]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustdoc/core.rs
New upstream version 1.30.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustdoc / core.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use rustc_lint;
12 use rustc_driver::{self, driver, target_features, abort_on_err};
13 use rustc::session::{self, config};
14 use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, DefIndex, DefIndexAddressSpace, CrateNum, LOCAL_CRATE};
15 use rustc::hir::def::Def;
16 use rustc::hir::{self, HirVec};
17 use rustc::middle::cstore::CrateStore;
18 use rustc::middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
19 use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt, AllArenas};
20 use rustc::hir::map as hir_map;
21 use rustc::lint::{self, LintPass};
22 use rustc::session::config::ErrorOutputType;
23 use rustc::util::nodemap::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
24 use rustc_resolve as resolve;
25 use rustc_metadata::creader::CrateLoader;
26 use rustc_metadata::cstore::CStore;
27 use rustc_target::spec::TargetTriple;
29 use syntax::ast::{self, Ident};
30 use syntax::source_map;
31 use syntax::edition::Edition;
32 use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
33 use syntax::json::JsonEmitter;
34 use syntax::ptr::P;
35 use syntax::symbol::keywords;
36 use syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP;
37 use errors;
38 use errors::emitter::{Emitter, EmitterWriter};
40 use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
41 use std::mem;
42 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{self, Lrc};
43 use std::rc::Rc;
44 use std::path::PathBuf;
46 use visit_ast::RustdocVisitor;
47 use clean;
48 use clean::{get_path_for_type, Clean, MAX_DEF_ID, AttributesExt};
49 use html::render::RenderInfo;
50 use passes;
52 pub use rustc::session::config::{Input, Options, CodegenOptions};
53 pub use rustc::session::search_paths::SearchPaths;
55 pub type ExternalPaths = FxHashMap<DefId, (Vec<String>, clean::TypeKind)>;
57 pub struct DocContext<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'rcx: 'a, 'cstore: 'rcx> {
58 pub tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
59 pub resolver: &'a RefCell<resolve::Resolver<'rcx, 'cstore>>,
60 /// The stack of module NodeIds up till this point
61 pub crate_name: Option<String>,
62 pub cstore: Rc<CStore>,
63 pub populated_all_crate_impls: Cell<bool>,
64 // Note that external items for which `doc(hidden)` applies to are shown as
65 // non-reachable while local items aren't. This is because we're reusing
66 // the access levels from crateanalysis.
67 /// Later on moved into `clean::Crate`
68 pub access_levels: RefCell<AccessLevels<DefId>>,
69 /// Later on moved into `html::render::CACHE_KEY`
70 pub renderinfo: RefCell<RenderInfo>,
71 /// Later on moved through `clean::Crate` into `html::render::CACHE_KEY`
72 pub external_traits: RefCell<FxHashMap<DefId, clean::Trait>>,
73 /// Used while populating `external_traits` to ensure we don't process the same trait twice at
74 /// the same time.
75 pub active_extern_traits: RefCell<Vec<DefId>>,
76 // The current set of type and lifetime substitutions,
77 // for expanding type aliases at the HIR level:
79 /// Table type parameter definition -> substituted type
80 pub ty_substs: RefCell<FxHashMap<Def, clean::Type>>,
81 /// Table node id of lifetime parameter definition -> substituted lifetime
82 pub lt_substs: RefCell<FxHashMap<DefId, clean::Lifetime>>,
83 /// Table DefId of `impl Trait` in argument position -> bounds
84 pub impl_trait_bounds: RefCell<FxHashMap<DefId, Vec<clean::GenericBound>>>,
85 pub send_trait: Option<DefId>,
86 pub fake_def_ids: RefCell<FxHashMap<CrateNum, DefId>>,
87 pub all_fake_def_ids: RefCell<FxHashSet<DefId>>,
88 /// Maps (type_id, trait_id) -> auto trait impl
89 pub generated_synthetics: RefCell<FxHashSet<(DefId, DefId)>>,
90 pub all_traits: Vec<DefId>,
91 }
93 impl<'a, 'tcx, 'rcx, 'cstore> DocContext<'a, 'tcx, 'rcx, 'cstore> {
94 pub fn sess(&self) -> &session::Session {
95 &self.tcx.sess
96 }
98 /// Call the closure with the given parameters set as
99 /// the substitutions for a type alias' RHS.
100 pub fn enter_alias<F, R>(&self,
101 ty_substs: FxHashMap<Def, clean::Type>,
102 lt_substs: FxHashMap<DefId, clean::Lifetime>,
103 f: F) -> R
104 where F: FnOnce() -> R {
105 let (old_tys, old_lts) =
106 (mem::replace(&mut *self.ty_substs.borrow_mut(), ty_substs),
107 mem::replace(&mut *self.lt_substs.borrow_mut(), lt_substs));
108 let r = f();
109 *self.ty_substs.borrow_mut() = old_tys;
110 *self.lt_substs.borrow_mut() = old_lts;
111 r
112 }
114 // This is an ugly hack, but it's the simplest way to handle synthetic impls without greatly
115 // refactoring either librustdoc or librustc. In particular, allowing new DefIds to be
116 // registered after the AST is constructed would require storing the defid mapping in a
117 // RefCell, decreasing the performance for normal compilation for very little gain.
118 //
119 // Instead, we construct 'fake' def ids, which start immediately after the last DefId in
120 // DefIndexAddressSpace::Low. In the Debug impl for clean::Item, we explicitly check for fake
121 // def ids, as we'll end up with a panic if we use the DefId Debug impl for fake DefIds
122 pub fn next_def_id(&self, crate_num: CrateNum) -> DefId {
123 let start_def_id = {
124 let next_id = if crate_num == LOCAL_CRATE {
125 self.tcx
126 .hir
127 .definitions()
128 .def_path_table()
129 .next_id(DefIndexAddressSpace::Low)
130 } else {
131 self.cstore
132 .def_path_table(crate_num)
133 .next_id(DefIndexAddressSpace::Low)
134 };
136 DefId {
137 krate: crate_num,
138 index: next_id,
139 }
140 };
142 let mut fake_ids = self.fake_def_ids.borrow_mut();
144 let def_id = fake_ids.entry(crate_num).or_insert(start_def_id).clone();
145 fake_ids.insert(
146 crate_num,
147 DefId {
148 krate: crate_num,
149 index: DefIndex::from_array_index(
150 def_id.index.as_array_index() + 1,
151 def_id.index.address_space(),
152 ),
153 },
154 );
156 MAX_DEF_ID.with(|m| {
157 m.borrow_mut()
158 .entry(def_id.krate.clone())
159 .or_insert(start_def_id);
160 });
162 self.all_fake_def_ids.borrow_mut().insert(def_id);
164 def_id.clone()
165 }
167 pub fn get_real_ty<F>(&self,
168 def_id: DefId,
169 def_ctor: &F,
170 real_name: &Option<Ident>,
171 generics: &ty::Generics,
172 ) -> hir::Ty
173 where F: Fn(DefId) -> Def {
174 let path = get_path_for_type(self.tcx, def_id, def_ctor);
175 let mut segments = path.segments.into_vec();
176 let last = segments.pop().expect("segments were empty");
178 segments.push(hir::PathSegment::new(
179 real_name.unwrap_or(last.ident),
180 self.generics_to_path_params(generics.clone()),
181 false,
182 ));
184 let new_path = hir::Path {
185 span: path.span,
186 def: path.def,
187 segments: HirVec::from_vec(segments),
188 };
190 hir::Ty {
191 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
192 node: hir::TyKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(None, P(new_path))),
193 span: DUMMY_SP,
194 hir_id: hir::DUMMY_HIR_ID,
195 }
196 }
198 pub fn generics_to_path_params(&self, generics: ty::Generics) -> hir::GenericArgs {
199 let mut args = vec![];
201 for param in generics.params.iter() {
202 match param.kind {
203 ty::GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => {
204 let name = if param.name == "" {
205 hir::ParamName::Plain(keywords::StaticLifetime.ident())
206 } else {
207 hir::ParamName::Plain(ast::Ident::from_interned_str(param.name))
208 };
210 args.push(hir::GenericArg::Lifetime(hir::Lifetime {
211 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
212 span: DUMMY_SP,
213 name: hir::LifetimeName::Param(name),
214 }));
215 }
216 ty::GenericParamDefKind::Type {..} => {
217 args.push(hir::GenericArg::Type(self.ty_param_to_ty(param.clone())));
218 }
219 }
220 }
222 hir::GenericArgs {
223 args: HirVec::from_vec(args),
224 bindings: HirVec::new(),
225 parenthesized: false,
226 }
227 }
229 pub fn ty_param_to_ty(&self, param: ty::GenericParamDef) -> hir::Ty {
230 debug!("ty_param_to_ty({:?}) {:?}", param, param.def_id);
231 hir::Ty {
232 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
233 node: hir::TyKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(
234 None,
235 P(hir::Path {
236 span: DUMMY_SP,
237 def: Def::TyParam(param.def_id),
238 segments: HirVec::from_vec(vec![
239 hir::PathSegment::from_ident(Ident::from_interned_str(param.name))
240 ]),
241 }),
242 )),
243 span: DUMMY_SP,
244 hir_id: hir::DUMMY_HIR_ID,
245 }
246 }
247 }
249 pub trait DocAccessLevels {
250 fn is_doc_reachable(&self, did: DefId) -> bool;
251 }
253 impl DocAccessLevels for AccessLevels<DefId> {
254 fn is_doc_reachable(&self, did: DefId) -> bool {
255 self.is_public(did)
256 }
257 }
259 /// Creates a new diagnostic `Handler` that can be used to emit warnings and errors.
260 ///
261 /// If the given `error_format` is `ErrorOutputType::Json` and no `SourceMap` is given, a new one
262 /// will be created for the handler.
263 pub fn new_handler(error_format: ErrorOutputType, source_map: Option<Lrc<source_map::SourceMap>>)
264 -> errors::Handler
265 {
266 // rustdoc doesn't override (or allow to override) anything from this that is relevant here, so
267 // stick to the defaults
268 let sessopts = Options::default();
269 let emitter: Box<dyn Emitter + sync::Send> = match error_format {
270 ErrorOutputType::HumanReadable(color_config) => Box::new(
271 EmitterWriter::stderr(
272 color_config,
273 source_map.map(|cm| cm as _),
274 false,
275 sessopts.debugging_opts.teach,
276 ).ui_testing(sessopts.debugging_opts.ui_testing)
277 ),
278 ErrorOutputType::Json(pretty) => {
279 let source_map = source_map.unwrap_or_else(
280 || Lrc::new(source_map::SourceMap::new(sessopts.file_path_mapping())));
281 Box::new(
282 JsonEmitter::stderr(
283 None,
284 source_map,
285 pretty,
286 ).ui_testing(sessopts.debugging_opts.ui_testing)
287 )
288 },
289 ErrorOutputType::Short(color_config) => Box::new(
290 EmitterWriter::stderr(
291 color_config,
292 source_map.map(|cm| cm as _),
293 true,
294 false)
295 ),
296 };
298 errors::Handler::with_emitter_and_flags(
299 emitter,
300 errors::HandlerFlags {
301 can_emit_warnings: true,
302 treat_err_as_bug: false,
303 report_delayed_bugs: false,
304 external_macro_backtrace: false,
305 ..Default::default()
306 },
307 )
308 }
310 pub fn run_core(search_paths: SearchPaths,
311 cfgs: Vec<String>,
312 externs: config::Externs,
313 input: Input,
314 triple: Option<TargetTriple>,
315 maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
316 allow_warnings: bool,
317 crate_name: Option<String>,
318 force_unstable_if_unmarked: bool,
319 edition: Edition,
320 cg: CodegenOptions,
321 error_format: ErrorOutputType,
322 cmd_lints: Vec<(String, lint::Level)>,
323 lint_cap: Option<lint::Level>,
324 describe_lints: bool,
325 mut manual_passes: Vec<String>,
326 mut default_passes: passes::DefaultPassOption)
327 -> (clean::Crate, RenderInfo, Vec<String>)
328 {
329 // Parse, resolve, and typecheck the given crate.
331 let cpath = match input {
332 Input::File(ref p) => Some(p.clone()),
333 _ => None
334 };
336 let intra_link_resolution_failure_name = lint::builtin::INTRA_DOC_LINK_RESOLUTION_FAILURE.name;
337 let warnings_lint_name = lint::builtin::WARNINGS.name;
338 let missing_docs = rustc_lint::builtin::MISSING_DOCS.name;
340 // In addition to those specific lints, we also need to whitelist those given through
341 // command line, otherwise they'll get ignored and we don't want that.
342 let mut whitelisted_lints = vec![warnings_lint_name.to_owned(),
343 intra_link_resolution_failure_name.to_owned(),
344 missing_docs.to_owned()];
346 whitelisted_lints.extend(cmd_lints.iter().map(|(lint, _)| lint).cloned());
348 let lints = lint::builtin::HardwiredLints.get_lints()
349 .into_iter()
350 .chain(rustc_lint::SoftLints.get_lints().into_iter())
351 .filter_map(|lint| {
352 if lint.name == warnings_lint_name ||
353 lint.name == intra_link_resolution_failure_name {
354 None
355 } else {
356 Some((lint.name_lower(), lint::Allow))
357 }
358 })
359 .chain(cmd_lints.into_iter())
360 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
362 let host_triple = TargetTriple::from_triple(config::host_triple());
363 // plays with error output here!
364 let sessopts = config::Options {
365 maybe_sysroot,
366 search_paths,
367 crate_types: vec![config::CrateType::Rlib],
368 lint_opts: if !allow_warnings {
369 lints
370 } else {
371 vec![]
372 },
373 lint_cap: Some(lint_cap.unwrap_or_else(|| lint::Forbid)),
374 cg,
375 externs,
376 target_triple: triple.unwrap_or(host_triple),
377 // Ensure that rustdoc works even if rustc is feature-staged
378 unstable_features: UnstableFeatures::Allow,
379 actually_rustdoc: true,
380 debugging_opts: config::DebuggingOptions {
381 force_unstable_if_unmarked,
382 ..config::basic_debugging_options()
383 },
384 error_format,
385 edition,
386 describe_lints,
387 ..Options::default()
388 };
389 driver::spawn_thread_pool(sessopts, move |sessopts| {
390 let source_map = Lrc::new(source_map::SourceMap::new(sessopts.file_path_mapping()));
391 let diagnostic_handler = new_handler(error_format, Some(source_map.clone()));
393 let mut sess = session::build_session_(
394 sessopts, cpath, diagnostic_handler, source_map,
395 );
397 lint::builtin::HardwiredLints.get_lints()
398 .into_iter()
399 .chain(rustc_lint::SoftLints.get_lints().into_iter())
400 .filter_map(|lint| {
401 // We don't want to whitelist *all* lints so let's
402 // ignore those ones.
403 if whitelisted_lints.iter().any(|l| &lint.name == l) {
404 None
405 } else {
406 Some(lint)
407 }
408 })
409 .for_each(|l| {
410 sess.driver_lint_caps.insert(lint::LintId::of(l),
411 lint::Allow);
412 });
414 let codegen_backend = rustc_driver::get_codegen_backend(&sess);
415 let cstore = Rc::new(CStore::new(codegen_backend.metadata_loader()));
416 rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
418 let mut cfg = config::build_configuration(&sess, config::parse_cfgspecs(cfgs));
419 target_features::add_configuration(&mut cfg, &sess, &*codegen_backend);
420 sess.parse_sess.config = cfg;
422 let control = &driver::CompileController::basic();
424 let krate = panictry!(driver::phase_1_parse_input(control, &sess, &input));
426 let name = match crate_name {
427 Some(ref crate_name) => crate_name.clone(),
428 None => ::rustc_codegen_utils::link::find_crate_name(Some(&sess), &krate.attrs, &input),
429 };
431 let mut crate_loader = CrateLoader::new(&sess, &cstore, &name);
433 let resolver_arenas = resolve::Resolver::arenas();
434 let result = driver::phase_2_configure_and_expand_inner(&sess,
435 &cstore,
436 krate,
437 None,
438 &name,
439 None,
440 resolve::MakeGlobMap::No,
441 &resolver_arenas,
442 &mut crate_loader,
443 |_| Ok(()));
444 let driver::InnerExpansionResult {
445 mut hir_forest,
446 resolver,
447 ..
448 } = abort_on_err(result, &sess);
450 // We need to hold on to the complete resolver, so we clone everything
451 // for the analysis passes to use. Suboptimal, but necessary in the
452 // current architecture.
453 let defs = resolver.definitions.clone();
454 let resolutions = ty::Resolutions {
455 freevars: resolver.freevars.clone(),
456 export_map: resolver.export_map.clone(),
457 trait_map: resolver.trait_map.clone(),
458 maybe_unused_trait_imports: resolver.maybe_unused_trait_imports.clone(),
459 maybe_unused_extern_crates: resolver.maybe_unused_extern_crates.clone(),
460 extern_prelude: resolver.extern_prelude.clone(),
461 };
462 let analysis = ty::CrateAnalysis {
463 access_levels: Lrc::new(AccessLevels::default()),
464 name: name.to_string(),
465 glob_map: if resolver.make_glob_map { Some(resolver.glob_map.clone()) } else { None },
466 };
468 let arenas = AllArenas::new();
469 let hir_map = hir_map::map_crate(&sess, &*cstore, &mut hir_forest, &defs);
470 let output_filenames = driver::build_output_filenames(&input,
471 &None,
472 &None,
473 &[],
474 &sess);
476 let resolver = RefCell::new(resolver);
477 abort_on_err(driver::phase_3_run_analysis_passes(&*codegen_backend,
478 control,
479 &sess,
480 &*cstore,
481 hir_map,
482 analysis,
483 resolutions,
484 &arenas,
485 &name,
486 &output_filenames,
487 |tcx, analysis, _, result| {
488 if result.is_err() {
489 sess.fatal("Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc");
490 }
492 let ty::CrateAnalysis { access_levels, .. } = analysis;
494 // Convert from a NodeId set to a DefId set since we don't always have easy access
495 // to the map from defid -> nodeid
496 let access_levels = AccessLevels {
497 map: access_levels.map.iter()
498 .map(|(&k, &v)| (tcx.hir.local_def_id(k), v))
499 .collect()
500 };
502 let send_trait = if crate_name == Some("core".to_string()) {
503 clean::path_to_def_local(&tcx, &["marker", "Send"])
504 } else {
505 clean::path_to_def(&tcx, &["core", "marker", "Send"])
506 };
508 let ctxt = DocContext {
509 tcx,
510 resolver: &resolver,
511 crate_name,
512 cstore: cstore.clone(),
513 populated_all_crate_impls: Cell::new(false),
514 access_levels: RefCell::new(access_levels),
515 external_traits: Default::default(),
516 active_extern_traits: Default::default(),
517 renderinfo: Default::default(),
518 ty_substs: Default::default(),
519 lt_substs: Default::default(),
520 impl_trait_bounds: Default::default(),
521 send_trait: send_trait,
522 fake_def_ids: RefCell::new(FxHashMap()),
523 all_fake_def_ids: RefCell::new(FxHashSet()),
524 generated_synthetics: RefCell::new(FxHashSet()),
525 all_traits: tcx.all_traits(LOCAL_CRATE).to_vec(),
526 };
527 debug!("crate: {:?}", tcx.hir.krate());
529 let mut krate = {
530 let mut v = RustdocVisitor::new(&ctxt);
531 v.visit(tcx.hir.krate());
532 v.clean(&ctxt)
533 };
535 fn report_deprecated_attr(name: &str, diag: &errors::Handler) {
536 let mut msg = diag.struct_warn(&format!("the `#![doc({})]` attribute is \
537 considered deprecated", name));
538 msg.warn("please see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44136");
540 if name == "no_default_passes" {
541 msg.help("you may want to use `#![doc(document_private_items)]`");
542 }
544 msg.emit();
545 }
547 // Process all of the crate attributes, extracting plugin metadata along
548 // with the passes which we are supposed to run.
549 for attr in krate.module.as_ref().unwrap().attrs.lists("doc") {
550 let diag = ctxt.sess().diagnostic();
552 let name = attr.name().map(|s| s.as_str());
553 let name = name.as_ref().map(|s| &s[..]);
554 if attr.is_word() {
555 if name == Some("no_default_passes") {
556 report_deprecated_attr("no_default_passes", diag);
557 if default_passes == passes::DefaultPassOption::Default {
558 default_passes = passes::DefaultPassOption::None;
559 }
560 }
561 } else if let Some(value) = attr.value_str() {
562 let sink = match name {
563 Some("passes") => {
564 report_deprecated_attr("passes = \"...\"", diag);
565 &mut manual_passes
566 },
567 Some("plugins") => {
568 report_deprecated_attr("plugins = \"...\"", diag);
569 eprintln!("WARNING: #![doc(plugins = \"...\")] no longer functions; \
570 see CVE-2018-1000622");
571 continue
572 },
573 _ => continue,
574 };
575 for p in value.as_str().split_whitespace() {
576 sink.push(p.to_string());
577 }
578 }
580 if attr.is_word() && name == Some("document_private_items") {
581 if default_passes == passes::DefaultPassOption::Default {
582 default_passes = passes::DefaultPassOption::Private;
583 }
584 }
585 }
587 let mut passes: Vec<String> =
588 passes::defaults(default_passes).iter().map(|p| p.to_string()).collect();
589 passes.extend(manual_passes);
591 for pass in &passes {
592 // the "unknown pass" error will be reported when late passes are run
593 if let Some(pass) = passes::find_pass(pass).and_then(|p| p.early_fn()) {
594 krate = pass(krate, &ctxt);
595 }
596 }
598 ctxt.sess().abort_if_errors();
600 (krate, ctxt.renderinfo.into_inner(), passes)
601 }), &sess)
602 })
603 }