]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/resources/themes/stylesheets/sencha-touch/base/mixins/_Class.scss
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / resources / themes / stylesheets / sencha-touch / base / mixins / _Class.scss
1 /**
2 * @class Global_CSS
3 */
5 // Background property support for vendor prefixing within values.
6 @mixin background($background-1,
7 $background-2: false,
8 $background-3: false,
9 $background-4: false,
10 $background-5: false,
11 $background-6: false,
12 $background-7: false,
13 $background-8: false,
14 $background-9: false,
15 $background-10: false) {
16 $backgrounds: compact($background-1, $background-2, $background-3, $background-4, $background-5, $background-6, $background-7, $background-8, $background-9, $background-10);
17 $mult-bgs: -compass-list-size($backgrounds) > 1;
18 $add-pie-bg: prefixed(-pie, $backgrounds) or $mult-bgs;
19 @if $experimental-support-for-svg and prefixed(-svg, $backgrounds) {
20 background: -svg($backgrounds);
21 }
22 @if $support-for-original-webkit-gradients and prefixed(-owg, $backgrounds) {
23 background: -owg($backgrounds);
24 }
25 @if $experimental-support-for-webkit and prefixed(-webkit, $backgrounds) {
26 background: -webkit($backgrounds);
27 }
28 @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and prefixed(-moz, $backgrounds) {
29 background: -moz($backgrounds);
30 }
31 @if $experimental-support-for-opera and prefixed(-o, $backgrounds) {
32 background: -o($backgrounds);
33 }
35 // IE10 Supports linear-gradient but with a new syntax, Compass has deprecated -ms prefix support too soon
36 // this patch brings -ms prefix support back to gradients. This should be removed when compass is updated with
37 // proper support
38 background: -ms-#{$backgrounds};
40 @if $experimental-support-for-pie and $add-pie-bg {
41 -pie-background: -pie($backgrounds);
42 }
43 background: $backgrounds;
44 }
46 @mixin background-image($image-1,
47 $image-2: false,
48 $image-3: false,
49 $image-4: false,
50 $image-5: false,
51 $image-6: false,
52 $image-7: false,
53 $image-8: false,
54 $image-9: false,
55 $image-10: false) {
56 $images: compact($image-1, $image-2, $image-3, $image-4, $image-5, $image-6, $image-7, $image-8, $image-9, $image-10);
57 $add-pie-bg: prefixed(-pie, $images) or -compass-list-size($images) > 1;
59 @if $experimental-support-for-svg and prefixed(-svg, $images) {
60 background-image: -svg($images);
61 background-size: 100%;
62 }
63 @if $support-for-original-webkit-gradients and prefixed(-owg, $images) {
64 background-image: -owg($images);
65 }
66 @if $experimental-support-for-webkit and prefixed(-webkit, $images) {
67 background-image: -webkit($images);
68 }
69 @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and prefixed(-moz, $images) {
70 background-image: -moz($images);
71 }
72 @if $experimental-support-for-opera and prefixed(-o, $images) {
73 background-image: -o($images);
74 }
77 // IE10 Supports linear-gradient but with a new syntax, Compass has deprecated -ms prefix support too soon
78 // this patch brings -ms prefix support back to gradients. This should be removed when compass is updated with
79 // proper support
80 background-image: -ms-#{$images};
83 @if $experimental-support-for-pie and $add-pie-bg {
84 @warn "PIE does not support background-image. Use @include background(#{$images}) instead."
85 }
86 }
88 /**
89 * Adds basic styles to :before or :after pseudo-elements.
90 *
91 * .my-element:after {
92 * @include insertion(50px, 50px);
93 * }
94 *
95 * @param {measurement} $width Height of pseudo-element.
96 * @param {measurement} $height Height of pseudo-element.
97 * @param {measurement} $top Top positioning of pseudo-element.
98 * @param {measurement} $left Left positioning of pseudo-element.
99 *
100 */
101 @mixin insertion($width: 30px, $height: 30px, $top: 0, $left: 0) {
102 content: '';
103 position: absolute;
104 width: $width;
105 height: $height;
106 top: $top;
107 left: $left;
108 }
110 /**
111 * Makes the element text overflow to use ellipsis.
112 */
113 @mixin ellipsis {
114 white-space: nowrap;
115 overflow: hidden;
116 text-overflow: ellipsis;
117 }
119 @mixin absolute-position($top: 0, $right: 0, $bottom: 0, $left: 0) {
120 position: absolute;
121 top: $top;
122 right: $right;
123 bottom: $bottom;
124 left: $left;
125 }
127 @mixin absolute-fit {
128 width: auto;
129 height: auto;
130 @include absolute-position;
131 }
133 @mixin st-box($important: no) {
134 @if $important == important {
135 display: flex !important;
136 display: -webkit-box !important;
137 display: -ms-flexbox !important;
138 } @else {
139 display: flex;
140 display: -webkit-box;
141 display: -ms-flexbox;
142 }
143 }
145 @mixin st-box-align($align: stretch) {
146 -webkit-box-align: $align;
147 -ms-flex-align: $align;
148 @if $align == start {
149 align-items: flex-start;
150 }
151 @else if $align == end {
152 align-items: flex-end;
153 }
154 @else {
155 align-items: $align;
156 }
157 }
159 @mixin st-box-orient($orient: horizontal, $important: no) {
160 @if $important == important {
161 -webkit-box-orient: $orient !important;
162 @if $orient == horizontal {
163 -ms-flex-direction: row !important;
164 flex-direction: row !important;
165 } @else {
166 -ms-flex-direction: column !important;
167 flex-direction: column !important;
168 }
169 } @else {
170 -webkit-box-orient: $orient;
171 @if $orient == horizontal {
172 -ms-flex-direction: row;
173 flex-direction: row;
174 } @else {
175 -ms-flex-direction: column;
176 flex-direction: column;
177 }
178 }
179 }
181 @mixin st-box-pack($pack: start, $important: no) {
182 @if $important == important {
183 -webkit-box-pack: $pack !important;
184 -ms-flex-pack: $pack !important;
185 @if $pack == start {
186 justify-content: flex-start !important;
187 }
188 @else if $pack == end {
189 justify-content: flex-end !important;
190 }
191 @else if $pack == justify {
192 justify-content: space-between !important;
193 }
194 @else {
195 justify-content: $pack !important;
196 }
197 } @else {
198 -webkit-box-pack: $pack;
199 -ms-flex-pack: $pack;
200 @if $pack == start {
201 justify-content: flex-start;
202 }
203 @else if $pack == end {
204 justify-content: flex-end;
205 }
206 @else if $pack == justify {
207 justify-content: space-between;
208 }
209 @else if $pack == center {
210 justify-content: center;
211 }
212 @else {
213 justify-content: $pack;
214 }
215 }
216 }
218 @mixin st-box-flex($flex: 1, $preferredSize: auto, $important: no) {
219 @if $important == important {
220 -webkit-box-flex: $flex !important;
221 -ms-flex: $flex 0 $preferredSize !important;
222 flex: $flex 0 $preferredSize !important;
223 } @else {
224 -webkit-box-flex: $flex;
225 -ms-flex: $flex 0 $preferredSize;
226 flex: $flex 0 $preferredSize;
227 }
228 }
230 @mixin st-box-shadow($shadow: none) {
231 -webkit-box-shadow: $shadow;
232 box-shadow: $shadow;
233 }
235 @mixin st-box-direction($direction: normal, $orientation: row) {
236 -webkit-box-direction: $direction;
237 @if $direction == reverse {
238 @if $orientation == row {
239 -ms-flex-direction: row-reverse;
240 flex-direction: row-reverse;
241 } @else {
242 -ms-flex-direction: column-reverse;
243 flex-direction: column-reverse;
244 }
245 } @else {
246 @if $orientation == row {
247 -ms-flex-direction: row;
248 flex-direction: row;
249 } @else {
250 -ms-flex-direction: column;
251 flex-direction: column;
252 }
253 }
254 }
256 @mixin st-loading-spinner($spinner-size: 50px, $color: #ccc, $bar-width: 5px, $bar-height: 15px) {
257 .x-loading-spinner {
258 font-size: 250%;
259 height: $spinner-size;
260 width: $spinner-size;
261 position: relative;
263 -webkit-transform-origin: $spinner-size/2 $spinner-size/2;
264 transform-origin: $spinner-size/2 $spinner-size/2;
266 /* Shared Properties for all the bars */
267 & > span,
268 & > span:before,
269 & > span:after {
270 display: block;
271 position: absolute;
272 width: $bar-width;
273 height: $bar-height;
274 top: 0;
275 -webkit-transform-origin: $bar-width/2 $spinner-size/2;
276 transform-origin: $bar-width/2 $spinner-size/2;
277 content: " ";
278 }
280 & > span {
281 left: 50%;
282 margin-left: -0.05em;
284 &.x-loading-top { background-color: rgba($color, 0.99); }
285 &.x-loading-top::after { background-color: rgba($color, 0.90); }
286 &.x-loading-left::before { background-color: rgba($color, 0.80); }
287 &.x-loading-left { background-color: rgba($color, 0.70); }
288 &.x-loading-left::after { background-color: rgba($color, 0.60); }
289 &.x-loading-bottom::before{ background-color: rgba($color, 0.50); }
290 &.x-loading-bottom { background-color: rgba($color, 0.40); }
291 &.x-loading-bottom::after { background-color: rgba($color, 0.35); }
292 &.x-loading-right::before { background-color: rgba($color, 0.30); }
293 &.x-loading-right { background-color: rgba($color, 0.25); }
294 &.x-loading-right::after { background-color: rgba($color, 0.20); }
295 &.x-loading-top::before { background-color: rgba($color, 0.15); }
296 }
297 }
299 /* Rotate each of the 4 Spans */
300 .x-loading-spinner > span.x-loading-top { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); }
301 .x-loading-spinner > span.x-loading-right { -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); }
302 .x-loading-spinner > span.x-loading-bottom { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -moz-transform: rotate(180deg); -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); }
303 .x-loading-spinner > span.x-loading-left { -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); -moz-transform: rotate(270deg); -ms-transform: rotate(270deg); }
305 /* These are the two lines that surround each of the 4 Span lines */
306 .x-loading-spinner > span::before {-webkit-transform: rotate(30deg); -moz-transform: rotate(30deg); -ms-transform: rotate(30deg); }
307 .x-loading-spinner > span::after { -webkit-transform: rotate(-30deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-30deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-30deg); }
309 /* Set Animation */
310 .x-loading-spinner {
311 -webkit-animation-name: x-loading-spinner-rotate;
312 -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;
313 -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
314 -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
316 animation-name: x-loading-spinner-rotate;
317 animation-duration: .5s;
318 animation-timing-function: linear;
319 animation-iteration-count: infinite;
320 }
321 }
323 /**
324 * Includes an icon to be used on Button or Tab components. The $name is the name of the icon, or the character
325 * of the font being used.
326 *
327 * @include icon('attachment');
328 *
329 * @param {string} $name The name of the icon to be included. This is then usable as the iconCls in your app.
330 * @param {string} $character The character
331 * @param {string} $font-family The `font-family` used for this icon. Defaults to the `Pictos` font.
332 */
333 @mixin icon($name, $character: null, $font-family: 'Pictos') {
334 $raw_character: icon-character-for-name($name);
336 @if $character == null and $raw_character == null {
337 @debug "#icon: icon with name '#{$name}' not found.";
338 }
340 @if $character != null or $raw_character != null {
341 .x-tab .x-button-icon.#{$name},
342 .x-button .x-button-icon.#{$name} {
343 &:before {
344 @include absolute-position;
345 text-align: center;
347 @if $font-family != null {
348 font-family: $font-family;
349 }
351 @if $character != null {
352 content: "#{$character}";
353 } @elseif $raw_character != null {
354 content: "#{$raw_character}";
355 }
356 }
357 }
358 }
359 }
361 @mixin inline-icon($name, $font-family: 'Pictos') {
362 $character: icon-character-for-name($name);
364 &:before {
365 @include absolute-position;
366 text-align: center;
367 font-family: $font-family;
369 @if $character {
370 content: "#{$character}";
371 } @else {
372 content: "#{$name}";
373 }
374 }
375 }
377 @mixin pictos-iconmask($name) {
378 @warn "pictos-iconmask is deprecated in 2.2. Please use '@include icon($name);' instead.";
379 @include icon($name);
380 }
382 @mixin icon-font($name, $font-files, $eot: false) {
383 @include font-face($name, $font-files, $eot);
385 .x-tab .x-button-icon,
386 .x-button .x-button-icon {
387 &:before {
388 font-family: $name;
389 }
390 }
391 }
393 @function icon-character-for-name($name) {
394 // http://pictos.cc/font/
396 // Row 1
397 @if ($name == "anchor") { @return "a"; }
398 @else if ($name == "box") { @return "b"; }
399 @else if ($name == "upload") { @return "c"; }
400 @else if ($name == "forbidden") { @return "d"; }
401 @else if ($name == "lightning") { @return "e"; }
402 @else if ($name == "rss") { @return "f"; }
403 @else if ($name == "team") { @return "g"; }
404 @else if ($name == "help") { @return "h"; }
405 @else if ($name == "info") { @return "i"; }
406 @else if ($name == "attachment") { @return "j"; }
407 @else if ($name == "heart") { @return "k"; }
408 @else if ($name == "list") { @return "l"; }
409 @else if ($name == "music") { @return "m"; }
410 @else if ($name == "table") { @return "n"; }
411 @else if ($name == "folder") { @return "o"; }
412 @else if ($name == "pencil") { @return "p"; }
413 @else if ($name == "chat2") { @return "q"; }
414 @else if ($name == "retweet") { @return "r"; }
415 @else if ($name == "search") { @return "s"; }
416 @else if ($name == "time") { @return "t"; }
417 @else if ($name == "switch") { @return "u"; }
418 @else if ($name == "camera") { @return "v"; }
419 @else if ($name == "chat") { @return "w"; }
420 @else if ($name == "settings2") { @return "x"; }
421 @else if ($name == "settings") { @return "y"; }
422 @else if ($name == "tags") { @return "z"; }
424 // Row 2
425 @else if ($name == "attachment2") { @return "A"; }
426 @else if ($name == "bird") { @return "B"; }
427 @else if ($name == "cloud") { @return "C"; }
428 @else if ($name == "delete_black1") { @return "D"; }
429 @else if ($name == "eye") { @return "E"; }
430 @else if ($name == "file") { @return "F"; }
431 @else if ($name == "browser") { @return "G"; }
432 @else if ($name == "home") { @return "H"; }
433 @else if ($name == "inbox") { @return "I"; }
434 @else if ($name == "network") { @return "J"; }
435 @else if ($name == "key") { @return "K"; }
436 @else if ($name == "radio") { @return "L"; }
437 @else if ($name == "mail") { @return "M"; }
438 @else if ($name == "news") { @return "N"; }
439 @else if ($name == "case") { @return "O"; }
440 @else if ($name == "photos") { @return "P"; }
441 @else if ($name == "power") { @return "Q"; }
442 @else if ($name == "action") { @return "R"; }
443 @else if ($name == "favorites") { @return "S"; }
444 @else if ($name == "plane") { @return "T"; }
445 @else if ($name == "user") { @return "U"; }
446 @else if ($name == "video") { @return "V"; }
447 @else if ($name == "compose") { @return "W"; }
448 @else if ($name == "truck") { @return "X"; }
449 @else if ($name == "chart2") { @return "Y"; }
450 @else if ($name == "chart") { @return "Z"; }
452 // Row 3
453 @else if ($name == "expand") { @return "`"; }
454 @else if ($name == "refresh") { @return "1"; }
455 @else if ($name == "check") { @return "2"; }
456 @else if ($name == "check2") { @return "3"; }
457 @else if ($name == "play") { @return "4"; }
458 @else if ($name == "pause") { @return "5"; }
459 @else if ($name == "stop") { @return "6"; }
460 @else if ($name == "forward") { @return "7"; }
461 @else if ($name == "rewind") { @return "8"; }
462 @else if ($name == "play2") { @return "9"; }
463 @else if ($name == "refresh2") { @return "0"; }
464 @else if ($name == "minus") { @return "-"; }
465 @else if ($name == "battery") { @return "="; }
466 @else if ($name == "left") { @return "["; }
467 @else if ($name == "right") { @return "]"; }
468 @else if ($name == "calendar") { @return "\005C"; }
469 @else if ($name == "shuffle") { @return ";"; }
470 @else if ($name == "wireless") { @return "'"; }
471 @else if ($name == "speedometer") { @return ","; }
472 @else if ($name == "more") { @return "."; }
473 @else if ($name == "print") { @return "/"; }
476 // Row 4
477 @else if ($name == "download") { @return "~"; }
478 @else if ($name == "warning_black") { @return "!"; }
479 @else if ($name == "locate") { @return "@"; }
480 @else if ($name == "trash") { @return "#"; }
481 @else if ($name == "cart") { @return "$"; }
482 @else if ($name == "bank") { @return "%"; }
483 @else if ($name == "flag") { @return "^"; }
484 @else if ($name == "add") { @return "&"; }
485 @else if ($name == "delete") { @return "*"; }
486 @else if ($name == "lock") { @return "("; }
487 @else if ($name == "unlock") { @return ")"; }
488 @else if ($name == "minus2") { @return "_"; }
489 @else if ($name == "add2") { @return "+"; }
490 @else if ($name == "up") { @return "{"; }
491 @else if ($name == "down") { @return "}"; }
492 @else if ($name == "screens") { @return "|"; }
493 @else if ($name == "bell") { @return ":"; }
494 @else if ($name == "quote") { @return "\""; }
495 @else if ($name == "volume_mute") { @return "<"; }
496 @else if ($name == "volume") { @return ">"; }
497 @else if ($name == "question") { @return "?"; }
499 // Backwards compat; icons that are not in the font
500 @else if ($name == "arrow_left") { @return "["; }
501 @else if ($name == "arrow_right") { @return "]"; }
502 @else if ($name == "arrow_up") { @return "{"; }
503 @else if ($name == "arrow_down") { @return "}"; }
504 @else if ($name == "organize") { @return "I"; }
505 @else if ($name == "bookmarks") { @return "I"; }
506 @else if ($name == "loop2") { @return "r"; }
507 @else if ($name == "star") { @return "S"; }
508 @else if ($name == "maps") { @return "@"; }
509 @else if ($name == "reply") { @return "R"; }
511 @else {
512 @return null;
513 }
514 }
516 $include-pictos-font: true !default;