]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax/ext/format.rs
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax / ext / format.rs
1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use self::ArgumentType::*;
12 use self::Position::*;
14 use ast;
15 use codemap::{Span, respan};
16 use ext::base::*;
17 use ext::base;
18 use ext::build::AstBuilder;
19 use fmt_macros as parse;
20 use fold::Folder;
21 use parse::token::special_idents;
22 use parse::token;
23 use ptr::P;
25 use std::collections::HashMap;
26 use std::iter::repeat;
28 #[derive(PartialEq)]
29 enum ArgumentType {
30 Known(String),
31 Unsigned
32 }
34 enum Position {
35 Exact(usize),
36 Named(String),
37 }
39 struct Context<'a, 'b:'a> {
40 ecx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'b>,
41 /// The macro's call site. References to unstable formatting internals must
42 /// use this span to pass the stability checker.
43 macsp: Span,
44 /// The span of the format string literal.
45 fmtsp: Span,
47 /// Parsed argument expressions and the types that we've found so far for
48 /// them.
49 args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>,
50 arg_types: Vec<Option<ArgumentType>>,
51 /// Parsed named expressions and the types that we've found for them so far.
52 /// Note that we keep a side-array of the ordering of the named arguments
53 /// found to be sure that we can translate them in the same order that they
54 /// were declared in.
55 names: HashMap<String, P<ast::Expr>>,
56 name_types: HashMap<String, ArgumentType>,
57 name_ordering: Vec<String>,
59 /// The latest consecutive literal strings, or empty if there weren't any.
60 literal: String,
62 /// Collection of the compiled `rt::Argument` structures
63 pieces: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>,
64 /// Collection of string literals
65 str_pieces: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>,
66 /// Stays `true` if all formatting parameters are default (as in "{}{}").
67 all_pieces_simple: bool,
69 name_positions: HashMap<String, usize>,
71 /// Updated as arguments are consumed or methods are entered
72 nest_level: usize,
73 next_arg: usize,
74 }
76 /// Parses the arguments from the given list of tokens, returning None
77 /// if there's a parse error so we can continue parsing other format!
78 /// expressions.
79 ///
80 /// If parsing succeeds, the return value is:
81 ///
82 /// Some((fmtstr, unnamed arguments, ordering of named arguments,
83 /// named arguments))
84 fn parse_args(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, tts: &[ast::TokenTree])
85 -> Option<(P<ast::Expr>, Vec<P<ast::Expr>>, Vec<String>,
86 HashMap<String, P<ast::Expr>>)> {
87 let mut args = Vec::new();
88 let mut names = HashMap::<String, P<ast::Expr>>::new();
89 let mut order = Vec::new();
91 let mut p = ecx.new_parser_from_tts(tts);
93 if p.token == token::Eof {
94 ecx.span_err(sp, "requires at least a format string argument");
95 return None;
96 }
97 let fmtstr = p.parse_expr();
98 let mut named = false;
99 while p.token != token::Eof {
100 if !panictry!(p.eat(&token::Comma)) {
101 ecx.span_err(sp, "expected token: `,`");
102 return None;
103 }
104 if p.token == token::Eof { break } // accept trailing commas
105 if named || (p.token.is_ident() && p.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::Eq)) {
106 named = true;
107 let ident = match p.token {
108 token::Ident(i, _) => {
109 panictry!(p.bump());
110 i
111 }
112 _ if named => {
113 ecx.span_err(p.span,
114 "expected ident, positional arguments \
115 cannot follow named arguments");
116 return None;
117 }
118 _ => {
119 ecx.span_err(p.span,
120 &format!("expected ident for named argument, found `{}`",
121 p.this_token_to_string()));
122 return None;
123 }
124 };
125 let interned_name = token::get_ident(ident);
126 let name = &interned_name[..];
128 panictry!(p.expect(&token::Eq));
129 let e = p.parse_expr();
130 match names.get(name) {
131 None => {}
132 Some(prev) => {
133 ecx.span_err(e.span,
134 &format!("duplicate argument named `{}`",
135 name));
136 ecx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_note(prev.span, "previously here");
137 continue
138 }
139 }
140 order.push(name.to_string());
141 names.insert(name.to_string(), e);
142 } else {
143 args.push(p.parse_expr());
144 }
145 }
146 Some((fmtstr, args, order, names))
147 }
149 impl<'a, 'b> Context<'a, 'b> {
150 /// Verifies one piece of a parse string. All errors are not emitted as
151 /// fatal so we can continue giving errors about this and possibly other
152 /// format strings.
153 fn verify_piece(&mut self, p: &parse::Piece) {
154 match *p {
155 parse::String(..) => {}
156 parse::NextArgument(ref arg) => {
157 // width/precision first, if they have implicit positional
158 // parameters it makes more sense to consume them first.
159 self.verify_count(arg.format.width);
160 self.verify_count(arg.format.precision);
162 // argument second, if it's an implicit positional parameter
163 // it's written second, so it should come after width/precision.
164 let pos = match arg.position {
165 parse::ArgumentNext => {
166 let i = self.next_arg;
167 if self.check_positional_ok() {
168 self.next_arg += 1;
169 }
170 Exact(i)
171 }
172 parse::ArgumentIs(i) => Exact(i),
173 parse::ArgumentNamed(s) => Named(s.to_string()),
174 };
176 let ty = Known(arg.format.ty.to_string());
177 self.verify_arg_type(pos, ty);
178 }
179 }
180 }
182 fn verify_count(&mut self, c: parse::Count) {
183 match c {
184 parse::CountImplied | parse::CountIs(..) => {}
185 parse::CountIsParam(i) => {
186 self.verify_arg_type(Exact(i), Unsigned);
187 }
188 parse::CountIsName(s) => {
189 self.verify_arg_type(Named(s.to_string()), Unsigned);
190 }
191 parse::CountIsNextParam => {
192 if self.check_positional_ok() {
193 let next_arg = self.next_arg;
194 self.verify_arg_type(Exact(next_arg), Unsigned);
195 self.next_arg += 1;
196 }
197 }
198 }
199 }
201 fn check_positional_ok(&mut self) -> bool {
202 if self.nest_level != 0 {
203 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp, "cannot use implicit positional \
204 arguments nested inside methods");
205 false
206 } else {
207 true
208 }
209 }
211 fn describe_num_args(&self) -> String {
212 match self.args.len() {
213 0 => "no arguments given".to_string(),
214 1 => "there is 1 argument".to_string(),
215 x => format!("there are {} arguments", x),
216 }
217 }
219 fn verify_arg_type(&mut self, arg: Position, ty: ArgumentType) {
220 match arg {
221 Exact(arg) => {
222 if self.args.len() <= arg {
223 let msg = format!("invalid reference to argument `{}` ({})",
224 arg, self.describe_num_args());
226 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp, &msg[..]);
227 return;
228 }
229 {
230 let arg_type = match self.arg_types[arg] {
231 None => None,
232 Some(ref x) => Some(x)
233 };
234 self.verify_same(self.args[arg].span, &ty, arg_type);
235 }
236 if self.arg_types[arg].is_none() {
237 self.arg_types[arg] = Some(ty);
238 }
239 }
241 Named(name) => {
242 let span = match self.names.get(&name) {
243 Some(e) => e.span,
244 None => {
245 let msg = format!("there is no argument named `{}`", name);
246 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp, &msg[..]);
247 return;
248 }
249 };
250 self.verify_same(span, &ty, self.name_types.get(&name));
251 if !self.name_types.contains_key(&name) {
252 self.name_types.insert(name.clone(), ty);
253 }
254 // Assign this named argument a slot in the arguments array if
255 // it hasn't already been assigned a slot.
256 if !self.name_positions.contains_key(&name) {
257 let slot = self.name_positions.len();
258 self.name_positions.insert(name, slot);
259 }
260 }
261 }
262 }
264 /// When we're keeping track of the types that are declared for certain
265 /// arguments, we assume that `None` means we haven't seen this argument
266 /// yet, `Some(None)` means that we've seen the argument, but no format was
267 /// specified, and `Some(Some(x))` means that the argument was declared to
268 /// have type `x`.
269 ///
270 /// Obviously `Some(Some(x)) != Some(Some(y))`, but we consider it true
271 /// that: `Some(None) == Some(Some(x))`
272 fn verify_same(&self,
273 sp: Span,
274 ty: &ArgumentType,
275 before: Option<&ArgumentType>) {
276 let cur = match before {
277 None => return,
278 Some(t) => t,
279 };
280 if *ty == *cur {
281 return
282 }
283 match (cur, ty) {
284 (&Known(ref cur), &Known(ref ty)) => {
285 self.ecx.span_err(sp,
286 &format!("argument redeclared with type `{}` when \
287 it was previously `{}`",
288 *ty,
289 *cur));
290 }
291 (&Known(ref cur), _) => {
292 self.ecx.span_err(sp,
293 &format!("argument used to format with `{}` was \
294 attempted to not be used for formatting",
295 *cur));
296 }
297 (_, &Known(ref ty)) => {
298 self.ecx.span_err(sp,
299 &format!("argument previously used as a format \
300 argument attempted to be used as `{}`",
301 *ty));
302 }
303 (_, _) => {
304 self.ecx.span_err(sp, "argument declared with multiple formats");
305 }
306 }
307 }
309 fn rtpath(ecx: &ExtCtxt, s: &str) -> Vec<ast::Ident> {
310 vec![ecx.ident_of_std("core"), ecx.ident_of("fmt"), ecx.ident_of("rt"),
311 ecx.ident_of("v1"), ecx.ident_of(s)]
312 }
314 fn trans_count(&self, c: parse::Count) -> P<ast::Expr> {
315 let sp = self.macsp;
316 let count = |c, arg| {
317 let mut path = Context::rtpath(self.ecx, "Count");
318 path.push(self.ecx.ident_of(c));
319 match arg {
320 Some(arg) => self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, path, vec![arg]),
321 None => self.ecx.expr_path(self.ecx.path_global(sp, path)),
322 }
323 };
324 match c {
325 parse::CountIs(i) => count("Is", Some(self.ecx.expr_usize(sp, i))),
326 parse::CountIsParam(i) => {
327 count("Param", Some(self.ecx.expr_usize(sp, i)))
328 }
329 parse::CountImplied => count("Implied", None),
330 parse::CountIsNextParam => count("NextParam", None),
331 parse::CountIsName(n) => {
332 let i = match self.name_positions.get(n) {
333 Some(&i) => i,
334 None => 0, // error already emitted elsewhere
335 };
336 let i = i + self.args.len();
337 count("Param", Some(self.ecx.expr_usize(sp, i)))
338 }
339 }
340 }
342 /// Translate the accumulated string literals to a literal expression
343 fn trans_literal_string(&mut self) -> P<ast::Expr> {
344 let sp = self.fmtsp;
345 let s = token::intern_and_get_ident(&self.literal);
346 self.literal.clear();
347 self.ecx.expr_str(sp, s)
348 }
350 /// Translate a `parse::Piece` to a static `rt::Argument` or append
351 /// to the `literal` string.
352 fn trans_piece(&mut self, piece: &parse::Piece) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
353 let sp = self.macsp;
354 match *piece {
355 parse::String(s) => {
356 self.literal.push_str(s);
357 None
358 }
359 parse::NextArgument(ref arg) => {
360 // Translate the position
361 let pos = {
362 let pos = |c, arg| {
363 let mut path = Context::rtpath(self.ecx, "Position");
364 path.push(self.ecx.ident_of(c));
365 match arg {
366 Some(i) => {
367 let arg = self.ecx.expr_usize(sp, i);
368 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, path, vec![arg])
369 }
370 None => {
371 self.ecx.expr_path(self.ecx.path_global(sp, path))
372 }
373 }
374 };
375 match arg.position {
376 // These two have a direct mapping
377 parse::ArgumentNext => pos("Next", None),
378 parse::ArgumentIs(i) => pos("At", Some(i)),
380 // Named arguments are converted to positional arguments
381 // at the end of the list of arguments
382 parse::ArgumentNamed(n) => {
383 let i = match self.name_positions.get(n) {
384 Some(&i) => i,
385 None => 0, // error already emitted elsewhere
386 };
387 let i = i + self.args.len();
388 pos("At", Some(i))
389 }
390 }
391 };
393 let simple_arg = parse::Argument {
394 position: parse::ArgumentNext,
395 format: parse::FormatSpec {
396 fill: arg.format.fill,
397 align: parse::AlignUnknown,
398 flags: 0,
399 precision: parse::CountImplied,
400 width: parse::CountImplied,
401 ty: arg.format.ty
402 }
403 };
405 let fill = match arg.format.fill { Some(c) => c, None => ' ' };
407 if *arg != simple_arg || fill != ' ' {
408 self.all_pieces_simple = false;
409 }
411 // Translate the format
412 let fill = self.ecx.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitChar(fill));
413 let align = |name| {
414 let mut p = Context::rtpath(self.ecx, "Alignment");
415 p.push(self.ecx.ident_of(name));
416 self.ecx.path_global(sp, p)
417 };
418 let align = match arg.format.align {
419 parse::AlignLeft => align("Left"),
420 parse::AlignRight => align("Right"),
421 parse::AlignCenter => align("Center"),
422 parse::AlignUnknown => align("Unknown"),
423 };
424 let align = self.ecx.expr_path(align);
425 let flags = self.ecx.expr_u32(sp, arg.format.flags);
426 let prec = self.trans_count(arg.format.precision);
427 let width = self.trans_count(arg.format.width);
428 let path = self.ecx.path_global(sp, Context::rtpath(self.ecx, "FormatSpec"));
429 let fmt = self.ecx.expr_struct(sp, path, vec!(
430 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("fill"), fill),
431 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("align"), align),
432 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("flags"), flags),
433 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("precision"), prec),
434 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("width"), width)));
436 let path = self.ecx.path_global(sp, Context::rtpath(self.ecx, "Argument"));
437 Some(self.ecx.expr_struct(sp, path, vec!(
438 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("position"), pos),
439 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("format"), fmt))))
440 }
441 }
442 }
444 fn static_array(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
445 name: &str,
446 piece_ty: P<ast::Ty>,
447 pieces: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>)
448 -> P<ast::Expr> {
449 let sp = piece_ty.span;
450 let ty = ecx.ty_rptr(sp,
451 ecx.ty(sp, ast::TyVec(piece_ty)),
452 Some(ecx.lifetime(sp, special_idents::static_lifetime.name)),
453 ast::MutImmutable);
454 let slice = ecx.expr_vec_slice(sp, pieces);
455 // static instead of const to speed up codegen by not requiring this to be inlined
456 let st = ast::ItemStatic(ty, ast::MutImmutable, slice);
458 let name = ecx.ident_of(name);
459 let item = ecx.item(sp, name, vec![], st);
460 let decl = respan(sp, ast::DeclItem(item));
462 // Wrap the declaration in a block so that it forms a single expression.
463 ecx.expr_block(ecx.block(sp,
464 vec![P(respan(sp, ast::StmtDecl(P(decl), ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID)))],
465 Some(ecx.expr_ident(sp, name))))
466 }
468 /// Actually builds the expression which the iformat! block will be expanded
469 /// to
470 fn into_expr(mut self) -> P<ast::Expr> {
471 let mut locals = Vec::new();
472 let mut names: Vec<_> = repeat(None).take(self.name_positions.len()).collect();
473 let mut pats = Vec::new();
474 let mut heads = Vec::new();
476 // First, build up the static array which will become our precompiled
477 // format "string"
478 let static_lifetime = self.ecx.lifetime(self.fmtsp, special_idents::static_lifetime.name);
479 let piece_ty = self.ecx.ty_rptr(
480 self.fmtsp,
481 self.ecx.ty_ident(self.fmtsp, self.ecx.ident_of("str")),
482 Some(static_lifetime),
483 ast::MutImmutable);
484 let pieces = Context::static_array(self.ecx,
486 piece_ty,
487 self.str_pieces);
490 // Right now there is a bug such that for the expression:
491 // foo(bar(&1))
492 // the lifetime of `1` doesn't outlast the call to `bar`, so it's not
493 // valid for the call to `foo`. To work around this all arguments to the
494 // format! string are shoved into locals. Furthermore, we shove the address
495 // of each variable because we don't want to move out of the arguments
496 // passed to this function.
497 for (i, e) in self.args.into_iter().enumerate() {
498 let arg_ty = match self.arg_types[i].as_ref() {
499 Some(ty) => ty,
500 None => continue // error already generated
501 };
503 let name = self.ecx.ident_of(&format!("__arg{}", i));
504 pats.push(self.ecx.pat_ident(e.span, name));
505 locals.push(Context::format_arg(self.ecx, self.macsp, e.span, arg_ty,
506 self.ecx.expr_ident(e.span, name)));
507 heads.push(self.ecx.expr_addr_of(e.span, e));
508 }
509 for name in &self.name_ordering {
510 let e = match self.names.remove(name) {
511 Some(e) => e,
512 None => continue
513 };
514 let arg_ty = match self.name_types.get(name) {
515 Some(ty) => ty,
516 None => continue
517 };
519 let lname = self.ecx.ident_of(&format!("__arg{}",
520 *name));
521 pats.push(self.ecx.pat_ident(e.span, lname));
522 names[*self.name_positions.get(name).unwrap()] =
523 Some(Context::format_arg(self.ecx, self.macsp, e.span, arg_ty,
524 self.ecx.expr_ident(e.span, lname)));
525 heads.push(self.ecx.expr_addr_of(e.span, e));
526 }
528 // Now create a vector containing all the arguments
529 let args = locals.into_iter().chain(names.into_iter().map(|a| a.unwrap()));
531 let args_array = self.ecx.expr_vec(self.fmtsp, args.collect());
533 // Constructs an AST equivalent to:
534 //
535 // match (&arg0, &arg1) {
536 // (tmp0, tmp1) => args_array
537 // }
538 //
539 // It was:
540 //
541 // let tmp0 = &arg0;
542 // let tmp1 = &arg1;
543 // args_array
544 //
545 // Because of #11585 the new temporary lifetime rule, the enclosing
546 // statements for these temporaries become the let's themselves.
547 // If one or more of them are RefCell's, RefCell borrow() will also
548 // end there; they don't last long enough for args_array to use them.
549 // The match expression solves the scope problem.
550 //
551 // Note, it may also very well be transformed to:
552 //
553 // match arg0 {
554 // ref tmp0 => {
555 // match arg1 => {
556 // ref tmp1 => args_array } } }
557 //
558 // But the nested match expression is proved to perform not as well
559 // as series of let's; the first approach does.
560 let pat = self.ecx.pat_tuple(self.fmtsp, pats);
561 let arm = self.ecx.arm(self.fmtsp, vec!(pat), args_array);
562 let head = self.ecx.expr(self.fmtsp, ast::ExprTup(heads));
563 let result = self.ecx.expr_match(self.fmtsp, head, vec!(arm));
565 let args_slice = self.ecx.expr_addr_of(self.fmtsp, result);
567 // Now create the fmt::Arguments struct with all our locals we created.
568 let (fn_name, fn_args) = if self.all_pieces_simple {
569 ("new_v1", vec![pieces, args_slice])
570 } else {
571 // Build up the static array which will store our precompiled
572 // nonstandard placeholders, if there are any.
573 let piece_ty = self.ecx.ty_path(self.ecx.path_global(
574 self.macsp,
575 Context::rtpath(self.ecx, "Argument")));
576 let fmt = Context::static_array(self.ecx,
578 piece_ty,
579 self.pieces);
581 ("new_v1_formatted", vec![pieces, args_slice, fmt])
582 };
584 self.ecx.expr_call_global(self.macsp, vec!(
585 self.ecx.ident_of_std("core"),
586 self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
587 self.ecx.ident_of("Arguments"),
588 self.ecx.ident_of(fn_name)), fn_args)
589 }
591 fn format_arg(ecx: &ExtCtxt, macsp: Span, sp: Span,
592 ty: &ArgumentType, arg: P<ast::Expr>)
593 -> P<ast::Expr> {
594 let trait_ = match *ty {
595 Known(ref tyname) => {
596 match &tyname[..] {
597 "" => "Display",
598 "?" => "Debug",
599 "e" => "LowerExp",
600 "E" => "UpperExp",
601 "o" => "Octal",
602 "p" => "Pointer",
603 "b" => "Binary",
604 "x" => "LowerHex",
605 "X" => "UpperHex",
606 _ => {
607 ecx.span_err(sp,
608 &format!("unknown format trait `{}`",
609 *tyname));
610 "Dummy"
611 }
612 }
613 }
614 Unsigned => {
615 return ecx.expr_call_global(macsp, vec![
616 ecx.ident_of_std("core"),
617 ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
618 ecx.ident_of("ArgumentV1"),
619 ecx.ident_of("from_usize")], vec![arg])
620 }
621 };
623 let format_fn = ecx.path_global(sp, vec![
624 ecx.ident_of_std("core"),
625 ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
626 ecx.ident_of(trait_),
627 ecx.ident_of("fmt")]);
628 ecx.expr_call_global(macsp, vec![
629 ecx.ident_of_std("core"),
630 ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
631 ecx.ident_of("ArgumentV1"),
632 ecx.ident_of("new")], vec![arg, ecx.expr_path(format_fn)])
633 }
634 }
636 pub fn expand_format_args<'cx>(ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span,
637 tts: &[ast::TokenTree])
638 -> Box<base::MacResult+'cx> {
640 match parse_args(ecx, sp, tts) {
641 Some((efmt, args, order, names)) => {
642 MacEager::expr(expand_preparsed_format_args(ecx, sp, efmt,
643 args, order, names))
644 }
645 None => DummyResult::expr(sp)
646 }
647 }
649 /// Take the various parts of `format_args!(efmt, args..., name=names...)`
650 /// and construct the appropriate formatting expression.
651 pub fn expand_preparsed_format_args(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span,
652 efmt: P<ast::Expr>,
653 args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>,
654 name_ordering: Vec<String>,
655 names: HashMap<String, P<ast::Expr>>)
656 -> P<ast::Expr> {
657 let arg_types: Vec<_> = (0..args.len()).map(|_| None).collect();
658 let macsp = ecx.call_site();
659 // Expand the format literal so that efmt.span will have a backtrace. This
660 // is essential for locating a bug when the format literal is generated in
661 // a macro. (e.g. println!("{}"), which uses concat!($fmt, "\n")).
662 let efmt = ecx.expander().fold_expr(efmt);
663 let mut cx = Context {
664 ecx: ecx,
665 args: args,
666 arg_types: arg_types,
667 names: names,
668 name_positions: HashMap::new(),
669 name_types: HashMap::new(),
670 name_ordering: name_ordering,
671 nest_level: 0,
672 next_arg: 0,
673 literal: String::new(),
674 pieces: Vec::new(),
675 str_pieces: Vec::new(),
676 all_pieces_simple: true,
677 macsp: macsp,
678 fmtsp: efmt.span,
679 };
680 let fmt = match expr_to_string(cx.ecx,
681 efmt,
682 "format argument must be a string literal.") {
683 Some((fmt, _)) => fmt,
684 None => return DummyResult::raw_expr(sp)
685 };
687 let mut parser = parse::Parser::new(&fmt);
689 loop {
690 match parser.next() {
691 Some(piece) => {
692 if !parser.errors.is_empty() { break }
693 cx.verify_piece(&piece);
694 match cx.trans_piece(&piece) {
695 Some(piece) => {
696 let s = cx.trans_literal_string();
697 cx.str_pieces.push(s);
698 cx.pieces.push(piece);
699 }
700 None => {}
701 }
702 }
703 None => break
704 }
705 }
706 if !parser.errors.is_empty() {
707 cx.ecx.span_err(cx.fmtsp, &format!("invalid format string: {}",
708 parser.errors.remove(0)));
709 return DummyResult::raw_expr(sp);
710 }
711 if !cx.literal.is_empty() {
712 let s = cx.trans_literal_string();
713 cx.str_pieces.push(s);
714 }
716 // Make sure that all arguments were used and all arguments have types.
717 for (i, ty) in cx.arg_types.iter().enumerate() {
718 if ty.is_none() {
719 cx.ecx.span_err(cx.args[i].span, "argument never used");
720 }
721 }
722 for (name, e) in &cx.names {
723 if !cx.name_types.contains_key(name) {
724 cx.ecx.span_err(e.span, "named argument never used");
725 }
726 }
728 cx.into_expr()
729 }