]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/linkchecker/main.rs
New upstream version 1.51.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / linkchecker / main.rs
1 //! Script to check the validity of `href` links in our HTML documentation.
2 //!
3 //! In the past we've been quite error prone to writing in broken links as most
4 //! of them are manually rather than automatically added. As files move over
5 //! time or apis change old links become stale or broken. The purpose of this
6 //! script is to check all relative links in our documentation to make sure they
7 //! actually point to a valid place.
8 //!
9 //! Currently this doesn't actually do any HTML parsing or anything fancy like
10 //! that, it just has a simple "regex" to search for `href` and `id` tags.
11 //! These values are then translated to file URLs if possible and then the
12 //! destination is asserted to exist.
13 //!
14 //! A few exceptions are allowed as there's known bugs in rustdoc, but this
15 //! should catch the majority of "broken link" cases.
17 #![feature(str_split_once)]
19 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
20 use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
21 use std::env;
22 use std::fs;
23 use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf};
24 use std::rc::Rc;
26 use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
27 use regex::Regex;
29 use crate::Redirect::*;
31 // Add linkcheck exceptions here
32 // If at all possible you should use intra-doc links to avoid linkcheck issues. These
33 // are cases where that does not work
34 // [(generated_documentation_page, &[broken_links])]
35 const LINKCHECK_EXCEPTIONS: &[(&str, &[&str])] = &[
36 // These are methods on slice, and `Self` does not work on primitive impls
37 // in intra-doc links (primitive impls are weird)
38 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/62834 is necessary to be
39 // able to link to slices
40 ("std/io/struct.IoSlice.html", &["#method.as_mut_ptr", "#method.sort_by_key"]),
41 // These try to link to std::collections, but are defined in alloc
42 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/74481
43 ("std/collections/btree_map/struct.BTreeMap.html", &["#insert-and-complex-keys"]),
44 ("std/collections/btree_set/struct.BTreeSet.html", &["#insert-and-complex-keys"]),
45 ("alloc/collections/btree_map/struct.BTreeMap.html", &["#insert-and-complex-keys"]),
46 ("alloc/collections/btree_set/struct.BTreeSet.html", &["#insert-and-complex-keys"]),
47 ];
49 #[rustfmt::skip]
50 const INTRA_DOC_LINK_EXCEPTIONS: &[(&str, &[&str])] = &[
51 // This will never have links that are not in other pages.
52 // To avoid repeating the exceptions twice, an empty list means all broken links are allowed.
53 ("reference/print.html", &[]),
54 // All the reference 'links' are actually ENBF highlighted as code
55 ("reference/comments.html", &[
56 "/</code> <code>!",
57 "*</code> <code>!",
58 ]),
59 ("reference/identifiers.html", &[
60 "a</code>-<code>z</code> <code>A</code>-<code>Z",
61 "a</code>-<code>z</code> <code>A</code>-<code>Z</code> <code>0</code>-<code>9</code> <code>_",
62 "a</code>-<code>z</code> <code>A</code>-<code>Z</code>] [<code>a</code>-<code>z</code> <code>A</code>-<code>Z</code> <code>0</code>-<code>9</code> <code>_",
63 ]),
64 ("reference/tokens.html", &[
65 "0</code>-<code>1",
66 "0</code>-<code>7",
67 "0</code>-<code>9",
68 "0</code>-<code>9",
69 "0</code>-<code>9</code> <code>a</code>-<code>f</code> <code>A</code>-<code>F",
70 ]),
71 ("reference/notation.html", &[
72 "b</code> <code>B",
73 "a</code>-<code>z",
74 ]),
75 // This is being used in the sense of 'inclusive range', not a markdown link
76 ("core/ops/struct.RangeInclusive.html", &["begin</code>, <code>end"]),
77 ("std/ops/struct.RangeInclusive.html", &["begin</code>, <code>end"]),
78 ("core/slice/trait.SliceIndex.html", &["begin</code>, <code>end"]),
79 ("alloc/slice/trait.SliceIndex.html", &["begin</code>, <code>end"]),
80 ("std/slice/trait.SliceIndex.html", &["begin</code>, <code>end"]),
82 ];
84 static BROKEN_INTRA_DOC_LINK: Lazy<Regex> =
85 Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r#"\[<code>(.*)</code>\]"#).unwrap());
87 macro_rules! t {
88 ($e:expr) => {
89 match $e {
90 Ok(e) => e,
91 Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {:?}", stringify!($e), e),
92 }
93 };
94 }
96 fn main() {
97 let docs = env::args_os().nth(1).unwrap();
98 let docs = env::current_dir().unwrap().join(docs);
99 let mut errors = false;
100 walk(&mut HashMap::new(), &docs, &docs, &mut errors);
101 if errors {
102 panic!("found some broken links");
103 }
104 }
106 #[derive(Debug)]
107 pub enum LoadError {
108 IOError(std::io::Error),
109 BrokenRedirect(PathBuf, std::io::Error),
110 IsRedirect,
111 }
113 enum Redirect {
114 SkipRedirect,
115 FromRedirect(bool),
116 }
118 struct FileEntry {
119 source: Rc<String>,
120 ids: HashSet<String>,
121 }
123 type Cache = HashMap<PathBuf, FileEntry>;
125 fn small_url_encode(s: &str) -> String {
126 s.replace("<", "%3C")
127 .replace(">", "%3E")
128 .replace(" ", "%20")
129 .replace("?", "%3F")
130 .replace("'", "%27")
131 .replace("&", "%26")
132 .replace(",", "%2C")
133 .replace(":", "%3A")
134 .replace(";", "%3B")
135 .replace("[", "%5B")
136 .replace("]", "%5D")
137 .replace("\"", "%22")
138 }
140 impl FileEntry {
141 fn parse_ids(&mut self, file: &Path, contents: &str, errors: &mut bool) {
142 if self.ids.is_empty() {
143 with_attrs_in_source(contents, " id", |fragment, i, _| {
144 let frag = fragment.trim_start_matches("#").to_owned();
145 let encoded = small_url_encode(&frag);
146 if !self.ids.insert(frag) {
147 *errors = true;
148 println!("{}:{}: id is not unique: `{}`", file.display(), i, fragment);
149 }
150 // Just in case, we also add the encoded id.
151 self.ids.insert(encoded);
152 });
153 }
154 }
155 }
157 fn walk(cache: &mut Cache, root: &Path, dir: &Path, errors: &mut bool) {
158 for entry in t!(dir.read_dir()).map(|e| t!(e)) {
159 let path = entry.path();
160 let kind = t!(entry.file_type());
161 if kind.is_dir() {
162 walk(cache, root, &path, errors);
163 } else {
164 let pretty_path = check(cache, root, &path, errors);
165 if let Some(pretty_path) = pretty_path {
166 let entry = cache.get_mut(&pretty_path).unwrap();
167 // we don't need the source anymore,
168 // so drop to reduce memory-usage
169 entry.source = Rc::new(String::new());
170 }
171 }
172 }
173 }
175 fn is_intra_doc_exception(file: &Path, link: &str) -> bool {
176 if let Some(entry) = INTRA_DOC_LINK_EXCEPTIONS.iter().find(|&(f, _)| file.ends_with(f)) {
177 entry.1.is_empty() || entry.1.contains(&link)
178 } else {
179 false
180 }
181 }
183 fn is_exception(file: &Path, link: &str) -> bool {
184 if let Some(entry) = LINKCHECK_EXCEPTIONS.iter().find(|&(f, _)| file.ends_with(f)) {
185 entry.1.contains(&link)
186 } else {
187 // FIXME(#63351): Concat trait in alloc/slice reexported in primitive page
188 //
189 // NOTE: This cannot be added to `LINKCHECK_EXCEPTIONS` because the resolved path
190 // calculated in `check` function is outside `build/<triple>/doc` dir.
191 // So the `strip_prefix` method just returns the old absolute broken path.
192 if file.ends_with("std/primitive.slice.html") {
193 if link.ends_with("primitive.slice.html") {
194 return true;
195 }
196 }
197 false
198 }
199 }
201 fn check(cache: &mut Cache, root: &Path, file: &Path, errors: &mut bool) -> Option<PathBuf> {
202 // Ignore non-HTML files.
203 if file.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) != Some("html") {
204 return None;
205 }
207 let res = load_file(cache, root, file, SkipRedirect);
208 let (pretty_file, contents) = match res {
209 Ok(res) => res,
210 Err(_) => return None,
211 };
212 {
213 cache.get_mut(&pretty_file).unwrap().parse_ids(&pretty_file, &contents, errors);
214 }
216 // Search for anything that's the regex 'href[ ]*=[ ]*".*?"'
217 with_attrs_in_source(&contents, " href", |url, i, base| {
218 // Ignore external URLs
219 if url.starts_with("http:")
220 || url.starts_with("https:")
221 || url.starts_with("javascript:")
222 || url.starts_with("ftp:")
223 || url.starts_with("irc:")
224 || url.starts_with("data:")
225 {
226 return;
227 }
228 let (url, fragment) = match url.split_once('#') {
229 None => (url, None),
230 Some((url, fragment)) => (url, Some(fragment)),
231 };
232 // NB: the `splitn` always succeeds, even if the delimiter is not present.
233 let url = url.splitn(2, '?').next().unwrap();
235 // Once we've plucked out the URL, parse it using our base url and
236 // then try to extract a file path.
237 let mut path = file.to_path_buf();
238 if !base.is_empty() || !url.is_empty() {
239 path.pop();
240 for part in Path::new(base).join(url).components() {
241 match part {
242 Component::Prefix(_) | Component::RootDir => {
243 // Avoid absolute paths as they make the docs not
244 // relocatable by making assumptions on where the docs
245 // are hosted relative to the site root.
246 *errors = true;
247 println!(
248 "{}:{}: absolute path - {}",
249 pretty_file.display(),
250 i + 1,
251 Path::new(base).join(url).display()
252 );
253 return;
254 }
255 Component::CurDir => {}
256 Component::ParentDir => {
257 path.pop();
258 }
259 Component::Normal(s) => {
260 path.push(s);
261 }
262 }
263 }
264 }
266 // Alright, if we've found a file name then this file had better
267 // exist! If it doesn't then we register and print an error.
268 if path.exists() {
269 if path.is_dir() {
270 // Links to directories show as directory listings when viewing
271 // the docs offline so it's best to avoid them.
272 *errors = true;
273 let pretty_path = path.strip_prefix(root).unwrap_or(&path);
274 println!(
275 "{}:{}: directory link - {}",
276 pretty_file.display(),
277 i + 1,
278 pretty_path.display()
279 );
280 return;
281 }
282 if let Some(extension) = path.extension() {
283 // Ignore none HTML files.
284 if extension != "html" {
285 return;
286 }
287 }
288 let res = load_file(cache, root, &path, FromRedirect(false));
289 let (pretty_path, contents) = match res {
290 Ok(res) => res,
291 Err(LoadError::IOError(err)) => {
292 panic!("error loading {}: {}", path.display(), err);
293 }
294 Err(LoadError::BrokenRedirect(target, _)) => {
295 *errors = true;
296 println!(
297 "{}:{}: broken redirect to {}",
298 pretty_file.display(),
299 i + 1,
300 target.display()
301 );
302 return;
303 }
304 Err(LoadError::IsRedirect) => unreachable!(),
305 };
307 if let Some(ref fragment) = fragment {
308 // Fragments like `#1-6` are most likely line numbers to be
309 // interpreted by javascript, so we're ignoring these
310 if fragment.splitn(2, '-').all(|f| f.chars().all(|c| c.is_numeric())) {
311 return;
312 }
314 // These appear to be broken in mdbook right now?
315 if fragment.starts_with('-') {
316 return;
317 }
319 let entry = &mut cache.get_mut(&pretty_path).unwrap();
320 entry.parse_ids(&pretty_path, &contents, errors);
322 if !entry.ids.contains(*fragment) && !is_exception(file, &format!("#{}", fragment))
323 {
324 *errors = true;
325 print!("{}:{}: broken link fragment ", pretty_file.display(), i + 1);
326 println!("`#{}` pointing to `{}`", fragment, pretty_path.display());
327 };
328 }
329 } else {
330 let pretty_path = path.strip_prefix(root).unwrap_or(&path);
331 if !is_exception(file, pretty_path.to_str().unwrap()) {
332 *errors = true;
333 print!("{}:{}: broken link - ", pretty_file.display(), i + 1);
334 println!("{}", pretty_path.display());
335 }
336 }
337 });
339 // Search for intra-doc links that rustdoc didn't warn about
340 // FIXME(#77199, 77200) Rustdoc should just warn about these directly.
341 // NOTE: only looks at one line at a time; in practice this should find most links
342 for (i, line) in contents.lines().enumerate() {
343 for broken_link in BROKEN_INTRA_DOC_LINK.captures_iter(line) {
344 if !is_intra_doc_exception(file, &broken_link[1]) {
345 *errors = true;
346 print!("{}:{}: broken intra-doc link - ", pretty_file.display(), i + 1);
347 println!("{}", &broken_link[0]);
348 }
349 }
350 }
351 Some(pretty_file)
352 }
354 fn load_file(
355 cache: &mut Cache,
356 root: &Path,
357 file: &Path,
358 redirect: Redirect,
359 ) -> Result<(PathBuf, Rc<String>), LoadError> {
360 let pretty_file = PathBuf::from(file.strip_prefix(root).unwrap_or(&file));
362 let (maybe_redirect, contents) = match cache.entry(pretty_file.clone()) {
363 Entry::Occupied(entry) => (None, entry.get().source.clone()),
364 Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
365 let contents = match fs::read_to_string(file) {
366 Ok(s) => Rc::new(s),
367 Err(err) => {
368 return Err(if let FromRedirect(true) = redirect {
369 LoadError::BrokenRedirect(file.to_path_buf(), err)
370 } else {
371 LoadError::IOError(err)
372 });
373 }
374 };
376 let maybe = maybe_redirect(&contents);
377 if maybe.is_some() {
378 if let SkipRedirect = redirect {
379 return Err(LoadError::IsRedirect);
380 }
381 } else {
382 entry.insert(FileEntry { source: contents.clone(), ids: HashSet::new() });
383 }
384 (maybe, contents)
385 }
386 };
387 match maybe_redirect.map(|url| file.parent().unwrap().join(url)) {
388 Some(redirect_file) => load_file(cache, root, &redirect_file, FromRedirect(true)),
389 None => Ok((pretty_file, contents)),
390 }
391 }
393 fn maybe_redirect(source: &str) -> Option<String> {
394 const REDIRECT: &str = "<p>Redirecting to <a href=";
396 let mut lines = source.lines();
397 let redirect_line = lines.nth(6)?;
399 redirect_line.find(REDIRECT).map(|i| {
400 let rest = &redirect_line[(i + REDIRECT.len() + 1)..];
401 let pos_quote = rest.find('"').unwrap();
402 rest[..pos_quote].to_owned()
403 })
404 }
406 fn with_attrs_in_source<F: FnMut(&str, usize, &str)>(contents: &str, attr: &str, mut f: F) {
407 let mut base = "";
408 for (i, mut line) in contents.lines().enumerate() {
409 while let Some(j) = line.find(attr) {
410 let rest = &line[j + attr.len()..];
411 // The base tag should always be the first link in the document so
412 // we can get away with using one pass.
413 let is_base = line[..j].ends_with("<base");
414 line = rest;
415 let pos_equals = match rest.find('=') {
416 Some(i) => i,
417 None => continue,
418 };
419 if rest[..pos_equals].trim_start_matches(' ') != "" {
420 continue;
421 }
423 let rest = &rest[pos_equals + 1..];
425 let pos_quote = match rest.find(&['"', '\''][..]) {
426 Some(i) => i,
427 None => continue,
428 };
429 let quote_delim = rest.as_bytes()[pos_quote] as char;
431 if rest[..pos_quote].trim_start_matches(' ') != "" {
432 continue;
433 }
434 let rest = &rest[pos_quote + 1..];
435 let url = match rest.find(quote_delim) {
436 Some(i) => &rest[..i],
437 None => continue,
438 };
439 if is_base {
440 base = url;
441 continue;
442 }
443 f(url, i, base)
444 }
445 }
446 }