]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libstd/thread/mod.rs
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[rustc.git] / src / libstd / thread / mod.rs
1 // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! Native threads
12 //!
13 //! ## The threading model
14 //!
15 //! An executing Rust program consists of a collection of native OS threads,
16 //! each with their own stack and local state.
17 //!
18 //! Communication between threads can be done through
19 //! [channels](../../std/sync/mpsc/index.html), Rust's message-passing
20 //! types, along with [other forms of thread
21 //! synchronization](../../std/sync/index.html) and shared-memory data
22 //! structures. In particular, types that are guaranteed to be
23 //! threadsafe are easily shared between threads using the
24 //! atomically-reference-counted container,
25 //! [`Arc`](../../std/sync/struct.Arc.html).
26 //!
27 //! Fatal logic errors in Rust cause *thread panic*, during which
28 //! a thread will unwind the stack, running destructors and freeing
29 //! owned resources. Thread panic is unrecoverable from within
30 //! the panicking thread (i.e. there is no 'try/catch' in Rust), but
31 //! the panic may optionally be detected from a different thread. If
32 //! the main thread panics, the application will exit with a non-zero
33 //! exit code.
34 //!
35 //! When the main thread of a Rust program terminates, the entire program shuts
36 //! down, even if other threads are still running. However, this module provides
37 //! convenient facilities for automatically waiting for the termination of a
38 //! child thread (i.e., join).
39 //!
40 //! ## The `Thread` type
41 //!
42 //! Threads are represented via the `Thread` type, which you can
43 //! get in one of two ways:
44 //!
45 //! * By spawning a new thread, e.g. using the `thread::spawn` function.
46 //! * By requesting the current thread, using the `thread::current` function.
47 //!
48 //! Threads can be named, and provide some built-in support for low-level
49 //! synchronization (described below).
50 //!
51 //! The `thread::current()` function is available even for threads not spawned
52 //! by the APIs of this module.
53 //!
54 //! ## Spawning a thread
55 //!
56 //! A new thread can be spawned using the `thread::spawn` function:
57 //!
58 //! ```rust
59 //! use std::thread;
60 //!
61 //! thread::spawn(move || {
62 //! // some work here
63 //! });
64 //! ```
65 //!
66 //! In this example, the spawned thread is "detached" from the current
67 //! thread. This means that it can outlive its parent (the thread that spawned
68 //! it), unless this parent is the main thread.
69 //!
70 //! The parent thread can also wait on the completion of the child
71 //! thread; a call to `spawn` produces a `JoinHandle`, which provides
72 //! a `join` method for waiting:
73 //!
74 //! ```rust
75 //! use std::thread;
76 //!
77 //! let child = thread::spawn(move || {
78 //! // some work here
79 //! });
80 //! // some work here
81 //! let res = child.join();
82 //! ```
83 //!
84 //! The `join` method returns a `Result` containing `Ok` of the final
85 //! value produced by the child thread, or `Err` of the value given to
86 //! a call to `panic!` if the child panicked.
87 //!
88 //! ## Configuring threads
89 //!
90 //! A new thread can be configured before it is spawned via the `Builder` type,
91 //! which currently allows you to set the name and stack size for the child thread:
92 //!
93 //! ```rust
94 //! # #![allow(unused_must_use)]
95 //! use std::thread;
96 //!
97 //! thread::Builder::new().name("child1".to_string()).spawn(move || {
98 //! println!("Hello, world!");
99 //! });
100 //! ```
101 //!
102 //! ## Blocking support: park and unpark
103 //!
104 //! Every thread is equipped with some basic low-level blocking support, via the
105 //! `park` and `unpark` functions.
106 //!
107 //! Conceptually, each `Thread` handle has an associated token, which is
108 //! initially not present:
109 //!
110 //! * The `thread::park()` function blocks the current thread unless or until
111 //! the token is available for its thread handle, at which point it atomically
112 //! consumes the token. It may also return *spuriously*, without consuming the
113 //! token. `thread::park_timeout()` does the same, but allows specifying a
114 //! maximum time to block the thread for.
115 //!
116 //! * The `unpark()` method on a `Thread` atomically makes the token available
117 //! if it wasn't already.
118 //!
119 //! In other words, each `Thread` acts a bit like a semaphore with initial count
120 //! 0, except that the semaphore is *saturating* (the count cannot go above 1),
121 //! and can return spuriously.
122 //!
123 //! The API is typically used by acquiring a handle to the current thread,
124 //! placing that handle in a shared data structure so that other threads can
125 //! find it, and then `park`ing. When some desired condition is met, another
126 //! thread calls `unpark` on the handle.
127 //!
128 //! The motivation for this design is twofold:
129 //!
130 //! * It avoids the need to allocate mutexes and condvars when building new
131 //! synchronization primitives; the threads already provide basic blocking/signaling.
132 //!
133 //! * It can be implemented very efficiently on many platforms.
134 //!
135 //! ## Thread-local storage
136 //!
137 //! This module also provides an implementation of thread local storage for Rust
138 //! programs. Thread local storage is a method of storing data into a global
139 //! variable which each thread in the program will have its own copy of.
140 //! Threads do not share this data, so accesses do not need to be synchronized.
141 //!
142 //! At a high level, this module provides two variants of storage:
143 //!
144 //! * Owned thread-local storage. This is a type of thread local key which
145 //! owns the value that it contains, and will destroy the value when the
146 //! thread exits. This variant is created with the `thread_local!` macro and
147 //! can contain any value which is `'static` (no borrowed pointers).
148 //!
149 //! * Scoped thread-local storage. This type of key is used to store a reference
150 //! to a value into local storage temporarily for the scope of a function
151 //! call. There are no restrictions on what types of values can be placed
152 //! into this key.
153 //!
154 //! Both forms of thread local storage provide an accessor function, `with`,
155 //! which will yield a shared reference to the value to the specified
156 //! closure. Thread-local keys only allow shared access to values as there is no
157 //! way to guarantee uniqueness if a mutable borrow was allowed. Most values
158 //! will want to make use of some form of **interior mutability** through the
159 //! `Cell` or `RefCell` types.
161 #![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
163 use prelude::v1::*;
165 use any::Any;
166 use cell::UnsafeCell;
167 use fmt;
168 use io;
169 use sync::{Mutex, Condvar, Arc};
170 use sys::thread as imp;
171 use sys_common::thread_info;
172 use sys_common::unwind;
173 use sys_common::util;
174 use sys_common::{AsInner, IntoInner};
175 use time::Duration;
177 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
178 // Thread-local storage
179 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
181 #[macro_use] mod local;
182 #[macro_use] mod scoped_tls;
184 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
185 pub use self::local::{LocalKey, LocalKeyState};
187 #[unstable(feature = "scoped_tls",
188 reason = "scoped TLS has yet to have wide enough use to fully \
189 consider stabilizing its interface",
190 issue = "27715")]
191 pub use self::scoped_tls::ScopedKey;
193 #[unstable(feature = "libstd_thread_internals", issue = "0")]
194 #[doc(hidden)] pub use self::local::__KeyInner as __LocalKeyInner;
195 #[unstable(feature = "libstd_thread_internals", issue = "0")]
196 #[doc(hidden)] pub use self::scoped_tls::__KeyInner as __ScopedKeyInner;
198 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
199 // Builder
200 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
202 /// Thread configuration. Provides detailed control over the properties
203 /// and behavior of new threads.
204 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
205 pub struct Builder {
206 // A name for the thread-to-be, for identification in panic messages
207 name: Option<String>,
208 // The size of the stack for the spawned thread
209 stack_size: Option<usize>,
210 }
212 impl Builder {
213 /// Generates the base configuration for spawning a thread, from which
214 /// configuration methods can be chained.
215 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
216 pub fn new() -> Builder {
217 Builder {
218 name: None,
219 stack_size: None,
220 }
221 }
223 /// Names the thread-to-be. Currently the name is used for identification
224 /// only in panic messages.
225 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
226 pub fn name(mut self, name: String) -> Builder {
227 self.name = Some(name);
228 self
229 }
231 /// Sets the size of the stack for the new thread.
232 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
233 pub fn stack_size(mut self, size: usize) -> Builder {
234 self.stack_size = Some(size);
235 self
236 }
238 /// Spawns a new thread, and returns a join handle for it.
239 ///
240 /// The child thread may outlive the parent (unless the parent thread
241 /// is the main thread; the whole process is terminated when the main
242 /// thread finishes). The join handle can be used to block on
243 /// termination of the child thread, including recovering its panics.
244 ///
245 /// # Errors
246 ///
247 /// Unlike the `spawn` free function, this method yields an
248 /// `io::Result` to capture any failure to create the thread at
249 /// the OS level.
250 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
251 pub fn spawn<F, T>(self, f: F) -> io::Result<JoinHandle<T>> where
252 F: FnOnce() -> T, F: Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static
253 {
254 let Builder { name, stack_size } = self;
256 let stack_size = stack_size.unwrap_or(util::min_stack());
258 let my_thread = Thread::new(name);
259 let their_thread = my_thread.clone();
261 let my_packet : Arc<UnsafeCell<Option<Result<T>>>>
262 = Arc::new(UnsafeCell::new(None));
263 let their_packet = my_packet.clone();
265 let main = move || {
266 if let Some(name) = their_thread.name() {
267 imp::Thread::set_name(name);
268 }
269 unsafe {
270 thread_info::set(imp::guard::current(), their_thread);
271 let mut output = None;
272 let try_result = {
273 let ptr = &mut output;
274 unwind::try(move || *ptr = Some(f()))
275 };
276 *their_packet.get() = Some(try_result.map(|()| {
277 output.unwrap()
278 }));
279 }
280 };
282 Ok(JoinHandle(JoinInner {
283 native: unsafe {
284 Some(try!(imp::Thread::new(stack_size, Box::new(main))))
285 },
286 thread: my_thread,
287 packet: Packet(my_packet),
288 }))
289 }
290 }
292 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
293 // Free functions
294 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
296 /// Spawns a new thread, returning a `JoinHandle` for it.
297 ///
298 /// The join handle will implicitly *detach* the child thread upon being
299 /// dropped. In this case, the child thread may outlive the parent (unless
300 /// the parent thread is the main thread; the whole process is terminated when
301 /// the main thread finishes.) Additionally, the join handle provides a `join`
302 /// method that can be used to join the child thread. If the child thread
303 /// panics, `join` will return an `Err` containing the argument given to
304 /// `panic`.
305 ///
306 /// # Panics
307 ///
308 /// Panics if the OS fails to create a thread; use `Builder::spawn`
309 /// to recover from such errors.
310 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
311 pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T> where
312 F: FnOnce() -> T, F: Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static
313 {
314 Builder::new().spawn(f).unwrap()
315 }
317 /// Gets a handle to the thread that invokes it.
318 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
319 pub fn current() -> Thread {
320 thread_info::current_thread().expect("use of std::thread::current() is not \
321 possible after the thread's local \
322 data has been destroyed")
323 }
325 /// Cooperatively gives up a timeslice to the OS scheduler.
326 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
327 pub fn yield_now() {
328 imp::Thread::yield_now()
329 }
331 /// Determines whether the current thread is unwinding because of panic.
332 #[inline]
333 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
334 pub fn panicking() -> bool {
335 unwind::panicking()
336 }
338 /// Invokes a closure, capturing the cause of panic if one occurs.
339 ///
340 /// This function will return `Ok` with the closure's result if the closure
341 /// does not panic, and will return `Err(cause)` if the closure panics. The
342 /// `cause` returned is the object with which panic was originally invoked.
343 ///
344 /// It is currently undefined behavior to unwind from Rust code into foreign
345 /// code, so this function is particularly useful when Rust is called from
346 /// another language (normally C). This can run arbitrary Rust code, capturing a
347 /// panic and allowing a graceful handling of the error.
348 ///
349 /// It is **not** recommended to use this function for a general try/catch
350 /// mechanism. The `Result` type is more appropriate to use for functions that
351 /// can fail on a regular basis.
352 ///
353 /// The closure provided is required to adhere to the `'static` bound to ensure
354 /// that it cannot reference data in the parent stack frame, mitigating problems
355 /// with exception safety. Furthermore, a `Send` bound is also required,
356 /// providing the same safety guarantees as `thread::spawn` (ensuring the
357 /// closure is properly isolated from the parent).
358 ///
359 /// # Examples
360 ///
361 /// ```
362 /// #![feature(catch_panic)]
363 ///
364 /// use std::thread;
365 ///
366 /// let result = thread::catch_panic(|| {
367 /// println!("hello!");
368 /// });
369 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
370 ///
371 /// let result = thread::catch_panic(|| {
372 /// panic!("oh no!");
373 /// });
374 /// assert!(result.is_err());
375 /// ```
376 #[unstable(feature = "catch_panic", reason = "recent API addition",
377 issue = "27719")]
378 pub fn catch_panic<F, R>(f: F) -> Result<R>
379 where F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static
380 {
381 let mut result = None;
382 unsafe {
383 let result = &mut result;
384 try!(unwind::try(move || *result = Some(f())))
385 }
386 Ok(result.unwrap())
387 }
389 /// Puts the current thread to sleep for the specified amount of time.
390 ///
391 /// The thread may sleep longer than the duration specified due to scheduling
392 /// specifics or platform-dependent functionality. Note that on unix platforms
393 /// this function will not return early due to a signal being received or a
394 /// spurious wakeup.
395 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
396 #[rustc_deprecated(since = "1.6.0", reason = "replaced by `std::thread::sleep`")]
397 pub fn sleep_ms(ms: u32) {
398 sleep(Duration::from_millis(ms as u64))
399 }
401 /// Puts the current thread to sleep for the specified amount of time.
402 ///
403 /// The thread may sleep longer than the duration specified due to scheduling
404 /// specifics or platform-dependent functionality.
405 ///
406 /// # Platform behavior
407 ///
408 /// On Unix platforms this function will not return early due to a
409 /// signal being received or a spurious wakeup. Platforms which do not support
410 /// nanosecond precision for sleeping will have `dur` rounded up to the nearest
411 /// granularity of time they can sleep for.
412 #[stable(feature = "thread_sleep", since = "1.4.0")]
413 pub fn sleep(dur: Duration) {
414 imp::Thread::sleep(dur)
415 }
417 /// Blocks unless or until the current thread's token is made available.
418 ///
419 /// Every thread is equipped with some basic low-level blocking support, via
420 /// the `park()` function and the [`unpark()`][unpark] method. These can be
421 /// used as a more CPU-efficient implementation of a spinlock.
422 ///
423 /// [unpark]: struct.Thread.html#method.unpark
424 ///
425 /// The API is typically used by acquiring a handle to the current thread,
426 /// placing that handle in a shared data structure so that other threads can
427 /// find it, and then parking (in a loop with a check for the token actually
428 /// being acquired).
429 ///
430 /// A call to `park` does not guarantee that the thread will remain parked
431 /// forever, and callers should be prepared for this possibility.
432 ///
433 /// See the [module documentation][thread] for more detail.
434 ///
435 /// [thread]: index.html
436 //
437 // The implementation currently uses the trivial strategy of a Mutex+Condvar
438 // with wakeup flag, which does not actually allow spurious wakeups. In the
439 // future, this will be implemented in a more efficient way, perhaps along the lines of
440 // http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/6989984.1/raw_files/new/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp
441 // or futuxes, and in either case may allow spurious wakeups.
442 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
443 pub fn park() {
444 let thread = current();
445 let mut guard = thread.inner.lock.lock().unwrap();
446 while !*guard {
447 guard = thread.inner.cvar.wait(guard).unwrap();
448 }
449 *guard = false;
450 }
452 /// Blocks unless or until the current thread's token is made available or
453 /// the specified duration has been reached (may wake spuriously).
454 ///
455 /// The semantics of this function are equivalent to `park()` except that the
456 /// thread will be blocked for roughly no longer than *ms*. This method
457 /// should not be used for precise timing due to anomalies such as
458 /// preemption or platform differences that may not cause the maximum
459 /// amount of time waited to be precisely *ms* long.
460 ///
461 /// See the module doc for more detail.
462 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
463 #[rustc_deprecated(since = "1.6.0", reason = "replaced by `std::thread::park_timeout`")]
464 pub fn park_timeout_ms(ms: u32) {
465 park_timeout(Duration::from_millis(ms as u64))
466 }
468 /// Blocks unless or until the current thread's token is made available or
469 /// the specified duration has been reached (may wake spuriously).
470 ///
471 /// The semantics of this function are equivalent to `park()` except that the
472 /// thread will be blocked for roughly no longer than *dur*. This method
473 /// should not be used for precise timing due to anomalies such as
474 /// preemption or platform differences that may not cause the maximum
475 /// amount of time waited to be precisely *dur* long.
476 ///
477 /// See the module doc for more detail.
478 ///
479 /// # Platform behavior
480 ///
481 /// Platforms which do not support nanosecond precision for sleeping will have
482 /// `dur` rounded up to the nearest granularity of time they can sleep for.
483 #[stable(feature = "park_timeout", since = "1.4.0")]
484 pub fn park_timeout(dur: Duration) {
485 let thread = current();
486 let mut guard = thread.inner.lock.lock().unwrap();
487 if !*guard {
488 let (g, _) = thread.inner.cvar.wait_timeout(guard, dur).unwrap();
489 guard = g;
490 }
491 *guard = false;
492 }
494 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
495 // Thread
496 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
498 /// The internal representation of a `Thread` handle
499 struct Inner {
500 name: Option<String>,
501 lock: Mutex<bool>, // true when there is a buffered unpark
502 cvar: Condvar,
503 }
505 #[derive(Clone)]
506 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
507 /// A handle to a thread.
508 pub struct Thread {
509 inner: Arc<Inner>,
510 }
512 impl Thread {
513 // Used only internally to construct a thread object without spawning
514 fn new(name: Option<String>) -> Thread {
515 Thread {
516 inner: Arc::new(Inner {
517 name: name,
518 lock: Mutex::new(false),
519 cvar: Condvar::new(),
520 })
521 }
522 }
524 /// Atomically makes the handle's token available if it is not already.
525 ///
526 /// See the module doc for more detail.
527 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
528 pub fn unpark(&self) {
529 let mut guard = self.inner.lock.lock().unwrap();
530 if !*guard {
531 *guard = true;
532 self.inner.cvar.notify_one();
533 }
534 }
536 /// Gets the thread's name.
537 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
538 pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
539 self.inner.name.as_ref().map(|s| &**s)
540 }
541 }
543 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
544 impl fmt::Debug for Thread {
545 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
546 fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.name(), f)
547 }
548 }
550 // a hack to get around privacy restrictions
551 impl thread_info::NewThread for Thread {
552 fn new(name: Option<String>) -> Thread { Thread::new(name) }
553 }
555 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
556 // JoinHandle
557 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
559 /// Indicates the manner in which a thread exited.
560 ///
561 /// A thread that completes without panicking is considered to exit successfully.
562 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
563 pub type Result<T> = ::result::Result<T, Box<Any + Send + 'static>>;
565 // This packet is used to communicate the return value between the child thread
566 // and the parent thread. Memory is shared through the `Arc` within and there's
567 // no need for a mutex here because synchronization happens with `join()` (the
568 // parent thread never reads this packet until the child has exited).
569 //
570 // This packet itself is then stored into a `JoinInner` which in turns is placed
571 // in `JoinHandle` and `JoinGuard`. Due to the usage of `UnsafeCell` we need to
572 // manually worry about impls like Send and Sync. The type `T` should
573 // already always be Send (otherwise the thread could not have been created) and
574 // this type is inherently Sync because no methods take &self. Regardless,
575 // however, we add inheriting impls for Send/Sync to this type to ensure it's
576 // Send/Sync and that future modifications will still appropriately classify it.
577 struct Packet<T>(Arc<UnsafeCell<Option<Result<T>>>>);
579 unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Packet<T> {}
580 unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for Packet<T> {}
582 /// Inner representation for JoinHandle
583 struct JoinInner<T> {
584 native: Option<imp::Thread>,
585 thread: Thread,
586 packet: Packet<T>,
587 }
589 impl<T> JoinInner<T> {
590 fn join(&mut self) -> Result<T> {
591 self.native.take().unwrap().join();
592 unsafe {
593 (*self.packet.0.get()).take().unwrap()
594 }
595 }
596 }
598 /// An owned permission to join on a thread (block on its termination).
599 ///
600 /// A `JoinHandle` *detaches* the child thread when it is dropped.
601 ///
602 /// Due to platform restrictions, it is not possible to `Clone` this
603 /// handle: the ability to join a child thread is a uniquely-owned
604 /// permission.
605 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
606 pub struct JoinHandle<T>(JoinInner<T>);
608 impl<T> JoinHandle<T> {
609 /// Extracts a handle to the underlying thread
610 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
611 pub fn thread(&self) -> &Thread {
612 &self.0.thread
613 }
615 /// Waits for the associated thread to finish.
616 ///
617 /// If the child thread panics, `Err` is returned with the parameter given
618 /// to `panic`.
619 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
620 pub fn join(mut self) -> Result<T> {
621 self.0.join()
622 }
623 }
625 impl<T> AsInner<imp::Thread> for JoinHandle<T> {
626 fn as_inner(&self) -> &imp::Thread { self.0.native.as_ref().unwrap() }
627 }
629 impl<T> IntoInner<imp::Thread> for JoinHandle<T> {
630 fn into_inner(self) -> imp::Thread { self.0.native.unwrap() }
631 }
633 fn _assert_sync_and_send() {
634 fn _assert_both<T: Send + Sync>() {}
635 _assert_both::<JoinHandle<()>>();
636 _assert_both::<Thread>();
637 }
639 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
640 // Tests
641 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
643 #[cfg(test)]
644 mod tests {
645 use prelude::v1::*;
647 use any::Any;
648 use sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
649 use result;
650 use super::{Builder};
651 use thread;
652 use time::Duration;
653 use u32;
655 // !!! These tests are dangerous. If something is buggy, they will hang, !!!
656 // !!! instead of exiting cleanly. This might wedge the buildbots. !!!
658 #[test]
659 fn test_unnamed_thread() {
660 thread::spawn(move|| {
661 assert!(thread::current().name().is_none());
662 }).join().ok().unwrap();
663 }
665 #[test]
666 fn test_named_thread() {
667 Builder::new().name("ada lovelace".to_string()).spawn(move|| {
668 assert!(thread::current().name().unwrap() == "ada lovelace".to_string());
669 }).unwrap().join().unwrap();
670 }
672 #[test]
673 fn test_run_basic() {
674 let (tx, rx) = channel();
675 thread::spawn(move|| {
676 tx.send(()).unwrap();
677 });
678 rx.recv().unwrap();
679 }
681 #[test]
682 fn test_join_panic() {
683 match thread::spawn(move|| {
684 panic!()
685 }).join() {
686 result::Result::Err(_) => (),
687 result::Result::Ok(()) => panic!()
688 }
689 }
691 #[test]
692 fn test_spawn_sched() {
693 use clone::Clone;
695 let (tx, rx) = channel();
697 fn f(i: i32, tx: Sender<()>) {
698 let tx = tx.clone();
699 thread::spawn(move|| {
700 if i == 0 {
701 tx.send(()).unwrap();
702 } else {
703 f(i - 1, tx);
704 }
705 });
707 }
708 f(10, tx);
709 rx.recv().unwrap();
710 }
712 #[test]
713 fn test_spawn_sched_childs_on_default_sched() {
714 let (tx, rx) = channel();
716 thread::spawn(move|| {
717 thread::spawn(move|| {
718 tx.send(()).unwrap();
719 });
720 });
722 rx.recv().unwrap();
723 }
725 fn avoid_copying_the_body<F>(spawnfn: F) where F: FnOnce(Box<Fn() + Send>) {
726 let (tx, rx) = channel();
728 let x: Box<_> = box 1;
729 let x_in_parent = (&*x) as *const i32 as usize;
731 spawnfn(Box::new(move|| {
732 let x_in_child = (&*x) as *const i32 as usize;
733 tx.send(x_in_child).unwrap();
734 }));
736 let x_in_child = rx.recv().unwrap();
737 assert_eq!(x_in_parent, x_in_child);
738 }
740 #[test]
741 fn test_avoid_copying_the_body_spawn() {
742 avoid_copying_the_body(|v| {
743 thread::spawn(move || v());
744 });
745 }
747 #[test]
748 fn test_avoid_copying_the_body_thread_spawn() {
749 avoid_copying_the_body(|f| {
750 thread::spawn(move|| {
751 f();
752 });
753 })
754 }
756 #[test]
757 fn test_avoid_copying_the_body_join() {
758 avoid_copying_the_body(|f| {
759 let _ = thread::spawn(move|| {
760 f()
761 }).join();
762 })
763 }
765 #[test]
766 fn test_child_doesnt_ref_parent() {
767 // If the child refcounts the parent thread, this will stack overflow when
768 // climbing the thread tree to dereference each ancestor. (See #1789)
769 // (well, it would if the constant were 8000+ - I lowered it to be more
770 // valgrind-friendly. try this at home, instead..!)
771 const GENERATIONS: u32 = 16;
772 fn child_no(x: u32) -> Box<Fn() + Send> {
773 return Box::new(move|| {
774 if x < GENERATIONS {
775 thread::spawn(move|| child_no(x+1)());
776 }
777 });
778 }
779 thread::spawn(|| child_no(0)());
780 }
782 #[test]
783 fn test_simple_newsched_spawn() {
784 thread::spawn(move || {});
785 }
787 #[test]
788 fn test_try_panic_message_static_str() {
789 match thread::spawn(move|| {
790 panic!("static string");
791 }).join() {
792 Err(e) => {
793 type T = &'static str;
794 assert!(e.is::<T>());
795 assert_eq!(*e.downcast::<T>().unwrap(), "static string");
796 }
797 Ok(()) => panic!()
798 }
799 }
801 #[test]
802 fn test_try_panic_message_owned_str() {
803 match thread::spawn(move|| {
804 panic!("owned string".to_string());
805 }).join() {
806 Err(e) => {
807 type T = String;
808 assert!(e.is::<T>());
809 assert_eq!(*e.downcast::<T>().unwrap(), "owned string".to_string());
810 }
811 Ok(()) => panic!()
812 }
813 }
815 #[test]
816 fn test_try_panic_message_any() {
817 match thread::spawn(move|| {
818 panic!(box 413u16 as Box<Any + Send>);
819 }).join() {
820 Err(e) => {
821 type T = Box<Any + Send>;
822 assert!(e.is::<T>());
823 let any = e.downcast::<T>().unwrap();
824 assert!(any.is::<u16>());
825 assert_eq!(*any.downcast::<u16>().unwrap(), 413);
826 }
827 Ok(()) => panic!()
828 }
829 }
831 #[test]
832 fn test_try_panic_message_unit_struct() {
833 struct Juju;
835 match thread::spawn(move|| {
836 panic!(Juju)
837 }).join() {
838 Err(ref e) if e.is::<Juju>() => {}
839 Err(_) | Ok(()) => panic!()
840 }
841 }
843 #[test]
844 fn test_park_timeout_unpark_before() {
845 for _ in 0..10 {
846 thread::current().unpark();
847 thread::park_timeout_ms(u32::MAX);
848 }
849 }
851 #[test]
852 fn test_park_timeout_unpark_not_called() {
853 for _ in 0..10 {
854 thread::park_timeout_ms(10);
855 }
856 }
858 #[test]
859 fn test_park_timeout_unpark_called_other_thread() {
860 for _ in 0..10 {
861 let th = thread::current();
863 let _guard = thread::spawn(move || {
864 super::sleep_ms(50);
865 th.unpark();
866 });
868 thread::park_timeout_ms(u32::MAX);
869 }
870 }
872 #[test]
873 fn sleep_ms_smoke() {
874 thread::sleep_ms(2);
875 }
877 // NOTE: the corresponding test for stderr is in run-pass/thread-stderr, due
878 // to the test harness apparently interfering with stderr configuration.
879 }