]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-expand/src/fixup.rs
New upstream version 1.76.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / hir-expand / src / fixup.rs
1 //! To make attribute macros work reliably when typing, we need to take care to
2 //! fix up syntax errors in the code we're passing to them.
4 use base_db::{
5 span::{ErasedFileAstId, SpanAnchor, SpanData},
6 FileId,
7 };
8 use la_arena::RawIdx;
9 use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
10 use smallvec::SmallVec;
11 use stdx::never;
12 use syntax::{
13 ast::{self, AstNode, HasLoopBody},
14 match_ast, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, TextRange, TextSize,
15 };
16 use triomphe::Arc;
17 use tt::{Spacing, Span};
19 use crate::{
20 span::SpanMapRef,
21 tt::{Ident, Leaf, Punct, Subtree},
22 };
24 /// The result of calculating fixes for a syntax node -- a bunch of changes
25 /// (appending to and replacing nodes), the information that is needed to
26 /// reverse those changes afterwards, and a token map.
27 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
28 pub(crate) struct SyntaxFixups {
29 pub(crate) append: FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<Leaf>>,
30 pub(crate) remove: FxHashSet<SyntaxNode>,
31 pub(crate) undo_info: SyntaxFixupUndoInfo,
32 }
34 /// This is the information needed to reverse the fixups.
35 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
36 pub struct SyntaxFixupUndoInfo {
37 // FIXME: ThinArc<[Subtree]>
38 original: Option<Arc<Box<[Subtree]>>>,
39 }
41 impl SyntaxFixupUndoInfo {
42 pub(crate) const NONE: Self = SyntaxFixupUndoInfo { original: None };
43 }
45 // censoring -> just don't convert the node
46 // replacement -> censor + append
47 // append -> insert a fake node, here we need to assemble some dummy span that we can figure out how
48 // to remove later
49 const FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE: FileId = FileId::from_raw(FileId::MAX_FILE_ID);
50 const FIXUP_DUMMY_AST_ID: ErasedFileAstId = ErasedFileAstId::from_raw(RawIdx::from_u32(!0));
51 const FIXUP_DUMMY_RANGE: TextRange = TextRange::empty(TextSize::new(0));
52 const FIXUP_DUMMY_RANGE_END: TextSize = TextSize::new(!0);
54 pub(crate) fn fixup_syntax(span_map: SpanMapRef<'_>, node: &SyntaxNode) -> SyntaxFixups {
55 let mut append = FxHashMap::<SyntaxElement, _>::default();
56 let mut remove = FxHashSet::<SyntaxNode>::default();
57 let mut preorder = node.preorder();
58 let mut original = Vec::new();
59 let dummy_range = FIXUP_DUMMY_RANGE;
60 // we use a file id of `FileId(!0)` to signal a fake node, and the text range's start offset as
61 // the index into the replacement vec but only if the end points to !0
62 let dummy_anchor = SpanAnchor { file_id: FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE, ast_id: FIXUP_DUMMY_AST_ID };
63 let fake_span = |range| SpanData {
64 range: dummy_range,
65 anchor: dummy_anchor,
66 ctx: span_map.span_for_range(range).ctx,
67 };
68 while let Some(event) = preorder.next() {
69 let syntax::WalkEvent::Enter(node) = event else { continue };
71 let node_range = node.text_range();
72 if can_handle_error(&node) && has_error_to_handle(&node) {
73 remove.insert(node.clone().into());
74 // the node contains an error node, we have to completely replace it by something valid
75 let original_tree = mbe::syntax_node_to_token_tree(&node, span_map);
76 let idx = original.len() as u32;
77 original.push(original_tree);
78 let replacement = Leaf::Ident(Ident {
79 text: "__ra_fixup".into(),
80 span: SpanData {
81 range: TextRange::new(TextSize::new(idx), FIXUP_DUMMY_RANGE_END),
82 anchor: dummy_anchor,
83 ctx: span_map.span_for_range(node_range).ctx,
84 },
85 });
86 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![replacement]);
87 preorder.skip_subtree();
88 continue;
89 }
91 // In some other situations, we can fix things by just appending some tokens.
92 match_ast! {
93 match node {
94 ast::FieldExpr(it) => {
95 if it.name_ref().is_none() {
96 // incomplete field access: some_expr.|
97 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
98 Leaf::Ident(Ident {
99 text: "__ra_fixup".into(),
100 span: fake_span(node_range),
101 }),
102 ]);
103 }
104 },
105 ast::ExprStmt(it) => {
106 if it.semicolon_token().is_none() {
107 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
108 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
109 char: ';',
110 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
111 span: fake_span(node_range),
112 }),
113 ]);
114 }
115 },
116 ast::LetStmt(it) => {
117 if it.semicolon_token().is_none() {
118 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
119 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
120 char: ';',
121 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
122 span: fake_span(node_range)
123 }),
124 ]);
125 }
126 },
127 ast::IfExpr(it) => {
128 if it.condition().is_none() {
129 // insert placeholder token after the if token
130 let if_token = match it.if_token() {
131 Some(t) => t,
132 None => continue,
133 };
134 append.insert(if_token.into(), vec![
135 Leaf::Ident(Ident {
136 text: "__ra_fixup".into(),
137 span: fake_span(node_range)
138 }),
139 ]);
140 }
141 if it.then_branch().is_none() {
142 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
143 // FIXME: THis should be a subtree no?
144 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
145 char: '{',
146 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
147 span: fake_span(node_range)
148 }),
149 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
150 char: '}',
151 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
152 span: fake_span(node_range)
153 }),
154 ]);
155 }
156 },
157 ast::WhileExpr(it) => {
158 if it.condition().is_none() {
159 // insert placeholder token after the while token
160 let while_token = match it.while_token() {
161 Some(t) => t,
162 None => continue,
163 };
164 append.insert(while_token.into(), vec![
165 Leaf::Ident(Ident {
166 text: "__ra_fixup".into(),
167 span: fake_span(node_range)
168 }),
169 ]);
170 }
171 if it.loop_body().is_none() {
172 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
173 // FIXME: THis should be a subtree no?
174 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
175 char: '{',
176 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
177 span: fake_span(node_range)
178 }),
179 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
180 char: '}',
181 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
182 span: fake_span(node_range)
183 }),
184 ]);
185 }
186 },
187 ast::LoopExpr(it) => {
188 if it.loop_body().is_none() {
189 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
190 // FIXME: THis should be a subtree no?
191 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
192 char: '{',
193 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
194 span: fake_span(node_range)
195 }),
196 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
197 char: '}',
198 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
199 span: fake_span(node_range)
200 }),
201 ]);
202 }
203 },
204 // FIXME: foo::
205 ast::MatchExpr(it) => {
206 if it.expr().is_none() {
207 let match_token = match it.match_token() {
208 Some(t) => t,
209 None => continue
210 };
211 append.insert(match_token.into(), vec![
212 Leaf::Ident(Ident {
213 text: "__ra_fixup".into(),
214 span: fake_span(node_range)
215 }),
216 ]);
217 }
218 if it.match_arm_list().is_none() {
219 // No match arms
220 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
221 // FIXME: THis should be a subtree no?
222 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
223 char: '{',
224 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
225 span: fake_span(node_range)
226 }),
227 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
228 char: '}',
229 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
230 span: fake_span(node_range)
231 }),
232 ]);
233 }
234 },
235 ast::ForExpr(it) => {
236 let for_token = match it.for_token() {
237 Some(token) => token,
238 None => continue
239 };
241 let [pat, in_token, iter] = [
242 "_",
243 "in",
244 "__ra_fixup"
245 ].map(|text|
246 Leaf::Ident(Ident {
247 text: text.into(),
248 span: fake_span(node_range)
249 }),
250 );
252 if it.pat().is_none() && it.in_token().is_none() && it.iterable().is_none() {
253 append.insert(for_token.into(), vec![pat, in_token, iter]);
254 // does something funky -- see test case for_no_pat
255 } else if it.pat().is_none() {
256 append.insert(for_token.into(), vec![pat]);
257 }
259 if it.loop_body().is_none() {
260 append.insert(node.clone().into(), vec![
261 // FIXME: THis should be a subtree no?
262 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
263 char: '{',
264 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
265 span: fake_span(node_range)
266 }),
267 Leaf::Punct(Punct {
268 char: '}',
269 spacing: Spacing::Alone,
270 span: fake_span(node_range)
271 }),
272 ]);
273 }
274 },
275 _ => (),
276 }
277 }
278 }
279 let needs_fixups = !append.is_empty() || !original.is_empty();
280 SyntaxFixups {
281 append,
282 remove,
283 undo_info: SyntaxFixupUndoInfo {
284 original: needs_fixups.then(|| Arc::new(original.into_boxed_slice())),
285 },
286 }
287 }
289 fn has_error(node: &SyntaxNode) -> bool {
290 node.children().any(|c| c.kind() == SyntaxKind::ERROR)
291 }
293 fn can_handle_error(node: &SyntaxNode) -> bool {
294 ast::Expr::can_cast(node.kind())
295 }
297 fn has_error_to_handle(node: &SyntaxNode) -> bool {
298 has_error(node) || node.children().any(|c| !can_handle_error(&c) && has_error_to_handle(&c))
299 }
301 pub(crate) fn reverse_fixups(tt: &mut Subtree, undo_info: &SyntaxFixupUndoInfo) {
302 let Some(undo_info) = undo_info.original.as_deref() else { return };
303 let undo_info = &**undo_info;
304 if never!(
305 tt.delimiter.close.anchor.file_id == FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE
306 || tt.delimiter.open.anchor.file_id == FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE
307 ) {
308 tt.delimiter.close = SpanData::DUMMY;
309 tt.delimiter.open = SpanData::DUMMY;
310 }
311 reverse_fixups_(tt, undo_info);
312 }
314 fn reverse_fixups_(tt: &mut Subtree, undo_info: &[Subtree]) {
315 let tts = std::mem::take(&mut tt.token_trees);
316 tt.token_trees = tts
317 .into_iter()
318 // delete all fake nodes
319 .filter(|tt| match tt {
320 tt::TokenTree::Leaf(leaf) => {
321 let span = leaf.span();
322 let is_real_leaf = span.anchor.file_id != FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE;
323 let is_replaced_node = span.range.end() == FIXUP_DUMMY_RANGE_END;
324 is_real_leaf || is_replaced_node
325 }
326 tt::TokenTree::Subtree(_) => true,
327 })
328 .flat_map(|tt| match tt {
329 tt::TokenTree::Subtree(mut tt) => {
330 if tt.delimiter.close.anchor.file_id == FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE
331 || tt.delimiter.open.anchor.file_id == FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE
332 {
333 // Even though fixup never creates subtrees with fixup spans, the old proc-macro server
334 // might copy them if the proc-macro asks for it, so we need to filter those out
335 // here as well.
336 return SmallVec::new_const();
337 }
338 reverse_fixups_(&mut tt, undo_info);
339 SmallVec::from_const([tt.into()])
340 }
341 tt::TokenTree::Leaf(leaf) => {
342 if leaf.span().anchor.file_id == FIXUP_DUMMY_FILE {
343 // we have a fake node here, we need to replace it again with the original
344 let original = undo_info[u32::from(leaf.span().range.start()) as usize].clone();
345 if original.delimiter.kind == tt::DelimiterKind::Invisible {
346 original.token_trees.into()
347 } else {
348 SmallVec::from_const([original.into()])
349 }
350 } else {
351 // just a normal leaf
352 SmallVec::from_const([leaf.into()])
353 }
354 }
355 })
356 .collect();
357 }
359 #[cfg(test)]
360 mod tests {
361 use base_db::FileId;
362 use expect_test::{expect, Expect};
363 use triomphe::Arc;
365 use crate::{
366 fixup::reverse_fixups,
367 span::{RealSpanMap, SpanMap},
368 tt,
369 };
371 // The following three functions are only meant to check partial structural equivalence of
372 // `TokenTree`s, see the last assertion in `check()`.
373 fn check_leaf_eq(a: &tt::Leaf, b: &tt::Leaf) -> bool {
374 match (a, b) {
375 (tt::Leaf::Literal(a), tt::Leaf::Literal(b)) => a.text == b.text,
376 (tt::Leaf::Punct(a), tt::Leaf::Punct(b)) => a.char == b.char,
377 (tt::Leaf::Ident(a), tt::Leaf::Ident(b)) => a.text == b.text,
378 _ => false,
379 }
380 }
382 fn check_subtree_eq(a: &tt::Subtree, b: &tt::Subtree) -> bool {
383 a.delimiter.kind == b.delimiter.kind
384 && a.token_trees.len() == b.token_trees.len()
385 && a.token_trees.iter().zip(&b.token_trees).all(|(a, b)| check_tt_eq(a, b))
386 }
388 fn check_tt_eq(a: &tt::TokenTree, b: &tt::TokenTree) -> bool {
389 match (a, b) {
390 (tt::TokenTree::Leaf(a), tt::TokenTree::Leaf(b)) => check_leaf_eq(a, b),
391 (tt::TokenTree::Subtree(a), tt::TokenTree::Subtree(b)) => check_subtree_eq(a, b),
392 _ => false,
393 }
394 }
396 #[track_caller]
397 fn check(ra_fixture: &str, mut expect: Expect) {
398 let parsed = syntax::SourceFile::parse(ra_fixture);
399 let span_map = SpanMap::RealSpanMap(Arc::new(RealSpanMap::absolute(FileId::from_raw(0))));
400 let fixups = super::fixup_syntax(span_map.as_ref(), &parsed.syntax_node());
401 let mut tt = mbe::syntax_node_to_token_tree_modified(
402 &parsed.syntax_node(),
403 span_map.as_ref(),
404 fixups.append,
405 fixups.remove,
406 );
408 let actual = format!("{tt}\n");
410 expect.indent(false);
411 expect.assert_eq(&actual);
413 // the fixed-up tree should be syntactically valid
414 let (parse, _) = mbe::token_tree_to_syntax_node(&tt, ::mbe::TopEntryPoint::MacroItems);
415 assert!(
416 parse.errors().is_empty(),
417 "parse has syntax errors. parse tree:\n{:#?}",
418 parse.syntax_node()
419 );
421 reverse_fixups(&mut tt, &fixups.undo_info);
423 // the fixed-up + reversed version should be equivalent to the original input
424 // modulo token IDs and `Punct`s' spacing.
425 let original_as_tt =
426 mbe::syntax_node_to_token_tree(&parsed.syntax_node(), span_map.as_ref());
427 assert!(
428 check_subtree_eq(&tt, &original_as_tt),
429 "different token tree:\n{tt:?}\n\n{original_as_tt:?}"
430 );
431 }
433 #[test]
434 fn just_for_token() {
435 check(
436 r#"
437 fn foo() {
438 for
439 }
440 "#,
441 expect![[r#"
442 fn foo () {for _ in __ra_fixup { }}
443 "#]],
444 )
445 }
447 #[test]
448 fn for_no_iter_pattern() {
449 check(
450 r#"
451 fn foo() {
452 for {}
453 }
454 "#,
455 expect![[r#"
456 fn foo () {for _ in __ra_fixup {}}
457 "#]],
458 )
459 }
461 #[test]
462 fn for_no_body() {
463 check(
464 r#"
465 fn foo() {
466 for bar in qux
467 }
468 "#,
469 expect![[r#"
470 fn foo () {for bar in qux { }}
471 "#]],
472 )
473 }
475 // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/pull/12937#discussion_r937633695
476 #[test]
477 fn for_no_pat() {
478 check(
479 r#"
480 fn foo() {
481 for in qux {
483 }
484 }
485 "#,
486 expect![[r#"
487 fn foo () {__ra_fixup}
488 "#]],
489 )
490 }
492 #[test]
493 fn match_no_expr_no_arms() {
494 check(
495 r#"
496 fn foo() {
497 match
498 }
499 "#,
500 expect![[r#"
501 fn foo () {match __ra_fixup { }}
502 "#]],
503 )
504 }
506 #[test]
507 fn match_expr_no_arms() {
508 check(
509 r#"
510 fn foo() {
511 match it {
513 }
514 }
515 "#,
516 expect![[r#"
517 fn foo () {match it {}}
518 "#]],
519 )
520 }
522 #[test]
523 fn match_no_expr() {
524 check(
525 r#"
526 fn foo() {
527 match {
528 _ => {}
529 }
530 }
531 "#,
532 expect![[r#"
533 fn foo () {match __ra_fixup { }}
534 "#]],
535 )
536 }
538 #[test]
539 fn incomplete_field_expr_1() {
540 check(
541 r#"
542 fn foo() {
543 a.
544 }
545 "#,
546 expect![[r#"
547 fn foo () {a . __ra_fixup}
548 "#]],
549 )
550 }
552 #[test]
553 fn incomplete_field_expr_2() {
554 check(
555 r#"
556 fn foo() {
557 a.;
558 }
559 "#,
560 expect![[r#"
561 fn foo () {a . __ra_fixup ;}
562 "#]],
563 )
564 }
566 #[test]
567 fn incomplete_field_expr_3() {
568 check(
569 r#"
570 fn foo() {
571 a.;
572 bar();
573 }
574 "#,
575 expect![[r#"
576 fn foo () {a . __ra_fixup ; bar () ;}
577 "#]],
578 )
579 }
581 #[test]
582 fn incomplete_let() {
583 check(
584 r#"
585 fn foo() {
586 let it = a
587 }
588 "#,
589 expect![[r#"
590 fn foo () {let it = a ;}
591 "#]],
592 )
593 }
595 #[test]
596 fn incomplete_field_expr_in_let() {
597 check(
598 r#"
599 fn foo() {
600 let it = a.
601 }
602 "#,
603 expect![[r#"
604 fn foo () {let it = a . __ra_fixup ;}
605 "#]],
606 )
607 }
609 #[test]
610 fn field_expr_before_call() {
611 // another case that easily happens while typing
612 check(
613 r#"
614 fn foo() {
615 a.b
616 bar();
617 }
618 "#,
619 expect![[r#"
620 fn foo () {a . b ; bar () ;}
621 "#]],
622 )
623 }
625 #[test]
626 fn extraneous_comma() {
627 check(
628 r#"
629 fn foo() {
630 bar(,);
631 }
632 "#,
633 expect![[r#"
634 fn foo () {__ra_fixup ;}
635 "#]],
636 )
637 }
639 #[test]
640 fn fixup_if_1() {
641 check(
642 r#"
643 fn foo() {
644 if a
645 }
646 "#,
647 expect![[r#"
648 fn foo () {if a { }}
649 "#]],
650 )
651 }
653 #[test]
654 fn fixup_if_2() {
655 check(
656 r#"
657 fn foo() {
658 if
659 }
660 "#,
661 expect![[r#"
662 fn foo () {if __ra_fixup { }}
663 "#]],
664 )
665 }
667 #[test]
668 fn fixup_if_3() {
669 check(
670 r#"
671 fn foo() {
672 if {}
673 }
674 "#,
675 expect![[r#"
676 fn foo () {if __ra_fixup {} { }}
677 "#]],
678 )
679 }
681 #[test]
682 fn fixup_while_1() {
683 check(
684 r#"
685 fn foo() {
686 while
687 }
688 "#,
689 expect![[r#"
690 fn foo () {while __ra_fixup { }}
691 "#]],
692 )
693 }
695 #[test]
696 fn fixup_while_2() {
697 check(
698 r#"
699 fn foo() {
700 while foo
701 }
702 "#,
703 expect![[r#"
704 fn foo () {while foo { }}
705 "#]],
706 )
707 }
708 #[test]
709 fn fixup_while_3() {
710 check(
711 r#"
712 fn foo() {
713 while {}
714 }
715 "#,
716 expect![[r#"
717 fn foo () {while __ra_fixup {}}
718 "#]],
719 )
720 }
722 #[test]
723 fn fixup_loop() {
724 check(
725 r#"
726 fn foo() {
727 loop
728 }
729 "#,
730 expect![[r#"
731 fn foo () {loop { }}
732 "#]],
733 )
734 }
735 }