]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax/ext/base.rs
New upstream version 1.28.0~beta.14+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax / ext / base.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 pub use self::SyntaxExtension::*;
13 use ast::{self, Attribute, Name, PatKind, MetaItem};
14 use attr::HasAttrs;
15 use codemap::{self, CodeMap, Spanned, respan};
16 use syntax_pos::{Span, MultiSpan, DUMMY_SP};
17 use edition::Edition;
18 use errors::{DiagnosticBuilder, DiagnosticId};
19 use ext::expand::{self, Expansion, Invocation};
20 use ext::hygiene::{self, Mark, SyntaxContext};
21 use fold::{self, Folder};
22 use parse::{self, parser, DirectoryOwnership};
23 use parse::token;
24 use ptr::P;
25 use symbol::{keywords, Ident, Symbol};
26 use util::small_vector::SmallVector;
28 use std::collections::HashMap;
29 use std::iter;
30 use std::path::PathBuf;
31 use std::rc::Rc;
32 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{self, Lrc};
33 use std::default::Default;
34 use tokenstream::{self, TokenStream};
37 #[derive(Debug,Clone)]
38 pub enum Annotatable {
39 Item(P<ast::Item>),
40 TraitItem(P<ast::TraitItem>),
41 ImplItem(P<ast::ImplItem>),
42 ForeignItem(P<ast::ForeignItem>),
43 Stmt(P<ast::Stmt>),
44 Expr(P<ast::Expr>),
45 }
47 impl HasAttrs for Annotatable {
48 fn attrs(&self) -> &[Attribute] {
49 match *self {
50 Annotatable::Item(ref item) => &item.attrs,
51 Annotatable::TraitItem(ref trait_item) => &trait_item.attrs,
52 Annotatable::ImplItem(ref impl_item) => &impl_item.attrs,
53 Annotatable::ForeignItem(ref foreign_item) => &foreign_item.attrs,
54 Annotatable::Stmt(ref stmt) => stmt.attrs(),
55 Annotatable::Expr(ref expr) => &expr.attrs,
56 }
57 }
59 fn map_attrs<F: FnOnce(Vec<Attribute>) -> Vec<Attribute>>(self, f: F) -> Self {
60 match self {
61 Annotatable::Item(item) => Annotatable::Item(item.map_attrs(f)),
62 Annotatable::TraitItem(trait_item) => Annotatable::TraitItem(trait_item.map_attrs(f)),
63 Annotatable::ImplItem(impl_item) => Annotatable::ImplItem(impl_item.map_attrs(f)),
64 Annotatable::ForeignItem(foreign_item) =>
65 Annotatable::ForeignItem(foreign_item.map_attrs(f)),
66 Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) => Annotatable::Stmt(stmt.map_attrs(f)),
67 Annotatable::Expr(expr) => Annotatable::Expr(expr.map_attrs(f)),
68 }
69 }
70 }
72 impl Annotatable {
73 pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
74 match *self {
75 Annotatable::Item(ref item) => item.span,
76 Annotatable::TraitItem(ref trait_item) => trait_item.span,
77 Annotatable::ImplItem(ref impl_item) => impl_item.span,
78 Annotatable::ForeignItem(ref foreign_item) => foreign_item.span,
79 Annotatable::Stmt(ref stmt) => stmt.span,
80 Annotatable::Expr(ref expr) => expr.span,
81 }
82 }
84 pub fn expect_item(self) -> P<ast::Item> {
85 match self {
86 Annotatable::Item(i) => i,
87 _ => panic!("expected Item")
88 }
89 }
91 pub fn map_item_or<F, G>(self, mut f: F, mut or: G) -> Annotatable
92 where F: FnMut(P<ast::Item>) -> P<ast::Item>,
93 G: FnMut(Annotatable) -> Annotatable
94 {
95 match self {
96 Annotatable::Item(i) => Annotatable::Item(f(i)),
97 _ => or(self)
98 }
99 }
101 pub fn expect_trait_item(self) -> ast::TraitItem {
102 match self {
103 Annotatable::TraitItem(i) => i.into_inner(),
104 _ => panic!("expected Item")
105 }
106 }
108 pub fn expect_impl_item(self) -> ast::ImplItem {
109 match self {
110 Annotatable::ImplItem(i) => i.into_inner(),
111 _ => panic!("expected Item")
112 }
113 }
115 pub fn expect_foreign_item(self) -> ast::ForeignItem {
116 match self {
117 Annotatable::ForeignItem(i) => i.into_inner(),
118 _ => panic!("expected foreign item")
119 }
120 }
122 pub fn expect_stmt(self) -> ast::Stmt {
123 match self {
124 Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) => stmt.into_inner(),
125 _ => panic!("expected statement"),
126 }
127 }
129 pub fn expect_expr(self) -> P<ast::Expr> {
130 match self {
131 Annotatable::Expr(expr) => expr,
132 _ => panic!("expected expression"),
133 }
134 }
136 pub fn derive_allowed(&self) -> bool {
137 match *self {
138 Annotatable::Item(ref item) => match item.node {
139 ast::ItemKind::Struct(..) |
140 ast::ItemKind::Enum(..) |
141 ast::ItemKind::Union(..) => true,
142 _ => false,
143 },
144 _ => false,
145 }
146 }
147 }
149 // A more flexible ItemDecorator.
150 pub trait MultiItemDecorator {
151 fn expand(&self,
152 ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
153 sp: Span,
154 meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
155 item: &Annotatable,
156 push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable));
157 }
159 impl<F> MultiItemDecorator for F
160 where F : Fn(&mut ExtCtxt, Span, &ast::MetaItem, &Annotatable, &mut FnMut(Annotatable))
161 {
162 fn expand(&self,
163 ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
164 sp: Span,
165 meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
166 item: &Annotatable,
167 push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
168 (*self)(ecx, sp, meta_item, item, push)
169 }
170 }
172 // `meta_item` is the annotation, and `item` is the item being modified.
173 // FIXME Decorators should follow the same pattern too.
174 pub trait MultiItemModifier {
175 fn expand(&self,
176 ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
177 span: Span,
178 meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
179 item: Annotatable)
180 -> Vec<Annotatable>;
181 }
183 impl<F, T> MultiItemModifier for F
184 where F: Fn(&mut ExtCtxt, Span, &ast::MetaItem, Annotatable) -> T,
185 T: Into<Vec<Annotatable>>,
186 {
187 fn expand(&self,
188 ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
189 span: Span,
190 meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
191 item: Annotatable)
192 -> Vec<Annotatable> {
193 (*self)(ecx, span, meta_item, item).into()
194 }
195 }
197 impl Into<Vec<Annotatable>> for Annotatable {
198 fn into(self) -> Vec<Annotatable> {
199 vec![self]
200 }
201 }
203 pub trait ProcMacro {
204 fn expand<'cx>(&self,
205 ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
206 span: Span,
207 ts: TokenStream)
208 -> TokenStream;
209 }
211 impl<F> ProcMacro for F
212 where F: Fn(TokenStream) -> TokenStream
213 {
214 fn expand<'cx>(&self,
215 _ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
216 _span: Span,
217 ts: TokenStream)
218 -> TokenStream {
219 // FIXME setup implicit context in TLS before calling self.
220 (*self)(ts)
221 }
222 }
224 pub trait AttrProcMacro {
225 fn expand<'cx>(&self,
226 ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
227 span: Span,
228 annotation: TokenStream,
229 annotated: TokenStream)
230 -> TokenStream;
231 }
233 impl<F> AttrProcMacro for F
234 where F: Fn(TokenStream, TokenStream) -> TokenStream
235 {
236 fn expand<'cx>(&self,
237 _ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
238 _span: Span,
239 annotation: TokenStream,
240 annotated: TokenStream)
241 -> TokenStream {
242 // FIXME setup implicit context in TLS before calling self.
243 (*self)(annotation, annotated)
244 }
245 }
247 /// Represents a thing that maps token trees to Macro Results
248 pub trait TTMacroExpander {
249 fn expand<'cx>(&self, ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt, span: Span, input: TokenStream)
250 -> Box<MacResult+'cx>;
251 }
253 pub type MacroExpanderFn =
254 for<'cx> fn(&'cx mut ExtCtxt, Span, &[tokenstream::TokenTree])
255 -> Box<MacResult+'cx>;
257 impl<F> TTMacroExpander for F
258 where F: for<'cx> Fn(&'cx mut ExtCtxt, Span, &[tokenstream::TokenTree]) -> Box<MacResult+'cx>
259 {
260 fn expand<'cx>(&self, ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt, span: Span, input: TokenStream)
261 -> Box<MacResult+'cx> {
262 struct AvoidInterpolatedIdents;
264 impl Folder for AvoidInterpolatedIdents {
265 fn fold_tt(&mut self, tt: tokenstream::TokenTree) -> tokenstream::TokenTree {
266 if let tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(_, token::Interpolated(ref nt)) = tt {
267 if let token::NtIdent(ident, is_raw) = nt.0 {
268 return tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(ident.span,
269 token::Ident(ident, is_raw));
270 }
271 }
272 fold::noop_fold_tt(tt, self)
273 }
275 fn fold_mac(&mut self, mac: ast::Mac) -> ast::Mac {
276 fold::noop_fold_mac(mac, self)
277 }
278 }
280 let input: Vec<_> =
281 input.trees().map(|tt| AvoidInterpolatedIdents.fold_tt(tt)).collect();
282 (*self)(ecx, span, &input)
283 }
284 }
286 pub trait IdentMacroExpander {
287 fn expand<'cx>(&self,
288 cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
289 sp: Span,
290 ident: ast::Ident,
291 token_tree: Vec<tokenstream::TokenTree>)
292 -> Box<MacResult+'cx>;
293 }
295 pub type IdentMacroExpanderFn =
296 for<'cx> fn(&'cx mut ExtCtxt, Span, ast::Ident, Vec<tokenstream::TokenTree>)
297 -> Box<MacResult+'cx>;
299 impl<F> IdentMacroExpander for F
300 where F : for<'cx> Fn(&'cx mut ExtCtxt, Span, ast::Ident,
301 Vec<tokenstream::TokenTree>) -> Box<MacResult+'cx>
302 {
303 fn expand<'cx>(&self,
304 cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt,
305 sp: Span,
306 ident: ast::Ident,
307 token_tree: Vec<tokenstream::TokenTree>)
308 -> Box<MacResult+'cx>
309 {
310 (*self)(cx, sp, ident, token_tree)
311 }
312 }
314 // Use a macro because forwarding to a simple function has type system issues
315 macro_rules! make_stmts_default {
316 ($me:expr) => {
317 $me.make_expr().map(|e| SmallVector::one(ast::Stmt {
318 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
319 span: e.span,
320 node: ast::StmtKind::Expr(e),
321 }))
322 }
323 }
325 /// The result of a macro expansion. The return values of the various
326 /// methods are spliced into the AST at the callsite of the macro.
327 pub trait MacResult {
328 /// Create an expression.
329 fn make_expr(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
330 None
331 }
332 /// Create zero or more items.
333 fn make_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<P<ast::Item>>> {
334 None
335 }
337 /// Create zero or more impl items.
338 fn make_impl_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::ImplItem>> {
339 None
340 }
342 /// Create zero or more trait items.
343 fn make_trait_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::TraitItem>> {
344 None
345 }
347 /// Create zero or more items in an `extern {}` block
348 fn make_foreign_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::ForeignItem>> { None }
350 /// Create a pattern.
351 fn make_pat(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Pat>> {
352 None
353 }
355 /// Create zero or more statements.
356 ///
357 /// By default this attempts to create an expression statement,
358 /// returning None if that fails.
359 fn make_stmts(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::Stmt>> {
360 make_stmts_default!(self)
361 }
363 fn make_ty(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Ty>> {
364 None
365 }
366 }
368 macro_rules! make_MacEager {
369 ( $( $fld:ident: $t:ty, )* ) => {
370 /// `MacResult` implementation for the common case where you've already
371 /// built each form of AST that you might return.
372 #[derive(Default)]
373 pub struct MacEager {
374 $(
375 pub $fld: Option<$t>,
376 )*
377 }
379 impl MacEager {
380 $(
381 pub fn $fld(v: $t) -> Box<MacResult> {
382 Box::new(MacEager {
383 $fld: Some(v),
384 ..Default::default()
385 })
386 }
387 )*
388 }
389 }
390 }
392 make_MacEager! {
393 expr: P<ast::Expr>,
394 pat: P<ast::Pat>,
395 items: SmallVector<P<ast::Item>>,
396 impl_items: SmallVector<ast::ImplItem>,
397 trait_items: SmallVector<ast::TraitItem>,
398 foreign_items: SmallVector<ast::ForeignItem>,
399 stmts: SmallVector<ast::Stmt>,
400 ty: P<ast::Ty>,
401 }
403 impl MacResult for MacEager {
404 fn make_expr(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
405 self.expr
406 }
408 fn make_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<P<ast::Item>>> {
409 self.items
410 }
412 fn make_impl_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::ImplItem>> {
413 self.impl_items
414 }
416 fn make_trait_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::TraitItem>> {
417 self.trait_items
418 }
420 fn make_foreign_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::ForeignItem>> {
421 self.foreign_items
422 }
424 fn make_stmts(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::Stmt>> {
425 match self.stmts.as_ref().map_or(0, |s| s.len()) {
426 0 => make_stmts_default!(self),
427 _ => self.stmts,
428 }
429 }
431 fn make_pat(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Pat>> {
432 if let Some(p) = self.pat {
433 return Some(p);
434 }
435 if let Some(e) = self.expr {
436 if let ast::ExprKind::Lit(_) = e.node {
437 return Some(P(ast::Pat {
438 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
439 span: e.span,
440 node: PatKind::Lit(e),
441 }));
442 }
443 }
444 None
445 }
447 fn make_ty(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Ty>> {
448 self.ty
449 }
450 }
452 /// Fill-in macro expansion result, to allow compilation to continue
453 /// after hitting errors.
454 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
455 pub struct DummyResult {
456 expr_only: bool,
457 span: Span
458 }
460 impl DummyResult {
461 /// Create a default MacResult that can be anything.
462 ///
463 /// Use this as a return value after hitting any errors and
464 /// calling `span_err`.
465 pub fn any(sp: Span) -> Box<MacResult+'static> {
466 Box::new(DummyResult { expr_only: false, span: sp })
467 }
469 /// Create a default MacResult that can only be an expression.
470 ///
471 /// Use this for macros that must expand to an expression, so even
472 /// if an error is encountered internally, the user will receive
473 /// an error that they also used it in the wrong place.
474 pub fn expr(sp: Span) -> Box<MacResult+'static> {
475 Box::new(DummyResult { expr_only: true, span: sp })
476 }
478 /// A plain dummy expression.
479 pub fn raw_expr(sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr> {
480 P(ast::Expr {
481 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
482 node: ast::ExprKind::Lit(P(codemap::respan(sp, ast::LitKind::Bool(false)))),
483 span: sp,
484 attrs: ast::ThinVec::new(),
485 })
486 }
488 /// A plain dummy pattern.
489 pub fn raw_pat(sp: Span) -> ast::Pat {
490 ast::Pat {
491 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
492 node: PatKind::Wild,
493 span: sp,
494 }
495 }
497 pub fn raw_ty(sp: Span) -> P<ast::Ty> {
498 P(ast::Ty {
499 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
500 node: ast::TyKind::Infer,
501 span: sp
502 })
503 }
504 }
506 impl MacResult for DummyResult {
507 fn make_expr(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
508 Some(DummyResult::raw_expr(self.span))
509 }
511 fn make_pat(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<P<ast::Pat>> {
512 Some(P(DummyResult::raw_pat(self.span)))
513 }
515 fn make_items(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVector<P<ast::Item>>> {
516 // this code needs a comment... why not always just return the Some() ?
517 if self.expr_only {
518 None
519 } else {
520 Some(SmallVector::new())
521 }
522 }
524 fn make_impl_items(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::ImplItem>> {
525 if self.expr_only {
526 None
527 } else {
528 Some(SmallVector::new())
529 }
530 }
532 fn make_trait_items(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::TraitItem>> {
533 if self.expr_only {
534 None
535 } else {
536 Some(SmallVector::new())
537 }
538 }
540 fn make_foreign_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::ForeignItem>> {
541 if self.expr_only {
542 None
543 } else {
544 Some(SmallVector::new())
545 }
546 }
548 fn make_stmts(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVector<ast::Stmt>> {
549 Some(SmallVector::one(ast::Stmt {
550 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
551 node: ast::StmtKind::Expr(DummyResult::raw_expr(self.span)),
552 span: self.span,
553 }))
554 }
556 fn make_ty(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<P<ast::Ty>> {
557 Some(DummyResult::raw_ty(self.span))
558 }
559 }
561 pub type BuiltinDeriveFn =
562 for<'cx> fn(&'cx mut ExtCtxt, Span, &MetaItem, &Annotatable, &mut FnMut(Annotatable));
564 /// Represents different kinds of macro invocations that can be resolved.
565 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug)]
566 pub enum MacroKind {
567 /// A bang macro - foo!()
568 Bang,
569 /// An attribute macro - #[foo]
570 Attr,
571 /// A derive attribute macro - #[derive(Foo)]
572 Derive,
573 }
575 impl MacroKind {
576 pub fn descr(self) -> &'static str {
577 match self {
578 MacroKind::Bang => "macro",
579 MacroKind::Attr => "attribute macro",
580 MacroKind::Derive => "derive macro",
581 }
582 }
583 }
585 /// An enum representing the different kinds of syntax extensions.
586 pub enum SyntaxExtension {
587 /// A syntax extension that is attached to an item and creates new items
588 /// based upon it.
589 ///
590 /// `#[derive(...)]` is a `MultiItemDecorator`.
591 ///
592 /// Prefer ProcMacro or MultiModifier since they are more flexible.
593 MultiDecorator(Box<MultiItemDecorator + sync::Sync + sync::Send>),
595 /// A syntax extension that is attached to an item and modifies it
596 /// in-place. Also allows decoration, i.e., creating new items.
597 MultiModifier(Box<MultiItemModifier + sync::Sync + sync::Send>),
599 /// A function-like procedural macro. TokenStream -> TokenStream.
600 ProcMacro(Box<ProcMacro + sync::Sync + sync::Send>, Edition),
602 /// An attribute-like procedural macro. TokenStream, TokenStream -> TokenStream.
603 /// The first TokenSteam is the attribute, the second is the annotated item.
604 /// Allows modification of the input items and adding new items, similar to
605 /// MultiModifier, but uses TokenStreams, rather than AST nodes.
606 AttrProcMacro(Box<AttrProcMacro + sync::Sync + sync::Send>, Edition),
608 /// A normal, function-like syntax extension.
609 ///
610 /// `bytes!` is a `NormalTT`.
611 NormalTT {
612 expander: Box<TTMacroExpander + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
613 def_info: Option<(ast::NodeId, Span)>,
614 /// Whether the contents of the macro can
615 /// directly use `#[unstable]` things (true == yes).
616 allow_internal_unstable: bool,
617 /// Whether the contents of the macro can use `unsafe`
618 /// without triggering the `unsafe_code` lint.
619 allow_internal_unsafe: bool,
620 /// The macro's feature name if it is unstable, and the stability feature
621 unstable_feature: Option<(Symbol, u32)>,
622 /// Edition of the crate in which the macro is defined
623 edition: Edition,
624 },
626 /// A function-like syntax extension that has an extra ident before
627 /// the block.
628 ///
629 IdentTT(Box<IdentMacroExpander + sync::Sync + sync::Send>, Option<Span>, bool),
631 /// An attribute-like procedural macro. TokenStream -> TokenStream.
632 /// The input is the annotated item.
633 /// Allows generating code to implement a Trait for a given struct
634 /// or enum item.
635 ProcMacroDerive(Box<MultiItemModifier + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
636 Vec<Symbol> /* inert attribute names */, Edition),
638 /// An attribute-like procedural macro that derives a builtin trait.
639 BuiltinDerive(BuiltinDeriveFn),
641 /// A declarative macro, e.g. `macro m() {}`.
642 ///
643 /// The second element is the definition site span.
644 DeclMacro(Box<TTMacroExpander + sync::Sync + sync::Send>, Option<(ast::NodeId, Span)>, Edition),
645 }
647 impl SyntaxExtension {
648 /// Return which kind of macro calls this syntax extension.
649 pub fn kind(&self) -> MacroKind {
650 match *self {
651 SyntaxExtension::DeclMacro(..) |
652 SyntaxExtension::NormalTT { .. } |
653 SyntaxExtension::IdentTT(..) |
654 SyntaxExtension::ProcMacro(..) =>
655 MacroKind::Bang,
656 SyntaxExtension::MultiDecorator(..) |
657 SyntaxExtension::MultiModifier(..) |
658 SyntaxExtension::AttrProcMacro(..) =>
659 MacroKind::Attr,
660 SyntaxExtension::ProcMacroDerive(..) |
661 SyntaxExtension::BuiltinDerive(..) =>
662 MacroKind::Derive,
663 }
664 }
666 pub fn is_modern(&self) -> bool {
667 match *self {
668 SyntaxExtension::DeclMacro(..) |
669 SyntaxExtension::ProcMacro(..) |
670 SyntaxExtension::AttrProcMacro(..) |
671 SyntaxExtension::ProcMacroDerive(..) => true,
672 _ => false,
673 }
674 }
676 pub fn edition(&self) -> Edition {
677 match *self {
678 SyntaxExtension::NormalTT { edition, .. } |
679 SyntaxExtension::DeclMacro(.., edition) |
680 SyntaxExtension::ProcMacro(.., edition) |
681 SyntaxExtension::AttrProcMacro(.., edition) |
682 SyntaxExtension::ProcMacroDerive(.., edition) => edition,
683 // Unstable legacy stuff
684 SyntaxExtension::IdentTT(..) |
685 SyntaxExtension::MultiDecorator(..) |
686 SyntaxExtension::MultiModifier(..) |
687 SyntaxExtension::BuiltinDerive(..) => hygiene::default_edition(),
688 }
689 }
690 }
692 pub type NamedSyntaxExtension = (Name, SyntaxExtension);
694 pub trait Resolver {
695 fn next_node_id(&mut self) -> ast::NodeId;
696 fn get_module_scope(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId) -> Mark;
697 fn eliminate_crate_var(&mut self, item: P<ast::Item>) -> P<ast::Item>;
698 fn is_whitelisted_legacy_custom_derive(&self, name: Name) -> bool;
700 fn visit_expansion(&mut self, mark: Mark, expansion: &Expansion, derives: &[Mark]);
701 fn add_builtin(&mut self, ident: ast::Ident, ext: Lrc<SyntaxExtension>);
703 fn resolve_imports(&mut self);
704 // Resolves attribute and derive legacy macros from `#![plugin(..)]`.
705 fn find_legacy_attr_invoc(&mut self, attrs: &mut Vec<Attribute>, allow_derive: bool)
706 -> Option<Attribute>;
708 fn resolve_invoc(&mut self, invoc: &mut Invocation, scope: Mark, force: bool)
709 -> Result<Option<Lrc<SyntaxExtension>>, Determinacy>;
710 fn resolve_macro(&mut self, scope: Mark, path: &ast::Path, kind: MacroKind, force: bool)
711 -> Result<Lrc<SyntaxExtension>, Determinacy>;
712 fn check_unused_macros(&self);
713 }
715 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
716 pub enum Determinacy {
717 Determined,
718 Undetermined,
719 }
721 pub struct DummyResolver;
723 impl Resolver for DummyResolver {
724 fn next_node_id(&mut self) -> ast::NodeId { ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID }
725 fn get_module_scope(&mut self, _id: ast::NodeId) -> Mark { Mark::root() }
726 fn eliminate_crate_var(&mut self, item: P<ast::Item>) -> P<ast::Item> { item }
727 fn is_whitelisted_legacy_custom_derive(&self, _name: Name) -> bool { false }
729 fn visit_expansion(&mut self, _invoc: Mark, _expansion: &Expansion, _derives: &[Mark]) {}
730 fn add_builtin(&mut self, _ident: ast::Ident, _ext: Lrc<SyntaxExtension>) {}
732 fn resolve_imports(&mut self) {}
733 fn find_legacy_attr_invoc(&mut self, _attrs: &mut Vec<Attribute>, _allow_derive: bool)
734 -> Option<Attribute> { None }
735 fn resolve_invoc(&mut self, _invoc: &mut Invocation, _scope: Mark, _force: bool)
736 -> Result<Option<Lrc<SyntaxExtension>>, Determinacy> {
737 Err(Determinacy::Determined)
738 }
739 fn resolve_macro(&mut self, _scope: Mark, _path: &ast::Path, _kind: MacroKind,
740 _force: bool) -> Result<Lrc<SyntaxExtension>, Determinacy> {
741 Err(Determinacy::Determined)
742 }
743 fn check_unused_macros(&self) {}
744 }
746 #[derive(Clone)]
747 pub struct ModuleData {
748 pub mod_path: Vec<ast::Ident>,
749 pub directory: PathBuf,
750 }
752 #[derive(Clone)]
753 pub struct ExpansionData {
754 pub mark: Mark,
755 pub depth: usize,
756 pub module: Rc<ModuleData>,
757 pub directory_ownership: DirectoryOwnership,
758 pub crate_span: Option<Span>,
759 }
761 /// One of these is made during expansion and incrementally updated as we go;
762 /// when a macro expansion occurs, the resulting nodes have the `backtrace()
763 /// -> expn_info` of their expansion context stored into their span.
764 pub struct ExtCtxt<'a> {
765 pub parse_sess: &'a parse::ParseSess,
766 pub ecfg: expand::ExpansionConfig<'a>,
767 pub root_path: PathBuf,
768 pub resolver: &'a mut Resolver,
769 pub resolve_err_count: usize,
770 pub current_expansion: ExpansionData,
771 pub expansions: HashMap<Span, Vec<String>>,
772 }
774 impl<'a> ExtCtxt<'a> {
775 pub fn new(parse_sess: &'a parse::ParseSess,
776 ecfg: expand::ExpansionConfig<'a>,
777 resolver: &'a mut Resolver)
778 -> ExtCtxt<'a> {
779 ExtCtxt {
780 parse_sess,
781 ecfg,
782 root_path: PathBuf::new(),
783 resolver,
784 resolve_err_count: 0,
785 current_expansion: ExpansionData {
786 mark: Mark::root(),
787 depth: 0,
788 module: Rc::new(ModuleData { mod_path: Vec::new(), directory: PathBuf::new() }),
789 directory_ownership: DirectoryOwnership::Owned { relative: None },
790 crate_span: None,
791 },
792 expansions: HashMap::new(),
793 }
794 }
796 /// Returns a `Folder` for deeply expanding all macros in an AST node.
797 pub fn expander<'b>(&'b mut self) -> expand::MacroExpander<'b, 'a> {
798 expand::MacroExpander::new(self, false)
799 }
801 /// Returns a `Folder` that deeply expands all macros and assigns all node ids in an AST node.
802 /// Once node ids are assigned, the node may not be expanded, removed, or otherwise modified.
803 pub fn monotonic_expander<'b>(&'b mut self) -> expand::MacroExpander<'b, 'a> {
804 expand::MacroExpander::new(self, true)
805 }
807 pub fn new_parser_from_tts(&self, tts: &[tokenstream::TokenTree]) -> parser::Parser<'a> {
808 parse::stream_to_parser(self.parse_sess, tts.iter().cloned().collect())
809 }
810 pub fn codemap(&self) -> &'a CodeMap { self.parse_sess.codemap() }
811 pub fn parse_sess(&self) -> &'a parse::ParseSess { self.parse_sess }
812 pub fn cfg(&self) -> &ast::CrateConfig { &self.parse_sess.config }
813 pub fn call_site(&self) -> Span {
814 match self.current_expansion.mark.expn_info() {
815 Some(expn_info) => expn_info.call_site,
816 None => DUMMY_SP,
817 }
818 }
819 pub fn backtrace(&self) -> SyntaxContext {
820 SyntaxContext::empty().apply_mark(self.current_expansion.mark)
821 }
823 /// Returns span for the macro which originally caused the current expansion to happen.
824 ///
825 /// Stops backtracing at include! boundary.
826 pub fn expansion_cause(&self) -> Option<Span> {
827 let mut ctxt = self.backtrace();
828 let mut last_macro = None;
829 loop {
830 if ctxt.outer().expn_info().map_or(None, |info| {
831 if info.callee.name() == "include" {
832 // Stop going up the backtrace once include! is encountered
833 return None;
834 }
835 ctxt = info.call_site.ctxt();
836 last_macro = Some(info.call_site);
837 Some(())
838 }).is_none() {
839 break
840 }
841 }
842 last_macro
843 }
845 pub fn struct_span_warn<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self,
846 sp: S,
847 msg: &str)
848 -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
849 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_warn(sp, msg)
850 }
851 pub fn struct_span_err<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self,
852 sp: S,
853 msg: &str)
854 -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
855 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err(sp, msg)
856 }
857 pub fn struct_span_fatal<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self,
858 sp: S,
859 msg: &str)
860 -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
861 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_fatal(sp, msg)
862 }
864 /// Emit `msg` attached to `sp`, and stop compilation immediately.
865 ///
866 /// `span_err` should be strongly preferred where-ever possible:
867 /// this should *only* be used when:
868 ///
869 /// - continuing has a high risk of flow-on errors (e.g. errors in
870 /// declaring a macro would cause all uses of that macro to
871 /// complain about "undefined macro"), or
872 /// - there is literally nothing else that can be done (however,
873 /// in most cases one can construct a dummy expression/item to
874 /// substitute; we never hit resolve/type-checking so the dummy
875 /// value doesn't have to match anything)
876 pub fn span_fatal<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) -> ! {
877 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_fatal(sp, msg).raise();
878 }
880 /// Emit `msg` attached to `sp`, without immediately stopping
881 /// compilation.
882 ///
883 /// Compilation will be stopped in the near future (at the end of
884 /// the macro expansion phase).
885 pub fn span_err<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
886 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_err(sp, msg);
887 }
888 pub fn span_err_with_code<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str, code: DiagnosticId) {
889 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_err_with_code(sp, msg, code);
890 }
891 pub fn mut_span_err<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str)
892 -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
893 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.mut_span_err(sp, msg)
894 }
895 pub fn span_warn<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
896 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_warn(sp, msg);
897 }
898 pub fn span_unimpl<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) -> ! {
899 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_unimpl(sp, msg);
900 }
901 pub fn span_bug<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) -> ! {
902 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_bug(sp, msg);
903 }
904 pub fn trace_macros_diag(&mut self) {
905 for (sp, notes) in self.expansions.iter() {
906 let mut db = self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_note_diag(*sp, "trace_macro");
907 for note in notes {
908 db.note(note);
909 }
910 db.emit();
911 }
912 // Fixme: does this result in errors?
913 self.expansions.clear();
914 }
915 pub fn bug(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
916 self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.bug(msg);
917 }
918 pub fn trace_macros(&self) -> bool {
919 self.ecfg.trace_mac
920 }
921 pub fn set_trace_macros(&mut self, x: bool) {
922 self.ecfg.trace_mac = x
923 }
924 pub fn ident_of(&self, st: &str) -> ast::Ident {
925 ast::Ident::from_str(st)
926 }
927 pub fn std_path(&self, components: &[&str]) -> Vec<ast::Ident> {
928 let def_site = DUMMY_SP.apply_mark(self.current_expansion.mark);
929 iter::once(Ident::new(keywords::DollarCrate.name(), def_site))
930 .chain(components.iter().map(|s| self.ident_of(s)))
931 .collect()
932 }
933 pub fn name_of(&self, st: &str) -> ast::Name {
934 Symbol::intern(st)
935 }
937 pub fn check_unused_macros(&self) {
938 self.resolver.check_unused_macros();
939 }
940 }
942 /// Extract a string literal from the macro expanded version of `expr`,
943 /// emitting `err_msg` if `expr` is not a string literal. This does not stop
944 /// compilation on error, merely emits a non-fatal error and returns None.
945 pub fn expr_to_spanned_string(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, expr: P<ast::Expr>, err_msg: &str)
946 -> Option<Spanned<(Symbol, ast::StrStyle)>> {
947 // Update `expr.span`'s ctxt now in case expr is an `include!` macro invocation.
948 let expr = expr.map(|mut expr| {
949 expr.span = expr.span.apply_mark(cx.current_expansion.mark);
950 expr
951 });
953 // we want to be able to handle e.g. concat("foo", "bar")
954 let expr = cx.expander().fold_expr(expr);
955 match expr.node {
956 ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref l) => match l.node {
957 ast::LitKind::Str(s, style) => return Some(respan(expr.span, (s, style))),
958 _ => cx.span_err(l.span, err_msg)
959 },
960 _ => cx.span_err(expr.span, err_msg)
961 }
962 None
963 }
965 pub fn expr_to_string(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, expr: P<ast::Expr>, err_msg: &str)
966 -> Option<(Symbol, ast::StrStyle)> {
967 expr_to_spanned_string(cx, expr, err_msg).map(|s| s.node)
968 }
970 /// Non-fatally assert that `tts` is empty. Note that this function
971 /// returns even when `tts` is non-empty, macros that *need* to stop
972 /// compilation should call
973 /// `cx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.abort_if_errors()` (this should be
974 /// done as rarely as possible).
975 pub fn check_zero_tts(cx: &ExtCtxt,
976 sp: Span,
977 tts: &[tokenstream::TokenTree],
978 name: &str) {
979 if !tts.is_empty() {
980 cx.span_err(sp, &format!("{} takes no arguments", name));
981 }
982 }
984 /// Interpreting `tts` as a comma-separated sequence of expressions,
985 /// expect exactly one string literal, or emit an error and return None.
986 pub fn get_single_str_from_tts(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
987 sp: Span,
988 tts: &[tokenstream::TokenTree],
989 name: &str)
990 -> Option<String> {
991 let mut p = cx.new_parser_from_tts(tts);
992 if p.token == token::Eof {
993 cx.span_err(sp, &format!("{} takes 1 argument", name));
994 return None
995 }
996 let ret = panictry!(p.parse_expr());
997 let _ = p.eat(&token::Comma);
999 if p.token != token::Eof {
1000 cx.span_err(sp, &format!("{} takes 1 argument", name));
1001 }
1002 expr_to_string(cx, ret, "argument must be a string literal").map(|(s, _)| {
1003 s.to_string()
1004 })
1005 }
1007 /// Extract comma-separated expressions from `tts`. If there is a
1008 /// parsing error, emit a non-fatal error and return None.
1009 pub fn get_exprs_from_tts(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
1010 sp: Span,
1011 tts: &[tokenstream::TokenTree]) -> Option<Vec<P<ast::Expr>>> {
1012 let mut p = cx.new_parser_from_tts(tts);
1013 let mut es = Vec::new();
1014 while p.token != token::Eof {
1015 es.push(cx.expander().fold_expr(panictry!(p.parse_expr())));
1016 if p.eat(&token::Comma) {
1017 continue;
1018 }
1019 if p.token != token::Eof {
1020 cx.span_err(sp, "expected token: `,`");
1021 return None;
1022 }
1023 }
1024 Some(es)
1025 }