]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax/parse/attr.rs
New upstream version 1.23.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax / parse / attr.rs
1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use attr;
12 use ast;
13 use codemap::respan;
14 use parse::common::SeqSep;
15 use parse::PResult;
16 use parse::token::{self, Nonterminal};
17 use parse::parser::{Parser, TokenType, PathStyle};
18 use tokenstream::TokenStream;
20 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
21 enum InnerAttributeParsePolicy<'a> {
22 Permitted,
23 NotPermitted { reason: &'a str },
24 }
26 const DEFAULT_UNEXPECTED_INNER_ATTR_ERR_MSG: &'static str = "an inner attribute is not \
27 permitted in this context";
29 impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
30 /// Parse attributes that appear before an item
31 pub fn parse_outer_attributes(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Vec<ast::Attribute>> {
32 let mut attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute> = Vec::new();
33 let mut just_parsed_doc_comment = false;
34 loop {
35 debug!("parse_outer_attributes: self.token={:?}", self.token);
36 match self.token {
37 token::Pound => {
38 let inner_error_reason = if just_parsed_doc_comment {
39 "an inner attribute is not permitted following an outer doc comment"
40 } else if !attrs.is_empty() {
41 "an inner attribute is not permitted following an outer attribute"
42 } else {
44 };
45 let inner_parse_policy =
46 InnerAttributeParsePolicy::NotPermitted { reason: inner_error_reason };
47 attrs.push(self.parse_attribute_with_inner_parse_policy(inner_parse_policy)?);
48 just_parsed_doc_comment = false;
49 }
50 token::DocComment(s) => {
51 let attr = attr::mk_sugared_doc_attr(attr::mk_attr_id(), s, self.span);
52 if attr.style != ast::AttrStyle::Outer {
53 let mut err = self.fatal("expected outer doc comment");
54 err.note("inner doc comments like this (starting with \
55 `//!` or `/*!`) can only appear before items");
56 return Err(err);
57 }
58 attrs.push(attr);
59 self.bump();
60 just_parsed_doc_comment = true;
61 }
62 _ => break,
63 }
64 }
65 Ok(attrs)
66 }
68 /// Matches `attribute = # ! [ meta_item ]`
69 ///
70 /// If permit_inner is true, then a leading `!` indicates an inner
71 /// attribute
72 pub fn parse_attribute(&mut self, permit_inner: bool) -> PResult<'a, ast::Attribute> {
73 debug!("parse_attribute: permit_inner={:?} self.token={:?}",
74 permit_inner,
75 self.token);
76 let inner_parse_policy = if permit_inner {
77 InnerAttributeParsePolicy::Permitted
78 } else {
79 InnerAttributeParsePolicy::NotPermitted
81 };
82 self.parse_attribute_with_inner_parse_policy(inner_parse_policy)
83 }
85 /// The same as `parse_attribute`, except it takes in an `InnerAttributeParsePolicy`
86 /// that prescribes how to handle inner attributes.
87 fn parse_attribute_with_inner_parse_policy(&mut self,
88 inner_parse_policy: InnerAttributeParsePolicy)
89 -> PResult<'a, ast::Attribute> {
90 debug!("parse_attribute_with_inner_parse_policy: inner_parse_policy={:?} self.token={:?}",
91 inner_parse_policy,
92 self.token);
93 let (span, path, tokens, mut style) = match self.token {
94 token::Pound => {
95 let lo = self.span;
96 self.bump();
98 if inner_parse_policy == InnerAttributeParsePolicy::Permitted {
99 self.expected_tokens.push(TokenType::Token(token::Not));
100 }
101 let style = if self.token == token::Not {
102 self.bump();
103 if let InnerAttributeParsePolicy::NotPermitted { reason } = inner_parse_policy
104 {
105 let span = self.span;
106 self.diagnostic()
107 .struct_span_err(span, reason)
108 .note("inner attributes, like `#![no_std]`, annotate the item \
109 enclosing them, and are usually found at the beginning of \
110 source files. Outer attributes, like `#[test]`, annotate the \
111 item following them.")
112 .emit()
113 }
114 ast::AttrStyle::Inner
115 } else {
116 ast::AttrStyle::Outer
117 };
119 self.expect(&token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket))?;
120 let (path, tokens) = self.parse_path_and_tokens()?;
121 self.expect(&token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket))?;
122 let hi = self.prev_span;
124 (lo.to(hi), path, tokens, style)
125 }
126 _ => {
127 let token_str = self.this_token_to_string();
128 return Err(self.fatal(&format!("expected `#`, found `{}`", token_str)));
129 }
130 };
132 if inner_parse_policy == InnerAttributeParsePolicy::Permitted &&
133 self.token == token::Semi {
134 self.bump();
135 self.span_warn(span,
136 "this inner attribute syntax is deprecated. The new syntax is \
137 `#![foo]`, with a bang and no semicolon");
138 style = ast::AttrStyle::Inner;
139 }
141 Ok(ast::Attribute {
142 id: attr::mk_attr_id(),
143 style,
144 path,
145 tokens,
146 is_sugared_doc: false,
147 span,
148 })
149 }
151 pub fn parse_path_and_tokens(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (ast::Path, TokenStream)> {
152 let meta = match self.token {
153 token::Interpolated(ref nt) => match nt.0 {
154 Nonterminal::NtMeta(ref meta) => Some(meta.clone()),
155 _ => None,
156 },
157 _ => None,
158 };
159 Ok(if let Some(meta) = meta {
160 self.bump();
161 (ast::Path::from_ident(meta.span, ast::Ident::with_empty_ctxt(meta.name)),
162 meta.node.tokens(meta.span))
163 } else {
164 (self.parse_path(PathStyle::Mod)?, self.parse_tokens())
165 })
166 }
168 /// Parse attributes that appear after the opening of an item. These should
169 /// be preceded by an exclamation mark, but we accept and warn about one
170 /// terminated by a semicolon.
172 /// matches inner_attrs*
173 pub fn parse_inner_attributes(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Vec<ast::Attribute>> {
174 let mut attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute> = vec![];
175 loop {
176 match self.token {
177 token::Pound => {
178 // Don't even try to parse if it's not an inner attribute.
179 if !self.look_ahead(1, |t| t == &token::Not) {
180 break;
181 }
183 let attr = self.parse_attribute(true)?;
184 assert_eq!(attr.style, ast::AttrStyle::Inner);
185 attrs.push(attr);
186 }
187 token::DocComment(s) => {
188 // we need to get the position of this token before we bump.
189 let attr = attr::mk_sugared_doc_attr(attr::mk_attr_id(), s, self.span);
190 if attr.style == ast::AttrStyle::Inner {
191 attrs.push(attr);
192 self.bump();
193 } else {
194 break;
195 }
196 }
197 _ => break,
198 }
199 }
200 Ok(attrs)
201 }
203 fn parse_unsuffixed_lit(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ast::Lit> {
204 let lit = self.parse_lit()?;
205 debug!("Checking if {:?} is unusuffixed.", lit);
207 if !lit.node.is_unsuffixed() {
208 let msg = "suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes";
209 self.diagnostic().struct_span_err(lit.span, msg)
210 .help("instead of using a suffixed literal \
211 (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version \
212 (1, 1.0, etc.).")
213 .emit()
214 }
216 Ok(lit)
217 }
219 /// Per RFC#1559, matches the following grammar:
220 ///
221 /// meta_item : IDENT ( '=' UNSUFFIXED_LIT | '(' meta_item_inner? ')' )? ;
222 /// meta_item_inner : (meta_item | UNSUFFIXED_LIT) (',' meta_item_inner)? ;
223 pub fn parse_meta_item(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ast::MetaItem> {
224 let nt_meta = match self.token {
225 token::Interpolated(ref nt) => match nt.0 {
226 token::NtMeta(ref e) => Some(e.clone()),
227 _ => None,
228 },
229 _ => None,
230 };
232 if let Some(meta) = nt_meta {
233 self.bump();
234 return Ok(meta);
235 }
237 let lo = self.span;
238 let ident = self.parse_ident()?;
239 let node = self.parse_meta_item_kind()?;
240 Ok(ast::MetaItem { name: ident.name, node: node, span: lo.to(self.prev_span) })
241 }
243 pub fn parse_meta_item_kind(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ast::MetaItemKind> {
244 Ok(if self.eat(&token::Eq) {
245 ast::MetaItemKind::NameValue(self.parse_unsuffixed_lit()?)
246 } else if self.eat(&token::OpenDelim(token::Paren)) {
247 ast::MetaItemKind::List(self.parse_meta_seq()?)
248 } else {
249 ast::MetaItemKind::Word
250 })
251 }
253 /// matches meta_item_inner : (meta_item | UNSUFFIXED_LIT) ;
254 fn parse_meta_item_inner(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ast::NestedMetaItem> {
255 let lo = self.span;
257 match self.parse_unsuffixed_lit() {
258 Ok(lit) => {
259 return Ok(respan(lo.to(self.prev_span), ast::NestedMetaItemKind::Literal(lit)))
260 }
261 Err(ref mut err) => self.diagnostic().cancel(err)
262 }
264 match self.parse_meta_item() {
265 Ok(mi) => {
266 return Ok(respan(lo.to(self.prev_span), ast::NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem(mi)))
267 }
268 Err(ref mut err) => self.diagnostic().cancel(err)
269 }
271 let found = self.this_token_to_string();
272 let msg = format!("expected unsuffixed literal or identifier, found {}", found);
273 Err(self.diagnostic().struct_span_err(lo, &msg))
274 }
276 /// matches meta_seq = ( COMMASEP(meta_item_inner) )
277 fn parse_meta_seq(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Vec<ast::NestedMetaItem>> {
278 self.parse_seq_to_end(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren),
279 SeqSep::trailing_allowed(token::Comma),
280 |p: &mut Parser<'a>| p.parse_meta_item_inner())
281 }
282 }