]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/test/codegen/unwind-abis/c-unwind-abi-panic-abort.rs
New upstream version 1.63.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / test / codegen / unwind-abis / c-unwind-abi-panic-abort.rs
1 // compile-flags: -C panic=abort
3 // Test that `nounwind` atributes are also applied to extern `C-unwind` Rust functions
4 // when the code is compiled with `panic=abort`.
6 #![crate_type = "lib"]
7 #![feature(c_unwind)]
9 // CHECK: @rust_item_that_can_unwind() unnamed_addr [[ATTR0:#[0-9]+]]
10 #[no_mangle]
11 pub unsafe extern "C-unwind" fn rust_item_that_can_unwind() {
12 // CHECK: call void @_ZN4core9panicking15panic_no_unwind
13 may_unwind();
14 }
16 extern "C-unwind" {
17 // CHECK: @may_unwind() unnamed_addr [[ATTR1:#[0-9]+]]
18 fn may_unwind();
19 }
21 // Now, make sure that the LLVM attributes for this functions are correct. First, make
22 // sure that the first item is correctly marked with the `nounwind` attribute:
23 //
24 // CHECK: attributes [[ATTR0]] = { {{.*}}nounwind{{.*}} }
25 //
26 // Now, check that foreign item is correctly marked without the `nounwind` attribute.
27 // CHECK-NOT: attributes [[ATTR1]] = { {{.*}}nounwind{{.*}} }