]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustdoc/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.13.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustdoc / lib.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 #![crate_name = "rustdoc"]
12 #![unstable(feature = "rustdoc", issue = "27812")]
13 #![crate_type = "dylib"]
14 #![crate_type = "rlib"]
15 #![doc(html_logo_url = "https://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk-v2.png",
16 html_favicon_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
17 html_root_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/",
18 html_playground_url = "https://play.rust-lang.org/")]
19 #![cfg_attr(not(stage0), deny(warnings))]
21 #![feature(box_patterns)]
22 #![feature(box_syntax)]
23 #![feature(dotdot_in_tuple_patterns)]
24 #![feature(libc)]
25 #![feature(rustc_private)]
26 #![feature(set_stdio)]
27 #![feature(slice_patterns)]
28 #![feature(staged_api)]
29 #![feature(test)]
30 #![feature(unicode)]
31 #![cfg_attr(stage0, feature(question_mark))]
33 extern crate arena;
34 extern crate getopts;
35 extern crate libc;
36 extern crate rustc;
37 extern crate rustc_const_eval;
38 extern crate rustc_const_math;
39 extern crate rustc_data_structures;
40 extern crate rustc_trans;
41 extern crate rustc_driver;
42 extern crate rustc_resolve;
43 extern crate rustc_lint;
44 extern crate rustc_back;
45 extern crate rustc_metadata;
46 extern crate serialize;
47 #[macro_use] extern crate syntax;
48 extern crate syntax_pos;
49 extern crate test as testing;
50 extern crate rustc_unicode;
51 #[macro_use] extern crate log;
52 extern crate rustc_errors as errors;
54 extern crate serialize as rustc_serialize; // used by deriving
56 use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
57 use std::default::Default;
58 use std::env;
59 use std::path::PathBuf;
60 use std::process;
61 use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
63 use externalfiles::ExternalHtml;
64 use rustc::session::search_paths::SearchPaths;
65 use rustc::session::config::{ErrorOutputType, RustcOptGroup, nightly_options,
66 Externs};
68 #[macro_use]
69 pub mod externalfiles;
71 pub mod clean;
72 pub mod core;
73 pub mod doctree;
74 pub mod fold;
75 pub mod html {
76 pub mod highlight;
77 pub mod escape;
78 pub mod item_type;
79 pub mod format;
80 pub mod layout;
81 pub mod markdown;
82 pub mod render;
83 pub mod toc;
84 }
85 pub mod markdown;
86 pub mod passes;
87 pub mod plugins;
88 pub mod visit_ast;
89 pub mod visit_lib;
90 pub mod test;
92 use clean::Attributes;
94 struct Output {
95 krate: clean::Crate,
96 renderinfo: html::render::RenderInfo,
97 passes: Vec<String>,
98 }
100 pub fn main() {
101 const STACK_SIZE: usize = 32_000_000; // 32MB
102 let res = std::thread::Builder::new().stack_size(STACK_SIZE).spawn(move || {
103 let s = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
104 main_args(&s)
105 }).unwrap().join().unwrap_or(101);
106 process::exit(res as i32);
107 }
109 fn stable(g: getopts::OptGroup) -> RustcOptGroup { RustcOptGroup::stable(g) }
110 fn unstable(g: getopts::OptGroup) -> RustcOptGroup { RustcOptGroup::unstable(g) }
112 pub fn opts() -> Vec<RustcOptGroup> {
113 use getopts::*;
114 vec!(
115 stable(optflag("h", "help", "show this help message")),
116 stable(optflag("V", "version", "print rustdoc's version")),
117 stable(optflag("v", "verbose", "use verbose output")),
118 stable(optopt("r", "input-format", "the input type of the specified file",
119 "[rust]")),
120 stable(optopt("w", "output-format", "the output type to write",
121 "[html]")),
122 stable(optopt("o", "output", "where to place the output", "PATH")),
123 stable(optopt("", "crate-name", "specify the name of this crate", "NAME")),
124 stable(optmulti("L", "library-path", "directory to add to crate search path",
125 "DIR")),
126 stable(optmulti("", "cfg", "pass a --cfg to rustc", "")),
127 stable(optmulti("", "extern", "pass an --extern to rustc", "NAME=PATH")),
128 stable(optmulti("", "plugin-path", "directory to load plugins from", "DIR")),
129 stable(optmulti("", "passes",
130 "list of passes to also run, you might want \
131 to pass it multiple times; a value of `list` \
132 will print available passes",
133 "PASSES")),
134 stable(optmulti("", "plugins", "space separated list of plugins to also load",
135 "PLUGINS")),
136 stable(optflag("", "no-defaults", "don't run the default passes")),
137 stable(optflag("", "test", "run code examples as tests")),
138 stable(optmulti("", "test-args", "arguments to pass to the test runner",
139 "ARGS")),
140 stable(optopt("", "target", "target triple to document", "TRIPLE")),
141 stable(optmulti("", "markdown-css",
142 "CSS files to include via <link> in a rendered Markdown file",
143 "FILES")),
144 stable(optmulti("", "html-in-header",
145 "files to include inline in the <head> section of a rendered Markdown file \
146 or generated documentation",
147 "FILES")),
148 stable(optmulti("", "html-before-content",
149 "files to include inline between <body> and the content of a rendered \
150 Markdown file or generated documentation",
151 "FILES")),
152 stable(optmulti("", "html-after-content",
153 "files to include inline between the content and </body> of a rendered \
154 Markdown file or generated documentation",
155 "FILES")),
156 stable(optopt("", "markdown-playground-url",
157 "URL to send code snippets to", "URL")),
158 stable(optflag("", "markdown-no-toc", "don't include table of contents")),
159 unstable(optopt("e", "extend-css",
160 "to redefine some css rules with a given file to generate doc with your \
161 own theme", "PATH")),
162 unstable(optmulti("Z", "",
163 "internal and debugging options (only on nightly build)", "FLAG")),
164 stable(optopt("", "sysroot", "Override the system root", "PATH")),
165 )
166 }
168 pub fn usage(argv0: &str) {
169 println!("{}",
170 getopts::usage(&format!("{} [options] <input>", argv0),
171 &opts().into_iter()
172 .map(|x| x.opt_group)
173 .collect::<Vec<getopts::OptGroup>>()));
174 }
176 pub fn main_args(args: &[String]) -> isize {
177 let all_groups: Vec<getopts::OptGroup> = opts()
178 .into_iter()
179 .map(|x| x.opt_group)
180 .collect();
181 let matches = match getopts::getopts(&args[1..], &all_groups) {
182 Ok(m) => m,
183 Err(err) => {
184 println!("{}", err);
185 return 1;
186 }
187 };
188 // Check for unstable options.
189 nightly_options::check_nightly_options(&matches, &opts());
191 if matches.opt_present("h") || matches.opt_present("help") {
192 usage(&args[0]);
193 return 0;
194 } else if matches.opt_present("version") {
195 rustc_driver::version("rustdoc", &matches);
196 return 0;
197 }
199 if matches.opt_strs("passes") == ["list"] {
200 println!("Available passes for running rustdoc:");
201 for &(name, _, description) in passes::PASSES {
202 println!("{:>20} - {}", name, description);
203 }
204 println!("\nDefault passes for rustdoc:");
205 for &name in passes::DEFAULT_PASSES {
206 println!("{:>20}", name);
207 }
208 return 0;
209 }
211 if matches.free.is_empty() {
212 println!("expected an input file to act on");
213 return 1;
214 }
215 if matches.free.len() > 1 {
216 println!("only one input file may be specified");
217 return 1;
218 }
219 let input = &matches.free[0];
221 let mut libs = SearchPaths::new();
222 for s in &matches.opt_strs("L") {
223 libs.add_path(s, ErrorOutputType::default());
224 }
225 let externs = match parse_externs(&matches) {
226 Ok(ex) => ex,
227 Err(err) => {
228 println!("{}", err);
229 return 1;
230 }
231 };
233 let test_args = matches.opt_strs("test-args");
234 let test_args: Vec<String> = test_args.iter()
235 .flat_map(|s| s.split_whitespace())
236 .map(|s| s.to_string())
237 .collect();
239 let should_test = matches.opt_present("test");
240 let markdown_input = input.ends_with(".md") || input.ends_with(".markdown");
242 let output = matches.opt_str("o").map(|s| PathBuf::from(&s));
243 let css_file_extension = matches.opt_str("e").map(|s| PathBuf::from(&s));
244 let cfgs = matches.opt_strs("cfg");
246 if let Some(ref p) = css_file_extension {
247 if !p.is_file() {
248 println!("{}", "--extend-css option must take a css file as input");
249 return 1;
250 }
251 }
253 let external_html = match ExternalHtml::load(
254 &matches.opt_strs("html-in-header"),
255 &matches.opt_strs("html-before-content"),
256 &matches.opt_strs("html-after-content")) {
257 Some(eh) => eh,
258 None => return 3
259 };
260 let crate_name = matches.opt_str("crate-name");
262 match (should_test, markdown_input) {
263 (true, true) => {
264 return markdown::test(input, cfgs, libs, externs, test_args)
265 }
266 (true, false) => {
267 return test::run(input, cfgs, libs, externs, test_args, crate_name)
268 }
269 (false, true) => return markdown::render(input,
270 output.unwrap_or(PathBuf::from("doc")),
271 &matches, &external_html,
272 !matches.opt_present("markdown-no-toc")),
273 (false, false) => {}
274 }
275 let out = match acquire_input(input, externs, &matches) {
276 Ok(out) => out,
277 Err(s) => {
278 println!("input error: {}", s);
279 return 1;
280 }
281 };
282 let Output { krate, passes, renderinfo } = out;
283 info!("going to format");
284 match matches.opt_str("w").as_ref().map(|s| &**s) {
285 Some("html") | None => {
286 html::render::run(krate, &external_html,
287 output.unwrap_or(PathBuf::from("doc")),
288 passes.into_iter().collect(),
289 css_file_extension,
290 renderinfo)
291 .expect("failed to generate documentation")
292 }
293 Some(s) => {
294 println!("unknown output format: {}", s);
295 return 1;
296 }
297 }
299 return 0;
300 }
302 /// Looks inside the command line arguments to extract the relevant input format
303 /// and files and then generates the necessary rustdoc output for formatting.
304 fn acquire_input(input: &str,
305 externs: Externs,
306 matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<Output, String> {
307 match matches.opt_str("r").as_ref().map(|s| &**s) {
308 Some("rust") => Ok(rust_input(input, externs, matches)),
309 Some(s) => Err(format!("unknown input format: {}", s)),
310 None => {
311 Ok(rust_input(input, externs, matches))
312 }
313 }
314 }
316 /// Extracts `--extern CRATE=PATH` arguments from `matches` and
317 /// returns a map mapping crate names to their paths or else an
318 /// error message.
319 fn parse_externs(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<Externs, String> {
320 let mut externs = BTreeMap::new();
321 for arg in &matches.opt_strs("extern") {
322 let mut parts = arg.splitn(2, '=');
323 let name = parts.next().ok_or("--extern value must not be empty".to_string())?;
324 let location = parts.next()
325 .ok_or("--extern value must be of the format `foo=bar`"
326 .to_string())?;
327 let name = name.to_string();
328 externs.entry(name).or_insert_with(BTreeSet::new).insert(location.to_string());
329 }
330 Ok(Externs::new(externs))
331 }
333 /// Interprets the input file as a rust source file, passing it through the
334 /// compiler all the way through the analysis passes. The rustdoc output is then
335 /// generated from the cleaned AST of the crate.
336 ///
337 /// This form of input will run all of the plug/cleaning passes
338 fn rust_input(cratefile: &str, externs: Externs, matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Output {
339 let mut default_passes = !matches.opt_present("no-defaults");
340 let mut passes = matches.opt_strs("passes");
341 let mut plugins = matches.opt_strs("plugins");
343 // First, parse the crate and extract all relevant information.
344 let mut paths = SearchPaths::new();
345 for s in &matches.opt_strs("L") {
346 paths.add_path(s, ErrorOutputType::default());
347 }
348 let cfgs = matches.opt_strs("cfg");
349 let triple = matches.opt_str("target");
350 let maybe_sysroot = matches.opt_str("sysroot").map(PathBuf::from);
352 let cr = PathBuf::from(cratefile);
353 info!("starting to run rustc");
355 let (tx, rx) = channel();
356 rustc_driver::monitor(move || {
357 use rustc::session::config::Input;
359 tx.send(core::run_core(paths, cfgs, externs, Input::File(cr),
360 triple, maybe_sysroot)).unwrap();
361 });
362 let (mut krate, renderinfo) = rx.recv().unwrap();
363 info!("finished with rustc");
365 if let Some(name) = matches.opt_str("crate-name") {
366 krate.name = name
367 }
369 // Process all of the crate attributes, extracting plugin metadata along
370 // with the passes which we are supposed to run.
371 for attr in krate.module.as_ref().unwrap().attrs.list("doc") {
372 match *attr {
373 clean::Word(ref w) if "no_default_passes" == *w => {
374 default_passes = false;
375 },
376 clean::NameValue(ref name, ref value) => {
377 let sink = match &name[..] {
378 "passes" => &mut passes,
379 "plugins" => &mut plugins,
380 _ => continue,
381 };
382 for p in value.split_whitespace() {
383 sink.push(p.to_string());
384 }
385 }
386 _ => (),
387 }
388 }
390 if default_passes {
391 for name in passes::DEFAULT_PASSES.iter().rev() {
392 passes.insert(0, name.to_string());
393 }
394 }
396 // Load all plugins/passes into a PluginManager
397 let path = matches.opt_str("plugin-path")
398 .unwrap_or("/tmp/rustdoc/plugins".to_string());
399 let mut pm = plugins::PluginManager::new(PathBuf::from(path));
400 for pass in &passes {
401 let plugin = match passes::PASSES.iter()
402 .position(|&(p, ..)| {
403 p == *pass
404 }) {
405 Some(i) => passes::PASSES[i].1,
406 None => {
407 error!("unknown pass {}, skipping", *pass);
408 continue
409 },
410 };
411 pm.add_plugin(plugin);
412 }
413 info!("loading plugins...");
414 for pname in plugins {
415 pm.load_plugin(pname);
416 }
418 // Run everything!
419 info!("Executing passes/plugins");
420 let krate = pm.run_plugins(krate);
421 Output { krate: krate, renderinfo: renderinfo, passes: passes }
422 }