]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libstd/sys/windows/fs2.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~beta
[rustc.git] / src / libstd / sys / windows / fs2.rs
1 // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use core::prelude::*;
12 use io::prelude::*;
13 use os::windows::prelude::*;
15 use default::Default;
16 use ffi::{OsString, AsOsStr};
17 use io::{self, Error, SeekFrom};
18 use libc::{self, HANDLE};
19 use mem;
20 use path::{Path, PathBuf};
21 use ptr;
22 use sync::Arc;
23 use sys::handle::Handle;
24 use sys::{c, cvt};
25 use sys_common::FromInner;
26 use vec::Vec;
28 pub struct File { handle: Handle }
29 pub struct FileAttr { data: c::WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA }
31 pub struct ReadDir {
32 handle: FindNextFileHandle,
33 root: Arc<PathBuf>,
34 first: Option<libc::WIN32_FIND_DATAW>,
35 }
37 struct FindNextFileHandle(libc::HANDLE);
39 unsafe impl Send for FindNextFileHandle {}
40 unsafe impl Sync for FindNextFileHandle {}
42 pub struct DirEntry {
43 root: Arc<PathBuf>,
44 data: libc::WIN32_FIND_DATAW,
45 }
47 #[derive(Clone, Default)]
48 pub struct OpenOptions {
49 create: bool,
50 append: bool,
51 read: bool,
52 write: bool,
53 truncate: bool,
54 desired_access: Option<libc::DWORD>,
55 share_mode: Option<libc::DWORD>,
56 creation_disposition: Option<libc::DWORD>,
57 flags_and_attributes: Option<libc::DWORD>,
58 }
60 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
61 pub struct FilePermissions { attrs: libc::DWORD }
63 impl Iterator for ReadDir {
64 type Item = io::Result<DirEntry>;
65 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<io::Result<DirEntry>> {
66 if let Some(first) = self.first.take() {
67 if let Some(e) = DirEntry::new(&self.root, &first) {
68 return Some(Ok(e));
69 }
70 }
71 unsafe {
72 let mut wfd = mem::zeroed();
73 loop {
74 if libc::FindNextFileW(self.handle.0, &mut wfd) == 0 {
75 if libc::GetLastError() ==
76 c::ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES as libc::DWORD {
77 return None
78 } else {
79 return Some(Err(Error::last_os_error()))
80 }
81 }
82 if let Some(e) = DirEntry::new(&self.root, &wfd) {
83 return Some(Ok(e))
84 }
85 }
86 }
87 }
88 }
90 impl Drop for FindNextFileHandle {
91 fn drop(&mut self) {
92 let r = unsafe { libc::FindClose(self.0) };
93 debug_assert!(r != 0);
94 }
95 }
97 impl DirEntry {
98 fn new(root: &Arc<PathBuf>, wfd: &libc::WIN32_FIND_DATAW) -> Option<DirEntry> {
99 match &wfd.cFileName[0..3] {
100 // check for '.' and '..'
101 [46, 0, ..] |
102 [46, 46, 0, ..] => return None,
103 _ => {}
104 }
106 Some(DirEntry {
107 root: root.clone(),
108 data: *wfd,
109 })
110 }
112 pub fn path(&self) -> PathBuf {
113 let filename = super::truncate_utf16_at_nul(&self.data.cFileName);
114 self.root.join(&<OsString as OsStringExt>::from_wide(filename))
115 }
116 }
118 impl OpenOptions {
119 pub fn new() -> OpenOptions { Default::default() }
120 pub fn read(&mut self, read: bool) { self.read = read; }
121 pub fn write(&mut self, write: bool) { self.write = write; }
122 pub fn append(&mut self, append: bool) { self.append = append; }
123 pub fn create(&mut self, create: bool) { self.create = create; }
124 pub fn truncate(&mut self, truncate: bool) { self.truncate = truncate; }
125 pub fn creation_disposition(&mut self, val: i32) {
126 self.creation_disposition = Some(val as libc::DWORD);
127 }
128 pub fn flags_and_attributes(&mut self, val: i32) {
129 self.flags_and_attributes = Some(val as libc::DWORD);
130 }
131 pub fn desired_access(&mut self, val: i32) {
132 self.desired_access = Some(val as libc::DWORD);
133 }
134 pub fn share_mode(&mut self, val: i32) {
135 self.share_mode = Some(val as libc::DWORD);
136 }
138 fn get_desired_access(&self) -> libc::DWORD {
139 self.desired_access.unwrap_or({
140 let mut base = if self.read {libc::FILE_GENERIC_READ} else {0} |
141 if self.write {libc::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE} else {0};
142 if self.append {
143 base &= !libc::FILE_WRITE_DATA;
144 base |= libc::FILE_APPEND_DATA;
145 }
146 base
147 })
148 }
150 fn get_share_mode(&self) -> libc::DWORD {
151 // libuv has a good comment about this, but the basic idea is that
152 // we try to emulate unix semantics by enabling all sharing by
153 // allowing things such as deleting a file while it's still open.
154 self.share_mode.unwrap_or(libc::FILE_SHARE_READ |
155 libc::FILE_SHARE_WRITE |
157 }
159 fn get_creation_disposition(&self) -> libc::DWORD {
160 self.creation_disposition.unwrap_or({
161 match (self.create, self.truncate) {
162 (true, true) => libc::CREATE_ALWAYS,
163 (true, false) => libc::OPEN_ALWAYS,
164 (false, false) => libc::OPEN_EXISTING,
165 (false, true) => {
166 if self.write && !self.append {
168 } else {
170 }
171 }
172 }
173 })
174 }
176 fn get_flags_and_attributes(&self) -> libc::DWORD {
177 self.flags_and_attributes.unwrap_or(libc::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
178 }
179 }
181 impl File {
182 pub fn open(path: &Path, opts: &OpenOptions) -> io::Result<File> {
183 let path = to_utf16(path);
184 let handle = unsafe {
185 libc::CreateFileW(path.as_ptr(),
186 opts.get_desired_access(),
187 opts.get_share_mode(),
188 ptr::null_mut(),
189 opts.get_creation_disposition(),
190 opts.get_flags_and_attributes(),
191 ptr::null_mut())
192 };
193 if handle == libc::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
194 Err(Error::last_os_error())
195 } else {
196 Ok(File { handle: Handle::new(handle) })
197 }
198 }
200 pub fn fsync(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
201 try!(cvt(unsafe { libc::FlushFileBuffers(self.handle.raw()) }));
202 Ok(())
203 }
205 pub fn datasync(&self) -> io::Result<()> { self.fsync() }
207 pub fn truncate(&self, size: u64) -> io::Result<()> {
208 let mut info = c::FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO {
209 EndOfFile: size as libc::LARGE_INTEGER,
210 };
211 let size = mem::size_of_val(&info);
212 try!(cvt(unsafe {
213 c::SetFileInformationByHandle(self.handle.raw(),
214 c::FileEndOfFileInfo,
215 &mut info as *mut _ as *mut _,
216 size as libc::DWORD)
217 }));
218 Ok(())
219 }
221 pub fn file_attr(&self) -> io::Result<FileAttr> {
222 unsafe {
223 let mut info: c::BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION = mem::zeroed();
224 try!(cvt(c::GetFileInformationByHandle(self.handle.raw(),
225 &mut info)));
226 Ok(FileAttr {
227 data: c::WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA {
228 dwFileAttributes: info.dwFileAttributes,
229 ftCreationTime: info.ftCreationTime,
230 ftLastAccessTime: info.ftLastAccessTime,
231 ftLastWriteTime: info.ftLastWriteTime,
232 nFileSizeHigh: info.nFileSizeHigh,
233 nFileSizeLow: info.nFileSizeLow,
234 }
235 })
236 }
237 }
239 pub fn read(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
240 self.handle.read(buf)
241 }
243 pub fn write(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
244 self.handle.write(buf)
245 }
247 pub fn flush(&self) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
249 pub fn seek(&self, pos: SeekFrom) -> io::Result<u64> {
250 let (whence, pos) = match pos {
251 SeekFrom::Start(n) => (libc::FILE_BEGIN, n as i64),
252 SeekFrom::End(n) => (libc::FILE_END, n),
253 SeekFrom::Current(n) => (libc::FILE_CURRENT, n),
254 };
255 let pos = pos as libc::LARGE_INTEGER;
256 let mut newpos = 0;
257 try!(cvt(unsafe {
258 libc::SetFilePointerEx(self.handle.raw(), pos,
259 &mut newpos, whence)
260 }));
261 Ok(newpos as u64)
262 }
264 pub fn handle(&self) -> &Handle { &self.handle }
265 }
267 impl FromInner<libc::HANDLE> for File {
268 fn from_inner(handle: libc::HANDLE) -> File {
269 File { handle: Handle::new(handle) }
270 }
271 }
273 pub fn to_utf16(s: &Path) -> Vec<u16> {
274 s.as_os_str().encode_wide().chain(Some(0).into_iter()).collect()
275 }
277 impl FileAttr {
278 pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
279 self.data.dwFileAttributes & c::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0
280 }
281 pub fn is_file(&self) -> bool {
282 !self.is_dir()
283 }
284 pub fn size(&self) -> u64 {
285 ((self.data.nFileSizeHigh as u64) << 32) | (self.data.nFileSizeLow as u64)
286 }
287 pub fn perm(&self) -> FilePermissions {
288 FilePermissions { attrs: self.data.dwFileAttributes }
289 }
291 pub fn accessed(&self) -> u64 { self.to_ms(&self.data.ftLastAccessTime) }
292 pub fn modified(&self) -> u64 { self.to_ms(&self.data.ftLastWriteTime) }
294 fn to_ms(&self, ft: &libc::FILETIME) -> u64 {
295 // FILETIME is in 100ns intervals and there are 10000 intervals in a
296 // millisecond.
297 let bits = (ft.dwLowDateTime as u64) | ((ft.dwHighDateTime as u64) << 32);
298 bits / 10000
299 }
300 }
302 impl FilePermissions {
303 pub fn readonly(&self) -> bool {
304 self.attrs & c::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY != 0
305 }
307 pub fn set_readonly(&mut self, readonly: bool) {
308 if readonly {
309 self.attrs |= c::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
310 } else {
311 self.attrs &= !c::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
312 }
313 }
314 }
316 pub fn mkdir(p: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
317 let p = to_utf16(p);
318 try!(cvt(unsafe {
319 libc::CreateDirectoryW(p.as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut())
320 }));
321 Ok(())
322 }
324 pub fn readdir(p: &Path) -> io::Result<ReadDir> {
325 let root = p.to_path_buf();
326 let star = p.join("*");
327 let path = to_utf16(&star);
329 unsafe {
330 let mut wfd = mem::zeroed();
331 let find_handle = libc::FindFirstFileW(path.as_ptr(), &mut wfd);
332 if find_handle != libc::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
333 Ok(ReadDir {
334 handle: FindNextFileHandle(find_handle),
335 root: Arc::new(root),
336 first: Some(wfd),
337 })
338 } else {
339 Err(Error::last_os_error())
340 }
341 }
342 }
344 pub fn unlink(p: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
345 let p_utf16 = to_utf16(p);
346 try!(cvt(unsafe { libc::DeleteFileW(p_utf16.as_ptr()) }));
347 Ok(())
348 }
350 pub fn rename(old: &Path, new: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
351 let old = to_utf16(old);
352 let new = to_utf16(new);
353 try!(cvt(unsafe {
354 libc::MoveFileExW(old.as_ptr(), new.as_ptr(),
356 }));
357 Ok(())
358 }
360 pub fn rmdir(p: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
361 let p = to_utf16(p);
362 try!(cvt(unsafe { c::RemoveDirectoryW(p.as_ptr()) }));
363 Ok(())
364 }
366 pub fn readlink(p: &Path) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
367 use sys::c::compat::kernel32::GetFinalPathNameByHandleW;
368 let mut opts = OpenOptions::new();
369 opts.read(true);
370 let file = try!(File::open(p, &opts));;
372 // Specify (sz - 1) because the documentation states that it's the size
373 // without the null pointer
374 //
375 // FIXME: I have a feeling that this reads intermediate symlinks as well.
376 let ret: OsString = try!(super::fill_utf16_buf_new(|buf, sz| unsafe {
377 GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(file.handle.raw(),
378 buf as *const u16,
379 sz - 1,
380 libc::VOLUME_NAME_DOS)
381 }, |s| OsStringExt::from_wide(s)));
382 Ok(PathBuf::from(&ret))
383 }
385 pub fn symlink(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
386 use sys::c::compat::kernel32::CreateSymbolicLinkW;
387 let src = to_utf16(src);
388 let dst = to_utf16(dst);
389 try!(cvt(unsafe {
390 CreateSymbolicLinkW(dst.as_ptr(), src.as_ptr(), 0) as libc::BOOL
391 }));
392 Ok(())
393 }
395 pub fn link(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
396 let src = to_utf16(src);
397 let dst = to_utf16(dst);
398 try!(cvt(unsafe {
399 libc::CreateHardLinkW(dst.as_ptr(), src.as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut())
400 }));
401 Ok(())
402 }
404 pub fn stat(p: &Path) -> io::Result<FileAttr> {
405 let p = to_utf16(p);
406 unsafe {
407 let mut attr: FileAttr = mem::zeroed();
408 try!(cvt(c::GetFileAttributesExW(p.as_ptr(),
409 c::GetFileExInfoStandard,
410 &mut attr.data as *mut _ as *mut _)));
411 Ok(attr)
412 }
413 }
415 pub fn set_perm(p: &Path, perm: FilePermissions) -> io::Result<()> {
416 let p = to_utf16(p);
417 unsafe {
418 try!(cvt(c::SetFileAttributesW(p.as_ptr(), perm.attrs)));
419 Ok(())
420 }
421 }
423 pub fn utimes(p: &Path, atime: u64, mtime: u64) -> io::Result<()> {
424 let atime = super::ms_to_filetime(atime);
425 let mtime = super::ms_to_filetime(mtime);
427 let mut o = OpenOptions::new();
428 o.write(true);
429 let f = try!(File::open(p, &o));
430 try!(cvt(unsafe {
431 c::SetFileTime(f.handle.raw(), 0 as *const _, &atime, &mtime)
432 }));
433 Ok(())
434 }