]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/clippy/lintcheck/src/main.rs
[rustc.git] / src / tools / clippy / lintcheck / src / main.rs
1 // Run clippy on a fixed set of crates and collect the warnings.
2 // This helps observing the impact clippy changes have on a set of real-world code (and not just our
3 // testsuite).
4 //
5 // When a new lint is introduced, we can search the results for new warnings and check for false
6 // positives.
8 #![allow(clippy::collapsible_else_if)]
10 use std::ffi::OsStr;
11 use std::process::Command;
12 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
13 use std::{collections::HashMap, io::ErrorKind};
14 use std::{
15 env, fmt,
16 fs::write,
17 path::{Path, PathBuf},
18 thread,
19 time::Duration,
20 };
22 use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches};
23 use rayon::prelude::*;
24 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
25 use serde_json::Value;
26 use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir};
28 #[cfg(not(windows))]
29 const CLIPPY_DRIVER_PATH: &str = "target/debug/clippy-driver";
30 #[cfg(not(windows))]
31 const CARGO_CLIPPY_PATH: &str = "target/debug/cargo-clippy";
33 #[cfg(windows)]
34 const CLIPPY_DRIVER_PATH: &str = "target/debug/clippy-driver.exe";
35 #[cfg(windows)]
36 const CARGO_CLIPPY_PATH: &str = "target/debug/cargo-clippy.exe";
38 const LINTCHECK_DOWNLOADS: &str = "target/lintcheck/downloads";
39 const LINTCHECK_SOURCES: &str = "target/lintcheck/sources";
41 /// List of sources to check, loaded from a .toml file
42 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
43 struct SourceList {
44 crates: HashMap<String, TomlCrate>,
45 }
47 /// A crate source stored inside the .toml
48 /// will be translated into on one of the `CrateSource` variants
49 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
50 struct TomlCrate {
51 name: String,
52 versions: Option<Vec<String>>,
53 git_url: Option<String>,
54 git_hash: Option<String>,
55 path: Option<String>,
56 options: Option<Vec<String>>,
57 }
59 /// Represents an archive we download from crates.io, or a git repo, or a local repo/folder
60 /// Once processed (downloaded/extracted/cloned/copied...), this will be translated into a `Crate`
61 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
62 enum CrateSource {
63 CratesIo {
64 name: String,
65 version: String,
66 options: Option<Vec<String>>,
67 },
68 Git {
69 name: String,
70 url: String,
71 commit: String,
72 options: Option<Vec<String>>,
73 },
74 Path {
75 name: String,
76 path: PathBuf,
77 options: Option<Vec<String>>,
78 },
79 }
81 /// Represents the actual source code of a crate that we ran "cargo clippy" on
82 #[derive(Debug)]
83 struct Crate {
84 version: String,
85 name: String,
86 // path to the extracted sources that clippy can check
87 path: PathBuf,
88 options: Option<Vec<String>>,
89 }
91 /// A single warning that clippy issued while checking a `Crate`
92 #[derive(Debug)]
93 struct ClippyWarning {
94 crate_name: String,
95 crate_version: String,
96 file: String,
97 line: String,
98 column: String,
99 linttype: String,
100 message: String,
101 is_ice: bool,
102 }
104 impl std::fmt::Display for ClippyWarning {
105 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
106 writeln!(
107 f,
108 r#"target/lintcheck/sources/{}-{}/{}:{}:{} {} "{}""#,
109 &self.crate_name, &self.crate_version, &self.file, &self.line, &self.column, &self.linttype, &self.message
110 )
111 }
112 }
114 fn get(path: &str) -> Result<ureq::Response, ureq::Error> {
115 const MAX_RETRIES: u8 = 4;
116 let mut retries = 0;
117 loop {
118 match ureq::get(path).call() {
119 Ok(res) => return Ok(res),
120 Err(e) if retries >= MAX_RETRIES => return Err(e),
121 Err(ureq::Error::Transport(e)) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e),
122 Err(e) => return Err(e),
123 }
124 eprintln!("retrying in {} seconds...", retries);
125 thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(retries as u64));
126 retries += 1;
127 }
128 }
130 impl CrateSource {
131 /// Makes the sources available on the disk for clippy to check.
132 /// Clones a git repo and checks out the specified commit or downloads a crate from crates.io or
133 /// copies a local folder
134 fn download_and_extract(&self) -> Crate {
135 match self {
136 CrateSource::CratesIo { name, version, options } => {
137 let extract_dir = PathBuf::from(LINTCHECK_SOURCES);
138 let krate_download_dir = PathBuf::from(LINTCHECK_DOWNLOADS);
140 // url to download the crate from crates.io
141 let url = format!("https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/{}/{}/download", name, version);
142 println!("Downloading and extracting {} {} from {}", name, version, url);
143 create_dirs(&krate_download_dir, &extract_dir);
145 let krate_file_path = krate_download_dir.join(format!("{}-{}.crate.tar.gz", name, version));
146 // don't download/extract if we already have done so
147 if !krate_file_path.is_file() {
148 // create a file path to download and write the crate data into
149 let mut krate_dest = std::fs::File::create(&krate_file_path).unwrap();
150 let mut krate_req = get(&url).unwrap().into_reader();
151 // copy the crate into the file
152 std::io::copy(&mut krate_req, &mut krate_dest).unwrap();
154 // unzip the tarball
155 let ungz_tar = flate2::read::GzDecoder::new(std::fs::File::open(&krate_file_path).unwrap());
156 // extract the tar archive
157 let mut archive = tar::Archive::new(ungz_tar);
158 archive.unpack(&extract_dir).expect("Failed to extract!");
159 }
160 // crate is extracted, return a new Krate object which contains the path to the extracted
161 // sources that clippy can check
162 Crate {
163 version: version.clone(),
164 name: name.clone(),
165 path: extract_dir.join(format!("{}-{}/", name, version)),
166 options: options.clone(),
167 }
168 },
169 CrateSource::Git {
170 name,
171 url,
172 commit,
173 options,
174 } => {
175 let repo_path = {
176 let mut repo_path = PathBuf::from(LINTCHECK_SOURCES);
177 // add a -git suffix in case we have the same crate from crates.io and a git repo
178 repo_path.push(format!("{}-git", name));
179 repo_path
180 };
181 // clone the repo if we have not done so
182 if !repo_path.is_dir() {
183 println!("Cloning {} and checking out {}", url, commit);
184 if !Command::new("git")
185 .arg("clone")
186 .arg(url)
187 .arg(&repo_path)
188 .status()
189 .expect("Failed to clone git repo!")
190 .success()
191 {
192 eprintln!("Failed to clone {} into {}", url, repo_path.display())
193 }
194 }
195 // check out the commit/branch/whatever
196 if !Command::new("git")
197 .arg("checkout")
198 .arg(commit)
199 .current_dir(&repo_path)
200 .status()
201 .expect("Failed to check out commit")
202 .success()
203 {
204 eprintln!("Failed to checkout {} of repo at {}", commit, repo_path.display())
205 }
207 Crate {
208 version: commit.clone(),
209 name: name.clone(),
210 path: repo_path,
211 options: options.clone(),
212 }
213 },
214 CrateSource::Path { name, path, options } => {
215 // copy path into the dest_crate_root but skip directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file.
216 // The target/ directory contains a CACHEDIR.TAG file so it is the most commonly skipped directory
217 // as a result of this filter.
218 let dest_crate_root = PathBuf::from(LINTCHECK_SOURCES).join(name);
219 if dest_crate_root.exists() {
220 println!("Deleting existing directory at {:?}", dest_crate_root);
221 std::fs::remove_dir_all(&dest_crate_root).unwrap();
222 }
224 println!("Copying {:?} to {:?}", path, dest_crate_root);
226 fn is_cache_dir(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
227 std::fs::read(entry.path().join("CACHEDIR.TAG"))
228 .map(|x| x.starts_with(b"Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55"))
229 .unwrap_or(false)
230 }
232 for entry in WalkDir::new(path).into_iter().filter_entry(|e| !is_cache_dir(e)) {
233 let entry = entry.unwrap();
234 let entry_path = entry.path();
235 let relative_entry_path = entry_path.strip_prefix(path).unwrap();
236 let dest_path = dest_crate_root.join(relative_entry_path);
237 let metadata = entry_path.symlink_metadata().unwrap();
239 if metadata.is_dir() {
240 std::fs::create_dir(dest_path).unwrap();
241 } else if metadata.is_file() {
242 std::fs::copy(entry_path, dest_path).unwrap();
243 }
244 }
246 Crate {
247 version: String::from("local"),
248 name: name.clone(),
249 path: dest_crate_root,
250 options: options.clone(),
251 }
252 },
253 }
254 }
255 }
257 impl Crate {
258 /// Run `cargo clippy` on the `Crate` and collect and return all the lint warnings that clippy
259 /// issued
260 fn run_clippy_lints(
261 &self,
262 cargo_clippy_path: &Path,
263 target_dir_index: &AtomicUsize,
264 thread_limit: usize,
265 total_crates_to_lint: usize,
266 fix: bool,
267 ) -> Vec<ClippyWarning> {
268 // advance the atomic index by one
269 let index = target_dir_index.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
270 // "loop" the index within 0..thread_limit
271 let thread_index = index % thread_limit;
272 let perc = (index * 100) / total_crates_to_lint;
274 if thread_limit == 1 {
275 println!(
276 "{}/{} {}% Linting {} {}",
277 index, total_crates_to_lint, perc, &self.name, &self.version
278 );
279 } else {
280 println!(
281 "{}/{} {}% Linting {} {} in target dir {:?}",
282 index, total_crates_to_lint, perc, &self.name, &self.version, thread_index
283 );
284 }
286 let cargo_clippy_path = std::fs::canonicalize(cargo_clippy_path).unwrap();
288 let shared_target_dir = clippy_project_root().join("target/lintcheck/shared_target_dir");
290 let mut args = if fix {
291 vec!["--fix", "--allow-no-vcs", "--", "--cap-lints=warn"]
292 } else {
293 vec!["--", "--message-format=json", "--", "--cap-lints=warn"]
294 };
296 if let Some(options) = &self.options {
297 for opt in options {
298 args.push(opt);
299 }
300 } else {
301 args.extend(&["-Wclippy::pedantic", "-Wclippy::cargo"])
302 }
304 let all_output = std::process::Command::new(&cargo_clippy_path)
305 // use the looping index to create individual target dirs
306 .env(
308 shared_target_dir.join(format!("_{:?}", thread_index)),
309 )
310 // lint warnings will look like this:
311 // src/cargo/ops/cargo_compile.rs:127:35: warning: usage of `FromIterator::from_iter`
312 .args(&args)
313 .current_dir(&self.path)
314 .output()
315 .unwrap_or_else(|error| {
316 panic!(
317 "Encountered error:\n{:?}\ncargo_clippy_path: {}\ncrate path:{}\n",
318 error,
319 &cargo_clippy_path.display(),
320 &self.path.display()
321 );
322 });
323 let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&all_output.stdout);
324 let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&all_output.stderr);
325 let status = &all_output.status;
327 if !status.success() {
328 eprintln!(
329 "\nWARNING: bad exit status after checking {} {} \n",
330 self.name, self.version
331 );
332 }
334 if fix {
335 if let Some(stderr) = stderr
336 .lines()
337 .find(|line| line.contains("failed to automatically apply fixes suggested by rustc to crate"))
338 {
339 let subcrate = &stderr[63..];
340 println!(
341 "ERROR: failed to apply some suggetion to {} / to (sub)crate {}",
342 self.name, subcrate
343 );
344 }
345 // fast path, we don't need the warnings anyway
346 return Vec::new();
347 }
349 let output_lines = stdout.lines();
350 let warnings: Vec<ClippyWarning> = output_lines
351 .into_iter()
352 // get all clippy warnings and ICEs
353 .filter(|line| filter_clippy_warnings(&line))
354 .map(|json_msg| parse_json_message(json_msg, &self))
355 .collect();
357 warnings
358 }
359 }
361 #[derive(Debug)]
362 struct LintcheckConfig {
363 // max number of jobs to spawn (default 1)
364 max_jobs: usize,
365 // we read the sources to check from here
366 sources_toml_path: PathBuf,
367 // we save the clippy lint results here
368 lintcheck_results_path: PathBuf,
369 // whether to just run --fix and not collect all the warnings
370 fix: bool,
371 }
373 impl LintcheckConfig {
374 fn from_clap(clap_config: &ArgMatches) -> Self {
375 // first, check if we got anything passed via the LINTCHECK_TOML env var,
376 // if not, ask clap if we got any value for --crates-toml <foo>
377 // if not, use the default "lintcheck/lintcheck_crates.toml"
378 let sources_toml = env::var("LINTCHECK_TOML").unwrap_or_else(|_| {
379 clap_config
380 .value_of("crates-toml")
381 .clone()
382 .unwrap_or("lintcheck/lintcheck_crates.toml")
383 .to_string()
384 });
386 let sources_toml_path = PathBuf::from(sources_toml);
388 // for the path where we save the lint results, get the filename without extension (so for
389 // wasd.toml, use "wasd"...)
390 let filename: PathBuf = sources_toml_path.file_stem().unwrap().into();
391 let lintcheck_results_path = PathBuf::from(format!("lintcheck-logs/{}_logs.txt", filename.display()));
393 // look at the --threads arg, if 0 is passed, ask rayon rayon how many threads it would spawn and
394 // use half of that for the physical core count
395 // by default use a single thread
396 let max_jobs = match clap_config.value_of("threads") {
397 Some(threads) => {
398 let threads: usize = threads
399 .parse()
400 .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to parse '{}' to a digit", threads));
401 if threads == 0 {
402 // automatic choice
403 // Rayon seems to return thread count so half that for core count
404 (rayon::current_num_threads() / 2) as usize
405 } else {
406 threads
407 }
408 },
409 // no -j passed, use a single thread
410 None => 1,
411 };
412 let fix: bool = clap_config.is_present("fix");
414 LintcheckConfig {
415 max_jobs,
416 sources_toml_path,
417 lintcheck_results_path,
418 fix,
419 }
420 }
421 }
423 /// takes a single json-formatted clippy warnings and returns true (we are interested in that line)
424 /// or false (we aren't)
425 fn filter_clippy_warnings(line: &str) -> bool {
426 // we want to collect ICEs because clippy might have crashed.
427 // these are summarized later
428 if line.contains("internal compiler error: ") {
429 return true;
430 }
431 // in general, we want all clippy warnings
432 // however due to some kind of bug, sometimes there are absolute paths
433 // to libcore files inside the message
434 // or we end up with cargo-metadata output (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/6508)
436 // filter out these message to avoid unnecessary noise in the logs
437 if line.contains("clippy::")
438 && !(line.contains("could not read cargo metadata")
439 || (line.contains(".rustup") && line.contains("toolchains")))
440 {
441 return true;
442 }
443 false
444 }
446 /// Builds clippy inside the repo to make sure we have a clippy executable we can use.
447 fn build_clippy() {
448 let status = Command::new("cargo")
449 .arg("build")
450 .status()
451 .expect("Failed to build clippy!");
452 if !status.success() {
453 eprintln!("Error: Failed to compile Clippy!");
454 std::process::exit(1);
455 }
456 }
458 /// Read a `toml` file and return a list of `CrateSources` that we want to check with clippy
459 fn read_crates(toml_path: &Path) -> Vec<CrateSource> {
460 let toml_content: String =
461 std::fs::read_to_string(&toml_path).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to read {}", toml_path.display()));
462 let crate_list: SourceList =
463 toml::from_str(&toml_content).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to parse {}: \n{}", toml_path.display(), e));
464 // parse the hashmap of the toml file into a list of crates
465 let tomlcrates: Vec<TomlCrate> = crate_list
466 .crates
467 .into_iter()
468 .map(|(_cratename, tomlcrate)| tomlcrate)
469 .collect();
471 // flatten TomlCrates into CrateSources (one TomlCrates may represent several versions of a crate =>
472 // multiple Cratesources)
473 let mut crate_sources = Vec::new();
474 tomlcrates.into_iter().for_each(|tk| {
475 if let Some(ref path) = tk.path {
476 crate_sources.push(CrateSource::Path {
477 name: tk.name.clone(),
478 path: PathBuf::from(path),
479 options: tk.options.clone(),
480 });
481 }
483 // if we have multiple versions, save each one
484 if let Some(ref versions) = tk.versions {
485 versions.iter().for_each(|ver| {
486 crate_sources.push(CrateSource::CratesIo {
487 name: tk.name.clone(),
488 version: ver.to_string(),
489 options: tk.options.clone(),
490 });
491 })
492 }
493 // otherwise, we should have a git source
494 if tk.git_url.is_some() && tk.git_hash.is_some() {
495 crate_sources.push(CrateSource::Git {
496 name: tk.name.clone(),
497 url: tk.git_url.clone().unwrap(),
498 commit: tk.git_hash.clone().unwrap(),
499 options: tk.options.clone(),
500 });
501 }
502 // if we have a version as well as a git data OR only one git data, something is funky
503 if tk.versions.is_some() && (tk.git_url.is_some() || tk.git_hash.is_some())
504 || tk.git_hash.is_some() != tk.git_url.is_some()
505 {
506 eprintln!("tomlkrate: {:?}", tk);
507 if tk.git_hash.is_some() != tk.git_url.is_some() {
508 panic!("Error: Encountered TomlCrate with only one of git_hash and git_url!");
509 }
510 if tk.path.is_some() && (tk.git_hash.is_some() || tk.versions.is_some()) {
511 panic!("Error: TomlCrate can only have one of 'git_.*', 'version' or 'path' fields");
512 }
513 unreachable!("Failed to translate TomlCrate into CrateSource!");
514 }
515 });
516 // sort the crates
517 crate_sources.sort();
519 crate_sources
520 }
522 /// Parse the json output of clippy and return a `ClippyWarning`
523 fn parse_json_message(json_message: &str, krate: &Crate) -> ClippyWarning {
524 let jmsg: Value = serde_json::from_str(&json_message).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to parse json:\n{:?}", e));
526 let file: String = jmsg["message"]["spans"][0]["file_name"]
527 .to_string()
528 .trim_matches('"')
529 .into();
531 let file = if file.contains(".cargo") {
532 // if we deal with macros, a filename may show the origin of a macro which can be inside a dep from
533 // the registry.
534 // don't show the full path in that case.
536 // /home/matthias/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/syn-1.0.63/src/custom_keyword.rs
537 let path = PathBuf::from(file);
538 let mut piter = path.iter();
539 // consume all elements until we find ".cargo", so that "/home/matthias" is skipped
540 let _: Option<&OsStr> = piter.find(|x| x == &std::ffi::OsString::from(".cargo"));
541 // collect the remaining segments
542 let file = piter.collect::<PathBuf>();
543 format!("{}", file.display())
544 } else {
545 file
546 };
548 ClippyWarning {
549 crate_name: krate.name.to_string(),
550 crate_version: krate.version.to_string(),
551 file,
552 line: jmsg["message"]["spans"][0]["line_start"]
553 .to_string()
554 .trim_matches('"')
555 .into(),
556 column: jmsg["message"]["spans"][0]["text"][0]["highlight_start"]
557 .to_string()
558 .trim_matches('"')
559 .into(),
560 linttype: jmsg["message"]["code"]["code"].to_string().trim_matches('"').into(),
561 message: jmsg["message"]["message"].to_string().trim_matches('"').into(),
562 is_ice: json_message.contains("internal compiler error: "),
563 }
564 }
566 /// Generate a short list of occuring lints-types and their count
567 fn gather_stats(clippy_warnings: &[ClippyWarning]) -> (String, HashMap<&String, usize>) {
568 // count lint type occurrences
569 let mut counter: HashMap<&String, usize> = HashMap::new();
570 clippy_warnings
571 .iter()
572 .for_each(|wrn| *counter.entry(&wrn.linttype).or_insert(0) += 1);
574 // collect into a tupled list for sorting
575 let mut stats: Vec<(&&String, &usize)> = counter.iter().map(|(lint, count)| (lint, count)).collect();
576 // sort by "000{count} {clippy::lintname}"
577 // to not have a lint with 200 and 2 warnings take the same spot
578 stats.sort_by_key(|(lint, count)| format!("{:0>4}, {}", count, lint));
580 let stats_string = stats
581 .iter()
582 .map(|(lint, count)| format!("{} {}\n", lint, count))
583 .collect::<String>();
585 (stats_string, counter)
586 }
588 /// check if the latest modification of the logfile is older than the modification date of the
589 /// clippy binary, if this is true, we should clean the lintchec shared target directory and recheck
590 fn lintcheck_needs_rerun(lintcheck_logs_path: &Path) -> bool {
591 if !lintcheck_logs_path.exists() {
592 return true;
593 }
595 let clippy_modified: std::time::SystemTime = {
596 let mut times = [CLIPPY_DRIVER_PATH, CARGO_CLIPPY_PATH].iter().map(|p| {
597 std::fs::metadata(p)
598 .expect("failed to get metadata of file")
599 .modified()
600 .expect("failed to get modification date")
601 });
602 // the oldest modification of either of the binaries
603 std::cmp::max(times.next().unwrap(), times.next().unwrap())
604 };
606 let logs_modified: std::time::SystemTime = std::fs::metadata(lintcheck_logs_path)
607 .expect("failed to get metadata of file")
608 .modified()
609 .expect("failed to get modification date");
611 // time is represented in seconds since X
612 // logs_modified 2 and clippy_modified 5 means clippy binary is older and we need to recheck
613 logs_modified < clippy_modified
614 }
616 fn is_in_clippy_root() -> bool {
617 if let Ok(pb) = std::env::current_dir() {
618 if let Some(file) = pb.file_name() {
619 return file == PathBuf::from("rust-clippy");
620 }
621 }
623 false
624 }
626 /// lintchecks `main()` function
627 ///
628 /// # Panics
629 ///
630 /// This function panics if the clippy binaries don't exist
631 /// or if lintcheck is executed from the wrong directory (aka none-repo-root)
632 pub fn main() {
633 // assert that we launch lintcheck from the repo root (via cargo lintcheck)
634 if !is_in_clippy_root() {
635 eprintln!("lintcheck needs to be run from clippys repo root!\nUse `cargo lintcheck` alternatively.");
636 std::process::exit(3);
637 }
639 let clap_config = &get_clap_config();
641 let config = LintcheckConfig::from_clap(clap_config);
643 println!("Compiling clippy...");
644 build_clippy();
645 println!("Done compiling");
647 // if the clippy bin is newer than our logs, throw away target dirs to force clippy to
648 // refresh the logs
649 if lintcheck_needs_rerun(&config.lintcheck_results_path) {
650 let shared_target_dir = "target/lintcheck/shared_target_dir";
651 // if we get an Err here, the shared target dir probably does simply not exist
652 if let Ok(metadata) = std::fs::metadata(&shared_target_dir) {
653 if metadata.is_dir() {
654 println!("Clippy is newer than lint check logs, clearing lintcheck shared target dir...");
655 std::fs::remove_dir_all(&shared_target_dir)
656 .expect("failed to remove target/lintcheck/shared_target_dir");
657 }
658 }
659 }
661 let cargo_clippy_path: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(CARGO_CLIPPY_PATH)
662 .canonicalize()
663 .expect("failed to canonicalize path to clippy binary");
665 // assert that clippy is found
666 assert!(
667 cargo_clippy_path.is_file(),
668 "target/debug/cargo-clippy binary not found! {}",
669 cargo_clippy_path.display()
670 );
672 let clippy_ver = std::process::Command::new(CARGO_CLIPPY_PATH)
673 .arg("--version")
674 .output()
675 .map(|o| String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stdout).into_owned())
676 .expect("could not get clippy version!");
678 // download and extract the crates, then run clippy on them and collect clippys warnings
679 // flatten into one big list of warnings
681 let crates = read_crates(&config.sources_toml_path);
682 let old_stats = read_stats_from_file(&config.lintcheck_results_path);
684 let counter = AtomicUsize::new(1);
686 let clippy_warnings: Vec<ClippyWarning> = if let Some(only_one_crate) = clap_config.value_of("only") {
687 // if we don't have the specified crate in the .toml, throw an error
688 if !crates.iter().any(|krate| {
689 let name = match krate {
690 CrateSource::CratesIo { name, .. } | CrateSource::Git { name, .. } | CrateSource::Path { name, .. } => {
691 name
692 },
693 };
694 name == only_one_crate
695 }) {
696 eprintln!(
697 "ERROR: could not find crate '{}' in lintcheck/lintcheck_crates.toml",
698 only_one_crate
699 );
700 std::process::exit(1);
701 }
703 // only check a single crate that was passed via cmdline
704 crates
705 .into_iter()
706 .map(|krate| krate.download_and_extract())
707 .filter(|krate| krate.name == only_one_crate)
708 .flat_map(|krate| krate.run_clippy_lints(&cargo_clippy_path, &AtomicUsize::new(0), 1, 1, config.fix))
709 .collect()
710 } else {
711 if config.max_jobs > 1 {
712 // run parallel with rayon
714 // Ask rayon for thread count. Assume that half of that is the number of physical cores
715 // Use one target dir for each core so that we can run N clippys in parallel.
716 // We need to use different target dirs because cargo would lock them for a single build otherwise,
717 // killing the parallelism. However this also means that deps will only be reused half/a
718 // quarter of the time which might result in a longer wall clock runtime
720 // This helps when we check many small crates with dep-trees that don't have a lot of branches in
721 // order to achive some kind of parallelism
723 // by default, use a single thread
724 let num_cpus = config.max_jobs;
725 let num_crates = crates.len();
727 // check all crates (default)
728 crates
729 .into_par_iter()
730 .map(|krate| krate.download_and_extract())
731 .flat_map(|krate| {
732 krate.run_clippy_lints(&cargo_clippy_path, &counter, num_cpus, num_crates, config.fix)
733 })
734 .collect()
735 } else {
736 // run sequential
737 let num_crates = crates.len();
738 crates
739 .into_iter()
740 .map(|krate| krate.download_and_extract())
741 .flat_map(|krate| krate.run_clippy_lints(&cargo_clippy_path, &counter, 1, num_crates, config.fix))
742 .collect()
743 }
744 };
746 // if we are in --fix mode, don't change the log files, terminate here
747 if config.fix {
748 return;
749 }
751 // generate some stats
752 let (stats_formatted, new_stats) = gather_stats(&clippy_warnings);
754 // grab crashes/ICEs, save the crate name and the ice message
755 let ices: Vec<(&String, &String)> = clippy_warnings
756 .iter()
757 .filter(|warning| warning.is_ice)
758 .map(|w| (&w.crate_name, &w.message))
759 .collect();
761 let mut all_msgs: Vec<String> = clippy_warnings.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect();
762 all_msgs.sort();
763 all_msgs.push("\n\n\n\nStats:\n".into());
764 all_msgs.push(stats_formatted);
766 // save the text into lintcheck-logs/logs.txt
767 let mut text = clippy_ver; // clippy version number on top
768 text.push_str(&format!("\n{}", all_msgs.join("")));
769 text.push_str("ICEs:\n");
770 ices.iter()
771 .for_each(|(cratename, msg)| text.push_str(&format!("{}: '{}'", cratename, msg)));
773 println!("Writing logs to {}", config.lintcheck_results_path.display());
774 write(&config.lintcheck_results_path, text).unwrap();
776 print_stats(old_stats, new_stats);
777 }
779 /// read the previous stats from the lintcheck-log file
780 fn read_stats_from_file(file_path: &Path) -> HashMap<String, usize> {
781 let file_content: String = match std::fs::read_to_string(file_path).ok() {
782 Some(content) => content,
783 None => {
784 return HashMap::new();
785 },
786 };
788 let lines: Vec<String> = file_content.lines().map(ToString::to_string).collect();
790 // search for the beginning "Stats:" and the end "ICEs:" of the section we want
791 let start = lines.iter().position(|line| line == "Stats:").unwrap();
792 let end = lines.iter().position(|line| line == "ICEs:").unwrap();
794 let stats_lines = &lines[start + 1..end];
796 stats_lines
797 .iter()
798 .map(|line| {
799 let mut spl = line.split(' ');
800 (
801 spl.next().unwrap().to_string(),
802 spl.next().unwrap().parse::<usize>().unwrap(),
803 )
804 })
805 .collect::<HashMap<String, usize>>()
806 }
808 /// print how lint counts changed between runs
809 fn print_stats(old_stats: HashMap<String, usize>, new_stats: HashMap<&String, usize>) {
810 let same_in_both_hashmaps = old_stats
811 .iter()
812 .filter(|(old_key, old_val)| new_stats.get::<&String>(&old_key) == Some(old_val))
813 .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), *v))
814 .collect::<Vec<(String, usize)>>();
816 let mut old_stats_deduped = old_stats;
817 let mut new_stats_deduped = new_stats;
819 // remove duplicates from both hashmaps
820 same_in_both_hashmaps.iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
821 assert!(old_stats_deduped.remove(k) == Some(*v));
822 assert!(new_stats_deduped.remove(k) == Some(*v));
823 });
825 println!("\nStats:");
827 // list all new counts (key is in new stats but not in old stats)
828 new_stats_deduped
829 .iter()
830 .filter(|(new_key, _)| old_stats_deduped.get::<str>(&new_key).is_none())
831 .for_each(|(new_key, new_value)| {
832 println!("{} 0 => {}", new_key, new_value);
833 });
835 // list all changed counts (key is in both maps but value differs)
836 new_stats_deduped
837 .iter()
838 .filter(|(new_key, _new_val)| old_stats_deduped.get::<str>(&new_key).is_some())
839 .for_each(|(new_key, new_val)| {
840 let old_val = old_stats_deduped.get::<str>(&new_key).unwrap();
841 println!("{} {} => {}", new_key, old_val, new_val);
842 });
844 // list all gone counts (key is in old status but not in new stats)
845 old_stats_deduped
846 .iter()
847 .filter(|(old_key, _)| new_stats_deduped.get::<&String>(&old_key).is_none())
848 .for_each(|(old_key, old_value)| {
849 println!("{} {} => 0", old_key, old_value);
850 });
851 }
853 /// Create necessary directories to run the lintcheck tool.
854 ///
855 /// # Panics
856 ///
857 /// This function panics if creating one of the dirs fails.
858 fn create_dirs(krate_download_dir: &Path, extract_dir: &Path) {
859 std::fs::create_dir("target/lintcheck/").unwrap_or_else(|err| {
860 if err.kind() != ErrorKind::AlreadyExists {
861 panic!("cannot create lintcheck target dir");
862 }
863 });
864 std::fs::create_dir(&krate_download_dir).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
865 if err.kind() != ErrorKind::AlreadyExists {
866 panic!("cannot create crate download dir");
867 }
868 });
869 std::fs::create_dir(&extract_dir).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
870 if err.kind() != ErrorKind::AlreadyExists {
871 panic!("cannot create crate extraction dir");
872 }
873 });
874 }
876 fn get_clap_config<'a>() -> ArgMatches<'a> {
877 App::new("lintcheck")
878 .about("run clippy on a set of crates and check output")
879 .arg(
880 Arg::with_name("only")
881 .takes_value(true)
882 .value_name("CRATE")
883 .long("only")
884 .help("only process a single crate of the list"),
885 )
886 .arg(
887 Arg::with_name("crates-toml")
888 .takes_value(true)
889 .value_name("CRATES-SOURCES-TOML-PATH")
890 .long("crates-toml")
891 .help("set the path for a crates.toml where lintcheck should read the sources from"),
892 )
893 .arg(
894 Arg::with_name("threads")
895 .takes_value(true)
896 .value_name("N")
897 .short("j")
898 .long("jobs")
899 .help("number of threads to use, 0 automatic choice"),
900 )
901 .arg(
902 Arg::with_name("fix")
903 .long("--fix")
904 .help("runs cargo clippy --fix and checks if all suggestions apply"),
905 )
906 .get_matches()
907 }
909 /// Returns the path to the Clippy project directory
910 ///
911 /// # Panics
912 ///
913 /// Panics if the current directory could not be retrieved, there was an error reading any of the
914 /// Cargo.toml files or ancestor directory is the clippy root directory
915 #[must_use]
916 pub fn clippy_project_root() -> PathBuf {
917 let current_dir = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
918 for path in current_dir.ancestors() {
919 let result = std::fs::read_to_string(path.join("Cargo.toml"));
920 if let Err(err) = &result {
921 if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
922 continue;
923 }
924 }
926 let content = result.unwrap();
927 if content.contains("[package]\nname = \"clippy\"") {
928 return path.to_path_buf();
929 }
930 }
931 panic!("error: Can't determine root of project. Please run inside a Clippy working dir.");
932 }
934 #[test]
935 fn lintcheck_test() {
936 let args = [
937 "run",
938 "--target-dir",
939 "lintcheck/target",
940 "--manifest-path",
941 "./lintcheck/Cargo.toml",
942 "--",
943 "--crates-toml",
944 "lintcheck/test_sources.toml",
945 ];
946 let status = std::process::Command::new("cargo")
947 .args(&args)
948 .current_dir("..") // repo root
949 .status();
950 //.output();
952 assert!(status.unwrap().success());
953 }