]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustdoc/passes/html_tags.rs
New upstream version 1.65.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustdoc / passes / html_tags.rs
1 //! Detects invalid HTML (like an unclosed `<span>`) in doc comments.
2 use super::Pass;
3 use crate::clean::*;
4 use crate::core::DocContext;
5 use crate::html::markdown::main_body_opts;
6 use crate::visit::DocVisitor;
8 use pulldown_cmark::{BrokenLink, Event, LinkType, Parser, Tag};
10 use std::iter::Peekable;
11 use std::ops::Range;
12 use std::str::CharIndices;
14 pub(crate) const CHECK_INVALID_HTML_TAGS: Pass = Pass {
15 name: "check-invalid-html-tags",
16 run: check_invalid_html_tags,
17 description: "detects invalid HTML tags in doc comments",
18 };
20 struct InvalidHtmlTagsLinter<'a, 'tcx> {
21 cx: &'a mut DocContext<'tcx>,
22 }
24 pub(crate) fn check_invalid_html_tags(krate: Crate, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> Crate {
25 if cx.tcx.sess.is_nightly_build() {
26 let mut coll = InvalidHtmlTagsLinter { cx };
27 coll.visit_crate(&krate);
28 }
29 krate
30 }
32 const ALLOWED_UNCLOSED: &[&str] = &[
33 "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param",
34 "source", "track", "wbr",
35 ];
37 fn drop_tag(
38 tags: &mut Vec<(String, Range<usize>)>,
39 tag_name: String,
40 range: Range<usize>,
41 f: &impl Fn(&str, &Range<usize>, bool),
42 ) {
43 let tag_name_low = tag_name.to_lowercase();
44 if let Some(pos) = tags.iter().rposition(|(t, _)| t.to_lowercase() == tag_name_low) {
45 // If the tag is nested inside a "<script>" or a "<style>" tag, no warning should
46 // be emitted.
47 let should_not_warn = tags.iter().take(pos + 1).any(|(at, _)| {
48 let at = at.to_lowercase();
49 at == "script" || at == "style"
50 });
51 for (last_tag_name, last_tag_span) in tags.drain(pos + 1..) {
52 if should_not_warn {
53 continue;
54 }
55 let last_tag_name_low = last_tag_name.to_lowercase();
56 if ALLOWED_UNCLOSED.contains(&last_tag_name_low.as_str()) {
57 continue;
58 }
59 // `tags` is used as a queue, meaning that everything after `pos` is included inside it.
60 // So `<h2><h3></h2>` will look like `["h2", "h3"]`. So when closing `h2`, we will still
61 // have `h3`, meaning the tag wasn't closed as it should have.
62 f(&format!("unclosed HTML tag `{}`", last_tag_name), &last_tag_span, true);
63 }
64 // Remove the `tag_name` that was originally closed
65 tags.pop();
66 } else {
67 // It can happen for example in this case: `<h2></script></h2>` (the `h2` tag isn't required
68 // but it helps for the visualization).
69 f(&format!("unopened HTML tag `{}`", tag_name), &range, false);
70 }
71 }
73 fn extract_path_backwards(text: &str, end_pos: usize) -> Option<usize> {
74 use rustc_lexer::{is_id_continue, is_id_start};
75 let mut current_pos = end_pos;
76 loop {
77 if current_pos >= 2 && text[..current_pos].ends_with("::") {
78 current_pos -= 2;
79 }
80 let new_pos = text[..current_pos]
81 .char_indices()
82 .rev()
83 .take_while(|(_, c)| is_id_start(*c) || is_id_continue(*c))
84 .reduce(|_accum, item| item)
85 .and_then(|(new_pos, c)| is_id_start(c).then_some(new_pos));
86 if let Some(new_pos) = new_pos {
87 if current_pos != new_pos {
88 current_pos = new_pos;
89 continue;
90 }
91 }
92 break;
93 }
94 if current_pos == end_pos { None } else { Some(current_pos) }
95 }
97 fn extract_path_forward(text: &str, start_pos: usize) -> Option<usize> {
98 use rustc_lexer::{is_id_continue, is_id_start};
99 let mut current_pos = start_pos;
100 loop {
101 if current_pos < text.len() && text[current_pos..].starts_with("::") {
102 current_pos += 2;
103 } else {
104 break;
105 }
106 let mut chars = text[current_pos..].chars();
107 if let Some(c) = chars.next() {
108 if is_id_start(c) {
109 current_pos += c.len_utf8();
110 } else {
111 break;
112 }
113 }
114 while let Some(c) = chars.next() {
115 if is_id_continue(c) {
116 current_pos += c.len_utf8();
117 } else {
118 break;
119 }
120 }
121 }
122 if current_pos == start_pos { None } else { Some(current_pos) }
123 }
125 fn is_valid_for_html_tag_name(c: char, is_empty: bool) -> bool {
126 // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#raw-html
127 //
128 // > A tag name consists of an ASCII letter followed by zero or more ASCII letters, digits, or
129 // > hyphens (-).
130 c.is_ascii_alphabetic() || !is_empty && (c == '-' || c.is_ascii_digit())
131 }
133 fn extract_html_tag(
134 tags: &mut Vec<(String, Range<usize>)>,
135 text: &str,
136 range: &Range<usize>,
137 start_pos: usize,
138 iter: &mut Peekable<CharIndices<'_>>,
139 f: &impl Fn(&str, &Range<usize>, bool),
140 ) {
141 let mut tag_name = String::new();
142 let mut is_closing = false;
143 let mut prev_pos = start_pos;
145 loop {
146 let (pos, c) = match iter.peek() {
147 Some((pos, c)) => (*pos, *c),
148 // In case we reached the of the doc comment, we want to check that it's an
149 // unclosed HTML tag. For example "/// <h3".
150 None => (prev_pos, '\0'),
151 };
152 prev_pos = pos;
153 // Checking if this is a closing tag (like `</a>` for `<a>`).
154 if c == '/' && tag_name.is_empty() {
155 is_closing = true;
156 } else if is_valid_for_html_tag_name(c, tag_name.is_empty()) {
157 tag_name.push(c);
158 } else {
159 if !tag_name.is_empty() {
160 let mut r = Range { start: range.start + start_pos, end: range.start + pos };
161 if c == '>' {
162 // In case we have a tag without attribute, we can consider the span to
163 // refer to it fully.
164 r.end += 1;
165 }
166 if is_closing {
167 // In case we have "</div >" or even "</div >".
168 if c != '>' {
169 if !c.is_whitespace() {
170 // It seems like it's not a valid HTML tag.
171 break;
172 }
173 let mut found = false;
174 for (new_pos, c) in text[pos..].char_indices() {
175 if !c.is_whitespace() {
176 if c == '>' {
177 r.end = range.start + new_pos + 1;
178 found = true;
179 }
180 break;
181 }
182 }
183 if !found {
184 break;
185 }
186 }
187 drop_tag(tags, tag_name, r, f);
188 } else {
189 tags.push((tag_name, r));
190 }
191 }
192 break;
193 }
194 iter.next();
195 }
196 }
198 fn extract_tags(
199 tags: &mut Vec<(String, Range<usize>)>,
200 text: &str,
201 range: Range<usize>,
202 is_in_comment: &mut Option<Range<usize>>,
203 f: &impl Fn(&str, &Range<usize>, bool),
204 ) {
205 let mut iter = text.char_indices().peekable();
207 while let Some((start_pos, c)) = iter.next() {
208 if is_in_comment.is_some() {
209 if text[start_pos..].starts_with("-->") {
210 *is_in_comment = None;
211 }
212 } else if c == '<' {
213 if text[start_pos..].starts_with("<!--") {
214 // We skip the "!--" part. (Once `advance_by` is stable, might be nice to use it!)
215 iter.next();
216 iter.next();
217 iter.next();
218 *is_in_comment = Some(Range {
219 start: range.start + start_pos,
220 end: range.start + start_pos + 3,
221 });
222 } else {
223 extract_html_tag(tags, text, &range, start_pos, &mut iter, f);
224 }
225 }
226 }
227 }
229 impl<'a, 'tcx> DocVisitor for InvalidHtmlTagsLinter<'a, 'tcx> {
230 fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &Item) {
231 let tcx = self.cx.tcx;
232 let Some(hir_id) = DocContext::as_local_hir_id(tcx, item.item_id)
233 // If non-local, no need to check anything.
234 else { return };
235 let dox = item.attrs.collapsed_doc_value().unwrap_or_default();
236 if !dox.is_empty() {
237 let report_diag = |msg: &str, range: &Range<usize>, is_open_tag: bool| {
238 let sp = match super::source_span_for_markdown_range(tcx, &dox, range, &item.attrs)
239 {
240 Some(sp) => sp,
241 None => item.attr_span(tcx),
242 };
243 tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(crate::lint::INVALID_HTML_TAGS, hir_id, sp, |lint| {
244 use rustc_lint_defs::Applicability;
245 let mut diag = lint.build(msg);
246 // If a tag looks like `<this>`, it might actually be a generic.
247 // We don't try to detect stuff `<like, this>` because that's not valid HTML,
248 // and we don't try to detect stuff `<like this>` because that's not valid Rust.
249 let mut generics_end = range.end;
250 if let Some(Some(mut generics_start)) = (is_open_tag
251 && dox[..generics_end].ends_with('>'))
252 .then(|| extract_path_backwards(&dox, range.start))
253 {
254 while generics_start != 0
255 && generics_end < dox.len()
256 && dox.as_bytes()[generics_start - 1] == b'<'
257 && dox.as_bytes()[generics_end] == b'>'
258 {
259 generics_end += 1;
260 generics_start -= 1;
261 if let Some(new_start) = extract_path_backwards(&dox, generics_start) {
262 generics_start = new_start;
263 }
264 if let Some(new_end) = extract_path_forward(&dox, generics_end) {
265 generics_end = new_end;
266 }
267 }
268 if let Some(new_end) = extract_path_forward(&dox, generics_end) {
269 generics_end = new_end;
270 }
271 let generics_sp = match super::source_span_for_markdown_range(
272 tcx,
273 &dox,
274 &(generics_start..generics_end),
275 &item.attrs,
276 ) {
277 Some(sp) => sp,
278 None => item.attr_span(tcx),
279 };
280 // Sometimes, we only extract part of a path. For example, consider this:
281 //
282 // <[u32] as IntoIter<u32>>::Item
283 // ^^^^^ unclosed HTML tag `u32`
284 //
285 // We don't have any code for parsing fully-qualified trait paths.
286 // In theory, we could add it, but doing it correctly would require
287 // parsing the entire path grammar, which is problematic because of
288 // overlap between the path grammar and Markdown.
289 //
290 // The example above shows that ambiguity. Is `[u32]` intended to be an
291 // intra-doc link to the u32 primitive, or is it intended to be a slice?
292 //
293 // If the below conditional were removed, we would suggest this, which is
294 // not what the user probably wants.
295 //
296 // <[u32] as `IntoIter<u32>`>::Item
297 //
298 // We know that the user actually wants to wrap the whole thing in a code
299 // block, but the only reason we know that is because `u32` does not, in
300 // fact, implement IntoIter. If the example looks like this:
301 //
302 // <[Vec<i32>] as IntoIter<i32>::Item
303 //
304 // The ideal fix would be significantly different.
305 if (generics_start > 0 && dox.as_bytes()[generics_start - 1] == b'<')
306 || (generics_end < dox.len() && dox.as_bytes()[generics_end] == b'>')
307 {
308 diag.emit();
309 return;
310 }
311 // multipart form is chosen here because ``Vec<i32>`` would be confusing.
312 diag.multipart_suggestion(
313 "try marking as source code",
314 vec![
315 (generics_sp.shrink_to_lo(), String::from("`")),
316 (generics_sp.shrink_to_hi(), String::from("`")),
317 ],
318 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
319 );
320 }
321 diag.emit()
322 });
323 };
325 let mut tags = Vec::new();
326 let mut is_in_comment = None;
327 let mut in_code_block = false;
329 let link_names = item.link_names(&self.cx.cache);
331 let mut replacer = |broken_link: BrokenLink<'_>| {
332 if let Some(link) =
333 link_names.iter().find(|link| *link.original_text == *broken_link.reference)
334 {
335 Some((link.href.as_str().into(), link.new_text.as_str().into()))
336 } else if matches!(
337 &broken_link.link_type,
338 LinkType::Reference | LinkType::ReferenceUnknown
339 ) {
340 // If the link is shaped [like][this], suppress any broken HTML in the [this] part.
341 // The `broken_intra_doc_links` will report typos in there anyway.
342 Some((
343 broken_link.reference.to_string().into(),
344 broken_link.reference.to_string().into(),
345 ))
346 } else {
347 None
348 }
349 };
351 let p =
352 Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback(&dox, main_body_opts(), Some(&mut replacer))
353 .into_offset_iter();
355 for (event, range) in p {
356 match event {
357 Event::Start(Tag::CodeBlock(_)) => in_code_block = true,
358 Event::Html(text) if !in_code_block => {
359 extract_tags(&mut tags, &text, range, &mut is_in_comment, &report_diag)
360 }
361 Event::End(Tag::CodeBlock(_)) => in_code_block = false,
362 _ => {}
363 }
364 }
366 for (tag, range) in tags.iter().filter(|(t, _)| {
367 let t = t.to_lowercase();
368 !ALLOWED_UNCLOSED.contains(&t.as_str())
369 }) {
370 report_diag(&format!("unclosed HTML tag `{}`", tag), range, true);
371 }
373 if let Some(range) = is_in_comment {
374 report_diag("Unclosed HTML comment", &range, false);
375 }
376 }
378 self.visit_item_recur(item)
379 }
380 }