]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/src/dataview/component/ListItem.js
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / src / dataview / component / ListItem.js
1 /**
2 * A ListItem is a container for {@link Ext.dataview.List} with
3 * useSimpleItems: false.
4 *
5 * ListItem configures and updates the {@link Ext.data.Model records} for
6 * the sub-component items in a list.
7 *
8 * Overwrite the `updateRecord()` method to set a sub-component's value.
9 * Sencha Touch calls `updateRecord()` whenever the data in the list updates.
10 *
11 * The `updatedata` event fires after `updateRecord()` runs.
12 *
13 * *Note*: Use of ListItem increases overhead since it generates more markup than
14 * using the List class with useSimpleItems: true. This overhead is more
15 * noticeable in Internet Explorer. If at all possible, use
16 * {@link Ext.dataview.component.SimpleListItem} instead.
17 *
18 * The following example shows how to configure and update sub-component items
19 * in a list:
20 *
21 * Ext.define('Twitter.view.TweetListItem', {
22 * extend: 'Ext.dataview.component.ListItem',
23 * xtype : 'tweetlistitem',
24 * requires: [
25 * 'Ext.Img'
26 * ],
27 * config: {
28 * userName: {
29 * cls: 'username'
30 * },
31 * text: {
32 * cls: 'text'
33 * },
34 * avatar: {
35 * docked: 'left',
36 * xtype : 'image',
37 * cls : 'avatar',
38 * width: '48px',
39 * height: '48px'
40 * },
41 * layout: {
42 * type: 'vbox'
43 * }
44 * },
45 *
46 * applyUserName: function(config) {
47 * return Ext.factory(config, Ext.Component, this.getUserName());
48 * },
49 *
50 * updateUserName: function(newUserName) {
51 * if (newUserName) {
52 * this.insert(0, newUserName);
53 * }
54 * },
55 *
56 * applyText: function(config) {
57 * return Ext.factory(config, Twitter.view.TweetListItemText, this.getText());
58 * },
59 *
60 * updateText: function(newText) {
61 * if (newText) {
62 * this.add(newText);
63 * }
64 * },
65 *
66 * applyAvatar: function(config) {
67 * return Ext.factory(config, Ext.Img, this.getAvatar());
68 * },
69 *
70 * updateAvatar: function(newAvatar) {
71 * if (newAvatar) {
72 * this.add(newAvatar);
73 * }
74 * },
75 *
76 * updateRecord: function(record) {
77 * if (!record) {
78 * return;
79 * }
80 *
81 * this.getUserName().setHtml(record.get('username'));
82 * this.getText().setHtml(record.get('text'));
83 * this.getAvatar().setSrc(record.get('avatar_url'));
84 * this.callParent(arguments);
85 *
86 * }
87 * });
88 *
89 */
90 Ext.define('Ext.dataview.component.ListItem', {
91 extend: 'Ext.dataview.component.DataItem',
92 xtype : 'listitem',
94 config: {
95 baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'list-item',
97 dataMap: null,
99 body: {
100 xtype: 'component',
101 cls: 'x-list-item-body'
102 },
104 disclosure: {
105 xtype: 'component',
106 cls: 'x-list-disclosure',
107 hidden: true,
108 docked: 'right'
109 },
111 header: {
112 xtype: 'component',
113 cls: 'x-list-header',
114 html: ' '
115 },
117 tpl: null,
118 items: null
119 },
121 applyBody: function(body) {
122 if (body && !body.isComponent) {
123 body = Ext.factory(body, Ext.Component, this.getBody());
124 }
125 return body;
126 },
128 updateBody: function(body, oldBody) {
129 if (body) {
130 this.add(body);
131 } else if (oldBody) {
132 oldBody.destroy();
133 }
134 },
136 applyHeader: function(header) {
137 if (header && !header.isComponent) {
138 header = Ext.factory(header, Ext.Component, this.getHeader());
139 }
140 return header;
141 },
143 updateHeader: function(header, oldHeader) {
144 if (oldHeader) {
145 oldHeader.destroy();
146 }
147 },
149 applyDisclosure: function(disclosure) {
150 if (disclosure && !disclosure.isComponent) {
151 disclosure = Ext.factory(disclosure, Ext.Component, this.getDisclosure());
152 }
153 return disclosure;
154 },
156 updateDisclosure: function(disclosure, oldDisclosure) {
157 if (disclosure) {
158 this.add(disclosure);
159 } else if (oldDisclosure) {
160 oldDisclosure.destroy();
161 }
162 },
164 updateTpl: function(tpl) {
165 this.getBody().setTpl(tpl);
166 },
168 updateRecord: function(record) {
169 var me = this,
170 dataview = me.dataview || this.getDataview(),
171 data = record && dataview.prepareData(record.getData(true), dataview.getStore().indexOf(record), record),
172 dataMap = me.getDataMap(),
173 body = this.getBody(),
174 disclosure = this.getDisclosure();
176 me._record = record;
178 if (dataMap) {
179 me.doMapData(dataMap, data, body);
180 } else if (body) {
181 body.updateData(data || null);
182 }
184 if (disclosure && record && dataview.getOnItemDisclosure()) {
185 var disclosureProperty = dataview.getDisclosureProperty();
186 disclosure[(data.hasOwnProperty(disclosureProperty) && data[disclosureProperty] === false) ? 'hide' : 'show']();
187 }
189 /**
190 * @event updatedata
191 * Fires whenever the data of the DataItem is updated.
192 * @param {Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} this The DataItem instance.
193 * @param {Object} newData The new data.
194 */
195 me.fireEvent('updatedata', me, data);
196 },
198 destroy: function() {
199 Ext.destroy(this.getHeader());
200 this.callParent(arguments);
201 }
202 });