]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - src/tape/inventory.rs
tape: factor getting encryption fingerprint tuple out
[proxmox-backup.git] / src / tape / inventory.rs
1 //! Backup media Inventory
2 //!
3 //! The Inventory persistently stores the list of known backup
4 //! media. A backup media is identified by its 'MediaId', which is the
5 //! MediaLabel/MediaSetLabel combination.
6 //!
7 //! Inventory Locking
8 //!
9 //! The inventory itself has several methods to update single entries,
10 //! but all of them can be considered atomic.
11 //!
12 //! Pool Locking
13 //!
14 //! To add/modify media assigned to a pool, we always do
15 //! lock_media_pool(). For unassigned media, we call
16 //! lock_unassigned_media_pool().
17 //!
18 //! MediaSet Locking
19 //!
20 //! To add/remove media from a media set, or to modify catalogs we
21 //! always do lock_media_set(). Also, we acquire this lock during
22 //! restore, to make sure it is not reused for backups.
23 //!
25 use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
26 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
27 use std::time::Duration;
29 use anyhow::{bail, Error};
30 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
31 use serde_json::json;
33 use proxmox_sys::fs::{file_get_json, replace_file, CreateOptions};
34 use proxmox_uuid::Uuid;
36 use pbs_api_types::{Fingerprint, MediaLocation, MediaSetPolicy, MediaStatus, RetentionPolicy};
37 use pbs_config::BackupLockGuard;
39 #[cfg(not(test))]
40 use pbs_config::open_backup_lockfile;
42 #[cfg(test)]
43 fn open_backup_lockfile<P: AsRef<std::path::Path>>(
44 _path: P,
45 _timeout: Option<std::time::Duration>,
46 _exclusive: bool,
47 ) -> Result<pbs_config::BackupLockGuard, anyhow::Error> {
48 Ok(unsafe { pbs_config::create_mocked_lock() })
49 }
51 use crate::tape::{
52 changer::OnlineStatusMap,
53 file_formats::{MediaLabel, MediaSetLabel},
54 MediaCatalog, MediaSet, TAPE_STATUS_DIR,
55 };
57 /// Unique Media Identifier
58 ///
59 /// This combines the label and media set label.
60 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
61 pub struct MediaId {
62 pub label: MediaLabel,
63 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
64 pub media_set_label: Option<MediaSetLabel>,
65 }
67 impl MediaId {
68 pub fn pool(&self) -> Option<String> {
69 if let Some(set) = &self.media_set_label {
70 return Some(set.pool.to_owned());
71 }
72 self.label.pool.to_owned()
73 }
74 pub(crate) fn get_encryption_fp(&self) -> Option<(Fingerprint, Uuid)> {
75 let label = self.clone().media_set_label?;
76 label.encryption_key_fingerprint.map(|fp| (fp, label.uuid))
77 }
78 }
80 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
81 struct MediaStateEntry {
82 id: MediaId,
83 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
84 location: Option<MediaLocation>,
85 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
86 status: Option<MediaStatus>,
87 }
89 /// Media Inventory
90 pub struct Inventory {
91 map: BTreeMap<Uuid, MediaStateEntry>,
93 inventory_path: PathBuf,
94 lockfile_path: PathBuf,
96 // helpers
97 media_set_start_times: HashMap<Uuid, i64>,
98 }
100 impl Inventory {
101 pub const MEDIA_INVENTORY_FILENAME: &'static str = "inventory.json";
102 pub const MEDIA_INVENTORY_LOCKFILE: &'static str = ".inventory.lck";
104 /// Create empty instance, no data loaded
105 pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(base_path: P) -> Self {
106 let mut inventory_path = base_path.as_ref().to_owned();
107 inventory_path.push(Self::MEDIA_INVENTORY_FILENAME);
109 let mut lockfile_path = base_path.as_ref().to_owned();
110 lockfile_path.push(Self::MEDIA_INVENTORY_LOCKFILE);
112 Self {
113 map: BTreeMap::new(),
114 media_set_start_times: HashMap::new(),
115 inventory_path,
116 lockfile_path,
117 }
118 }
120 pub fn load<P: AsRef<Path>>(base_path: P) -> Result<Self, Error> {
121 let mut me = Self::new(base_path);
122 me.reload()?;
123 Ok(me)
124 }
126 /// Reload the database
127 pub fn reload(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
128 self.map = self.load_media_db()?;
129 self.update_helpers();
130 Ok(())
131 }
133 fn update_helpers(&mut self) {
134 // recompute media_set_start_times
136 let mut set_start_times = HashMap::new();
138 for entry in self.map.values() {
139 let set = match &entry.id.media_set_label {
140 None => continue,
141 Some(set) => set,
142 };
143 if set.seq_nr == 0 {
144 set_start_times.insert(set.uuid.clone(), set.ctime);
145 }
146 }
148 self.media_set_start_times = set_start_times;
149 }
151 /// Lock the database
152 fn lock(&self) -> Result<BackupLockGuard, Error> {
153 open_backup_lockfile(&self.lockfile_path, None, true)
154 }
156 fn load_media_db(&self) -> Result<BTreeMap<Uuid, MediaStateEntry>, Error> {
157 let data = file_get_json(&self.inventory_path, Some(json!([])))?;
158 let media_list: Vec<MediaStateEntry> = serde_json::from_value(data)?;
160 let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
161 for entry in media_list.into_iter() {
162 map.insert(entry.id.label.uuid.clone(), entry);
163 }
165 Ok(map)
166 }
168 fn replace_file(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
169 let list: Vec<&MediaStateEntry> = self.map.values().collect();
170 let raw = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&serde_json::to_value(list)?)?;
172 let mode = nix::sys::stat::Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o0640);
174 let options = if cfg!(test) {
175 // We cannot use chown inside test environment (no permissions)
176 CreateOptions::new().perm(mode)
177 } else {
178 let backup_user = pbs_config::backup_user()?;
179 CreateOptions::new()
180 .perm(mode)
181 .owner(backup_user.uid)
182 .group(backup_user.gid)
183 };
185 replace_file(&self.inventory_path, raw.as_bytes(), options, true)?;
187 Ok(())
188 }
190 /// Stores a single MediaID persistently
191 pub fn store(&mut self, mut media_id: MediaId, clear_media_status: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
192 let _lock = self.lock()?;
193 self.map = self.load_media_db()?;
195 let uuid = media_id.label.uuid.clone();
197 if let Some(previous) = self.map.remove(&media_id.label.uuid) {
198 // do not overwrite unsaved pool assignments
199 if media_id.media_set_label.is_none() {
200 if let Some(ref set) = previous.id.media_set_label {
201 if set.unassigned() {
202 media_id.media_set_label = Some(set.clone());
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 let entry = MediaStateEntry {
207 id: media_id,
208 location: previous.location,
209 status: if clear_media_status {
210 None
211 } else {
212 previous.status
213 },
214 };
215 self.map.insert(uuid, entry);
216 } else {
217 let entry = MediaStateEntry {
218 id: media_id,
219 location: None,
220 status: None,
221 };
222 self.map.insert(uuid, entry);
223 }
225 self.update_helpers();
226 self.replace_file()?;
227 Ok(())
228 }
230 /// Remove a single media persistently
231 pub fn remove_media(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(), Error> {
232 let _lock = self.lock()?;
233 self.map = self.load_media_db()?;
234 self.map.remove(uuid);
235 self.update_helpers();
236 self.replace_file()?;
237 Ok(())
238 }
240 /// Lookup media
241 pub fn lookup_media(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Option<&MediaId> {
242 self.map.get(uuid).map(|entry| &entry.id)
243 }
245 /// List all media Uuids
246 pub fn media_list(&self) -> Vec<&Uuid> {
247 self.map.keys().collect()
248 }
250 /// find media by label_text
251 pub fn find_media_by_label_text(&self, label_text: &str) -> Result<Option<&MediaId>, Error> {
252 let ids: Vec<_> = self
253 .map
254 .values()
255 .filter_map(|entry| {
256 if entry.id.label.label_text == label_text {
257 Some(&entry.id)
258 } else {
259 None
260 }
261 })
262 .collect();
264 match ids.len() {
265 0 => Ok(None),
266 1 => Ok(Some(ids[0])),
267 count => bail!("There are '{count}' tapes with the label '{label_text}'"),
268 }
269 }
271 /// Lookup media pool
272 ///
273 /// Returns (pool, is_empty)
274 pub fn lookup_media_pool(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Option<(&str, bool)> {
275 let media_id = &self.map.get(uuid)?.id;
276 match (&media_id.label.pool, &media_id.media_set_label) {
277 (_, Some(media_set)) => Some((media_set.pool.as_str(), media_set.unassigned())),
278 (Some(pool), None) => Some((pool.as_str(), true)),
279 (None, None) => None,
280 }
281 }
283 /// List all media assigned to the pool
284 pub fn list_pool_media(&self, pool: &str) -> Vec<MediaId> {
285 let mut list = Vec::new();
287 for entry in self.map.values() {
288 if entry.id.pool().as_deref() == Some(pool) {
289 match entry.id.media_set_label {
290 Some(ref set) if set.unassigned() => list.push(MediaId {
291 label: entry.id.label.clone(),
292 media_set_label: None,
293 }),
294 _ => {
295 list.push(entry.id.clone());
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 }
301 list
302 }
304 /// List all used media
305 pub fn list_used_media(&self) -> Vec<MediaId> {
306 self.map
307 .values()
308 .filter_map(|entry| match entry.id.media_set_label {
309 Some(ref set) if !set.unassigned() => Some(entry.id.clone()),
310 _ => None,
311 })
312 .collect()
313 }
315 /// List media not assigned to any pool
316 pub fn list_unassigned_media(&self) -> Vec<MediaId> {
317 self.map
318 .values()
319 .filter_map(|entry| match entry.id.pool() {
320 None => Some(entry.id.clone()),
321 _ => None,
322 })
323 .collect()
324 }
326 pub fn media_set_start_time(&self, media_set_uuid: &Uuid) -> Option<i64> {
327 self.media_set_start_times.get(media_set_uuid).copied()
328 }
330 /// Lookup media set pool
331 pub fn lookup_media_set_pool(&self, media_set_uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<String, Error> {
332 let mut last_pool = None;
334 for entry in self.map.values() {
335 match entry.id.media_set_label {
336 None => continue,
337 Some(MediaSetLabel { ref uuid, .. }) => {
338 if uuid != media_set_uuid {
339 continue;
340 }
341 if let Some((pool, _)) = self.lookup_media_pool(&entry.id.label.uuid) {
342 if let Some(last_pool) = last_pool {
343 if last_pool != pool {
344 bail!("detected media set with inconsistent pool assignment - internal error");
345 }
346 } else {
347 last_pool = Some(pool);
348 }
349 }
350 }
351 }
352 }
354 match last_pool {
355 Some(pool) => Ok(pool.to_string()),
356 None => bail!(
357 "media set {} is incomplete - unable to lookup pool",
358 media_set_uuid
359 ),
360 }
361 }
363 /// Compute a single media sets
364 pub fn compute_media_set_members(&self, media_set_uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<MediaSet, Error> {
365 let mut set = MediaSet::with_data(media_set_uuid.clone(), Vec::new());
367 for entry in self.map.values() {
368 match entry.id.media_set_label {
369 None => continue,
370 Some(MediaSetLabel {
371 seq_nr, ref uuid, ..
372 }) => {
373 if uuid != media_set_uuid {
374 continue;
375 }
376 set.insert_media(entry.id.label.uuid.clone(), seq_nr)?;
377 }
378 }
379 }
381 Ok(set)
382 }
384 /// Compute all media sets
385 pub fn compute_media_set_list(&self) -> Result<HashMap<Uuid, MediaSet>, Error> {
386 let mut set_map: HashMap<Uuid, MediaSet> = HashMap::new();
388 for entry in self.map.values() {
389 match entry.id.media_set_label {
390 None => continue,
391 Some(MediaSetLabel {
392 seq_nr, ref uuid, ..
393 }) => {
394 let set = set_map
395 .entry(uuid.clone())
396 .or_insert_with(|| MediaSet::with_data(uuid.clone(), Vec::new()));
398 set.insert_media(entry.id.label.uuid.clone(), seq_nr)?;
399 }
400 }
401 }
403 Ok(set_map)
404 }
406 /// Returns the latest media set for a pool
407 pub fn latest_media_set(&self, pool: &str) -> Option<Uuid> {
408 let mut last_set: Option<(Uuid, i64)> = None;
410 let set_list = self
411 .map
412 .values()
413 .filter_map(|entry| entry.id.media_set_label.as_ref())
414 .filter(|set| set.pool == pool && !set.unassigned());
416 for set in set_list {
417 match last_set {
418 None => {
419 last_set = Some((set.uuid.clone(), set.ctime));
420 }
421 Some((_, last_ctime)) => {
422 if set.ctime > last_ctime {
423 last_set = Some((set.uuid.clone(), set.ctime));
424 }
425 }
426 }
427 }
429 let (uuid, ctime) = match last_set {
430 None => return None,
431 Some((uuid, ctime)) => (uuid, ctime),
432 };
434 // consistency check - must be the only set with that ctime
435 let set_list = self
436 .map
437 .values()
438 .filter_map(|entry| entry.id.media_set_label.as_ref())
439 .filter(|set| set.pool == pool && !set.unassigned());
441 for set in set_list {
442 if set.uuid != uuid && set.ctime >= ctime {
443 // should not happen
444 eprintln!(
445 "latest_media_set: found set with equal ctime ({}, {})",
446 set.uuid, uuid
447 );
448 return None;
449 }
450 }
452 Some(uuid)
453 }
455 // Test if there is a media set (in the same pool) newer than this one.
456 // Return the ctime of the nearest media set
457 fn media_set_next_start_time(&self, media_set_uuid: &Uuid) -> Option<i64> {
458 let (pool, ctime) = match self
459 .map
460 .values()
461 .filter_map(|entry| entry.id.media_set_label.as_ref())
462 .find_map(|set| {
463 if &set.uuid == media_set_uuid {
464 Some((set.pool.clone(), set.ctime))
465 } else {
466 None
467 }
468 }) {
469 Some((pool, ctime)) => (pool, ctime),
470 None => return None,
471 };
473 let set_list = self
474 .map
475 .values()
476 .filter_map(|entry| entry.id.media_set_label.as_ref())
477 .filter(|set| (&set.uuid != media_set_uuid) && (set.pool == pool));
479 let mut next_ctime = None;
481 for set in set_list {
482 if set.ctime > ctime {
483 match next_ctime {
484 None => {
485 next_ctime = Some(set.ctime);
486 }
487 Some(last_next_ctime) => {
488 if set.ctime < last_next_ctime {
489 next_ctime = Some(set.ctime);
490 }
491 }
492 }
493 }
494 }
496 next_ctime
497 }
499 pub fn media_expire_time(
500 &self,
501 media: &MediaId,
502 media_set_policy: &MediaSetPolicy,
503 retention_policy: &RetentionPolicy,
504 ) -> i64 {
505 if let RetentionPolicy::KeepForever = retention_policy {
506 return i64::MAX;
507 }
509 let set = match media.media_set_label {
510 None => return i64::MAX,
511 Some(ref set) => set,
512 };
514 let set_start_time = match self.media_set_start_time(&set.uuid) {
515 None => {
516 // missing information, use ctime from this
517 // set (always greater than ctime from seq_nr 0)
518 set.ctime
519 }
520 Some(time) => time,
521 };
523 let max_use_time = match self.media_set_next_start_time(&set.uuid) {
524 Some(next_start_time) => match media_set_policy {
525 MediaSetPolicy::AlwaysCreate => set_start_time,
526 _ => next_start_time,
527 },
528 None => match media_set_policy {
529 MediaSetPolicy::ContinueCurrent => {
530 return i64::MAX;
531 }
532 MediaSetPolicy::AlwaysCreate => set_start_time,
533 MediaSetPolicy::CreateAt(ref event) => {
534 match event.compute_next_event(set_start_time) {
535 Ok(Some(next)) => next,
536 Ok(None) | Err(_) => return i64::MAX,
537 }
538 }
539 },
540 };
542 match retention_policy {
543 RetentionPolicy::KeepForever => i64::MAX,
544 RetentionPolicy::OverwriteAlways => max_use_time,
545 RetentionPolicy::ProtectFor(time_span) => {
546 let seconds = f64::from(time_span.clone()) as i64;
547 max_use_time + seconds
548 }
549 }
550 }
552 /// Generate a human readable name for the media set
553 ///
554 /// The template can include strftime time format specifications.
555 pub fn generate_media_set_name(
556 &self,
557 media_set_uuid: &Uuid,
558 template: Option<String>,
559 ) -> Result<String, Error> {
560 if let Some(ctime) = self.media_set_start_time(media_set_uuid) {
561 let mut template = template.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("%c"));
562 template = template.replace("%id%", &media_set_uuid.to_string());
563 Ok(proxmox_time::strftime_local(&template, ctime)?)
564 } else {
565 // We don't know the set start time, so we cannot use the template
566 Ok(media_set_uuid.to_string())
567 }
568 }
570 // Helpers to simplify testing
572 /// Generate and insert a new free tape (test helper)
573 pub fn generate_free_tape(&mut self, label_text: &str, ctime: i64) -> Uuid {
574 let label = MediaLabel {
575 label_text: label_text.to_string(),
576 uuid: Uuid::generate(),
577 ctime,
578 pool: None,
579 };
580 let uuid = label.uuid.clone();
582 self.store(
583 MediaId {
584 label,
585 media_set_label: None,
586 },
587 false,
588 )
589 .unwrap();
591 uuid
592 }
594 /// Generate and insert a new tape assigned to a specific pool
595 /// (test helper)
596 pub fn generate_assigned_tape(&mut self, label_text: &str, pool: &str, ctime: i64) -> Uuid {
597 let label = MediaLabel {
598 label_text: label_text.to_string(),
599 uuid: Uuid::generate(),
600 ctime,
601 pool: Some(pool.to_string()),
602 };
604 let uuid = label.uuid.clone();
606 self.store(
607 MediaId {
608 label,
609 media_set_label: None,
610 },
611 false,
612 )
613 .unwrap();
615 uuid
616 }
618 /// Generate and insert a used tape (test helper)
619 pub fn generate_used_tape(&mut self, label_text: &str, set: MediaSetLabel, ctime: i64) -> Uuid {
620 let label = MediaLabel {
621 label_text: label_text.to_string(),
622 uuid: Uuid::generate(),
623 ctime,
624 pool: Some(set.pool.clone()),
625 };
626 let uuid = label.uuid.clone();
628 self.store(
629 MediaId {
630 label,
631 media_set_label: Some(set),
632 },
633 false,
634 )
635 .unwrap();
637 uuid
638 }
639 }
641 // Status/location handling
642 impl Inventory {
643 /// Returns status and location with reasonable defaults.
644 ///
645 /// Default status is 'MediaStatus::Unknown'.
646 /// Default location is 'MediaLocation::Offline'.
647 pub fn status_and_location(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> (MediaStatus, MediaLocation) {
648 match self.map.get(uuid) {
649 None => {
650 // no info stored - assume media is writable/offline
651 (MediaStatus::Unknown, MediaLocation::Offline)
652 }
653 Some(entry) => {
654 let location = entry.location.clone().unwrap_or(MediaLocation::Offline);
655 let status = entry.status.unwrap_or(MediaStatus::Unknown);
656 (status, location)
657 }
658 }
659 }
661 // Lock database, reload database, set status, store database
662 fn set_media_status(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid, status: Option<MediaStatus>) -> Result<(), Error> {
663 let _lock = self.lock()?;
664 self.map = self.load_media_db()?;
665 if let Some(entry) = self.map.get_mut(uuid) {
666 entry.status = status;
667 self.update_helpers();
668 self.replace_file()?;
669 Ok(())
670 } else {
671 bail!("no such media '{}'", uuid);
672 }
673 }
675 /// Lock database, reload database, set status to Full, store database
676 pub fn set_media_status_full(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(), Error> {
677 self.set_media_status(uuid, Some(MediaStatus::Full))
678 }
680 /// Lock database, reload database, set status to Damaged, store database
681 pub fn set_media_status_damaged(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(), Error> {
682 self.set_media_status(uuid, Some(MediaStatus::Damaged))
683 }
685 /// Lock database, reload database, set status to Retired, store database
686 pub fn set_media_status_retired(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(), Error> {
687 self.set_media_status(uuid, Some(MediaStatus::Retired))
688 }
690 /// Lock database, reload database, set status to None, store database
691 pub fn clear_media_status(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(), Error> {
692 self.set_media_status(uuid, None)
693 }
695 // Lock database, reload database, set location, store database
696 fn set_media_location(
697 &mut self,
698 uuid: &Uuid,
699 location: Option<MediaLocation>,
700 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
701 let _lock = self.lock()?;
702 self.map = self.load_media_db()?;
703 if let Some(entry) = self.map.get_mut(uuid) {
704 entry.location = location;
705 self.update_helpers();
706 self.replace_file()?;
707 Ok(())
708 } else {
709 bail!("no such media '{}'", uuid);
710 }
711 }
713 /// Lock database, reload database, set location to vault, store database
714 pub fn set_media_location_vault(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid, vault: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
715 self.set_media_location(uuid, Some(MediaLocation::Vault(vault.to_string())))
716 }
718 /// Lock database, reload database, set location to offline, store database
719 pub fn set_media_location_offline(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Result<(), Error> {
720 self.set_media_location(uuid, Some(MediaLocation::Offline))
721 }
723 /// Update online status
724 pub fn update_online_status(&mut self, online_map: &OnlineStatusMap) -> Result<(), Error> {
725 let _lock = self.lock()?;
726 self.map = self.load_media_db()?;
728 for (uuid, entry) in self.map.iter_mut() {
729 if let Some(changer_name) = online_map.lookup_changer(uuid) {
730 entry.location = Some(MediaLocation::Online(changer_name.to_string()));
731 } else if let Some(MediaLocation::Online(ref changer_name)) = entry.location {
732 match online_map.online_map(changer_name) {
733 None => {
734 // no such changer device
735 entry.location = Some(MediaLocation::Offline);
736 }
737 Some(None) => {
738 // got no info - do nothing
739 }
740 Some(Some(_)) => {
741 // media changer changed
742 entry.location = Some(MediaLocation::Offline);
743 }
744 }
745 }
746 }
748 self.update_helpers();
749 self.replace_file()?;
751 Ok(())
752 }
753 }
755 /// Lock a media pool
756 pub fn lock_media_pool<P: AsRef<Path>>(base_path: P, name: &str) -> Result<BackupLockGuard, Error> {
757 let mut path = base_path.as_ref().to_owned();
758 path.push(format!(".pool-{}", name));
759 path.set_extension("lck");
761 open_backup_lockfile(&path, None, true)
762 }
764 /// Lock for media not assigned to any pool
765 pub fn lock_unassigned_media_pool<P: AsRef<Path>>(base_path: P) -> Result<BackupLockGuard, Error> {
766 // lock artificial "__UNASSIGNED__" pool to avoid races
767 lock_media_pool(base_path, "__UNASSIGNED__")
768 }
770 /// Lock a media set
771 ///
772 /// Timeout is 10 seconds by default
773 pub fn lock_media_set<P: AsRef<Path>>(
774 base_path: P,
775 media_set_uuid: &Uuid,
776 timeout: Option<Duration>,
777 ) -> Result<BackupLockGuard, Error> {
778 let mut path = base_path.as_ref().to_owned();
779 path.push(format!(".media-set-{}", media_set_uuid));
780 path.set_extension("lck");
782 open_backup_lockfile(&path, timeout, true)
783 }
785 // shell completion helper
787 /// List of known media uuids
788 pub fn complete_media_uuid(_arg: &str, _param: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Vec<String> {
789 let inventory = match Inventory::load(TAPE_STATUS_DIR) {
790 Ok(inventory) => inventory,
791 Err(_) => return Vec::new(),
792 };
794 inventory.map.keys().map(|uuid| uuid.to_string()).collect()
795 }
797 /// List of known media sets
798 pub fn complete_media_set_uuid(_arg: &str, _param: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Vec<String> {
799 let inventory = match Inventory::load(TAPE_STATUS_DIR) {
800 Ok(inventory) => inventory,
801 Err(_) => return Vec::new(),
802 };
804 inventory
805 .map
806 .values()
807 .filter_map(|entry| entry.id.media_set_label.as_ref())
808 .map(|set| set.uuid.to_string())
809 .collect()
810 }
812 /// List of known media labels (barcodes)
813 pub fn complete_media_label_text(_arg: &str, _param: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Vec<String> {
814 let inventory = match Inventory::load(TAPE_STATUS_DIR) {
815 Ok(inventory) => inventory,
816 Err(_) => return Vec::new(),
817 };
819 inventory
820 .map
821 .values()
822 .map(|entry| entry.id.label.label_text.clone())
823 .collect()
824 }
826 pub fn complete_media_set_snapshots(_arg: &str, param: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Vec<String> {
827 let media_set_uuid: Uuid = match param.get("media-set").and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()) {
828 Some(uuid) => uuid,
829 None => return Vec::new(),
830 };
831 let inventory = match Inventory::load(TAPE_STATUS_DIR) {
832 Ok(inventory) => inventory,
833 Err(_) => return Vec::new(),
834 };
836 let mut res = Vec::new();
837 let media_ids =
838 inventory
839 .list_used_media()
840 .into_iter()
841 .filter(|media| match &media.media_set_label {
842 Some(label) => label.uuid == media_set_uuid,
843 None => false,
844 });
846 for media_id in media_ids {
847 let catalog = match MediaCatalog::open(TAPE_STATUS_DIR, &media_id, false, false) {
848 Ok(catalog) => catalog,
849 Err(_) => continue,
850 };
852 for (store, content) in catalog.content() {
853 for snapshot in content.snapshot_index.keys() {
854 res.push(format!("{}:{}", store, snapshot));
855 }
856 }
857 }
859 res
860 }