]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/lint-docs/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.48.0~beta.8+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / lint-docs / src / lib.rs
1 use std::error::Error;
2 use std::fmt::Write;
3 use std::fs;
4 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
5 use std::process::Command;
6 use walkdir::WalkDir;
8 mod groups;
10 struct Lint {
11 name: String,
12 doc: Vec<String>,
13 level: Level,
14 path: PathBuf,
15 lineno: usize,
16 }
18 impl Lint {
19 fn doc_contains(&self, text: &str) -> bool {
20 self.doc.iter().any(|line| line.contains(text))
21 }
23 fn is_ignored(&self) -> bool {
24 self.doc
25 .iter()
26 .filter(|line| line.starts_with("```rust"))
27 .all(|line| line.contains(",ignore"))
28 }
29 }
31 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
32 enum Level {
33 Allow,
34 Warn,
35 Deny,
36 }
38 impl Level {
39 fn doc_filename(&self) -> &str {
40 match self {
41 Level::Allow => "allowed-by-default.md",
42 Level::Warn => "warn-by-default.md",
43 Level::Deny => "deny-by-default.md",
44 }
45 }
46 }
48 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
49 pub struct Rustc<'a> {
50 pub path: &'a Path,
51 pub target: &'a str,
52 }
54 /// Collects all lints, and writes the markdown documentation at the given directory.
55 pub fn extract_lint_docs(
56 src_path: &Path,
57 out_path: &Path,
58 rustc: Rustc<'_>,
59 verbose: bool,
60 ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
61 let mut lints = gather_lints(src_path)?;
62 for lint in &mut lints {
63 generate_output_example(lint, rustc, verbose).map_err(|e| {
64 format!(
65 "failed to test example in lint docs for `{}` in {}:{}: {}",
66 lint.name,
67 lint.path.display(),
68 lint.lineno,
69 e
70 )
71 })?;
72 }
73 save_lints_markdown(&lints, &out_path.join("listing"))?;
74 groups::generate_group_docs(&lints, rustc, out_path)?;
75 Ok(())
76 }
78 /// Collects all lints from all files in the given directory.
79 fn gather_lints(src_path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<Lint>, Box<dyn Error>> {
80 let mut lints = Vec::new();
81 for entry in WalkDir::new(src_path).into_iter().filter_map(|e| e.ok()) {
82 if !entry.path().extension().map_or(false, |ext| ext == "rs") {
83 continue;
84 }
85 lints.extend(lints_from_file(entry.path())?);
86 }
87 if lints.is_empty() {
88 return Err("no lints were found!".into());
89 }
90 Ok(lints)
91 }
93 /// Collects all lints from the given file.
94 fn lints_from_file(path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<Lint>, Box<dyn Error>> {
95 let mut lints = Vec::new();
96 let contents = fs::read_to_string(path)
97 .map_err(|e| format!("could not read {}: {}", path.display(), e))?;
98 let mut lines = contents.lines().enumerate();
99 loop {
100 // Find a lint declaration.
101 let lint_start = loop {
102 match lines.next() {
103 Some((lineno, line)) => {
104 if line.trim().starts_with("declare_lint!") {
105 break lineno + 1;
106 }
107 }
108 None => return Ok(lints),
109 }
110 };
111 // Read the lint.
112 let mut doc_lines = Vec::new();
113 let (doc, name) = loop {
114 match lines.next() {
115 Some((lineno, line)) => {
116 let line = line.trim();
117 if line.starts_with("/// ") {
118 doc_lines.push(line.trim()[4..].to_string());
119 } else if line.starts_with("///") {
120 doc_lines.push("".to_string());
121 } else if line.starts_with("// ") {
122 // Ignore comments.
123 continue;
124 } else {
125 let name = lint_name(line).map_err(|e| {
126 format!(
127 "could not determine lint name in {}:{}: {}, line was `{}`",
128 path.display(),
129 lineno,
130 e,
131 line
132 )
133 })?;
134 if doc_lines.is_empty() {
135 return Err(format!(
136 "did not find doc lines for lint `{}` in {}",
137 name,
138 path.display()
139 )
140 .into());
141 }
142 break (doc_lines, name);
143 }
144 }
145 None => {
146 return Err(format!(
147 "unexpected EOF for lint definition at {}:{}",
148 path.display(),
149 lint_start
150 )
151 .into());
152 }
153 }
154 };
155 // These lints are specifically undocumented. This should be reserved
156 // for internal rustc-lints only.
157 if name == "deprecated_in_future" {
158 continue;
159 }
160 // Read the level.
161 let level = loop {
162 match lines.next() {
163 // Ignore comments.
164 Some((_, line)) if line.trim().starts_with("// ") => {}
165 Some((lineno, line)) => match line.trim() {
166 "Allow," => break Level::Allow,
167 "Warn," => break Level::Warn,
168 "Deny," => break Level::Deny,
169 _ => {
170 return Err(format!(
171 "unexpected lint level `{}` in {}:{}",
172 line,
173 path.display(),
174 lineno
175 )
176 .into());
177 }
178 },
179 None => {
180 return Err(format!(
181 "expected lint level in {}:{}, got EOF",
182 path.display(),
183 lint_start
184 )
185 .into());
186 }
187 }
188 };
189 // The rest of the lint definition is ignored.
190 assert!(!doc.is_empty());
191 lints.push(Lint { name, doc, level, path: PathBuf::from(path), lineno: lint_start });
192 }
193 }
195 /// Extracts the lint name (removing the visibility modifier, and checking validity).
196 fn lint_name(line: &str) -> Result<String, &'static str> {
197 // Skip over any potential `pub` visibility.
198 match line.trim().split(' ').next_back() {
199 Some(name) => {
200 if !name.ends_with(',') {
201 return Err("lint name should end with comma");
202 }
203 let name = &name[..name.len() - 1];
204 if !name.chars().all(|ch| ch.is_uppercase() || ch == '_') || name.is_empty() {
205 return Err("lint name did not have expected format");
206 }
207 Ok(name.to_lowercase().to_string())
208 }
209 None => Err("could not find lint name"),
210 }
211 }
213 /// Mutates the lint definition to replace the `{{produces}}` marker with the
214 /// actual output from the compiler.
215 fn generate_output_example(
216 lint: &mut Lint,
217 rustc: Rustc<'_>,
218 verbose: bool,
219 ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
220 // Explicit list of lints that are allowed to not have an example. Please
221 // try to avoid adding to this list.
222 if matches!(
223 lint.name.as_str(),
224 "unused_features" // broken lint
225 | "unstable_features" // deprecated
226 ) {
227 return Ok(());
228 }
229 if lint.doc_contains("[rustdoc book]") && !lint.doc_contains("{{produces}}") {
230 // Rustdoc lints are documented in the rustdoc book, don't check these.
231 return Ok(());
232 }
233 check_style(lint)?;
234 // Unfortunately some lints have extra requirements that this simple test
235 // setup can't handle (like extern crates). An alternative is to use a
236 // separate test suite, and use an include mechanism such as mdbook's
237 // `{{#rustdoc_include}}`.
238 if !lint.is_ignored() {
239 replace_produces(lint, rustc, verbose)?;
240 }
241 Ok(())
242 }
244 /// Checks the doc style of the lint.
245 fn check_style(lint: &Lint) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
246 for &expected in &["### Example", "### Explanation", "{{produces}}"] {
247 if expected == "{{produces}}" && lint.is_ignored() {
248 continue;
249 }
250 if !lint.doc_contains(expected) {
251 return Err(format!("lint docs should contain the line `{}`", expected).into());
252 }
253 }
254 if let Some(first) = lint.doc.first() {
255 if !first.starts_with(&format!("The `{}` lint", lint.name)) {
256 return Err(format!(
257 "lint docs should start with the text \"The `{}` lint\" to introduce the lint",
258 lint.name
259 )
260 .into());
261 }
262 }
263 Ok(())
264 }
266 /// Mutates the lint docs to replace the `{{produces}}` marker with the actual
267 /// output from the compiler.
268 fn replace_produces(
269 lint: &mut Lint,
270 rustc: Rustc<'_>,
271 verbose: bool,
272 ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
273 let mut lines = lint.doc.iter_mut();
274 loop {
275 // Find start of example.
276 let options = loop {
277 match lines.next() {
278 Some(line) if line.starts_with("```rust") => {
279 break line[7..].split(',').collect::<Vec<_>>();
280 }
281 Some(line) if line.contains("{{produces}}") => {
282 return Err("lint marker {{{{produces}}}} found, \
283 but expected to immediately follow a rust code block"
284 .into());
285 }
286 Some(_) => {}
287 None => return Ok(()),
288 }
289 };
290 // Find the end of example.
291 let mut example = Vec::new();
292 loop {
293 match lines.next() {
294 Some(line) if line == "```" => break,
295 Some(line) => example.push(line),
296 None => {
297 return Err(format!(
298 "did not find end of example triple ticks ```, docs were:\n{:?}",
299 lint.doc
300 )
301 .into());
302 }
303 }
304 }
305 // Find the {{produces}} line.
306 loop {
307 match lines.next() {
308 Some(line) if line.is_empty() => {}
309 Some(line) if line == "{{produces}}" => {
310 let output =
311 generate_lint_output(&lint.name, &example, &options, rustc, verbose)?;
312 line.replace_range(
313 ..,
314 &format!(
315 "This will produce:\n\
316 \n\
317 ```text\n\
318 {}\
319 ```",
320 output
321 ),
322 );
323 break;
324 }
325 // No {{produces}} after example, find next example.
326 Some(_line) => break,
327 None => return Ok(()),
328 }
329 }
330 }
331 }
333 /// Runs the compiler against the example, and extracts the output.
334 fn generate_lint_output(
335 name: &str,
336 example: &[&mut String],
337 options: &[&str],
338 rustc: Rustc<'_>,
339 verbose: bool,
340 ) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
341 if verbose {
342 eprintln!("compiling lint {}", name);
343 }
344 let tempdir = tempfile::TempDir::new()?;
345 let tempfile = tempdir.path().join("lint_example.rs");
346 let mut source = String::new();
347 let needs_main = !example.iter().any(|line| line.contains("fn main"));
348 // Remove `# ` prefix for hidden lines.
349 let unhidden =
350 example.iter().map(|line| if line.starts_with("# ") { &line[2..] } else { line });
351 let mut lines = unhidden.peekable();
352 while let Some(line) = lines.peek() {
353 if line.starts_with("#!") {
354 source.push_str(line);
355 source.push('\n');
356 lines.next();
357 } else {
358 break;
359 }
360 }
361 if needs_main {
362 source.push_str("fn main() {\n");
363 }
364 for line in lines {
365 source.push_str(line);
366 source.push('\n')
367 }
368 if needs_main {
369 source.push_str("}\n");
370 }
371 fs::write(&tempfile, source)
372 .map_err(|e| format!("failed to write {}: {}", tempfile.display(), e))?;
373 let mut cmd = Command::new(rustc.path);
374 if options.contains(&"edition2015") {
375 cmd.arg("--edition=2015");
376 } else {
377 cmd.arg("--edition=2018");
378 }
379 cmd.arg("--error-format=json");
380 cmd.arg("--target").arg(rustc.target);
381 if options.contains(&"test") {
382 cmd.arg("--test");
383 }
384 cmd.arg("lint_example.rs");
385 cmd.current_dir(tempdir.path());
386 let output = cmd.output().map_err(|e| format!("failed to run command {:?}\n{}", cmd, e))?;
387 let stderr = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap();
388 let msgs = stderr
389 .lines()
390 .filter(|line| line.starts_with('{'))
391 .map(serde_json::from_str)
392 .collect::<Result<Vec<serde_json::Value>, _>>()?;
393 match msgs
394 .iter()
395 .find(|msg| matches!(&msg["code"]["code"], serde_json::Value::String(s) if s==name))
396 {
397 Some(msg) => {
398 let rendered = msg["rendered"].as_str().expect("rendered field should exist");
399 Ok(rendered.to_string())
400 }
401 None => {
402 match msgs.iter().find(
403 |msg| matches!(&msg["rendered"], serde_json::Value::String(s) if s.contains(name)),
404 ) {
405 Some(msg) => {
406 let rendered = msg["rendered"].as_str().expect("rendered field should exist");
407 Ok(rendered.to_string())
408 }
409 None => {
410 let rendered: Vec<&str> =
411 msgs.iter().filter_map(|msg| msg["rendered"].as_str()).collect();
412 let non_json: Vec<&str> =
413 stderr.lines().filter(|line| !line.starts_with('{')).collect();
414 Err(format!(
415 "did not find lint `{}` in output of example, got:\n{}\n{}",
416 name,
417 non_json.join("\n"),
418 rendered.join("\n")
419 )
420 .into())
421 }
422 }
423 }
424 }
425 }
427 static ALLOWED_MD: &str = r#"# Allowed-by-default lints
429 These lints are all set to the 'allow' level by default. As such, they won't show up
430 unless you set them to a higher lint level with a flag or attribute.
432 "#;
434 static WARN_MD: &str = r#"# Warn-by-default lints
436 These lints are all set to the 'warn' level by default.
438 "#;
440 static DENY_MD: &str = r#"# Deny-by-default lints
442 These lints are all set to the 'deny' level by default.
444 "#;
446 /// Saves the mdbook lint chapters at the given path.
447 fn save_lints_markdown(lints: &[Lint], out_dir: &Path) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
448 save_level(lints, Level::Allow, out_dir, ALLOWED_MD)?;
449 save_level(lints, Level::Warn, out_dir, WARN_MD)?;
450 save_level(lints, Level::Deny, out_dir, DENY_MD)?;
451 Ok(())
452 }
454 fn save_level(
455 lints: &[Lint],
456 level: Level,
457 out_dir: &Path,
458 header: &str,
459 ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
460 let mut result = String::new();
461 result.push_str(header);
462 let mut these_lints: Vec<_> = lints.iter().filter(|lint| lint.level == level).collect();
463 these_lints.sort_unstable_by_key(|lint| &lint.name);
464 for lint in &these_lints {
465 write!(result, "* [`{}`](#{})\n", lint.name, lint.name.replace("_", "-")).unwrap();
466 }
467 result.push('\n');
468 for lint in &these_lints {
469 write!(result, "## {}\n\n", lint.name.replace("_", "-")).unwrap();
470 for line in &lint.doc {
471 result.push_str(line);
472 result.push('\n');
473 }
474 result.push('\n');
475 }
476 let out_path = out_dir.join(level.doc_filename());
477 // Delete the output because rustbuild uses hard links in its copies.
478 let _ = fs::remove_file(&out_path);
479 fs::write(&out_path, result)
480 .map_err(|e| format!("could not write to {}: {}", out_path.display(), e))?;
481 Ok(())
482 }