]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
New upstream version 1.63.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustdoc / html / static / js / search.js
1 /* global addClass, getNakedUrl, getSettingValue */
2 /* global onEachLazy, removeClass, searchState, browserSupportsHistoryApi, exports */
4 "use strict";
6 (function() {
7 // This mapping table should match the discriminants of
8 // `rustdoc::formats::item_type::ItemType` type in Rust.
9 const itemTypes = [
10 "mod",
11 "externcrate",
12 "import",
13 "struct",
14 "enum",
15 "fn",
16 "type",
17 "static",
18 "trait",
19 "impl",
20 "tymethod",
21 "method",
22 "structfield",
23 "variant",
24 "macro",
25 "primitive",
26 "associatedtype",
27 "constant",
28 "associatedconstant",
29 "union",
30 "foreigntype",
31 "keyword",
32 "existential",
33 "attr",
34 "derive",
35 "traitalias",
36 ];
38 // used for special search precedence
39 const TY_PRIMITIVE = itemTypes.indexOf("primitive");
40 const TY_KEYWORD = itemTypes.indexOf("keyword");
41 const ROOT_PATH = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.rootPath : "../";
43 function hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(obj, property) {
44 return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, property);
45 }
47 // In the search display, allows to switch between tabs.
48 function printTab(nb) {
49 let iter = 0;
50 let foundCurrentTab = false;
51 let foundCurrentResultSet = false;
52 onEachLazy(document.getElementById("titles").childNodes, elem => {
53 if (nb === iter) {
54 addClass(elem, "selected");
55 foundCurrentTab = true;
56 } else {
57 removeClass(elem, "selected");
58 }
59 iter += 1;
60 });
61 iter = 0;
62 onEachLazy(document.getElementById("results").childNodes, elem => {
63 if (nb === iter) {
64 addClass(elem, "active");
65 foundCurrentResultSet = true;
66 } else {
67 removeClass(elem, "active");
68 }
69 iter += 1;
70 });
71 if (foundCurrentTab && foundCurrentResultSet) {
72 searchState.currentTab = nb;
73 } else if (nb !== 0) {
74 printTab(0);
75 }
76 }
78 /**
79 * A function to compute the Levenshtein distance between two strings
80 * Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
81 * Full License can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode
82 * This code is an unmodified version of the code written by Marco de Wit
83 * and was found at https://stackoverflow.com/a/18514751/745719
84 */
85 const levenshtein_row2 = [];
86 function levenshtein(s1, s2) {
87 if (s1 === s2) {
88 return 0;
89 }
90 const s1_len = s1.length, s2_len = s2.length;
91 if (s1_len && s2_len) {
92 let i1 = 0, i2 = 0, a, b, c, c2;
93 const row = levenshtein_row2;
94 while (i1 < s1_len) {
95 row[i1] = ++i1;
96 }
97 while (i2 < s2_len) {
98 c2 = s2.charCodeAt(i2);
99 a = i2;
100 ++i2;
101 b = i2;
102 for (i1 = 0; i1 < s1_len; ++i1) {
103 c = a + (s1.charCodeAt(i1) !== c2 ? 1 : 0);
104 a = row[i1];
105 b = b < a ? (b < c ? b + 1 : c) : (a < c ? a + 1 : c);
106 row[i1] = b;
107 }
108 }
109 return b;
110 }
111 return s1_len + s2_len;
112 }
114 function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
115 const MAX_LEV_DISTANCE = 3;
116 const MAX_RESULTS = 200;
117 const GENERICS_DATA = 2;
118 const NAME = 0;
119 const INPUTS_DATA = 0;
120 const OUTPUT_DATA = 1;
121 const NO_TYPE_FILTER = -1;
122 /**
123 * @type {Array<Row>}
124 */
125 let searchIndex;
126 let currentResults;
127 const ALIASES = Object.create(null);
129 function isWhitespace(c) {
130 return " \t\n\r".indexOf(c) !== -1;
131 }
133 function isSpecialStartCharacter(c) {
134 return "<\"".indexOf(c) !== -1;
135 }
137 function isEndCharacter(c) {
138 return ",>-".indexOf(c) !== -1;
139 }
141 function isStopCharacter(c) {
142 return isWhitespace(c) || isEndCharacter(c);
143 }
145 function isErrorCharacter(c) {
146 return "()".indexOf(c) !== -1;
147 }
149 function itemTypeFromName(typename) {
150 for (let i = 0, len = itemTypes.length; i < len; ++i) {
151 if (itemTypes[i] === typename) {
152 return i;
153 }
154 }
156 throw new Error("Unknown type filter `" + typename + "`");
157 }
159 /**
160 * If we encounter a `"`, then we try to extract the string from it until we find another `"`.
161 *
162 * This function will throw an error in the following cases:
163 * * There is already another string element.
164 * * We are parsing a generic argument.
165 * * There is more than one element.
166 * * There is no closing `"`.
167 *
168 * @param {ParsedQuery} query
169 * @param {ParserState} parserState
170 * @param {boolean} isInGenerics
171 */
172 function getStringElem(query, parserState, isInGenerics) {
173 if (isInGenerics) {
174 throw new Error("`\"` cannot be used in generics");
175 } else if (query.literalSearch) {
176 throw new Error("Cannot have more than one literal search element");
177 } else if (parserState.totalElems - parserState.genericsElems > 0) {
178 throw new Error("Cannot use literal search when there is more than one element");
179 }
180 parserState.pos += 1;
181 const start = parserState.pos;
182 const end = getIdentEndPosition(parserState);
183 if (parserState.pos >= parserState.length) {
184 throw new Error("Unclosed `\"`");
185 } else if (parserState.userQuery[end] !== "\"") {
186 throw new Error(`Unexpected \`${parserState.userQuery[end]}\` in a string element`);
187 } else if (start === end) {
188 throw new Error("Cannot have empty string element");
189 }
190 // To skip the quote at the end.
191 parserState.pos += 1;
192 query.literalSearch = true;
193 }
195 /**
196 * Returns `true` if the current parser position is starting with "::".
197 *
198 * @param {ParserState} parserState
199 *
200 * @return {boolean}
201 */
202 function isPathStart(parserState) {
203 return parserState.userQuery.slice(parserState.pos, parserState.pos + 2) === "::";
204 }
206 /**
207 * Returns `true` if the current parser position is starting with "->".
208 *
209 * @param {ParserState} parserState
210 *
211 * @return {boolean}
212 */
213 function isReturnArrow(parserState) {
214 return parserState.userQuery.slice(parserState.pos, parserState.pos + 2) === "->";
215 }
217 /**
218 * Returns `true` if the given `c` character is valid for an ident.
219 *
220 * @param {string} c
221 *
222 * @return {boolean}
223 */
224 function isIdentCharacter(c) {
225 return (
226 c === "_" ||
227 (c >= "0" && c <= "9") ||
228 (c >= "a" && c <= "z") ||
229 (c >= "A" && c <= "Z"));
230 }
232 /**
233 * Returns `true` if the given `c` character is a separator.
234 *
235 * @param {string} c
236 *
237 * @return {boolean}
238 */
239 function isSeparatorCharacter(c) {
240 return c === "," || isWhitespaceCharacter(c);
241 }
243 /**
244 * Returns `true` if the given `c` character is a whitespace.
245 *
246 * @param {string} c
247 *
248 * @return {boolean}
249 */
250 function isWhitespaceCharacter(c) {
251 return c === " " || c === "\t";
252 }
254 /**
255 * @param {ParsedQuery} query
256 * @param {ParserState} parserState
257 * @param {string} name - Name of the query element.
258 * @param {Array<QueryElement>} generics - List of generics of this query element.
259 *
260 * @return {QueryElement} - The newly created `QueryElement`.
261 */
262 function createQueryElement(query, parserState, name, generics, isInGenerics) {
263 if (name === "*" || (name.length === 0 && generics.length === 0)) {
264 return;
265 }
266 if (query.literalSearch && parserState.totalElems - parserState.genericsElems > 0) {
267 throw new Error("You cannot have more than one element if you use quotes");
268 }
269 const pathSegments = name.split("::");
270 if (pathSegments.length > 1) {
271 for (let i = 0, len = pathSegments.length; i < len; ++i) {
272 const pathSegment = pathSegments[i];
274 if (pathSegment.length === 0) {
275 if (i === 0) {
276 throw new Error("Paths cannot start with `::`");
277 } else if (i + 1 === len) {
278 throw new Error("Paths cannot end with `::`");
279 }
280 throw new Error("Unexpected `::::`");
281 }
282 }
283 }
284 // In case we only have something like `<p>`, there is no name.
285 if (pathSegments.length === 0 || (pathSegments.length === 1 && pathSegments[0] === "")) {
286 throw new Error("Found generics without a path");
287 }
288 parserState.totalElems += 1;
289 if (isInGenerics) {
290 parserState.genericsElems += 1;
291 }
292 return {
293 name: name,
294 fullPath: pathSegments,
295 pathWithoutLast: pathSegments.slice(0, pathSegments.length - 1),
296 pathLast: pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1],
297 generics: generics,
298 };
299 }
301 /**
302 * This function goes through all characters until it reaches an invalid ident character or the
303 * end of the query. It returns the position of the last character of the ident.
304 *
305 * @param {ParserState} parserState
306 *
307 * @return {integer}
308 */
309 function getIdentEndPosition(parserState) {
310 let end = parserState.pos;
311 let foundExclamation = false;
312 while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
313 const c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
314 if (!isIdentCharacter(c)) {
315 if (c === "!") {
316 if (foundExclamation) {
317 throw new Error("Cannot have more than one `!` in an ident");
318 } else if (parserState.pos + 1 < parserState.length &&
319 isIdentCharacter(parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos + 1])
320 ) {
321 throw new Error("`!` can only be at the end of an ident");
322 }
323 foundExclamation = true;
324 } else if (isErrorCharacter(c)) {
325 throw new Error(`Unexpected \`${c}\``);
326 } else if (
327 isStopCharacter(c) ||
328 isSpecialStartCharacter(c) ||
329 isSeparatorCharacter(c)
330 ) {
331 break;
332 } else if (c === ":") { // If we allow paths ("str::string" for example).
333 if (!isPathStart(parserState)) {
334 break;
335 }
336 // Skip current ":".
337 parserState.pos += 1;
338 foundExclamation = false;
339 } else {
340 throw new Error(`Unexpected \`${c}\``);
341 }
342 }
343 parserState.pos += 1;
344 end = parserState.pos;
345 }
346 return end;
347 }
349 /**
350 * @param {ParsedQuery} query
351 * @param {ParserState} parserState
352 * @param {Array<QueryElement>} elems - This is where the new {QueryElement} will be added.
353 * @param {boolean} isInGenerics
354 */
355 function getNextElem(query, parserState, elems, isInGenerics) {
356 const generics = [];
358 let start = parserState.pos;
359 let end;
360 // We handle the strings on their own mostly to make code easier to follow.
361 if (parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos] === "\"") {
362 start += 1;
363 getStringElem(query, parserState, isInGenerics);
364 end = parserState.pos - 1;
365 } else {
366 end = getIdentEndPosition(parserState);
367 }
368 if (parserState.pos < parserState.length &&
369 parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos] === "<"
370 ) {
371 if (isInGenerics) {
372 throw new Error("Unexpected `<` after `<`");
373 } else if (start >= end) {
374 throw new Error("Found generics without a path");
375 }
376 parserState.pos += 1;
377 getItemsBefore(query, parserState, generics, ">");
378 }
379 if (start >= end && generics.length === 0) {
380 return;
381 }
382 elems.push(
383 createQueryElement(
384 query,
385 parserState,
386 parserState.userQuery.slice(start, end),
387 generics,
388 isInGenerics
389 )
390 );
391 }
393 /**
394 * This function parses the next query element until it finds `endChar`, calling `getNextElem`
395 * to collect each element.
396 *
397 * If there is no `endChar`, this function will implicitly stop at the end without raising an
398 * error.
399 *
400 * @param {ParsedQuery} query
401 * @param {ParserState} parserState
402 * @param {Array<QueryElement>} elems - This is where the new {QueryElement} will be added.
403 * @param {string} endChar - This function will stop when it'll encounter this
404 * character.
405 */
406 function getItemsBefore(query, parserState, elems, endChar) {
407 let foundStopChar = true;
409 while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
410 const c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
411 if (c === endChar) {
412 break;
413 } else if (isSeparatorCharacter(c)) {
414 parserState.pos += 1;
415 foundStopChar = true;
416 continue;
417 } else if (c === ":" && isPathStart(parserState)) {
418 throw new Error("Unexpected `::`: paths cannot start with `::`");
419 } else if (c === ":" || isEndCharacter(c)) {
420 let extra = "";
421 if (endChar === ">") {
422 extra = "`<`";
423 } else if (endChar === "") {
424 extra = "`->`";
425 }
426 throw new Error("Unexpected `" + c + "` after " + extra);
427 }
428 if (!foundStopChar) {
429 if (endChar !== "") {
430 throw new Error(`Expected \`,\`, \` \` or \`${endChar}\`, found \`${c}\``);
431 }
432 throw new Error(`Expected \`,\` or \` \`, found \`${c}\``);
433 }
434 const posBefore = parserState.pos;
435 getNextElem(query, parserState, elems, endChar === ">");
436 // This case can be encountered if `getNextElem` encounted a "stop character" right from
437 // the start. For example if you have `,,` or `<>`. In this case, we simply move up the
438 // current position to continue the parsing.
439 if (posBefore === parserState.pos) {
440 parserState.pos += 1;
441 }
442 foundStopChar = false;
443 }
444 // We are either at the end of the string or on the `endChar`` character, let's move forward
445 // in any case.
446 parserState.pos += 1;
447 }
449 /**
450 * Checks that the type filter doesn't have unwanted characters like `<>` (which are ignored
451 * if empty).
452 *
453 * @param {ParserState} parserState
454 */
455 function checkExtraTypeFilterCharacters(parserState) {
456 const query = parserState.userQuery;
458 for (let pos = 0; pos < parserState.pos; ++pos) {
459 if (!isIdentCharacter(query[pos]) && !isWhitespaceCharacter(query[pos])) {
460 throw new Error(`Unexpected \`${query[pos]}\` in type filter`);
461 }
462 }
463 }
465 /**
466 * Parses the provided `query` input to fill `parserState`. If it encounters an error while
467 * parsing `query`, it'll throw an error.
468 *
469 * @param {ParsedQuery} query
470 * @param {ParserState} parserState
471 */
472 function parseInput(query, parserState) {
473 let c, before;
474 let foundStopChar = true;
476 while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
477 c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
478 if (isStopCharacter(c)) {
479 foundStopChar = true;
480 if (isSeparatorCharacter(c)) {
481 parserState.pos += 1;
482 continue;
483 } else if (c === "-" || c === ">") {
484 if (isReturnArrow(parserState)) {
485 break;
486 }
487 throw new Error(`Unexpected \`${c}\` (did you mean \`->\`?)`);
488 }
489 throw new Error(`Unexpected \`${c}\``);
490 } else if (c === ":" && !isPathStart(parserState)) {
491 if (parserState.typeFilter !== null) {
492 throw new Error("Unexpected `:`");
493 }
494 if (query.elems.length === 0) {
495 throw new Error("Expected type filter before `:`");
496 } else if (query.elems.length !== 1 || parserState.totalElems !== 1) {
497 throw new Error("Unexpected `:`");
498 } else if (query.literalSearch) {
499 throw new Error("You cannot use quotes on type filter");
500 }
501 checkExtraTypeFilterCharacters(parserState);
502 // The type filter doesn't count as an element since it's a modifier.
503 parserState.typeFilter = query.elems.pop().name;
504 parserState.pos += 1;
505 parserState.totalElems = 0;
506 query.literalSearch = false;
507 foundStopChar = true;
508 continue;
509 }
510 if (!foundStopChar) {
511 if (parserState.typeFilter !== null) {
512 throw new Error(`Expected \`,\`, \` \` or \`->\`, found \`${c}\``);
513 }
514 throw new Error(`Expected \`,\`, \` \`, \`:\` or \`->\`, found \`${c}\``);
515 }
516 before = query.elems.length;
517 getNextElem(query, parserState, query.elems, false);
518 if (query.elems.length === before) {
519 // Nothing was added, weird... Let's increase the position to not remain stuck.
520 parserState.pos += 1;
521 }
522 foundStopChar = false;
523 }
524 while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
525 c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
526 if (isReturnArrow(parserState)) {
527 parserState.pos += 2;
528 // Get returned elements.
529 getItemsBefore(query, parserState, query.returned, "");
530 // Nothing can come afterward!
531 if (query.returned.length === 0) {
532 throw new Error("Expected at least one item after `->`");
533 }
534 break;
535 } else {
536 parserState.pos += 1;
537 }
538 }
539 }
541 /**
542 * Takes the user search input and returns an empty `ParsedQuery`.
543 *
544 * @param {string} userQuery
545 *
546 * @return {ParsedQuery}
547 */
548 function newParsedQuery(userQuery) {
549 return {
550 original: userQuery,
551 userQuery: userQuery.toLowerCase(),
552 typeFilter: NO_TYPE_FILTER,
553 elems: [],
554 returned: [],
555 // Total number of "top" elements (does not include generics).
556 foundElems: 0,
557 literalSearch: false,
558 error: null,
559 };
560 }
562 /**
563 * Build an URL with search parameters.
564 *
565 * @param {string} search - The current search being performed.
566 * @param {string|null} filterCrates - The current filtering crate (if any).
567 *
568 * @return {string}
569 */
570 function buildUrl(search, filterCrates) {
571 let extra = "?search=" + encodeURIComponent(search);
573 if (filterCrates !== null) {
574 extra += "&filter-crate=" + encodeURIComponent(filterCrates);
575 }
576 return getNakedUrl() + extra + window.location.hash;
577 }
579 /**
580 * Return the filtering crate or `null` if there is none.
581 *
582 * @return {string|null}
583 */
584 function getFilterCrates() {
585 const elem = document.getElementById("crate-search");
587 if (elem &&
588 elem.value !== "All crates" &&
589 hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(rawSearchIndex, elem.value)
590 ) {
591 return elem.value;
592 }
593 return null;
594 }
596 /**
597 * Parses the query.
598 *
599 * The supported syntax by this parser is as follow:
600 *
601 * ident = *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_") [!]
602 * path = ident *(DOUBLE-COLON ident)
603 * arg = path [generics]
604 * arg-without-generic = path
605 * type-sep = COMMA/WS *(COMMA/WS)
606 * nonempty-arg-list = *(type-sep) arg *(type-sep arg) *(type-sep)
607 * nonempty-arg-list-without-generics = *(type-sep) arg-without-generic
608 * *(type-sep arg-without-generic) *(type-sep)
609 * generics = OPEN-ANGLE-BRACKET [ nonempty-arg-list-without-generics ] *(type-sep)
611 * return-args = RETURN-ARROW *(type-sep) nonempty-arg-list
612 *
613 * exact-search = [type-filter *WS COLON] [ RETURN-ARROW ] *WS QUOTE ident QUOTE [ generics ]
614 * type-search = [type-filter *WS COLON] [ nonempty-arg-list ] [ return-args ]
615 *
616 * query = *WS (exact-search / type-search) *WS
617 *
618 * type-filter = (
619 * "mod" /
620 * "externcrate" /
621 * "import" /
622 * "struct" /
623 * "enum" /
624 * "fn" /
625 * "type" /
626 * "static" /
627 * "trait" /
628 * "impl" /
629 * "tymethod" /
630 * "method" /
631 * "structfield" /
632 * "variant" /
633 * "macro" /
634 * "primitive" /
635 * "associatedtype" /
636 * "constant" /
637 * "associatedconstant" /
638 * "union" /
639 * "foreigntype" /
640 * "keyword" /
641 * "existential" /
642 * "attr" /
643 * "derive" /
644 * "traitalias")
645 *
648 * COLON = ":"
649 * DOUBLE-COLON = "::"
650 * QUOTE = %x22
651 * COMMA = ","
652 * RETURN-ARROW = "->"
653 *
654 * ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z
655 * DIGIT = %x30-39
656 * WS = %x09 / " "
657 *
658 * @param {string} val - The user query
659 *
660 * @return {ParsedQuery} - The parsed query
661 */
662 function parseQuery(userQuery) {
663 userQuery = userQuery.trim();
664 const parserState = {
665 length: userQuery.length,
666 pos: 0,
667 // Total number of elements (includes generics).
668 totalElems: 0,
669 genericsElems: 0,
670 typeFilter: null,
671 userQuery: userQuery.toLowerCase(),
672 };
673 let query = newParsedQuery(userQuery);
675 try {
676 parseInput(query, parserState);
677 if (parserState.typeFilter !== null) {
678 let typeFilter = parserState.typeFilter;
679 if (typeFilter === "const") {
680 typeFilter = "constant";
681 }
682 query.typeFilter = itemTypeFromName(typeFilter);
683 }
684 } catch (err) {
685 query = newParsedQuery(userQuery);
686 query.error = err.message;
687 query.typeFilter = -1;
688 return query;
689 }
691 if (!query.literalSearch) {
692 // If there is more than one element in the query, we switch to literalSearch in any
693 // case.
694 query.literalSearch = parserState.totalElems > 1;
695 }
696 query.foundElems = query.elems.length + query.returned.length;
697 return query;
698 }
700 /**
701 * Creates the query results.
702 *
703 * @param {Array<Result>} results_in_args
704 * @param {Array<Result>} results_returned
705 * @param {Array<Result>} results_in_args
706 * @param {ParsedQuery} parsedQuery
707 *
708 * @return {ResultsTable}
709 */
710 function createQueryResults(results_in_args, results_returned, results_others, parsedQuery) {
711 return {
712 "in_args": results_in_args,
713 "returned": results_returned,
714 "others": results_others,
715 "query": parsedQuery,
716 };
717 }
719 /**
720 * Executes the parsed query and builds a {ResultsTable}.
721 *
722 * @param {ParsedQuery} parsedQuery - The parsed user query
723 * @param {Object} searchWords - The list of search words to query against
724 * @param {Object} [filterCrates] - Crate to search in if defined
725 * @param {Object} [currentCrate] - Current crate, to rank results from this crate higher
726 *
727 * @return {ResultsTable}
728 */
729 function execQuery(parsedQuery, searchWords, filterCrates, currentCrate) {
730 const results_others = {}, results_in_args = {}, results_returned = {};
732 function transformResults(results) {
733 const duplicates = {};
734 const out = [];
736 for (const result of results) {
737 if (result.id > -1) {
738 const obj = searchIndex[result.id];
739 obj.lev = result.lev;
740 const res = buildHrefAndPath(obj);
741 obj.displayPath = pathSplitter(res[0]);
742 obj.fullPath = obj.displayPath + obj.name;
743 // To be sure than it some items aren't considered as duplicate.
744 obj.fullPath += "|" + obj.ty;
746 if (duplicates[obj.fullPath]) {
747 continue;
748 }
749 duplicates[obj.fullPath] = true;
751 obj.href = res[1];
752 out.push(obj);
753 if (out.length >= MAX_RESULTS) {
754 break;
755 }
756 }
757 }
758 return out;
759 }
761 function sortResults(results, isType, preferredCrate) {
762 const userQuery = parsedQuery.userQuery;
763 const ar = [];
764 for (const entry in results) {
765 if (hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(results, entry)) {
766 const result = results[entry];
767 result.word = searchWords[result.id];
768 result.item = searchIndex[result.id] || {};
769 ar.push(result);
770 }
771 }
772 results = ar;
773 // if there are no results then return to default and fail
774 if (results.length === 0) {
775 return [];
776 }
778 results.sort((aaa, bbb) => {
779 let a, b;
781 // sort by exact match with regard to the last word (mismatch goes later)
782 a = (aaa.word !== userQuery);
783 b = (bbb.word !== userQuery);
784 if (a !== b) {
785 return a - b;
786 }
788 // Sort by non levenshtein results and then levenshtein results by the distance
789 // (less changes required to match means higher rankings)
790 a = (aaa.lev);
791 b = (bbb.lev);
792 if (a !== b) {
793 return a - b;
794 }
796 // sort by crate (current crate comes first)
797 a = (aaa.item.crate !== preferredCrate);
798 b = (bbb.item.crate !== preferredCrate);
799 if (a !== b) {
800 return a - b;
801 }
803 // sort by item name length (longer goes later)
804 a = aaa.word.length;
805 b = bbb.word.length;
806 if (a !== b) {
807 return a - b;
808 }
810 // sort by item name (lexicographically larger goes later)
811 a = aaa.word;
812 b = bbb.word;
813 if (a !== b) {
814 return (a > b ? +1 : -1);
815 }
817 // sort by index of keyword in item name (no literal occurrence goes later)
818 a = (aaa.index < 0);
819 b = (bbb.index < 0);
820 if (a !== b) {
821 return a - b;
822 }
823 // (later literal occurrence, if any, goes later)
824 a = aaa.index;
825 b = bbb.index;
826 if (a !== b) {
827 return a - b;
828 }
830 // special precedence for primitive and keyword pages
831 if ((aaa.item.ty === TY_PRIMITIVE && bbb.item.ty !== TY_KEYWORD) ||
832 (aaa.item.ty === TY_KEYWORD && bbb.item.ty !== TY_PRIMITIVE)) {
833 return -1;
834 }
835 if ((bbb.item.ty === TY_PRIMITIVE && aaa.item.ty !== TY_PRIMITIVE) ||
836 (bbb.item.ty === TY_KEYWORD && aaa.item.ty !== TY_KEYWORD)) {
837 return 1;
838 }
840 // sort by description (no description goes later)
841 a = (aaa.item.desc === "");
842 b = (bbb.item.desc === "");
843 if (a !== b) {
844 return a - b;
845 }
847 // sort by type (later occurrence in `itemTypes` goes later)
848 a = aaa.item.ty;
849 b = bbb.item.ty;
850 if (a !== b) {
851 return a - b;
852 }
854 // sort by path (lexicographically larger goes later)
855 a = aaa.item.path;
856 b = bbb.item.path;
857 if (a !== b) {
858 return (a > b ? +1 : -1);
859 }
861 // que sera, sera
862 return 0;
863 });
865 let nameSplit = null;
866 if (parsedQuery.elems.length === 1) {
867 const hasPath = typeof parsedQuery.elems[0].path === "undefined";
868 nameSplit = hasPath ? null : parsedQuery.elems[0].path;
869 }
871 for (const result of results) {
872 // this validation does not make sense when searching by types
873 if (result.dontValidate) {
874 continue;
875 }
876 const name = result.item.name.toLowerCase(),
877 path = result.item.path.toLowerCase(),
878 parent = result.item.parent;
880 if (!isType && !validateResult(name, path, nameSplit, parent)) {
881 result.id = -1;
882 }
883 }
884 return transformResults(results);
885 }
887 /**
888 * This function checks if the object (`row`) generics match the given type (`elem`)
889 * generics. If there are no generics on `row`, `defaultLev` is returned.
890 *
891 * @param {Row} row - The object to check.
892 * @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
893 * @param {integer} defaultLev - This is the value to return in case there are no generics.
894 *
895 * @return {integer} - Returns the best match (if any) or `MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1`.
896 */
897 function checkGenerics(row, elem, defaultLev) {
898 if (row.length <= GENERICS_DATA || row[GENERICS_DATA].length === 0) {
899 return elem.generics.length === 0 ? defaultLev : MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
900 } else if (row[GENERICS_DATA].length > 0 && row[GENERICS_DATA][0][NAME] === "") {
901 if (row.length > GENERICS_DATA) {
902 return checkGenerics(row[GENERICS_DATA][0], elem, defaultLev);
903 }
904 return elem.generics.length === 0 ? defaultLev : MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
905 }
906 // The names match, but we need to be sure that all generics kinda
907 // match as well.
908 let elem_name;
909 if (elem.generics.length > 0 && row[GENERICS_DATA].length >= elem.generics.length) {
910 const elems = Object.create(null);
911 for (const entry of row[GENERICS_DATA]) {
912 elem_name = entry[NAME];
913 if (elem_name === "") {
914 // Pure generic, needs to check into it.
915 if (checkGenerics(entry, elem, MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1) !== 0) {
916 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
917 }
918 continue;
919 }
920 if (elems[elem_name] === undefined) {
921 elems[elem_name] = 0;
922 }
923 elems[elem_name] += 1;
924 }
925 // We need to find the type that matches the most to remove it in order
926 // to move forward.
927 for (const generic of elem.generics) {
928 let match = null;
929 if (elems[generic.name]) {
930 match = generic.name;
931 } else {
932 for (elem_name in elems) {
933 if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(elems, elem_name)) {
934 continue;
935 }
936 if (elem_name === generic) {
937 match = elem_name;
938 break;
939 }
940 }
941 }
942 if (match === null) {
943 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
944 }
945 elems[match] -= 1;
946 if (elems[match] === 0) {
947 delete elems[match];
948 }
949 }
950 return 0;
951 }
952 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
953 }
955 /**
956 * This function checks if the object (`row`) matches the given type (`elem`) and its
957 * generics (if any).
958 *
959 * @param {Row} row
960 * @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
961 *
962 * @return {integer} - Returns a Levenshtein distance to the best match.
963 */
964 function checkIfInGenerics(row, elem) {
965 let lev = MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
966 for (const entry of row[GENERICS_DATA]) {
967 lev = Math.min(checkType(entry, elem, true), lev);
968 if (lev === 0) {
969 break;
970 }
971 }
972 return lev;
973 }
975 /**
976 * This function checks if the object (`row`) matches the given type (`elem`) and its
977 * generics (if any).
978 *
979 * @param {Row} row
980 * @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
981 * @param {boolean} literalSearch
982 *
983 * @return {integer} - Returns a Levenshtein distance to the best match. If there is
984 * no match, returns `MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1`.
985 */
986 function checkType(row, elem, literalSearch) {
987 if (row[NAME].length === 0) {
988 // This is a pure "generic" search, no need to run other checks.
989 if (row.length > GENERICS_DATA) {
990 return checkIfInGenerics(row, elem);
991 }
992 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
993 }
995 let lev = levenshtein(row[NAME], elem.name);
996 if (literalSearch) {
997 if (lev !== 0) {
998 // The name didn't match, let's try to check if the generics do.
999 if (elem.generics.length === 0) {
1000 const checkGeneric = (row.length > GENERICS_DATA &&
1001 row[GENERICS_DATA].length > 0);
1002 if (checkGeneric && row[GENERICS_DATA]
1003 .findIndex(tmp_elem => tmp_elem[NAME] === elem.name) !== -1) {
1004 return 0;
1005 }
1006 }
1007 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
1008 } else if (elem.generics.length > 0) {
1009 return checkGenerics(row, elem, MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1);
1010 }
1011 return 0;
1012 } else if (row.length > GENERICS_DATA) {
1013 if (elem.generics.length === 0) {
1014 if (lev === 0) {
1015 return 0;
1016 }
1017 // The name didn't match so we now check if the type we're looking for is inside
1018 // the generics!
1019 lev = checkIfInGenerics(row, elem);
1020 // Now whatever happens, the returned distance is "less good" so we should mark
1021 // it as such, and so we add 0.5 to the distance to make it "less good".
1022 return lev + 0.5;
1023 } else if (lev > MAX_LEV_DISTANCE) {
1024 // So our item's name doesn't match at all and has generics.
1025 //
1026 // Maybe it's present in a sub generic? For example "f<A<B<C>>>()", if we're
1027 // looking for "B<C>", we'll need to go down.
1028 return checkIfInGenerics(row, elem);
1029 } else {
1030 // At this point, the name kinda match and we have generics to check, so
1031 // let's go!
1032 const tmp_lev = checkGenerics(row, elem, lev);
1033 if (tmp_lev > MAX_LEV_DISTANCE) {
1034 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
1035 }
1036 // We compute the median value of both checks and return it.
1037 return (tmp_lev + lev) / 2;
1038 }
1039 } else if (elem.generics.length > 0) {
1040 // In this case, we were expecting generics but there isn't so we simply reject this
1041 // one.
1042 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
1043 }
1044 // No generics on our query or on the target type so we can return without doing
1045 // anything else.
1046 return lev;
1047 }
1049 /**
1050 * This function checks if the object (`row`) has an argument with the given type (`elem`).
1051 *
1052 * @param {Row} row
1053 * @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
1054 * @param {integer} typeFilter
1055 *
1056 * @return {integer} - Returns a Levenshtein distance to the best match. If there is no
1057 * match, returns `MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1`.
1058 */
1059 function findArg(row, elem, typeFilter) {
1060 let lev = MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
1062 if (row && row.type && row.type[INPUTS_DATA] && row.type[INPUTS_DATA].length > 0) {
1063 for (const input of row.type[INPUTS_DATA]) {
1064 if (!typePassesFilter(typeFilter, input[1])) {
1065 continue;
1066 }
1067 lev = Math.min(lev, checkType(input, elem, parsedQuery.literalSearch));
1068 if (lev === 0) {
1069 return 0;
1070 }
1071 }
1072 }
1073 return parsedQuery.literalSearch ? MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1 : lev;
1074 }
1076 /**
1077 * This function checks if the object (`row`) returns the given type (`elem`).
1078 *
1079 * @param {Row} row
1080 * @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
1081 * @param {integer} typeFilter
1082 *
1083 * @return {integer} - Returns a Levenshtein distance to the best match. If there is no
1084 * match, returns `MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1`.
1085 */
1086 function checkReturned(row, elem, typeFilter) {
1087 let lev = MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
1089 if (row && row.type && row.type.length > OUTPUT_DATA) {
1090 let ret = row.type[OUTPUT_DATA];
1091 if (typeof ret[0] === "string") {
1092 ret = [ret];
1093 }
1094 for (const ret_ty of ret) {
1095 if (!typePassesFilter(typeFilter, ret_ty[1])) {
1096 continue;
1097 }
1098 lev = Math.min(lev, checkType(ret_ty, elem, parsedQuery.literalSearch));
1099 if (lev === 0) {
1100 return 0;
1101 }
1102 }
1103 }
1104 return parsedQuery.literalSearch ? MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1 : lev;
1105 }
1107 function checkPath(contains, ty) {
1108 if (contains.length === 0) {
1109 return 0;
1110 }
1111 let ret_lev = MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
1112 const path = ty.path.split("::");
1114 if (ty.parent && ty.parent.name) {
1115 path.push(ty.parent.name.toLowerCase());
1116 }
1118 const length = path.length;
1119 const clength = contains.length;
1120 if (clength > length) {
1121 return MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1;
1122 }
1123 for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
1124 if (i + clength > length) {
1125 break;
1126 }
1127 let lev_total = 0;
1128 let aborted = false;
1129 for (let x = 0; x < clength; ++x) {
1130 const lev = levenshtein(path[i + x], contains[x]);
1131 if (lev > MAX_LEV_DISTANCE) {
1132 aborted = true;
1133 break;
1134 }
1135 lev_total += lev;
1136 }
1137 if (!aborted) {
1138 ret_lev = Math.min(ret_lev, Math.round(lev_total / clength));
1139 }
1140 }
1141 return ret_lev;
1142 }
1144 function typePassesFilter(filter, type) {
1145 // No filter or Exact mach
1146 if (filter <= NO_TYPE_FILTER || filter === type) return true;
1148 // Match related items
1149 const name = itemTypes[type];
1150 switch (itemTypes[filter]) {
1151 case "constant":
1152 return name === "associatedconstant";
1153 case "fn":
1154 return name === "method" || name === "tymethod";
1155 case "type":
1156 return name === "primitive" || name === "associatedtype";
1157 case "trait":
1158 return name === "traitalias";
1159 }
1161 // No match
1162 return false;
1163 }
1165 function createAliasFromItem(item) {
1166 return {
1167 crate: item.crate,
1168 name: item.name,
1169 path: item.path,
1170 desc: item.desc,
1171 ty: item.ty,
1172 parent: item.parent,
1173 type: item.type,
1174 is_alias: true,
1175 };
1176 }
1178 function handleAliases(ret, query, filterCrates, currentCrate) {
1179 const lowerQuery = query.toLowerCase();
1180 // We separate aliases and crate aliases because we want to have current crate
1181 // aliases to be before the others in the displayed results.
1182 const aliases = [];
1183 const crateAliases = [];
1184 if (filterCrates !== null) {
1185 if (ALIASES[filterCrates] && ALIASES[filterCrates][lowerQuery]) {
1186 const query_aliases = ALIASES[filterCrates][lowerQuery];
1187 for (const alias of query_aliases) {
1188 aliases.push(createAliasFromItem(searchIndex[alias]));
1189 }
1190 }
1191 } else {
1192 Object.keys(ALIASES).forEach(crate => {
1193 if (ALIASES[crate][lowerQuery]) {
1194 const pushTo = crate === currentCrate ? crateAliases : aliases;
1195 const query_aliases = ALIASES[crate][lowerQuery];
1196 for (const alias of query_aliases) {
1197 pushTo.push(createAliasFromItem(searchIndex[alias]));
1198 }
1199 }
1200 });
1201 }
1203 const sortFunc = (aaa, bbb) => {
1204 if (aaa.path < bbb.path) {
1205 return 1;
1206 } else if (aaa.path === bbb.path) {
1207 return 0;
1208 }
1209 return -1;
1210 };
1211 crateAliases.sort(sortFunc);
1212 aliases.sort(sortFunc);
1214 const pushFunc = alias => {
1215 alias.alias = query;
1216 const res = buildHrefAndPath(alias);
1217 alias.displayPath = pathSplitter(res[0]);
1218 alias.fullPath = alias.displayPath + alias.name;
1219 alias.href = res[1];
1221 ret.others.unshift(alias);
1222 if (ret.others.length > MAX_RESULTS) {
1223 ret.others.pop();
1224 }
1225 };
1227 aliases.forEach(pushFunc);
1228 crateAliases.forEach(pushFunc);
1229 }
1231 /**
1232 * This function adds the given result into the provided `results` map if it matches the
1233 * following condition:
1234 *
1235 * * If it is a "literal search" (`parsedQuery.literalSearch`), then `lev` must be 0.
1236 * * If it is not a "literal search", `lev` must be <= `MAX_LEV_DISTANCE`.
1237 *
1238 * The `results` map contains information which will be used to sort the search results:
1239 *
1240 * * `fullId` is a `string`` used as the key of the object we use for the `results` map.
1241 * * `id` is the index in both `searchWords` and `searchIndex` arrays for this element.
1242 * * `index` is an `integer`` used to sort by the position of the word in the item's name.
1243 * * `lev` is the main metric used to sort the search results.
1244 *
1245 * @param {Results} results
1246 * @param {string} fullId
1247 * @param {integer} id
1248 * @param {integer} index
1249 * @param {integer} lev
1250 */
1251 function addIntoResults(results, fullId, id, index, lev) {
1252 if (lev === 0 || (!parsedQuery.literalSearch && lev <= MAX_LEV_DISTANCE)) {
1253 if (results[fullId] !== undefined) {
1254 const result = results[fullId];
1255 if (result.dontValidate || result.lev <= lev) {
1256 return;
1257 }
1258 }
1259 results[fullId] = {
1260 id: id,
1261 index: index,
1262 dontValidate: parsedQuery.literalSearch,
1263 lev: lev,
1264 };
1265 }
1266 }
1268 /**
1269 * This function is called in case the query is only one element (with or without generics).
1270 * This element will be compared to arguments' and returned values' items and also to items.
1271 *
1272 * Other important thing to note: since there is only one element, we use levenshtein
1273 * distance for name comparisons.
1274 *
1275 * @param {Row} row
1276 * @param {integer} pos - Position in the `searchIndex`.
1277 * @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
1278 * @param {Results} results_others - Unqualified results (not in arguments nor in
1279 * returned values).
1280 * @param {Results} results_in_args - Matching arguments results.
1281 * @param {Results} results_returned - Matching returned arguments results.
1282 */
1283 function handleSingleArg(
1284 row,
1285 pos,
1286 elem,
1287 results_others,
1288 results_in_args,
1289 results_returned
1290 ) {
1291 if (!row || (filterCrates !== null && row.crate !== filterCrates)) {
1292 return;
1293 }
1294 let lev, lev_add = 0, index = -1;
1295 const fullId = row.id;
1297 const in_args = findArg(row, elem, parsedQuery.typeFilter);
1298 const returned = checkReturned(row, elem, parsedQuery.typeFilter);
1300 addIntoResults(results_in_args, fullId, pos, index, in_args);
1301 addIntoResults(results_returned, fullId, pos, index, returned);
1303 if (!typePassesFilter(parsedQuery.typeFilter, row.ty)) {
1304 return;
1305 }
1306 const searchWord = searchWords[pos];
1308 if (parsedQuery.literalSearch) {
1309 if (searchWord === elem.name) {
1310 addIntoResults(results_others, fullId, pos, -1, 0);
1311 }
1312 return;
1313 }
1315 // No need to check anything else if it's a "pure" generics search.
1316 if (elem.name.length === 0) {
1317 if (row.type !== null) {
1318 lev = checkGenerics(row.type, elem, MAX_LEV_DISTANCE + 1);
1319 addIntoResults(results_others, fullId, pos, index, lev);
1320 }
1321 return;
1322 }
1324 if (elem.fullPath.length > 1) {
1325 lev = checkPath(elem.pathWithoutLast, row);
1326 if (lev > MAX_LEV_DISTANCE || (parsedQuery.literalSearch && lev !== 0)) {
1327 return;
1328 } else if (lev > 0) {
1329 lev_add = lev / 10;
1330 }
1331 }
1333 if (searchWord.indexOf(elem.pathLast) > -1 ||
1334 row.normalizedName.indexOf(elem.pathLast) > -1
1335 ) {
1336 index = row.normalizedName.indexOf(elem.pathLast);
1337 }
1338 lev = levenshtein(searchWord, elem.pathLast);
1339 if (lev > 0 && elem.pathLast.length > 2 && searchWord.indexOf(elem.pathLast) > -1) {
1340 if (elem.pathLast.length < 6) {
1341 lev = 1;
1342 } else {
1343 lev = 0;
1344 }
1345 }
1346 lev += lev_add;
1347 if (lev > MAX_LEV_DISTANCE) {
1348 return;
1349 } else if (index !== -1 && elem.fullPath.length < 2) {
1350 lev -= 1;
1351 }
1352 if (lev < 0) {
1353 lev = 0;
1354 }
1355 addIntoResults(results_others, fullId, pos, index, lev);
1356 }
1358 /**
1359 * This function is called in case the query has more than one element. In this case, it'll
1360 * try to match the items which validates all the elements. For `aa -> bb` will look for
1361 * functions which have a parameter `aa` and has `bb` in its returned values.
1362 *
1363 * @param {Row} row
1364 * @param {integer} pos - Position in the `searchIndex`.
1365 * @param {Object} results
1366 */
1367 function handleArgs(row, pos, results) {
1368 if (!row || (filterCrates !== null && row.crate !== filterCrates)) {
1369 return;
1370 }
1372 let totalLev = 0;
1373 let nbLev = 0;
1375 // If the result is too "bad", we return false and it ends this search.
1376 function checkArgs(elems, callback) {
1377 for (const elem of elems) {
1378 // There is more than one parameter to the query so all checks should be "exact"
1379 const lev = callback(row, elem, NO_TYPE_FILTER);
1380 if (lev <= 1) {
1381 nbLev += 1;
1382 totalLev += lev;
1383 } else {
1384 return false;
1385 }
1386 }
1387 return true;
1388 }
1389 if (!checkArgs(parsedQuery.elems, findArg)) {
1390 return;
1391 }
1392 if (!checkArgs(parsedQuery.returned, checkReturned)) {
1393 return;
1394 }
1396 if (nbLev === 0) {
1397 return;
1398 }
1399 const lev = Math.round(totalLev / nbLev);
1400 addIntoResults(results, row.id, pos, 0, lev);
1401 }
1403 function innerRunQuery() {
1404 let elem, i, nSearchWords, in_returned, row;
1406 if (parsedQuery.foundElems === 1) {
1407 if (parsedQuery.elems.length === 1) {
1408 elem = parsedQuery.elems[0];
1409 for (i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
1410 // It means we want to check for this element everywhere (in names, args and
1411 // returned).
1412 handleSingleArg(
1413 searchIndex[i],
1414 i,
1415 elem,
1416 results_others,
1417 results_in_args,
1418 results_returned
1419 );
1420 }
1421 } else if (parsedQuery.returned.length === 1) {
1422 // We received one returned argument to check, so looking into returned values.
1423 elem = parsedQuery.returned[0];
1424 for (i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
1425 row = searchIndex[i];
1426 in_returned = checkReturned(row, elem, parsedQuery.typeFilter);
1427 addIntoResults(results_others, row.id, i, -1, in_returned);
1428 }
1429 }
1430 } else if (parsedQuery.foundElems > 0) {
1431 for (i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
1432 handleArgs(searchIndex[i], i, results_others);
1433 }
1434 }
1435 }
1437 if (parsedQuery.error === null) {
1438 innerRunQuery();
1439 }
1441 const ret = createQueryResults(
1442 sortResults(results_in_args, true, currentCrate),
1443 sortResults(results_returned, true, currentCrate),
1444 sortResults(results_others, false, currentCrate),
1445 parsedQuery);
1446 handleAliases(ret, parsedQuery.original.replace(/"/g, ""), filterCrates, currentCrate);
1447 if (parsedQuery.error !== null && ret.others.length !== 0) {
1448 // It means some doc aliases were found so let's "remove" the error!
1449 ret.query.error = null;
1450 }
1451 return ret;
1452 }
1454 /**
1455 * Validate performs the following boolean logic. For example:
1456 * "File::open" will give IF A PARENT EXISTS => ("file" && "open")
1457 * exists in (name || path || parent) OR => ("file" && "open") exists in
1458 * (name || path )
1459 *
1460 * This could be written functionally, but I wanted to minimise
1461 * functions on stack.
1462 *
1463 * @param {string} name - The name of the result
1464 * @param {string} path - The path of the result
1465 * @param {string} keys - The keys to be used (["file", "open"])
1466 * @param {Object} parent - The parent of the result
1467 *
1468 * @return {boolean} - Whether the result is valid or not
1469 */
1470 function validateResult(name, path, keys, parent) {
1471 if (!keys || !keys.length) {
1472 return true;
1473 }
1474 for (const key of keys) {
1475 // each check is for validation so we negate the conditions and invalidate
1476 if (!(
1477 // check for an exact name match
1478 name.indexOf(key) > -1 ||
1479 // then an exact path match
1480 path.indexOf(key) > -1 ||
1481 // next if there is a parent, check for exact parent match
1482 (parent !== undefined && parent.name !== undefined &&
1483 parent.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(key) > -1) ||
1484 // lastly check to see if the name was a levenshtein match
1485 levenshtein(name, key) <= MAX_LEV_DISTANCE)) {
1486 return false;
1487 }
1488 }
1489 return true;
1490 }
1492 function nextTab(direction) {
1493 const next = (searchState.currentTab + direction + 3) % searchState.focusedByTab.length;
1494 searchState.focusedByTab[searchState.currentTab] = document.activeElement;
1495 printTab(next);
1496 focusSearchResult();
1497 }
1499 // Focus the first search result on the active tab, or the result that
1500 // was focused last time this tab was active.
1501 function focusSearchResult() {
1502 const target = searchState.focusedByTab[searchState.currentTab] ||
1503 document.querySelectorAll(".search-results.active a").item(0) ||
1504 document.querySelectorAll("#titles > button").item(searchState.currentTab);
1505 if (target) {
1506 target.focus();
1507 }
1508 }
1510 function buildHrefAndPath(item) {
1511 let displayPath;
1512 let href;
1513 const type = itemTypes[item.ty];
1514 const name = item.name;
1515 let path = item.path;
1517 if (type === "mod") {
1518 displayPath = path + "::";
1519 href = ROOT_PATH + path.replace(/::/g, "/") + "/" +
1520 name + "/index.html";
1521 } else if (type === "import") {
1522 displayPath = item.path + "::";
1523 href = ROOT_PATH + item.path.replace(/::/g, "/") + "/index.html#reexport." + name;
1524 } else if (type === "primitive" || type === "keyword") {
1525 displayPath = "";
1526 href = ROOT_PATH + path.replace(/::/g, "/") +
1527 "/" + type + "." + name + ".html";
1528 } else if (type === "externcrate") {
1529 displayPath = "";
1530 href = ROOT_PATH + name + "/index.html";
1531 } else if (item.parent !== undefined) {
1532 const myparent = item.parent;
1533 let anchor = "#" + type + "." + name;
1534 const parentType = itemTypes[myparent.ty];
1535 let pageType = parentType;
1536 let pageName = myparent.name;
1538 if (parentType === "primitive") {
1539 displayPath = myparent.name + "::";
1540 } else if (type === "structfield" && parentType === "variant") {
1541 // Structfields belonging to variants are special: the
1542 // final path element is the enum name.
1543 const enumNameIdx = item.path.lastIndexOf("::");
1544 const enumName = item.path.substr(enumNameIdx + 2);
1545 path = item.path.substr(0, enumNameIdx);
1546 displayPath = path + "::" + enumName + "::" + myparent.name + "::";
1547 anchor = "#variant." + myparent.name + ".field." + name;
1548 pageType = "enum";
1549 pageName = enumName;
1550 } else {
1551 displayPath = path + "::" + myparent.name + "::";
1552 }
1553 href = ROOT_PATH + path.replace(/::/g, "/") +
1554 "/" + pageType +
1555 "." + pageName +
1556 ".html" + anchor;
1557 } else {
1558 displayPath = item.path + "::";
1559 href = ROOT_PATH + item.path.replace(/::/g, "/") +
1560 "/" + type + "." + name + ".html";
1561 }
1562 return [displayPath, href];
1563 }
1565 function escape(content) {
1566 const h1 = document.createElement("h1");
1567 h1.textContent = content;
1568 return h1.innerHTML;
1569 }
1571 function pathSplitter(path) {
1572 const tmp = "<span>" + path.replace(/::/g, "::</span><span>");
1573 if (tmp.endsWith("<span>")) {
1574 return tmp.slice(0, tmp.length - 6);
1575 }
1576 return tmp;
1577 }
1579 /**
1580 * Render a set of search results for a single tab.
1581 * @param {Array<?>} array - The search results for this tab
1582 * @param {ParsedQuery} query
1583 * @param {boolean} display - True if this is the active tab
1584 */
1585 function addTab(array, query, display) {
1586 let extraClass = "";
1587 if (display === true) {
1588 extraClass = " active";
1589 }
1591 const output = document.createElement("div");
1592 let length = 0;
1593 if (array.length > 0) {
1594 output.className = "search-results " + extraClass;
1596 array.forEach(item => {
1597 const name = item.name;
1598 const type = itemTypes[item.ty];
1600 length += 1;
1602 let extra = "";
1603 if (type === "primitive") {
1604 extra = " <i>(primitive type)</i>";
1605 } else if (type === "keyword") {
1606 extra = " <i>(keyword)</i>";
1607 }
1609 const link = document.createElement("a");
1610 link.className = "result-" + type;
1611 link.href = item.href;
1613 const wrapper = document.createElement("div");
1614 const resultName = document.createElement("div");
1615 resultName.className = "result-name";
1617 if (item.is_alias) {
1618 const alias = document.createElement("span");
1619 alias.className = "alias";
1621 const bold = document.createElement("b");
1622 bold.innerText = item.alias;
1623 alias.appendChild(bold);
1625 alias.insertAdjacentHTML(
1626 "beforeend",
1627 "<span class=\"grey\"><i>&nbsp;- see&nbsp;</i></span>");
1629 resultName.appendChild(alias);
1630 }
1631 resultName.insertAdjacentHTML(
1632 "beforeend",
1633 item.displayPath + "<span class=\"" + type + "\">" + name + extra + "</span>");
1634 wrapper.appendChild(resultName);
1636 const description = document.createElement("div");
1637 description.className = "desc";
1638 const spanDesc = document.createElement("span");
1639 spanDesc.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", item.desc);
1641 description.appendChild(spanDesc);
1642 wrapper.appendChild(description);
1643 link.appendChild(wrapper);
1644 output.appendChild(link);
1645 });
1646 } else if (query.error === null) {
1647 output.className = "search-failed" + extraClass;
1648 output.innerHTML = "No results :(<br/>" +
1649 "Try on <a href=\"https://duckduckgo.com/?q=" +
1650 encodeURIComponent("rust " + query.userQuery) +
1651 "\">DuckDuckGo</a>?<br/><br/>" +
1652 "Or try looking in one of these:<ul><li>The <a " +
1653 "href=\"https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/index.html\">Rust Reference</a> " +
1654 " for technical details about the language.</li><li><a " +
1655 "href=\"https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/index.html\">Rust By " +
1656 "Example</a> for expository code examples.</a></li><li>The <a " +
1657 "href=\"https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/index.html\">Rust Book</a> for " +
1658 "introductions to language features and the language itself.</li><li><a " +
1659 "href=\"https://docs.rs\">Docs.rs</a> for documentation of crates released on" +
1660 " <a href=\"https://crates.io/\">crates.io</a>.</li></ul>";
1661 }
1662 return [output, length];
1663 }
1665 function makeTabHeader(tabNb, text, nbElems) {
1666 if (searchState.currentTab === tabNb) {
1667 return "<button class=\"selected\">" + text +
1668 " <div class=\"count\">(" + nbElems + ")</div></button>";
1669 }
1670 return "<button>" + text + " <div class=\"count\">(" + nbElems + ")</div></button>";
1671 }
1673 /**
1674 * @param {ResultsTable} results
1675 * @param {boolean} go_to_first
1676 * @param {string} filterCrates
1677 */
1678 function showResults(results, go_to_first, filterCrates) {
1679 const search = searchState.outputElement();
1680 if (go_to_first || (results.others.length === 1
1681 && getSettingValue("go-to-only-result") === "true"
1682 // By default, the search DOM element is "empty" (meaning it has no children not
1683 // text content). Once a search has been run, it won't be empty, even if you press
1684 // ESC or empty the search input (which also "cancels" the search).
1685 && (!search.firstChild || search.firstChild.innerText !== searchState.loadingText))
1686 ) {
1687 const elem = document.createElement("a");
1688 elem.href = results.others[0].href;
1689 removeClass(elem, "active");
1690 // For firefox, we need the element to be in the DOM so it can be clicked.
1691 document.body.appendChild(elem);
1692 elem.click();
1693 return;
1694 }
1695 if (results.query === undefined) {
1696 results.query = parseQuery(searchState.input.value);
1697 }
1699 currentResults = results.query.userQuery;
1701 const ret_others = addTab(results.others, results.query, true);
1702 const ret_in_args = addTab(results.in_args, results.query, false);
1703 const ret_returned = addTab(results.returned, results.query, false);
1705 // Navigate to the relevant tab if the current tab is empty, like in case users search
1706 // for "-> String". If they had selected another tab previously, they have to click on
1707 // it again.
1708 let currentTab = searchState.currentTab;
1709 if ((currentTab === 0 && ret_others[1] === 0) ||
1710 (currentTab === 1 && ret_in_args[1] === 0) ||
1711 (currentTab === 2 && ret_returned[1] === 0)) {
1712 if (ret_others[1] !== 0) {
1713 currentTab = 0;
1714 } else if (ret_in_args[1] !== 0) {
1715 currentTab = 1;
1716 } else if (ret_returned[1] !== 0) {
1717 currentTab = 2;
1718 }
1719 }
1721 let crates = "";
1722 const crates_list = Object.keys(rawSearchIndex);
1723 if (crates_list.length > 1) {
1724 crates = " in <select id=\"crate-search\"><option value=\"All crates\">" +
1725 "All crates</option>";
1726 for (const c of crates_list) {
1727 crates += `<option value="${c}" ${c === filterCrates && "selected"}>${c}</option>`;
1728 }
1729 crates += "</select>";
1730 }
1732 let typeFilter = "";
1733 if (results.query.typeFilter !== NO_TYPE_FILTER) {
1734 typeFilter = " (type: " + escape(itemTypes[results.query.typeFilter]) + ")";
1735 }
1737 let output = "<div id=\"search-settings\">" +
1738 `<h1 class="search-results-title">Results for ${escape(results.query.userQuery)}` +
1739 `${typeFilter}</h1>${crates}</div>`;
1740 if (results.query.error !== null) {
1741 output += `<h3>Query parser error: "${results.query.error}".</h3>`;
1742 output += "<div id=\"titles\">" +
1743 makeTabHeader(0, "In Names", ret_others[1]) +
1744 "</div>";
1745 currentTab = 0;
1746 } else if (results.query.foundElems <= 1 && results.query.returned.length === 0) {
1747 output += "<div id=\"titles\">" +
1748 makeTabHeader(0, "In Names", ret_others[1]) +
1749 makeTabHeader(1, "In Parameters", ret_in_args[1]) +
1750 makeTabHeader(2, "In Return Types", ret_returned[1]) +
1751 "</div>";
1752 } else {
1753 const signatureTabTitle =
1754 results.query.elems.length === 0 ? "In Function Return Types" :
1755 results.query.returned.length === 0 ? "In Function Parameters" :
1756 "In Function Signatures";
1757 output += "<div id=\"titles\">" +
1758 makeTabHeader(0, signatureTabTitle, ret_others[1]) +
1759 "</div>";
1760 currentTab = 0;
1761 }
1763 const resultsElem = document.createElement("div");
1764 resultsElem.id = "results";
1765 resultsElem.appendChild(ret_others[0]);
1766 resultsElem.appendChild(ret_in_args[0]);
1767 resultsElem.appendChild(ret_returned[0]);
1769 search.innerHTML = output;
1770 const crateSearch = document.getElementById("crate-search");
1771 if (crateSearch) {
1772 crateSearch.addEventListener("input", updateCrate);
1773 }
1774 search.appendChild(resultsElem);
1775 // Reset focused elements.
1776 searchState.showResults(search);
1777 const elems = document.getElementById("titles").childNodes;
1778 searchState.focusedByTab = [];
1779 let i = 0;
1780 for (const elem of elems) {
1781 const j = i;
1782 elem.onclick = () => printTab(j);
1783 searchState.focusedByTab.push(null);
1784 i += 1;
1785 }
1786 printTab(currentTab);
1787 }
1789 /**
1790 * Perform a search based on the current state of the search input element
1791 * and display the results.
1792 * @param {Event} [e] - The event that triggered this search, if any
1793 * @param {boolean} [forced]
1794 */
1795 function search(e, forced) {
1796 const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
1797 const query = parseQuery(searchState.input.value.trim());
1799 if (e) {
1800 e.preventDefault();
1801 }
1803 if (!forced && query.userQuery === currentResults) {
1804 if (query.userQuery.length > 0) {
1805 putBackSearch();
1806 }
1807 return;
1808 }
1810 let filterCrates = getFilterCrates();
1812 // In case we have no information about the saved crate and there is a URL query parameter,
1813 // we override it with the URL query parameter.
1814 if (filterCrates === null && params["filter-crate"] !== undefined) {
1815 filterCrates = params["filter-crate"];
1816 }
1818 // Update document title to maintain a meaningful browser history
1819 searchState.title = "Results for " + query.original + " - Rust";
1821 // Because searching is incremental by character, only the most
1822 // recent search query is added to the browser history.
1823 if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) {
1824 const newURL = buildUrl(query.original, filterCrates);
1826 if (!history.state && !params.search) {
1827 history.pushState(null, "", newURL);
1828 } else {
1829 history.replaceState(null, "", newURL);
1830 }
1831 }
1833 showResults(
1834 execQuery(query, searchWords, filterCrates, window.currentCrate),
1835 params.go_to_first,
1836 filterCrates);
1837 }
1839 function buildIndex(rawSearchIndex) {
1840 searchIndex = [];
1841 /**
1842 * @type {Array<string>}
1843 */
1844 const searchWords = [];
1845 let i, word;
1846 let currentIndex = 0;
1847 let id = 0;
1849 for (const crate in rawSearchIndex) {
1850 if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(rawSearchIndex, crate)) {
1851 continue;
1852 }
1854 let crateSize = 0;
1856 /**
1857 * The raw search data for a given crate. `n`, `t`, `d`, and `q`, `i`, and `f`
1858 * are arrays with the same length. n[i] contains the name of an item.
1859 * t[i] contains the type of that item (as a small integer that represents an
1860 * offset in `itemTypes`). d[i] contains the description of that item.
1861 *
1862 * q[i] contains the full path of the item, or an empty string indicating
1863 * "same as q[i-1]".
1864 *
1865 * i[i], f[i] are a mystery.
1866 *
1867 * `a` defines aliases with an Array of pairs: [name, offset], where `offset`
1868 * points into the n/t/d/q/i/f arrays.
1869 *
1870 * `doc` contains the description of the crate.
1871 *
1872 * `p` is a mystery and isn't the same length as n/t/d/q/i/f.
1873 *
1874 * @type {{
1875 * doc: string,
1876 * a: Object,
1877 * n: Array<string>,
1878 * t: Array<Number>,
1879 * d: Array<string>,
1880 * q: Array<string>,
1881 * i: Array<Number>,
1882 * f: Array<Array<?>>,
1883 * p: Array<Object>,
1884 * }}
1885 */
1886 const crateCorpus = rawSearchIndex[crate];
1888 searchWords.push(crate);
1889 // This object should have exactly the same set of fields as the "row"
1890 // object defined below. Your JavaScript runtime will thank you.
1891 // https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/shapes-ics
1892 const crateRow = {
1893 crate: crate,
1894 ty: 1, // == ExternCrate
1895 name: crate,
1896 path: "",
1897 desc: crateCorpus.doc,
1898 parent: undefined,
1899 type: null,
1900 id: id,
1901 normalizedName: crate.indexOf("_") === -1 ? crate : crate.replace(/_/g, ""),
1902 };
1903 id += 1;
1904 searchIndex.push(crateRow);
1905 currentIndex += 1;
1907 // an array of (Number) item types
1908 const itemTypes = crateCorpus.t;
1909 // an array of (String) item names
1910 const itemNames = crateCorpus.n;
1911 // an array of (String) full paths (or empty string for previous path)
1912 const itemPaths = crateCorpus.q;
1913 // an array of (String) descriptions
1914 const itemDescs = crateCorpus.d;
1915 // an array of (Number) the parent path index + 1 to `paths`, or 0 if none
1916 const itemParentIdxs = crateCorpus.i;
1917 // an array of (Object | null) the type of the function, if any
1918 const itemFunctionSearchTypes = crateCorpus.f;
1919 // an array of [(Number) item type,
1920 // (String) name]
1921 const paths = crateCorpus.p;
1922 // an array of [(String) alias name
1923 // [Number] index to items]
1924 const aliases = crateCorpus.a;
1926 // convert `rawPaths` entries into object form
1927 let len = paths.length;
1928 for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
1929 paths[i] = {ty: paths[i][0], name: paths[i][1]};
1930 }
1932 // convert `item*` into an object form, and construct word indices.
1933 //
1934 // before any analysis is performed lets gather the search terms to
1935 // search against apart from the rest of the data. This is a quick
1936 // operation that is cached for the life of the page state so that
1937 // all other search operations have access to this cached data for
1938 // faster analysis operations
1939 len = itemTypes.length;
1940 let lastPath = "";
1941 for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
1942 // This object should have exactly the same set of fields as the "crateRow"
1943 // object defined above.
1944 if (typeof itemNames[i] === "string") {
1945 word = itemNames[i].toLowerCase();
1946 searchWords.push(word);
1947 } else {
1948 word = "";
1949 searchWords.push("");
1950 }
1951 const row = {
1952 crate: crate,
1953 ty: itemTypes[i],
1954 name: itemNames[i],
1955 path: itemPaths[i] ? itemPaths[i] : lastPath,
1956 desc: itemDescs[i],
1957 parent: itemParentIdxs[i] > 0 ? paths[itemParentIdxs[i] - 1] : undefined,
1958 type: itemFunctionSearchTypes[i],
1959 id: id,
1960 normalizedName: word.indexOf("_") === -1 ? word : word.replace(/_/g, ""),
1961 };
1962 id += 1;
1963 searchIndex.push(row);
1964 lastPath = row.path;
1965 crateSize += 1;
1966 }
1968 if (aliases) {
1969 ALIASES[crate] = Object.create(null);
1970 for (const alias_name in aliases) {
1971 if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(aliases, alias_name)) {
1972 continue;
1973 }
1975 if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(ALIASES[crate], alias_name)) {
1976 ALIASES[crate][alias_name] = [];
1977 }
1978 for (const local_alias of aliases[alias_name]) {
1979 ALIASES[crate][alias_name].push(local_alias + currentIndex);
1980 }
1981 }
1982 }
1983 currentIndex += crateSize;
1984 }
1985 return searchWords;
1986 }
1988 /**
1989 * Callback for when the search form is submitted.
1990 * @param {Event} [e] - The event that triggered this call, if any
1991 */
1992 function onSearchSubmit(e) {
1993 e.preventDefault();
1994 searchState.clearInputTimeout();
1995 search();
1996 }
1998 function putBackSearch() {
1999 const search_input = searchState.input;
2000 if (!searchState.input) {
2001 return;
2002 }
2003 if (search_input.value !== "" && !searchState.isDisplayed()) {
2004 searchState.showResults();
2005 if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) {
2006 history.replaceState(null, "",
2007 buildUrl(search_input.value, getFilterCrates()));
2008 }
2009 document.title = searchState.title;
2010 }
2011 }
2013 function registerSearchEvents() {
2014 const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
2016 // Populate search bar with query string search term when provided,
2017 // but only if the input bar is empty. This avoid the obnoxious issue
2018 // where you start trying to do a search, and the index loads, and
2019 // suddenly your search is gone!
2020 if (searchState.input.value === "") {
2021 searchState.input.value = params.search || "";
2022 }
2024 const searchAfter500ms = () => {
2025 searchState.clearInputTimeout();
2026 if (searchState.input.value.length === 0) {
2027 if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) {
2028 history.replaceState(null, window.currentCrate + " - Rust",
2029 getNakedUrl() + window.location.hash);
2030 }
2031 searchState.hideResults();
2032 } else {
2033 searchState.timeout = setTimeout(search, 500);
2034 }
2035 };
2036 searchState.input.onkeyup = searchAfter500ms;
2037 searchState.input.oninput = searchAfter500ms;
2038 document.getElementsByClassName("search-form")[0].onsubmit = onSearchSubmit;
2039 searchState.input.onchange = e => {
2040 if (e.target !== document.activeElement) {
2041 // To prevent doing anything when it's from a blur event.
2042 return;
2043 }
2044 // Do NOT e.preventDefault() here. It will prevent pasting.
2045 searchState.clearInputTimeout();
2046 // zero-timeout necessary here because at the time of event handler execution the
2047 // pasted content is not in the input field yet. Shouldn’t make any difference for
2048 // change, though.
2049 setTimeout(search, 0);
2050 };
2051 searchState.input.onpaste = searchState.input.onchange;
2053 searchState.outputElement().addEventListener("keydown", e => {
2054 // We only handle unmodified keystrokes here. We don't want to interfere with,
2055 // for instance, alt-left and alt-right for history navigation.
2056 if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey) {
2057 return;
2058 }
2059 // up and down arrow select next/previous search result, or the
2060 // search box if we're already at the top.
2061 if (e.which === 38) { // up
2062 const previous = document.activeElement.previousElementSibling;
2063 if (previous) {
2064 previous.focus();
2065 } else {
2066 searchState.focus();
2067 }
2068 e.preventDefault();
2069 } else if (e.which === 40) { // down
2070 const next = document.activeElement.nextElementSibling;
2071 if (next) {
2072 next.focus();
2073 }
2074 const rect = document.activeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
2075 if (window.innerHeight - rect.bottom < rect.height) {
2076 window.scrollBy(0, rect.height);
2077 }
2078 e.preventDefault();
2079 } else if (e.which === 37) { // left
2080 nextTab(-1);
2081 e.preventDefault();
2082 } else if (e.which === 39) { // right
2083 nextTab(1);
2084 e.preventDefault();
2085 }
2086 });
2088 searchState.input.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
2089 if (e.which === 40) { // down
2090 focusSearchResult();
2091 e.preventDefault();
2092 }
2093 });
2095 searchState.input.addEventListener("focus", () => {
2096 putBackSearch();
2097 });
2099 searchState.input.addEventListener("blur", () => {
2100 searchState.input.placeholder = searchState.input.origPlaceholder;
2101 });
2103 // Push and pop states are used to add search results to the browser
2104 // history.
2105 if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) {
2106 // Store the previous <title> so we can revert back to it later.
2107 const previousTitle = document.title;
2109 window.addEventListener("popstate", e => {
2110 const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
2111 // Revert to the previous title manually since the History
2112 // API ignores the title parameter.
2113 document.title = previousTitle;
2114 // When browsing forward to search results the previous
2115 // search will be repeated, so the currentResults are
2116 // cleared to ensure the search is successful.
2117 currentResults = null;
2118 // Synchronize search bar with query string state and
2119 // perform the search. This will empty the bar if there's
2120 // nothing there, which lets you really go back to a
2121 // previous state with nothing in the bar.
2122 if (params.search && params.search.length > 0) {
2123 searchState.input.value = params.search;
2124 // Some browsers fire "onpopstate" for every page load
2125 // (Chrome), while others fire the event only when actually
2126 // popping a state (Firefox), which is why search() is
2127 // called both here and at the end of the startSearch()
2128 // function.
2129 search(e);
2130 } else {
2131 searchState.input.value = "";
2132 // When browsing back from search results the main page
2133 // visibility must be reset.
2134 searchState.hideResults();
2135 }
2136 });
2137 }
2139 // This is required in firefox to avoid this problem: Navigating to a search result
2140 // with the keyboard, hitting enter, and then hitting back would take you back to
2141 // the doc page, rather than the search that should overlay it.
2142 // This was an interaction between the back-forward cache and our handlers
2143 // that try to sync state between the URL and the search input. To work around it,
2144 // do a small amount of re-init on page show.
2145 window.onpageshow = () => {
2146 const qSearch = searchState.getQueryStringParams().search;
2147 if (searchState.input.value === "" && qSearch) {
2148 searchState.input.value = qSearch;
2149 }
2150 search();
2151 };
2152 }
2154 function updateCrate(ev) {
2155 if (ev.target.value === "All crates") {
2156 // If we don't remove it from the URL, it'll be picked up again by the search.
2157 const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
2158 const query = searchState.input.value.trim();
2159 if (!history.state && !params.search) {
2160 history.pushState(null, "", buildUrl(query, null));
2161 } else {
2162 history.replaceState(null, "", buildUrl(query, null));
2163 }
2164 }
2165 // In case you "cut" the entry from the search input, then change the crate filter
2166 // before paste back the previous search, you get the old search results without
2167 // the filter. To prevent this, we need to remove the previous results.
2168 currentResults = null;
2169 search(undefined, true);
2170 }
2172 /**
2173 * @type {Array<string>}
2174 */
2175 const searchWords = buildIndex(rawSearchIndex);
2176 if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
2177 registerSearchEvents();
2178 // If there's a search term in the URL, execute the search now.
2179 if (window.searchState.getQueryStringParams().search) {
2180 search();
2181 }
2182 }
2184 if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
2185 exports.initSearch = initSearch;
2186 exports.execQuery = execQuery;
2187 exports.parseQuery = parseQuery;
2188 }
2189 return searchWords;
2190 }
2192 if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
2193 window.initSearch = initSearch;
2194 if (window.searchIndex !== undefined) {
2195 initSearch(window.searchIndex);
2196 }
2197 } else {
2198 // Running in Node, not a browser. Run initSearch just to produce the
2199 // exports.
2200 initSearch({});
2201 }
2204 })();