]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libsyntax_ext/deriving/encodable.rs
New upstream version 1.13.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / libsyntax_ext / deriving / encodable.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! The compiler code necessary to implement the `#[derive(Encodable)]`
12 //! (and `Decodable`, in decodable.rs) extension. The idea here is that
13 //! type-defining items may be tagged with `#[derive(Encodable, Decodable)]`.
14 //!
15 //! For example, a type like:
16 //!
17 //! ```ignore
18 //! #[derive(Encodable, Decodable)]
19 //! struct Node { id: usize }
20 //! ```
21 //!
22 //! would generate two implementations like:
23 //!
24 //! ```ignore
25 //! impl<S: Encoder<E>, E> Encodable<S, E> for Node {
26 //! fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), E> {
27 //! s.emit_struct("Node", 1, |this| {
28 //! this.emit_struct_field("id", 0, |this| {
29 //! Encodable::encode(&self.id, this)
30 //! /* this.emit_usize(self.id) can also be used */
31 //! })
32 //! })
33 //! }
34 //! }
35 //!
36 //! impl<D: Decoder<E>, E> Decodable<D, E> for Node {
37 //! fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result<Node, E> {
38 //! d.read_struct("Node", 1, |this| {
39 //! match this.read_struct_field("id", 0, |this| Decodable::decode(this)) {
40 //! Ok(id) => Ok(Node { id: id }),
41 //! Err(e) => Err(e),
42 //! }
43 //! })
44 //! }
45 //! }
46 //! ```
47 //!
48 //! Other interesting scenarios are when the item has type parameters or
49 //! references other non-built-in types. A type definition like:
50 //!
51 //! ```ignore
52 //! #[derive(Encodable, Decodable)]
53 //! struct Spanned<T> { node: T, span: Span }
54 //! ```
55 //!
56 //! would yield functions like:
57 //!
58 //! ```ignore
59 //! impl<
60 //! S: Encoder<E>,
61 //! E,
62 //! T: Encodable<S, E>
63 //! > Encodable<S, E> for Spanned<T> {
64 //! fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), E> {
65 //! s.emit_struct("Spanned", 2, |this| {
66 //! this.emit_struct_field("node", 0, |this| self.node.encode(this))
67 //! .unwrap();
68 //! this.emit_struct_field("span", 1, |this| self.span.encode(this))
69 //! })
70 //! }
71 //! }
72 //!
73 //! impl<
74 //! D: Decoder<E>,
75 //! E,
76 //! T: Decodable<D, E>
77 //! > Decodable<D, E> for Spanned<T> {
78 //! fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result<Spanned<T>, E> {
79 //! d.read_struct("Spanned", 2, |this| {
80 //! Ok(Spanned {
81 //! node: this.read_struct_field("node", 0, |this| Decodable::decode(this))
82 //! .unwrap(),
83 //! span: this.read_struct_field("span", 1, |this| Decodable::decode(this))
84 //! .unwrap(),
85 //! })
86 //! })
87 //! }
88 //! }
89 //! ```
91 use deriving;
92 use deriving::generic::*;
93 use deriving::generic::ty::*;
95 use syntax::ast::{Expr, ExprKind, MetaItem, Mutability};
96 use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
97 use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
98 use syntax::parse::token;
99 use syntax::ptr::P;
100 use syntax_pos::Span;
102 pub fn expand_deriving_rustc_encodable(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
103 span: Span,
104 mitem: &MetaItem,
105 item: &Annotatable,
106 push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
107 expand_deriving_encodable_imp(cx, span, mitem, item, push, "rustc_serialize")
108 }
110 pub fn expand_deriving_encodable(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
111 span: Span,
112 mitem: &MetaItem,
113 item: &Annotatable,
114 push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
115 expand_deriving_encodable_imp(cx, span, mitem, item, push, "serialize")
116 }
118 fn expand_deriving_encodable_imp(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
119 span: Span,
120 mitem: &MetaItem,
121 item: &Annotatable,
122 push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable),
123 krate: &'static str) {
124 if cx.crate_root != Some("std") {
125 // FIXME(#21880): lift this requirement.
126 cx.span_err(span,
127 "this trait cannot be derived with #![no_std] \
128 or #![no_core]");
129 return;
130 }
132 let typaram = &*deriving::hygienic_type_parameter(item, "__S");
134 let trait_def = TraitDef {
135 span: span,
136 attributes: Vec::new(),
137 path: Path::new_(vec![krate, "Encodable"], None, vec![], true),
138 additional_bounds: Vec::new(),
139 generics: LifetimeBounds::empty(),
140 is_unsafe: false,
141 supports_unions: false,
142 methods: vec!(
143 MethodDef {
144 name: "encode",
145 generics: LifetimeBounds {
146 lifetimes: Vec::new(),
147 bounds: vec![(typaram,
148 vec![Path::new_(vec![krate, "Encoder"], None, vec!(), true)])]
149 },
150 explicit_self: borrowed_explicit_self(),
151 args: vec!(Ptr(Box::new(Literal(Path::new_local(typaram))),
152 Borrowed(None, Mutability::Mutable))),
153 ret_ty: Literal(Path::new_(
154 pathvec_std!(cx, core::result::Result),
155 None,
156 vec!(Box::new(Tuple(Vec::new())), Box::new(Literal(Path::new_(
157 vec![typaram, "Error"], None, vec![], false
158 )))),
159 true
160 )),
161 attributes: Vec::new(),
162 is_unsafe: false,
163 unify_fieldless_variants: false,
164 combine_substructure: combine_substructure(Box::new(|a, b, c| {
165 encodable_substructure(a, b, c, krate)
166 })),
167 }
168 ),
169 associated_types: Vec::new(),
170 };
172 trait_def.expand(cx, mitem, item, push)
173 }
175 fn encodable_substructure(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
176 trait_span: Span,
177 substr: &Substructure,
178 krate: &'static str)
179 -> P<Expr> {
180 let encoder = substr.nonself_args[0].clone();
181 // throw an underscore in front to suppress unused variable warnings
182 let blkarg = cx.ident_of("_e");
183 let blkencoder = cx.expr_ident(trait_span, blkarg);
184 let fn_path = cx.expr_path(cx.path_global(trait_span,
185 vec![cx.ident_of(krate),
186 cx.ident_of("Encodable"),
187 cx.ident_of("encode")]));
189 return match *substr.fields {
190 Struct(_, ref fields) => {
191 let emit_struct_field = cx.ident_of("emit_struct_field");
192 let mut stmts = Vec::new();
193 for (i, &FieldInfo { name, ref self_, span, .. }) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
194 let name = match name {
195 Some(id) => id.name.as_str(),
196 None => token::intern_and_get_ident(&format!("_field{}", i)),
197 };
198 let self_ref = cx.expr_addr_of(span, self_.clone());
199 let enc = cx.expr_call(span, fn_path.clone(), vec![self_ref, blkencoder.clone()]);
200 let lambda = cx.lambda_expr_1(span, enc, blkarg);
201 let call = cx.expr_method_call(span,
202 blkencoder.clone(),
203 emit_struct_field,
204 vec![cx.expr_str(span, name),
205 cx.expr_usize(span, i),
206 lambda]);
208 // last call doesn't need a try!
209 let last = fields.len() - 1;
210 let call = if i != last {
211 cx.expr_try(span, call)
212 } else {
213 cx.expr(span, ExprKind::Ret(Some(call)))
214 };
215 stmts.push(cx.stmt_expr(call));
216 }
218 // unit structs have no fields and need to return Ok()
219 if stmts.is_empty() {
220 let ok = cx.expr_ok(trait_span, cx.expr_tuple(trait_span, vec![]));
221 let ret_ok = cx.expr(trait_span, ExprKind::Ret(Some(ok)));
222 stmts.push(cx.stmt_expr(ret_ok));
223 }
225 let blk = cx.lambda_stmts_1(trait_span, stmts, blkarg);
226 cx.expr_method_call(trait_span,
227 encoder,
228 cx.ident_of("emit_struct"),
229 vec![cx.expr_str(trait_span, substr.type_ident.name.as_str()),
230 cx.expr_usize(trait_span, fields.len()),
231 blk])
232 }
234 EnumMatching(idx, variant, ref fields) => {
235 // We're not generating an AST that the borrow checker is expecting,
236 // so we need to generate a unique local variable to take the
237 // mutable loan out on, otherwise we get conflicts which don't
238 // actually exist.
239 let me = cx.stmt_let(trait_span, false, blkarg, encoder);
240 let encoder = cx.expr_ident(trait_span, blkarg);
241 let emit_variant_arg = cx.ident_of("emit_enum_variant_arg");
242 let mut stmts = Vec::new();
243 if !fields.is_empty() {
244 let last = fields.len() - 1;
245 for (i, &FieldInfo { ref self_, span, .. }) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
246 let self_ref = cx.expr_addr_of(span, self_.clone());
247 let enc =
248 cx.expr_call(span, fn_path.clone(), vec![self_ref, blkencoder.clone()]);
249 let lambda = cx.lambda_expr_1(span, enc, blkarg);
250 let call = cx.expr_method_call(span,
251 blkencoder.clone(),
252 emit_variant_arg,
253 vec![cx.expr_usize(span, i), lambda]);
254 let call = if i != last {
255 cx.expr_try(span, call)
256 } else {
257 cx.expr(span, ExprKind::Ret(Some(call)))
258 };
259 stmts.push(cx.stmt_expr(call));
260 }
261 } else {
262 let ok = cx.expr_ok(trait_span, cx.expr_tuple(trait_span, vec![]));
263 let ret_ok = cx.expr(trait_span, ExprKind::Ret(Some(ok)));
264 stmts.push(cx.stmt_expr(ret_ok));
265 }
267 let blk = cx.lambda_stmts_1(trait_span, stmts, blkarg);
268 let name = cx.expr_str(trait_span, variant.node.name.name.as_str());
269 let call = cx.expr_method_call(trait_span,
270 blkencoder,
271 cx.ident_of("emit_enum_variant"),
272 vec![name,
273 cx.expr_usize(trait_span, idx),
274 cx.expr_usize(trait_span, fields.len()),
275 blk]);
276 let blk = cx.lambda_expr_1(trait_span, call, blkarg);
277 let ret = cx.expr_method_call(trait_span,
278 encoder,
279 cx.ident_of("emit_enum"),
280 vec![cx.expr_str(trait_span,
281 substr.type_ident.name.as_str()),
282 blk]);
283 cx.expr_block(cx.block(trait_span, vec![me, cx.stmt_expr(ret)]))
284 }
286 _ => cx.bug("expected Struct or EnumMatching in derive(Encodable)"),
287 };
288 }