]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/stdsimd/crates/assert-instr-macro/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.34.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / stdsimd / crates / assert-instr-macro / src / lib.rs
1 //! Implementation of the `#[assert_instr]` macro
2 //!
3 //! This macro is used when testing the `stdsimd` crate and is used to generate
4 //! test cases to assert that functions do indeed contain the instructions that
5 //! we're expecting them to contain.
6 //!
7 //! The procedural macro here is relatively simple, it simply appends a
8 //! `#[test]` function to the original token stream which asserts that the
9 //! function itself contains the relevant instruction.
11 extern crate proc_macro;
12 extern crate proc_macro2;
13 #[macro_use]
14 extern crate quote;
15 extern crate syn;
17 use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
18 use quote::ToTokens;
20 #[proc_macro_attribute]
21 pub fn assert_instr(
22 attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
23 item: proc_macro::TokenStream,
24 ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
25 let invoc = match syn::parse::<Invoc>(attr) {
26 Ok(s) => s,
27 Err(e) => return e.to_compile_error().into(),
28 };
29 let item = match syn::parse::<syn::Item>(item) {
30 Ok(s) => s,
31 Err(e) => return e.to_compile_error().into(),
32 };
33 let func = match item {
34 syn::Item::Fn(ref f) => f,
35 _ => panic!("must be attached to a function"),
36 };
38 let instr = &invoc.instr;
39 let name = &func.ident;
41 // Disable assert_instr for x86 targets compiled with avx enabled, which
42 // causes LLVM to generate different intrinsics that the ones we are
43 // testing for.
44 let disable_assert_instr = std::env::var("STDSIMD_DISABLE_ASSERT_INSTR").is_ok();
46 let instr_str = instr
47 .replace('.', "_")
48 .replace('/', "_")
49 .replace(':', "_")
50 .replace(|c: char| c.is_whitespace(), "");
51 let assert_name = syn::Ident::new(&format!("assert_{}_{}", name, instr_str), name.span());
52 let shim_name = syn::Ident::new(&format!("{}_shim_{}", name, instr_str), name.span());
53 let mut inputs = Vec::new();
54 let mut input_vals = Vec::new();
55 let ret = &func.decl.output;
56 for arg in func.decl.inputs.iter() {
57 let capture = match *arg {
58 syn::FnArg::Captured(ref c) => c,
59 ref v => panic!(
60 "arguments must not have patterns: `{:?}`",
61 v.clone().into_token_stream()
62 ),
63 };
64 let ident = match capture.pat {
65 syn::Pat::Ident(ref i) => &i.ident,
66 _ => panic!("must have bare arguments"),
67 };
68 if let Some(&(_, ref tts)) = invoc.args.iter().find(|a| *ident == a.0) {
69 input_vals.push(quote! { #tts });
70 } else {
71 inputs.push(capture);
72 input_vals.push(quote! { #ident });
73 }
74 }
76 let attrs = func
77 .attrs
78 .iter()
79 .filter(|attr| {
80 attr.path
81 .segments
82 .first()
83 .expect("attr.path.segments.first() failed")
84 .value()
85 .ident
86 .to_string()
87 .starts_with("target")
88 })
89 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
90 let attrs = Append(&attrs);
92 // Use an ABI on Windows that passes SIMD values in registers, like what
93 // happens on Unix (I think?) by default.
94 let abi = if cfg!(windows) {
95 syn::LitStr::new("vectorcall", proc_macro2::Span::call_site())
96 } else {
97 syn::LitStr::new("C", proc_macro2::Span::call_site())
98 };
99 let shim_name_str = format!("{}{}", shim_name, assert_name);
100 let to_test = quote! {
101 #attrs
102 #[no_mangle]
103 unsafe extern #abi fn #shim_name(#(#inputs),*) #ret {
104 // The compiler in optimized mode by default runs a pass called
105 // "mergefunc" where it'll merge functions that look identical.
106 // Turns out some intrinsics produce identical code and they're
107 // folded together, meaning that one just jumps to another. This
108 // messes up our inspection of the disassembly of this function and
109 // we're not a huge fan of that.
110 //
111 // To thwart this pass and prevent functions from being merged we
112 // generate some code that's hopefully very tight in terms of
113 // codegen but is otherwise unique to prevent code from being
114 // folded.
115 ::stdsimd_test::_DONT_DEDUP = #shim_name_str;
116 #name(#(#input_vals),*)
117 }
118 };
120 // If instruction tests are disabled avoid emitting this shim at all, just
121 // return the original item without our attribute.
122 if !cfg!(optimized) || disable_assert_instr {
123 return (quote! { #item }).into();
124 }
126 let tts: TokenStream = quote! {
127 #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
128 #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
129 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
130 fn #assert_name() {
131 #to_test
133 ::stdsimd_test::assert(#shim_name as usize,
134 stringify!(#shim_name),
135 #instr);
136 }
137 };
138 // why? necessary now to get tests to work?
139 let tts: TokenStream = tts.to_string().parse().expect("cannot parse tokenstream");
141 let tts: TokenStream = quote! {
142 #item
143 #tts
144 };
145 tts.into()
146 }
148 struct Invoc {
149 instr: String,
150 args: Vec<(syn::Ident, syn::Expr)>,
151 }
153 impl syn::parse::Parse for Invoc {
154 fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::parse::Result<Self> {
155 use syn::{ext::IdentExt, Token};
157 let mut instr = String::new();
158 while !input.is_empty() {
159 if input.parse::<Token![,]>().is_ok() {
160 break;
161 }
162 if let Ok(ident) = syn::Ident::parse_any(input) {
163 instr.push_str(&ident.to_string());
164 continue;
165 }
166 if input.parse::<Token![.]>().is_ok() {
167 instr.push_str(".");
168 continue;
169 }
170 if let Ok(s) = input.parse::<syn::LitStr>() {
171 instr.push_str(&s.value());
172 continue;
173 }
174 println!("{:?}", input.cursor().token_stream());
175 return Err(input.error("expected an instruction"));
176 }
177 if instr.is_empty() {
178 return Err(input.error("expected an instruction before comma"));
179 }
180 let mut args = Vec::new();
181 while !input.is_empty() {
182 let name = input.parse::<syn::Ident>()?;
183 input.parse::<Token![=]>()?;
184 let expr = input.parse::<syn::Expr>()?;
185 args.push((name, expr));
187 if input.parse::<Token![,]>().is_err() {
188 if !input.is_empty() {
189 return Err(input.error("extra tokens at end"));
190 }
191 break;
192 }
193 }
194 Ok(Self { instr, args })
195 }
196 }
198 struct Append<T>(T);
200 impl<T> quote::ToTokens for Append<T>
201 where
202 T: Clone + IntoIterator,
203 T::Item: quote::ToTokens,
204 {
205 fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
206 for item in self.0.clone() {
207 item.to_tokens(tokens);
208 }
209 }
210 }