]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/clippy/clippy_dev/src/setup/intellij.rs
New upstream version 1.55.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / clippy / clippy_dev / src / setup / intellij.rs
1 use std::fs;
2 use std::fs::File;
3 use std::io::prelude::*;
4 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
6 // This module takes an absolute path to a rustc repo and alters the dependencies to point towards
7 // the respective rustc subcrates instead of using extern crate xyz.
8 // This allows IntelliJ to analyze rustc internals and show proper information inside Clippy
9 // code. See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/5514 for details
11 const RUSTC_PATH_SECTION: &str = "[target.'cfg(NOT_A_PLATFORM)'.dependencies]";
12 const DEPENDENCIES_SECTION: &str = "[dependencies]";
14 const CLIPPY_PROJECTS: &[ClippyProjectInfo] = &[
15 ClippyProjectInfo::new("root", "Cargo.toml", "src/driver.rs"),
16 ClippyProjectInfo::new("clippy_lints", "clippy_lints/Cargo.toml", "clippy_lints/src/lib.rs"),
17 ClippyProjectInfo::new("clippy_utils", "clippy_utils/Cargo.toml", "clippy_utils/src/lib.rs"),
18 ];
20 /// Used to store clippy project information to later inject the dependency into.
21 struct ClippyProjectInfo {
22 /// Only used to display information to the user
23 name: &'static str,
24 cargo_file: &'static str,
25 lib_rs_file: &'static str,
26 }
28 impl ClippyProjectInfo {
29 const fn new(name: &'static str, cargo_file: &'static str, lib_rs_file: &'static str) -> Self {
30 Self {
31 name,
32 cargo_file,
33 lib_rs_file,
34 }
35 }
36 }
38 pub fn setup_rustc_src(rustc_path: &str) {
39 let rustc_source_dir = match check_and_get_rustc_dir(rustc_path) {
40 Ok(path) => path,
41 Err(_) => return,
42 };
44 for project in CLIPPY_PROJECTS {
45 if inject_deps_into_project(&rustc_source_dir, project).is_err() {
46 return;
47 }
48 }
50 println!("info: the source paths can be removed again with `cargo dev remove intellij`");
51 }
53 fn check_and_get_rustc_dir(rustc_path: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, ()> {
54 let mut path = PathBuf::from(rustc_path);
56 if path.is_relative() {
57 match path.canonicalize() {
58 Ok(absolute_path) => {
59 println!("info: the rustc path was resolved to: `{}`", absolute_path.display());
60 path = absolute_path;
61 },
62 Err(err) => {
63 eprintln!("error: unable to get the absolute path of rustc ({})", err);
64 return Err(());
65 },
66 };
67 }
69 let path = path.join("compiler");
70 println!("info: looking for compiler sources at: {}", path.display());
72 if !path.exists() {
73 eprintln!("error: the given path does not exist");
74 return Err(());
75 }
77 if !path.is_dir() {
78 eprintln!("error: the given path is not a directory");
79 return Err(());
80 }
82 Ok(path)
83 }
85 fn inject_deps_into_project(rustc_source_dir: &Path, project: &ClippyProjectInfo) -> Result<(), ()> {
86 let cargo_content = read_project_file(project.cargo_file)?;
87 let lib_content = read_project_file(project.lib_rs_file)?;
89 if inject_deps_into_manifest(rustc_source_dir, project.cargo_file, &cargo_content, &lib_content).is_err() {
90 eprintln!(
91 "error: unable to inject dependencies into {} with the Cargo file {}",
92 project.name, project.cargo_file
93 );
94 Err(())
95 } else {
96 Ok(())
97 }
98 }
100 /// `clippy_dev` expects to be executed in the root directory of Clippy. This function
101 /// loads the given file or returns an error. Having it in this extra function ensures
102 /// that the error message looks nice.
103 fn read_project_file(file_path: &str) -> Result<String, ()> {
104 let path = Path::new(file_path);
105 if !path.exists() {
106 eprintln!("error: unable to find the file `{}`", file_path);
107 return Err(());
108 }
110 match fs::read_to_string(path) {
111 Ok(content) => Ok(content),
112 Err(err) => {
113 eprintln!("error: the file `{}` could not be read ({})", file_path, err);
114 Err(())
115 },
116 }
117 }
119 fn inject_deps_into_manifest(
120 rustc_source_dir: &Path,
121 manifest_path: &str,
122 cargo_toml: &str,
123 lib_rs: &str,
124 ) -> std::io::Result<()> {
125 // do not inject deps if we have already done so
126 if cargo_toml.contains(RUSTC_PATH_SECTION) {
127 eprintln!(
128 "warn: dependencies are already setup inside {}, skipping file",
129 manifest_path
130 );
131 return Ok(());
132 }
134 let extern_crates = lib_rs
135 .lines()
136 // only take dependencies starting with `rustc_`
137 .filter(|line| line.starts_with("extern crate rustc_"))
138 // we have something like "extern crate foo;", we only care about the "foo"
139 // extern crate rustc_middle;
140 // ^^^^^^^^^^^^
141 .map(|s| &s[13..(s.len() - 1)]);
143 let new_deps = extern_crates.map(|dep| {
144 // format the dependencies that are going to be put inside the Cargo.toml
145 format!(
146 "{dep} = {{ path = \"{source_path}/{dep}\" }}\n",
147 dep = dep,
148 source_path = rustc_source_dir.display()
149 )
150 });
152 // format a new [dependencies]-block with the new deps we need to inject
153 let mut all_deps = String::from("[target.'cfg(NOT_A_PLATFORM)'.dependencies]\n");
154 new_deps.for_each(|dep_line| {
155 all_deps.push_str(&dep_line);
156 });
157 all_deps.push_str("\n[dependencies]\n");
159 // replace "[dependencies]" with
160 // [dependencies]
161 // dep1 = { path = ... }
162 // dep2 = { path = ... }
163 // etc
164 let new_manifest = cargo_toml.replacen("[dependencies]\n", &all_deps, 1);
166 // println!("{}", new_manifest);
167 let mut file = File::create(manifest_path)?;
168 file.write_all(new_manifest.as_bytes())?;
170 println!("info: successfully setup dependencies inside {}", manifest_path);
172 Ok(())
173 }
175 pub fn remove_rustc_src() {
176 for project in CLIPPY_PROJECTS {
177 remove_rustc_src_from_project(project);
178 }
179 }
181 fn remove_rustc_src_from_project(project: &ClippyProjectInfo) -> bool {
182 let mut cargo_content = if let Ok(content) = read_project_file(project.cargo_file) {
183 content
184 } else {
185 return false;
186 };
187 let section_start = if let Some(section_start) = cargo_content.find(RUSTC_PATH_SECTION) {
188 section_start
189 } else {
190 println!(
191 "info: dependencies could not be found in `{}` for {}, skipping file",
192 project.cargo_file, project.name
193 );
194 return true;
195 };
197 let end_point = if let Some(end_point) = cargo_content.find(DEPENDENCIES_SECTION) {
198 end_point
199 } else {
200 eprintln!(
201 "error: the end of the rustc dependencies section could not be found in `{}`",
202 project.cargo_file
203 );
204 return false;
205 };
207 cargo_content.replace_range(section_start..end_point, "");
209 match File::create(project.cargo_file) {
210 Ok(mut file) => {
211 file.write_all(cargo_content.as_bytes()).unwrap();
212 println!("info: successfully removed dependencies inside {}", project.cargo_file);
213 true
214 },
215 Err(err) => {
216 eprintln!(
217 "error: unable to open file `{}` to remove rustc dependencies for {} ({})",
218 project.cargo_file, project.name, err
219 );
220 false
221 },
222 }
223 }