]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-def/src/body/scope.rs
New upstream version 1.68.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / hir-def / src / body / scope.rs
1 //! Name resolution for expressions.
2 use std::sync::Arc;
4 use hir_expand::name::Name;
5 use la_arena::{Arena, Idx};
6 use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
8 use crate::{
9 body::Body,
10 db::DefDatabase,
11 expr::{Expr, ExprId, LabelId, Pat, PatId, Statement},
12 BlockId, DefWithBodyId,
13 };
15 pub type ScopeId = Idx<ScopeData>;
17 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
18 pub struct ExprScopes {
19 scopes: Arena<ScopeData>,
20 scope_by_expr: FxHashMap<ExprId, ScopeId>,
21 }
23 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
24 pub struct ScopeEntry {
25 name: Name,
26 pat: PatId,
27 }
29 impl ScopeEntry {
30 pub fn name(&self) -> &Name {
31 &self.name
32 }
34 pub fn pat(&self) -> PatId {
35 self.pat
36 }
37 }
39 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
40 pub struct ScopeData {
41 parent: Option<ScopeId>,
42 block: Option<BlockId>,
43 label: Option<(LabelId, Name)>,
44 entries: Vec<ScopeEntry>,
45 }
47 impl ExprScopes {
48 pub(crate) fn expr_scopes_query(db: &dyn DefDatabase, def: DefWithBodyId) -> Arc<ExprScopes> {
49 let body = db.body(def);
50 let mut scopes = ExprScopes::new(&body);
51 scopes.shrink_to_fit();
52 Arc::new(scopes)
53 }
55 pub fn entries(&self, scope: ScopeId) -> &[ScopeEntry] {
56 &self.scopes[scope].entries
57 }
59 /// If `scope` refers to a block expression scope, returns the corresponding `BlockId`.
60 pub fn block(&self, scope: ScopeId) -> Option<BlockId> {
61 self.scopes[scope].block
62 }
64 /// If `scope` refers to a labeled expression scope, returns the corresponding `Label`.
65 pub fn label(&self, scope: ScopeId) -> Option<(LabelId, Name)> {
66 self.scopes[scope].label.clone()
67 }
69 pub fn scope_chain(&self, scope: Option<ScopeId>) -> impl Iterator<Item = ScopeId> + '_ {
70 std::iter::successors(scope, move |&scope| self.scopes[scope].parent)
71 }
73 pub fn resolve_name_in_scope(&self, scope: ScopeId, name: &Name) -> Option<&ScopeEntry> {
74 self.scope_chain(Some(scope))
75 .find_map(|scope| self.entries(scope).iter().find(|it| it.name == *name))
76 }
78 pub fn scope_for(&self, expr: ExprId) -> Option<ScopeId> {
79 self.scope_by_expr.get(&expr).copied()
80 }
82 pub fn scope_by_expr(&self) -> &FxHashMap<ExprId, ScopeId> {
83 &self.scope_by_expr
84 }
85 }
87 impl ExprScopes {
88 fn new(body: &Body) -> ExprScopes {
89 let mut scopes =
90 ExprScopes { scopes: Arena::default(), scope_by_expr: FxHashMap::default() };
91 let mut root = scopes.root_scope();
92 scopes.add_params_bindings(body, root, &body.params);
93 compute_expr_scopes(body.body_expr, body, &mut scopes, &mut root);
94 scopes
95 }
97 fn root_scope(&mut self) -> ScopeId {
98 self.scopes.alloc(ScopeData { parent: None, block: None, label: None, entries: vec![] })
99 }
101 fn new_scope(&mut self, parent: ScopeId) -> ScopeId {
102 self.scopes.alloc(ScopeData {
103 parent: Some(parent),
104 block: None,
105 label: None,
106 entries: vec![],
107 })
108 }
110 fn new_labeled_scope(&mut self, parent: ScopeId, label: Option<(LabelId, Name)>) -> ScopeId {
111 self.scopes.alloc(ScopeData { parent: Some(parent), block: None, label, entries: vec![] })
112 }
114 fn new_block_scope(
115 &mut self,
116 parent: ScopeId,
117 block: BlockId,
118 label: Option<(LabelId, Name)>,
119 ) -> ScopeId {
120 self.scopes.alloc(ScopeData {
121 parent: Some(parent),
122 block: Some(block),
123 label,
124 entries: vec![],
125 })
126 }
128 fn add_bindings(&mut self, body: &Body, scope: ScopeId, pat: PatId) {
129 let pattern = &body[pat];
130 if let Pat::Bind { name, .. } = pattern {
131 let entry = ScopeEntry { name: name.clone(), pat };
132 self.scopes[scope].entries.push(entry);
133 }
135 pattern.walk_child_pats(|pat| self.add_bindings(body, scope, pat));
136 }
138 fn add_params_bindings(&mut self, body: &Body, scope: ScopeId, params: &[PatId]) {
139 params.iter().for_each(|pat| self.add_bindings(body, scope, *pat));
140 }
142 fn set_scope(&mut self, node: ExprId, scope: ScopeId) {
143 self.scope_by_expr.insert(node, scope);
144 }
146 fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {
147 let ExprScopes { scopes, scope_by_expr } = self;
148 scopes.shrink_to_fit();
149 scopes.values_mut().for_each(|it| it.entries.shrink_to_fit());
150 scope_by_expr.shrink_to_fit();
151 }
152 }
154 fn compute_block_scopes(
155 statements: &[Statement],
156 tail: Option<ExprId>,
157 body: &Body,
158 scopes: &mut ExprScopes,
159 scope: &mut ScopeId,
160 ) {
161 for stmt in statements {
162 match stmt {
163 Statement::Let { pat, initializer, else_branch, .. } => {
164 if let Some(expr) = initializer {
165 compute_expr_scopes(*expr, body, scopes, scope);
166 }
167 if let Some(expr) = else_branch {
168 compute_expr_scopes(*expr, body, scopes, scope);
169 }
171 *scope = scopes.new_scope(*scope);
172 scopes.add_bindings(body, *scope, *pat);
173 }
174 Statement::Expr { expr, .. } => {
175 compute_expr_scopes(*expr, body, scopes, scope);
176 }
177 }
178 }
179 if let Some(expr) = tail {
180 compute_expr_scopes(expr, body, scopes, scope);
181 }
182 }
184 fn compute_expr_scopes(expr: ExprId, body: &Body, scopes: &mut ExprScopes, scope: &mut ScopeId) {
185 let make_label =
186 |label: &Option<LabelId>| label.map(|label| (label, body.labels[label].name.clone()));
188 scopes.set_scope(expr, *scope);
189 match &body[expr] {
190 Expr::Block { statements, tail, id, label } => {
191 let mut scope = scopes.new_block_scope(*scope, *id, make_label(label));
192 // Overwrite the old scope for the block expr, so that every block scope can be found
193 // via the block itself (important for blocks that only contain items, no expressions).
194 scopes.set_scope(expr, scope);
195 compute_block_scopes(statements, *tail, body, scopes, &mut scope);
196 }
197 Expr::For { iterable, pat, body: body_expr, label } => {
198 compute_expr_scopes(*iterable, body, scopes, scope);
199 let mut scope = scopes.new_labeled_scope(*scope, make_label(label));
200 scopes.add_bindings(body, scope, *pat);
201 compute_expr_scopes(*body_expr, body, scopes, &mut scope);
202 }
203 Expr::While { condition, body: body_expr, label } => {
204 let mut scope = scopes.new_labeled_scope(*scope, make_label(label));
205 compute_expr_scopes(*condition, body, scopes, &mut scope);
206 compute_expr_scopes(*body_expr, body, scopes, &mut scope);
207 }
208 Expr::Loop { body: body_expr, label } => {
209 let mut scope = scopes.new_labeled_scope(*scope, make_label(label));
210 compute_expr_scopes(*body_expr, body, scopes, &mut scope);
211 }
212 Expr::Closure { args, body: body_expr, .. } => {
213 let mut scope = scopes.new_scope(*scope);
214 scopes.add_params_bindings(body, scope, args);
215 compute_expr_scopes(*body_expr, body, scopes, &mut scope);
216 }
217 Expr::Match { expr, arms } => {
218 compute_expr_scopes(*expr, body, scopes, scope);
219 for arm in arms.iter() {
220 let mut scope = scopes.new_scope(*scope);
221 scopes.add_bindings(body, scope, arm.pat);
222 if let Some(guard) = arm.guard {
223 scope = scopes.new_scope(scope);
224 compute_expr_scopes(guard, body, scopes, &mut scope);
225 }
226 compute_expr_scopes(arm.expr, body, scopes, &mut scope);
227 }
228 }
229 &Expr::If { condition, then_branch, else_branch } => {
230 let mut then_branch_scope = scopes.new_scope(*scope);
231 compute_expr_scopes(condition, body, scopes, &mut then_branch_scope);
232 compute_expr_scopes(then_branch, body, scopes, &mut then_branch_scope);
233 if let Some(else_branch) = else_branch {
234 compute_expr_scopes(else_branch, body, scopes, scope);
235 }
236 }
237 &Expr::Let { pat, expr } => {
238 compute_expr_scopes(expr, body, scopes, scope);
239 *scope = scopes.new_scope(*scope);
240 scopes.add_bindings(body, *scope, pat);
241 }
242 e => e.walk_child_exprs(|e| compute_expr_scopes(e, body, scopes, scope)),
243 };
244 }
246 #[cfg(test)]
247 mod tests {
248 use base_db::{fixture::WithFixture, FileId, SourceDatabase};
249 use hir_expand::{name::AsName, InFile};
250 use syntax::{algo::find_node_at_offset, ast, AstNode};
251 use test_utils::{assert_eq_text, extract_offset};
253 use crate::{db::DefDatabase, test_db::TestDB, FunctionId, ModuleDefId};
255 fn find_function(db: &TestDB, file_id: FileId) -> FunctionId {
256 let krate = db.test_crate();
257 let crate_def_map = db.crate_def_map(krate);
259 let module = crate_def_map.modules_for_file(file_id).next().unwrap();
260 let (_, def) = crate_def_map[module].scope.entries().next().unwrap();
261 match def.take_values().unwrap() {
262 ModuleDefId::FunctionId(it) => it,
263 _ => panic!(),
264 }
265 }
267 fn do_check(ra_fixture: &str, expected: &[&str]) {
268 let (offset, code) = extract_offset(ra_fixture);
269 let code = {
270 let mut buf = String::new();
271 let off: usize = offset.into();
272 buf.push_str(&code[..off]);
273 buf.push_str("$0marker");
274 buf.push_str(&code[off..]);
275 buf
276 };
278 let (db, position) = TestDB::with_position(&code);
279 let file_id = position.file_id;
280 let offset = position.offset;
282 let file_syntax = db.parse(file_id).syntax_node();
283 let marker: ast::PathExpr = find_node_at_offset(&file_syntax, offset).unwrap();
284 let function = find_function(&db, file_id);
286 let scopes = db.expr_scopes(function.into());
287 let (_body, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(function.into());
289 let expr_id = source_map
290 .node_expr(InFile { file_id: file_id.into(), value: &marker.into() })
291 .unwrap();
292 let scope = scopes.scope_for(expr_id);
294 let actual = scopes
295 .scope_chain(scope)
296 .flat_map(|scope| scopes.entries(scope))
297 .map(|it| it.name().to_smol_str())
298 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
299 .join("\n");
300 let expected = expected.join("\n");
301 assert_eq_text!(&expected, &actual);
302 }
304 #[test]
305 fn test_lambda_scope() {
306 do_check(
307 r"
308 fn quux(foo: i32) {
309 let f = |bar, baz: i32| {
310 $0
311 };
312 }",
313 &["bar", "baz", "foo"],
314 );
315 }
317 #[test]
318 fn test_call_scope() {
319 do_check(
320 r"
321 fn quux() {
322 f(|x| $0 );
323 }",
324 &["x"],
325 );
326 }
328 #[test]
329 fn test_method_call_scope() {
330 do_check(
331 r"
332 fn quux() {
333 z.f(|x| $0 );
334 }",
335 &["x"],
336 );
337 }
339 #[test]
340 fn test_loop_scope() {
341 do_check(
342 r"
343 fn quux() {
344 loop {
345 let x = ();
346 $0
347 };
348 }",
349 &["x"],
350 );
351 }
353 #[test]
354 fn test_match() {
355 do_check(
356 r"
357 fn quux() {
358 match () {
359 Some(x) => {
360 $0
361 }
362 };
363 }",
364 &["x"],
365 );
366 }
368 #[test]
369 fn test_shadow_variable() {
370 do_check(
371 r"
372 fn foo(x: String) {
373 let x : &str = &x$0;
374 }",
375 &["x"],
376 );
377 }
379 #[test]
380 fn test_bindings_after_at() {
381 do_check(
382 r"
383 fn foo() {
384 match Some(()) {
385 opt @ Some(unit) => {
386 $0
387 }
388 _ => {}
389 }
390 }
391 ",
392 &["opt", "unit"],
393 );
394 }
396 #[test]
397 fn macro_inner_item() {
398 do_check(
399 r"
400 macro_rules! mac {
401 () => {{
402 fn inner() {}
403 inner();
404 }};
405 }
407 fn foo() {
408 mac!();
409 $0
410 }
411 ",
412 &[],
413 );
414 }
416 #[test]
417 fn broken_inner_item() {
418 do_check(
419 r"
420 fn foo() {
421 trait {}
422 $0
423 }
424 ",
425 &[],
426 );
427 }
429 fn do_check_local_name(ra_fixture: &str, expected_offset: u32) {
430 let (db, position) = TestDB::with_position(ra_fixture);
431 let file_id = position.file_id;
432 let offset = position.offset;
434 let file = db.parse(file_id).ok().unwrap();
435 let expected_name = find_node_at_offset::<ast::Name>(file.syntax(), expected_offset.into())
436 .expect("failed to find a name at the target offset");
437 let name_ref: ast::NameRef = find_node_at_offset(file.syntax(), offset).unwrap();
439 let function = find_function(&db, file_id);
441 let scopes = db.expr_scopes(function.into());
442 let (_body, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(function.into());
444 let expr_scope = {
445 let expr_ast = name_ref.syntax().ancestors().find_map(ast::Expr::cast).unwrap();
446 let expr_id =
447 source_map.node_expr(InFile { file_id: file_id.into(), value: &expr_ast }).unwrap();
448 scopes.scope_for(expr_id).unwrap()
449 };
451 let resolved = scopes.resolve_name_in_scope(expr_scope, &name_ref.as_name()).unwrap();
452 let pat_src = source_map.pat_syntax(resolved.pat()).unwrap();
454 let local_name = pat_src.value.either(
455 |it| it.syntax_node_ptr().to_node(file.syntax()),
456 |it| it.syntax_node_ptr().to_node(file.syntax()),
457 );
458 assert_eq!(local_name.text_range(), expected_name.syntax().text_range());
459 }
461 #[test]
462 fn test_resolve_local_name() {
463 do_check_local_name(
464 r#"
465 fn foo(x: i32, y: u32) {
466 {
467 let z = x * 2;
468 }
469 {
470 let t = x$0 * 3;
471 }
472 }
473 "#,
474 7,
475 );
476 }
478 #[test]
479 fn test_resolve_local_name_declaration() {
480 do_check_local_name(
481 r#"
482 fn foo(x: String) {
483 let x : &str = &x$0;
484 }
485 "#,
486 7,
487 );
488 }
490 #[test]
491 fn test_resolve_local_name_shadow() {
492 do_check_local_name(
493 r"
494 fn foo(x: String) {
495 let x : &str = &x;
496 x$0
497 }
498 ",
499 28,
500 );
501 }
503 #[test]
504 fn ref_patterns_contribute_bindings() {
505 do_check_local_name(
506 r"
507 fn foo() {
508 if let Some(&from) = bar() {
509 from$0;
510 }
511 }
512 ",
513 28,
514 );
515 }
517 #[test]
518 fn while_let_adds_binding() {
519 do_check_local_name(
520 r#"
521 fn test() {
522 let foo: Option<f32> = None;
523 while let Option::Some(spam) = foo {
524 spam$0
525 }
526 }
527 "#,
528 75,
529 );
530 do_check_local_name(
531 r#"
532 fn test() {
533 let foo: Option<f32> = None;
534 while (((let Option::Some(_) = foo))) && let Option::Some(spam) = foo {
535 spam$0
536 }
537 }
538 "#,
539 107,
540 );
541 }
543 #[test]
544 fn match_guard_if_let() {
545 do_check_local_name(
546 r#"
547 fn test() {
548 let foo: Option<f32> = None;
549 match foo {
550 _ if let Option::Some(spam) = foo => spam$0,
551 }
552 }
553 "#,
554 93,
555 );
556 }
558 #[test]
559 fn let_chains_can_reference_previous_lets() {
560 do_check_local_name(
561 r#"
562 fn test() {
563 let foo: Option<i32> = None;
564 if let Some(spam) = foo && spa$0m > 1 && let Some(spam) = foo && spam > 1 {}
565 }
566 "#,
567 61,
568 );
569 do_check_local_name(
570 r#"
571 fn test() {
572 let foo: Option<i32> = None;
573 if let Some(spam) = foo && spam > 1 && let Some(spam) = foo && sp$0am > 1 {}
574 }
575 "#,
576 100,
577 );
578 }
579 }