]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax/diagnostic.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.3.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax / diagnostic.rs
1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 pub use self::Level::*;
12 pub use self::RenderSpan::*;
13 pub use self::ColorConfig::*;
14 use self::Destination::*;
16 use codemap::{self, COMMAND_LINE_SP, COMMAND_LINE_EXPN, Pos, Span};
17 use diagnostics;
19 use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
20 use std::{cmp, error, fmt};
21 use std::io::prelude::*;
22 use std::io;
23 use term::{self, WriterWrapper};
24 use libc;
26 /// maximum number of lines we will print for each error; arbitrary.
27 const MAX_LINES: usize = 6;
29 #[derive(Clone)]
30 pub enum RenderSpan {
31 /// A FullSpan renders with both with an initial line for the
32 /// message, prefixed by file:linenum, followed by a summary of
33 /// the source code covered by the span.
34 FullSpan(Span),
36 /// Similar to a FullSpan, but the cited position is the end of
37 /// the span, instead of the start. Used, at least, for telling
38 /// compiletest/runtest to look at the last line of the span
39 /// (since `end_highlight_lines` displays an arrow to the end
40 /// of the span).
41 EndSpan(Span),
43 /// A suggestion renders with both with an initial line for the
44 /// message, prefixed by file:linenum, followed by a summary
45 /// of hypothetical source code, where the `String` is spliced
46 /// into the lines in place of the code covered by the span.
47 Suggestion(Span, String),
49 /// A FileLine renders with just a line for the message prefixed
50 /// by file:linenum.
51 FileLine(Span),
52 }
54 impl RenderSpan {
55 fn span(&self) -> Span {
56 match *self {
57 FullSpan(s) |
58 Suggestion(s, _) |
59 EndSpan(s) |
60 FileLine(s) =>
61 s
62 }
63 }
64 }
66 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
67 pub enum ColorConfig {
68 Auto,
69 Always,
70 Never
71 }
73 pub trait Emitter {
74 fn emit(&mut self, cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
75 msg: &str, code: Option<&str>, lvl: Level);
76 fn custom_emit(&mut self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
77 sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level);
78 }
80 /// Used as a return value to signify a fatal error occurred. (It is also
81 /// used as the argument to panic at the moment, but that will eventually
82 /// not be true.)
83 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
84 #[must_use]
85 pub struct FatalError;
87 impl fmt::Display for FatalError {
88 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
89 write!(f, "parser fatal error")
90 }
91 }
93 impl error::Error for FatalError {
94 fn description(&self) -> &str {
95 "The parser has encountered a fatal error"
96 }
97 }
99 /// Signifies that the compiler died with an explicit call to `.bug`
100 /// or `.span_bug` rather than a failed assertion, etc.
101 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
102 pub struct ExplicitBug;
104 impl fmt::Display for ExplicitBug {
105 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
106 write!(f, "parser internal bug")
107 }
108 }
110 impl error::Error for ExplicitBug {
111 fn description(&self) -> &str {
112 "The parser has encountered an internal bug"
113 }
114 }
116 /// A span-handler is like a handler but also
117 /// accepts span information for source-location
118 /// reporting.
119 pub struct SpanHandler {
120 pub handler: Handler,
121 pub cm: codemap::CodeMap,
122 }
124 impl SpanHandler {
125 pub fn new(handler: Handler, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> SpanHandler {
126 SpanHandler {
127 handler: handler,
128 cm: cm,
129 }
130 }
131 pub fn span_fatal(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> FatalError {
132 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Fatal);
133 return FatalError;
134 }
135 pub fn span_fatal_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) -> FatalError {
136 self.handler.emit_with_code(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, code, Fatal);
137 return FatalError;
138 }
139 pub fn span_err(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
140 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Error);
141 self.handler.bump_err_count();
142 }
143 pub fn span_err_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) {
144 self.handler.emit_with_code(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, code, Error);
145 self.handler.bump_err_count();
146 }
147 pub fn span_warn(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
148 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Warning);
149 }
150 pub fn span_warn_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) {
151 self.handler.emit_with_code(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, code, Warning);
152 }
153 pub fn span_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
154 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Note);
155 }
156 pub fn span_end_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
157 self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, EndSpan(sp), msg, Note);
158 }
159 pub fn span_help(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
160 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Help);
161 }
162 /// Prints out a message with a suggested edit of the code.
163 ///
164 /// See `diagnostic::RenderSpan::Suggestion` for more information.
165 pub fn span_suggestion(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, suggestion: String) {
166 self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, Suggestion(sp, suggestion), msg, Help);
167 }
168 pub fn fileline_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
169 self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, FileLine(sp), msg, Note);
170 }
171 pub fn fileline_help(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
172 self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, FileLine(sp), msg, Help);
173 }
174 pub fn span_bug(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
175 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Bug);
176 panic!(ExplicitBug);
177 }
178 pub fn span_unimpl(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
179 self.span_bug(sp, &format!("unimplemented {}", msg));
180 }
181 pub fn handler<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Handler {
182 &self.handler
183 }
184 }
186 /// A handler deals with errors; certain errors
187 /// (fatal, bug, unimpl) may cause immediate exit,
188 /// others log errors for later reporting.
189 pub struct Handler {
190 err_count: Cell<usize>,
191 emit: RefCell<Box<Emitter + Send>>,
192 pub can_emit_warnings: bool
193 }
195 impl Handler {
196 pub fn new(color_config: ColorConfig,
197 registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>,
198 can_emit_warnings: bool) -> Handler {
199 let emitter = Box::new(EmitterWriter::stderr(color_config, registry));
200 Handler::with_emitter(can_emit_warnings, emitter)
201 }
202 pub fn with_emitter(can_emit_warnings: bool, e: Box<Emitter + Send>) -> Handler {
203 Handler {
204 err_count: Cell::new(0),
205 emit: RefCell::new(e),
206 can_emit_warnings: can_emit_warnings
207 }
208 }
209 pub fn fatal(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
210 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Fatal);
212 // Suppress the fatal error message from the panic below as we've
213 // already terminated in our own "legitimate" fashion.
214 io::set_panic(Box::new(io::sink()));
215 panic!(FatalError);
216 }
217 pub fn err(&self, msg: &str) {
218 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Error);
219 self.bump_err_count();
220 }
221 pub fn bump_err_count(&self) {
222 self.err_count.set(self.err_count.get() + 1);
223 }
224 pub fn err_count(&self) -> usize {
225 self.err_count.get()
226 }
227 pub fn has_errors(&self) -> bool {
228 self.err_count.get() > 0
229 }
230 pub fn abort_if_errors(&self) {
231 let s;
232 match self.err_count.get() {
233 0 => return,
234 1 => s = "aborting due to previous error".to_string(),
235 _ => {
236 s = format!("aborting due to {} previous errors",
237 self.err_count.get());
238 }
239 }
240 self.fatal(&s[..]);
241 }
242 pub fn warn(&self, msg: &str) {
243 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Warning);
244 }
245 pub fn note(&self, msg: &str) {
246 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Note);
247 }
248 pub fn help(&self, msg: &str) {
249 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Help);
250 }
251 pub fn bug(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
252 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Bug);
253 panic!(ExplicitBug);
254 }
255 pub fn unimpl(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
256 self.bug(&format!("unimplemented {}", msg));
257 }
258 pub fn emit(&self,
259 cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
260 msg: &str,
261 lvl: Level) {
262 if lvl == Warning && !self.can_emit_warnings { return }
263 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(cmsp, msg, None, lvl);
264 }
265 pub fn emit_with_code(&self,
266 cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
267 msg: &str,
268 code: &str,
269 lvl: Level) {
270 if lvl == Warning && !self.can_emit_warnings { return }
271 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(cmsp, msg, Some(code), lvl);
272 }
273 pub fn custom_emit(&self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
274 sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
275 if lvl == Warning && !self.can_emit_warnings { return }
276 self.emit.borrow_mut().custom_emit(cm, sp, msg, lvl);
277 }
278 }
280 #[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
281 pub enum Level {
282 Bug,
283 Fatal,
284 Error,
285 Warning,
286 Note,
287 Help,
288 }
290 impl fmt::Display for Level {
291 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
292 use std::fmt::Display;
294 match *self {
295 Bug => "error: internal compiler error".fmt(f),
296 Fatal | Error => "error".fmt(f),
297 Warning => "warning".fmt(f),
298 Note => "note".fmt(f),
299 Help => "help".fmt(f),
300 }
301 }
302 }
304 impl Level {
305 fn color(self) -> term::color::Color {
306 match self {
307 Bug | Fatal | Error => term::color::BRIGHT_RED,
308 Warning => term::color::BRIGHT_YELLOW,
309 Note => term::color::BRIGHT_GREEN,
310 Help => term::color::BRIGHT_CYAN,
311 }
312 }
313 }
315 pub struct EmitterWriter {
316 dst: Destination,
317 registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>
318 }
320 enum Destination {
321 Terminal(Box<term::Terminal<WriterWrapper> + Send>),
322 Raw(Box<Write + Send>),
323 }
325 /// Do not use this for messages that end in `\n` – use `println_maybe_styled` instead. See
326 /// `EmitterWriter::print_maybe_styled` for details.
327 macro_rules! print_maybe_styled {
328 ($writer: expr, $style: expr, $($arg: tt)*) => {
329 $writer.print_maybe_styled(format_args!($($arg)*), $style, false)
330 }
331 }
333 macro_rules! println_maybe_styled {
334 ($writer: expr, $style: expr, $($arg: tt)*) => {
335 $writer.print_maybe_styled(format_args!($($arg)*), $style, true)
336 }
337 }
339 impl EmitterWriter {
340 pub fn stderr(color_config: ColorConfig,
341 registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>) -> EmitterWriter {
342 let stderr = io::stderr();
344 let use_color = match color_config {
345 Always => true,
346 Never => false,
347 Auto => stderr_isatty(),
348 };
350 if use_color {
351 let dst = match term::stderr() {
352 Some(t) => Terminal(t),
353 None => Raw(Box::new(stderr)),
354 };
355 EmitterWriter { dst: dst, registry: registry }
356 } else {
357 EmitterWriter { dst: Raw(Box::new(stderr)), registry: registry }
358 }
359 }
361 pub fn new(dst: Box<Write + Send>,
362 registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>) -> EmitterWriter {
363 EmitterWriter { dst: Raw(dst), registry: registry }
364 }
366 fn print_maybe_styled(&mut self,
367 args: fmt::Arguments,
368 color: term::attr::Attr,
369 print_newline_at_end: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
370 match self.dst {
371 Terminal(ref mut t) => {
372 try!(t.attr(color));
373 // If `msg` ends in a newline, we need to reset the color before
374 // the newline. We're making the assumption that we end up writing
375 // to a `LineBufferedWriter`, which means that emitting the reset
376 // after the newline ends up buffering the reset until we print
377 // another line or exit. Buffering the reset is a problem if we're
378 // sharing the terminal with any other programs (e.g. other rustc
379 // instances via `make -jN`).
380 //
381 // Note that if `msg` contains any internal newlines, this will
382 // result in the `LineBufferedWriter` flushing twice instead of
383 // once, which still leaves the opportunity for interleaved output
384 // to be miscolored. We assume this is rare enough that we don't
385 // have to worry about it.
386 try!(t.write_fmt(args));
387 try!(t.reset());
388 if print_newline_at_end {
389 t.write_all(b"\n")
390 } else {
391 Ok(())
392 }
393 }
394 Raw(ref mut w) => {
395 try!(w.write_fmt(args));
396 if print_newline_at_end {
397 w.write_all(b"\n")
398 } else {
399 Ok(())
400 }
401 }
402 }
403 }
405 fn print_diagnostic(&mut self, topic: &str, lvl: Level,
406 msg: &str, code: Option<&str>) -> io::Result<()> {
407 if !topic.is_empty() {
408 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{} ", topic));
409 }
411 try!(print_maybe_styled!(self, term::attr::ForegroundColor(lvl.color()),
412 "{}: ", lvl.to_string()));
413 try!(print_maybe_styled!(self, term::attr::Bold, "{}", msg));
415 match code {
416 Some(code) => {
417 let style = term::attr::ForegroundColor(term::color::BRIGHT_MAGENTA);
418 try!(print_maybe_styled!(self, style, " [{}]", code.clone()));
419 }
420 None => ()
421 }
422 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "\n"));
423 Ok(())
424 }
426 fn emit_(&mut self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap, rsp: RenderSpan,
427 msg: &str, code: Option<&str>, lvl: Level) -> io::Result<()> {
428 let sp = rsp.span();
430 // We cannot check equality directly with COMMAND_LINE_SP
431 // since PartialEq is manually implemented to ignore the ExpnId
432 let ss = if sp.expn_id == COMMAND_LINE_EXPN {
433 "<command line option>".to_string()
434 } else if let EndSpan(_) = rsp {
435 let span_end = Span { lo: sp.hi, hi: sp.hi, expn_id: sp.expn_id};
436 cm.span_to_string(span_end)
437 } else {
438 cm.span_to_string(sp)
439 };
441 try!(self.print_diagnostic(&ss[..], lvl, msg, code));
443 match rsp {
444 FullSpan(_) => {
445 try!(self.highlight_lines(cm, sp, lvl, cm.span_to_lines(sp)));
446 try!(self.print_macro_backtrace(cm, sp));
447 }
448 EndSpan(_) => {
449 try!(self.end_highlight_lines(cm, sp, lvl, cm.span_to_lines(sp)));
450 try!(self.print_macro_backtrace(cm, sp));
451 }
452 Suggestion(_, ref suggestion) => {
453 try!(self.highlight_suggestion(cm, sp, suggestion));
454 try!(self.print_macro_backtrace(cm, sp));
455 }
456 FileLine(..) => {
457 // no source text in this case!
458 }
459 }
461 match code {
462 Some(code) =>
463 match self.registry.as_ref().and_then(|registry| registry.find_description(code)) {
464 Some(_) => {
465 try!(self.print_diagnostic(&ss[..], Help,
466 &format!("run `rustc --explain {}` to see a \
467 detailed explanation", code), None));
468 }
469 None => ()
470 },
471 None => (),
472 }
473 Ok(())
474 }
476 fn highlight_suggestion(&mut self,
477 cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
478 sp: Span,
479 suggestion: &str)
480 -> io::Result<()>
481 {
482 let lines = cm.span_to_lines(sp).unwrap();
483 assert!(!lines.lines.is_empty());
485 // To build up the result, we want to take the snippet from the first
486 // line that precedes the span, prepend that with the suggestion, and
487 // then append the snippet from the last line that trails the span.
488 let fm = &lines.file;
490 let first_line = &lines.lines[0];
491 let prefix = fm.get_line(first_line.line_index)
492 .map(|l| &l[..first_line.start_col.0])
493 .unwrap_or("");
495 let last_line = lines.lines.last().unwrap();
496 let suffix = fm.get_line(last_line.line_index)
497 .map(|l| &l[last_line.end_col.0..])
498 .unwrap_or("");
500 let complete = format!("{}{}{}", prefix, suggestion, suffix);
502 // print the suggestion without any line numbers, but leave
503 // space for them. This helps with lining up with previous
504 // snippets from the actual error being reported.
505 let fm = &*lines.file;
506 let mut lines = complete.lines();
507 for (line, line_index) in lines.by_ref().take(MAX_LINES).zip(first_line.line_index..) {
508 let elided_line_num = format!("{}", line_index+1);
509 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{0}:{1:2$} {3}\n",
510 fm.name, "", elided_line_num.len(), line));
511 }
513 // if we elided some lines, add an ellipsis
514 if lines.next().is_some() {
515 let elided_line_num = format!("{}", first_line.line_index + MAX_LINES + 1);
516 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{0:1$} {0:2$} ...\n",
517 "", fm.name.len(), elided_line_num.len()));
518 }
520 Ok(())
521 }
523 fn highlight_lines(&mut self,
524 cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
525 sp: Span,
526 lvl: Level,
527 lines: codemap::FileLinesResult)
528 -> io::Result<()>
529 {
530 let lines = match lines {
531 Ok(lines) => lines,
532 Err(_) => {
533 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "(internal compiler error: unprintable span)\n"));
534 return Ok(());
535 }
536 };
538 let fm = &*lines.file;
540 let line_strings: Option<Vec<&str>> =
541 lines.lines.iter()
542 .map(|info| fm.get_line(info.line_index))
543 .collect();
545 let line_strings = match line_strings {
546 None => { return Ok(()); }
547 Some(line_strings) => line_strings
548 };
550 // Display only the first MAX_LINES lines.
551 let all_lines = lines.lines.len();
552 let display_lines = cmp::min(all_lines, MAX_LINES);
553 let display_line_infos = &lines.lines[..display_lines];
554 let display_line_strings = &line_strings[..display_lines];
556 // Calculate the widest number to format evenly and fix #11715
557 assert!(display_line_infos.len() > 0);
558 let mut max_line_num = display_line_infos[display_line_infos.len() - 1].line_index + 1;
559 let mut digits = 0;
560 while max_line_num > 0 {
561 max_line_num /= 10;
562 digits += 1;
563 }
565 // Print the offending lines
566 for (line_info, line) in display_line_infos.iter().zip(display_line_strings) {
567 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{}:{:>width$} {}\n",
568 fm.name,
569 line_info.line_index + 1,
570 line,
571 width=digits));
572 }
574 // If we elided something, put an ellipsis.
575 if display_lines < all_lines {
576 let last_line_index = display_line_infos.last().unwrap().line_index;
577 let s = format!("{}:{} ", fm.name, last_line_index + 1);
578 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{0:1$}...\n", "", s.len()));
579 }
581 // FIXME (#3260)
582 // If there's one line at fault we can easily point to the problem
583 if lines.lines.len() == 1 {
584 let lo = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
585 let mut digits = 0;
586 let mut num = (lines.lines[0].line_index + 1) / 10;
588 // how many digits must be indent past?
589 while num > 0 { num /= 10; digits += 1; }
591 let mut s = String::new();
592 // Skip is the number of characters we need to skip because they are
593 // part of the 'filename:line ' part of the previous line.
594 let skip = fm.name.chars().count() + digits + 3;
595 for _ in 0..skip {
596 s.push(' ');
597 }
598 if let Some(orig) = fm.get_line(lines.lines[0].line_index) {
599 let mut col = skip;
600 let mut lastc = ' ';
601 let mut iter = orig.chars().enumerate();
602 for (pos, ch) in iter.by_ref() {
603 lastc = ch;
604 if pos >= lo.col.to_usize() { break; }
605 // Whenever a tab occurs on the previous line, we insert one on
606 // the error-point-squiggly-line as well (instead of a space).
607 // That way the squiggly line will usually appear in the correct
608 // position.
609 match ch {
610 '\t' => {
611 col += 8 - col%8;
612 s.push('\t');
613 },
614 _ => {
615 col += 1;
616 s.push(' ');
617 },
618 }
619 }
621 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{}", s));
622 let mut s = String::from("^");
623 let count = match lastc {
624 // Most terminals have a tab stop every eight columns by default
625 '\t' => 8 - col%8,
626 _ => 1,
627 };
628 col += count;
629 s.extend(::std::iter::repeat('~').take(count));
631 let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
632 if hi.col != lo.col {
633 for (pos, ch) in iter {
634 if pos >= hi.col.to_usize() { break; }
635 let count = match ch {
636 '\t' => 8 - col%8,
637 _ => 1,
638 };
639 col += count;
640 s.extend(::std::iter::repeat('~').take(count));
641 }
642 }
644 if s.len() > 1 {
645 // One extra squiggly is replaced by a "^"
646 s.pop();
647 }
649 try!(println_maybe_styled!(self, term::attr::ForegroundColor(lvl.color()),
650 "{}", s));
651 }
652 }
653 Ok(())
654 }
656 /// Here are the differences between this and the normal `highlight_lines`:
657 /// `end_highlight_lines` will always put arrow on the last byte of the
658 /// span (instead of the first byte). Also, when the span is too long (more
659 /// than 6 lines), `end_highlight_lines` will print the first line, then
660 /// dot dot dot, then last line, whereas `highlight_lines` prints the first
661 /// six lines.
662 #[allow(deprecated)]
663 fn end_highlight_lines(&mut self,
664 cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
665 sp: Span,
666 lvl: Level,
667 lines: codemap::FileLinesResult)
668 -> io::Result<()> {
669 let lines = match lines {
670 Ok(lines) => lines,
671 Err(_) => {
672 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "(internal compiler error: unprintable span)\n"));
673 return Ok(());
674 }
675 };
677 let fm = &*lines.file;
679 let lines = &lines.lines[..];
680 if lines.len() > MAX_LINES {
681 if let Some(line) = fm.get_line(lines[0].line_index) {
682 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
683 lines[0].line_index + 1, line));
684 }
685 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "...\n"));
686 let last_line_index = lines[lines.len() - 1].line_index;
687 if let Some(last_line) = fm.get_line(last_line_index) {
688 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
689 last_line_index + 1, last_line));
690 }
691 } else {
692 for line_info in lines {
693 if let Some(line) = fm.get_line(line_info.line_index) {
694 try!(write!(&mut self.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
695 line_info.line_index + 1, line));
696 }
697 }
698 }
699 let last_line_start = format!("{}:{} ", fm.name, lines[lines.len()-1].line_index + 1);
700 let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
701 let skip = last_line_start.chars().count();
702 let mut s = String::new();
703 for _ in 0..skip {
704 s.push(' ');
705 }
706 if let Some(orig) = fm.get_line(lines[0].line_index) {
707 let iter = orig.chars().enumerate();
708 for (pos, ch) in iter {
709 // Span seems to use half-opened interval, so subtract 1
710 if pos >= hi.col.to_usize() - 1 { break; }
711 // Whenever a tab occurs on the previous line, we insert one on
712 // the error-point-squiggly-line as well (instead of a space).
713 // That way the squiggly line will usually appear in the correct
714 // position.
715 match ch {
716 '\t' => s.push('\t'),
717 _ => s.push(' '),
718 }
719 }
720 }
721 s.push('^');
722 println_maybe_styled!(self, term::attr::ForegroundColor(lvl.color()),
723 "{}", s)
724 }
726 fn print_macro_backtrace(&mut self,
727 cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
728 sp: Span)
729 -> io::Result<()> {
730 let cs = try!(cm.with_expn_info(sp.expn_id, |expn_info| -> io::Result<_> {
731 match expn_info {
732 Some(ei) => {
733 let ss = ei.callee.span.map_or(String::new(),
734 |span| cm.span_to_string(span));
735 let (pre, post) = match ei.callee.format {
736 codemap::MacroAttribute => ("#[", "]"),
737 codemap::MacroBang => ("", "!"),
738 codemap::CompilerExpansion => ("", ""),
739 };
740 try!(self.print_diagnostic(&ss, Note,
741 &format!("in expansion of {}{}{}",
742 pre,
743 ei.callee.name,
744 post),
745 None));
746 let ss = cm.span_to_string(ei.call_site);
747 try!(self.print_diagnostic(&ss, Note, "expansion site", None));
748 Ok(Some(ei.call_site))
749 }
750 None => Ok(None)
751 }
752 }));
753 cs.map_or(Ok(()), |call_site| self.print_macro_backtrace(cm, call_site))
754 }
755 }
757 #[cfg(unix)]
758 fn stderr_isatty() -> bool {
759 unsafe { libc::isatty(libc::STDERR_FILENO) != 0 }
760 }
761 #[cfg(windows)]
762 fn stderr_isatty() -> bool {
763 const STD_ERROR_HANDLE: libc::DWORD = -12i32 as libc::DWORD;
764 extern "system" {
765 fn GetStdHandle(which: libc::DWORD) -> libc::HANDLE;
766 fn GetConsoleMode(hConsoleHandle: libc::HANDLE,
767 lpMode: libc::LPDWORD) -> libc::BOOL;
768 }
769 unsafe {
770 let handle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
771 let mut out = 0;
772 GetConsoleMode(handle, &mut out) != 0
773 }
774 }
776 impl Write for Destination {
777 fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
778 match *self {
779 Terminal(ref mut t) => t.write(bytes),
780 Raw(ref mut w) => w.write(bytes),
781 }
782 }
783 fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
784 match *self {
785 Terminal(ref mut t) => t.flush(),
786 Raw(ref mut w) => w.flush(),
787 }
788 }
789 }
791 impl Emitter for EmitterWriter {
792 fn emit(&mut self,
793 cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
794 msg: &str, code: Option<&str>, lvl: Level) {
795 let error = match cmsp {
796 Some((cm, COMMAND_LINE_SP)) => self.emit_(cm,
797 FileLine(COMMAND_LINE_SP),
798 msg, code, lvl),
799 Some((cm, sp)) => self.emit_(cm, FullSpan(sp), msg, code, lvl),
800 None => self.print_diagnostic("", lvl, msg, code),
801 };
803 match error {
804 Ok(()) => {}
805 Err(e) => panic!("failed to print diagnostics: {:?}", e),
806 }
807 }
809 fn custom_emit(&mut self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
810 sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
811 match self.emit_(cm, sp, msg, None, lvl) {
812 Ok(()) => {}
813 Err(e) => panic!("failed to print diagnostics: {:?}", e),
814 }
815 }
816 }
818 pub fn expect<T, M>(diag: &SpanHandler, opt: Option<T>, msg: M) -> T where
819 M: FnOnce() -> String,
820 {
821 match opt {
822 Some(t) => t,
823 None => diag.handler().bug(&msg()),
824 }
825 }
827 #[cfg(test)]
828 mod test {
829 use super::{EmitterWriter, Level};
830 use codemap::{mk_sp, CodeMap, BytePos};
831 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
832 use std::io::{self, Write};
833 use std::str::from_utf8;
835 // Diagnostic doesn't align properly in span where line number increases by one digit
836 #[test]
837 fn test_hilight_suggestion_issue_11715() {
838 struct Sink(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>);
839 impl Write for Sink {
840 fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
841 Write::write(&mut *self.0.lock().unwrap(), data)
842 }
843 fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
844 }
845 let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
846 let mut ew = EmitterWriter::new(Box::new(Sink(data.clone())), None);
847 let cm = CodeMap::new();
848 let content = "abcdefg
849 koksi
850 line3
851 line4
852 cinq
853 line6
854 line7
855 line8
856 line9
857 line10
858 e-lä-vän
859 tolv
860 dreizehn
861 ";
862 let file = cm.new_filemap_and_lines("dummy.txt", content);
863 let start = file.lines.borrow()[7];
864 let end = file.lines.borrow()[11];
865 let sp = mk_sp(start, end);
866 let lvl = Level::Error;
867 println!("span_to_lines");
868 let lines = cm.span_to_lines(sp);
869 println!("highlight_lines");
870 ew.highlight_lines(&cm, sp, lvl, lines).unwrap();
871 println!("done");
872 let vec = data.lock().unwrap().clone();
873 let vec: &[u8] = &vec;
874 let str = from_utf8(vec).unwrap();
875 println!("{}", str);
876 assert_eq!(str, "dummy.txt: 8 line8\n\
877 dummy.txt: 9 line9\n\
878 dummy.txt:10 line10\n\
879 dummy.txt:11 e-lä-vän\n\
880 dummy.txt:12 tolv\n");
881 }
882 }