]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax/attr/mod.rs
New upstream version 1.34.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax / attr / mod.rs
1 //! Functions dealing with attributes and meta items
3 mod builtin;
5 pub use builtin::{
6 cfg_matches, contains_feature_attr, eval_condition, find_crate_name, find_deprecation,
7 find_repr_attrs, find_stability, find_unwind_attr, Deprecation, InlineAttr, OptimizeAttr,
8 IntType, ReprAttr, RustcDeprecation, Stability, StabilityLevel, UnwindAttr,
9 };
10 pub use IntType::*;
11 pub use ReprAttr::*;
12 pub use StabilityLevel::*;
14 use crate::ast;
15 use crate::ast::{AttrId, Attribute, AttrStyle, Name, Ident, Path, PathSegment};
16 use crate::ast::{MetaItem, MetaItemKind, NestedMetaItem, NestedMetaItemKind};
17 use crate::ast::{Lit, LitKind, Expr, ExprKind, Item, Local, Stmt, StmtKind, GenericParam};
18 use crate::mut_visit::visit_clobber;
19 use crate::source_map::{BytePos, Spanned, respan, dummy_spanned};
20 use crate::parse::lexer::comments::{doc_comment_style, strip_doc_comment_decoration};
21 use crate::parse::parser::Parser;
22 use crate::parse::{self, ParseSess, PResult};
23 use crate::parse::token::{self, Token};
24 use crate::ptr::P;
25 use crate::symbol::Symbol;
26 use crate::ThinVec;
27 use crate::tokenstream::{TokenStream, TokenTree, DelimSpan};
28 use crate::GLOBALS;
30 use log::debug;
31 use syntax_pos::{FileName, Span};
33 use std::iter;
34 use std::ops::DerefMut;
36 pub fn mark_used(attr: &Attribute) {
37 debug!("Marking {:?} as used.", attr);
38 GLOBALS.with(|globals| {
39 globals.used_attrs.lock().insert(attr.id);
40 });
41 }
43 pub fn is_used(attr: &Attribute) -> bool {
44 GLOBALS.with(|globals| {
45 globals.used_attrs.lock().contains(attr.id)
46 })
47 }
49 pub fn mark_known(attr: &Attribute) {
50 debug!("Marking {:?} as known.", attr);
51 GLOBALS.with(|globals| {
52 globals.known_attrs.lock().insert(attr.id);
53 });
54 }
56 pub fn is_known(attr: &Attribute) -> bool {
57 GLOBALS.with(|globals| {
58 globals.known_attrs.lock().contains(attr.id)
59 })
60 }
62 pub fn is_known_lint_tool(m_item: Ident) -> bool {
63 ["clippy"].contains(&m_item.as_str().as_ref())
64 }
66 impl NestedMetaItem {
67 /// Returns the MetaItem if self is a NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem.
68 pub fn meta_item(&self) -> Option<&MetaItem> {
69 match self.node {
70 NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem(ref item) => Some(item),
71 _ => None
72 }
73 }
75 /// Returns the Lit if self is a NestedMetaItemKind::Literal.
76 pub fn literal(&self) -> Option<&Lit> {
77 match self.node {
78 NestedMetaItemKind::Literal(ref lit) => Some(lit),
79 _ => None
80 }
81 }
83 /// Returns the Span for `self`.
84 pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
85 self.span
86 }
88 /// Returns `true` if this list item is a MetaItem with a name of `name`.
89 pub fn check_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
90 self.meta_item().map_or(false, |meta_item| meta_item.check_name(name))
91 }
93 /// For a single-segment meta-item returns its name, otherwise returns `None`.
94 pub fn ident(&self) -> Option<Ident> {
95 self.meta_item().and_then(|meta_item| meta_item.ident())
96 }
97 pub fn ident_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
98 self.ident().map(|name| name.as_str().get())
99 }
101 /// Gets the string value if self is a MetaItem and the MetaItem is a
102 /// MetaItemKind::NameValue variant containing a string, otherwise None.
103 pub fn value_str(&self) -> Option<Symbol> {
104 self.meta_item().and_then(|meta_item| meta_item.value_str())
105 }
107 /// Returns a name and single literal value tuple of the MetaItem.
108 pub fn name_value_literal(&self) -> Option<(Name, &Lit)> {
109 self.meta_item().and_then(
110 |meta_item| meta_item.meta_item_list().and_then(
111 |meta_item_list| {
112 if meta_item_list.len() == 1 {
113 if let Some(ident) = meta_item.ident() {
114 if let Some(lit) = meta_item_list[0].literal() {
115 return Some((ident.name, lit));
116 }
117 }
118 }
119 None
120 }))
121 }
123 /// Gets a list of inner meta items from a list MetaItem type.
124 pub fn meta_item_list(&self) -> Option<&[NestedMetaItem]> {
125 self.meta_item().and_then(|meta_item| meta_item.meta_item_list())
126 }
128 /// Returns `true` if the variant is MetaItem.
129 pub fn is_meta_item(&self) -> bool {
130 self.meta_item().is_some()
131 }
133 /// Returns `true` if the variant is Literal.
134 pub fn is_literal(&self) -> bool {
135 self.literal().is_some()
136 }
138 /// Returns `true` if self is a MetaItem and the meta item is a word.
139 pub fn is_word(&self) -> bool {
140 self.meta_item().map_or(false, |meta_item| meta_item.is_word())
141 }
143 /// Returns `true` if self is a MetaItem and the meta item is a ValueString.
144 pub fn is_value_str(&self) -> bool {
145 self.value_str().is_some()
146 }
148 /// Returns `true` if self is a MetaItem and the meta item is a list.
149 pub fn is_meta_item_list(&self) -> bool {
150 self.meta_item_list().is_some()
151 }
152 }
154 impl Attribute {
155 /// Returns `true` if the attribute's path matches the argument. If it matches, then the
156 /// attribute is marked as used.
157 ///
158 /// To check the attribute name without marking it used, use the `path` field directly.
159 pub fn check_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
160 let matches = self.path == name;
161 if matches {
162 mark_used(self);
163 }
164 matches
165 }
167 /// For a single-segment attribute returns its name, otherwise returns `None`.
168 pub fn ident(&self) -> Option<Ident> {
169 if self.path.segments.len() == 1 {
170 Some(self.path.segments[0].ident)
171 } else {
172 None
173 }
174 }
175 pub fn ident_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
176 self.ident().map(|name| name.as_str().get())
177 }
179 pub fn value_str(&self) -> Option<Symbol> {
180 self.meta().and_then(|meta| meta.value_str())
181 }
183 pub fn meta_item_list(&self) -> Option<Vec<NestedMetaItem>> {
184 match self.meta() {
185 Some(MetaItem { node: MetaItemKind::List(list), .. }) => Some(list),
186 _ => None
187 }
188 }
190 pub fn is_word(&self) -> bool {
191 self.tokens.is_empty()
192 }
194 pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
195 self.span
196 }
198 pub fn is_meta_item_list(&self) -> bool {
199 self.meta_item_list().is_some()
200 }
202 /// Indicates if the attribute is a Value String.
203 pub fn is_value_str(&self) -> bool {
204 self.value_str().is_some()
205 }
206 }
208 impl MetaItem {
209 /// For a single-segment meta-item returns its name, otherwise returns `None`.
210 pub fn ident(&self) -> Option<Ident> {
211 if self.ident.segments.len() == 1 {
212 Some(self.ident.segments[0].ident)
213 } else {
214 None
215 }
216 }
217 pub fn ident_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
218 self.ident().map(|name| name.as_str().get())
219 }
221 // #[attribute(name = "value")]
222 // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
223 pub fn name_value_literal(&self) -> Option<&Lit> {
224 match &self.node {
225 MetaItemKind::NameValue(v) => Some(v),
226 _ => None,
227 }
228 }
230 pub fn value_str(&self) -> Option<Symbol> {
231 match self.node {
232 MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref v) => {
233 match v.node {
234 LitKind::Str(ref s, _) => Some(*s),
235 _ => None,
236 }
237 },
238 _ => None
239 }
240 }
242 pub fn meta_item_list(&self) -> Option<&[NestedMetaItem]> {
243 match self.node {
244 MetaItemKind::List(ref l) => Some(&l[..]),
245 _ => None
246 }
247 }
249 pub fn is_word(&self) -> bool {
250 match self.node {
251 MetaItemKind::Word => true,
252 _ => false,
253 }
254 }
256 pub fn span(&self) -> Span { self.span }
258 pub fn check_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
259 self.ident == name
260 }
262 pub fn is_value_str(&self) -> bool {
263 self.value_str().is_some()
264 }
266 pub fn is_meta_item_list(&self) -> bool {
267 self.meta_item_list().is_some()
268 }
269 }
271 impl Attribute {
272 /// Extracts the MetaItem from inside this Attribute.
273 pub fn meta(&self) -> Option<MetaItem> {
274 let mut tokens = self.tokens.trees().peekable();
275 Some(MetaItem {
276 ident: self.path.clone(),
277 node: if let Some(node) = MetaItemKind::from_tokens(&mut tokens) {
278 if tokens.peek().is_some() {
279 return None;
280 }
281 node
282 } else {
283 return None;
284 },
285 span: self.span,
286 })
287 }
289 pub fn parse<'a, T, F>(&self, sess: &'a ParseSess, mut f: F) -> PResult<'a, T>
290 where F: FnMut(&mut Parser<'a>) -> PResult<'a, T>,
291 {
292 let mut parser = Parser::new(sess, self.tokens.clone(), None, false, false);
293 let result = f(&mut parser)?;
294 if parser.token != token::Eof {
295 parser.unexpected()?;
296 }
297 Ok(result)
298 }
300 pub fn parse_list<'a, T, F>(&self, sess: &'a ParseSess, mut f: F) -> PResult<'a, Vec<T>>
301 where F: FnMut(&mut Parser<'a>) -> PResult<'a, T>,
302 {
303 if self.tokens.is_empty() {
304 return Ok(Vec::new());
305 }
306 self.parse(sess, |parser| {
307 parser.expect(&token::OpenDelim(token::Paren))?;
308 let mut list = Vec::new();
309 while !parser.eat(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) {
310 list.push(f(parser)?);
311 if !parser.eat(&token::Comma) {
312 parser.expect(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren))?;
313 break
314 }
315 }
316 Ok(list)
317 })
318 }
320 pub fn parse_meta<'a>(&self, sess: &'a ParseSess) -> PResult<'a, MetaItem> {
321 Ok(MetaItem {
322 ident: self.path.clone(),
323 node: self.parse(sess, |parser| parser.parse_meta_item_kind())?,
324 span: self.span,
325 })
326 }
328 /// Converts self to a normal #[doc="foo"] comment, if it is a
329 /// comment like `///` or `/** */`. (Returns self unchanged for
330 /// non-sugared doc attributes.)
331 pub fn with_desugared_doc<T, F>(&self, f: F) -> T where
332 F: FnOnce(&Attribute) -> T,
333 {
334 if self.is_sugared_doc {
335 let comment = self.value_str().unwrap();
336 let meta = mk_name_value_item_str(
337 Ident::from_str("doc"),
338 dummy_spanned(Symbol::intern(&strip_doc_comment_decoration(&comment.as_str()))));
339 let mut attr = if self.style == ast::AttrStyle::Outer {
340 mk_attr_outer(self.span, self.id, meta)
341 } else {
342 mk_attr_inner(self.span, self.id, meta)
343 };
344 attr.is_sugared_doc = true;
345 f(&attr)
346 } else {
347 f(self)
348 }
349 }
350 }
352 /* Constructors */
354 pub fn mk_name_value_item_str(ident: Ident, value: Spanned<Symbol>) -> MetaItem {
355 let value = respan(value.span, LitKind::Str(value.node, ast::StrStyle::Cooked));
356 mk_name_value_item(ident.span.to(value.span), ident, value)
357 }
359 pub fn mk_name_value_item(span: Span, ident: Ident, value: ast::Lit) -> MetaItem {
360 MetaItem { ident: Path::from_ident(ident), span, node: MetaItemKind::NameValue(value) }
361 }
363 pub fn mk_list_item(span: Span, ident: Ident, items: Vec<NestedMetaItem>) -> MetaItem {
364 MetaItem { ident: Path::from_ident(ident), span, node: MetaItemKind::List(items) }
365 }
367 pub fn mk_word_item(ident: Ident) -> MetaItem {
368 MetaItem { ident: Path::from_ident(ident), span: ident.span, node: MetaItemKind::Word }
369 }
371 pub fn mk_nested_word_item(ident: Ident) -> NestedMetaItem {
372 respan(ident.span, NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem(mk_word_item(ident)))
373 }
375 pub fn mk_attr_id() -> AttrId {
376 use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
377 use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
379 static NEXT_ATTR_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
381 let id = NEXT_ATTR_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
382 assert!(id != ::std::usize::MAX);
383 AttrId(id)
384 }
386 /// Returns an inner attribute with the given value.
387 pub fn mk_attr_inner(span: Span, id: AttrId, item: MetaItem) -> Attribute {
388 mk_spanned_attr_inner(span, id, item)
389 }
391 /// Returns an inner attribute with the given value and span.
392 pub fn mk_spanned_attr_inner(sp: Span, id: AttrId, item: MetaItem) -> Attribute {
393 Attribute {
394 id,
395 style: ast::AttrStyle::Inner,
396 path: item.ident,
397 tokens: item.node.tokens(item.span),
398 is_sugared_doc: false,
399 span: sp,
400 }
401 }
403 /// Returns an outer attribute with the given value.
404 pub fn mk_attr_outer(span: Span, id: AttrId, item: MetaItem) -> Attribute {
405 mk_spanned_attr_outer(span, id, item)
406 }
408 /// Returns an outer attribute with the given value and span.
409 pub fn mk_spanned_attr_outer(sp: Span, id: AttrId, item: MetaItem) -> Attribute {
410 Attribute {
411 id,
412 style: ast::AttrStyle::Outer,
413 path: item.ident,
414 tokens: item.node.tokens(item.span),
415 is_sugared_doc: false,
416 span: sp,
417 }
418 }
420 pub fn mk_sugared_doc_attr(id: AttrId, text: Symbol, span: Span) -> Attribute {
421 let style = doc_comment_style(&text.as_str());
422 let lit = respan(span, LitKind::Str(text, ast::StrStyle::Cooked));
423 Attribute {
424 id,
425 style,
426 path: Path::from_ident(Ident::from_str("doc").with_span_pos(span)),
427 tokens: MetaItemKind::NameValue(lit).tokens(span),
428 is_sugared_doc: true,
429 span,
430 }
431 }
433 pub fn list_contains_name(items: &[NestedMetaItem], name: &str) -> bool {
434 items.iter().any(|item| {
435 item.check_name(name)
436 })
437 }
439 pub fn contains_name(attrs: &[Attribute], name: &str) -> bool {
440 attrs.iter().any(|item| {
441 item.check_name(name)
442 })
443 }
445 pub fn find_by_name<'a>(attrs: &'a [Attribute], name: &str) -> Option<&'a Attribute> {
446 attrs.iter().find(|attr| attr.check_name(name))
447 }
449 pub fn filter_by_name<'a>(attrs: &'a [Attribute], name: &'a str)
450 -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Attribute> {
451 attrs.iter().filter(move |attr| attr.check_name(name))
452 }
454 pub fn first_attr_value_str_by_name(attrs: &[Attribute], name: &str) -> Option<Symbol> {
455 attrs.iter()
456 .find(|at| at.check_name(name))
457 .and_then(|at| at.value_str())
458 }
460 impl MetaItem {
461 fn tokens(&self) -> TokenStream {
462 let mut idents = vec![];
463 let mut last_pos = BytePos(0 as u32);
464 for (i, segment) in self.ident.segments.iter().enumerate() {
465 let is_first = i == 0;
466 if !is_first {
467 let mod_sep_span = Span::new(last_pos,
468 segment.ident.span.lo(),
469 segment.ident.span.ctxt());
470 idents.push(TokenTree::Token(mod_sep_span, Token::ModSep).into());
471 }
472 idents.push(TokenTree::Token(segment.ident.span,
473 Token::from_ast_ident(segment.ident)).into());
474 last_pos = segment.ident.span.hi();
475 }
476 self.node.tokens(self.span).append_to_tree_and_joint_vec(&mut idents);
477 TokenStream::new(idents)
478 }
480 fn from_tokens<I>(tokens: &mut iter::Peekable<I>) -> Option<MetaItem>
481 where I: Iterator<Item = TokenTree>,
482 {
483 // FIXME: Share code with `parse_path`.
484 let ident = match tokens.next() {
485 Some(TokenTree::Token(span, token @ Token::Ident(..))) |
486 Some(TokenTree::Token(span, token @ Token::ModSep)) => 'arm: {
487 let mut segments = if let Token::Ident(ident, _) = token {
488 if let Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::ModSep)) = tokens.peek() {
489 tokens.next();
490 vec![PathSegment::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span))]
491 } else {
492 break 'arm Path::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span));
493 }
494 } else {
495 vec![PathSegment::path_root(span)]
496 };
497 loop {
498 if let Some(TokenTree::Token(span,
499 Token::Ident(ident, _))) = tokens.next() {
500 segments.push(PathSegment::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span)));
501 } else {
502 return None;
503 }
504 if let Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::ModSep)) = tokens.peek() {
505 tokens.next();
506 } else {
507 break;
508 }
509 }
510 let span = span.with_hi(segments.last().unwrap().ident.span.hi());
511 Path { span, segments }
512 }
513 Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::Interpolated(nt))) => match *nt {
514 token::Nonterminal::NtIdent(ident, _) => Path::from_ident(ident),
515 token::Nonterminal::NtMeta(ref meta) => return Some(meta.clone()),
516 token::Nonterminal::NtPath(ref path) => path.clone(),
517 _ => return None,
518 },
519 _ => return None,
520 };
521 let list_closing_paren_pos = tokens.peek().map(|tt| tt.span().hi());
522 let node = MetaItemKind::from_tokens(tokens)?;
523 let hi = match node {
524 MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref lit) => lit.span.hi(),
525 MetaItemKind::List(..) => list_closing_paren_pos.unwrap_or(ident.span.hi()),
526 _ => ident.span.hi(),
527 };
528 let span = ident.span.with_hi(hi);
529 Some(MetaItem { ident, node, span })
530 }
531 }
533 impl MetaItemKind {
534 pub fn tokens(&self, span: Span) -> TokenStream {
535 match *self {
536 MetaItemKind::Word => TokenStream::empty(),
537 MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref lit) => {
538 let mut vec = vec![TokenTree::Token(span, Token::Eq).into()];
539 lit.tokens().append_to_tree_and_joint_vec(&mut vec);
540 TokenStream::new(vec)
541 }
542 MetaItemKind::List(ref list) => {
543 let mut tokens = Vec::new();
544 for (i, item) in list.iter().enumerate() {
545 if i > 0 {
546 tokens.push(TokenTree::Token(span, Token::Comma).into());
547 }
548 item.node.tokens().append_to_tree_and_joint_vec(&mut tokens);
549 }
550 TokenTree::Delimited(
551 DelimSpan::from_single(span),
552 token::Paren,
553 TokenStream::new(tokens).into(),
554 ).into()
555 }
556 }
557 }
559 fn from_tokens<I>(tokens: &mut iter::Peekable<I>) -> Option<MetaItemKind>
560 where I: Iterator<Item = TokenTree>,
561 {
562 let delimited = match tokens.peek().cloned() {
563 Some(TokenTree::Token(_, token::Eq)) => {
564 tokens.next();
565 return if let Some(TokenTree::Token(span, token)) = tokens.next() {
566 LitKind::from_token(token)
567 .map(|lit| MetaItemKind::NameValue(Spanned { node: lit, span: span }))
568 } else {
569 None
570 };
571 }
572 Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim, ref tts)) if delim == token::Paren => {
573 tokens.next();
574 tts.clone()
575 }
576 _ => return Some(MetaItemKind::Word),
577 };
579 let mut tokens = delimited.into_trees().peekable();
580 let mut result = Vec::new();
581 while let Some(..) = tokens.peek() {
582 let item = NestedMetaItemKind::from_tokens(&mut tokens)?;
583 result.push(respan(item.span(), item));
584 match tokens.next() {
585 None | Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::Comma)) => {}
586 _ => return None,
587 }
588 }
589 Some(MetaItemKind::List(result))
590 }
591 }
593 impl NestedMetaItemKind {
594 fn span(&self) -> Span {
595 match *self {
596 NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem(ref item) => item.span,
597 NestedMetaItemKind::Literal(ref lit) => lit.span,
598 }
599 }
601 fn tokens(&self) -> TokenStream {
602 match *self {
603 NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem(ref item) => item.tokens(),
604 NestedMetaItemKind::Literal(ref lit) => lit.tokens(),
605 }
606 }
608 fn from_tokens<I>(tokens: &mut iter::Peekable<I>) -> Option<NestedMetaItemKind>
609 where I: Iterator<Item = TokenTree>,
610 {
611 if let Some(TokenTree::Token(span, token)) = tokens.peek().cloned() {
612 if let Some(node) = LitKind::from_token(token) {
613 tokens.next();
614 return Some(NestedMetaItemKind::Literal(respan(span, node)));
615 }
616 }
618 MetaItem::from_tokens(tokens).map(NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem)
619 }
620 }
622 impl Lit {
623 crate fn tokens(&self) -> TokenStream {
624 TokenTree::Token(self.span, self.node.token()).into()
625 }
626 }
628 impl LitKind {
629 fn token(&self) -> Token {
630 use std::ascii;
632 match *self {
633 LitKind::Str(string, ast::StrStyle::Cooked) => {
634 let escaped = string.as_str().escape_default().to_string();
635 Token::Literal(token::Lit::Str_(Symbol::intern(&escaped)), None)
636 }
637 LitKind::Str(string, ast::StrStyle::Raw(n)) => {
638 Token::Literal(token::Lit::StrRaw(string, n), None)
639 }
640 LitKind::ByteStr(ref bytes) => {
641 let string = bytes.iter().cloned().flat_map(ascii::escape_default)
642 .map(Into::<char>::into).collect::<String>();
643 Token::Literal(token::Lit::ByteStr(Symbol::intern(&string)), None)
644 }
645 LitKind::Byte(byte) => {
646 let string: String = ascii::escape_default(byte).map(Into::<char>::into).collect();
647 Token::Literal(token::Lit::Byte(Symbol::intern(&string)), None)
648 }
649 LitKind::Char(ch) => {
650 let string: String = ch.escape_default().map(Into::<char>::into).collect();
651 Token::Literal(token::Lit::Char(Symbol::intern(&string)), None)
652 }
653 LitKind::Int(n, ty) => {
654 let suffix = match ty {
655 ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ty) => Some(Symbol::intern(ty.ty_to_string())),
656 ast::LitIntType::Signed(ty) => Some(Symbol::intern(ty.ty_to_string())),
657 ast::LitIntType::Unsuffixed => None,
658 };
659 Token::Literal(token::Lit::Integer(Symbol::intern(&n.to_string())), suffix)
660 }
661 LitKind::Float(symbol, ty) => {
662 Token::Literal(token::Lit::Float(symbol), Some(Symbol::intern(ty.ty_to_string())))
663 }
664 LitKind::FloatUnsuffixed(symbol) => Token::Literal(token::Lit::Float(symbol), None),
665 LitKind::Bool(value) => Token::Ident(Ident::with_empty_ctxt(Symbol::intern(if value {
666 "true"
667 } else {
668 "false"
669 })), false),
670 LitKind::Err(val) => Token::Literal(token::Lit::Err(val), None),
671 }
672 }
674 fn from_token(token: Token) -> Option<LitKind> {
675 match token {
676 Token::Ident(ident, false) if ident.name == "true" => Some(LitKind::Bool(true)),
677 Token::Ident(ident, false) if ident.name == "false" => Some(LitKind::Bool(false)),
678 Token::Interpolated(nt) => match *nt {
679 token::NtExpr(ref v) | token::NtLiteral(ref v) => match v.node {
680 ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => Some(lit.node.clone()),
681 _ => None,
682 },
683 _ => None,
684 },
685 Token::Literal(lit, suf) => {
686 let (suffix_illegal, result) = parse::lit_token(lit, suf, None);
687 if suffix_illegal && suf.is_some() {
688 return None;
689 }
690 result
691 }
692 _ => None,
693 }
694 }
695 }
697 pub trait HasAttrs: Sized {
698 fn attrs(&self) -> &[ast::Attribute];
699 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<ast::Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F);
700 }
702 impl<T: HasAttrs> HasAttrs for Spanned<T> {
703 fn attrs(&self) -> &[ast::Attribute] { self.node.attrs() }
704 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<ast::Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
705 self.node.visit_attrs(f);
706 }
707 }
709 impl HasAttrs for Vec<Attribute> {
710 fn attrs(&self) -> &[Attribute] {
711 self
712 }
713 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
714 f(self)
715 }
716 }
718 impl HasAttrs for ThinVec<Attribute> {
719 fn attrs(&self) -> &[Attribute] {
720 self
721 }
722 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
723 visit_clobber(self, |this| {
724 let mut vec = this.into();
725 f(&mut vec);
726 vec.into()
727 });
728 }
729 }
731 impl<T: HasAttrs + 'static> HasAttrs for P<T> {
732 fn attrs(&self) -> &[Attribute] {
733 (**self).attrs()
734 }
735 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
736 (**self).visit_attrs(f);
737 }
738 }
740 impl HasAttrs for StmtKind {
741 fn attrs(&self) -> &[Attribute] {
742 match *self {
743 StmtKind::Local(ref local) => local.attrs(),
744 StmtKind::Item(..) => &[],
745 StmtKind::Expr(ref expr) | StmtKind::Semi(ref expr) => expr.attrs(),
746 StmtKind::Mac(ref mac) => {
747 let (_, _, ref attrs) = **mac;
748 attrs.attrs()
749 }
750 }
751 }
753 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
754 match self {
755 StmtKind::Local(local) => local.visit_attrs(f),
756 StmtKind::Item(..) => {}
757 StmtKind::Expr(expr) => expr.visit_attrs(f),
758 StmtKind::Semi(expr) => expr.visit_attrs(f),
759 StmtKind::Mac(mac) => {
760 let (_mac, _style, attrs) = mac.deref_mut();
761 attrs.visit_attrs(f);
762 }
763 }
764 }
765 }
767 impl HasAttrs for Stmt {
768 fn attrs(&self) -> &[ast::Attribute] {
769 self.node.attrs()
770 }
772 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<ast::Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
773 self.node.visit_attrs(f);
774 }
775 }
777 impl HasAttrs for GenericParam {
778 fn attrs(&self) -> &[ast::Attribute] {
779 &self.attrs
780 }
782 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
783 self.attrs.visit_attrs(f);
784 }
785 }
787 macro_rules! derive_has_attrs {
788 ($($ty:path),*) => { $(
789 impl HasAttrs for $ty {
790 fn attrs(&self) -> &[Attribute] {
791 &self.attrs
792 }
794 fn visit_attrs<F: FnOnce(&mut Vec<Attribute>)>(&mut self, f: F) {
795 self.attrs.visit_attrs(f);
796 }
797 }
798 )* }
799 }
801 derive_has_attrs! {
802 Item, Expr, Local, ast::ForeignItem, ast::StructField, ast::ImplItem, ast::TraitItem, ast::Arm,
803 ast::Field, ast::FieldPat, ast::Variant_
804 }
806 pub fn inject(mut krate: ast::Crate, parse_sess: &ParseSess, attrs: &[String]) -> ast::Crate {
807 for raw_attr in attrs {
808 let mut parser = parse::new_parser_from_source_str(
809 parse_sess,
810 FileName::cli_crate_attr_source_code(&raw_attr),
811 raw_attr.clone(),
812 );
814 let start_span = parser.span;
815 let (path, tokens) = panictry!(parser.parse_meta_item_unrestricted());
816 let end_span = parser.span;
817 if parser.token != token::Eof {
818 parse_sess.span_diagnostic
819 .span_err(start_span.to(end_span), "invalid crate attribute");
820 continue;
821 }
823 krate.attrs.push(Attribute {
824 id: mk_attr_id(),
825 style: AttrStyle::Inner,
826 path,
827 tokens,
828 is_sugared_doc: false,
829 span: start_span.to(end_span),
830 });
831 }
833 krate
834 }
836 // APIs used by clippy and resurrected for beta
837 impl Attribute {
838 pub fn name(&self) -> Name {
839 self.path.segments.last().expect("empty path in attribute").ident.name
840 }
841 }
842 impl MetaItem {
843 pub fn name(&self) -> Name {
844 self.ident.segments.last().expect("empty path in attribute").ident.name
845 }
846 pub fn is_scoped(&self) -> Option<Ident> {
847 if self.ident.segments.len() > 1 {
848 Some(self.ident.segments[0].ident)
849 } else {
850 None
851 }
852 }
853 }
854 impl NestedMetaItem {
855 pub fn word(&self) -> Option<&MetaItem> {
856 self.meta_item().and_then(|meta_item| if meta_item.is_word() {
857 Some(meta_item)
858 } else {
859 None
860 })
861 }
862 }