]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/loops/mod.rs
New upstream version 1.63.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / clippy / clippy_lints / src / loops / mod.rs
1 mod empty_loop;
2 mod explicit_counter_loop;
3 mod explicit_into_iter_loop;
4 mod explicit_iter_loop;
5 mod for_kv_map;
6 mod for_loops_over_fallibles;
7 mod iter_next_loop;
8 mod manual_flatten;
9 mod manual_memcpy;
10 mod missing_spin_loop;
11 mod mut_range_bound;
12 mod needless_collect;
13 mod needless_range_loop;
14 mod never_loop;
15 mod same_item_push;
16 mod single_element_loop;
17 mod utils;
18 mod while_immutable_condition;
19 mod while_let_loop;
20 mod while_let_on_iterator;
22 use clippy_utils::higher;
23 use rustc_hir::{Expr, ExprKind, LoopSource, Pat};
24 use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass};
25 use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint};
26 use rustc_span::source_map::Span;
27 use utils::{make_iterator_snippet, IncrementVisitor, InitializeVisitor};
29 declare_clippy_lint! {
30 /// ### What it does
31 /// Checks for for-loops that manually copy items between
32 /// slices that could be optimized by having a memcpy.
33 ///
34 /// ### Why is this bad?
35 /// It is not as fast as a memcpy.
36 ///
37 /// ### Example
38 /// ```rust
39 /// # let src = vec![1];
40 /// # let mut dst = vec![0; 65];
41 /// for i in 0..src.len() {
42 /// dst[i + 64] = src[i];
43 /// }
44 /// ```
45 ///
46 /// Use instead:
47 /// ```rust
48 /// # let src = vec![1];
49 /// # let mut dst = vec![0; 65];
50 /// dst[64..(src.len() + 64)].clone_from_slice(&src[..]);
51 /// ```
52 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
54 perf,
55 "manually copying items between slices"
56 }
58 declare_clippy_lint! {
59 /// ### What it does
60 /// Checks for looping over the range of `0..len` of some
61 /// collection just to get the values by index.
62 ///
63 /// ### Why is this bad?
64 /// Just iterating the collection itself makes the intent
65 /// more clear and is probably faster.
66 ///
67 /// ### Example
68 /// ```rust
69 /// let vec = vec!['a', 'b', 'c'];
70 /// for i in 0..vec.len() {
71 /// println!("{}", vec[i]);
72 /// }
73 /// ```
74 ///
75 /// Use instead:
76 /// ```rust
77 /// let vec = vec!['a', 'b', 'c'];
78 /// for i in vec {
79 /// println!("{}", i);
80 /// }
81 /// ```
82 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
84 style,
85 "for-looping over a range of indices where an iterator over items would do"
86 }
88 declare_clippy_lint! {
89 /// ### What it does
90 /// Checks for loops on `x.iter()` where `&x` will do, and
91 /// suggests the latter.
92 ///
93 /// ### Why is this bad?
94 /// Readability.
95 ///
96 /// ### Known problems
97 /// False negatives. We currently only warn on some known
98 /// types.
99 ///
100 /// ### Example
101 /// ```rust
102 /// // with `y` a `Vec` or slice:
103 /// # let y = vec![1];
104 /// for x in y.iter() {
105 /// // ..
106 /// }
107 /// ```
108 ///
109 /// Use instead:
110 /// ```rust
111 /// # let y = vec![1];
112 /// for x in &y {
113 /// // ..
114 /// }
115 /// ```
116 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
118 pedantic,
119 "for-looping over `_.iter()` or `_.iter_mut()` when `&_` or `&mut _` would do"
120 }
122 declare_clippy_lint! {
123 /// ### What it does
124 /// Checks for loops on `y.into_iter()` where `y` will do, and
125 /// suggests the latter.
126 ///
127 /// ### Why is this bad?
128 /// Readability.
129 ///
130 /// ### Example
131 /// ```rust
132 /// # let y = vec![1];
133 /// // with `y` a `Vec` or slice:
134 /// for x in y.into_iter() {
135 /// // ..
136 /// }
137 /// ```
138 /// can be rewritten to
139 /// ```rust
140 /// # let y = vec![1];
141 /// for x in y {
142 /// // ..
143 /// }
144 /// ```
145 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
147 pedantic,
148 "for-looping over `_.into_iter()` when `_` would do"
149 }
151 declare_clippy_lint! {
152 /// ### What it does
153 /// Checks for loops on `x.next()`.
154 ///
155 /// ### Why is this bad?
156 /// `next()` returns either `Some(value)` if there was a
157 /// value, or `None` otherwise. The insidious thing is that `Option<_>`
158 /// implements `IntoIterator`, so that possibly one value will be iterated,
159 /// leading to some hard to find bugs. No one will want to write such code
160 /// [except to win an Underhanded Rust
161 /// Contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/3hb0wm/underhanded_rust_contest/cu5yuhr).
162 ///
163 /// ### Example
164 /// ```ignore
165 /// for x in y.next() {
166 /// ..
167 /// }
168 /// ```
169 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
171 correctness,
172 "for-looping over `_.next()` which is probably not intended"
173 }
175 declare_clippy_lint! {
176 /// ### What it does
177 /// Checks for `for` loops over `Option` or `Result` values.
178 ///
179 /// ### Why is this bad?
180 /// Readability. This is more clearly expressed as an `if
181 /// let`.
182 ///
183 /// ### Example
184 /// ```rust
185 /// # let opt = Some(1);
186 /// # let res: Result<i32, std::io::Error> = Ok(1);
187 /// for x in opt {
188 /// // ..
189 /// }
190 ///
191 /// for x in &res {
192 /// // ..
193 /// }
194 ///
195 /// for x in res.iter() {
196 /// // ..
197 /// }
198 /// ```
199 ///
200 /// Use instead:
201 /// ```rust
202 /// # let opt = Some(1);
203 /// # let res: Result<i32, std::io::Error> = Ok(1);
204 /// if let Some(x) = opt {
205 /// // ..
206 /// }
207 ///
208 /// if let Ok(x) = res {
209 /// // ..
210 /// }
211 /// ```
212 #[clippy::version = "1.45.0"]
214 suspicious,
215 "for-looping over an `Option` or a `Result`, which is more clearly expressed as an `if let`"
216 }
218 declare_clippy_lint! {
219 /// ### What it does
220 /// Detects `loop + match` combinations that are easier
221 /// written as a `while let` loop.
222 ///
223 /// ### Why is this bad?
224 /// The `while let` loop is usually shorter and more
225 /// readable.
226 ///
227 /// ### Known problems
228 /// Sometimes the wrong binding is displayed ([#383](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/383)).
229 ///
230 /// ### Example
231 /// ```rust,no_run
232 /// # let y = Some(1);
233 /// loop {
234 /// let x = match y {
235 /// Some(x) => x,
236 /// None => break,
237 /// };
238 /// // .. do something with x
239 /// }
240 /// // is easier written as
241 /// while let Some(x) = y {
242 /// // .. do something with x
243 /// };
244 /// ```
245 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
247 complexity,
248 "`loop { if let { ... } else break }`, which can be written as a `while let` loop"
249 }
251 declare_clippy_lint! {
252 /// ### What it does
253 /// Checks for functions collecting an iterator when collect
254 /// is not needed.
255 ///
256 /// ### Why is this bad?
257 /// `collect` causes the allocation of a new data structure,
258 /// when this allocation may not be needed.
259 ///
260 /// ### Example
261 /// ```rust
262 /// # let iterator = vec![1].into_iter();
263 /// let len = iterator.clone().collect::<Vec<_>>().len();
264 /// // should be
265 /// let len = iterator.count();
266 /// ```
267 #[clippy::version = "1.30.0"]
269 perf,
270 "collecting an iterator when collect is not needed"
271 }
273 declare_clippy_lint! {
274 /// ### What it does
275 /// Checks `for` loops over slices with an explicit counter
276 /// and suggests the use of `.enumerate()`.
277 ///
278 /// ### Why is this bad?
279 /// Using `.enumerate()` makes the intent more clear,
280 /// declutters the code and may be faster in some instances.
281 ///
282 /// ### Example
283 /// ```rust
284 /// # let v = vec![1];
285 /// # fn bar(bar: usize, baz: usize) {}
286 /// let mut i = 0;
287 /// for item in &v {
288 /// bar(i, *item);
289 /// i += 1;
290 /// }
291 /// ```
292 ///
293 /// Use instead:
294 /// ```rust
295 /// # let v = vec![1];
296 /// # fn bar(bar: usize, baz: usize) {}
297 /// for (i, item) in v.iter().enumerate() { bar(i, *item); }
298 /// ```
299 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
301 complexity,
302 "for-looping with an explicit counter when `_.enumerate()` would do"
303 }
305 declare_clippy_lint! {
306 /// ### What it does
307 /// Checks for empty `loop` expressions.
308 ///
309 /// ### Why is this bad?
310 /// These busy loops burn CPU cycles without doing
311 /// anything. It is _almost always_ a better idea to `panic!` than to have
312 /// a busy loop.
313 ///
314 /// If panicking isn't possible, think of the environment and either:
315 /// - block on something
316 /// - sleep the thread for some microseconds
317 /// - yield or pause the thread
318 ///
319 /// For `std` targets, this can be done with
320 /// [`std::thread::sleep`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/fn.sleep.html)
321 /// or [`std::thread::yield_now`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/fn.yield_now.html).
322 ///
323 /// For `no_std` targets, doing this is more complicated, especially because
324 /// `#[panic_handler]`s can't panic. To stop/pause the thread, you will
325 /// probably need to invoke some target-specific intrinsic. Examples include:
326 /// - [`x86_64::instructions::hlt`](https://docs.rs/x86_64/0.12.2/x86_64/instructions/fn.hlt.html)
327 /// - [`cortex_m::asm::wfi`](https://docs.rs/cortex-m/0.6.3/cortex_m/asm/fn.wfi.html)
328 ///
329 /// ### Example
330 /// ```no_run
331 /// loop {}
332 /// ```
333 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
334 pub EMPTY_LOOP,
335 suspicious,
336 "empty `loop {}`, which should block or sleep"
337 }
339 declare_clippy_lint! {
340 /// ### What it does
341 /// Checks for `while let` expressions on iterators.
342 ///
343 /// ### Why is this bad?
344 /// Readability. A simple `for` loop is shorter and conveys
345 /// the intent better.
346 ///
347 /// ### Example
348 /// ```ignore
349 /// while let Some(val) = iter() {
350 /// ..
351 /// }
352 /// ```
353 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
355 style,
356 "using a `while let` loop instead of a for loop on an iterator"
357 }
359 declare_clippy_lint! {
360 /// ### What it does
361 /// Checks for iterating a map (`HashMap` or `BTreeMap`) and
362 /// ignoring either the keys or values.
363 ///
364 /// ### Why is this bad?
365 /// Readability. There are `keys` and `values` methods that
366 /// can be used to express that don't need the values or keys.
367 ///
368 /// ### Example
369 /// ```ignore
370 /// for (k, _) in &map {
371 /// ..
372 /// }
373 /// ```
374 ///
375 /// could be replaced by
376 ///
377 /// ```ignore
378 /// for k in map.keys() {
379 /// ..
380 /// }
381 /// ```
382 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
383 pub FOR_KV_MAP,
384 style,
385 "looping on a map using `iter` when `keys` or `values` would do"
386 }
388 declare_clippy_lint! {
389 /// ### What it does
390 /// Checks for loops that will always `break`, `return` or
391 /// `continue` an outer loop.
392 ///
393 /// ### Why is this bad?
394 /// This loop never loops, all it does is obfuscating the
395 /// code.
396 ///
397 /// ### Example
398 /// ```rust
399 /// loop {
400 /// ..;
401 /// break;
402 /// }
403 /// ```
404 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
405 pub NEVER_LOOP,
406 correctness,
407 "any loop that will always `break` or `return`"
408 }
410 declare_clippy_lint! {
411 /// ### What it does
412 /// Checks for loops which have a range bound that is a mutable variable
413 ///
414 /// ### Why is this bad?
415 /// One might think that modifying the mutable variable changes the loop bounds
416 ///
417 /// ### Known problems
418 /// False positive when mutation is followed by a `break`, but the `break` is not immediately
419 /// after the mutation:
420 ///
421 /// ```rust
422 /// let mut x = 5;
423 /// for _ in 0..x {
424 /// x += 1; // x is a range bound that is mutated
425 /// ..; // some other expression
426 /// break; // leaves the loop, so mutation is not an issue
427 /// }
428 /// ```
429 ///
430 /// False positive on nested loops ([#6072](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/6072))
431 ///
432 /// ### Example
433 /// ```rust
434 /// let mut foo = 42;
435 /// for i in 0..foo {
436 /// foo -= 1;
437 /// println!("{}", i); // prints numbers from 0 to 42, not 0 to 21
438 /// }
439 /// ```
440 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
442 suspicious,
443 "for loop over a range where one of the bounds is a mutable variable"
444 }
446 declare_clippy_lint! {
447 /// ### What it does
448 /// Checks whether variables used within while loop condition
449 /// can be (and are) mutated in the body.
450 ///
451 /// ### Why is this bad?
452 /// If the condition is unchanged, entering the body of the loop
453 /// will lead to an infinite loop.
454 ///
455 /// ### Known problems
456 /// If the `while`-loop is in a closure, the check for mutation of the
457 /// condition variables in the body can cause false negatives. For example when only `Upvar` `a` is
458 /// in the condition and only `Upvar` `b` gets mutated in the body, the lint will not trigger.
459 ///
460 /// ### Example
461 /// ```rust
462 /// let i = 0;
463 /// while i > 10 {
464 /// println!("let me loop forever!");
465 /// }
466 /// ```
467 #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
469 correctness,
470 "variables used within while expression are not mutated in the body"
471 }
473 declare_clippy_lint! {
474 /// ### What it does
475 /// Checks whether a for loop is being used to push a constant
476 /// value into a Vec.
477 ///
478 /// ### Why is this bad?
479 /// This kind of operation can be expressed more succinctly with
480 /// `vec![item; SIZE]` or `vec.resize(NEW_SIZE, item)` and using these alternatives may also
481 /// have better performance.
482 ///
483 /// ### Example
484 /// ```rust
485 /// let item1 = 2;
486 /// let item2 = 3;
487 /// let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
488 /// for _ in 0..20 {
489 /// vec.push(item1);
490 /// }
491 /// for _ in 0..30 {
492 /// vec.push(item2);
493 /// }
494 /// ```
495 ///
496 /// Use instead:
497 /// ```rust
498 /// let item1 = 2;
499 /// let item2 = 3;
500 /// let mut vec: Vec<u8> = vec![item1; 20];
501 /// vec.resize(20 + 30, item2);
502 /// ```
503 #[clippy::version = "1.47.0"]
505 style,
506 "the same item is pushed inside of a for loop"
507 }
509 declare_clippy_lint! {
510 /// ### What it does
511 /// Checks whether a for loop has a single element.
512 ///
513 /// ### Why is this bad?
514 /// There is no reason to have a loop of a
515 /// single element.
516 ///
517 /// ### Example
518 /// ```rust
519 /// let item1 = 2;
520 /// for item in &[item1] {
521 /// println!("{}", item);
522 /// }
523 /// ```
524 ///
525 /// Use instead:
526 /// ```rust
527 /// let item1 = 2;
528 /// let item = &item1;
529 /// println!("{}", item);
530 /// ```
531 #[clippy::version = "1.49.0"]
533 complexity,
534 "there is no reason to have a single element loop"
535 }
537 declare_clippy_lint! {
538 /// ### What it does
539 /// Check for unnecessary `if let` usage in a for loop
540 /// where only the `Some` or `Ok` variant of the iterator element is used.
541 ///
542 /// ### Why is this bad?
543 /// It is verbose and can be simplified
544 /// by first calling the `flatten` method on the `Iterator`.
545 ///
546 /// ### Example
547 ///
548 /// ```rust
549 /// let x = vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3)];
550 /// for n in x {
551 /// if let Some(n) = n {
552 /// println!("{}", n);
553 /// }
554 /// }
555 /// ```
556 /// Use instead:
557 /// ```rust
558 /// let x = vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3)];
559 /// for n in x.into_iter().flatten() {
560 /// println!("{}", n);
561 /// }
562 /// ```
563 #[clippy::version = "1.52.0"]
565 complexity,
566 "for loops over `Option`s or `Result`s with a single expression can be simplified"
567 }
569 declare_clippy_lint! {
570 /// ### What it does
571 /// Check for empty spin loops
572 ///
573 /// ### Why is this bad?
574 /// The loop body should have something like `thread::park()` or at least
575 /// `std::hint::spin_loop()` to avoid needlessly burning cycles and conserve
576 /// energy. Perhaps even better use an actual lock, if possible.
577 ///
578 /// ### Known problems
579 /// This lint doesn't currently trigger on `while let` or
580 /// `loop { match .. { .. } }` loops, which would be considered idiomatic in
581 /// combination with e.g. `AtomicBool::compare_exchange_weak`.
582 ///
583 /// ### Example
584 ///
585 /// ```ignore
586 /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
587 /// let b = AtomicBool::new(true);
588 /// // give a ref to `b` to another thread,wait for it to become false
589 /// while b.load(Ordering::Acquire) {};
590 /// ```
591 /// Use instead:
592 /// ```rust,no_run
593 ///# use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
594 ///# let b = AtomicBool::new(true);
595 /// while b.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
596 /// std::hint::spin_loop()
597 /// }
598 /// ```
599 #[clippy::version = "1.61.0"]
601 perf,
602 "An empty busy waiting loop"
603 }
605 declare_lint_pass!(Loops => [
625 ]);
627 impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for Loops {
628 fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
629 let for_loop = higher::ForLoop::hir(expr);
630 if let Some(higher::ForLoop {
631 pat,
632 arg,
633 body,
634 loop_id,
635 span,
636 }) = for_loop
637 {
638 // we don't want to check expanded macros
639 // this check is not at the top of the function
640 // since higher::for_loop expressions are marked as expansions
641 if body.span.from_expansion() {
642 return;
643 }
644 check_for_loop(cx, pat, arg, body, expr, span);
645 if let ExprKind::Block(block, _) = body.kind {
646 never_loop::check(cx, block, loop_id, span, for_loop.as_ref());
647 }
648 }
650 // we don't want to check expanded macros
651 if expr.span.from_expansion() {
652 return;
653 }
655 // check for never_loop
656 if let ExprKind::Loop(block, ..) = expr.kind {
657 never_loop::check(cx, block, expr.hir_id, expr.span, None);
658 }
660 // check for `loop { if let {} else break }` that could be `while let`
661 // (also matches an explicit "match" instead of "if let")
662 // (even if the "match" or "if let" is used for declaration)
663 if let ExprKind::Loop(block, _, LoopSource::Loop, _) = expr.kind {
664 // also check for empty `loop {}` statements, skipping those in #[panic_handler]
665 empty_loop::check(cx, expr, block);
666 while_let_loop::check(cx, expr, block);
667 }
669 while_let_on_iterator::check(cx, expr);
671 if let Some(higher::While { condition, body }) = higher::While::hir(expr) {
672 while_immutable_condition::check(cx, condition, body);
673 missing_spin_loop::check(cx, condition, body);
674 }
676 needless_collect::check(expr, cx);
677 }
678 }
680 fn check_for_loop<'tcx>(
681 cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
682 pat: &'tcx Pat<'_>,
683 arg: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
684 body: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
685 expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
686 span: Span,
687 ) {
688 let is_manual_memcpy_triggered = manual_memcpy::check(cx, pat, arg, body, expr);
689 if !is_manual_memcpy_triggered {
690 needless_range_loop::check(cx, pat, arg, body, expr);
691 explicit_counter_loop::check(cx, pat, arg, body, expr);
692 }
693 check_for_loop_arg(cx, pat, arg);
694 for_kv_map::check(cx, pat, arg, body);
695 mut_range_bound::check(cx, arg, body);
696 single_element_loop::check(cx, pat, arg, body, expr);
697 same_item_push::check(cx, pat, arg, body, expr);
698 manual_flatten::check(cx, pat, arg, body, span);
699 }
701 fn check_for_loop_arg(cx: &LateContext<'_>, pat: &Pat<'_>, arg: &Expr<'_>) {
702 let mut next_loop_linted = false; // whether or not ITER_NEXT_LOOP lint was used
704 if let ExprKind::MethodCall(method, [self_arg], _) = arg.kind {
705 let method_name = method.ident.as_str();
706 // check for looping over x.iter() or x.iter_mut(), could use &x or &mut x
707 match method_name {
708 "iter" | "iter_mut" => {
709 explicit_iter_loop::check(cx, self_arg, arg, method_name);
710 for_loops_over_fallibles::check(cx, pat, self_arg, Some(method_name));
711 },
712 "into_iter" => {
713 explicit_iter_loop::check(cx, self_arg, arg, method_name);
714 explicit_into_iter_loop::check(cx, self_arg, arg);
715 for_loops_over_fallibles::check(cx, pat, self_arg, Some(method_name));
716 },
717 "next" => {
718 next_loop_linted = iter_next_loop::check(cx, arg);
719 },
720 _ => {},
721 }
722 }
724 if !next_loop_linted {
725 for_loops_over_fallibles::check(cx, pat, arg, None);
726 }
727 }