]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/stdsimd/CONTRIBUTING.md
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[rustc.git] / src / stdsimd / CONTRIBUTING.md
1 # Contributing to stdsimd
3 The `stdsimd` crate is more than willing to accept contributions! First you'll
4 probably want to check out the repository and make sure that tests pass for you:
6 ```
7 $ git clone https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd
8 $ cd stdsimd
9 $ cargo +nightly test
10 ```
12 To run codegen tests, run in release mode:
14 ```
15 $ cargo +nightly test --release -p coresimd
16 ```
18 Remember that this repository requires the nightly channel of Rust! If any of
19 the above steps don't work, [please let us know][new]!
21 Next up you can [find an issue][issues] to help out on, we've selected a few
22 with the [`help wanted`][help] and [`impl-period`][impl] tags which could
23 particularly use some help. You may be most interested in [#40][vendor],
24 implementing all vendor intrinsics on x86. That issue's got some good pointers
25 about where to get started!
27 If you've got general questions feel free to [join us on gitter][gitter] and ask
28 around! Feel free to ping either @BurntSushi or @alexcrichton with questions.
30 [gitter]: https://gitter.im/rust-impl-period/WG-libs-simd
32 # How to write examples for stdsimd intrinsics
34 There are a few features that must be enabled for the given intrinsic to work
35 properly and the example must only be run by `cargo test --doc` when the feature
36 is supported by the CPU. As a result, the default `fn main` that is generated by
37 `rustdoc` will not work (in most cases). Consider using the following as a guide
38 to ensure your example works as expected.
40 ```rust
41 /// # // We need cfg_target_feature to ensure the example is only
42 /// # // run by `cargo test --doc` when the CPU supports the feature
43 /// # #![feature(cfg_target_feature)]
44 /// # // We need target_feature for the intrinsic to work
45 /// # #![feature(target_feature)]
46 /// #
47 /// # // rustdoc by default uses `extern crate stdsimd`, but we need the
48 /// # // `#[macro_use]`
49 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate stdsimd;
50 /// #
51 /// # // The real main function
52 /// # fn main() {
53 /// # // Only run this if `<target feature>` is supported
54 /// # if cfg_feature_enabled!("<target feature>") {
55 /// # // Create a `worker` function that will only be run if the target feature
56 /// # // is supported and ensure that `target_feature` is enabled for your worker
57 /// # // function
58 /// # #[target_feature(enable = "<target feature>")]
59 /// # unsafe fn worker() {
60 ///
61 /// // Write your example here. Feature specific intrinsics will work here! Go wild!
62 ///
63 /// # }
64 /// # unsafe { worker(); }
65 /// # }
66 /// # }
67 ```
69 If some of the above syntax does not look familiar, the [Documentation as tests] section
70 of the [Rust Book] describes the `rustdoc` syntax quite well. As always, feel free
71 to [join us on gitter][gitter] and ask us if you hit any snags, and thank you for helping
72 to improve the documentation of `stdsimd`!
74 [new]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd/issues/new
75 [issues]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd/issues
76 [help]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22help+wanted%22
77 [impl]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aimpl-period
78 [vendor]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd/issues/40
79 [Documentation as tests]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/first-edition/documentation.html#documentation-as-tests
80 [Rust Book]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/first-edition