ast::TyIs) => output.push_str("isize"),
3755 ty::ty_int(ast::TyI8) => output.push_str("i8"),
3756 ty::ty_int(ast::TyI16) => output.push_str("i16"),
3757 ty::ty_int(ast::TyI32) => output.push_str("i32"),
3758 ty::ty_int(ast::TyI64) => output.push_str("i64"),
3759 ty::ty_uint(ast::TyUs) => output.push_str("usize"),
3760 ty::ty_uint(ast::TyU8) => output.push_str("u8"),
3761 ty::ty_uint(ast::TyU16) => output.push_str("u16"),
3762 ty::ty_uint(ast::TyU32) => output.push_str("u32"),
3763 ty::ty_uint(ast::TyU64) => output.push_str("u64"),
3764 ty::ty_float(ast::TyF32) => output.push_str("f32"),
3765 ty::ty_float(ast::TyF64) => output.push_str("f64"),
3766 ty::ty_struct(def_id, substs) |
3767 ty::ty_enum(def_id, substs) => {
3768 push_item_name(cx, def_id, qualified, output);
3769 push_type_params(cx, substs, output);
3770 },
3771 ty::ty_tup(ref component_types) => {
3772 output.push('(');
3773 for &component_type in component_types {
3774 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, component_type, true, output);
3775 output.push_str(", ");
3776 }
3777 if !component_types.is_empty() {
3778 output.pop();
3779 output.pop();
3780 }
3781 output.push(')');
3782 },
3783 ty::ty_uniq(inner_type) => {
3784 output.push_str("Box<");
3785 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, inner_type, true, output);
3786 output.push('>');
3787 },
3788 ty::ty_ptr(ty::mt { ty: inner_type, mutbl } ) => {
3789 output.push('*');
3790 match mutbl {
3791 ast::MutImmutable => output.push_str("const "),
3792 ast::MutMutable => output.push_str("mut "),
3793 }
3795 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, inner_type, true, output);
3796 },
3797 ty::ty_rptr(_, ty::mt { ty: inner_type, mutbl }) => {
3798 output.push('&');
3799 if mutbl == ast::MutMutable {
3800 output.push_str("mut ");
3801 }
3803 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, inner_type, true, output);
3804 },
3805 ty::ty_vec(inner_type, optional_length) => {
3806 output.push('[');
3807 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, inner_type, true, output);
3809 match optional_length {
3810 Some(len) => {
3811 output.push_str(&format!("; {}", len));
3812 }
3813 None => { /* nothing to do */ }
3814 };
3816 output.push(']');
3817 },
3818 ty::ty_trait(ref trait_data) => {
3819 let principal = ty::erase_late_bound_regions(cx.tcx(), &trait_data.principal);
3820 push_item_name(cx, principal.def_id, false, output);
3821 push_type_params(cx, principal.substs, output);
3822 },
3823 ty::ty_bare_fn(_, &ty::BareFnTy{ unsafety, abi, ref sig } ) => {
3824 if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe {
3825 output.push_str("unsafe ");
3826 }
3828 if abi != ::syntax::abi::Rust {
3829 output.push_str("extern \"");
3830 output.push_str(abi.name());
3831 output.push_str("\" ");
3832 }
3834 output.push_str("fn(");
3836 let sig = ty::erase_late_bound_regions(cx.tcx(), sig);
3837 if !sig.inputs.is_empty() {
3838 for &parameter_type in &sig.inputs {
3839 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, parameter_type, true, output);
3840 output.push_str(", ");
3841 }
3842 output.pop();
3843 output.pop();
3844 }
3846 if sig.variadic {
3847 if !sig.inputs.is_empty() {
3848 output.push_str(", ...");
3849 } else {
3850 output.push_str("...");
3851 }
3852 }
3854 output.push(')');
3856 match sig.output {
3857 ty::FnConverging(result_type) if ty::type_is_nil(result_type) => {}
3858 ty::FnConverging(result_type) => {
3859 output.push_str(" -> ");
3860 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, result_type, true, output);
3861 }
3862 ty::FnDiverging => {
3863 output.push_str(" -> !");
3864 }
3865 }
3866 },
3867 ty::ty_closure(..) => {
3868 output.push_str("closure");
3869 }
3870 ty::ty_err |
3871 ty::ty_infer(_) |
3872 ty::ty_projection(..) |
3873 ty::ty_param(_) => {
3874 cx.sess().bug(&format!("debuginfo: Trying to create type name for \
3875 unexpected type: {}", ppaux::ty_to_string(cx.tcx(), t)));
3876 }
3877 }
3879 fn push_item_name(cx: &CrateContext,
3880 def_id: ast::DefId,
3881 qualified: bool,
3882 output: &mut String) {
3883 ty::with_path(cx.tcx(), def_id, |path| {
3884 if qualified {
3885 if def_id.krate == ast::LOCAL_CRATE {
3886 output.push_str(crate_root_namespace(cx));
3887 output.push_str("::");
3888 }
3890 let mut path_element_count = 0;
3891 for path_element in path {
3892 let name = token::get_name(path_element.name());
3893 output.push_str(&name);
3894 output.push_str("::");
3895 path_element_count += 1;
3896 }
3898 if path_element_count == 0 {
3899 cx.sess().bug("debuginfo: Encountered empty item path!");
3900 }
3902 output.pop();
3903 output.pop();
3904 } else {
3905 let name = token::get_name(path.last()
3906 .expect("debuginfo: Empty item path?")
3907 .name());
3908 output.push_str(&name);
3909 }
3910 });
3911 }
3913 // Pushes the type parameters in the given `Substs` to the output string.
3914 // This ignores region parameters, since they can't reliably be
3915 // reconstructed for items from non-local crates. For local crates, this
3916 // would be possible but with inlining and LTO we have to use the least
3917 // common denominator - otherwise we would run into conflicts.
3918 fn push_type_params<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
3919 substs: &subst::Substs<'tcx>,
3920 output: &mut String) {
3921 if substs.types.is_empty() {
3922 return;
3923 }
3925 output.push('<');
3927 for &type_parameter in substs.types.iter() {
3928 push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, type_parameter, true, output);
3929 output.push_str(", ");
3930 }
3932 output.pop();
3933 output.pop();
3935 output.push('>');
3936 }
3937 }
3940 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3941 // Namespace Handling
3942 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3944 struct NamespaceTreeNode {
3945 name: ast::Name,
3946 scope: DIScope,
3947 parent: Option<Weak<NamespaceTreeNode>>,
3948 }
3950 impl NamespaceTreeNode {
3951 fn mangled_name_of_contained_item(&self, item_name: &str) -> String {
3952 fn fill_nested(node: &NamespaceTreeNode, output: &mut String) {
3953 match node.parent {
3954 Some(ref parent) => fill_nested(&*parent.upgrade().unwrap(), output),
3955 None => {}
3956 }
3957 let string = token::get_name(node.name);
3958 output.push_str(&format!("{}", string.len()));
3959 output.push_str(&string);
3960 }
3962 let mut name = String::from_str("_ZN");
3963 fill_nested(self, &mut name);
3964 name.push_str(&format!("{}", item_name.len()));
3965 name.push_str(item_name);
3966 name.push('E');
3967 name
3968 }
3969 }
3971 fn crate_root_namespace<'a>(cx: &'a CrateContext) -> &'a str {
3972 &cx.link_meta().crate_name
3973 }
3975 fn namespace_for_item(cx: &CrateContext, def_id: ast::DefId) -> Rc<NamespaceTreeNode> {
3976 ty::with_path(cx.tcx(), def_id, |path| {
3977 // prepend crate name if not already present
3978 let krate = if def_id.krate == ast::LOCAL_CRATE {
3979 let crate_namespace_name = token::intern(crate_root_namespace(cx));
3980 Some(ast_map::PathMod(crate_namespace_name))
3981 } else {
3982 None
3983 };
3984 let mut path = krate.into_iter().chain(path).peekable();
3986 let mut current_key = Vec::new();
3987 let mut parent_node: Option<Rc<NamespaceTreeNode>> = None;
3989 // Create/Lookup namespace for each element of the path.
3990 loop {
3991 // Emulate a for loop so we can use peek below.
3992 let path_element = match path.next() {
3993 Some(e) => e,
3994 None => break
3995 };
3996 // Ignore the name of the item (the last path element).
3997 if path.peek().is_none() {
3998 break;
3999 }
4001 let name = path_element.name();
4002 current_key.push(name);
4004 let existing_node = debug_context(cx).namespace_map.borrow()
4005 .get(&current_key).cloned();
4006 let current_node = match existing_node {
4007 Some(existing_node) => existing_node,
4008 None => {
4009 // create and insert
4010 let parent_scope = match parent_node {
4011 Some(ref node) => node.scope,
4012 None => ptr::null_mut()
4013 };
4014 let namespace_name = token::get_name(name);
4015 let namespace_name = CString::new(namespace_name.as_bytes()).unwrap();
4016 let scope = unsafe {
4017 llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateNameSpace(
4018 DIB(cx),
4019 parent_scope,
4020 namespace_name.as_ptr(),
4021 // cannot reconstruct file ...
4022 ptr::null_mut(),
4023 // ... or line information, but that's not so important.
4024 0)
4025 };
4027 let node = Rc::new(NamespaceTreeNode {
4028 name: name,
4029 scope: scope,
4030 parent: parent_node.map(|parent| parent.downgrade()),
4031 });
4033 debug_context(cx).namespace_map.borrow_mut()
4034 .insert(current_key.clone(), node.clone());
4036 node
4037 }
4038 };
4040 parent_node = Some(current_node);
4041 }
4043 match parent_node {
4044 Some(node) => node,
4045 None => {
4046 cx.sess().bug(&format!("debuginfo::namespace_for_item(): \
4047 path too short for {:?}",
4048 def_id));
4049 }
4050 }
4051 })
4052 }
4055 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4056 // .debug_gdb_scripts binary section
4057 //=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4059 /// Inserts a side-effect free instruction sequence that makes sure that the
4060 /// .debug_gdb_scripts global is referenced, so it isn't removed by the linker.
4061 pub fn insert_reference_to_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(ccx: &CrateContext) {
4062 if needs_gdb_debug_scripts_section(ccx) {
4063 let empty = CString::new("").unwrap();
4064 let gdb_debug_scripts_section_global =
4065 get_or_insert_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(ccx);
4066 unsafe {
4067 let volative_load_instruction =
4068 llvm::LLVMBuildLoad(ccx.raw_builder(),
4069 gdb_debug_scripts_section_global,
4070 empty.as_ptr());
4071 llvm::LLVMSetVolatile(volative_load_instruction, llvm::True);
4072 }
4073 }
4074 }
4076 /// Allocates the global variable responsible for the .debug_gdb_scripts binary
4077 /// section.
4078 fn get_or_insert_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(ccx: &CrateContext)
4079 -> llvm::ValueRef {
4080 let section_var_name = "__rustc_debug_gdb_scripts_section__";
4082 let section_var = unsafe {
4083 llvm::LLVMGetNamedGlobal(ccx.llmod(),
4084 section_var_name.as_ptr() as *const _)
4085 };
4087 if section_var == ptr::null_mut() {
4088 let section_name = b".debug_gdb_scripts\0";
4089 let section_contents = b"\x01gdb_load_rust_pretty_printers.py\0";
4091 unsafe {
4092 let llvm_type = Type::array(&Type::i8(ccx),
4093 section_contents.len() as u64);
4095 let section_var = declare::define_global(ccx, section_var_name,
4096 llvm_type).unwrap_or_else(||{
4097 ccx.sess().bug(&format!("symbol `{}` is already defined", section_var_name))
4098 });
4099 llvm::LLVMSetSection(section_var, section_name.as_ptr() as *const _);
4100 llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(section_var, C_bytes(ccx, section_contents));
4101 llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(section_var, llvm::True);
4102 llvm::LLVMSetUnnamedAddr(section_var, llvm::True);
4103 llvm::SetLinkage(section_var, llvm::Linkage::LinkOnceODRLinkage);
4104 // This should make sure that the whole section is not larger than
4105 // the string it contains. Otherwise we get a warning from GDB.
4106 llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(section_var, 1);
4107 section_var
4108 }
4109 } else {
4110 section_var
4111 }
4112 }
4114 fn needs_gdb_debug_scripts_section(ccx: &CrateContext) -> bool {
4115 let omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section =
4116 attr::contains_name(&ccx.tcx()
4117 .map
4118 .krate()
4119 .attrs,
4120 "omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section");
4122 !omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section &&
4123 !ccx.sess().target.target.options.is_like_osx &&
4124 !ccx.sess().target.target.options.is_like_windows &&
4125 ccx.sess().opts.debuginfo != NoDebugInfo
4126 }