]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax/attr.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~beta.3
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax / attr.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 // Functions dealing with attributes and meta items
13 pub use self::StabilityLevel::*;
14 pub use self::ReprAttr::*;
15 pub use self::IntType::*;
17 use ast;
18 use ast::{AttrId, Attribute, Attribute_, MetaItem, MetaWord, MetaNameValue, MetaList};
19 use codemap::{Span, Spanned, spanned, dummy_spanned};
20 use codemap::BytePos;
21 use diagnostic::SpanHandler;
22 use parse::lexer::comments::{doc_comment_style, strip_doc_comment_decoration};
23 use parse::token::{InternedString, intern_and_get_ident};
24 use parse::token;
25 use ptr::P;
27 use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
28 use std::collections::BitSet;
29 use std::collections::HashSet;
30 use std::fmt;
32 thread_local! { static USED_ATTRS: RefCell<BitSet> = RefCell::new(BitSet::new()) }
34 pub fn mark_used(attr: &Attribute) {
35 let AttrId(id) = attr.node.id;
36 USED_ATTRS.with(|slot| slot.borrow_mut().insert(id));
37 }
39 pub fn is_used(attr: &Attribute) -> bool {
40 let AttrId(id) = attr.node.id;
41 USED_ATTRS.with(|slot| slot.borrow().contains(&id))
42 }
44 pub trait AttrMetaMethods {
45 fn check_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
46 name == &self.name()[..]
47 }
49 /// Retrieve the name of the meta item, e.g. `foo` in `#[foo]`,
50 /// `#[foo="bar"]` and `#[foo(bar)]`
51 fn name(&self) -> InternedString;
53 /// Gets the string value if self is a MetaNameValue variant
54 /// containing a string, otherwise None.
55 fn value_str(&self) -> Option<InternedString>;
56 /// Gets a list of inner meta items from a list MetaItem type.
57 fn meta_item_list<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a [P<MetaItem>]>;
59 fn span(&self) -> Span;
60 }
62 impl AttrMetaMethods for Attribute {
63 fn check_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
64 let matches = name == &self.name()[..];
65 if matches {
66 mark_used(self);
67 }
68 matches
69 }
70 fn name(&self) -> InternedString { self.meta().name() }
71 fn value_str(&self) -> Option<InternedString> {
72 self.meta().value_str()
73 }
74 fn meta_item_list<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a [P<MetaItem>]> {
75 self.node.value.meta_item_list()
76 }
77 fn span(&self) -> Span { self.meta().span }
78 }
80 impl AttrMetaMethods for MetaItem {
81 fn name(&self) -> InternedString {
82 match self.node {
83 MetaWord(ref n) => (*n).clone(),
84 MetaNameValue(ref n, _) => (*n).clone(),
85 MetaList(ref n, _) => (*n).clone(),
86 }
87 }
89 fn value_str(&self) -> Option<InternedString> {
90 match self.node {
91 MetaNameValue(_, ref v) => {
92 match v.node {
93 ast::LitStr(ref s, _) => Some((*s).clone()),
94 _ => None,
95 }
96 },
97 _ => None
98 }
99 }
101 fn meta_item_list<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a [P<MetaItem>]> {
102 match self.node {
103 MetaList(_, ref l) => Some(&l[..]),
104 _ => None
105 }
106 }
107 fn span(&self) -> Span { self.span }
108 }
110 // Annoying, but required to get test_cfg to work
111 impl AttrMetaMethods for P<MetaItem> {
112 fn name(&self) -> InternedString { (**self).name() }
113 fn value_str(&self) -> Option<InternedString> { (**self).value_str() }
114 fn meta_item_list<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a [P<MetaItem>]> {
115 (**self).meta_item_list()
116 }
117 fn span(&self) -> Span { (**self).span() }
118 }
121 pub trait AttributeMethods {
122 fn meta<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a MetaItem;
123 fn with_desugared_doc<T, F>(&self, f: F) -> T where
124 F: FnOnce(&Attribute) -> T;
125 }
127 impl AttributeMethods for Attribute {
128 /// Extract the MetaItem from inside this Attribute.
129 fn meta<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a MetaItem {
130 &*self.node.value
131 }
133 /// Convert self to a normal #[doc="foo"] comment, if it is a
134 /// comment like `///` or `/** */`. (Returns self unchanged for
135 /// non-sugared doc attributes.)
136 fn with_desugared_doc<T, F>(&self, f: F) -> T where
137 F: FnOnce(&Attribute) -> T,
138 {
139 if self.node.is_sugared_doc {
140 let comment = self.value_str().unwrap();
141 let meta = mk_name_value_item_str(
142 InternedString::new("doc"),
143 token::intern_and_get_ident(&strip_doc_comment_decoration(
144 &comment)));
145 if self.node.style == ast::AttrOuter {
146 f(&mk_attr_outer(self.node.id, meta))
147 } else {
148 f(&mk_attr_inner(self.node.id, meta))
149 }
150 } else {
151 f(self)
152 }
153 }
154 }
156 /* Constructors */
158 pub fn mk_name_value_item_str(name: InternedString, value: InternedString)
159 -> P<MetaItem> {
160 let value_lit = dummy_spanned(ast::LitStr(value, ast::CookedStr));
161 mk_name_value_item(name, value_lit)
162 }
164 pub fn mk_name_value_item(name: InternedString, value: ast::Lit)
165 -> P<MetaItem> {
166 P(dummy_spanned(MetaNameValue(name, value)))
167 }
169 pub fn mk_list_item(name: InternedString, items: Vec<P<MetaItem>>) -> P<MetaItem> {
170 P(dummy_spanned(MetaList(name, items)))
171 }
173 pub fn mk_word_item(name: InternedString) -> P<MetaItem> {
174 P(dummy_spanned(MetaWord(name)))
175 }
177 thread_local! { static NEXT_ATTR_ID: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(0) }
179 pub fn mk_attr_id() -> AttrId {
180 let id = NEXT_ATTR_ID.with(|slot| {
181 let r = slot.get();
182 slot.set(r + 1);
183 r
184 });
185 AttrId(id)
186 }
188 /// Returns an inner attribute with the given value.
189 pub fn mk_attr_inner(id: AttrId, item: P<MetaItem>) -> Attribute {
190 dummy_spanned(Attribute_ {
191 id: id,
192 style: ast::AttrInner,
193 value: item,
194 is_sugared_doc: false,
195 })
196 }
198 /// Returns an outer attribute with the given value.
199 pub fn mk_attr_outer(id: AttrId, item: P<MetaItem>) -> Attribute {
200 dummy_spanned(Attribute_ {
201 id: id,
202 style: ast::AttrOuter,
203 value: item,
204 is_sugared_doc: false,
205 })
206 }
208 pub fn mk_sugared_doc_attr(id: AttrId, text: InternedString, lo: BytePos,
209 hi: BytePos)
210 -> Attribute {
211 let style = doc_comment_style(&text);
212 let lit = spanned(lo, hi, ast::LitStr(text, ast::CookedStr));
213 let attr = Attribute_ {
214 id: id,
215 style: style,
216 value: P(spanned(lo, hi, MetaNameValue(InternedString::new("doc"),
217 lit))),
218 is_sugared_doc: true
219 };
220 spanned(lo, hi, attr)
221 }
223 /* Searching */
224 /// Check if `needle` occurs in `haystack` by a structural
225 /// comparison. This is slightly subtle, and relies on ignoring the
226 /// span included in the `==` comparison a plain MetaItem.
227 pub fn contains(haystack: &[P<MetaItem>], needle: &MetaItem) -> bool {
228 debug!("attr::contains (name={})", needle.name());
229 haystack.iter().any(|item| {
230 debug!(" testing: {}", item.name());
231 item.node == needle.node
232 })
233 }
235 pub fn contains_name<AM: AttrMetaMethods>(metas: &[AM], name: &str) -> bool {
236 debug!("attr::contains_name (name={})", name);
237 metas.iter().any(|item| {
238 debug!(" testing: {}", item.name());
239 item.check_name(name)
240 })
241 }
243 pub fn first_attr_value_str_by_name(attrs: &[Attribute], name: &str)
244 -> Option<InternedString> {
245 attrs.iter()
246 .find(|at| at.check_name(name))
247 .and_then(|at| at.value_str())
248 }
250 pub fn last_meta_item_value_str_by_name(items: &[P<MetaItem>], name: &str)
251 -> Option<InternedString> {
252 items.iter()
253 .rev()
254 .find(|mi| mi.check_name(name))
255 .and_then(|i| i.value_str())
256 }
258 /* Higher-level applications */
260 pub fn sort_meta_items(items: Vec<P<MetaItem>>) -> Vec<P<MetaItem>> {
261 // This is sort of stupid here, but we need to sort by
262 // human-readable strings.
263 let mut v = items.into_iter()
264 .map(|mi| (mi.name(), mi))
265 .collect::<Vec<(InternedString, P<MetaItem>)>>();
267 v.sort_by(|&(ref a, _), &(ref b, _)| a.cmp(b));
269 // There doesn't seem to be a more optimal way to do this
270 v.into_iter().map(|(_, m)| m.map(|Spanned {node, span}| {
271 Spanned {
272 node: match node {
273 MetaList(n, mis) => MetaList(n, sort_meta_items(mis)),
274 _ => node
275 },
276 span: span
277 }
278 })).collect()
279 }
281 pub fn find_crate_name(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Option<InternedString> {
282 first_attr_value_str_by_name(attrs, "crate_name")
283 }
285 /// Find the value of #[export_name=*] attribute and check its validity.
286 pub fn find_export_name_attr(diag: &SpanHandler, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Option<InternedString> {
287 attrs.iter().fold(None, |ia,attr| {
288 if attr.check_name("export_name") {
289 if let s@Some(_) = attr.value_str() {
290 s
291 } else {
292 diag.span_err(attr.span, "export_name attribute has invalid format");
293 diag.handler.help("use #[export_name=\"*\"]");
294 None
295 }
296 } else {
297 ia
298 }
299 })
300 }
302 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
303 pub enum InlineAttr {
304 None,
305 Hint,
306 Always,
307 Never,
308 }
310 /// Determine what `#[inline]` attribute is present in `attrs`, if any.
311 pub fn find_inline_attr(diagnostic: Option<&SpanHandler>, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> InlineAttr {
312 // FIXME (#2809)---validate the usage of #[inline] and #[inline]
313 attrs.iter().fold(InlineAttr::None, |ia,attr| {
314 match attr.node.value.node {
315 MetaWord(ref n) if *n == "inline" => {
316 mark_used(attr);
317 InlineAttr::Hint
318 }
319 MetaList(ref n, ref items) if *n == "inline" => {
320 mark_used(attr);
321 if items.len() != 1 {
322 diagnostic.map(|d|{ d.span_err(attr.span, "expected one argument"); });
323 InlineAttr::None
324 } else if contains_name(&items[..], "always") {
325 InlineAttr::Always
326 } else if contains_name(&items[..], "never") {
327 InlineAttr::Never
328 } else {
329 diagnostic.map(|d|{ d.span_err((*items[0]).span, "invalid argument"); });
330 InlineAttr::None
331 }
332 }
333 _ => ia
334 }
335 })
336 }
338 /// True if `#[inline]` or `#[inline(always)]` is present in `attrs`.
339 pub fn requests_inline(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool {
340 match find_inline_attr(None, attrs) {
341 InlineAttr::Hint | InlineAttr::Always => true,
342 InlineAttr::None | InlineAttr::Never => false,
343 }
344 }
346 /// Tests if a cfg-pattern matches the cfg set
347 pub fn cfg_matches(diagnostic: &SpanHandler, cfgs: &[P<MetaItem>], cfg: &ast::MetaItem) -> bool {
348 match cfg.node {
349 ast::MetaList(ref pred, ref mis) if &pred[..] == "any" =>
350 mis.iter().any(|mi| cfg_matches(diagnostic, cfgs, &**mi)),
351 ast::MetaList(ref pred, ref mis) if &pred[..] == "all" =>
352 mis.iter().all(|mi| cfg_matches(diagnostic, cfgs, &**mi)),
353 ast::MetaList(ref pred, ref mis) if &pred[..] == "not" => {
354 if mis.len() != 1 {
355 diagnostic.span_err(cfg.span, "expected 1 cfg-pattern");
356 return false;
357 }
358 !cfg_matches(diagnostic, cfgs, &*mis[0])
359 }
360 ast::MetaList(ref pred, _) => {
361 diagnostic.span_err(cfg.span, &format!("invalid predicate `{}`", pred));
362 false
363 },
364 ast::MetaWord(_) | ast::MetaNameValue(..) => contains(cfgs, cfg),
365 }
366 }
368 /// Represents the #[deprecated] and friends attributes.
369 #[derive(RustcEncodable,RustcDecodable,Clone,Debug)]
370 pub struct Stability {
371 pub level: StabilityLevel,
372 pub feature: InternedString,
373 pub since: Option<InternedString>,
374 pub deprecated_since: Option<InternedString>,
375 // The reason for the current stability level. If deprecated, the
376 // reason for deprecation.
377 pub reason: Option<InternedString>,
378 }
380 /// The available stability levels.
381 #[derive(RustcEncodable,RustcDecodable,PartialEq,PartialOrd,Clone,Debug,Copy)]
382 pub enum StabilityLevel {
383 Unstable,
384 Stable,
385 }
387 impl fmt::Display for StabilityLevel {
388 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
389 fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)
390 }
391 }
393 fn find_stability_generic<'a,
394 AM: AttrMetaMethods,
395 I: Iterator<Item=&'a AM>>
396 (diagnostic: &SpanHandler, attrs: I, item_sp: Span)
397 -> (Option<Stability>, Vec<&'a AM>) {
399 let mut stab: Option<Stability> = None;
400 let mut deprecated: Option<(InternedString, Option<InternedString>)> = None;
401 let mut used_attrs: Vec<&'a AM> = vec![];
403 'outer: for attr in attrs {
404 let tag = attr.name();
405 let tag = &tag[..];
406 if tag != "deprecated" && tag != "unstable" && tag != "stable" {
407 continue // not a stability level
408 }
410 used_attrs.push(attr);
412 let (feature, since, reason) = match attr.meta_item_list() {
413 Some(metas) => {
414 let mut feature = None;
415 let mut since = None;
416 let mut reason = None;
417 for meta in metas.iter() {
418 if meta.name() == "feature" {
419 match meta.value_str() {
420 Some(v) => feature = Some(v),
421 None => {
422 diagnostic.span_err(meta.span, "incorrect meta item");
423 continue 'outer;
424 }
425 }
426 }
427 if &meta.name()[..] == "since" {
428 match meta.value_str() {
429 Some(v) => since = Some(v),
430 None => {
431 diagnostic.span_err(meta.span, "incorrect meta item");
432 continue 'outer;
433 }
434 }
435 }
436 if &meta.name()[..] == "reason" {
437 match meta.value_str() {
438 Some(v) => reason = Some(v),
439 None => {
440 diagnostic.span_err(meta.span, "incorrect meta item");
441 continue 'outer;
442 }
443 }
444 }
445 }
446 (feature, since, reason)
447 }
448 None => {
449 diagnostic.span_err(attr.span(), "incorrect stability attribute type");
450 continue
451 }
452 };
454 // Deprecated tags don't require feature names
455 if feature == None && tag != "deprecated" {
456 diagnostic.span_err(attr.span(), "missing 'feature'");
457 }
459 // Unstable tags don't require a version
460 if since == None && tag != "unstable" {
461 diagnostic.span_err(attr.span(), "missing 'since'");
462 }
464 if tag == "unstable" || tag == "stable" {
465 if stab.is_some() {
466 diagnostic.span_err(item_sp, "multiple stability levels");
467 }
469 let level = match tag {
470 "unstable" => Unstable,
471 "stable" => Stable,
472 _ => unreachable!()
473 };
475 stab = Some(Stability {
476 level: level,
477 feature: feature.unwrap_or(intern_and_get_ident("bogus")),
478 since: since,
479 deprecated_since: None,
480 reason: reason
481 });
482 } else { // "deprecated"
483 if deprecated.is_some() {
484 diagnostic.span_err(item_sp, "multiple deprecated attributes");
485 }
487 deprecated = Some((since.unwrap_or(intern_and_get_ident("bogus")), reason));
488 }
489 }
491 // Merge the deprecation info into the stability info
492 if deprecated.is_some() {
493 match stab {
494 Some(ref mut s) => {
495 let (since, reason) = deprecated.unwrap();
496 s.deprecated_since = Some(since);
497 s.reason = reason;
498 }
499 None => {
500 diagnostic.span_err(item_sp, "deprecated attribute must be paired with \
501 either stable or unstable attribute");
502 }
503 }
504 }
506 (stab, used_attrs)
507 }
509 /// Find the first stability attribute. `None` if none exists.
510 pub fn find_stability(diagnostic: &SpanHandler, attrs: &[Attribute],
511 item_sp: Span) -> Option<Stability> {
512 let (s, used) = find_stability_generic(diagnostic, attrs.iter(), item_sp);
513 for used in used { mark_used(used) }
514 return s;
515 }
517 pub fn require_unique_names(diagnostic: &SpanHandler, metas: &[P<MetaItem>]) {
518 let mut set = HashSet::new();
519 for meta in metas {
520 let name = meta.name();
522 if !set.insert(name.clone()) {
523 panic!(diagnostic.span_fatal(meta.span,
524 &format!("duplicate meta item `{}`", name)));
525 }
526 }
527 }
530 /// Parse #[repr(...)] forms.
531 ///
532 /// Valid repr contents: any of the primitive integral type names (see
533 /// `int_type_of_word`, below) to specify enum discriminant type; `C`, to use
534 /// the same discriminant size that the corresponding C enum would or C
535 /// structure layout, and `packed` to remove padding.
536 pub fn find_repr_attrs(diagnostic: &SpanHandler, attr: &Attribute) -> Vec<ReprAttr> {
537 let mut acc = Vec::new();
538 match attr.node.value.node {
539 ast::MetaList(ref s, ref items) if *s == "repr" => {
540 mark_used(attr);
541 for item in items {
542 match item.node {
543 ast::MetaWord(ref word) => {
544 let hint = match &word[..] {
545 // Can't use "extern" because it's not a lexical identifier.
546 "C" => Some(ReprExtern),
547 "packed" => Some(ReprPacked),
548 _ => match int_type_of_word(&word) {
549 Some(ity) => Some(ReprInt(item.span, ity)),
550 None => {
551 // Not a word we recognize
552 diagnostic.span_err(item.span,
553 "unrecognized representation hint");
554 None
555 }
556 }
557 };
559 match hint {
560 Some(h) => acc.push(h),
561 None => { }
562 }
563 }
564 // Not a word:
565 _ => diagnostic.span_err(item.span, "unrecognized enum representation hint")
566 }
567 }
568 }
569 // Not a "repr" hint: ignore.
570 _ => { }
571 }
572 acc
573 }
575 fn int_type_of_word(s: &str) -> Option<IntType> {
576 match s {
577 "i8" => Some(SignedInt(ast::TyI8)),
578 "u8" => Some(UnsignedInt(ast::TyU8)),
579 "i16" => Some(SignedInt(ast::TyI16)),
580 "u16" => Some(UnsignedInt(ast::TyU16)),
581 "i32" => Some(SignedInt(ast::TyI32)),
582 "u32" => Some(UnsignedInt(ast::TyU32)),
583 "i64" => Some(SignedInt(ast::TyI64)),
584 "u64" => Some(UnsignedInt(ast::TyU64)),
585 "isize" => Some(SignedInt(ast::TyIs)),
586 "usize" => Some(UnsignedInt(ast::TyUs)),
587 _ => None
588 }
589 }
591 #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Copy, Clone)]
592 pub enum ReprAttr {
593 ReprAny,
594 ReprInt(Span, IntType),
595 ReprExtern,
596 ReprPacked,
597 }
599 impl ReprAttr {
600 pub fn is_ffi_safe(&self) -> bool {
601 match *self {
602 ReprAny => false,
603 ReprInt(_sp, ity) => ity.is_ffi_safe(),
604 ReprExtern => true,
605 ReprPacked => false
606 }
607 }
608 }
610 #[derive(Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Copy, Clone)]
611 pub enum IntType {
612 SignedInt(ast::IntTy),
613 UnsignedInt(ast::UintTy)
614 }
616 impl IntType {
617 #[inline]
618 pub fn is_signed(self) -> bool {
619 match self {
620 SignedInt(..) => true,
621 UnsignedInt(..) => false
622 }
623 }
624 fn is_ffi_safe(self) -> bool {
625 match self {
626 SignedInt(ast::TyI8) | UnsignedInt(ast::TyU8) |
627 SignedInt(ast::TyI16) | UnsignedInt(ast::TyU16) |
628 SignedInt(ast::TyI32) | UnsignedInt(ast::TyU32) |
629 SignedInt(ast::TyI64) | UnsignedInt(ast::TyU64) => true,
630 SignedInt(ast::TyIs) | UnsignedInt(ast::TyUs) => false
631 }
632 }
633 }