]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax/diagnostics/plugin.rs
New upstream version 1.31.0~beta.4+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax / diagnostics / plugin.rs
1 // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
12 use std::env;
14 use ast;
15 use ast::{Ident, Name};
16 use source_map;
17 use syntax_pos::Span;
18 use ext::base::{ExtCtxt, MacEager, MacResult};
19 use ext::build::AstBuilder;
20 use parse::token;
21 use ptr::P;
22 use symbol::{keywords, Symbol};
23 use tokenstream::{TokenTree};
25 use diagnostics::metadata::output_metadata;
27 pub use errors::*;
29 // Maximum width of any line in an extended error description (inclusive).
30 const MAX_DESCRIPTION_WIDTH: usize = 80;
32 /// Error information type.
33 pub struct ErrorInfo {
34 pub description: Option<Name>,
35 pub use_site: Option<Span>
36 }
38 /// Mapping from error codes to metadata.
39 pub type ErrorMap = BTreeMap<Name, ErrorInfo>;
41 pub fn expand_diagnostic_used<'cx>(ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
42 span: Span,
43 token_tree: &[TokenTree])
44 -> Box<dyn MacResult+'cx> {
45 let code = match (token_tree.len(), token_tree.get(0)) {
46 (1, Some(&TokenTree::Token(_, token::Ident(code, _)))) => code,
47 _ => unreachable!()
48 };
50 ecx.parse_sess.registered_diagnostics.with_lock(|diagnostics| {
51 match diagnostics.get_mut(&code.name) {
52 // Previously used errors.
53 Some(&mut ErrorInfo { description: _, use_site: Some(previous_span) }) => {
54 ecx.struct_span_warn(span, &format!(
55 "diagnostic code {} already used", code
56 )).span_note(previous_span, "previous invocation")
57 .emit();
58 }
59 // Newly used errors.
60 Some(ref mut info) => {
61 info.use_site = Some(span);
62 }
63 // Unregistered errors.
64 None => {
65 ecx.span_err(span, &format!(
66 "used diagnostic code {} not registered", code
67 ));
68 }
69 }
70 });
71 MacEager::expr(ecx.expr_tuple(span, Vec::new()))
72 }
74 pub fn expand_register_diagnostic<'cx>(ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
75 span: Span,
76 token_tree: &[TokenTree])
77 -> Box<dyn MacResult+'cx> {
78 let (code, description) = match (
79 token_tree.len(),
80 token_tree.get(0),
81 token_tree.get(1),
82 token_tree.get(2)
83 ) {
84 (1, Some(&TokenTree::Token(_, token::Ident(ref code, _))), None, None) => {
85 (code, None)
86 },
87 (3, Some(&TokenTree::Token(_, token::Ident(ref code, _))),
88 Some(&TokenTree::Token(_, token::Comma)),
89 Some(&TokenTree::Token(_, token::Literal(token::StrRaw(description, _), None)))) => {
90 (code, Some(description))
91 }
92 _ => unreachable!()
93 };
95 // Check that the description starts and ends with a newline and doesn't
96 // overflow the maximum line width.
97 description.map(|raw_msg| {
98 let msg = raw_msg.as_str();
99 if !msg.starts_with("\n") || !msg.ends_with("\n") {
100 ecx.span_err(span, &format!(
101 "description for error code {} doesn't start and end with a newline",
102 code
103 ));
104 }
106 // URLs can be unavoidably longer than the line limit, so we allow them.
107 // Allowed format is: `[name]: https://www.rust-lang.org/`
108 let is_url = |l: &str| l.starts_with("[") && l.contains("]:") && l.contains("http");
110 if msg.lines().any(|line| line.len() > MAX_DESCRIPTION_WIDTH && !is_url(line)) {
111 ecx.span_err(span, &format!(
112 "description for error code {} contains a line longer than {} characters.\n\
113 if you're inserting a long URL use the footnote style to bypass this check.",
115 ));
116 }
117 });
118 // Add the error to the map.
119 ecx.parse_sess.registered_diagnostics.with_lock(|diagnostics| {
120 let info = ErrorInfo {
121 description,
122 use_site: None
123 };
124 if diagnostics.insert(code.name, info).is_some() {
125 ecx.span_err(span, &format!(
126 "diagnostic code {} already registered", code
127 ));
128 }
129 });
130 let sym = Ident::with_empty_ctxt(Symbol::gensym(&format!(
131 "__register_diagnostic_{}", code
132 )));
133 MacEager::items(smallvec![
134 ecx.item_mod(
135 span,
136 span,
137 sym,
138 Vec::new(),
139 Vec::new()
140 )
141 ])
142 }
144 pub fn expand_build_diagnostic_array<'cx>(ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
145 span: Span,
146 token_tree: &[TokenTree])
147 -> Box<dyn MacResult+'cx> {
148 assert_eq!(token_tree.len(), 3);
149 let (crate_name, name) = match (&token_tree[0], &token_tree[2]) {
150 (
151 // Crate name.
152 &TokenTree::Token(_, token::Ident(ref crate_name, _)),
153 // DIAGNOSTICS ident.
154 &TokenTree::Token(_, token::Ident(ref name, _))
155 ) => (*&crate_name, name),
156 _ => unreachable!()
157 };
159 // Output error metadata to `tmp/extended-errors/<target arch>/<crate name>.json`
160 if let Ok(target_triple) = env::var("CFG_COMPILER_HOST_TRIPLE") {
161 ecx.parse_sess.registered_diagnostics.with_lock(|diagnostics| {
162 if let Err(e) = output_metadata(ecx,
163 &target_triple,
164 &crate_name.as_str(),
165 diagnostics) {
166 ecx.span_bug(span, &format!(
167 "error writing metadata for triple `{}` and crate `{}`, error: {}, \
168 cause: {:?}",
169 target_triple, crate_name, e.description(), e.cause()
170 ));
171 }
172 });
173 } else {
174 ecx.span_err(span, &format!(
175 "failed to write metadata for crate `{}` because $CFG_COMPILER_HOST_TRIPLE is not set",
176 crate_name));
177 }
179 // Construct the output expression.
180 let (count, expr) =
181 ecx.parse_sess.registered_diagnostics.with_lock(|diagnostics| {
182 let descriptions: Vec<P<ast::Expr>> =
183 diagnostics.iter().filter_map(|(&code, info)| {
184 info.description.map(|description| {
185 ecx.expr_tuple(span, vec![
186 ecx.expr_str(span, code),
187 ecx.expr_str(span, description)
188 ])
189 })
190 }).collect();
191 (descriptions.len(), ecx.expr_vec(span, descriptions))
192 });
194 let static_ = ecx.lifetime(span, keywords::StaticLifetime.ident());
195 let ty_str = ecx.ty_rptr(
196 span,
197 ecx.ty_ident(span, ecx.ident_of("str")),
198 Some(static_),
199 ast::Mutability::Immutable,
200 );
202 let ty = ecx.ty(
203 span,
204 ast::TyKind::Array(
205 ecx.ty(
206 span,
207 ast::TyKind::Tup(vec![ty_str.clone(), ty_str])
208 ),
209 ast::AnonConst {
210 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
211 value: ecx.expr_usize(span, count),
212 },
213 ),
214 );
216 MacEager::items(smallvec![
217 P(ast::Item {
218 ident: *name,
219 attrs: Vec::new(),
220 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
221 node: ast::ItemKind::Const(
222 ty,
223 expr,
224 ),
225 vis: source_map::respan(span.shrink_to_lo(), ast::VisibilityKind::Public),
226 span,
227 tokens: None,
228 })
229 ])
230 }