]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/enum_variants.rs
New upstream version 1.23.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / clippy / clippy_lints / src / enum_variants.rs
1 //! lint on enum variants that are prefixed or suffixed by the same characters
3 use rustc::lint::*;
4 use syntax::ast::*;
5 use syntax::codemap::Span;
6 use syntax::symbol::InternedString;
7 use utils::{span_help_and_lint, span_lint};
8 use utils::{camel_case_from, camel_case_until, in_macro};
10 /// **What it does:** Detects enumeration variants that are prefixed or suffixed
11 /// by the same characters.
12 ///
13 /// **Why is this bad?** Enumeration variant names should specify their variant,
14 /// not repeat the enumeration name.
15 ///
16 /// **Known problems:** None.
17 ///
18 /// **Example:**
19 /// ```rust
20 /// enum Cake {
21 /// BlackForestCake,
22 /// HummingbirdCake,
23 /// }
24 /// ```
25 declare_lint! {
27 Warn,
28 "enums where all variants share a prefix/postfix"
29 }
31 /// **What it does:** Detects enumeration variants that are prefixed or suffixed
32 /// by the same characters.
33 ///
34 /// **Why is this bad?** Enumeration variant names should specify their variant,
35 /// not repeat the enumeration name.
36 ///
37 /// **Known problems:** None.
38 ///
39 /// **Example:**
40 /// ```rust
41 /// enum Cake {
42 /// BlackForestCake,
43 /// HummingbirdCake,
44 /// }
45 /// ```
46 declare_lint! {
48 Allow,
49 "enums where all variants share a prefix/postfix"
50 }
52 /// **What it does:** Detects type names that are prefixed or suffixed by the
53 /// containing module's name.
54 ///
55 /// **Why is this bad?** It requires the user to type the module name twice.
56 ///
57 /// **Known problems:** None.
58 ///
59 /// **Example:**
60 /// ```rust
61 /// mod cake {
62 /// struct BlackForestCake;
63 /// }
64 /// ```
65 declare_lint! {
66 pub STUTTER,
67 Allow,
68 "type names prefixed/postfixed with their containing module's name"
69 }
71 /// **What it does:** Checks for modules that have the same name as their
72 /// parent module
73 ///
74 /// **Why is this bad?** A typical beginner mistake is to have `mod foo;` and
75 /// again `mod foo { ..
76 /// }` in `foo.rs`.
77 /// The expectation is that items inside the inner `mod foo { .. }` are then
78 /// available
79 /// through `foo::x`, but they are only available through
80 /// `foo::foo::x`.
81 /// If this is done on purpose, it would be better to choose a more
82 /// representative module name.
83 ///
84 /// **Known problems:** None.
85 ///
86 /// **Example:**
87 /// ```rust
88 /// // lib.rs
89 /// mod foo;
90 /// // foo.rs
91 /// mod foo {
92 /// ...
93 /// }
94 /// ```
95 declare_lint! {
97 Warn,
98 "modules that have the same name as their parent module"
99 }
101 pub struct EnumVariantNames {
102 modules: Vec<(InternedString, String)>,
103 threshold: u64,
104 }
106 impl EnumVariantNames {
107 pub fn new(threshold: u64) -> Self {
108 Self {
109 modules: Vec::new(),
110 threshold: threshold,
111 }
112 }
113 }
115 impl LintPass for EnumVariantNames {
116 fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
118 }
119 }
121 fn var2str(var: &Variant) -> InternedString {
122 var.node.name.name.as_str()
123 }
125 /// Returns the number of chars that match from the start
126 fn partial_match(pre: &str, name: &str) -> usize {
127 let mut name_iter = name.chars();
128 let _ = name_iter.next_back(); // make sure the name is never fully matched
129 pre.chars()
130 .zip(name_iter)
131 .take_while(|&(l, r)| l == r)
132 .count()
133 }
135 /// Returns the number of chars that match from the end
136 fn partial_rmatch(post: &str, name: &str) -> usize {
137 let mut name_iter = name.chars();
138 let _ = name_iter.next(); // make sure the name is never fully matched
139 post.chars()
140 .rev()
141 .zip(name_iter.rev())
142 .take_while(|&(l, r)| l == r)
143 .count()
144 }
146 // FIXME: #600
147 #[allow(while_let_on_iterator)]
148 fn check_variant(
149 cx: &EarlyContext,
150 threshold: u64,
151 def: &EnumDef,
152 item_name: &str,
153 item_name_chars: usize,
154 span: Span,
155 lint: &'static Lint,
156 ) {
157 if (def.variants.len() as u64) < threshold {
158 return;
159 }
160 for var in &def.variants {
161 let name = var2str(var);
162 if partial_match(item_name, &name) == item_name_chars
163 && name.chars()
164 .nth(item_name_chars)
165 .map_or(false, |c| !c.is_lowercase())
166 {
167 span_lint(cx, lint, var.span, "Variant name starts with the enum's name");
168 }
169 if partial_rmatch(item_name, &name) == item_name_chars {
170 span_lint(cx, lint, var.span, "Variant name ends with the enum's name");
171 }
172 }
173 let first = var2str(&def.variants[0]);
174 let mut pre = &first[..camel_case_until(&*first)];
175 let mut post = &first[camel_case_from(&*first)..];
176 for var in &def.variants {
177 let name = var2str(var);
179 let pre_match = partial_match(pre, &name);
180 pre = &pre[..pre_match];
181 let pre_camel = camel_case_until(pre);
182 pre = &pre[..pre_camel];
183 while let Some((next, last)) = name[pre.len()..].chars().zip(pre.chars().rev()).next() {
184 if next.is_lowercase() {
185 let last = pre.len() - last.len_utf8();
186 let last_camel = camel_case_until(&pre[..last]);
187 pre = &pre[..last_camel];
188 } else {
189 break;
190 }
191 }
193 let post_match = partial_rmatch(post, &name);
194 let post_end = post.len() - post_match;
195 post = &post[post_end..];
196 let post_camel = camel_case_from(post);
197 post = &post[post_camel..];
198 }
199 let (what, value) = match (pre.is_empty(), post.is_empty()) {
200 (true, true) => return,
201 (false, _) => ("pre", pre),
202 (true, false) => ("post", post),
203 };
204 span_help_and_lint(
205 cx,
206 lint,
207 span,
208 &format!("All variants have the same {}fix: `{}`", what, value),
209 &format!(
210 "remove the {}fixes and use full paths to \
211 the variants instead of glob imports",
212 what
213 ),
214 );
215 }
217 fn to_camel_case(item_name: &str) -> String {
218 let mut s = String::new();
219 let mut up = true;
220 for c in item_name.chars() {
221 if c.is_uppercase() {
222 // we only turn snake case text into CamelCase
223 return item_name.to_string();
224 }
225 if c == '_' {
226 up = true;
227 continue;
228 }
229 if up {
230 up = false;
231 s.extend(c.to_uppercase());
232 } else {
233 s.push(c);
234 }
235 }
236 s
237 }
239 impl EarlyLintPass for EnumVariantNames {
240 fn check_item_post(&mut self, _cx: &EarlyContext, _item: &Item) {
241 let last = self.modules.pop();
242 assert!(last.is_some());
243 }
245 fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &EarlyContext, item: &Item) {
246 let item_name = item.ident.name.as_str();
247 let item_name_chars = item_name.chars().count();
248 let item_camel = to_camel_case(&item_name);
249 if !in_macro(item.span) {
250 if let Some(&(ref mod_name, ref mod_camel)) = self.modules.last() {
251 // constants don't have surrounding modules
252 if !mod_camel.is_empty() {
253 if *mod_name == item_name {
254 if let ItemKind::Mod(..) = item.node {
255 span_lint(
256 cx,
258 item.span,
259 "module has the same name as its containing module",
260 );
261 }
262 }
263 if item.vis == Visibility::Public {
264 let matching = partial_match(mod_camel, &item_camel);
265 let rmatching = partial_rmatch(mod_camel, &item_camel);
266 let nchars = mod_camel.chars().count();
267 if matching == nchars {
268 span_lint(cx, STUTTER, item.span, "item name starts with its containing module's name");
269 }
270 if rmatching == nchars {
271 span_lint(cx, STUTTER, item.span, "item name ends with its containing module's name");
272 }
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 if let ItemKind::Enum(ref def, _) = item.node {
278 let lint = match item.vis {
279 Visibility::Public => PUB_ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES,
281 };
282 check_variant(cx, self.threshold, def, &item_name, item_name_chars, item.span, lint);
283 }
284 self.modules.push((item_name, item_camel));
285 }
286 }