]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustdoc/html/render/context.rs
[rustc.git] / src / librustdoc / html / render / context.rs
1 use std::cell::RefCell;
2 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
3 use std::io;
4 use std::path::PathBuf;
5 use std::rc::Rc;
6 use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
8 use rustc_hir::def_id::{LOCAL_CRATE};
9 use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
10 use rustc_session::Session;
11 use rustc_span::edition::Edition;
12 use rustc_span::source_map::FileName;
13 use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
15 use super::cache::{build_index, ExternalLocation};
16 use super::print_item::{full_path, item_path, print_item};
17 use super::write_shared::write_shared;
18 use super::{
19 print_sidebar, settings, AllTypes, NameDoc, SharedContext, StylePath, BASIC_KEYWORDS,
21 };
23 use crate::clean::{self, AttributesExt};
24 use crate::config::RenderOptions;
25 use crate::docfs::{DocFS, PathError};
26 use crate::error::Error;
27 use crate::formats::cache::Cache;
28 use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
29 use crate::formats::FormatRenderer;
30 use crate::html::escape::Escape;
31 use crate::html::format::Buffer;
32 use crate::html::markdown::{self, plain_text_summary, ErrorCodes, IdMap};
33 use crate::html::{layout, sources};
35 /// Major driving force in all rustdoc rendering. This contains information
36 /// about where in the tree-like hierarchy rendering is occurring and controls
37 /// how the current page is being rendered.
38 ///
39 /// It is intended that this context is a lightweight object which can be fairly
40 /// easily cloned because it is cloned per work-job (about once per item in the
41 /// rustdoc tree).
42 crate struct Context<'tcx> {
43 /// Current hierarchy of components leading down to what's currently being
44 /// rendered
45 pub(super) current: Vec<String>,
46 /// The current destination folder of where HTML artifacts should be placed.
47 /// This changes as the context descends into the module hierarchy.
48 pub(super) dst: PathBuf,
49 /// A flag, which when `true`, will render pages which redirect to the
50 /// real location of an item. This is used to allow external links to
51 /// publicly reused items to redirect to the right location.
52 pub(super) render_redirect_pages: bool,
53 /// The map used to ensure all generated 'id=' attributes are unique.
54 pub(super) id_map: RefCell<IdMap>,
55 /// Shared mutable state.
56 ///
57 /// Issue for improving the situation: [#82381][]
58 ///
59 /// [#82381]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/82381
60 pub(super) shared: Rc<SharedContext<'tcx>>,
61 /// The [`Cache`] used during rendering.
62 ///
63 /// Ideally the cache would be in [`SharedContext`], but it's mutated
64 /// between when the `SharedContext` is created and when `Context`
65 /// is created, so more refactoring would be needed.
66 ///
67 /// It's immutable once in `Context`, so it's not as bad that it's not in
68 /// `SharedContext`.
69 // FIXME: move `cache` to `SharedContext`
70 pub(super) cache: Rc<Cache>,
71 }
73 // `Context` is cloned a lot, so we don't want the size to grow unexpectedly.
74 #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
75 rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(Context<'_>, 112);
77 impl<'tcx> Context<'tcx> {
78 pub(super) fn path(&self, filename: &str) -> PathBuf {
79 // We use splitn vs Path::extension here because we might get a filename
80 // like `style.min.css` and we want to process that into
81 // `style-suffix.min.css`. Path::extension would just return `css`
82 // which would result in `style.min-suffix.css` which isn't what we
83 // want.
84 let (base, ext) = filename.split_once('.').unwrap();
85 let filename = format!("{}{}.{}", base, self.shared.resource_suffix, ext);
86 self.dst.join(&filename)
87 }
89 pub(super) fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
90 self.shared.tcx
91 }
93 fn sess(&self) -> &'tcx Session {
94 &self.shared.tcx.sess
95 }
97 pub(super) fn derive_id(&self, id: String) -> String {
98 let mut map = self.id_map.borrow_mut();
99 map.derive(id)
100 }
102 /// String representation of how to get back to the root path of the 'doc/'
103 /// folder in terms of a relative URL.
104 pub(super) fn root_path(&self) -> String {
105 "../".repeat(self.current.len())
106 }
108 fn render_item(&self, it: &clean::Item, pushname: bool) -> String {
109 // A little unfortunate that this is done like this, but it sure
110 // does make formatting *a lot* nicer.
111 CURRENT_DEPTH.with(|slot| {
112 slot.set(self.current.len());
113 });
115 let mut title = if it.is_primitive() || it.is_keyword() {
116 // No need to include the namespace for primitive types and keywords
117 String::new()
118 } else {
119 self.current.join("::")
120 };
121 if pushname {
122 if !title.is_empty() {
123 title.push_str("::");
124 }
125 title.push_str(&it.name.unwrap().as_str());
126 }
127 title.push_str(" - Rust");
128 let tyname = it.type_();
129 let desc = it.doc_value().as_ref().map(|doc| plain_text_summary(&doc));
130 let desc = if let Some(desc) = desc {
131 desc
132 } else if it.is_crate() {
133 format!("API documentation for the Rust `{}` crate.", self.shared.layout.krate)
134 } else {
135 format!(
136 "API documentation for the Rust `{}` {} in crate `{}`.",
137 it.name.as_ref().unwrap(),
138 tyname,
139 self.shared.layout.krate
140 )
141 };
142 let keywords = make_item_keywords(it);
143 let page = layout::Page {
144 css_class: tyname.as_str(),
145 root_path: &self.root_path(),
146 static_root_path: self.shared.static_root_path.as_deref(),
147 title: &title,
148 description: &desc,
149 keywords: &keywords,
150 resource_suffix: &self.shared.resource_suffix,
151 extra_scripts: &[],
152 static_extra_scripts: &[],
153 };
155 if !self.render_redirect_pages {
156 layout::render(
157 &self.shared.layout,
158 &page,
159 |buf: &mut _| print_sidebar(self, it, buf),
160 |buf: &mut _| print_item(self, it, buf),
161 &self.shared.style_files,
162 )
163 } else {
164 if let Some(&(ref names, ty)) = self.cache.paths.get(&it.def_id) {
165 let mut path = String::new();
166 for name in &names[..names.len() - 1] {
167 path.push_str(name);
168 path.push('/');
169 }
170 path.push_str(&item_path(ty, names.last().unwrap()));
171 match self.shared.redirections {
172 Some(ref redirections) => {
173 let mut current_path = String::new();
174 for name in &self.current {
175 current_path.push_str(name);
176 current_path.push('/');
177 }
178 current_path.push_str(&item_path(ty, names.last().unwrap()));
179 redirections.borrow_mut().insert(current_path, path);
180 }
181 None => return layout::redirect(&format!("{}{}", self.root_path(), path)),
182 }
183 }
184 String::new()
185 }
186 }
188 /// Construct a map of items shown in the sidebar to a plain-text summary of their docs.
189 fn build_sidebar_items(&self, m: &clean::Module) -> BTreeMap<String, Vec<NameDoc>> {
190 // BTreeMap instead of HashMap to get a sorted output
191 let mut map: BTreeMap<_, Vec<_>> = BTreeMap::new();
192 for item in &m.items {
193 if item.is_stripped() {
194 continue;
195 }
197 let short = item.type_();
198 let myname = match item.name {
199 None => continue,
200 Some(ref s) => s.to_string(),
201 };
202 let short = short.to_string();
203 map.entry(short).or_default().push((
204 myname,
205 Some(item.doc_value().map_or_else(String::new, |s| plain_text_summary(&s))),
206 ));
207 }
209 if self.shared.sort_modules_alphabetically {
210 for items in map.values_mut() {
211 items.sort();
212 }
213 }
214 map
215 }
217 /// Generates a url appropriate for an `href` attribute back to the source of
218 /// this item.
219 ///
220 /// The url generated, when clicked, will redirect the browser back to the
221 /// original source code.
222 ///
223 /// If `None` is returned, then a source link couldn't be generated. This
224 /// may happen, for example, with externally inlined items where the source
225 /// of their crate documentation isn't known.
226 pub(super) fn src_href(&self, item: &clean::Item) -> Option<String> {
227 if item.source.is_dummy() {
228 return None;
229 }
230 let mut root = self.root_path();
231 let mut path = String::new();
232 let cnum = item.source.cnum(self.sess());
234 // We can safely ignore synthetic `SourceFile`s.
235 let file = match item.source.filename(self.sess()) {
236 FileName::Real(ref path) => path.local_path().to_path_buf(),
237 _ => return None,
238 };
239 let file = &file;
241 let symbol;
242 let (krate, path) = if cnum == LOCAL_CRATE {
243 if let Some(path) = self.shared.local_sources.get(file) {
244 (self.shared.layout.krate.as_str(), path)
245 } else {
246 return None;
247 }
248 } else {
249 let (krate, src_root) = match *self.cache.extern_locations.get(&cnum)? {
250 (name, ref src, ExternalLocation::Local) => (name, src),
251 (name, ref src, ExternalLocation::Remote(ref s)) => {
252 root = s.to_string();
253 (name, src)
254 }
255 (_, _, ExternalLocation::Unknown) => return None,
256 };
258 sources::clean_path(&src_root, file, false, |component| {
259 path.push_str(&component.to_string_lossy());
260 path.push('/');
261 });
262 let mut fname = file.file_name().expect("source has no filename").to_os_string();
263 fname.push(".html");
264 path.push_str(&fname.to_string_lossy());
265 symbol = krate.as_str();
266 (&*symbol, &path)
267 };
269 let loline = item.source.lo(self.sess()).line;
270 let hiline = item.source.hi(self.sess()).line;
271 let lines =
272 if loline == hiline { loline.to_string() } else { format!("{}-{}", loline, hiline) };
273 Some(format!(
274 "{root}src/{krate}/{path}#{lines}",
275 root = Escape(&root),
276 krate = krate,
277 path = path,
278 lines = lines
279 ))
280 }
281 }
283 /// Generates the documentation for `crate` into the directory `dst`
284 impl<'tcx> FormatRenderer<'tcx> for Context<'tcx> {
285 fn descr() -> &'static str {
286 "html"
287 }
289 fn init(
290 mut krate: clean::Crate,
291 options: RenderOptions,
292 edition: Edition,
293 mut cache: Cache,
294 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
295 ) -> Result<(Self, clean::Crate), Error> {
296 // need to save a copy of the options for rendering the index page
297 let md_opts = options.clone();
298 let RenderOptions {
299 output,
300 external_html,
301 id_map,
302 playground_url,
303 sort_modules_alphabetically,
304 themes: style_files,
305 default_settings,
306 extension_css,
307 resource_suffix,
308 static_root_path,
309 generate_search_filter,
310 unstable_features,
311 generate_redirect_map,
312 ..
313 } = options;
315 let src_root = match krate.src {
316 FileName::Real(ref p) => match p.local_path().parent() {
317 Some(p) => p.to_path_buf(),
318 None => PathBuf::new(),
319 },
320 _ => PathBuf::new(),
321 };
322 // If user passed in `--playground-url` arg, we fill in crate name here
323 let mut playground = None;
324 if let Some(url) = playground_url {
325 playground =
326 Some(markdown::Playground { crate_name: Some(krate.name.to_string()), url });
327 }
328 let mut layout = layout::Layout {
329 logo: String::new(),
330 favicon: String::new(),
331 external_html,
332 default_settings,
333 krate: krate.name.to_string(),
334 css_file_extension: extension_css,
335 generate_search_filter,
336 };
337 let mut issue_tracker_base_url = None;
338 let mut include_sources = true;
340 // Crawl the crate attributes looking for attributes which control how we're
341 // going to emit HTML
342 if let Some(attrs) = krate.module.as_ref().map(|m| &m.attrs) {
343 for attr in attrs.lists(sym::doc) {
344 match (attr.name_or_empty(), attr.value_str()) {
345 (sym::html_favicon_url, Some(s)) => {
346 layout.favicon = s.to_string();
347 }
348 (sym::html_logo_url, Some(s)) => {
349 layout.logo = s.to_string();
350 }
351 (sym::html_playground_url, Some(s)) => {
352 playground = Some(markdown::Playground {
353 crate_name: Some(krate.name.to_string()),
354 url: s.to_string(),
355 });
356 }
357 (sym::issue_tracker_base_url, Some(s)) => {
358 issue_tracker_base_url = Some(s.to_string());
359 }
360 (sym::html_no_source, None) if attr.is_word() => {
361 include_sources = false;
362 }
363 _ => {}
364 }
365 }
366 }
367 let (sender, receiver) = channel();
368 let mut scx = SharedContext {
369 tcx,
370 collapsed: krate.collapsed,
371 src_root,
372 include_sources,
373 local_sources: Default::default(),
374 issue_tracker_base_url,
375 layout,
376 created_dirs: Default::default(),
377 sort_modules_alphabetically,
378 style_files,
379 resource_suffix,
380 static_root_path,
381 fs: DocFS::new(sender),
382 edition,
383 codes: ErrorCodes::from(unstable_features.is_nightly_build()),
384 playground,
385 all: RefCell::new(AllTypes::new()),
386 errors: receiver,
387 redirections: if generate_redirect_map { Some(Default::default()) } else { None },
388 };
390 // Add the default themes to the `Vec` of stylepaths
391 //
392 // Note that these must be added before `sources::render` is called
393 // so that the resulting source pages are styled
394 //
395 // `light.css` is not disabled because it is the stylesheet that stays loaded
396 // by the browser as the theme stylesheet. The theme system (hackily) works by
397 // changing the href to this stylesheet. All other themes are disabled to
398 // prevent rule conflicts
399 scx.style_files.push(StylePath { path: PathBuf::from("light.css"), disabled: false });
400 scx.style_files.push(StylePath { path: PathBuf::from("dark.css"), disabled: true });
401 scx.style_files.push(StylePath { path: PathBuf::from("ayu.css"), disabled: true });
403 let dst = output;
404 scx.ensure_dir(&dst)?;
405 krate = sources::render(&dst, &mut scx, krate)?;
407 // Build our search index
408 let index = build_index(&krate, &mut cache, tcx);
410 let mut cx = Context {
411 current: Vec::new(),
412 dst,
413 render_redirect_pages: false,
414 id_map: RefCell::new(id_map),
415 shared: Rc::new(scx),
416 cache: Rc::new(cache),
417 };
419 CURRENT_DEPTH.with(|s| s.set(0));
421 // Write shared runs within a flock; disable thread dispatching of IO temporarily.
422 Rc::get_mut(&mut cx.shared).unwrap().fs.set_sync_only(true);
423 write_shared(&cx, &krate, index, &md_opts)?;
424 Rc::get_mut(&mut cx.shared).unwrap().fs.set_sync_only(false);
425 Ok((cx, krate))
426 }
428 fn make_child_renderer(&self) -> Self {
429 let mut id_map = IdMap::new();
430 id_map.populate(&INITIAL_IDS);
432 Self {
433 current: self.current.clone(),
434 dst: self.dst.clone(),
435 render_redirect_pages: self.render_redirect_pages,
436 id_map: RefCell::new(id_map),
437 shared: Rc::clone(&self.shared),
438 cache: Rc::clone(&self.cache),
439 }
440 }
442 fn after_krate(
443 &mut self,
444 krate: &clean::Crate,
445 diag: &rustc_errors::Handler,
446 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
447 let final_file = self.dst.join(&*krate.name.as_str()).join("all.html");
448 let settings_file = self.dst.join("settings.html");
449 let crate_name = krate.name;
451 let mut root_path = self.dst.to_str().expect("invalid path").to_owned();
452 if !root_path.ends_with('/') {
453 root_path.push('/');
454 }
455 let mut page = layout::Page {
456 title: "List of all items in this crate",
457 css_class: "mod",
458 root_path: "../",
459 static_root_path: self.shared.static_root_path.as_deref(),
460 description: "List of all items in this crate",
461 keywords: BASIC_KEYWORDS,
462 resource_suffix: &self.shared.resource_suffix,
463 extra_scripts: &[],
464 static_extra_scripts: &[],
465 };
466 let sidebar = if let Some(ref version) = self.cache.crate_version {
467 format!(
468 "<p class=\"location\">Crate {}</p>\
469 <div class=\"block version\">\
470 <p>Version {}</p>\
471 </div>\
472 <a id=\"all-types\" href=\"index.html\"><p>Back to index</p></a>",
473 crate_name,
474 Escape(version),
475 )
476 } else {
477 String::new()
478 };
479 let all = self.shared.all.replace(AllTypes::new());
480 let v = layout::render(
481 &self.shared.layout,
482 &page,
483 sidebar,
484 |buf: &mut Buffer| all.print(buf),
485 &self.shared.style_files,
486 );
487 self.shared.fs.write(&final_file, v.as_bytes())?;
489 // Generating settings page.
490 page.title = "Rustdoc settings";
491 page.description = "Settings of Rustdoc";
492 page.root_path = "./";
494 let mut style_files = self.shared.style_files.clone();
495 let sidebar = "<p class=\"location\">Settings</p><div class=\"sidebar-elems\"></div>";
496 style_files.push(StylePath { path: PathBuf::from("settings.css"), disabled: false });
497 let v = layout::render(
498 &self.shared.layout,
499 &page,
500 sidebar,
501 settings(
502 self.shared.static_root_path.as_deref().unwrap_or("./"),
503 &self.shared.resource_suffix,
504 &self.shared.style_files,
505 )?,
506 &style_files,
507 );
508 self.shared.fs.write(&settings_file, v.as_bytes())?;
509 if let Some(ref redirections) = self.shared.redirections {
510 if !redirections.borrow().is_empty() {
511 let redirect_map_path =
512 self.dst.join(&*krate.name.as_str()).join("redirect-map.json");
513 let paths = serde_json::to_string(&*redirections.borrow()).unwrap();
514 self.shared.ensure_dir(&self.dst.join(&*krate.name.as_str()))?;
515 self.shared.fs.write(&redirect_map_path, paths.as_bytes())?;
516 }
517 }
519 // Flush pending errors.
520 Rc::get_mut(&mut self.shared).unwrap().fs.close();
521 let nb_errors = self.shared.errors.iter().map(|err| diag.struct_err(&err).emit()).count();
522 if nb_errors > 0 {
523 Err(Error::new(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "I/O error"), ""))
524 } else {
525 Ok(())
526 }
527 }
529 fn mod_item_in(&mut self, item: &clean::Item, item_name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
530 // Stripped modules survive the rustdoc passes (i.e., `strip-private`)
531 // if they contain impls for public types. These modules can also
532 // contain items such as publicly re-exported structures.
533 //
534 // External crates will provide links to these structures, so
535 // these modules are recursed into, but not rendered normally
536 // (a flag on the context).
537 if !self.render_redirect_pages {
538 self.render_redirect_pages = item.is_stripped();
539 }
540 let scx = &self.shared;
541 self.dst.push(item_name);
542 self.current.push(item_name.to_owned());
544 info!("Recursing into {}", self.dst.display());
546 let buf = self.render_item(item, false);
547 // buf will be empty if the module is stripped and there is no redirect for it
548 if !buf.is_empty() {
549 self.shared.ensure_dir(&self.dst)?;
550 let joint_dst = self.dst.join("index.html");
551 scx.fs.write(&joint_dst, buf.as_bytes())?;
552 }
554 // Render sidebar-items.js used throughout this module.
555 if !self.render_redirect_pages {
556 let module = match *item.kind {
557 clean::StrippedItem(box clean::ModuleItem(ref m)) | clean::ModuleItem(ref m) => m,
558 _ => unreachable!(),
559 };
560 let items = self.build_sidebar_items(module);
561 let js_dst = self.dst.join("sidebar-items.js");
562 let v = format!("initSidebarItems({});", serde_json::to_string(&items).unwrap());
563 scx.fs.write(&js_dst, &v)?;
564 }
565 Ok(())
566 }
568 fn mod_item_out(&mut self, _item_name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
569 info!("Recursed; leaving {}", self.dst.display());
571 // Go back to where we were at
572 self.dst.pop();
573 self.current.pop();
574 Ok(())
575 }
577 fn item(&mut self, item: clean::Item) -> Result<(), Error> {
578 // Stripped modules survive the rustdoc passes (i.e., `strip-private`)
579 // if they contain impls for public types. These modules can also
580 // contain items such as publicly re-exported structures.
581 //
582 // External crates will provide links to these structures, so
583 // these modules are recursed into, but not rendered normally
584 // (a flag on the context).
585 if !self.render_redirect_pages {
586 self.render_redirect_pages = item.is_stripped();
587 }
589 let buf = self.render_item(&item, true);
590 // buf will be empty if the item is stripped and there is no redirect for it
591 if !buf.is_empty() {
592 let name = item.name.as_ref().unwrap();
593 let item_type = item.type_();
594 let file_name = &item_path(item_type, &name.as_str());
595 self.shared.ensure_dir(&self.dst)?;
596 let joint_dst = self.dst.join(file_name);
597 self.shared.fs.write(&joint_dst, buf.as_bytes())?;
599 if !self.render_redirect_pages {
600 self.shared.all.borrow_mut().append(full_path(self, &item), &item_type);
601 }
602 // If the item is a macro, redirect from the old macro URL (with !)
603 // to the new one (without).
604 if item_type == ItemType::Macro {
605 let redir_name = format!("{}.{}!.html", item_type, name);
606 if let Some(ref redirections) = self.shared.redirections {
607 let crate_name = &self.shared.layout.krate;
608 redirections.borrow_mut().insert(
609 format!("{}/{}", crate_name, redir_name),
610 format!("{}/{}", crate_name, file_name),
611 );
612 } else {
613 let v = layout::redirect(file_name);
614 let redir_dst = self.dst.join(redir_name);
615 self.shared.fs.write(&redir_dst, v.as_bytes())?;
616 }
617 }
618 }
619 Ok(())
620 }
622 fn cache(&self) -> &Cache {
623 &self.cache
624 }
625 }
627 fn make_item_keywords(it: &clean::Item) -> String {
628 format!("{}, {}", BASIC_KEYWORDS, it.name.as_ref().unwrap())
629 }